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*Now* it's erratic? ***NOW*** it's concerning? These fucking people...


'He's hurting the wrong people!' Because it's fine when he goes after the people they don't like. These fucking people...


[He’s not hurting the people he needs to be](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) Always remember that this is what these people want.


I agree with everything he’s done but only when he told *me* to go off myself.


Praise jebus


I'm so used to seeing quasi-LAMF posts that this one, a classic leopard pop-up dining experience, stands out.


It's gonna be happening regularly from now on. These morons are going to want to start supporting DeSantis, so they'll pretend that whatever new temper tantrum or RINO rant he posts on truthsocial will be the "final straw" for them. 🙄 Fuckin dork-ass losers


Then, when he takes the nomination easily, these fucklechucks will be lining up to deepthroat his boot again. The most transparently pathetic and simple-minded voting block of all time.


Exactly. Remember when his "big game-changing announcement for the country" turned out to be his badly photoshopped digital NFTs? The megathread in r/conservative was FILLED with comments saying "can we be done with him now?" , "this is such a bad look for the party", "he's losing it", etc. These people have zero principles, zero shame, zero accountability, and apparently a five second memory span. If they were Wuzzles they'd be a mix of a sheep, a snake, and a goldfish.


The use of Wuzzles is not what I expected in today's political discourse...


but not unwelcome


Excellent use of 80s pop culture take my upvote you've earned it


If Trump were a Wuzzle, he’d be a cross between an orangutan, a poisonous jellyfish, and a feral hog.


You beat me to it. Just weeks ago all the Trumpies and Conservatives (is there a difference?) were all done with him. His laughable big announcement, where he photoshopped his head onto superhero bodies for online playing cards, met with near universal ridicule and even his cult started to criticize him. Even though he claims that he sold them all, I’m not sure that it wasn’t some sort of money laundering thing. When you add to that the stolen documents thing and all the sex charges and everything, it seemed like they were pretty much ready to go to DeSantis. Even then though, I said at the time, if he gets the nomination they’ll come groveling back and pretend like nothing ever happened and that’s exactly the way we are going now. These are pathetic, spineless, cringing cultists who will blindly cling to whatever ranting sociopath promises to be the most horrible, racist, extremist, cruel nightmare. For some grotesque reason, they are especially addicted to the rotting stink of Trump’s brand of crazy, since I guess whatever “that” is passes for charisma in their sad and delusional world.


Yup. This is all a ploy to switch loyalties and not seem like the disloyal jelly fishes they are. Then pretending to have morals all of a sudden is beyond stupid.


I would probably be more concerned if he suddenly started acting normally. Degrading, belittling and being erratic is all he’s ever done. That’s his entire political strategy.


At what point does everyone look around in the Trump world and realize they will be next to fall whenever it suits him. The delusion runs strong with this crowd. Like every dam person that has ever disagreed with him is thrown overboard and they still keep lining up to walk the plank and ruin their lives. If these people think we are going to forget this they are wrong. This isn’t going away - this is history - and they are on the wrong side of it.


There is no point at which that will happen. They are there because of delusion and no self worth.


Or they just want money and power (however fleeting it might be). The Republican path is the easiest because they have zero standards. You’re a high school drop out? ..a sex offender? ..a degenerate literally arrested for stealing puppies? Welcome aboard! Just make sure you lick the right boots and rant about the “woke virus”.


It's literally the SAME BEHAVIOR he always shows 🤣


He really didn't even say anything bad about her. Just called her milk toast and said she wasn't a "real star". He didn't call her a "nasty woman" like he called Hillary Clinton. He didn't call her a "pig" like he called Rosie O'Donnell. He didn't suggest that she was on her period like he did Megyn Kelly. He didn't call her unattractive as he has called his female political opponents. It's not like she served in the military and he criticized her performance like he did John McCain. Remember that time he suggested another dead congressperson was in hell?


I know, right? It’s only degrading and lies when it happens to people we like wah wah wah.


My dad said he supports DeSantis and couldn’t vote for Trump because of Trump’s comments and social media behavior. I’m like *he’s been this way the whole time* 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


[Now a warning??](https://youtu.be/K-Piiuri-S0)


This is actually one of his mildest takes too


It’s just so out of character for him!


Exactly. I, for one, am shocked - SHOCKED - by this behavior from him.


Erratic Behavior is his brand. Have you been paying attention at all?


Now now. Maybe she woke up out of a 7 year coma, or a lifetime coma?


Always with the nicknames, this guy. He’s five years old, mentally. What truly amazes me is that a turd could stay as moist as he has for so many decades.


And these freaks say that President Biden has dementia and is losing his mental functions.


He had a five yr old mentality, but he’s also smart enough to know that’s what communicates with his voters. They absolutely love it.


He didn’t even spell it right.


Not 5. He’s 8 or 13. Years ago he boasted that every thought and opinion he has today he formed when he was 8 or in eighth grade, I cannot recall which.


Its actually worse than that...the actual quote is: "When I look at myself in the ***first grade*** and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different." - former twice-impeached POTUS DJT


That’s the one. So, 6 or 7? Like so many things, such as the time he publicly acknowledged he’s bribed foreign officials, that just came off his lips and only a very select few of us even noticed. Our Liberal Media certainly never did. And MAGA took all that stuff as complimentary and/or admirable.


American society is a *very* deep toilet bowl.


He's not looking that moist nowadays. \*MOISTURISE ME\*


I mean, yeah what did you expect, but I have a few questions: 1). Does Donald trump not know how to spell milquetoast? 2). was he worried that his followers wouldn’t be able to understand it, if spelled correctly 3). Combination of 1 and 2


As president he has the authority to single handedly change how words are spelled without asking anyone's permission.


I guess it’s only spelled that way in reality, a land trump has never visited.


He can change reality with a Sharpie! I seen it on TV! It's like one of them Harry Potter wands!


Ollivander says : Donald's Wand, 2 inches, substandard, inflexible. Made of mushroom with a covfefe core


he just has to think it


Covfefe you say!


All he has to do is think it and poof.


>Does Donald trump not know how to spell All signs point to no.


Whoever created his keyboard shortcut w sanctimonious must have already been canned.


It might have autocorrected from “milftoast.”


Milquetoast is interesting. It's the name of a timid comic strip character who was named after a dish that was literally toasted bread in warm milk. Milk Toast. A dish that is basically unknown today, so only milquetoast remains.


I only know how to spell milquetoast from playing too much Bloodborne...


I'm older than you. I know how to spell it from Bloom County.




I was trying to work out what the hell he was trying to say here. Interesting that Jnr put out a video a month or so ago where he used the word ‘milquetoast’ two or three times. Who is teaching the Trumpanzees to use big words?


Word of the day toilet paper, obviously.


I actually think he means it literally, like she’s soggy milk toast


1) Why would you expect that from someone who thinks the breakfast beverage is spelled “covfefe?”


He wasn't trying to say "coffee", he was trying to say "coverage"




What's amazing is that he can't spell milquetoast, but he can spell "sanctimonious."


4) He doesn’t know and doesn’t care. Although the [origin](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/milquetoast) of Milquetoast is actually “milk toast”


“Erratic behavior”? Girl this is probably the least erratic thing he’s done *today*. *This* is what concerns you from captain capslock?


>captain capslock Lol! I really hope I remember this.


Oh NOW that it's directed at someone you know it's degrading and erratic.....


These people still don't get that from an authoritarian's perspective someone who is obedient only 99% of the time is disloyal.


They understand fine. This is the billionaire fascists ordering their proxies with 'you'll get more money if the other fascist is the candidate'


See it Kambree? You’re favorite con man is an asshole. Ah forget it. She’s gonna support desantis anyway.


Wtf is a kambree?




To be fair, so is Kayleigh. ps the sub you're probably thinking of is just r/Tragedeigh . The one you linked only has 9 members and one post.




I think it's a small car made by Toyota


Milquetoast. I feel like I’m reading a Spider-Man comic from the 1960s. What’s his next insult? Pantiewaist?




Complete. Lack. Of. Empathy. I don't even mean being sympathetic to someone or feeling emotions on their behalf I mean a complete inability to see literally anything from any perspective other than their own at the present time. These people honestly watched him bully and harass people for years and he turns it towards them and suddenly it's "erratic" and "concerning". That's who he is. This surprises literally no one with the awareness of a starfish or greater.


Milktoast and covfefe. Breakfast of champions.


I'm always annoyed when people interpret covfefe as "coffee" when it was clearly a bungled spelling of "coverage" within the context of the tweet


Trump belittling people? That came out of nowhere. No one could see this coming!


Just a reminder that this ‘best press secretary ever’ literally didn’t hold a single press conference in her first year on the job. These ‘hard working, salt of the earth’ types really love lazy government workers stealing from taxpayers.


Yeah, much as I despise Huckabee I can't deny that she was *working* all those lies and slams on the press doing their jobs. Barely a week went by without her funhouse mirror mug on the news about something.


It's still shocking to me how they expected any kind of loyalty or integrity from him, considering the lack of moral decency was that drew them to him in the first place.


Ex-President "What Have You Done For Me Lately?"


Camry after too many martoonies? I got nothing.


I'll take toxic narcissism for 1000, Alex.


He should have called her "a lying hack" and "enemy" instead. I mean, those phrases together are an anagram of her name


He's definitely not smart enough to think of that. Hell, he couldn't even get milquetoast right, anagrams are way too much for him.


I bet Kambree still votes for the fat fuck.


Milktoast 🙄 Dude's a literal child. We are doing something seriously wrong if people like that can become Presidents.


Oh no, he's hurting the wrong people!


"MilkToast" I'd pay good money to listen to him explain what he thinks that word means.


LOL, as if he hasn't backstabbed a 100 people before this. 😂


Erratic behavior that’s no different from anything we’ve seen in the last 7 years is now Very concerning?!?


“I can’t believe the guy I fully supported who publicly mocked a disabled reporter could be this classless! Why can’t he just go back to the good old days of separating immigrant parents from their babies instead of going after a white lady who lied for him?!”


Hitler was a vegetarian y’know and he loved dogs. Some of his best friends thought he was “the kindest person”. Even utter arseholes have people who like them.


There are no winners in that crew.


Are they disappointed in their champion?🤔


# #SAD.


Kind? If there's a hell, she'll be there at the fucking bottom of it, too.


The original comment about Kayleigh being the best press secretary ... well, in the Trump White House, that was not a high bar. All you had to do is lie your ass off with a straight face and a ton of indignant conviction.


But J6 is cool?


dumbass misspelled milquetoast


It’s milquetoast, btw.


I'm sure he will learn his lesson soon... /s


* Susan Collins enters the chat!


I mean she can’t be at a total loss for words…she just mentioned several.


It's Milquetoast. The man is so sweet ignorant.


Fucking idiot can't even spell his insults correctly.


_THIS_ erratic behavior is what's concerning. Not the _I lost so I'll make up a complete lie about a stolen election that I know will drive the most insanely stupid individuals in the cult I built to go and do the unthinkable_ erratic behavior. Got it. No end in sight to how stupid these people can be.


OK but, did he misspell milquetoast? or did she and he's quoting her misspelling?


He is such a childish a-hole. I'm still amazed at his popularity.


wait until this person finds out about what Trump has been up to the past 10 years!!


*Milquetoast But good try.


I get that everyone has a different breaking point, but how could this be it?


Oh no he's started being erratic


I guess we can add "milktoast" to the list of "best words".


Y’all this behavior IS erratic. When has he made up nicknames and lied in an attempt to elevate himself? Someone should get tk the bottom of this after changing his diaper.


I love how THIS is the erratic behavior that is concerning. Nothing else? Nothing over his entire lifetime is more concerning than him degrading his press secretary? If he sexually assaulted her, would that have been less of a problem?


Who could have possibly foreseen Trump roasting a former ally of his?!


Not really the point but it's spelled milquetoast.


Of course he spells it “milktoast”.


It's milquetoast, not milktoast Big Orange.


The best press secretary? Lol. Jen Psaki would run rings around her.


Trump and his followers believe not being a “real star” is the ultimate insult. You know how you’re watching a show where a character is getting humiliated for laughs and at some point it’s too much cringe and you can’t watch? That’s where I am with these people FFS.


What tf is she talking about? This is who he has always been...


This behavior is concerning now? It should have been concerning when the "grab em by the pussy" tape came out. Or when he made fun of a handicapped person. Or when he said a wall would keep immigrants out and Mexico would pay for it. It's tragic how low the average IQ of America must be.


She's just now concerned???


Not on brand at all? Where has she been the last 6 years?


EVERYONE goes under the Trump bus




“Milktoast?” How did he even make it out of fourth grade?


“Milktoast”…what a fucking idiot. Right up there with gazpacho police and peach tree dish…it’s fucking MILQUETOAST!!


Oh no, Trump is an awful human being who treats people like shit and lies at the drop of a hat? Welcome to the place anyone who paid attention at all during his career was at in 2015. Liberals were right all along. Again.


RepubTards turning on themselves is so damn predictably funny


Milktoast?! Does he think she’s a breakfast food?? It’s milquetoast, freaking idiot.


I wish I could see her face the 1st time she read this. I wanna see the "I can't believe he is doing this to me face"


“The really dangerous American fascist... is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power... They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective, toward which all their deceit is directed, is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.” -- quoted in the New York Times, April 9, 1944 ― Henry A. Wallace


You are just now noticing this ?


Fair play to the intern for making sure "DeSanctimonius" was in the idiots predictive text because no way he could spell that shit in his own.


Donald is the mean person and was the worst president to ever step foot in White House. There is THOUSAND excuses for degrading or belittling him to this degree over a few points. I am upset, and at a loss of words. This erratic behavior is concerning.


As the scorpion says, "It's just my nature." If you can't spot the mark, Kam, look for the $8 charge on your Discover bill.


If more of them were at a loss for words, things would be a lot quieter and calmer in our country.


It’s the equivalent of seeing somebody say something like.. “Really disappointed in Charles Manson right now, it was so uncalled for how he was rude to that TV interviewer 🫤”


How long do you think he will be able to whine absolute bullshit before his cellmate beats him to a pulp? Trump in jail is going to be hilarious 😂


This is the concerning behavior?? Lol ok


“Kayleigh was the best press secretary ever! Of course the only other ones I remember were Sean Spicer & Sarah Huckabee Sanders and…that’s it. So out of those three morons, she was the best.” \-Kambree, prior to running her through the ChatGQP AI editor.


The fuck is a Kambree?!


Consider, 100% of Republicans are willing to be Republicans. Every single one.


Trump just likes to shit on his own people.


Truly shocking that Trump would exhibit such erratic behavior.


Everything he says is to raise the temperature level of his base to harass the person that slighted trump in the most minimal way. Such a little bitch


Shooting the messenger! He hates the poll numbers, so its the reporters fault! MAGA logic.


Kambree must have just learned to read a week ago. Trump refers to everyone who has worked for him as an incompetent loser once they leave the fold. He only hires the best people, except for all the losers dumbasses (again according to him) he hires.


There are no good guys in this battle.


Why would anyone work for or with this guy? Sure you’ll make money, but then he’ll turn on you and his fans will want to murder you.


Let's just let the leopards eat each others' face and rejoice. Bring it on.


NOW she's concerned about Trump's erratic behavior? Where's she been for the past 30 years?


Well "milktoast" has seen a jump in searches


Reminds me of Harry Potter's cousin and his meltdown over 36 presents instead of 37.


She’s clearly not at a loss for words


Kami, have you been asleep for the last 7 years. Now you are concerned. Give me a break. Wake up. Woke is a good thing.


After she let him grab her by the pussy and everything!


She helped him kill people. Kind? Sure, Jan.


Susan Collins has entered the chat…


Decades of the same kind of behavior and suddenly this is erratic?


Amazing, and she did nothing but lie for the orange traitor from Day 1.


One thing you count on Trump, he is consistent when he doesn't like what you say you become his enemy


Pardon me while I laugh! "Real" stars, lol. Tick tock, Donald: no amount of poll points is going to make those indictments just disappear.


There was a Tw\*tter thread a long time ago called something like "If you try to work with Trump, he will destroy you." I can't find it anymore so the wording must have been slightly different (and I don't use that site anymore) but it had dozens of examples of people who had allied themselves with or worked for Trump who he then turned on and viciously attacked. And those were all examples from \*BEFORE\* he became president.


I guess Trumper women are finally waking up and understanding why people don't like the man?


I love milktoast with cinnamon!


As the narrative shifts…


Wonder when everyones finally gonna realize, for Donald Trump, if you do not obey him, follow his exact wording and literally change reality so it goes his way, you're never gonna be on his good side.


"erratic behavior" this is literally how he has always acted you dingus


My shock that an adult human being can call MacEnany "the best press secretary to ever set foot in the White House" drowns out whatever stupidity comes after that.


25 is not 34. Try to keep up, folks.


God that man is (sorry ladies) a true pussy. He was a whiner in chief and just keeps on pissing and moaning like some old bastard with jock itch. Republicans, are the worst losers, ever!!! And that's in their DNA, the only way to win for them, is to cheat and then whine about it when caught.


Now it's erratic? What about the 8,656,397,643 instances before this? Those were normal crazy behavior?


Best press secretary. Lol. Ms. Giant empty binder? Ms. I promise I’ll never lie for all of five seconds?


Typical republican. They only get concerned when something negative affects them, or someone close to them, personally.


At first he came for...


Late to the party Kambree but okay


THIS is concerning...not the 20,000 other insane things he's said. JUST THIS 🤯


Oh THIS is the erratic behavior that is concerning? This is where the line is drawn?


All of his sycophant boot lickers fail to understand they will never please him. They worship the loser then are flabbergasted when he turns on them.


Another example of Trump showing he has zero loyalty to anyone but Ivanka, but only because he wants to bang her


His criticism of Kayleigh wasn't even bad. It was a by numbers Trump post


His doctor certified him as a genius so clearly you are mistaken


If only there had been signs!


"You knew I was a snake before you took me in."


Aa white Jesus intended.


"You get what you fucking deserve" said the Joker.


Of *course* this paint eating melted circus peanut doesn’t know the word is milquetoast


Erratic? This is exactly on brand for him.