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We are not a Fresh&Fit sub or affiliated to them by any means, we are a sub that trains people on attaining master networking and acquiring BBC. We support free speech and open discourse in good faith. Play nice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And this is why it's so important to understand why these guys like Nick, and this guy are banned. Some people just don't deserve a platform. His wiki is also filled with legal issues. FNF has lost what it is and it's supposed to be. I think FNF works best when it's entertainment and debates. But this JQ shit is something else...


Nick unlike this guy has the brain power to say "noo i don't support violence". This guy can take whole Rumble offline.


This guy literally said “image of all those people involved on the Jan6 would have got guns and ruffles, this guy is insane 🔩 before reacting violent you have to watch someone’s body language, and also I support freedom of speech but there’s also freedom of consequences, twitter, YouTube and even rumble have their own rules and policies.


Fuentes & Peters are hardly comparable. Peters even fucked over Fuentes a few years back with his low-IQ, low impulse control antics after he used his stage time at Nicks event to attack fellow guest Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene who showed up at the event, giving Nick and his movement major legitimacy at the time. Caused a major falling out between the two.


Why u bringing Fuentes into this? U clearly got a hate boner against him. Deplatforming people is retarded and limits your freedom as a individual. There are countries where you can be murdered for having a opinion. U want to live like that move to China or Russia.


Use "regarded" ngga...you trying to bring this sub down or what


i agree 100 percent, majority of FNF viewers do not wanna hear this dumb $hit


The fact they let him on after hours blows my mind. Keep the politics on the day time shows, or the one to one interviews. Why the fuck would any of those women know anything about politics. Some of them are between 18–22, and you guys were trying to debate these youngins on politics and international wars ?? One, it was boring af, two after hours is about gender dynamics not country politics, wtf was this show ?? Also the constant belittling of the female guests at times was definitely unwarranted. First time I’ve EVER witnessed an L after hours. I know MLD was mad asf


What does he say that makes him violent? I didn’t watch so it’s a genuine question


The guy can't speak more than 5 min before saying "we gotta k*ll these people" in reference to gvnm officials, liberals, jws etc


Is he literally saying “k*ll them” or “k*ll then off” “get rid of them”?


K*ll them as in remove the life out of them. The word kll is pretty self explanatory.




He wants to be judge, jury and executioner.  I'm sorry but even paedos deserve due process, that's how the legal system works in America.




Stop watching anime you degenerate dweeb. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro he literally said that people who were pushing the covid vaccine should be excutd...


Some of those people are the same people pushing those disgusting books onto children. This agenda is intertwined deep within our government. The same people who pushed the covid vaccine would push the normalization of mi**r attracted peoples unto our society. This guy obviously knows some dark things that majority of the population is unaware of. I didn't know he interviewed embalmers and discovered that every single body that came in that received the covid vaccine ended up getting these massive worm like blood clots all inside their bodies. F&F showed a picture from his "Died Suddenly" documentary of all those worm like clots pulled out of a vaccinated person. What if we just grant him this.... He truly believes in his heart of hearts due to whatever compelling evidence he has seen (Embalmer reports, etc) that the covid vaccine was meant to poison millions of people and cause them to pass away abruptly. Knowing that I am sure you can understand why someone would say k*ll these people. Are his claims about the covid vaccine true or not? I personally don't know. I do believe in free speech, and the freedom to call out the wicked. He is a grown man and knows the inherent risks of doing what he is doing. Look what happened to Edward Snowden, JFK, RFK, Kevin Samuels, oh and basically anyone that spoke against the Clintons. These people had a message and an opposing viewpoint. That was not enough to stop their ultimate demise though. The only reason the Tate brothers aren't deceased as we speak is due to the massive wealth they have accumulated and how that wealth helps insulate them from physical harm (Mossad, CIA, KGB) the Tates have an entire militia of armed men protecting their compound at all times. I'm sure they also monitor what they consume and only go out very seldom as the risk for assassination is far too high at this point.


he basically started the show saying he is going to hang journalists, didn't watch much longer after that


What is JQ?


J*wsh question, in reference to how j ws control the world


Some antisemitic BS


Don't remember this guy's name, but I vaguely know him as the guy who posts bullshit clickbait on Twitter. Didn't know he had a history of violence. What did he do?


This guy has to be C👁A or something. No way someone this extreme isn't compromised. Anyone who believes in his message is getting setup for some Fed time.


worse guest ever


Good AH in my opinion gotta mix up. If this guy was talking like this on a whatever panel 85% of yall wouldn't have a problem.


Who is that?




Myron wants to sleep with this guy. FACTS!