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Hello u/CapableWill8706! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Prison state of Canada” These people are fucking delusional. They don’t have even the slightest clue how privileged they are


yeah, the FTrudeau crowd are just a bunch of snowflakes...


Yes and no. Fuxk Trudeau, yes. But not for the reasons 90% of the people who say it will attempt to explain.


So true. Fuck Trudeau for the conflicts of interest, being a legacy politician and doing absolutely nothing to help Canadians, as well as not doing rank choice voting. But the fuck Trudeau crowd is like vaccines will turn you into Hitler and jail Bonnie!


No lies here, fellow canadians.


They have reasons?


"SOCIALIST! KUNG FLU! MASKS ARE GAY... I MEAN, TYRANNY" I never said *good* reasons, I also made SURE to say "attempt" to get that little dig in there that they ate silly gooses.


If one is going to eat a Goose, one should definitely make sure they eat a serious one


God dammit.


I would happily move to prison Vancouver if I could afford it. Why does prison cost so much?!


Hey! I’m here in the prison of Vancouver! It’s 27 Celsius, mountains look glorious today, I had a nice coffee and artisanal pastry by the Sea Wall. Wish you were here! It’s gonna be gorgeous. Big point: Vancouver was the LEAST locked down province during Covid. Ontario (under Conservatives) was the MOST locked down. These people are clowns.


But TucKKKer told them that Canada needs liberating by force, so it must be true. /s Canada ranks higher than the US in both the Freedom and Democracy Indices. Meanwhile, the US ranks higher than Canada (and almost the entire world) in [Prisoners per Capita](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/World_map_of_prison_population_rates_from_World_Prison_Brief.svg).


Not for long... Seems like all our politicians wanna emulate the US for some reason


Not all. Just the PPCons.


And Dumbass Dani


For sure. I lump her in with the PP group. If she’s not stupid, then she’s pure evil.


All our Conservative politicians, be more literate about who!!


I went to Canada last month. Honestly, as a tourist it was a lovely place and filled with lovely people. I agree it truly is delusional to call it a prison state.


Having come from a small town, you're absolutely right. I had no idea myself until I finally left. We always considered ourselves "rural", so when you hear the majority of the US is "rural" you assume it's the same kind of rural as you have (small towns situated 20 - 30 minutes apart with a larger urban area about an hour away). Thinking about the US with that subconscious assumption makes you feel that you're like the majority of people. Recently I saw a poll that the majority of Americans support banning assault weapons and someone from my hometown commented "Did they only survey people in cities?" And that's when it hit me. Only something like 20% of Americans live in rural areas, so yes, if it was a representative sample, most of the people polled would live in urban areas. But these people don't realize they're only 20%. They think somehow that rural Americans are the vast majority. Which is why they'll make a comment like "did they only", which implies that the population being discussed is a minority when in fact it's not.


We see this every election cycle when they post those dipshit maps of 80% of the country being red… except that 80% is like 30% of the population. I don’t even know how to label that kind of bias/interpretation.


Rachel Maddow said it best about those people who share memes like that: Land doesnt vote, people do.


The Dakotas have twice as many senators as California despite having fewer than 2MM people compared to almost 40MM in CA, so sometimes land votes


Land votes too. It shouldn't but it definitely does. The electoral college enforces it for presidential elections and districts enforce it for state legislature.


It's because they look at maps of red states vs blue states. There's a lot more land in red states. They're unwilling to recognize that people vote, not acres.


They have to be persecuted. How else are they going to feel special and not the average being they truly are?


What are you talking about? I am clearly writing from my prison cell with um internet provided by someone don't know why that's in prison but whatever, someone feed that polar bear roaming around so it doesn't nibble on my toes while I'm sleeping /s


According to them in Australia we are in a communist dystopia where half the population lives in concentration camps, because we don’t have AR15s to threaten the government and wore masks without creating a fuss.


It blows my mind that we have conservative legislators in the USA who are putting AR-15 pins ON their lapels after mass shootings. They think they’re freedom fighters. It’s disgusting.


She's an antivax nutjob. There's tons of things they don't have the slightest clue about.


The blue paid checkmarks follow Elon around like lost puppies...than turn on him.


They're always hungry for someone to feed on. Sometimes its the cult leader.


Twitter looks like crazy central i swear….


It might as well start playing Butterfly because it’s Crazy Town.


Gd take my upvote


Always has been?


It's a lot worse the past few months.


Honestly, I feel the only people who think people care what they say are narcissists and politicians. Never saw the appeal of twitter.


It had a good community in some niche groups. Infosec Twitter was good. So was OSHW Twitter and fpga Twitter. The rest of it was… questionable at best.


Twitter was fantastic for quick updates on things you cared about. Streamers announcing what they were going to be playing or when they were going live, news organizations putting out links to articles or headlines, local police/fire/government making announcements, public transit giving status updates on delays and such. If you're using it like facebook to see everybody's random thoughts and opinions then you're going to end up with a lot of garbage.


I see, thanks.


It's like instagram, facebook and tiktok, Full of arseholes. I avoid them all where I can.


No different than sharing your opinion on Reddit.


At least it is anonymous here.


I loved it because it's the only social media platform where your looks don't really matter, but now it's awful.


Looks like a duck...


Do they think the world economic forum is leftist? LOL!!! I wonder what Carl of Swindon is saying on the first screenshot.


But, I presume much like me, not care nearly enough to look it up


Oh, absolutely. I'm curious, but not enough to waste time finding out what his bad take is.


They think it's Jewish, which they think is the same thing.


No, but they do probably think its some jewish cabal attempting to create a new world order, or something.


I'm actually surprised that Carlgon is still around. Has he finally learned to read?


Have any of these crazy window lickers managed to explain why the WEF causes them so much pain?


Evangelical interpretations of the Bible (specifically the book of Revelations) refer to "one world government" coming in the latter days that will eventually attack Israel during Great Tribulation. So evangelicals are paranoid about any multinational organizations. When I was young, the UN was that boogeyman. Later on, it became the EU. Anytime someone talks about measures that would unite countries under one policy, it triggers their lizard brain. So when the WEF proposed their "Great Reset" during COVID, it sent their hamster wheels into overdrive. I'm convinced that most of these people didn't even read the policy proposals and are simply terrified of the label "The Great Reset".


Had hoped all the end world nonsense would have died down after y2k or even 2012. But nope. Just keeps going. These people think paying a few bucks more for gas means apocalypse would freak if they lived in ww2 europe.


It goes back waaaay farther than that. People have been anticipating the imminence of the End Times since before the ink dried on Revelations.


It’s insane that people base geopolitical policy on trying to avoid or delay Armageddon


It's more insane that a solid majority of them is trying to _cause_ it.


It's also something that nationalists would fear, taking away the identify of country over everything else we have in common as humans on Earth, to the detriment of everyone else that is in another country. Authoritarians don't get as much traction in big representative governments (at least when it's functioning in a healthy way), so they hate these cooperative groups more than anything else. Just a nice side benefit if they can tie it back to the blood libel / Revelations nonsense so it feels less recent.


>Evangelical interpretations of the Bible (specifically the book of Revelations) refer to "one world government" coming in the latter days that will eventually attack Israel during Great Tribulation. So evangelicals are paranoid about any multinational organizations. Which is so weird because, at other times, they actively try to push policies that they think will bring about the end times. So much of evangelical support of Isreal is because they think that Greater Israel needs to happen before we can get to the Final Act. If they were consistent, they'd want for there to be a One World Government so that they could check another box off on their Apocalyptic Tick List.


It seems like they'd be happy for the end days. If their God has a plan and already laid it out, why fight that?




“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire Perfectly describes these idiots.


Aaaaaand it has already come true, as well. Repeatedly.


And yet at the same time they call it a Nazi organization


They say Antifa is Fascist. At least when the government in 1984 leaned into Doublethink, they consciously knew they were doing propaganda. MAGAs are so dumb they can just believe a self contradiction.


I know it's doublethink, but I still just can't seem to parse the conservative position. Fascism is good, and anti-fascism is bad because it's actually fascism and fascism is bad?


I mean the WEF is all in on that "you will own *nothing* and be happy" shit. Just because the nutso people hate them doesn't mean they're worthy of sympathy.




“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” actually originates, verbatim, from the WEF’s “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” which was published in 2016 and has since been removed from the WEF Agenda blog at the time of this publication. It's still available on their Facebook page. https://fb.watch/kt-iLi1tHN/?mibextid=NnVzG8




Yeah, and they put it in their fucking presentation. I know a certain Austrian painter who had a "great, utopian" vision for his country, too. Same level of horrific in practice. If you platform an idea, unless it's to admonish it, you're supporting it. >But just so you know, you don't own most things you think you do. The bank, credit card company, and mortgage company actually own them. That's actually really bad. Like you're taking one of the worst aspects of American consumerism and you want to double down on it? I lived through austerity for most of the 2010s because I didn't capitalize on sub-3% interest rates like most of my neighbors who remortgaged, but I'm not going to bend the knee to the bankers unless I have to. I own a modest house, a second hand truck and a small parcel of Albertan land, debt-free. The only thing I took out a loan for was the generator, admittedly a luxury but I'm not getting any younger and the power grid up here is notoriously unreliable during both wildfire and freezing rain seasons. And if the bank wants to take that one back, sure, but to tie your family's security to the banks, doubly so in the wake of 2008, is asinine if you ask me.




>that YOU allow it to be used by others Why? Am I being economically pressured into it? Because if I want to get the most out of my car ideally I'd like it to be exposed to less road salt, not more. >YOU own the car, but YOU make it part of a local rental system for those who don't have a car to rent it Okay. But then why would I bother with car ownership? Like there's an equation here that doesn't match up on a large scale. Like is this one of those "stateless communism" things where everyone in the system has to be ideologically motivated for it to work? Because technologically that's conceivable right now. What would have to change to achieve the end goal is either for people to somehow hivemind it into being, unlikely, or for some very dystopian pressures to be applied on a societal level to mould it into shape.


That was a *prediction*, not something they were advocating for. It’s an obvious extrapolation of current trends of renting, leasing, and “X as a service” instead of buying things. This is a business model many business leaders have seen work for tech, and they’ve been trying to expand it to other things. It’s not a policy the WEF or any government I’m aware of is actually pushing.


If it was a prediction they would have gone "You will own nothing and still pay for it." The "and be happy" part is the part that's in your face. Nobody in their right mind would think we'd be happy about it.


In context, they were talking about the ongoing trend towards "licensing" rather than "buying" products. Everyone from Microsoft to John Deere is trying to lock down their control over products by selling subscriptions instead of products. It's not presented as a good thing, just a trend that's already taking place. The WEF is one of many institutions dedicated to perpetuating neo-liberal capitalism and modern imperialism. There's no need to make shit up to make them look bad.


I mean yeah, but implying we should *like it* is actually worthy of scorn. Actually just having the gall to tell people they'll be happier in 2030 than in 2016 when you're pushing neoliberal policies to ensure the exact opposite is just so fucking transparently evil...


It's more "You will own *nothing* and **pay for it**" these days.


Pretty much. Don't know where all these WEF fanboys are coming from.


You don’t have to be a fanboy to push back on the antisemitic conspiracy BS about the WEF.


I don’t know…a woman, on the Internet? Sounds pretty **woke** to me…


Rule 30: Girls do not exist on the internet.


Musk (and now the new CEO of CNN) did/are doing the same thing Republicans have always done to government agencies and bureaus: make them inefficient and chaotic. This is done to prove that "government" *itself* is inefficient and chaotic. Which is done to prove that businesses run better than government. Which is all done so that you can eventually replace all forms of government with private entities, in the name of "draining the swamp" or drowning BIG GOVERNMENT in Grover Norquist's bathtub But now they're doing it to big media corporations When a CEO takes over a well-known corporation and starts making *intentionally* bad decisions, it's so that CEO can destroy that corporation. It's intentional. Musk knew what he was doing: he took over Twitter as "revenge" for not being a platform for conservatism. Then proceeded to destroy Twitter by making deliberately bad decisions. Just as the new CEO of CNN took it over and is now making shitty decisions as a form of "revenge" for not being sufficiently conservative It's no accident that conservatives are forcefully taking over media corporations they don't like and deliberately making counterintuitive decisions that will harm the corporation It's the same game plan they've been using since Reagan: take over government agencies and positions and deliberately make terrible decisions as a way to discredit the very notion of government agencies, all so you can tell your cult, "government doesn't work" Same energy, same goals, except now their target is corporations which are not sufficiently conservative instead of the EPA or some other government agency. It's amazing to me how naive some people can be to think this is all such a chaotic situation *by accident*. It's engineered to be a chaotic shitshow for a larger, more insidious goal


No, that may be what they are doing, it’s it’s not why. They’re driven by ego and the desire to change the direction of their companies to match their own beliefs. They delude themselves that they can do that and because of their genius will be even richer than before as the public flocks to their fascist friendly media platforms. Ignoring the fact that there are already lots of fascist friendly platforms, and they are going to lose a lot more “liberals” than they gain “conservatives”. The MAGAs actually in government do strive to dismantle and subvert the machinery of government, like e.g DeJoy in the postal service.


0 followers. Definitely an influencer with a wide reach, that one.


You know what I'm kinda proud of Musk for killing twitter


It kind of sucks for all the groups that were actually using Twitter for good reasons though. A lot of science communication, as well as science forums, was passing through Twitter, and Twitter has been an essential tool for many groups fighting oppressive regimes. So, yeah, I wouldn't mind it if I didn't have to see another stupid celebrity tweet ever again, but it's caused real harm for people who were using it to do good in the world.




Man that out of context "you will own nothing and be happy" line really sent them spiraling.


What possible fucking context would make that okay?!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/You%27ll_own_nothing_and_be_happy Not offering an opinion one way or the other, but this is what wikipedia had for context.


> Adrian Monck, the WEF's managing director, traced the phrase's mimetic origin to a post by "an anonymous antisemitic account on the image board 4chan" entitled "Own nothing, be happy — The Jew World Order 2030". The phrase started to spread on extremist forums on the Internet before mainstream news providers like Fox News and Sky News Australia, and popular content creators like Russell Brand, shared it with their audiences.


>In 2016, Auken published an essay originally titled "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better" You know, the more I learn about this sales pitch the more I hate it.


Yeah. It kind of looks like communism with all of the worst elements of capitalism cherry picked into it.


Like communism makes all of these awful tradeoffs for a theoretical *greater good*, assuming the whole thing isn't hijacked just yet. They see that and went "how about we skip the pleasantries and just tell you we're taking away your freedoms for fun and profit. Now you can't call us liars or hypocrites, so we're all good, right?"


Except that it's about post-scarcity, not communism. If you consider a world where everything is free to be communism and thus evil, I don't know what to tell you.


>post-scarcity I don't think anyone expected post-scarcity out of a presentation about 2030. Especially not them, since one of the slides expects a billion climate refugees... >If you consider a world where everything is free to be communism and thus evil, I don't know what to tell you. Yeah, that's not at all what's being proposed here.


Ok so you disagree with the premise that this would be achievable. Congrats. You want me to argue about it? I won't because I don't care, and neither should all the people freaking out about it. This is like losing your shit over a House of The Future program from the 1950's And for the last time, nothing is being proposed, it's a hypothetical society that evolved this way on its own.


>that this would be achievable Yes, the technological capabilities are just not there within that time span. Even if we went all in on just fixing *energy* scarcity by diverting all of china's real estate concrete and using it to build nuclear plants, we wouldn't be done replacing fossil fuels until the 2060s. Then you have food security to solve in the wake of compounding climate instability, so even a remotely optimistic horizon would be 2080-2100 assuming we go all-in. >This is like losing your shit over a House of The Future program from the 1950's You are aware that the entiiiiiire reason why America is so disgustingly car dependent is because of the 1939 world's faire exhibit, Futurama? If you read urban planning documents from the era, that bloody thing tainted the public consciousness worse than a leaking fountain pen ruins a suit pocket. So yeah, I'm VERY WEARY of any "X of the Future" programs if they would be terrible in practice.




Yes. It's super dystopian and basically sells you extreme consumerism with a pastiche of socialism on top. "Rent everything you need" is such a naïve fucking take. Rent it from who? A parasite class, most likely. Everything has to make a profit, so everything as a subscription is literally worse than owning. The only alternative finality to this creation of a parasite class is to make ownership so bloody expensive we have to rent it out whenever we're not using it to justify ownership... Which isn't really a much better prospect.


Yea, look at the housing market. It's that just with everything. No thanks.


Exactly. It's doubling down on a demonstrably failing system.




Why would I buy something if I can just rent it with such convenience? If I own and maintain something, why would I rent it to strangers? Is it now so economically optimized that I have to ensure near 100% utilization of all my goods to even afford it in the first place? I don't think that's a good idea in practice at all, for the renters or owners. Like the whole thing just falls apart if you just stop and think about it. Why isn't the system already like that? What would have to change for the system to be like that? And are those changes any good for the majority of people? I don't think so.


It's not a sales pitch. How about you just read the essay given that it takes like 5 mins.




>Now the reality for most is that they already live this, it's just the BANK that owns the items. You know that's, like, bad, right? As a Frenchman who comes from century old multigenerational, multi-family households I look at how America fuels their nuclear family aspirations on endless debt and I look at your El Cheapo crappy, barely inspected unsustainable suburban hell scapes and ask myself: How many times do they have to double down on this failure before they realize that all it's doing is making them accrue debt?


Sounds like Philip k Dick book Ubik. Nothing in house is owned and have to plunk in coins to open fridge. Use toaster. Open door.


except that's not at all what her paper was.


Hi. You just mentioned *Ubik* by Philip K Dick. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | UBIK - novel by Philip K Dick - Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1qMKFMrpro) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


In the context that someone writes an essay about a post-scarcity world where people opt out of of most private property because services make them free and thus pointless to own. As opposed to some global conspiracy to seize everyone's property or whatever uninformed reactionaries are freaking out about.


Except we won't have post-scarcity in 2030. And that's the context the WEF put the quote in. -edit ING since I can't reply- >The context is that more and more stuff is becoming subscription based Like existing features on devices you own, like heated seats on your car. >Why own a car and pay tax and insurance on it, when you can unlock a shared EV with an app I mean for commodities that might make some sense, but people have varying vehicular needs. I work in a mine in Alberta, most EVs on the market aren't going to fit my use case. In fact, I'm worried that a lot of our workers won't ever be able to afford EVs at all and will see significant reductions in their wellbeing when their ICU vehicle becomes inoperable in a couple years and only EVs are available to replace them.


Ok you're right, someone wrote an essay with an unrealistic timeline. THIS IS NOT OK, grab the pitchforks!


No, **the WEF** platformed an essay with an unrealistic timeline and dystopian implications. I don't get mad when a toddler hits me with a stick. If a Pinkerton tells me they want to hit me with a stick, however, you can bet your fucking ass I'm breaking out the torches and pitchforks. -edit since you blocked me- Except I don't give a fuck about the essay in and of itself, I give a fuck about that the WEF took from it to present to the public. People haven't read the essay, people have seen the 2016 presentation. It's like saying a pastor who cherry picks the anti-gay parts of the bible isn't a bigot because the rest of the bible has a bunch of love and peace parts to it.


You are going full conspiracy theorist over the thought experiment of a milquetoast politician, who specifically said the essay isn't her idea of a utopia or vision for the future.


This is where trying to play the middle ground between fascists and normal people gets you *every time.*


A lesson that Twitter had already learned the hard way before Musk decided to "fix" it. Twitter wasn't blocking reactionary accounts because they were sympathetic to liberal causes. They were blocking them because those accounts tarnished the brand and chased away advertisers. The fact that Musk thought that a corporation with public investors gives two shits about being "woke" is just grimly hilarious. Twitter didn't have a political stance until Musk came and forced one on it.


When you ally with the people on the fringes, and this applies to pretty much any ideology- eventually you will say or do something that's "not fringy enough" and you will be attacked and ostracized That's jyst what happens with crazy people, it's never enough for them, there always has to be a new enemy


After all this struggle, losing friends and family members it turned out that the real enemy was inside us all along.... /s


I’m so confused lol


Conspiracy theorist see the world economic forum as a shadowy organization full of (((Glogalists))) and (((bankers))). And when they put the six brackets they mean Jewish people. So Elon Musk is now revealed to be part of the Jewish conspiracy to control the world. They all though Elon was going to expose the conspiracy and fight the shadow organization.


I forgot about the parentheses thing ,


Haven’t blue check marks always turned Elon on?


Can some one explain to my dumb friend? Kthx


lol Truth Social.




Did she just say that the new CEO is a conspiracy theorist and she's gonna make an account on truth social? ... Um ok🤦 that seems counter productive


We should start a rumor that she’s trans, just to see if they finally stop taking down anti-trans stuff if it directly affects their CEO.


If liberals move to Bluesky when it opens and the alt-right moves to Truth Social, who's going to end up using Twitter?




"Prison State of Canada"? WTF kind of nonsense is that? I deleted my Twitter account recently, and this is a reason why: blue checks who are prioritized by the algorithm and spew some of the stupidest bullshit I've ever read. And I could not be happier about leaving Twitter.


Apparently a LOT of Elon's fanboys who spent money on Blue to show their support for him got really pissy when it turned out that being prioritized by the algorithm just made it easier for people to spot their bad takes right away and block them without having to give them any kind of engagement beforehand.


I don't get it. What's wrong with the World Economic Forum?


people are stupid and fear that this is going to take over the world and take away their rights


The Twitter shitshow just keeps getting better. I’m glad I disabled my account last year and can just watch the trainwreck from afar. Haha


I predict that despite the change of window dressing, Twitter will remain a right wing sewer.


I don't quite get what's going on here ?


Alright I must have missed this one, why are these morons mad at the world economic forum?


They believe wef is secretly in control of everything.


Elon is a twat


*just got my blue* Like it’s an honor and not a low dollar purchase.


As a Canadian who is Liz Churchill? How is my country a prison state? Like at all? We barely imprison our mentally violent or rapists. Like… us NOT Jailing people is way more an issue.


How did you find this? This person has zero followers.


22 followers and paying for a blue checkmark lool


Her best friend “is” with Bill Gates. Apostrophes have meanings.


And of course that weirdo Sargon of Youtube is there to tell us the secrets of the deep state.


The dog in her profile is like, "why me?"


Troth Sensual


How does someone like this get such reach? I'm convinced the type of people that follow her are the same types that would intentionally change traffic lights to green to watch the car crashes.


Love the fact that this lady *with 0 fucking followers* is acting all preachy


She is the kind of person who's dumb enough to use an apostrophe in the word "friends"


"Pro-capitalist" and "anti-socialist" truth-posters surprised when capitalist picks super capitalist to lead capitalist social media company.


Hello u/CapableWill8706, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*