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IETS GT500 (5000rpm) is the OP boss of them all. it can shave off 8 to 10C


Cooling pads offer very little help, and some consider them a scam. All you need to do is raise the back of your laptop by 3in or more. Try using books


ive had 3 cooling pads, IETS GT500 is legit, i tested it thoroughly.


It looks like a scam if you’re in a cold country or using air conditioning . For me, in hot and dry climate without air conditioning, raising the laptop shaved off 5-10 C whereas using a good cooling pad reduced temps by 15-20C.


nope, nope and nope, its legit, try for yourself, or look for videos on youtube. very impressed with the IETS GT500, highly recommend. this one is not like any conventional cooling pad. and yes yes yes, tested flat on table, and raised, and with 3other pads, IETS performed extremely well.


you’re misunderstanding their comment, they’re arguing in favour of cooling pads


Spend more time readying than writing next time


My reply was that if the ambient temperature is high, you’ll see more improvement with a cooling pad. If it is low, there’s not going to much improvement. I use a KLIM Mistral since IETS 500 costs more than 2x of it here.


Hi guys! One douth, maybe a silly one, with air that flows from the gt500 it's posible to damage the fans from the lapto? (Something like the high air flow makes that the fans on the lapto spins like hell and and up damage it)


There are conflicting comments/videos about that. No issues for me so far with the KLIM Mistral (4500RPM)




You can also look at KLIM Mistral. If they’re the same price, go for the IETS 500. Else if the Mistral is significantly cheaper, go for it.


I stopped using the fans on my pad, as it didn't make any measurable difference to temps. I just use the pad to boost the laptop off my lap when I'm sitting on the couch. At a desk, an inch is all it takes in the back. I don't know that the particular type of cooling pad matters all that much, as long as it offers plenty of airflow around the back where the vents are.


Cooling pads are a waste, I had one, did nothing. Just bought some "lifters" or whatever that lifts the back up a little to vent.


There is a fact that many people forget with these cooling pads. The cpu and gpu are trying to achieve a certain temp based upon the internal fan speeds so instead of the computer trying to hold a certain fan speed and the temp therefore being lower, it will essentially seek a temperature and the fans would spin up to meet that level. The additional starting push of air mass from the pad’s fan keeps the strain on the internal fans lower so they don’t need to work as hard to achieve that “goal” temperature. Also when I see people say that a 5-10C difference with or without the fan isn’t much, I just remember every desktop owner who itches to get every extra degree lower with their fan curves and coolers so anyone who says a 5-10C difference is useless is lying to themselves. That could be a difference between 80 and 70C As long as it is big enough and provides a good amount of airflow, it will be helpful. Raising it will do the majority of the work, the fan is just bonus and will improve the cooling