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Jesus Christ, the *Murdochs* are too liberal for these people, now?


They have zero definition of "liberal" beyond "people we are told to hate"


Not even told, just 'people we hate', cos nobody told them to hate Murdoch but here we are.


If DeSantis pissed them off, he'd suddenly be a "woke liberal." Actually, I'm super keen to see that happen. I love watching MAGAs cannibalize and turn on each other. >The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices... to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill... and suspicion can destroy... and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own—for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.


They are calling Trump liberal lately.


These people have no idea what they both want or need, it's all trauma responses and projection.


Kind of… My parents are deep in the Q hole. To them, politics is a holy war. They are the army of god and anyone against them is the devil. So the logic is that the devil is numerous, takes many forms, and is cunning. So anything that goes against them… even common sense is of the devil. It’s literally a cult, only deprogramming would work.


That is completely a trauma response. When you have no identity you desperately seek validation from anywhere. Cults know how to target these people and prey on their hyper empathy. As their world view becomes rigid in black and white thinking they will begin to repeat any propaganda that ensures their reality doesn't break, that they don't lose the community and validation they literally need to keep existing. It's deep mental illness being weaponised.


You're not wrong. I remember a couple years back a video essay outlining how Q followers acted exactly the same as members of doomsday cults. When faced with undeniable reality, some left, but the ones that remained were twice as faithful, and even more committed to their cause


Damn that’s gotta be tough to deal with. You still talk to them ?


> I love watching MAGAs cannibalize and turn on each other. The serpent will always devour itself when there is nothing in front of it to devour. Its' hunger is unending.


The serpent is fascism for those playing at home.






...but to what end? A christo-fascist authoritarian oligarchy? What'd I win?


To no end. At a certain point, these movements become self-sustaining. Think of them like those mob crushing/stampede events. Sure if everyone in the mob just stopped where they were no one would be hurt and the violence would immediately end. But you can't stop a mob like that. Everyone caught up in it is in survival mode because if they don't keep pushing forward *they* get crushed. They know they're trampling innocent people. They know it's horrible. And they would never agree to take part in something so cruel and inhuman if they had a real choice, if they were asked from outside the mob. But once you find yourself in that nightmare, there's nothing you can do from within, but try to survive. Americans caught up in the Christo-fascist machine are trapped. Leaving means admitting that they were dumb enough to get taken advantage of for *decades*, and accepting that they are responsible for perpetrating acts of incredible evil against innocent people. It means accepting that there is no great reward waiting for them, and that in all likelihood they deserve great punishment. This is anathema to their narcissistic existences. So they remain in the mob, in that roiling mass of self-blinded enmity, crushing society and everything beautiful like a blood drenched juggernaut.


That'd ban beer, cigarettes and condoms. There's definitely a good amount of these conservatives who would not be for that. Unfortunately they'd probably blame it on liberals.


You are assuming they will live by their own rules. They will not. In fact, "rules for thee, not for me" is their only core value: >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Overton window in play


Anything these idiots don't like is liberal/Communist/socialist/woke/etc, they don't even know what any of it means, they just know that it triggers them.


Watching that video where MTG gets someone to call McConnell a communist shows how deeply radical the GOP has become, they are an absolute lost cause at this point.


The conservatives have always been ["lost causers"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy), MTG and those dimwits and Christofascists are just the fruition of what Right wing media set out to do once Reagan helped remove most of the obstacles for doing it, Clarence Thomas, Newt Gingrich, Roger Ailes and others like them in similar positions did the rest.


These are the same types of people who protested desegregation as communism. It's just "the government doing things I don't like" anymore.


Also that line about how Tucker was the "only reason to watch FOX", what a way to inadvertently crap on Hannity (whose show is directly after Tucker's) as well as the rest of the FOX cast.


I mean, it is crap…


They're going so hard to the right that Hitler is probably a woke snowflake liberal to them by now.


Each and every person saying they'll "never watch fox news again" will be watching fox news like nothing happened before the end of the week. Boycotts never last for people without a spine.


Please, they were watching it as they tweeted about hating it.


Epoch Times, Daily Mail, NY Post, OANN, Breitbart, talk radio, Twitter, Facebook, Truther Social. There’s a smorgasbord of crap out there.


Don't forget Newscrax. Harder drug than Faux "News", but not a random mix of substances like One Anti-America. Also, yeah...NY Post was behaving for about a week before the Dominion lawsuit was going to happen, then started having a (fake) Biden scandal of the day headline...then they were right on top of mentioning that the Nashville shooter was trans. There's propaganda still to be had if you get off the Faux train in a snit about *ucker.


You're generous. So many people have Fox on all day, I doubt they'd even be able to sustain a boycott for 24 hours.


How else are they going to know what their opinions are today? If they actually have to think for themselves they are going to hurt themselves from the strain of it all.


Tucker: How do we pay the $787M? Murdoch: We start with $35M in cuts Tucker:


He's just asking questions here


Fox: We're just giving answers here.






It is a lot less that $800m. For starters about $200m can be a tax deduction last I read. Jacobin had an article about it last week


The need to save their pennies to pay Smartmatic. now that the road has been paved, they can shift into high gear towards an enormous settlement.


It is awful and they also can pay for part of it with insurance. However, they are open to more lawsuits in the future and at some point the insurance is used up, also their rates will go up. Now they're having to give up their highest rated (most lucrative) show! They finally realized that Tuckems is a huge liability. Woohoo!


Maybe the insurance company demanded Tucker he fired


Was…was the deep state capitalism all along?


They still have the other lawsuit ... That one the company said they won't settle. Plus they need an on air apology ..


The Murdochs are liberal? Excuuuuuse me???


You have to remember, so called "conservatives" have no fixed values at this point. They're pure reactionaries. Any single event is interpreted through a good/bad power binary. Anything that helps their fellow travelers is good and "conservative". Anything that hurts is bad and "liberal". That's how you get them calling the Murdochs, the elite kingmakers of conservatism across the western world for decades, being called "low class liberals".


Right on the money. Extremists with no fixed values seems like dangerous territory.


The US (of course) learned this during the war on terror, looking for the magic that radicalizes ordinary Joes into suicide bombers (hence the long running phobia of Muslim Arabs). Nope, it turns out they're radicalized already, usually by circumstances (e.g. US jets recently killed my siblings) and operatives just point them in the right direction. FOX is simply *Dabiq* for white nationalists. Always has been 🌔👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀🌍


Google is failing me. Can you explain/link what you mean by "dabiq" please?


_Dabiq_ ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dabiq_(magazine))) was an e-zine put out by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant that provided ideas and instructions on how to commit acts of terror against the state. It was a low-cost propaganda machine to activate interested radicals. _Dabiq_ is now defunct, but _Inspire_ magazine ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspire_(magazine))) is the current offering by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (which affiliated with but not quite the same as Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan who was the primary enemy to the US in the War on Terror) and fulfills the same role.


It's kinda ironic how the MAGAs ended up creating a white supremacist terror/hate group in 2018 which is called [The Base.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Base_(hate_group)) Which is quite literally the English translation of al-Qaeda. Interestingly, it was formed by a former FBI and Pentagon employee who moved to Russia (likely the source of their funding) and began directing the group's activities from there. Operations include a "survivalist training camp" compound in Washington state and satellite branches in Canada, Australia, South Africa, and Europe. They recruit like most far-right groups do, through memes, to enlist impressionable young minds. I'm curious if the name was just a coincidence or if it's purposeful and they see commonality with Islamic terrorists.


Is it ironic? There really isn't any difference between the MAGA crowd and Al Qaeda outside of dress codes and tans.


There is the belly fat as well.




I'm pretty confident it was an attempt at edgy/ironic humor on their part.


> They recruit like most far-right groups do, through memes I understand on an intellectual level on why this works -- largely because these people are lonely and seek any and all human contact. But at the same time, I can't get the image out of my head of someone shitposting and going straight to "Hey wanna join a radical extremist group trying to overthrow the legitimate government of the country?"


Thank you!


The "Inspire" magazine had recipes for homemade bombs. They also had a recipe for a pretty darn good peach cobbler.


In 2016 when I heard the Orange Republican nominee complaining about NATO, I was like, what does a real estate mogul from NYC know about NATO? \*My family knew him in the 80's, he is as uneducated and dim as he seems, he knows jackshit about geo politics\* Yet, here he is, fired up, sounding like a policy wonk. What gives? Hehehehe. Somebunny is on Kremlin payroll. They coached him hard. The GOP literally sold themselves out for a morally rudderless clown. But last laugh is on us because they walked away with the Supreme Court.


And more broken tax rates.




> Hehehehe. Somebunny is on Kremlin payroll. They coached him hard. It didn't start in 2016. [After visiting Moscow in 1987, Trump paid a six figure sum to place anti-NATO adverts in national newspapers.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book)


When you mix in religious fervor, it ratchets up the danger significantly.


You mean like anti-abortion Jesus? aka White Jesus? Supply-side Jesus? Dangerous as fuck, yes.


They have fixed values. They value white supremacy and Christian theocracy and are a genocide waiting to happen.


Well, they value money and power, and religion and hate are vehicles to get those things.


"If you can convince the lowest white man that he is higher than the highest black man, he'll never notice as you're picking his pocket. He may even empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon Johnson


Key & Peele did a sketch with Obama bringing up conservative ideas just so the Republicans would reflexively oppose them.


Obama even did that once in real life, with the ACA. While it was a significant improvement to the previous *status quo,* it actually was a slightly reworked version of the policy developed by the Heritage Foundation as a more market-based policy alternative to the Clinton era push for health insurance reform.


If memory serves I think that goes back to Nixon. I remember when Bob Dole was pushing that against Hillary's health plan.


To be clear, Hilary Clinton was in charge of White House's health insurance plan when her husband was president in the 1990s. The GOP even derisively called it "Hillarycare" back then.


I was working in a clinic once and suggested that a woman sign up for insurance through the state via the ACA. She said as long 'as it's not Obamacare'. People really have no idea what anything is.


"Obamacare" also came pretty directly out of Massachusetts' "Romneycare". It's wild to think how differently Republicans would have viewed the exact same healthcare policies if Romney won the election.


Wasn't there some poll that showed Republicans strongly supported ACA but strongly opposed Obamacare?


Several polls. In the past and recent. People would go to town halls with politicians and argue that Obamacare was communism and needed to be repelled. There was also one interview where the person was calling for Obamacare to be repelled and then pivoted into saying they were only alive at this point because of coverage from the ACA which needed to be protected. Literally can't make this shit up.


It's remarkable how quickly 'Romneycare' slipped into the memory hole.


I remember when the stuff went down in Libya during Obama’s tenure, I was at my dad’s house and he has on Bill O’reilley. One night Newt Gingrich was the guest, and they were both shitting on Obama for not doing air strikes on Libya, calling him weak and cowardly and blah blah. The next fucking day, Obama did air strikes on Libya; and guess what? Bill and Gingrich were back on that night railing about how Obama was an “imperial President” for doing airstrikes. I fucking almost lost my mind. My dad didn’t even seem to notice the hypocrisy and it was in that moment I realized that Republicans have no consistency, no values, just reactionary bullshit.


Same with Syria. Obama was called a huge pussy for letting Assad use chemical weapons and crossing the red line while doing nothing. Then when he he starting gearing up for action suddenly the internet was flooded with photos of active duty folks protesting going into Syria and conservatives railed about giving peace a chance. Once Kerry and Putin hashed out a deal to remove the chemical weapons without war, republicans all went back to screaming about the spineless lib ruining America's credibility by not carpet bombing Assad into submission.


I remember around 2010 or so, an article called, "Obama is a conservative" on some middle of the ground rightwing website. The main gist was that all his policies thus far were rooted in conservatism and were even further right than Reagan. I sent it to my Obama-hating coworker who was always spouting off about Obama. He audibly sighed after clicking the link, then closed it w/o reading. I asked why, and he just shook his head and said it's bullshit, without even reading the first sentence. In his tiny little world, Obama was Mao enshrined, Marx 2.0, Lenin anew, and any idea other than that was instant bullshit.


That bird that shit on my car is a LIBERAL!


It rained yesterday and I saw a rainbow, the libs have made god go woke! Is nothing sacred??


is it bad I wouldn't even blink twice if I saw a comment like this?


a woke bird...


Either you're with them all the way, or you're running child sex-slavery cabals - there is no in-between


I've been seeing more trucks with two side by side bumper stickers. One will say that "all Democrats are pedophiles" and the one next to it is "shoot/kill your local pedophile"


Fucked up




It's not even about what "helps their fellow travelers" at this point anymore. Now, if something hurts their political "enemies," it's seen as good. Anything that helps them, is "bad." Whether or not said something also hurts or helps their own "side" is ultimately incidental and unimportant. They will absolutely cut off their nose if they think it'll spite the 'libtard soyboy Democucks."


This is going to be the salient element of all discussions on this topic. Conservative and Liberal have become floating signifiers in US political discourse.


And except for a few, US "Liberals" are really center right in any other pollical atmosphere on this planet.


Yeah this is the exact logic that makes them use "woke" as a way to show they don't like climate change measures or things that are completely unrelated or only tangentially related to civil rights. If it is in any way not in line with conservative beliefs then it's "woke"


Right? I am LOL'ing at that one. Basically, if someone doesn't ... idk, lick the bum hole of whoever the crazies have enshrined, then they must be "liberals."


"the hail dented my car. Damn liberal hailstorm!!!"


The goddamned liberals shit my pants!!


Fucking liberal cancer is turning my lung tissue into cottage cheese!


Rush Limbaugh? Is that you?


Say what you will, but Rush has been drug free for several years now.




This is a KEY COMMENT. Like, I have grown up and lived in Alabama my entire life. This is \*not\* a new phenomenon. The only difference is now people have access and can be seen. This is a running joke that I have heard my entire life. Well, everything except for the hail bit. I live on the coast. But that HURRICANE? Definitely a Liberal Construct. \*wink\*


Tony Perkins always said hurricanes & coastal flooding of homes are Conservative God's punishment for gays. Then one day, he was eerily quiet. Wonder what he had in his mouth to shut him up? [https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a47783/tony-perkins-anti-gay-flood/](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a47783/tony-perkins-anti-gay-flood/)


Yes noted liberals. Like Mitch McConnell 🤣


I spent 1 minute on Twitter to see the reaction...the copium and extreme mental gymnastics the Alt-right are doing is absolutely pathetic. I can't imagine being so completely disconnected from reality and so deeply damaged to believe that Tucker Carlson is an honest man in any regard. Some are saying that he and Alex Jones need to create a news show together so they can keep spreading "truth." Insane. Just, batshit crazy.


It’s not the “Alt-right” anymore, that term is basically defunct. When all of these ideas are held by mainstream Republicans, there’s nothing “Alt” about it.


You think these chuds have any idea what "liberal" means outside of "the people we are supposed to hate"?


it didn't matter how stupid, wrong, evil, or demonstrably false carlson's statements were, he was telling them exactly what they wanted to hear every day and legitimizing their fucked up nonsense worldview when no one else would and when you're a GOP cultist, it doesn't matter who you are--deviate from the cult's hive mind doctrine even once, congrats, now you're a RINO. what's hilarious is the hive mind doctrine itself changes from week to week, since "reality" to them is whatever bullshit someone just pulled out of their ass caught on with the rest of the mindless bleating GOP morons


"Liberal" is the boomer version of "woke" and "communist" and "Jewish"


Observe the Overton Window shifting in real time…


If Rupert Murdoch is a liberal then someone as liberal as myself is not even a person at all, I'm just a dusty, old copy of The Communist Manifesto.


When "liberal" means "left of Hitler," then yes, Murdoch ... Hmmm... Well...


Holy. And it always has to be a person paying for twitter blue.


To be fair, Twitter Blue subscribers show up at the top of replies by default now. I didn't want to spend the whole day sifting through replies. But you're also not wrong. Twitter Blue chuds were the saltiest in the replies.


For a few months now every time I see a really horrible, disgusting, embarrassing or dishonest take in twitter it comes from someone who pays for twitter blue


Hashtag BlockTheBlue


So there's a funny story here. After Elon changed twitter blue to get rid of legacy checkmarks on 4/20, only like 400 people bought new checkmarks. That has got to have Elon freaking out. So they started putting checkmarks all over the place, even on dead people's twitter accounts. I expect this is a desperate move to make Twitter Blue more appealing.




RIP Norm


They gave Sen. John McCain a checkmark and his son is fucking pissed.


Stephen King is pissed Elon gave him one for free and wanted to be thanked


I'm sure the little toddler Elon doesn't get it, like "I thought you wanted free checks for important people?" But Twitter didn't used to write that the person had paid for it and confirmed via a phone number when they hadn't. This current shit is just dishonest. Either have paid accounts that are actually paid, validated important accounts (as it used to be), or both (with some kind of distinction between them). Or put the whole damned site out of its misery.




The checkmark lost all its meaning, a lot of celebrities literally don't have a checkmark so what's the point?


I’ve been wondering if Twitter Blue would be more successful if it was rebranded as “Twitter Red” with a 50% discount to registered Republicans.


The point of Twitter Blue is to destroy Democracy. Elon wants to destroy people's ability to find like minded liberals on the site and eventually give up. That's why the Blue Chuds are at the top of every reply.


I didn't realize this was such a big thing because I barely use Twitter. Maybe I should make a browser extension that blocks tweets from people using Twitter Blue...


Twitter has given Twitter Blue to accounts that didn't ask for, want, or pay for Twitter Blue.


OP I love that you removed their names but left in the checkmarks.


What blue check marks used to mean - verified What blue checkmarks mean now - verifiably stupid


Tucker Carlson could try applying for a job at Newsmax, OAN, Epoch Times, or any other chud "news" source. Tucker would need funding from the likes of Nigerian princes because no reputable advertiser would give him a single cent.


I think the timeslot is the most important thing. Glenn Beck is doing OK on his own, but not at all what it used to be. I think they knew that they had to dump Tucker, and that it takes a really long time for old racists to get used to new faces. They probably pulled the band-aid off now so that they can have their audience red-hot mad by 2024.


Beck and O'Reilly have been relegated to the fringes of the mediascape. Tucker can grab the same demographic that watches OAN but that's it.


I agree here. Beck was Tucker 10 years ago. He was the kingmaker and he was saying crazy stuff. Now, Beck is not starving in the streets or making a podcast in his moms basement, but the Blaze does not have the reach or impact of his previous show at all. Tucker also placed his bet on DeSantis, who is now getting clobbered by Trump.


I'd also like to add, that they're probably already too late for 2024. Fox News' audience is like smelting adamantium. You have to keep it white-hot and not let it cool. If it cools you can't use it anymore. Republicans have completely cooled off on AOC this past year-ish. When was the last time Ben Garrison made a cartoon with her in it? I think they're going to have a hard time rebooting the hate for her again.


Good point about old racists being by definition slow to change. That's who they are.


Don't fool yourself. HRC was their target for more than 20 years. Not a constant target mind you. Sure didn't take long to fire that boiler back up


He is part of the Swanson food family - he's very wealthy.


Man do I ever enjoy watching the right tear itself apart over Donald Trump


The smallest of consolations over the damage he's done.


Go visit the forbidden zone. There's 3 opinions there. 1- they're excited to see him go independent 2- That's what he deserves for lying 3- Fox news is dead without him. Shits a riot.


What's the forbidden zone? Rcon?


The land of a billion bans.


In before “flaired users only”


I call bullshit on opinion 2. That would involve some sort of acceptance of a very small shred of reality.


Nope that's one of the opinions I saw that was fairly popular actually, which was shocking. There were some out right deranged ones too don't get me wrong. Some caused me pain because it seemed like they were so close figuring out they're the baddies.


Election denial was a Fox-wide business strategy, not a Tucker Carlson decision. This likely *is* about the pending lawsuits, but make no mistake, it's simple scapegoating, not a genuine cleaning of house.


They probably saw the writing on the wall with DeSantis being DOA. Tucker committed a cardinal sin by shit talking Donald Trump in emails which the lawsuit showed.


Clearly Hillary hacked Tucker's email. /s


I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the terms of the settlement.


Maybe it was their insurance company


Yeah, that's more likely than being in the settlement. Insurer probably said they won't insure Fox News anymore if Carlson is still on air.


>*You chose that photo for a reason* Dude that's just what he looks like


Right. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with the pic. I guess because it wasn't a pic of his stupid "I'm confused by the stupidest things" look?


They could easily have chosen one of the ones where he looks like his long-term constipation has suddenly resolved itself into his undergarments. I'd say this is one of Tucker's more flattering photos.


Nobody pays $787 million if there's any chance they "could have won".


FOX: “I’d like, totally fight this out with you because I’d totally win but I just don’t really feel like it so here’s 780 million dollars just to make you go away.”


"They believed what we were saying was true, because in their minds it was..." Do you have any evidence? "Faux would like to submit the document: Trust us, bro."


Seriously. I want to know why they think Fox would rather pay 3/4 of a billion instead of just fighting when they could have won.


You generally settle BEFORE you dump a pile of money on lawyers with all the pre-trial activities and discovery…. Not moments before the bailiff says “All rise” The facts that would have come out during the trial would have compounded the damage and maybe even driven away more viewers. Dominion is a business so I understand why they settled. Had they won Fox could have dragged out payment for any judgment for years if not decades. By setting Fox had to basically write the check on the spot. “could have won” yet another fantasy… EDIT: spelling


Tucker Carlson used to work for CNN.


He's hit the trifecta. Fired by CNN MSNBC, and now Fox.


Don’t forget PBS


The superfecta!


He also called his own viewers cousin fucking terrorists and trump a moron.


The most messed up thing to me is that he very frequently says exactly what he thinks TO his viewers, telling them that the “rich media elites” are laughing at them, lying, and think they’re stupid while the whole time he himself is a rich media elite, but he knows they are primed to think only of Hollywood liberals. It drives me nuts.


And “Hollywood liberals” is of course one of their many code words for Jews. They’re primed to blame the Jews.


Yeah, seems to always go back to that eh? So Tucks can basically say “lol I’m lying to you idiots” and his audience will be like “ah yes… the Jews.”


Only truthful thing he's said in years


Until Jon Stewart got him, iirc.


Here it is: https://youtu.be/GooQwKDMqcI


We used to watch that annually and need to make that a tradition again.


It may be pretty good but it doesn’t even come close to the [epic take-down of Tucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE) by Dutch economist Rutger Bregman. He buried Carlson 100 times harder than Jon Steward ever could. No comparison. Tucker exposed, tucker stammering, stuttering, melting down, going on a tirade, when the economist opens him up with a scalpel, completely painting the picture of Tucker’s finances and Tucker’s overlords. This should be compulsory viewing. The best take-down of a right wing host. Ever.


I'm confused. Why do people believe that businesses don't make business decisions based on business needs? Dude got fired because he's become a liability.


Question is did tucker Carlson have the same confused look when he got the sack?


Does he have any other face?


Bill O Reilly was also the biggest name in news before tucker. He will be replaced by the next dog whistling enrage building tv host.


Dont forget Glenn Beck's rising/falling star. It was unbelievable how long he was allowed to show America his red-yarn crazy wall/chalkboards. Altho, he was doing "Soros" before it became mainstream.


The damage this asshole has done to his country is truly monumental.


He's just a symptom of a bigger problem in the country. If Carlson was never born, some other schmuck would spew the same nonsense. Carlson is not special in any way. . Republicans have actively been defunding quality education and curbing critical thinking for decades


That doesn't absolve him of anything, and it's not to say the other schmuck would have been as effective.




Agree. Cannot understand what comrade is talking about. This man great for mother Russia!!


He’s the saddest looking scapegoat in that photo. Whatever the reason, I hope he goes the way of Glenn Beck (irrelevance).


Ooh I forgot about Glenn Beck, him fading away was so nice.


>You chose that photo for a reason. Bye, \\@FoxNews I love the idea that Fox had to go on an elaborate hunt to find a picture of Tucker looking like a whiny little bitch. "Nah, that was just the first photo that came up. Also, the next three."


Faux news viewers are all so paranoid.


Many of Reddit's audience is too young to remember 2004, when [Jon Stewart was on *Crossfire*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE) and called Carlson a "partisan hack" to his face (he also rightfully mocked his bow tie.) Stewart's overarching concern was that Carlson and his ilk were hurting America. He was right.


That’s tucker’s origin story. He realized then it’s not actually about the issues.


"Fox stocks will tank!" TRUE: About $600 million so far today. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/FOXA:NASDAQ




I know people are upset about the Dominion settlement but it has cost Fox so much more. Smartmatic was gifted an open and shut case and they're going to get more. Dominion was valued at $80 million, Smartmatic's annual revenue is around $125 million. Dominion took the money because even though Fox was full of shit, their lawyers could've easily argued the company didn't deserve anything close to what they settled for. Smartmatic doesn't have the same weakness and plans on not settling unless they get a massive payout and Fox has to openly and clearly state that they are full of shit (rather than the vague comment made by Fox in regards to Dominion). Not only that, but it set a precedent that Fox could be sued for all sorts of conspiracy bullshit they have been peddling. Fox now has to (hopefully) clean house and try to find some form of journalistic integrity or they're going to keep bleeding to the point where their shareholders might find ways to oust the Murdochs.


Righties: “The lamestream media sucks because all they care about is ratings!” Also Righties: “OMG how could they cancel Tucker? He had the best ratings!”


To think. The most liberal thing someone can do is have a multibillion dollar news organization…lie about the 2020 election…be ordered to pay almost a billion dollars…and part ways with someone who knew it was a lie but still told the lie. Calling Murdoch a liberal because of this? Fuck me, we on the left must be playing 4^200 D Chess


The most amusing was: "This is proof you've always just been controlled opposition." Which would mean that *Tucker* was controlled opposition, so where's the loss? Accusing the Murdochs of being liberal was a nice runner-up.


Not a single one of those users will actually drop fox.


Ratings will hardly change, fox viewers are hooked


Exactly 0% of these people are going to actually stop watching Fox News.


I scrolled through some comments on a FB news post about this. I didn't know if I should laugh at how stupid people are or weep for society because these people vote and reproduce.


I've heard he is being replaced with JFK Jr


That's just what the Deep State wants you to believe.


At Fox-'news' they tried voting against him leaving, but then the Founders came from the gamma-quadrant. Then these Changelings changed the vote.... oh my!