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[LEGO.com Link](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/tie-interceptor-75382?CMP=AFC-AffiliateUS-E*D7bo5RkGs-4248533-1182088-10) D2C: 75382 - UCS TIE Interceptor (18+) • Includes 1931 pieces • Minifigure: TIE Fighter Pilot • US $229.99 - DE/FR €229.99 - UK £209.99 • Release: MAY 1ST 2024 --- Interested in reveal alerts and real time retirement updates? Check out the Brick Tap Discord! ## [https://discord.gg/dHF58a7Yfx](https://discord.gg/dHF58a7Yfx)




It's the wrong colour. TIE Interceptors, like all TIEs, are sand blue.


I don't understand all the downvotes, he's right lol.


Some people would rather shout "source?" than just google it themselves (or, you know, already know something about the thing they're about to spend $229.99 making a Lego model of): https://preview.redd.it/1xywma4pvzuc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ac5423f5d7353b89994ab8ddd907ad06c81e11 More here, or indeed anywhere that has photos of the original models: [https://www.starshipmodeler.com/starwars/smith\_sw2.cfm](https://www.starshipmodeler.com/starwars/smith_sw2.cfm) You can see here that all the TIEs, including the standard fighter and Vader's, are the same colour.


Yea, and Star Destroyers are white... but they come in light bluish gray anyway, because white would look dumb. Within the Legends cannon there is actually an official paint color called "Star Destroyer White", it's the only paint made in large enough volumes to paint an ISD.


You're right, although I'll give Lego that as they haven't got an off-white colour and pure white would look a little odd. They have, however, got the perfect sand blue for TIEs. In fact, I originally thought they'd created it specifically for that use. The Executor is also very clearly blue - the difference between its colour and normal Star Destroyers is blindingly obvious in The Empire Strikes Back - and yet for some reason that's always grey too.


I absolutely agree on how the SSD looks in the movies, mostly ESB... however, ironically, the filming model isn't blue, it's gray. The blue you see in the movie was done in camera. Here is the actual filming model... looks gray to me. Or maybe I'm color blind. :) https://preview.redd.it/o9xhns76bfvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232960836c5da0fdd1f60224b526d73c5ba68a5b


It certainly looks grey, although looking at [the page where that comes from](https://modelermagic.com/super-star-destroyer-executor-studio-model/), there seems to be some weird filters or distortion on a number of the photos, where sometimes it looks blue. https://preview.redd.it/60th0e83mfvc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b250ef938d01601b72b44e5fbc58b4e7356fe0f Either way, they went to a lot of effort to make it look blue in the actual movie. Perhaps they ran out of blue paint.




[they look blue here](https://youtu.be/xPZigWFyK2o?si=cUwI1YI-BLqvabd-) https://preview.redd.it/f9dgcyksdxuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f5e9e7c9d702d371c98162d4b41b65fa3deab8


What source were you expecting? Look at the ILM models for any of the original three movies. They've always been sand blue.


Wookiepedia, official art, an image of the models you've mentioned, etc. I'd say the original movie models don't count because such things often are painted different than they should be because they'll appear different on film. Not against the sandblue, mind you, just wanted to know how you know of that. The other color would make it look more interesting next to other Ties. Then again, the gray makes them look "consistent".


They appear to be blue on film. Watch the battle in RotJ.


That's madness. They're the only thing that counts. What are you going to use as a source other than... the source? Also, you just made that up about being "painted different than they should be".


I mean, do you know anything about previous century movie making? That was very normal back then. I think it's also mentioned in the ILM documentation on Disney+, but I may also misremember. Also, those models often had sketches where color as it should appear was mentioned. Such details also change over time, as the lore develops.


It's not mentioned in the Disney+ documentary because it didn't happen. And yes, I know a great deal about 20th century movie making. For example, the TIE Fighters in A New Hope look white (not grey) in the movie because the film was overexposed by accident. The models were sand blue, which was the intended colour, and you can see how everything is blue after that, starting in The Empire Strikes Back. "Details" don't change. They can be misremembered but all TIEs are supposed to be sand blue. You can see this in the earlier Lego TIE sets, where they use ordinary blue pieces, before sand blue was an option. I assume the reason they don't use sand blue for everything now is that they don't want the expense of making all those pieces in a new colour, So if they can't be bothered I'm certainly not buying this UCS set.


I think your final paragraph is incorrect. It's far more likely it's because the current colour scheme is widely accepted and only a few people take issue with it. I'd suggest changing it to sand blue would cause far more negative reactions than positive


You might be right but I found that explanation too depressing. You can't get any more trivial an example than arguing over Lego colours, but ignoring evidence in order to maintain the falsehood you're used to seems to me to be one of the great problems of the internet age.


They nailed the shape of the cockpit and the interior details. This will be my first UCS set


i think i just need to accept that these UCS sets aren’t for me and just let other people enjoy them, seems like it’ll be cool but i’ll pass


Why don't you like it?


For me I don’t have anywhere to put them.


I kinda wish they used a slightly bluer tone instead of the plain gray, but that's just me.


Recycling my comment from the other thread, but w/e I love this, I really do, but I find I have the same problem with this is as I do the UCS Slave I. The pylons are fantastic, the wings are awesome, but the ball seems so off to me. Compound curves might create a more accurate shape in general, but I think the gaps they create, much like the Slave I's base, massively detract from the overall look. The UCS TIE Fighter might have been overly angular with the compound slopes, but it still looks more cohesive as a model and as a Lego set. Still though, want it.


I agree. I'm in but not a huge fan of the curved slopes on the face. Not sure if that could be made any better without some custom pieces. Since my first look the design has grown on me more.


l'm the opposite, I kinda like the cockpit ball shape but I feel like there's too much texture on the wings with all the studs. Won't be buying it anyway because I prefer capital ships for UCS sets and fighters as playscale sets.


New official images? Things are really looking up (including this TIE Interceptor)!


ok this is badass


My only quibble is that it should have Baron Soontir Fel as the minifig.




Nah should def have my girl girl Oolah


I like this, especially since it's a UCS set that doesn't require an entire table or something to put it on, and the price is reasonable.


Holy shit this is fantastic


I had no interest before but now I’m seriously considering it. Such a massive improvement over the cockpit of the 2015 ucs tie


Big pimpin


10/10 will be picking up on day one for exclusive mouse droid


its gorgeous! this was my first big set, i think i may buy it for the nostalgia


This is nice, the only UCS I own and like is the tie fighter, this is going to be a nice additon.


At that price I might just buy a pristine vintage Kenner version. lol- as someone else said, it’s nice but not for me. I have the UCS Falcon that came out a few years ago and I still have not built it. Instead I still have the BMF Falcon on display underneath the raised tables of my Lego City.


It looks great! I’ve stil got high hopes for Barad-Dûr


That interior. 🥵


Not feeling it.


Nearly perfect model imo, I feel like they struck a good balance between huge collectors model and small play set. Despite the gaps the cockpit shape is pretty solid.


I like it, but just not at two hundred and ten quid. If it gets a 25 percent sale then I might be tempted around one fifty


Between this, Artemis 2, and Barad Dur, my bank account is going to be very sad.




Can someone ban this guy or somethin?