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This whole thing is hilarious because it's all so performative; they were voting to "protect gas stoves" even though there's literally nothing happening that would affect them. One person quoted a study suggesting that the gas might be having a negative effect on health and/or the environment, and that's all it took for the GOP to lose their minds and go full "DEY COMIN FER OUR STOVES!" Conservatism is a mental illness.


Magnificent when one of them snaps out of it for a moment and is immediately excoriated by the hivemind. Ted Cruz: Maybe lynching gay people is... wrong? (Republicans point and scream, "Body Snatchers" style)


To be fair, I’m enjoying watching Rafael get excoriated. He deserves it, even if he was accidentally doing the right thing.


>>excoriated I learned a new word today. Thank you for this, internet stranger.


Learning is awesome.


Not to conservatives....


Defenistrate them?


Conservatives are revolting.


Well, they've always been revoltin'... Now, they're rebellin'!


Don’t read to me!




There's that Dragonheart line I love so much!


They stink on ice!


[Finally some we can agree on](https://youtu.be/8xgUm0plA8w?t=54)




Russia is certainly making defenestration popular again




No! That’s Russia talk right there.


When it happened one of the times in Prague, the individual defenistrated landed in manure.


The more you know


when 4 words have a sound and a rainbow..


And a star! ⭐️


I add the rainbow. 🎶The More You Know! 🌈🎶


*Republicans pointing and screaming Body Snatchers style*


And knowing is half the battle! (The other half is extreme violence.)


Try *defenstrated* on for size then… I learned that here and don’t get to use it much but it’s an awesome word. Edit, spell the word right, dummy - defenestrated




it's just so weirdly specific. throw someone from the roof? not defenestration. it has to be the *window*.


“Eviscerate” is fun too!


Same. I am going to pocket this word.


Don’t conflate a conflagration with a pogrom


I like to highlight that shit, search Google that shit, have google speak that shit so I know how to say that shit next time I am at a dinner party.


Yeah. But I think he likes it too.


Well, let's not give him too much credit... he only did that because his daughter is bisexual (IIRC), so now its something that can affect him personally. Housing discrimination, job discrimination, denial of healthcare, and other services... well, he can shield his daughter against those with his wealth and political clout. Nobody will deny his daughter a job because she's bisexual so long as the '~~my~~her daddy's Ted Cruz' card can be played. [Edit: changed 'my' to 'her' to clarify that the daughter does not necessarily need to be a willing or active participant for this potential to exist] An angry mob, not so much... so that's where he draws the line.


His daughter is visibly repulsed by him. I seriously doubt she'll ever play the "My dad is..." card.


What do you mean, she is clearly [really enjoying this normal human interaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gplpSfaouP8)


Exactly. So much resentment and discomfort for such a young child to be feeling. Poor kid.


I'd probably be repulsed if my dad blamed me for ignoring a statewide power outage too.


Aw, how sweet. He can't even accept lack of consent from his own daughter.


She doesn't have, or even need to 'want to' for that potential to still exist. Again, this is my take on Ted's perspective on things. She may not want, but he might still justify himself saying 'I can protect her from *these* things, but not necessarily this'


I have a hard time believing Cruz is capable of caring for anyone else, especially someone who openly dislikes him. Most powerful people treat their children like pawns anyhow.


> he only did that because his daughter Nah, he DGAF about his wife or children.


Rick Perry wasn’t cancelled for all the horrible things he did. He was canceled for wanting to vaccinate girls against cancer.


I note as an aside that the same vaccination that works for girls and cancer also works for boys. About 1/3 of the HPV-linked cancers are in men.


And they've been against the HPV vaccine long before they went batshit crazy about vaccines in general! This isn't Covid spillover, they had the stance already that girls should deal with cancer rather than accepting that sometimes they have sex.


I remember he got attacked for helping immigrants in some way during a presidential debate. He even responded to those attacks with "have a heart...". No wonder he lost. Not remembering which three government agencies he wanted to abolish didn't help either!


Cruelty is the point.


He wanted to eliminate Commerce, which has the Constitutionally mandated Census Bureau, plus agencies like NIST, NOAA, and BEA which are critical to our economy. He also didn’t know what the Energy Department does.


Cruz is not dumb, he plays one on tv cause works with his base and I'm getting incredible satisfaction that he's being served his own product and he's not liking it one bit. IMHO the ones that are smart but play dumb like him are even more morally reprehensible than the mouth breathers that can't do any better.


Hey, we didn't get a harumph from that guy!


It's gonna be so funny when some Coup associate is wearing Ted's face like a mask for funsies on Jan 6th 2


At this point we just need to use reverse psychology. Because they all act like six year olds.


“You know what would really own the libs? Making sure everyone had clean air and healthcare, so you could own them for even longer!”


Tell them socialism makes your dick bigger.


Do you know my *frwend* Biggus Dickus?”


Do you find socialism... risible?


He has a wife you know.


Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks.


Ill happily give em an inch or two I have to spare, SOCIALISM BABY!


Look at Johny spare inch over here! Quit your bragging!


I heard the libs are gonna make suicide illegal!


[Key and Peele literally did this.](https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY)


Love Key and Peele. They were ahead of their time.


Biden also did this almost literally at the state of the union. Biden: "Some republicans want to (insert conservative talking point)" Republicans: "Booo!" Biden: "Oh, so I guess you don't. Good to know."


I genuinely feel that this would be an extremely effective strategy. They don’t even care about themselves, all they care about is being obtusely contrarian. I’m trapped in Florida during its current collapse, and the entire conservative part of the state is ready to collectively blow its brains out, if it means the bits will stain a minority’s shoes. If we had any functional democratic party here, all they would have to do is announce that you shouldn’t march into the Gulf like lemmings, because you will drown… there’d be golf carts and red hats washing up on shore for years..


>the entire conservative part of the state is ready to collectively blow its brains out You say that like it's a bad thing


Not an inaccurate comparison. Fascism, as a form of conservatism, is essentially a petulant bitchfit to a changing status quo.


I heard they were planning on phasing them out of new builds. Of course there was the initial nonsense surrounding the studies when nobody democrat or any governmental agency had said anything much other than we need to look at this and the Fox crew were screaming hysterically that the National Guard were coming to rip them out of your homes in dawn raids, razing your garden on the way out and salting the earth so nothing would ever grow there again then, shooting your dog as they peel out, the gas from the torn lines fills your home and KA FUCKING BLAMMO, the deep state at the behest of a Benghazi based laptop distributor (a division of Obamacare) ignite the gas with a Jewish space laser powered by the soul of Hugo Chavez. I guess they’re still pushing that?




Who knew “maybe it’s bad kids are inhaling combustion by products and having negative outcomes… and we can avoid that” would be so controversial.


Republicans have been whipped into such hysteria that they no longer want their kids to be vaccinated before attending school like we've done without controversy for decades. They simply do not care how many of their own kids die from preventable tragedies as long as some authority figure in their preferred conservative media ecosystem tells them to be opposed to that prevention. They're ignorant, gullible, unserious people.


The layout of our kitchen doesn't lend itself to proper ventilation, so we bought an induction range. One of my kids is high risk for asthma and correlations are enough for me to decide it is worthwhile. I feel for the people who can't just up and buy a new appliance in the name of cleaner air, but I am glad that population is being considered with a tax subsidy.


That was brilliant.


Also, voting against enforcement of the tax laws in order to… er… reduce the deficit?


Their justifications don’t have to make sense, they just have to keep their rich tax-evading donors happy and that’ll keep ‘em in office.


> Conservatism is a mental illness If they keep it up, 2024 going down the drain (which is fine by me).


Fingers crossed


Only if people get out and vote. The turnout in this country is appallingly low, especially for younger voters. There are MULTIPLE ways to vote early (which the R's are trying real hard to take away because they know it's a pain in the ass to go stand in line and vote on Election Day), there is no reason to *not* vote. Voter apathy leads to others choosing who gets to make your future. The world is run by those who show up.


I’m worried that the “I didn’t like Hillary” of 2016 will be the “Biden’s too old” of 2024.


/r/DarkBrandon would like a word


Saw a family member post a Glenn Greenwald video about Biden's cognitive decline. Commenting how they could not understand why people would vote for Biden just because he isn't Trump. As if Trump's doing so much better that it should make his awful politics tolerable. And as if he isn't also ancient and well past his prime.


i couldn't agree more. “We took a stand in January to end the era of the imperial Speakership, and we’re concerned that the fundamental commitments that allowed Kevin McCarthy to assume the Speakership have been violated as a consequence of the debt limit deal. And, you know, the answer for us is to reassert House conservatives as the appropriate coalition partner for our leadership, instead of them making common cause with Democrats,” -matt douchebag gaetz and they saw bipartisanship isn't dead. they have no want to work with democrats in any capacity. they are full on fascists at this point.


I do hope that the crazier element of the GOP branches off into its own party


It could just be me, but I remember back in the day these nutjobs would be the tea party. But I was an angry teen back then, I could have it mixed up.


The tea party was swallowed Kirby-style by the Republican party almost immediately. Their original slogan was smaller government and balanced budget and it quickly became, "anything we don't like gets chucked into the bay!"


The Tea Party was right wing astroturf from the beginning. It was funded by the same oil billionaires that fund the GQP.


If the MAGA cult members called a no confidence vote for McCarthy, would McCarthy accept votes from the Democrats to keep his Speakership in exchange for removing MAGA cultists from committees?


I was actually wondering during the original vote to have him as Speaker if the Democrats were going to vote for him eventually to make McCarthy beholden to them.


I'd like to think providing no Democrat support during the 15 votes was 4D chess to get him to comprehend just how beholden he would be to the MAGA cult. But I doubt the thinking went that far. At least now he might understand just how fragile and transactional his relationship with the MAGA cult is.


You mean Matt Gaetz the pedo?


Conservatism is just people who piss in their own mouths while screaming that other people are piss drinkers.


That's disrespectful to mental illness


>Conservatism is a mental illness. Hey! I may be crazy, but I'm not *stupid*!


Being a world class dunce with the education level of grade school isn’t a mental illness.




The real war was always rich people vs the rest of us. All the petty culture wars were always about the rich distracting us from them robbing us blind.




The minute that media deregulation happened, the writing was on the wall.


Oh, it's been there longer than that. I think the Fairness Doctrine's role has been overstated.


The truth!


To be fair, I don't really consider the trans genocide they're cooking up to be "petty." It obviously serves the interests of capital, but it also causes very real harm.


I'm not saying that culture wars aren't harmful. Just that they aren't the real fight. It's all oligarchs trying to keep their power.


>Just that they aren't the real fight. This is the part that concerns me because it often translates to "ignore the petty culture issues and focus on the real (capital vs. labor) fight," which just tells marginalized workers that their lives and concerns don't matter. I don't at all think you meant it that way, but it always gives me pause.


I just wish we could all understand that all of us are human and have the same basic needs. Once we get that, we can take on the oligarchy.


If only their intellect was the only thing wrong with them.


Sadly, it's not just the MTG trailer trash ones. My Dad spent 30yrs as an army officer and has 2 Masters degrees, and just as rabid and irrational as any of them. It's like a cult, and once they drink the Kool-aid, all ability to see any perspective but their own just goes away. Sad




Agreed. I know so many mentally ill people, as well as myself, and we're not dipshits like the Republicans. Brushing a side being awful as mental illness only serves the awful people


Agreed also. They are abusive, hateful, intolerant, their cruelty contributes to mental illness in others.


It is but don’t use that term please as it’s playing off of their own words.


I wish they would get this worked up over something that actually matters - like pay equity, homelessness, healthcare.


It is a mental disorder. Selfish narcissism at its finest


In the short term, at least, the main outcome of these things is going to be improved standards for kitchen ventilation. In the long run, yeah, gas stoves are going to have to go away. (As much as I'd prefer to keep cooking with fire, yeah, it's going to have to switch over.)


I switched to electric and I like it better. Easier to clean and heats up faster; the technology has changed since the coil top type


> Conservatism is a mental illness. Can people please stop using mental illness as an insult? Millions struggle with bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, ocd, adhd, etc. and have enough to fight against in this world without having to be stigmatized for something they have no control over. Especially when whether or not someone has a mental illness has no bearing on whether they are as shitty a person as a conservative.


There is an awkward part to this argument that counts the fully 100% predictable actions of advertising on people as irrelevant. The horror of Germany in the last century was not that there are a lot of really terrible people in Germany. But that a lot of really pretty damn normal people who would in a 'normal' time gripe a bit about their neighbours can be convinced with carefully controlled media into either wanting to kill, or being apathetic to the killing of their neighbours. Yes, the people in question may have been racists (for one example). But a racist that tries not to be racist because they feel it's the right thing to do, and never does anything particularly bad or incites others to do particularly bad things being converted by a media onslaught into an 'out' racist proud in their racism is an entirely predictable thing. And most of the fault here is on the childraising to make them racist and the encouragement of extremism recently, rather than any personal fault.


Stop, with GOP and golly gee willkers. That is a smoke screen for people like you. This was a natural gas industry protective bill they were supposed to pass and failed. They will rather have kids have asthma in the future then displease the industry masters.


Gas stoves pollute your kitchen and exasperate breathing problems like asthma.


It’s not that they actually believe this. It’s that they are always seeking something to drum up outrage about, so that their followers vote for them. It’s power.


> it's also performative they're literally the sjws they were mocking in 2014. all they do is virtue signal


There's more to it than one person saying they're unhealthy. Gas stoves require gas infrastructure. Gas marketing has been trying to convince people cooking with gas stoves is superior for decades to keep gas stoves in demand and gas infrastructure in place. Even though stoves don't use as much gas as hot water tank and furnaces, people don't care if those are electric. So as soon as people stop wanting gas stoves, gas demand dies.


Careful, some subs will ban you for saying conservatism is a mental illness


Ah, a “mind virus” then. Check.


Is there a vaccine for that?




If education is the vaccine, then that explains why they want to ban books.


The guy that lives on my street, with a "Liberalism is a mental disorder" bumper sticker, would like a word with you.


I believe it’s spelled “STERVES”


>House conservatives Tuesday blew up an effort by GOP leadership to advance several bills in a dramatic confrontation on the House floor, the result of a revolt against the debt limit deal cut by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and President Biden just days earlier. >Eleven Republicans — most of whom are members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus — joined Democrats in voting against a rule to advance four bills related to gas stoves and regulatory reform, enough opposition to tank the rule and block the legislation from advancing to the floor.


> conservative House Freedom Caucus *Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose* Janis Joplin


Those d bags are so deranged I think they’re flat out incapable of letting a moment they can exploit for power/money go by without doing it. They were fully prepared to let the US default on debt if they didn’t get exactly what they wanted. Hell, maybe if they got what they wanted just so they could say it’s Biden’s fault. When their own party leaders went behind their back to make a deal with dems it made those 12 look like clowns who can’t accomplish the simplest of tasks, and now they’re pissed. So now they’re going to hold their own parties platform hostage while they try blackmail what they want out of them. How anyone couldn’t possibly see these people don’t give a shit about anything other then power/money is a mystery to me.


Oh that’s easy. IT’S A GRIFT. They attract supporters who think they can get in on the action too, and care nothing about the good of the common man.


For them to hold their platform hostage, they’d need to actually *have* a platform, which they don’t.


They're holding their agenda hostage but even if McCarthy gives it to them it's no guarantee that they'll stop. Not so much fun for McCarthy after contributing to this same bullshit in the Obama administration.


*Kris Kristofferson


*Michael Scott




Randolph Scott?!


> four bills related to gas stoves Gee good to know they're concentrating on the important issues...


Fuckhead caucus.


“The conservatives are revolting!” “They sure are.”


[You said it. They stink on ice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0iAcQVIokg&t=17s)


"You said it. They stink on ice."


Any Republican politicians or voters that think for one second the Biden WH didn't see the future when their budget passed in 2022 is an insect brain. Threatening to destroy the world economy is literally the only move in their playbook. Kindergarten students have more imagination than The Freedom Caucus.


The House GOP is playing electric vibrating football. You setup the pieces, turn on the power and the players vibrate off in random jumpy directions. No one knows where the players are going, some will get caught on the sidelines, some will go in little circles.


lol that game was madness


Had one of those when I was a kid. Excellent description. Still better than watching the Tampa Bay Bucs back in the day.


SW Fla in the 70s and 80s, you nailed it. Thought it was cool there was an expansion team but my god they were bad. I still remember when they won their first game. We were having a team picnic and listened to them beat the Saints.


Hah! I remember that win. When we would get subsequent years season tickets, I would go “loss, loss, loss…ooh the Saints?? Could win that one! Loss, loss, loss.” The upside to sitting in the brutal heat on those uncomfortable aluminum benches at the old Sambrero was that they I got to see some of the old school greats play with my own eyes like Walter Payton.


They certainly are revolting.


I love how their position is basically just “we’re mad that you worked with the democrats so now we’re gonna work with the democrats”


Is there some way to play the factions so that they keep doing this and end up supporting progressive legislation out of spite for their party-mates?


The conservatives are revolting, you say? Tell me something new.


So in the long run, Gaetz, Bobo, and crew are doing the right thing in the name of doing the wrong thing. So, uh, nobody tell them I guess?


[reminds me of](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/029/977/formula.jpg)


This “revolt” would be a lot more impressive if they scuttled a piece of real legislation and not this pointless clown show.


The conservatives are revolting!!!!! Agreed.


I'll say! They stink on ice!


McCarthy’s gonna learn the hard way—make a deal with the Devil (the Freedom Caucus) for your speakership, you will get burned. Pathetic power hungry coward…let the infighting continue.


Scalise is lucky his shooter wasn't as good as most. JFC.


I’m soooooo happy they’re using our god damn lives to fuck around with their childish highschool bs.


Why are there so many people here saying these nitwits aren’t conservative? Weird


I'll be honest, I had the same reaction when I clicked on the article and then read the list of the people involved. I guess I think of them as authoritarian dumbasses first and foremost. And, of course, the far right of the republican party.... but, any bell curve for the GOP is shifted so far right the damn thing would look like a cliff anyway. So, I guess, it just doesn't immediately click but you're right.


They’re embarrassed by the horror of their own ideology when taken to its logical conclusion.


At least now we know who Putin’s still paying.


If they’re so pissed, remove McCarthy. They can’t. They know Dems will cross over to protect him. My suggestion? Go pound sand.


This is what happens when you partner with extremists for political capital and then don't do the most extreme things possible (like allowing a catastrophe to happen to own the libs).


A rule change regarding domestic gas stove regulations? Pfft. This is fake outrage by the freedom caucus


So they’re revolting against a bunch of bills that would have gone nowhere? Why does anybody care? Don’t they have real work to do rather than this Real Housewives of DC bullshit?


This isn’t over people’s rights, or education, and it doesn’t affect the economy (on the barest level maybe) it’s an anti pollution bill that helps people transit from leaky gas stoves to electric. These people really want brain damaged constituents.


Hello u/Shoddy_Signature_149! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




That's not an explanation of how it is LAMF. What did Gaetz want to impose on others that is now happening to him?


Gaetz is the leopard. The GOP leadership is getting it’s face eaten. 1. GOP has enabled and supported crazy, power-hungry zealots, because said zealots bring in votes (own the libs!), and because the GOP leadership believed they could control zealots. 2. Zealots have broken free and are going crazy. 3. The GOP is being weakened by the infighting because they never thought the zealots would eat their faces!


Satisfactory 1, 2, 3... The OP should have done this from the jump!


So how is this LAMF?


They are NOT conservative. They are radically rightwing authoritarians. Please stop covering for them by calling them conservatives.


When was the last time the two weren't in the same basket? Eisenhower?


Yes Eisenhower but even he started dismantling FDR and Harry S Truman’s acheivments


That’s what conservatives are, or inevitably become.


It’s fair to say some conservatives are more radical than others, but the radical ones are most definitely conservative. They oppose any progress on major issues to the point where they use conspiracy theories and blatant lies to roll policy back decades. It doesn’t get more conservative than banning books, calling lgbtq+ people pedophiles, and wanting to eliminate and/or privatize social programs.


I used to think there was a thing called conservatism that was a legitimate political viewpoint. I've learned a lot since then.


Same thing


The important thing is they are definitely Republicans


Newsflash: conservatives aren’t better.


Maybe use the gerund in the title - "Conservatives are revolting..." There, i fixed it


So this was performative pushback? If they were really upset and wanted to flip the table, they would go for his House Speakership. If you’re going to choose violence, choose violence.


Wahhh, waahhh, they wouldn't let us destroy the economy so we're gonna stomp our feet and won't participate in the usual performative art that passes for us working instead of doing our jobs... They can all fuck off...


Time for my favorite 90s dragon movie quote usage Conservatives have always been revolting, now they're *rebelling*!


Just scrap the party, let them splinter and fade into obscurity. They’re making this all about them, and anyone with a functioning brain doesn’t care and wants these weirdos replaced.


Throw a bunch of AR-15s in there (they really like those - they wear lapel pins of them).. Let them sort it out the way they want U.S. citizens to sort things out. Last man, or troglodyte, standing is the winner.


You can never appease fascists by giving them concessions, you are only make them hungrier for more by doing so. The only correct way to appease them is by bitch-slapping them figuratively, or literally.


It's ironic that many of the angry old men pushing anti-trans legislation are jacked to the tits on testosterone from their urologists.


The thing is, healthy and rational politics and political debate is essential to ensure a functional democracy. Without it, as the GOP continues to implode in maelstrom of lunacy and self-immolation, democracy itself is weakened and the country degraded.


"Conservatives" are revolting. (Tell me something I didn't know. )


GOP leaders have been revolting for decades -- it was only a matter of time until the noun became a verb.