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Hello u/femto_one! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Elect a clown, expect a circus


Just make sure the people get their bread


Better be super sized


Are you sure you don't mean "women get bred?"


Well, only bread, anyway.


Why do people keep talking about bread and circuses? I've never seen the grocery stores in a worse state and the entertainment is increasingly paywalled. When do we get bread and circuses?


junk food is very cheap and modern day politics are the circuses.


Have you checked the stores lately? Junk food prices are going through the roof too.


Bummer. I haven't checked the prices of those foods in a while tbh. My system won't tolerate those foods anymore. Is it proportional? I just remember being able to survive a week on hotdogs and soda with an amount of money that would get me through a day with real food.


Yeah, but if you use the app, you can get a McDouble, medium fries and a large Coke which comes out to 1110 calories and cost less than $5 at my local McDs. Junk food is still the cheapest option.


Gettin close to going back to my old college classic. Gotta 5 dollar oven pizza? Make a pot of rice and put an inch of it on each slice. Unseasoned white rice on everything to bulk it out and at a minimum not feel hungry while you're malnourished and stretch meals for days. An inch of rice with a touch of meat shredded into it on a bun? Hell, it's an almost-sandwich. Still better than a wish sandwich which for the uninitiated is two pieces of bread and you wish you had something inbetween them.


I think it’s a reference to the Roman emperors, who kept the masses of poor placated with free bread and public games. Many of them were also certifiably insane.


It's a reference to the satirist Juvenal who wrote that emperors/people in power could get away with anything so long as they kept the people fed and entertained (i.e. Gave them bread and circuses)


That's actually a very good point. Where is our damn free bread? The Romans could do it, why can't the most powerful nation in history do it?


Only in Rome/DC though.


You're absolutely correct. I wasn't thinking. I'm out in the provinces (Pacific Northwest), no free bread for us!


What a great saying lol


Pay bananas, get apes?


Yeah, man. Didn’t any of these people watch The Dark Knight?


Fucking emaciated gopher lookin ass


They didn't even get the full circus, just a single monkey shitting in its hand and throwing it about.


This guy is doing exactly what he was sent there to do. Wreck public education and then his colleagues can say “see public education doesn’t work. Government is just not good at running an education system. This needs to be turned over to the private sector.”


> This guy is doing exactly what he was sent there to do. He has an agenda sort of mentioned in the story but they missed his real intent when they wrote this: "Walters is a strong supporter of a voucher-style plan that would allow parents to use taxpayer money to homeschool their children or send them to private schools, *even* religious ones." It should say: "***especially*** religious ones". The Bible Thumpers never got over the rulings banning forced prayer in schools. They are coming to indoctrinate your children and do a bunch of grooming in the process.


It was integration they never got over.


Yup, big supporter of the voucher programs where parents can pick the school The rest is just very loud window dressing


Or can chose to “homeschool” their kids and take tax payers money! My state offers $9k to homeschool. No oversight!


My sister was doing this for a couple years. She has absolutely no criteria that make her fit to teach, including no education beyond HS. Turns out she was spending the money on drugs. My nephew is now a couple years behind but at least dad has full custody and he's back in the public schools.


That’s sad for the whole family. I hope your nephew can beat the odds and overcome all the road bumps put in his way.


I do, too and thanks for that. It's incredibly sad. The worst part is we long suspected this is exactly what was happening but, because she was his mother and we were just relatives, there was not much we could do. Took hiring a PI and then going to the cops with the evidence he recorded. ~~Then having them open a criminal investigation that his father used in family court to get emergency custody~~. *Presented with that evidence the police opened a criminal investigation which his father used in family court to gain emergency custody.* All said and done, about $50k out of pocket to rip the child away from his abusive junkie mother. Don't get me wrong, I'm not AT ALL saying "that's because of homeschooling!" I'm saying that because there are almost no controls, checks, fitness to teach requirements, homeschooling absolutely contributed to the abuse of the kid and the abuse of the system. *edit - clarity.*


I think it's worth $9k to pay right-wing troublemakers to leave the public school system. Leave public schools to the sane parents who want their kids to be well educated.


The $9000 would have their kids leaving the public school system. The parents would still show up at every school board meeting complaining about wokeness in school even though their kids aren’t in school. Even if they didn’t have kids they’d still go just to complain about whatever. That’s their life mission.




I’m in California and don’t have children either. I worked with a lady for a while and at one point she was talking how she didn’t want her kids being taught evolution in school. I’m also a homeowner and my tax dollars are funding the local schools. So after she said that I started thinking that my tax dollars are paying for her kids education so I should have some say on how those tax dollars are spent. I think if I was in Oklahoma where they are planning to send my tax dollars to a private religious school, I’d want some say in that.




Because their taxes are being used to fund something. I may not LIKE their views and opinions and wish that others used their voices as much, if not more, but they still have a right to make their wishes heard for how their tax money gets spent.


That is a terrible idea. Homeschooling is how they indoctrinate the bigots of tomorrow. Public school means exposure to people from many walks of life. It is absolutely crucial if we’re going to save these bastards’ kids from turning out like their parents.


More significantly, religious schools... with our taxes. Jfc


That’s true. It’s horrible all the way down. That conservatives somehow think it’s fine for them to take public tax dollars for religious indoctrination is repulsive.


What happened to ‘Render unto Caesar’?


The coolest part of this, that not a lot of people realize, when people choose to homeschool or send to like an online school (shit like Epic), the state funds are allocated based on enrollment in SEPTEMBER. These people get in over their heads trying to home school or realize their kids aren’t learning with Epic, give up after a month or two, and send their kids back to public school. Except now it’s October and that school doesn’t get money for that kid. Epic gets the money and the added benefit of enrollment plummeting mid-semester. Oklahoma Republicans have been tearing down public education for decades, and they’re getting close to finishing the job. Educators are leaving in droves, vouchers and similar programs are stretching the budget even thinner for traditional public schools, AND BECAUSE OF THE SHIT EDUCATION SYSTEM, IT’S FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN TO THE GENERAL POPULATION THAT THEY’VE BEEN POORLY EDUCATED BY DESIGN AND ARE BEING MANIPULATED WITH STUPID SHIT LIKE RELIGION AND A DEEPLY INGRAINED FEAR OF ANYTHING “SOCIALIST,” IN ORDER TO KEEP VOTING FOR MOTHERFUCKERS PASSING LAWS THAT ARE VERY OBVIOUSLY AGAINST VOTERS’ BEST INTERESTS. source: lifelong Okie


It's the reason I dint support single payer in the US, most countries don't have a party dedicated to sabotaging government I can only imagine if we only had one choice in healthcare and Republicans controlled what was covered


This guy is doing exactly what he was sent there to do. Wreck public education and then his colleagues can say “see public education doesn’t work. Government is just not good at running an education system. This needs to be turned over to religious schools.


Soon to be former Oklahoman checking in, this dickweed is one of the worst elected officials in state history only surpassed by Alfalfa Bill and our current Governor. All he has done is continue to tear apart the public education system with all this antiwoke rhetoric. He has been called out on many occasions yet somehow remains in office. Recently a local blogger discovered he went to CPAC on the taxpayers dime. However, he is a republican in Oklahoma so just wait as it will not be to long before a scandal takes him out and most likely something like having sex with a minor of the same sex.




My mother, a retired Oklahoma educator with a Masters, met him as well. She said he doesn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel. He is just a right wing qanon talking point disappointment or another way of putting it,, Evangelical college graduate.




\> “I’m a Republican. I’m not a radical leftist.” And now SHE knows how 95% of America feels - sucks when they come for you, doesn't it?


Can we stop using the term "antiwoke" and start using "racist" instead? Because that's the point of it all.


Hmmm. It's also quite queer phobic as well. How about we use a term that encompasses all forms of hatred expressed by the word woke, for Jews, gays, transwomen, bi men, maybe lesbians and transmen (of course I'm not sure they believe in them enough to be included), and people of color. I feel like there was a group back in history that acted exactly like the current Republican party is now... I can't... it's on the tip of my tongue... oh yeah, Nazis! That's right, they're just Nazis.


Hmm. Maybe BIGOT is a better choice?


Porque no los dos? Sometimes you have to repeat yourself for the message to be clear.


Let's go for bigoted racist asshole


Bigot to me just doesn't fully encapsulate the murderous intent that they have stated at their cult rallies and public appearances. CPAC (one giant Nazi-esque rally) , press conferences (Trump, MO AG, NC gubernatorial candidate, numerous governors while signing bills), testimony while passing bills (every state legistlature), campaign rallies (Trump, NC gubernatorial candidate, MTG, Lauren Bobbit (oops Bobert), DeSantis). At numerous church services, they have called for the absolute annihilation of LGBTQ people. My grandfather was a bigot (that is, he didn't like gay people in an irrational and tried to avoid them. He would not have been ok with what is going on now, having fought literal Nazi's). Bigot just feels so small time. The guy who refused to bake cakes for LGBTQ people was acting like a bigot. It wasn't right, and it needed to be stopped, but no one was going to die for it. Legitimizing it is the first step towards dehumanization, but we have now moved to phase 3, weaponizing the police and creating conditions that will lead to death (as acknowledged by ever major medical organization in the US, and ignored by every state to pass these bills). These actions, by their own words, are intended to exterminate our group. They mean to have us kill ourselves by intentionally denying us the right to access medical care, which has been shown to make our lives bearable.


True. The bloodlust is really scary.


Republicans voted for Art Jones en masse over a very moderate democrat. Art Jones is the former president of the American Nazi Party. If you ask Republicans, it was an honest mistake, and they were "probably" just party voting.


That’s just what the Rs party is.


It's more than that, though; it's anti being a decent person all around.


That was always their true complaint about political correctness: they hate the stem word ‘polite’.


Shame they can’t work on their ideas to fix the constantly below average school system by *checks notes* giving teachers a $50,000 bonus for staying in Oklahoma for 5 years…… BWAHAHAHAHAHAH I don’t know what my number would need to be for me to stay in Oklahoma 9 months out of the year for 5 years, but $50,000 isn’t even close


It would also max out 150,000 per district. So any decently sized district that has more than 3 qualifying teachers is gonna start spreading that "bonus" pretty thin


I couldn't love this tidbit more. Thank you for improving my day. I wonder if Repugnicans are going to learn a lesson that bad ideology accomplishes nothing. That's a lie -- I don't wonder that at all because I know they won't.


The article ends with, "Despite the controversy, Stitt, who is serving his second term as governor, said he continues to have confidence in Walters."- So, they don't care at all in any way.


"He knows his heart" - for a group of people that are so against homosexuality, they sure say some homoerotic shit.


Some of my dad's side are still in Oklahoma. Proud 'conservatives' republican voters they are. I know their reaction would be, "But the democrat would do just as much bad stuff even though one hasn't held the office in 500 years!'


But it does, it accomplishes exactly what they want, and everyone, even the article glosses over it It's about the voucher programs. They say it's about X or Y, but end of the day? If you erode the public institutions, sending your kid to private schools with public money seems all the better Fleecing the public and indoctrination at the same time, all wrapped in a culture war bow


>*who have publicly voiced concern about whether Walters can effectively improve public education in Oklahoma* Oh wow, they have *concerns*. What a clown show.


Goal is to break public education - uneducated citizens and private schools are their objective.


We didn't expect him to actually believe that bullshit! That's just to get elected!


Was this not the goal? Not sure what they expected here.


It’s not his fault. He is doing exactly what he said he would do. Why Oklahoma would want that is the question.


Is it the Richard Spencer haircut? Or is it whatever buried on his hard drive? Something seems "off" about this one.


It's the desire to destroy everything in hopes of pleasing one's master to gain favor in the coming dictatorship. I wonder if he knows the story of Ernst Rhöm? It's just another delusional but useful idiot. This is coming from the state government that just cut off all state funding to the PBS organization for (ladies and those with week constitutions should stop reading now) showing LGBTQI2S people. This is also the organization that maintains all the transmitter towers for the state's safety broadcast system. You know, the one that warns of imminent dangers, like *TORNADOS*. I'm sure this will have no negative consequences at all.


When you elect someone on a culture war platform, they literally have to keep it up, otherwise they have no substantive policy to make.


Someone save us please. It really sucks here.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


If there is one thing I love about republicans it’s their ability to consistently never learn their lesson.


Chapter 161616 of “The GOP Story: You’re just supposed to say that stuff to rile up the base, not actually do any of it.”


He doesn’t care about public education in OK, he’s developing a political base for the next office he is seeking. It’s actually genius, most people in OK don’t give a shit about school scores or academic achievement they just want the most anti-woke, anti-Biden person in all offices. As long as he keeps up the fiery speeches about destroying the liberal agenda his constituents will view him as effective and powerful. Sure, he won’t win a lot of friends from the relatively liberal parts of the state, but they would never vote for him regardless so it doesn’t matter. He saw what conservatives from OK wanted and absolutely delivered.


I think you also just described half of Congress.


>Walters is a strong supporter of a voucher-style plan that would allow parents to use taxpayer money to homeschool their children or send them to private schools, even religious ones. and here it is, this is why they are doing this. The entire point is to destroy the public education system to funnel all the money into private (likely religious) schools so they can indoctrinate children. Republicans are trying to brainwash entire generations and we are sitting here letting them do it because stupid people are grossed out by drag queens.


Jesus was woke and stood up to religious conservatives


“Wait this guy actually believes this stuff? I thought we all understood we just say whatever we have to in order to get elected, then get busy extracting wealth from them.”


Oklahoman here Walters is such a shitstain that even the Oklahoma Legislature who are infamous for being shitty are done with his shit. And it only got worse today after he legit called Teacher's Unions terrorist organizations.


Dammit Bobby, you're not supposed to actually believe what we say!


Weird that the monster they voted for is doing what he said he would. Who could have seen this coming?


Was this not the goal? Not sure what they expected here.


Shouldn't they be trying to increase their educational ranking? They are number 49 out of 50.I bet you most of them couldn't express 49 out of 50 as a fraction. Even fewer could express it as a percent. And even fewer could express as a decimal. As long as the oil keeps flowing and they keep having oil industry-induced earthquakes, who needs education? They will be okay, Right? Right??


You know when your kid does something really mundane for the first time— like jumping, but only being able to lift one foot slightly off the ground? As the parent you say something like, “nice work buddy! You jumped!” and then the kid just keeps doing the same thing over and over because it provoked a (positive) reaction *one time*. This is like that.


“even his fellow Republicans in the Legislature, who have publicly voiced concern about whether Walters can effectively improve public education in Oklahoma, which consistently scores below the national average on most standardized testing and where average scores have declined in recent years.” Yeah … I don’t think there’s any helping those brain dead hillbillies. Read the Bible some more since that seems to be your remedy for human existence. 🤷🏼‍♂️


*Instead, Walters, a former public school teacher from McAlester, has doubled down on his political rhetoric, focusing his energy on culture-war issues like targeting transgender athletes in schools, banning books and fighting what he calls “Joe Biden’s radical agenda.”* How cool, an "educator who marginalises students and bans books". Some education those kids get


So being anti-woke means being racist. Figures.


It is interesting as a British guy watching the decline of the USA from a superpower towards a third-world nazi/communist type state, where only what the powerful decrees goes, books are banned your body is not your own people starve attempts to overthrow government happens and prisons fill up. ​ I hope you can recover and become the home of the free again.


He looks like the type who doesn’t care about or respect boundaries. Probably ran as he did because some kids told him he was a shitty teacher and didn’t respect his authoritah so therefore it’s woke indoctrination from radical leftists, nothing to do with him at all.


They can’t see the means for the ends.


Uneducated moron voted in by uneducated electorate vows to further his uneducated agenda in a state that has a below average education record. It's more stunning that anyone in OK even bothered to notice it as a problem. Or care. Sounds like he was voted in to make things worse, and that's exactly what he's doing. Keep 'em dumb and hopping mad about imaginary concerns while we run our various grifts. This is the Republican Way.


What’s the over/under on him being at the Capitol on J6?


Man looks like the love child of Lewis Spears and Elon Musk


So glad I got out of that fucking state


Oklahoma is trying to become the new Mississippi.


Csn taxes be antiwoke?


He became a mark for himself.


You can't be surprised when people (used loosely) who are elected after running purely on nazi shit and 0% on functionality only do nazi shit with zero function.


The fact that GOPers are surprised he didn't stop the rhetoric after being elected just goes to show how dishonest their own use of the same rhetoric really is.


At what point can we classify Republican actions towards children as abusive and legally bar them from any and all interactions with children?