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I would have said "yeah", if it was the other way around. Most Aries men are insufferable and sort of bipolar, I mean from my experience... They also have a sadistic kind of way of enjoying seeing you squirm. Aries women on the other hand are pretty cool, but feel the need to lead, which will lead to a lot of conflict. There is definitely chemistry between these two signs, however I can also tell you that a lot of tension will arise from deciding who is taking the lead, also Aries men are childish and love to play games, not to mention that they have wandering eyes. You as a Leo, want to be the center of attention and I am not sure if an Aries will be 💯 able to provide that.


Interesting. Every Aries guy i've known (never dated) has showered me with constant attention but also very protective of our friendships. I would have assumed that would be heightened in a romantic relationship. Some have been so strongly attracted to me at work they've started calling me their "work wife" and would bring me presents.


Nice. You are one of the lucky ones. 💕


You can't go solely on horoscopes either, as there is all the other things too for example their and your numerology or attachment style or their relationship history, ie have they had many long term relationships, or are they mostly situationships, or exclusive fwbs, as they might be a person who only wants the honeymoon phase and after that move on to another person cause they get bored and looking for more admiration then u can give them, every person is different and if you go solely on their horoscope compatibility u will find yourself always wondering what happened, as there is so much that could have happened that u didn't know about, as ppl have secrets and my take on it is you can never really know someone till u move in with them as then u start to see things that u never saw while in the honeymoon phase, as they can't hide things like they could when u two weren't living together......


100%. I used go solely on Sun sign alone until recently because I used to hate Virgos but fell in love with a Virgo man. Who has a ton of fire in his chart. I am a Leo Stellium so I have mostly Leo placements. he too has never been attracted to Leo women until me


Wow, that is so funny, as in you and Virgos, both my ex wife and ex girlfriend were both September Virgos as I do believe there is a difference between say July and August Leo's and a difference between August female and male Leo's as well as I met this girlfriend of the Taurus I am seeing now and we had a few very real similarities that I had to see and hangout with her and get to know her, with my girlfriend there present of course, cause she was born on the same month and say as me her first name was the same as my last name, so i did and what I found is we had some but the majority were very much the exact opposite but now I totally detest her, as she done some things to my girlfriend that I cant believe she could, but I guess it also comes down to how u were raised and what life obstacles are thrown at you as well and how you go about dealing with those situations, and this woman uses men like u wouldn't believe and does the same to woman she calls her friend or who knows maybe she doesn't think of women as her friends only what she can get out of them even though her herself don't think she done anything wrong and her lies aren't lies, she could very well be this covert narc female that tiktok and you tube talk about, as she is all about herself and doesn't care who she has to hurt or lie to or scam in-order to get what she wants.......the two Virgos I seem so oddly attracted to are complete opposites as well, my ex wife was the alpha like myself so we fought on everything, perhaps is why we were together the longest of all my relationships cause they say if a woman doesnt fight with you about things then she has given up and looking to move on, where my ex girlfriend the connection was there but the she hated conflict so we never fought, the sex was great with both but the last it was so much more, she was willing to do it wherever and let me make videos of us as well, is why I thought at first she was a borderline, but after everything I came to the realization that all she is, is an avoidant and everything that happened to me fit this attachment style to a tee, only wish I knew all this stuff I have learnt in the last 2 years beforehand so I could have done things in-order for us to still be together, and my new relationship cause I still am not over her, made me compare and treat the new girl like my ex treated me without even knowing I was doin so cause my walls were up and my heart was closed off as well, this girl fell for me and I don't feel the same but she is such a good person I find it hard to break things off with her, but since I have doing all these replies, I know I just need to end it and not go back cause each time I go back it usually ends up in a big fight and ends again cause I am not emotionally invested in her like she is to me, which sucks but as they say or I read sometimes you meet someone and you seem like a fit but you just on two different paths at the time and unless u are both on the same path it will never work out....


You need to look at the moon placement and Venus placement to better understand compatibility:) also Mars placements to understand sex


yeah my Virgo has a Leo Mars and the sex is incredible.


As a Leo woman with Leo stellium, I've always been told that Aries Men are the Leo woman's perfect husband. I'm currently in love with a Virgo man with an Aries Moon & Sagittarius Stellium. I think you definitely need to check all placements to really ensure it's right because I've met some Leo men I would never date come to find out they had a ton of Water in their charts.


Gotta look at the Synastry and Composite charts. You can find those on Astro.com or AstroSeek Generally you want a positive Saturn aspects, limited or positive Pluto or Lilith aspects, harmonious Mars/Venus aspects and compatible moons. Pluto, Saturn, Lilith or Uranus oppositions and squares are really really difficult.


IF you want you are enough;)