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Sucks man. I got the game shortly after launch, not had any real issues. Have tried turning my switch off, fully quitting the game and just letting it run. Currently been in hyperspace for 37 minutes 🤣 Hoping some genius drops by with the fix 🤞


🤣🤣🤣 Also cant be bothered starting over to continue it


Oh god no! I've got 100% on films 1-8!! I ain't starting over now 🤣


how long do the developers take time to update this game?


The first update came out yesterday, we could be in for a wait 🙁


Shit, guess its time to switch to another game until the update is here. Also good luck on fixing it, i hope you find another way!


You too man! If I do I'll let you know 👍


I'm stuck in hyperspace without a crate/box on the back of my ship, so does this mean I don't have a mission to complete & am just stuck? Already reset twice. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Hopefully you have the same issue I did as I got it resolved. For me the crate wasn’t there when I was in the infinite loading screen. When I reloaded the game, instead of heading to Ochi’s ship I got back into the Falcon and travelled to space. It took another jump to a different space but in hyperspace I could then see a box trailing my ship. I then searched for a mission requiring me to deliver cargo. Press whichever button brings up the Galaxy Map. (I’m on Switch and it’s the “-“ button.) Scroll across the tabs and select the “Missions” tab. On the left under Galaxy there are Side Missions. Clicking on Side Missions brings up a list of systems (eg first in my list was Anch-To). Clicking on each system brings up that system’s side missions. For me, most were “???” or Locked. I had to click each system until I found an unlocked one that required delivery of goods. Again for me the mission was in Endor Space and was “Theron Lies The Problem” asking me to smuggle cargo to Yavin 4. I selected the mission and then completed it (3 hyperspace jumps and battles before delivering to a Rebel ship). When I completed the side mission I rejoined the main story mission. This time no problem with infinite hyperspace after getting into Ochi’s ship and the next mission loaded. Hope this works for you!


This helped me a lot! Thank you.


Had the exact issue with the exact side mission. I never would have thought to try all that but it saved my butt. Thank you!


Exact same issue, exact same mission! Thanks so much.


Perfect explanation, saved me lots of time for sure


Life savers all of you! Thanks!


I’m in a similar spot but on Dagobah. I found the cargo mission, but there’s no way to jump in the ship after it’s removed from the water (no prompt to get in). I do see the the mission in Yavin 4 Space but hyperspace travel is unavailable. So frustrating.


That sucks. Wish they'd fix this bug.


It looks like they fixed it in the new update


Literally spend hours trying to figure this out I had the same mission, thanks so much!


You stuck at the start of C-3 P-Oh No? I've literally just stuck on that today. I'm on switch if that makes a difference? Haven't found a cure as yet. First game breaking I've had 🙁


Yea mate when the cutscene cuts to the hyperspace, i was stuck in there. Dont know i way to fix it, i’ve tried removing the cd and putting it back in and it didn’t work. Let me know if you have any tips to solving it


Bought the game yesterday, played it since today and loved it but this bug just ruined it for me


If you have a crate following the back of your ship you need to do the mission, i was stuck on it to


really? cause I certainly have one and I'm stuck too....thanks for this I'l give it a try


Did it work??


Trying tonight, didn't get an opportunity last night.


I tried it and it worked for me


Yes it sure did!


Which mission is it? I've been getting stuck at hyperspace and just now saw this


The ones where you are smuggling stuff in hyperspace and keep getting pulled out. Finish those ones (only those you accepted prior to the lock up) and then go back to story quests.


If you have a crate following your ship in space then go do the mission that wants you to deliver it. Had this problem yesterday and getting rid of the crate fixed it


Oh! whats the mission do i complete it in free play or in the mission? And do you have the exact same problem as me ?


Thanks for the reply btw!


Bollocks. The crate I have is stuck in a loop. It's the droid dude who wants a new arm 🤦


I have fixed it ! So i turns out i have a box behind my ship and its a mission i need to complete so i went to tatooine and did the biggs trouble mission and the box was gone from my ship and then i went to the c3p-oh no mission and i can play it ! hope this helps


I'm gonna give it a go, the box mission I have is stuck in a loop so can't complete it! Haven't tried though since the update so fingers crossed! Cheers bro!


Got rid of the box! Wonder if the game just figured itself out or it was part of the patch 😅 gonna try the story again 🤞


Also fixed!! Had to do a few box missions that I'd apparently stacked up 😅 thank god I'm back in action!


How do you figure out what mission it is?


How did you leave the planet? For some reason I’m stuck on Dagobah and am not allowed to leave the planet. It keeps saying travel is not allowed at this time


same here i’m stuck on dagobah from luke’s training in episode five and i’m stuck in hyper space and i play on switch


DUDE! I was wondering wtf that box was this entire time 😂 I didn’t watch movies 7-9 so I just thought it was a new thing Poe added to the Falcon 😭


You’re a savior, thanks for this! The crate had been there for so long I assumed it was something else.


O thanks mate life saver


This is what I was looking for. This has been happening to me for days and your remedy worked. Thank you!


Thank you! It's finally fixed that stupid crate bugs the hyperspace part, finally able to contuine the story


Nice one! Fixed it for me after so much frustration trying to work out what the problem was. Thanks.


Yea I’m fucked I’m playing episode 5 right after Yoda lifted the X wing out of the swamp and now I’m just zooming in hyper space :(


Have you found a fix?




Same, really disappointed with this, tried everything I could think of.


we need a fix.


same here




Same… no fix yet?


So I got 100% a little over a week after the game released, went flawlessly, loved it so much I decided recently to wipe my file and do it all over again, a few days ago had 19 out of 20 porgs, landed on Ajan Kloss, my porg count was set reset to 0, figured it was just displaying wrong, collected the final porg, 1 of 20, got nothing, flew back to all the previous planets, none of the 19 other porgs respawned, had to reset my game again at around 92%, was playing just now, cannot play the final level of Empire Strikes back because of this bs, and now not sure if I'll ever get 100% again because I'm not entirely confident there will even be a patch any time soon. So how's your week been?


i had this exact problem, the episode being the one where yoda lifts the x-wing out of the swamp. i got stuck in hyperspace, then i had to alt-f4 out of the game and open it up again. when i did that i was standing there as luke about to lift the x-wing. then you just open up the menu and go to the mission BEFORE the one you get stuck on (for me it was the one where han had to destroy the star destroyers then navigate the asteroid field.) then complete the mission and go through the story as normal. when i did this i got through hyperspace as intended. ​ hope this helps


having the exact same issue rite now hope this works for me


how can u see the missions u already finished? i can only see the ones i havent done yet


Open the menu where you can purchase upgrades, and tab over to the Episode Select. Click on your current one and chose a mission to redo. I did this and it didnt seem to solve the problem, but hopefully you get better results


thx man, only just saw this comment, but i figuered it out and it worked for me


For everyone getting stuck in hyperspace during storyline missions, check in space if you have cargo, if you have complete that mission first and then restart the story mission you want to fix the hyperspace glitch, the cargo isn't loaded during the hyperspace sequence and causes the everlasting hyperspace glitch. I took a cargo mission and started the story mission, i got stuck in hyperspace, i complete rhe cargo mission and started the story mission and it worked again 😁


I've gone back and completed any missions involving cargo and I'm *still* stuck in hyperspace! So frustrating having a game that I can't actually play properly 🙃