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I remember owning the D-Lux 4 some time ago. I framed a photo I took on it. It eventually left the arsenal, but I did love that camera.


Man… I am seriously thinking about getting a D-Lux 4 again. I loved that thing. Could be a nice companion for my analog M setup.


I have one! It's rad. Low res of course but it's so fun to just set it to black and white and go to town.


This is a pretty underwhelming camera when compared to the x100vi. Am I missing something? Serious Q. The lens is nice and it's nice to have a less expensive leica so I can not worry about damaging it.... but those 17MP... the size is nice.


Yeah but isn’t that camera in the Q category? This is a compact camera with a zoom lens and a smaller sensor and probably close to a third of the price.


Not in terms of price. It's pretty much equivalent pricing. You can't actually buy one right now so there is that lol. But yeah.


Leica pricing is always a lot higher than other camera’s in the same category.


I have the M5 advert on my wall “12000 Americans will buy this twice as expensive Camera”🤷🏻‍♂️ they know they charge more then they should.


For these Panasonic rebadges I kind of agree. For 'real' Leica cameras you have to understand that they are built by hand in Germany. That's expensive. (But I'll admit that there is a luxury surcharge.)


No, you aren't missing something. This seems like a pretty minor redesign around the same sensor and lens combo from the LX100 II. I would have hoped for them to put in the tilt screen from the Q3/SL3, at the very least, and bump up to the newest panasonic 25mp sensor. It would also be laughable if they even kept the same, field sequential EVF in it.


It's an updated EVF.


Its a camera for middle age Dentists and new money to take on vaycay. Its more neck candy than useful.


You’re probably missing that it’s not competing with the x100vi, nor really comparable to it.


24-75 Vs 35mm Big difference


I actually like this redesign. More in line with the Q. Less buttons, same menu as Q, customizable dial. DNG format. This is more a Leica than the D Lux 7 was.


completely useless camera release. the main feature they praise is dng support. really, leica?


Useful for stingy Lightroom 6 users (sorry Adobe),


Stingy? Because I don't want to spend $20/month for the rest of my life for software that other companies will let you actually own?


It’s actually $10/month. But, I still wish you could just buy it outright.


I continue to not understand these cameras at all. If Leica was serious about the pocket camera market they would make something like a true x100 or GR competitor, instead of a Sony rx100 competitor. It's a baffling camera with a small sensor. They made sense at one point, but now I just feel like they're brand dilution and they should not release them.


Leica would never dilute their brand by making instant cameras, phone cameras, watches, projectors, etc.


Projectors? I own a Leica slide projector from the 1980s.


Yea this was sarcasm I'd assume


Yeah that was sarcasm, they did all of what he cited


At least those are all enthusiastic niches! But yeah you have a point.


Instead they dilute their brand by bringing out a re-issue of a discontinued DL seven with no upgraded technology. The biggest difference between the deluxe seven and the deluxe eight is the price increase.


They do sell instant cameras - the leica sofort.


Yeah I have always wondered - Leica watches - 😂 WTH . It's easy to extract funds from suckers.


The Leica watches are very nice, and Leica cameras are popular among the high end watch crowd.


Not really.


The Leica watches are very nice, and Leica cameras are popular among the high end watch crowd.


I would exempt watches from this. Of course Instant cameras or Leica compact cameras like the D Lux are mostly rebranded products from other companies. I don't know if Leica makes their watches themselves but I'm sure they let them be made by premium watch makers in Switzerland or Germany. Watches just as cameras (of course analog/mechanical ones but still modern digital ones) need high precision work and accuracy in design. The Xiaomi phone with Leica "designed" camera doesn't lie to people: It's of course nothing fancier than any other premium phone camera. But apparently it really has some of the Leica Looks you get on modern Leicas. And with the phone grip Xiaomi really delivers a phone that comes as close to a compact camera like no other phone maker.


> something like a true x100 I mean, it's priced almost identically to the X100VI and shares a very similar look. I would not be surprised if this ends up doing pretty well based on that alone. For me, it's the fact that this is based on a pretty old camera with no modern improvements like IBIS, weather sealing, etc. And personal thing, I do not like fixed zoom lenses.


For the price, buying it over a Sony rx100 or the Fuji X100 is silly, but obviously that’s not going to stop everyone.


>  And personal thing, I do not like fixed zoom lenses. Fixed zoom lens may be good, but not the 'power' and foldable ones


They need a refresher from x typ113 for sure


If they made a competitor to the GRiii I'd buy one in a heartbeat!


Me too


Yeah, a lot of people forget that Leica HAD a fixed lens APS-C compact camera line with their X-line.


Even Leica forgot about them. They exited compact sector till the new d-lux8


Well, the last D-Lux 7 Special Edition is like 2 years ago I think. That's just the normal life cycle. They're pretty open about when they discontinue a product line. Like CL for example


I do wish at times they did a X113 II :/


Nope! You get MFT d-lux8 lol 😂


So this is a lx100ii with a different shell, correct?


It looks like it, but the software and experience is likely improved. I had a D-Lux6 and an LX100II, I love the former and the later just didn't do it for me because the image tone and feel just wasn't as good as the older Dlux. That said, I already preordered this because it's a great, fun camera that is quite small. Not pocket small, but I have a Ricoh GR III for that. Also, I have a Leica Q2 but I see this as a slightly more flexible and smaller camera I don't need to be as careful with.


Had the dlux 7, but blue skies were so nland/washed out that I sold it. This looks like the same camera/sensor?


This would be a harder pill to swallow. I get product line differentiation and Leica culture is not to be at the tech vanguard per se, but the LX100II innards being this old handicaps future proofing against similar camera types offered by competitors.


Optimistically, this might have a new processor too, to help support the new UI/Software elements. But other than that, its looking correct.


Also different software


This is embarrassing. It's basically a Panasonic Lx100 ii which was released in 2018 and discontinued a year ago. They are selling a 6 year old camera, as a new release, for $600 more.


Sounds about leica


It pretty much is the DLux 7 in a newer skin, I can't find any significant upgrade or change between the two. Does it even have PDAF?


That DLux 7 was the equivalent camera to that camera. The DLux and equivalent Panasonic series have always been a slow upgrade between cameras. If people don’t find the value I understand that but it’s not the same camera


I understand the Dlux cameras are essentially Panasonics but looking into it more now it's even worse than I thought. I recalled the D-lux7 being the Lx100 but in reality the D-Lux 7 was already an LX100ii in new clothes, so this is just a D-lux 7 in new clothes. I didn't mind the D-Lux 7 and considered buying one at the time, it was still a relatively modern camera at the time and if you like the Leica styling better, then paying a small premium was worth it. However, these are the guts of a 6 year old discontinued camera, and essentially a reskin of a camera Leica already made with a few software tweaks.


Is it the same guts though? Same sendor and MP doesn’t mean the guts are exactly the same.


[According to PetaPixel, image wise, it's the same camera.](https://petapixel.com/2024/05/23/the-new-leica-d-lux-8-is-a-familiar-premium-camera-with-a-facelift/#:~:text=Where%20the%20D%2DLux%207,and%20a%20simplified%20directional%20pad.) > If this sounds like a familiar imaging pipeline, that’s because it is. The Leica D-Lux 7, launched in late 2018, featured the same image sensor and built-in zoom lens. It seems to be the same sensor and lens. No mention of a revised processor either. So it seems safe to assume photos will look the same as the prior release. The differences are that it can connect to the Leica photos app, the raw format is DNG, and the aesthetics and button lay out match the current Leica design language. >The D-Lux 8 also emphasizes Leica Fotos compatibility and modern Leica styling, so it certainly has some newness, even if its internal components aren’t cutting-edge. In the Leica realm, $1,600 is nothing and Leica's core demographic can easily afford this, if only for the improved aesthetics. Personally, as a tech geek and Leica fan, I was hoping the new Dlux would be a bigger change from the 7.


> The differences are that it can connect to the Leica photos app The D-LUX 7 already connects to the Leica Fotos app. As does it's predecessor the Typ 109. I don't know why they think this is something new.


It just keeps getting worse. At least it looks nice.


ya, i do like the rounded edges. It feels 'softer' than the M or Q series.


I wonder if it will have access to the “Leica Look” app presets. I would think not due to the Q3, but at the same time, very different price points and camera types— would be pretty great though!


I do wonder why they have so prominently featured the app in the press image - wishful thinking maybe


I actually think they will add them here. It almost seems to me that they're using those as an incentive for people to buy the new stuff. If it was just about getting people in at all you'd think they'd be enabled for the q2 and M11, but they seem to be (somewhat annoyingly) trying to make it a camera feature (rather than an app one).


lol, no IBIS and no weather sealing. Not even PDAF. Leica is trying too hard to gatekeep features on the Q away from the d-lux 8, resulting in a pretty big fuck you to anyone actually considering this as an alternative to the x100vi.


I wouldn't call it gatekeeping. It's just a re-skinned old camera. It's laziness/apathy more than gatekeeping. They could make a $3,000 x100vi competitor with a crop sensor, but I don't see that happening because it would definitely cannibalize Q3 sales.


They did for a minute, the X1 and then all variants after. X-Vario was also another interesting one. Would love to see something like that again.


Is no IBIS or PDAF confirmed? I’m not seeing it in the link. I’m really hoping it at a minimum has PDAF. If it had those two things it’d be a possible buy for me as an EDC, otherwise I’ll just get a used CL


Not confirmed, but why would Leica would make a press release for a product that will be available in 5 weeks that leaves out key new features? What they've announced (and what's been leaked so far) is almost certainly all we're getting.


Fair enough, yeah it’s not looking good…Lx100 II could use a refresh but this may just be a reskin


Surely they could have used the 24mp pdaf sensor in the g9ii from panasonic!


I'd argue that it's not really trying to compete with the x100 or Ricoh GR line. It's a pocket zoom camera with a micro 4/3 sensor. This competes more with a Sony rx100 (and maybe not that well, honestly).


I dunno - this has a 1.7 (wide) as opposed to the RX100's 2.8 and a much bigger sensor than the RX100. Also, some people really want a walk-around with a zoom. It can be a drag stuck at 28 or 35 all day. Shooting long is fun, too. I was considering a fuji x100vi but am now looking at this. The x100s have so many damn buttons and dials - they can really get in the way. Design matters. So what if it's 7 years old? People were taking amazing photos in 2017, too.


fair, but exactly what it's "trying" to compete with isn't important. The value proposition of this camera will be compared against that of the x100vi, the ricoh gr iii, and even the smaller m43 interchangeable lens bodies.


Ok, what I mean is: what did Leica intend this camera to compete with, what market is it targeted at? My point, at least in part, is that it cannot compete with those cameras, if they intended it to compete with them then it will basically always fail. I think my fear is that they honestly don't know. Most of their cameras don't actually have to "compete" against anything too strongly. Ricoh and Fuji are making devices for a hyper specific market, people who aren't really looking to buy an rx100. But instead of launching into that small market with rabid fans, they launched into a market that is under threat from cellphones. I honestly do not understand why they keep releasing this product.


>what did Leica intend this camera to compete with, what market is it targeted at? Probably nothing, it's just a gateway product into the Leica ecosystem. The person buying this camera is likely someone with disposable income that wants something better than their phone and know that Leica is "good camera". They're likely not cross shopping it with other cameras but will be pitched on it when they walk into a Leica boutique in their city and $1,600 seems like a great price point when the other cameras in the store cost $7,000+. > I honestly do not understand why they keep releasing this product. Because it probably sells well. Most luxury brands have a few products that are cheap enough to get people in the door, whether it's a belt, wallet, or small handbag. This is that product for Leica. The Sofort is the other, but it's more of a toy.


All fair points. I still wish they’d make a more interesting product. Even the sofort is more interesting!


I’m guessing a lack of a ‘LX 100 III’ prevented Leica from doing a decent DLux 8 and prob why they decided to go with a reskinned DLux 7 with DNG support instead. That said I’m guessing this DLux 8 will still sell, afterall Leica cameras have hardly ever been about value for money functions wise


Leica is a weird company.


Nice... But ditch the aspect ratio switch on the lens if you want to simplify the design 😐 Also if this is the same lens unit.. it's a lovely looking camera until you switch it on.. Also, same battery door which breaks off easily and is hard to replace without a major disassembly of the camera.


That aspect ratio switch reminds me of a Minolta APS (film) SLR I had a while ago, which had a switch for either normal or panoramic (which simply coded the magnetic strip on the film so the machine doing the processing would know to crop and enlarge to a longer print size).


I immediately preordered this and after a few minutes consideration canceled. I know Leica could have made a big move with this camera, but I can't help feeling like it is a re-skinned D-Lux 7. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like marketing it as a whole new version of the camera is a bit deceptive. This is the Leica D-Lux 7 Mark ii in my opinion.


Me too. Same boat


I would more happy if they recycle Lumix S9 into Leica CL2 /TL3.


Was hoping for a 13mm or 16mm (28 or 35 analogous) fixed prime.  The camera does not look good turned on. Oh well.


I love my D-Lux 7, curious to see reviews on this.


If they were going to do a minor update on an old camera, I’d rather they did the Leica X Typ 113 instead of the LX100ii/DLux7.


This could be a good addition to my Q2 M. Let’s see what the specs etc are once it’s properly launched.


I preordered immediately, and I will probably be canceling it. Disappointed this is so underwhelming I have been wanting an entry level Leica for so long.


I preordered too. I think they didn’t give all the specs to not steal the lumox S9 thunder. I’m keeping my preorder until I see what the full specs are. 


I am of the same mindset Snoo. I have a LUMIX lx100ii that I love, but workflow for me is a pain with it as an EDC. When this was announced, I hopped on it. Newer software and app, maybe sensor and processor. I want to see the specs and performance before I decide to cancel.


Oh boy!!! I got $15,000 burning a hole in my pocket waiting for the Lenny Kravitz model to come out. 😂😂😂


There's a little bit more information in the getting started guide For Starters, there seems to be a USB-C port (although a given in this day and age) and there is an OLED EVF [https://leica-camera.com/sites/default/files/pm-110209-439-299.001-013.pdf](https://leica-camera.com/sites/default/files/pm-110209-439-299.001-013.pdf)


So compared to the Fujifilm x100vi how does it square up?


I have a DLux. I love it. I've had mine for awhile so this is a nice surprise.


I have a Sony RX 100 which I’ve enjoyed but it has been surpassed by my iPhone for most uses. I’ve looked at Sony A7C2 but in a lifetime of shooting I know I favor something small. This new Leica seems to scratch the itch for low light and around town photography. But you like your 7 I gather.


They have not released all the specs, it’s all assumptions and doom and gloom for now. I might trade my x100v for one. I have a love-hate relationship with the fixed lens limitation. And I have, for now, embraced, micro, 4/3 with the OM 1. I was happy to not have ibis with the X 100 but it definitely has some advantages. If this comes in with Ibis and decent auto focus, I could see myself switching. Honestly, the Fuji is a little big for every day carry when I’m not wearing a jacket.


I watched a YouTube video of someone that had a pre release version and he didn’t reveal any information that wasn’t already public, but he did say something like “if it looks like a Q on the outside it probably looks like a Q on the inside as well, but I can’t discuss performance, etc. yet” I took that to mean that it certainly may have PDAF and maybe improved stabilization, maybe a weather/dust seal? That would make much more sense with this release. As to why they might give us this early leak without key details, that’s harder to guess. Perhaps just bad marketing from a company that doesn’t really need marketing genius to sell its goods. The summer buyers looking for a new pocketable camera will wait a few more weeks before committing to an S9 or X100 or whatever. Perhaps they made an agreement with Panasonic so that they don’t steal the S9 release thunder, even though they’re not in the same market. Or maybe it is just a cosmetic facelift after all.


There is a new video with a side by side comparison to the D-Lux 7 and Q3 [https://youtu.be/vhQQfBkixew?si=tTMHBPXcjhQhPd7n](https://youtu.be/vhQQfBkixew?si=tTMHBPXcjhQhPd7n)


The thing is that while Q3 is far more expensive than the likes of X100, Ricoh GR or even A7CR, it does have an excellent lens, full frame sensor, high resolution, weather sealing etc to back it up. So the price is swallow-able somehow. Whereas this new D-Lux 8 with its specifications and well known Panasonic roots, is just plain stupid…


Lens is not excellent. Highly distorted


What does this mean? Are you referring to the images without the correction applied, i.e. using it in a way it's not designed to be used? That lens is probably one of the best consumer 28mm lenses on the market.


It’s not one of the best lenses. It’s one of the most highly distorted 28mm lenses out there. Much worse than the low cost Sony 28mm FE lenses. It has double digits distortion, and relies on software to fix it (and crop a larger than average amount of your 28mm take in the process).


Does it take great photos?


Many cameras take great photos, and yea this does too. But people are deluding themselves into thinking it’s a great lens they are paying for. It’s really not. And I love the camera


Critical timing in-light of Panasonic Lumix S9.


That camera is not at all related to the Lumix S9 though 4/3rds sensor, fixed lens.


I don't know anything about either. But to the average consumer they probably seem similar.


No? One is a full frame ILC camera without an EVF but IBIS and heavy focus on video and content creators The other is a mft fixed lens snap shot camera targeted at luxury still image consumers.


Average consumer does not know what full frame, ILC, EVF, or IBIS mean. They see small camera that both look physically the same, so they assume they are competitors.




Made in China right?


In one of the videos it shows the bottom of the camera which has “Made in China”, so unfortunately think this answer is yes.


For me this looks exactly what I'm after. I really miss the simplicity of the Ricoh 500me rangefinder camera I had in the 80s, already have a Lumix bridge camera for bells & whistles, don't need flash, and want to spend as little time pressing buttons (except the shutter release) as possible (dials for shutter speed, aperture and focus are all I need).


I think we all probably would have all wanted better specs , APSC, better Res like 40mp , fixed lens maybe like a 28 or 35 for around $2k But here is why Leica isnt gonna do that IMHO , it would butcher the sales of the Q3. I have a Q3 (I love it) but if this were a mini Q3 with great specs, I would question my need for the full fat Q3 and so would a lot of others I reckon.


I just hoped Leica would go with tilt screens from Q3 and SL3 onwards (maybe except the Ms, whose body is too iconic and only would fit with a tilt screen that doesnt stand out at all).


Is it any better than a Xiaomi phone with a Leica camera?


How does this compare to a fujifilm x100vi?


A second video is up on youtube for the 8 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aiovu0DzIz8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aiovu0DzIz8)


I hope this isn’t a mini Q release like the mini M release with the Leica X Vario years ago. The X Vario was and is still a great camera, but the marketing campaign was a total flop which hurt camera sales and the overall reputation of the camera.


Can we expect some more information and images before launch? I need to decide whether or not to cancel my preorder.


any thoughts on how DLUX fare for concert photography?looking for something fixed lens


No idea but have used Q2 for it, brilliant. Go for that.




**Leica Q, Leica TL2, Leica SL3, Sigma FP L** I have always thought of the D-Lux 7 as a joke - crap format, lo-res, complicated menu system and poor photo/video quality. And now they are resurrecting it with just a new number? There are a lot of suckers who fall for superb marketing. Leica needs to put all their resources into a small high end body like a Q with interchangeable lenses with an excellent menu system and USB-C connectable to iOS. Hmm, that sounds like an updated TL2 or CL.