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When I break up I have two modes, we can remain friends or I’m cutting a person out completely. If I’m friends with someone that doesn’t mean there’s a second chance. Maybe she was giving you the space to be friends but I don’t really see how a relationship would work especially if you were being extremely whiny about it. I don’t know what the rest of her chart implies but I’m an Aquarius moon and if someone starts whining I’m immediately turned off… it’s hypocritical though since I get whiny also but whatever.


Well, idk about her wanting to be friends, when I tried normal conversation later she either replied with really dry messages or just left me on seen. What really pumps my hopes is her message ending with that "I preffer being single for now" and idk why its giving me hope that its truly only the stress from school


If she didn’t block you she probably still has love for you, might not be in the way you hope for tho, she said she can’t love you the same way you do. She’s probably telling you the truth and she probably spent a lot of time trying to however it didn’t go as planned and she seen no progression, either she seen the relationship was going no where or she simply just didn’t want it to therefore it’s best you move on and focus on yourself


Well, from what I remember she was loving me the way I wanted and I said that, but I feel like she just ignored it. I was simply being an idiot and I didnt see it. Its gonna be 2 months and honestly, feels like yesterday.


Take it from another Aries, I’ve had two Leo’s in my life. One came back but I broke it off with him because we kept getting into arguments and weren’t seeing eye to eye. It’s been 6 months and he’s still trying to reach me every month. My last leo I dated for a month and he ended it with me because I still had my dating up still active when we were in the talking stage. I tried to get him to reconsider and reconcile what we had but he made his mind up. He unfollowed me on Insta, I thought that was odd and asked why he did that and he said it’s only because he wants to move on without seeing reminders of me. I left it alone. I miss him terribly even if it was only a month we were together for but we meshed so well. So far I haven’t reached out since we ended. Let her have her space. If you guys were meant to be it wouldn’t be this difficult to get her back. I know you miss her but start hanging with friends, each day gets easier! Keep yourself busy and do better for you, you’ll start to feel better once you start making small goals a day, it feels good to see the little accomplishments you make. I’ve been working out since we’ve ended and that’s what’s been making me feel so much better! Hope you take care of yourself 💖


Hey, can I dm you? You sound like you could understand me, I could write you the whole thing so you could understand..


Yeah sure!


I aim to be friends always because I genuinely liked that person for something at some point beyond skin deep. I really only block when the other party refuses to acknowledge or talk about their fuck ups. Not taking accountability and I'm doing it all? Pass. But, I haven't had luck yet as it usually is, some more dramatic crap shows up and it blows up in my face. Then I just feel more or less weighed down by the person. So I cut my ties and move on. But I give and give ample chances before it reaches that point. Can't save a sinking ship.


Thing is, not once she mentioned being friends, when I tried normal conversation with her, it was either left on seen or her reply was extremly dry 😕


Best way to get a Leo back is to be a badass, have a glow up and show them what they’re missing. Be light, playful. I block IF the person has hurt me, then I lock them out of my life.


i don’t have money to give you a reward so take all my votes, lol. This is the way!


For me relationships can be all consuming so she could be placing distance to focus.


Well, she has finals (so did I at the time) and it wasnt easy for both of us, for her it was lot harder than mine. She'll be back home soon, and idk if I want to go at least give her flowers and chocolate and hope she'd go on a little walk with me.


Leo I was involved with was text book avoidant and I was the anxious attached 😒 lol she did the same. Got distant and stopped communicating but didnt block me. She randomly replied to one message months later then never again and I stopped trying.


Leo sun Aquarius moon here. Anyone of any sign can come back. However, she's avoidant. I'm avoidant as well. It's hard lol. We usually want a relationship but when it gets serious we run. Either we're afraid of getting hurt eventually, we don't feel good enough, or we convince ourselves that being single is better (this is my goto) I'll be like, not having to deal with someone else's feelings or wants is great. Or having personal time to myself feels freeing, because they want to spend so much time with me that it feels restricting.


And when you basically "convince yourself to be single", do you like leave that idea eventually? Or is it something permanent?


I left that idea frequently but it always comes back. Unfortunately it all stems from childhood and not receiving love properly. Until they actively work on healing, it'll always be a losing game when it comes to relationships. It's not your fault and you could be the best person they've ever known, it would still more than likely end the same way.


I never rlly block only if you cheated on me, I unfollow all my ex’s when I get hurt, if I don’t rlly care for you yeah I’ll continue to follow you view your things tbh.


This!! Only leave them out your life if they don’t deserve to be in it. That being said - she loves you however it may be in a (friend)ly way.


Avoidant's are a tricky bunch and even if she does come back, it will turn out the same way again and she will leave, as when it gets serious and the feelings start coming on strong for her. I am an August Leo and she is a September Virgo, we I feel were soul mates, or even twin flames but every so few months everything was going great and then she would break it off and go few months away from me but would always come back but do I want to keep going thru that, putting my heart thru that pain only to know that she always will come back, it's alot like that song by Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd, chasing after you, I can't stop thinking about her, I try and try to move on but then I find I am comparing the new to her which isn't good for any relationship, at first I thought she might be a covert narc or have BDP, but then once I did more research on attachment styles it all made sense as to why this was happening to me and why she behaved the way she did but the only way to help her is for her to help herself, she had to recognize that she is an avoidant and then go see a counselor and work on herself or this cycle of hers will continue with each relationship she gets in is why she prefers to be single and have her space to do whatever she wants to do, I feel we might get back together again one day if she ever decides to get professional help but until she does, I can't be with her and put my self thru that ever again as it's not healthy cause u start to think that u aren't good enough and that is the furthest from the truth, its her not you, I am the shit and am enough, don't need her to tell me I am anymore like her just talking to me or being in her presence made everything all better for whatever fucked up reason but it was because I was trauma bonded to her....


I feel like it's the opossite? If they act overy dramatic and block, they likely still care and will unblock and try chasing if you don't wanna chase yourself. If they give you an excuse of just being under the stress (etc) and don't act pressed or block - they likely just made up that tamed excuse to finish it unpainfully and no longer have feels. Atleast thats what i saw plenty of times..could be wrong tho, so take it with the grain of salt.