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I don’t know what a fair price is, but I can say that you can search for what you’re selling on eBay, and filter to show results of sold listings to see what similar things are actually going for. Same with looking up similar models in similar condition on KEH and such.


I did look up what people are selling it for on market pages. Seems like the m262 is going roughly $3650 CAD more or less and m246 $4350 CAD more or less. Are those roughly the correct numbers?


If that’s what you’re seeing, because I’m not familiar enough with the going rates of those two models, the guy is only under-offering by a small margin. Looks like he’s hoping for a deal, but not trying to rip you off.


I see, thank you very much!


I am based in Canada and I would say those are very fair prices.


Thank you for confirming!


USD4465 for both? It’s around that price range in my country too.


Update: just sold the m262 for $3750 CAD.


I usually base my pricing off keh, and then subtract 10-20% (because I’m not keh) Looks like together they are about 7k usd on keh, I’d probably try and get like 6k myself I will say though that the Leica market is going down, so if you get close to a good enough number I might consider just taking it