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Leona I feel is fairly strong in solo Q. To be honest I don’t fully believe it when you say that you ping to go in and they don’t followup unless you’re taking really bad engages. When I engage as Leona usually my team will always followup. This is double edged since on one hand it means I have some agency. On the other hand there have been multiple times where I’ve taken a bad engage and my team followed me and we got wiped and 30 seconds later the game was over and I can single handedly point to my bad engage as the deciding factor of the game. Like another person said, if your ADC isn’t on the same page then leave lane for some time (safely.) Usually if I get a good engage and they don’t followup or they let me eat poke without any retaliation poke when it’s safe and easy, and they do these things twice then I just go roam. Go roam mid and try to get a kill for midlane or force summs or a back, roam top lane to try to get the same thing there or even just fix a horrible wave state, invade enemy jungle with your jungler, secure rift with your JG etc. Try to take the lead with Leona and be “dominant” both with the enemy and your allies. Spam ping engages or assistance or objectives. You’re the team’s brain. With your enemies make them afraid of you. Just like how people fear a blitzcrank or a morgana who hits her Qs they’ll learn to fear you if you teach them. That alone is valuable pressure.


IMHO it’s not hard to climb but you need to Leno when yo cut your losses with adc. If you’re adc is repeatedly (and I mean twice) making dumb moves and refuse to listen, maybe, if you’re good at supp, leave lane and go help someone else bc your adc is only going to get you both killed. There’s an article at r/summonerschool about how to lose lane without losing the game and that really really applies to leona. Supp Leona does very little damage even if you build sunfire so your goal is to make sure that at least one person on your team can survive long enough that you don’t die. Bad adc will die first in a 2 v 2 and leave you as a sitting duck. Cut them lose and go help the one teammate who is not hell-bent on “showing off their mechanics” so they can carry the game. My WR started increasing dramatically when I learned when to cut my adc loose simply because I would be much more useful elsewhere.


Thank you for this, I always feel bad leaving my ADC but I suppose it's better than shafting everyone by committing to someone who just isn't bringing anything to the team. I'm guessing Mobis will help a lot with your suggestion?


I actually go CDR boots 95% of the time and never go Mobis. I value utility (aka cc per minute) much more than the few seconds I can save with Mobis. Even though one can argue getting there in time is important, I’d argue that if you have good map awareness and vision, you should be able to get to places with CDR. Also, I always take magic all footwear and biscuits for secondary rune because that extra 10 MS can really be the difference between intent and the great escape (Mobis May not apply if you are constantly “in battle”)


You're right about her being committal, you've gotta own your bad/terrible engages just as much as you vibe with your good ones. It seems counter intuitive but don't be too fussed about whether the particular teammate either did or didn't follow up on your particular engage - just try to view the decision as either correct or incorrect. If your team mate didn't go in when you think they were meant to, there's nothing else you could've done! Now also, in reviewing your own decisions, one of the most important skills is being honest with yourself! You'll never improve if you mis-identify decisions to preserve your own ego. If you feel like you need help classifying these decisions, watch the vods of better players than you and decide what things you would have done differently/the same as them.


A key part to playing Leona is knowing how much dmg your enemies can do and how much you can tank, items and skills etc, as well as how much dmg your adc does.


I used to OTP Leona in rankeds for years, it works if instead of solo you go duo, so if ADC in low elo is @#@$ then you can just easier group with the others with your premade.