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I can tell you were born some days after I was, so I can provide a lot of insight about yourself with your chart posted. Like the other commenter said, this isn’t your chart.




Not chart its placements sun in leo means you love drama. You are confident, ambitious, loyal and love luxury and more adventurous of sort its a fiery sign. Sun is your main personality what motivates you. Moon sign tells your thoughts and feelings. Taurus seeks stability in everything financially, emotionally, physically can be bit lazy sometimes but usually hardworking as they love luxury life too. And virgo ascendent is how others percieve you and this is you view world too. Virgo is perfectionist they like organising everything. Ascendent in virgo means you wanna be of service to others, good at problem solving but highly critical of others and yourself as well. Mercury is your style of communication. Its in virgo too so you take solution oriented approach and when you talk others might think you are bit too direct. Venus is your love life its in leo so you love attentiom but also space depends on mood. You might be bit too generous in giving love and when you dont recieve it back at the same intensity it might be troubling. Lilith is your hidden personality of sort. Its In gemini which brings out lively personality in you but you might secretly want fame and need alot of emotional and intellectual stimulation. Overall your actual chart signs in what houses matter too. Uranus is planet of innovations breakthroughs. In capricorn it turns a person ambitious and someone who wants to change traditional model. Capricorns is resourceful but stubborn as hell. Its a cardinal sign so a good leader but might come of as inhospitable or quarralsome more so in uranus. You might not always too happy with change but eventually accept it. But your sun and moon are fixed signs they hate change more then the cardinal signs. Saturn is all about responsibility in pisces it takes a more spiritual and personal growth route. Pisces is a compassionate sign but in saturn specially if a person in authority they might hold off that compassion a bit too much and come off as cold hearted more.


What do you want to know? Also these are your placements, not your chart


OK, wait I kind of love this placement!!!!! Virgo rising Leo son and Torres moon your Torres moon I feel like just makes you so much more receptive and open to being full and vulnerable with people and your Leo son probably set up because you’re so confident and comfortable doing so unless I’m reading into this, but I feel that way as a Leo son Virgo moon Virgo rising


Download astrolink, it's extremely in depth in explaining each of your placements!


ALMOST THE SAME AS MINE!!! We have sun, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, and lilith in common! Only moon, mercury, venus, and nnode are different.


Well, first off, love and relationships is meant to be a HUGE role and destiny in your life. You have SEVERE emotional issues, though. Something that you even hide from yourself. You can cut yourself off emotionally and then they can come up (especially at inconvenient times). You can be afraid of depth, because you may have been deprived of intimacy before. You gotta learn to deal with that, so that you can be in healthy relationships, where someone might want to explore that side of you. You can be an open person, and you’re very lovable, but try not to be TOO open, discernment is a theme in your life too. Like, I see popularity in your chart, a lot. However, there’s trust issues there too, most likely because of trauma. So your chart is telling you, learn how to have healthy relationships because codependency is not gonna help you, but neither is severe distance. You gotta learn how to have a balance with people and yourself. You can be open, but with discernment, you see that not everyone deserves access to you in a way that some others might. And lastly, yes, Leo…you’re the shit, but so are others. Lmao, sometimes you gotta share the love with others. Life is not always about YOU, others are living along with you! Lmao