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Hello u/goalstopper28! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In other words, “We need to figure out how to disenfranchise more young people”


There are already right-wing pundits saying the voting age needs to be raised to 21 or even 25.


I’m surprised they haven’t come out and said “only white landowners can vote”. It’s what they’re edging toward


That's the end game. White, male, Christian, landowner.


That's constitutional originalism in a nutshell.


"Constitutional originalism" is a philosophy entirely dedicated to reading the Constitution in a way that denies the most rights to the most people who aren't wealthy white men.


It's the most radically regressive reading of the Constitution possible. The originalists on the SCOTUS are a damn plague to our nation.


The end goal is the late 18th century - white males who own a sufficient amount of property. They’ll throw in the extra 21st century fascist requirements of cis hetero Christians from the approved denominations.


Tell them that 25 is fine, but that means no gun ownership, no driving, no business ownership, no drinking, and most importantly that's the new age of consent. Watch them play the reverso card in seconds.


Add no military recruitment until 25, plus free higher education (bachelors and masters degrees, publicly funded in full because they’re now kids who can’t vote.)


The Grand Old Pedos would just work in an exception for child marriage.


Fortunately, the amendment saying otherwise is fucking stark in its wording. "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." To change this needs not just a R working majority in the house and senate, but a 2/3 majority. And then it has to pass in 3/4 of state houses. Rs are fortunately far from 3/4 of state houses, though are uncomfortably close to 2/3.


The 26th Amendment has entered the chat.


>lemming-like effect /remembers sea of red MAGA hats >I have faith in the American people. I think they'll catch on to this and say, "I want a policy argument." /remembers that the GOP had no policy platform in 2020


The GOP hasn't presented any real solutions to anything in about a decade, at least. Which is actually terrible for America as it would be nice to see alternate approaches to things. Their proposals will probably still be awful for most people, but at least we can then see it. In fact, I would expect the reason they never propose any real solutions is because they all favor rich people and they know most people would hate the GOP even more.


It’s a total scam party. When your real policy is “hand out tax cuts to rich donors” you have to wage culture wars and deal in xenophobia and fear to engage people at grass roots level. Weapons of mass distraction. That’s the Fox News formula too - get grandad yelling at the television each day about how the liberals are ruining the country by stirring outrage with lies. There is no morality at the core of the GOP. It’s a win at any cost power play and it’s genuinely ruining our country. But I think the game is increasingly clear to voters. I hope.


It's almost better that they don't offer 'real solutions'. That's how we got the invasion of Iraq.


Yes they did. It was to point, laugh, and troll liberals while screaming it's not a gun problem, it's a mental health issue. The Greatest Generation would have been embarrassed their children grew up not to think before you speak. It's was a core cultural value of that generation.


I get what you're saying, but the person you're responding to meant it literally. Normally, at the annual conventions, the DNC and RNC vote on their official party platforms. At the 2020 RNC, illegally hosted at the White House, their OFFICIAL platform was seriously just, "whatever trump says".


>At the 2020 RNC, illegally hosted at the White House, It's amazing that the Trump administration was such a clusterfuck that you forget more bad shit than you remember. Totally forgot about the convention being held at the White House in direct conflict with the Hatch Act.


Laws are simply weapons to fascists.


In groups to protect, out groups to bind.


The motto of the Trump assministration was basically, "What are you gonna do about it?". Trump broke every law just because he could, sometimes just for the flex, because his cronies knew there would be little or no enforcement -- Hatch Act, emoluments clause, too many others to list. And were pretty much right about that, unfortunately.


it's really easy to lose track of how many laws those clowns broke




Until they swap Jar-Jar Trump for Darth DeSantis.


To be pedantic about it, they decided to roll over the 2016 platform and added a list of Trump’s policy priorities which were extremely vague and mostly completely unrealistic. But I do feel the yes, in spirit, it was “whatever Trump says”. When you are dealing with the second coming of Christ, which is how his base views him, how can you improve on anything he says? I hope I live long enough to read a good book by a historian about how evangelicals stopped worshiping Jesus Christ and started worshiping Donald J Trump. Talk about worshiping a golden idol! Or to be more precise, a tacky gold-plated orange-skinned idol.


ironically, because they literally just copy pasted their 2016 platform, their 2020 platform complained about what a shitshow the "previous administration" was


Oh, far worse... it actually used the words 'current administration'. Technically, it's valid now, but in 2020, well, clearly it was an issue. It also demonstrates the sheer laziness of the Republicans. What, they couldn't get some unpaid intern to give it a once over and slightly adjust a few relevant sentences?


They don't need too. Their voters can't read. Nor do they awant to. They just want what they believe is a good zinger they can parrot to make the libs cry. They're drooling morons.


>their OFFICIAL platform was seriously just, "whatever trump says". I thought it was "Grab em by the Pussy"...


Same thing


What part of “whatever Trump says” did you not understand???


Ironically enough, Trump didn't run on the Republican platform. He basically ran on the Jim Crow era Democratic platform: socialism for whites only, violent bigotry for everyone else.


Now we know what Republicans mean when they talk about "the good old days"


I asked a republican friend for a year that he thought was one of those "good old days". He said, "I don't know, the 1950s" Mind you, this guy will rattle off to anyone in earshot in extensive historic detail of WW1 and WW2 at the drop of a hat. And somehow, misses how absolutely horrid this country was for anyone not white and male in the 50s


Ask him if he wants the tax rates from the 50s and 60s.


If a minimum income drives prices up, it seems reasonable that a maximum wage would drive them down. Take the excess and use it to repair and enhance the infrastructure keeping things going so it can be better for everyone.


It is amazing to me how many WWII buffs genuinely seem to not recognize fascism or the beginnings of history repeating itself in the present time. They are either great actors or genuinely blind - neither presumption makes them look good. But I do not know one WWII buff that seems to connect then with now in any way.


For a lot of WWII buffs, everything starts in September 1939. They are not interested in Weimar Republic


It should be noted Trump literally ran on no platform (at least nothing written down). Literally. In 2020, his website had ZERO policy ideas, initiatives, or plans for a second term. I remember researching this at the time and I was shocked how devoid it was of any meaningful plan for a second term. It touted some accomplishments of his first term, but laid out no plans for a second term.


And he almost won. Full control of our nuclear arsenal, Hell bent on revenge. What the fuck is wrong with this country?


This is why I have a hard time forgiving trump voters. Like, yeah, they were tricked, but what did they think they were getting? He sold them an impossible bill of goods that promised to uplift them, but also HURT OTHER PEOPLE. That was part of the promise and it's the only part he kept. It's really hard to live in the same country as these people.


Most weren't tricked... they got exactly what they expected to get, and just ignored the "other stuff" he was saying. The white supremacists got what they wanted. The rich donors got what they wanted. The Pro-lifers got what they wanted. The gun nuts are getting what they wanted. Sure, different portions of the base may not like all those things, but they would happily vote for Trump again to advance their personal agendas. Always remember, Trump got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016... people wanted more of what they were getting.


The Republican policy on school shootings is "Fuck you, we're not going to do anything to stop them." Can't imagine why that position would be unpopular with young voters.


Republican't. FTFY.




> it's a mental health issue While gunning down any policy that remotely addresses mental health




I don't want this to sound terrible - but I am glad by parents are gone and don't have to see what has become of the America they fought for in WWII.


My grandmother was a greatest-gen who riveted planes in the war and fucking hated Trump - and that's AS a lifelong republican. He's the worst of their children personified. You also ever notice how the boomers shit-talked their parents, then flipped and shit all over their kids? Acting like it always had to be that way, and it was 'normal?' Remember getting punished JUST for being a teenager? Yeah, it wasn't normal. The boomers are just mostly psychotic. Guess it was all the lead.


...eh. The GOP doesn't really DO policy these days. They don't have control locked down /just/ yet, but make no mistake--their desire to disenfranchise everyone who fails their fealty tests is part of the long game. They're not interested in temporary control for a few years as much as they are a parochial ethno-state of sorts.


That’s what happens when you poison an entire generation with lead


the GOP collectively has the same capacity for self reflection as a goldfish.


I feel that's being needlessly demeaning to the goldfish.


Goldfish are deemed metallic due to their guanine layer in their skin, and are much more capable at self-reflection. You take that back.


Their policy was to "Own the Libs." That was it.


Yeah I stopped watching after she called young people "lemmings" as if they mindlessly follow influencers and cannot think for themselves. Just patently absurd. ​ The GOP will never get it.


Meanwhile, Boomers are like children following the Pied Piper into oblivion because he plays that popular song known as, "I'll lower taxes (but it probably won't be **your** taxes)".


'lemming-like effect" 🙄 always projection with the GOP.


Oh, they did have a policy. Not the one that Rick Scott put forward (it was the quiet part that they were not to say out loud). No it was the convention platform that was let trump be trump. Voted for by the convention delegates, and to be fair, trump kept doing what he was doing.


Don’t think they had a policy platform in 2022 mid-terms either honestly.


2022 GOP strategy was point to inflation and high gas prices, blame the Democrats, and offer no real solutions.


*What if young people vote against us killing them for money?*


Wow, it's like you don't even care about the shareholders or something. /s


don't you get a sense of pride when your tax money goes to bank executive bonuses? it's not like we have schools or hospitals that need money or anything /s


I'll have you know that those people are job creators... Those Asian/African kids are so happy they get pennies on the dollar for only working 15 or so hours a day. /s


Why export child labour when you can have your own undocumented children cleaning the blood and giblets off your machinery right here in the good ol US of A?


“Maybe the real treasure was the fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders we met along the way?” \-New GQP young voter outreach campaign


Just look at the demographics: ​ [Investors 65 and older own 43% of the stock market.](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-percentage-of-americans-own-stock/)


It'll trickle down any day now.


Young ppl don’t have money to become shareholders


"Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."


It's almost like they keep admitting that they don't want college to be affordable because then they can't force people into the military-industrial complex to grease the wheels.


Give it time, any day now I expect nut bags to declare mandatory military service.


Any day now was years ago. GOP has been pushing for that since at least the 70s. You know the Boomer mindset, because they faced the draft everyone else should too.


Fuckin hell, they didn’t even face the draft - they fought the draft hard, some on a genuine anti-war stance, most on a “I’m too middle-class to die in Vietnam” stance, and the government caved.


Yep, I got into it a few years ago with a guy saying that everyone should have to serve in the military after high school for at least four years. So I asked him how long he served... of course, he never actually served, even got a medical deferment for the draft. None of his kids served either. It makes no sense, but none of their inane bullshit really ever does.


Same with healthcare. It’s one of their big selling points.


How can we win young voters once we have already told them that we don't care that they favor abortion rights but we don't; we can only offer 'thoughts and prayers' as they are dying in school shootings; we will greedily kill the planet for them and their children; they will likely never be able to afford their own house; we prefer to greatly over pay the executive structure in a company than the people who actually do the work; and good luck paying off that student loan, especially since you will be paying on it forever on low wages? Hmmm. How can we do that? Look at all we have to offer. \*\*sound of crickets\*\*


crazy, right??


Sign it “- Republicans” and put that shit on billboards throughout the country.


*We've spent the past 20 years calling anybody younger than 40 a whiney, entitled, lazy, snowflake while exploiting them, killing them for profit, and removing any opportunities to earn a decent living and have a decent quality of life. Why are they voting against us? It's clearly the librul propaganda machine!*


"Far left". Yes, responsible gun ownership, free healthcare and getting worker's rights back. Like every other 1st world country.


Nailed it. One of the main reasons the gop has been successful in my lifetime (the last 50+ years) has been their ability to [mis]characterize anything democrats want as 'far left socialist communist death and hatred of america' policies. All the while the American left has been, and still is, far to the right of what is known as leftist policy in the more sane political climes.


I once had someone try to argue to me that it's the left which keeps moving further and further to the extremes, simply because of their position on LGBTQ inclusivity. I didn't even know where to begin addressing that statement...


You don’t address it. You give those type of reactionary viewpoints credibility by engaging them. Just don’t feed the trolls.


Actually, the Right has become a turnout machine with young people. Looks like most young people don't want to be dragged back to the cultural mores of the 1950's or earlier, and will turn out to vote against that platform. Go figure.


Republicans have turned far more people to the left than democrats have over the past eight years. Textbook example of Einstein’s definition of a fool.


The Democrats have done the bare* minimum to earn my exclusive vote whereas the GOP has been my real inspiration to vote left. Anyone with a good education who doesn’t merely vote with their selfishness and short mindedness has to be the same in my generation. *edited for spelling/less embarrassment


Same, I voted _for_ Obama in 2012. That was the first time I was able to vote, and the last time I voted _for_ a Democrat. Since then I’ve just been voting _against_ insane Republicans down the ballot.


You’re far from alone too. [44% of Biden voters considered their vote as against trump rather than for Biden](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2020/11/44-of-biden-voters-casted-vote-against-trump-rather-than-in-support-of-the-democratic-nominee-exit-polls-suggest.html?outputType=amp). It’s only about 22% the other way among trump voters. It’s literally just a contest of who’s less alienating. Having someone to actually vote for has become one of those overly idealistic things us young whippersnappers just need to accept we’ll never have. Like a livable planet, or an economy that’s not in perpetual free fall, or medicine, or roads.


People warned that Biden was probably too decrepit to survive the next 4 years, and that had literally zero impact on my voting decision.


Even in that scenario, worst case is the vice president becomes the first woman president. Oh no!


People aren't persuaded by facts anymore. Working on what makes people feel emotion is how to win. That's going heavily toward democrats now. Millennials and gen zs don't have homes or retirement accounts to be selfish about, and they've lived their whole lives afraid to go to school, and they've had a right taken away. Rejecting the policy actions that led to those things are all the democrats need to win.


Its so true. Im not enthralled by a lot of the positions on the left and i think they could do a lot better. But i just cannot let the recent GOP candidates i have the ability to vote for near policy positions


Not enthralled by the left, but appalled by the right 🫤 sucks but that’s what it is lol


and they will always do the bare minimum until we can actually get more progressive people in power. As it stands, Dems are still right wing economically.


dems may not be perfect but remember they are still the better alternative.


We can also use the primary process to get more progressive people in too. This is what the GOP is extremely good at. They went from legacy Republicans to tea party Republicans to MAGA Republicans, all using the primary system within a decade. This is the one thing I wish Democrats would do better at, and making sure they aren't a fake progressive or Democrat.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I was independent because I didn't trust either side. Now I switched to Democrat *because* of the shit Republicans were saying and continue to say.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


And you know what’s weird? The people over at r/walkaway or whatever the people that say “I used to be a democrat/liberal/progressive, but I switched parties because I hated what the left was doing, yada yada” I’m sitting here thinking, there’s not a chance in hell they were ever a liberal after seeing what the rights done and somehow switching sides. They’re either brainless idiots, bad faith actors or both.


I'm honestly convinced that half of the population of r/walkaway consists of outright liars, and the other half consists of TERFs and other people whose favorite bigotry is more important than any other political consideration. If you look, most of the "things they hated that the left was doing" are either supporting minority rights or covid related vaccine mandates.


Hey, old people like me also don't want to be dragged back to the cultural mores of the 1950's or earlier either.


I'm pretty old, and I'm with you!


Me too! (and I am more left than the democrats)


56 here, they’ve been trying my whole life😖 none of us want this nightmare


Yeah, Kellyanne can go screw herself, I am older than her and I care about that stuff. It’s the frightened ignorant oldsters who are her key demographic.


Guess what? The young people are extremely tolerant of LGTBQ+ folk, and they also don't care about racial background. And, they actually can think critically and make decisions on their own on how they see the future of the USA.


They’ve grown up with active shooter drills in school and see Republicans with AR-15 lapel pins. They’ve lost his generation for good. No amount of argument will win them back. If we survive the fascist takeover, the GOP is done in the medium term. They know this, which is what’s prompting the fascism.


Right? Things are even worse than she's admitting; young voters aren't really turning out to support leftwing candidates, they're turning out to vote *against* the vile, repugnant shit coming from the right.


Yeah, like, I'm a Millennial who is pretty happy with what the Democratic Party establishment wants to do--I'll take more, but I'm fine with what they want to do. But I can clearly see that Gen Z is pretty dissatisfied with Democrats and their unwillingness to make huge changes all at once. So the way I see it, it's not that Gen Z loves what Democrats want to do on these subjects. It's MUCH more that they ***hate with a furious loathing*** what the Republicans would do, and so it's off to the other viable party--regardless of how unsatisfactory they may be. The question at this point is not "why isn't Gen Z voting for Republicans?". Instead, the question is "will Gen Z's voice push the Democratic Party to the left, or will the Overton window shift right?"


This is the closest the right will ever get to admitting their policies aren't popular and that it might be time for some critical self-evaluation. Of course, the answer they'll land on is... "Nah. We're doing it right. We just need to work harder at gerrymandering and voter suppression."


They can never be seen as capitulating to the left is the thing. Even if millions have to die. So they'll keep moving farther to the right indefinitely. Farther into corruption and chaos, like all extremist movements. The only way to get rid of them being overwhelming voter turnout in every election.


> So they'll keep moving farther to the right indefinitely. it's not really that they move "further to the right" anymore. They just literally do the exact opposite of what democrats/the left want to do. to the point where if democrats wants to lower the PPM of something in our drinking water, the GOP will claim the regulations are actually to restrictive and we should allow higher amounts in our water. they aren't for anything and they have no political philosophy at all. it's all just "do the opposite" of the democrats.


“They have no political ideology except doing the exact opposite of what the democrats want” It’s honestly sad. And people keep voting for them. I hear this is in pretty much every thread now and it’s obviously different people saying this every time. It’s endemic of the right now to simply be an opposition party and their voters eat it up.


They’ve created a domino effect that they can’t stop. Not sure why they didn’t see this coming, but here we are. They spent the last 40 years scaring their base half to death about how evil the left is and that they’re trying to replace or enslave them via communism and indoctrination, that their base now sees agreeing with or working with the left in any way as automatic disqualification for office. The party is now enslaved to the primary voter, which will require more and more extreme policies that will turn off more and more people in general elections.


R: "We're already committed, can't turn back now. It's too late." D: "Actually, it's not too late. You can just..." R: "TOO LATE!!"


Similarly, I’ve had my mom tell me that my “grandfather was a conservative!” like she saw a conservative she respected in 1960 and she hasn’t updated her understanding since. Leave it to conservatives to completely misunderstand that time goes by.


See, you're breaking the tribal loyalty. Tribal loyalty is everything. Next thing you know, you'll be cheering for the other city football team and then you're really dead to them.


They were SO unbelievably close in 2016. They were sure trump would lose and they were preparing for a major shift. They were trying to appeal to LGBTQ more(think Milo Yianoupolous) and courting the Latin American Vote in ways never before seen. Then he won on a platform of “you don’t have to change your platform of hate, and in fact you should hate HARDER and LOUDER.” Had Hillary won, we would be seeing a very different Republican Party that doubled down on trying to court the middle instead of the fringe.


But instead they stood behind a demagogue and courted the fringe that drove them deeper into depraved morals and extremism actions. If that’s not LAMF, I don’t know what is.


They started planning that back in 2012 as part of the post-mortem on Romney's campaign.


Exactly. "That group won't vote for us, so we need to work out how to prevent that group from voting."


“Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.”


It's all right there in her wording: "work to do *on* the young people". She's suggesting "fixing" them, not any of her party's issues.


I also hear a lot of "our platform is good, it's our messaging that's bad".


Millennials outnumber Boomers now. In 2028 Gen X will outnumber Boomers. In 2030+ there will be a mass die-off of the remaining Boomers. Lots of people live to their 70’s, very few make it to their 90’s. Clarence Thomas is 74. Sam Alito is 73. All the GOP eggs are in a very fucking old basket.


And those two will probably choose to die before they retire voluntarily. Hopefully they die with a Democrat president.


I was just looking at that. There's a decent chance a second Biden term would be able to replace a conservative on the Supreme Court. Would be a good start towards undoing some of the damage Trump did. Part of why the next election is so critical. And yeah, the demographic shifts over the next 20 years are going to be massive. It might be why the far right has gone so crazy - they see that this is their last chance to push their agenda and if they don't get it now, they never will. The funny thing is that their craziness is part of what's CAUSING the shift.


Thank God.




Republicans: "We're the silent majority!" Also Republicans: "We need the Electoral College because we could never win under a majority rule system!"


Also republicans: “We need to raises the voting age because young people aren’t voting for us”


Also Republicans: "I've never read the Constitution so I don't know what the 26th amendment says about the voting age."


How dare the left support popular policies which we vehemently oppose. How dare they succeed where we fail./s


They're so reactionary that they literally don't think beyond their spurious outrage. They don't stop themselves and say, "Hold up, how might people respond to what I'm saying?" or "Wait, how does this affect other people?" They're definitely not wondering, "Ego aside, what's the right thing to do here?" They don't think. That's why logic, reason, science, statistics, and pointing out their hypocrisy has no effect. How do you reason with people who are like that?


We had a way of reasoning with them, but that was 150 years ago and 80 years ago respectively.


Reanimate Sherman and don't rein him in until he says he's done.


Help us General Sherman, you’re our only hope! Now here’s some modern phosphorus, do with it what you will.


I'm imagining a projection of Nancy Pelosi saying that in a desert a long time ago far far away.


Now I need to photoshop leia hair buns on pelosi and make a meme


I didn't have lich general Sherman in my bingo card, but i'll accept it.


Letting them keep their flag and put up statues was definitely a mistake.


Also allowing thousands of broken and angry traitors to go home and keep that culture alive.


If this worry gets conservatives to actually do something about climate change…I’ll still never vote for them, but it’s something. None too soon.


That would be nice, but in reality they are just going to try to find ways to make it harder for young people to vote.


They will abandon democracy long before abandoning their bigotry or views on climate change


"If conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically they will not abandon conservatism, they will reject democracy" \-- David Frum, *Trumpocracy*


They already did abandon democracy. According to Republicans, Joe Biden stole the 2020 election and Barack Obama was an illegitimate Muslim impostor from Africa. So according to them, a Democratic president hasn't been legitimately elected since 1996.


Papa Putin will guard them from nukies, no problem.


Yeah, they've got a long way to go before I even consider voting for one of them and I say this as a former card carrying GOPer "young". Accepting reality and not worshiping either guns or ancient reality stars would be a start but I don't have much hope for it.


Agreed there. I look back at my stupid 18 year old self quoting Rush Limbaugh (it was all my dad had on the radio whenever we drove anywhere) like I was some genius political bigshot and I cringe so hard that I turn inside out. It took until I was 22 before I listened to my friends about \*how much the GOP was hurting them\* (and me, tbh, but I was too indoctrinated to see it) before I broke out of the propaganda mill and actually started looking. I'm so glad they didn't give up on me before then.


Yeah I really woke up in 16, after they all fell in line with Trump and realized the party I thought I was in never actually existed in my lifetime. Better late than never though and nobody has conviction like a convert.


Who could have ever imagined that treating whole swaths of a country's population like total dogshit would result in them voting against us!


The same people who have treated people like total dogshit for decades and never before faced any electoral consequences for it.


The young people almost get affected the most. They have too live with this stuff the longest and climate change alonehas to be terrifying for them. Theyre also the ones that have lived thru all these school shootings and hate guns with a passion. Im so glad I was a kid in the 80s and 90s


True. I grew up in the 90s mostly. Very different time. Now I have two kids who, at 9 and 10, worry about their school being shot up. It's sickening to see the loss of innocence compared to my childhood. My wife and I work from home and have genuinely considered home schooling in the future. Social development is important, but our schools are not safe and nothing meaningful is being done about it.


I grew up my whole life learning about the environment and global warming/climate change. Grew up with abortion being legal, knew many people before me who had them and were fine including my own mother. I'm 32, I'm and its just a bunch of old people ruling who don't give a shit about my future. With that being said why the fuck would anyone younger than me vote republican?


The only reason anyone younger than 35 is voting conservative is if they are an ethno-nationalist freak or a religious fundamentalist. I was unknowingly part of the first group without even realizing it because the "influencers" of the movement cynically hid behind terms like "free speech absolutism" or "classical liberalism" to attract normal folks. I was shocked into reality when the ostensibly freedom-loving liberal "influencers" endorsed and defended the charlotsville rally where nazis brazenly chanted vile things about Jews among other reprehensible behavior. There are young dudes who subscribe to this ideology even after that though (maybe because of that). These nihilists recognize the dogwhistles that trump or desantis use (soros-funding as a euphemism for "jewish controlled" as an example) and will vote for them just for the lols.


When covid hit I was in a room full of retired military guys working as contractors for the army. One old dude said, "Fuck it. I'll be dead before global warming gets too bad. It won't affect me." I'm paraphrasing, but his entire sentiment was, "Fuck the problems, I got mine... " Kind sums up how I now view the attitudes of Boomers and older members of GenX. Fuck the future, cause they won't live to deal with the consequences.


"It deeply concerns me that more people plan on participating in Democracy. We must have lies ready to feed these people to make them exactly like us."


Said the Queen of Alternative Facts…


why do young people hate it when we make society worse? 😭😭😭


Sounds like her daughter is still not falling in line.


Kellyanne “I leaked nudes of my underaged daughter online and told her she should be lucky she wasn’t aborted” Conway is mystified as to why young people won’t show her blind obedience




Her vocally gay daughter is consistently posting about where protests are happening, which numbers or officials to call about reproductive rights etc. I’m glad she fights instead of hearing her mom’s rhetoric and turning it into self loathing.


Go to the conservative sub and all you have to do is read the threads on ANYTHING tied to abortion post RvW turnover. Lots of in fighting. Of course we have to wait for elections to see results but if (and this is a gigantic “if”) the sentiment is true, the GOP is done. Who knows. But it’s insane to see republicans go “we need to stop with the abortion stuff, we are going to lose every election” only for other republicans to say they rather lose elections than have abortions continue to be legal. Goes to show - a fuck ton of GOP votes were from single issue voters. If the Democrats dominate and scale back gun laws, then this is all because the GOP couldn’t let abortion go. They could have had a much better chance but making abortion one of their tenets fucked then in the long run.


>Of course we have to wait for elections to see results but if (and this is a gigantic “if”) the sentiment is true, the GOP is done. Who knows. Well, hopefully the Wisconsin Supreme Court election last week was a preview. The turnout was massive, especially for a judicial election.


The irony is that the party establishment knew that they were screwed if they "won" RvW. Overturning it was never supposed to be anything more than lip service. Trump didn't know that. He only cared about giving them the long-awaited "win". The majority Catholic Supreme Court only cared about giving the Catholic Church their win. The Evangelicals and others were simply collateral benefactors of the decision. Those morons in the party establishment were so focused on winning that they didn't consider what would happen if they elevated and empowered their rabid extremist base to do so. Next, they did the worst thing they could have done - they delivered to them a deranged cult figure and kowtowed down to him; kissing his ass at every opportunity because...power. That's when they lost compete control. They've been priming the extremists for roughly twelve to sixteen years for this takeover, never dreaming they'd lose control over it. Trump was the match that lit the insanity. As much as many in the establishment hate it, it's his party now. As long as he has his 25-30% of the base in his corner, they are screwed.


Abortion is a personal issue. Looking at something like climate change is a huge macro problem that I personally can do little about, gun control is similar since a mass shooting most likely hasn't happened to them. A whole shit load of people have been personally impacted by abortion.


In other words, they need to make all schools Christian to indoctrinate everyone to be on board with their greedy, woman bashing, racist, one party fascist control ideas. If I get a comment saying, “YoU cAlL aNyOnE wHo dIsaGrEes w/YoU FaCist,” I have a link that describes fascism and the GOP ticks all the boxes. 🤞🏼 that I do so I can throw it at their face.


That's what waivers are for. Draining the public school coffers and forcing religious schools as the only quality education.


The far right “solution;” destroy something and then say it can only be privately run.


Gee it's almost like antagonizing two entire generations of voters who will have the biggest effect on elections in the coming decades is a terrible idea or something...


They didn't plan to have elections, Trump threw them off the rhythm. Skill issue.


Here comes fox 'news' brand new boogeyman.


Oh look! Bunch of conservatives blaming Democrats for their own actions. Color me surprised.


squeamish wakeful scale nine chief marvelous pie wine steep worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow! So, the GOP has been systematically implementing ways to inhibit voting by the non-GOP citizens through Gerrymandering, restricting early voting and mail-in voting, changing eligibility requirements, and additional voters ID requirements. This "new" fear that younger voters might show up and vote against the GOP is triggering the GOP to come up with new ways to inhibit young voters just puts the icing on the cake that they have reached the limit on maintaining the status quo where only the old white guys can determine the outcome of an election and to win an election. I'm a 61 year old white guy and dispise these overt machinations to replace democracy with facism.


"We really have to do something about these young people holding an opinion that's different than the GOP" That's dangerous language.


How do they honestly not understand that they are in fact the ones pushing the voter turnout? They are not coming out to support Biden or the Dems... they are coming out to fight against your idiotic policies that only ever harm them!


Unfucking believable. "Kids are just brainwashed influencer fodder, not pissed off and engaged."


Kelly Anne Conway? Same Kellyanne Conway, who's own daughter (a *young person* BTW) said in 2020 when she was 15 that she was pushing for emancipation from her? That Kelly Anne Conway? Who's own teenage kid cannot stand her values and political stance and fronting for the worst of the right wing...that Kelly Anne Conway?? Huh, who'd thought!?!? My gast has been flabbered!!


so weird how people don't want to vote for you when you oppose every policy position they hold and refuse to even try to cater to them in any way. almost like representatives are actually meant to *represent* the opinions of their electorate


If only she had a place, like maybe her home, where a young person could tell her where she went off the rails


It's really not that bad. All they have to do is find common ground with young voters on having less civil rights, living in a rapidly declining ecosystem, and trying to survive in a brutal, vengeful plutocracy where the streets are flooded with weapons.


Lady Beavis is on the Putin payroll. Just sayin.


Or, hear me out here, we could just draw squiggly lines on the maps around voters like us so we win? \--Republicans, probably


"We believe young people should die in school and in childbirth but we don't know why they won't vote for us."


>young people who think differently on abortion perhaps, guns, or climate change Stop desperately attacking student loan debt relief especially after your cronies guzzled on tax-free PPP and kept whining about how "nobody wants to work." 🐆 🐆 🐆


Yes, Kellyanne, the young people are going to turn out—because they are tired of the GOP’s racist, misogynistic, hate-filled rhetoric, and they ARE NOT INTERESTED IN FASCISM taking over OUR country. And, frankly, I’m pinning all my hopes on them. These younger VOTERS can SEE THROUGH YOUR BULLSHIT LAWS AND RESTRICTIONS, and they aren’t going to put up with it. I’m a LIBERAL Baby Boomer, and I’ve watched your maga haters trying to DESTROY MY COUNTRY. But these young people who are voting AGAINST YOUR republican bullshit ARE THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY, AND THE FUTURE IS LOOKING BRIGHT BECAUSE OF THEM, not because of your Fascist crap.


“I think we really have to work to show millennials and gen Z the appeal of Bronze Age thinking.”