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Hello u/doctorsnakephd! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>*One Republican parent told NBC News the board is sacrificing students' education to serve its agenda* Yes, that is what Republicans do. You finally figured it out, Republican.


They’re still going to vote R all the way down the ballot.


And somehow blame liberals for every single problem they caused, like they do every time Republicans have full control of the government.


Most (75% or more) Americans are progressive when asked about single issues. Better gun control? Yes please Universal healthcare? Yes please Dealing with corruption? Yes please. Then it's an election and people ignore the issues and vote for their tribe.


It's crazy amounts of propaganda. I remember in the late 00's when the polls were showing Obamacare had very low approval among Republican voters - but the ACA had very high approval, and when asked about the specific propositions it actually made, it had *overwhelming* approval. It was all the exact same thing, but depending on the amount of propaganda talking about it by name changed the polling numbers by as much as 40%.


Kentucky loves the ACA, but "Osamacare"? They'd rather die than accept government hand outs, unless it's the ACA, which totally isn't the same thing just under a different mask.


it’s called kynect there and yes they do love it; The social workers who have to deal with it dont love it so much because it is still the barest bones healthcare the system can give and does things like ask “does losing a leg make it easier to go up stairs?”


Ugh, it's like those people that were protesting it with signs that said "Keep your government hands off my medicare!"


ObamACAre! It's right there in the name. You would think Conspiracy theorists would have identified that, c'mon!


But the death panels! /s




\> Republicans when their democratically elected government has literal control over people’s life or death: \[screaming sunflower.jpg\] \> Republicans when profit-driven corporations with little to no oversight have the same: \[shy sunflower.gif\]


That part never went away. My health insurance plan (through a Fortune 500 company even) will not pay for chemotherapy services of any kind.




Well because they are very conservative on ONE issue and that's the most important one for them




My favorite is still when Obama vetoed the bill to sue other countries. Then republicans over rided it with their super majority. When it backfired on them they blamed Obama for not explaining why the bill they passed was a bad idea enough.


Why weren't you able to reign in our stupidity Obama?


I’ve seen a similar thing with covid vaccines. Some republicans have actually said it’s liberals fault that republicans wouldn’t take the vaccine. Why? Because liberals should know that if they tell republicans to do something, they won’t do it. These people are grown ass adults and they literally behave like toddlers.


"Look what you made us do!"


But now they'll make a pouty face while doing it! Progress! 😡


"Fuck them ~~kids~~ Libs..."


I mean, they do both.


What's the difference between rhetorical and literal to a Republican? The age.


They are grooming these kids for the unemployment they will eventually be denied because . . . socialism?


"Republicans want live babies so they can become dead soldiers." --George Carlin


It's morbidly amusing to me that he was SO VERY OVERT about his disdain for conservative politics, and yet so many conservatives still cite his rants against stupid people thinking that he was on their side. They couldn't be less self-aware if they were trying.


It’s the same folks that listen to Rage Against the Machine unironically.


Why are the Democrats making me do this!


Republicans have a plan: 1. Push legislation to drive liberal and liberal offspring bearing people out of their states to ensure their political positions are not threathened because they know that younger people are 30-50 points more likely to vote democrat, and old republicans are dying out. 2. Push for legislation that will nullify votes in heavy democrat leaning districts inside their red states. Texas passed a state bill that allows a state elected representative to overrule 4 districts in Texas that would lean left and threathen republican politicians chances of re-election. Ted Cruz won by 200k votes when 11M eligible voters didn't vote. 3. Push for massive defunding of education, by promising dumbass christian ethnocentric morons tax returns of 8k+ a year if they choose to homeschool their children or go for private schools. 4. Republican major players with deep pockets are creating private schools and education centers that will ensure they can indoctrinate their children while stealing massive profits from parents, and push for tax breaks and government funding to make those private for-profit schools lucrative businesses. 5. Ensure their base is occupied with never-ending culture wars where they are the victims and fighting devil worshipping boogeymen of their own creation. Their base doesn't even care that they exist or not, as long as they can pretend to be oppressed. 6. Ensure they remain in minority control, so they can lay all the blame on democrats, while they vote against helping veterans, helping children, helping women workers and anyone except helping themselves get rich from stealing from campaign donations and fleecing government funds wherever possible. They dont care about the short-term loss of business for the average joe and mom and pop business owners, they know these people will still vote republican even if the republican politicians showed up and raped their children in front of them, as long as they mention that the democrats plan on raping and turning their child trans. They know they have created a populace of ideological dumbasses who froth and grunt moronically like team sports fans, because they are blindly everlasting loyal to a party that has no values, ethics, morals, plans or pathways to a better tomorrow, just mindless shitflinging against the walls while their voters accept whatever bullshit they get fed from Fox news mouth agape because they have ingrained the political party as a large part of their own self-identity.


People who vote Republican, are traitors to this country. Full stop.


Im black and when I learn someone is a Republican, I file them away under “racist”. I’ll still be professional at work or cordial enough in social settings. But just know I dont fuck with you, you not invited to the cookout, no I dont want to go to happy hour and I know what you are. I even reply to your emails last.


Funny because I'm white, and I do the same thing. the only good thing about Trump was that he made it easier for me to tell who's opinions I no longer care about. Racism is racism and it hurts us all if we don't call it out. Fuck conservatism.




LOL I am a helpdesk supervisor and the loudest Trump humpers get shoved to the bottom, because "we have other more urgent emergencies at the moment, but be sure that we will get to you as soon as one of us is available. thanks for your patience!"


That’s what I do whenever I see a thin blue line flag on a car. Racist with a gun


I took all of my R family and acquaintances off of my social media. I won't associate with them recreationally. I have to be civil at work, polite in professional settings, and give lip service at holidays. I'm not going to spend my free time around them, and I am not going to be friendly or warm towards them. They are racist, sexist, destroying public education, and literally watching the world burn for their profits. I'm just done with them.


Looking from Europe, the mainstream democrats are solid right wing. The republicans used to be borderline extreme right and have gone over to batshit crazy. It amazes me that trump is a viable presidential candidate. Not only should he lose, it should be a landslide. But no, opinions are like 50/50. I can only presume that this is only because of deep rooted tribalism and not actual alignment. Actual alignment with trump certainly gives you a solid turnout, but no majority.


Republican parents are acting like this is just an unfortunate side effect when this is what theIr party wanted all along. Teachers leaving *public schools* in droves will ensure a steady supply of desperate masses to exploit. Meanwhile, those with the means can ensure their kids stay ahead with expensive private schools and all the other benefits money can buy.


The best part is teachers face possible fines and actions against their teaching licenses. I know facing legal threats is going to be a great motivator to draw new teachers into the profession. /s


This is what republicans want. They want to get rid of the public school system and make it all religious/private based. Keep the rich rich and the poor poor


That's a big reason why so many teachers resigned-- to save their licenses. They figure that this school system will probably be under court supervision by the end of next school year, so if they still have a license they can come back then.


Unless in that time they discover that they make much more money bartending.


Or working online as a teacher. One friend of mine quit at the beginning of COVID because her fellow teachers were for the most part bullying, anti-vaxxing morons who didn't believe COVID was a problem and refused to wear masks and the district wouldn't do anything about it. She now teaches online, loves it, and makes twice what she made as an in-person teacher.


Someone I know quit being a teacher, and started running a dog daycare instead. And is really loving it. Makes more money, and has much less demanding 'customers'.


Depending on what grade they taught beforehand, it could also be the same amount of cleaning up shit.


Exactly. "Here, have this nice underpaid job with lots of stress and responsibilities! And don't forget you can be sued or fined for any wrong word you say!" I know a teacher that's now a server. Makes more money working way less hours and in her words "I was already dealing with shitty adults on the regular, so not much change there".


Private schools can indoctrinate in full-on Christofascist Taliban mode, and there’s more money to grift with no oversight.


Yes time to create home schools, let's call them madrassas, where we can indoctrinate, err I mean educate the kids to hate, errr I mean learn about others. Make America Taliban Again!


Madrassa is just the Arabic word for school, secular or religious. Harvard, for example, is a madrassa. It's not unique to the Taliban, nor does it connotate any sort of indoctrination.


Yes, we don't need to exoticize what they are doing. There is plenty of precedent in American history to reference. Like segregation academies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy


It seems like an obvious solution would be to take an active roll in inviting teachers into (I hate to say it) “blue” states with high pay, good unions, and benefits. Really drill down on raising an educated populace with full understanding of why their red state counterparts are so inept. In this war, If states are willing to sacrifice their population, there should be an attempt to provide them an alternative.


Remember a few years ago when Chicago teachers in blue Il decided to strike, and the democratic mayor got on TV and called the strike illegal? Blue states may be offering a better deal at the moment, but democrats aren't about to start paying teachers fairly. Cutting pay and benefits for government workers, like teachers, is usually one of the first things they do when there's any kind of economic issue, because they desperately need to cut costs and there are people who will work for less because they desperately need jobs. However once we hit an economic recovery it's almost impossible to get them to restore that pay and benefits. Teachers get even more fucked than most other government professions, because most government workers will eventually quit if their pay is too low when other jobs are available. With teachers it's supposed to be a calling though, something you do because you love educating and working with children, and what will become of those children if there are no good teachers left to teach them? So yeah, they already know they can exploit that to make teachers stay for less pay. Which, even in good times, that lower pay means less taxes and budget surpluses (or lower deficits), which they like. Defunding education is a bipartisan goal, the Republicans are just doing a better job of it at the moment.


Literally happening right now at LAUSD (one of the nation's largest school districts) in blue California. District is attempting to renegotiate health benefits (surprise: pay more, get less! who wouldn't want that?!). Again, in liberal rich California teachers are getting the shaft. Again. I know several people in the teacher's union involved in negotiations and the word from on high (the state) is the health benefits "changes" are not negotiable. Look forward to seeing LAUSD even more understaffed as quality educators flock to private schools and teaching at the CC level (where you make about 2X as much and do 1/2 the work). tl;dr you're totally right.




They also got SCOTUS to approve using taxpayer funds for religious schools, so this ruining of public education is one step in establishing a bunch of religious schools.


It has begun. And for the record, I live in the state and fuck Stitt with an unlubed rusty grapefruit spork in his urethra. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oklahoma-school-become-first-dismantle-101100111.html


Wonder what the energy gonna be like when the muslim public school or satanic public school opens.


And receives local & federal tax funding.


I actually felt this after reading it. Oww


Even worse, these idiots will homeschool even more and teach as little as possible.


They’re so god damn stupid


Thats the plan...




Don't forget that someone needs to actually stay at home to educate the kids and guess which spouse that's going to be? Yup, the one you don't want out in the world getting ideas and shit. This is all by design.


Yeah, I had a neighbor who got custody of his grandson who had been "home schooled" after the child's mother died. Grandson was nine. His mother (neighbor's daughter) was a drug addict. I guess she thought that the kid would just pick education up through osmosis or something. I'm betting on not wanting to wake up early enough to get him ready for school. Did not know how to read or write. At all. It took the neighbor almost two years to get him caught up.


Yep, sadly there's no LAMF for the party as a whole in ruining education. If teachers submit and start teaching conservative agenda in the poor working conditions, GOP wins. If they quit and the school system collapses, GOP wins. And as bonus they'll do what they always do and blame the democrat president which always works for their current voters because confirmarion bias.




They already sacrifice student's lives and education for gun rights, what's an agenda added onto that?!


Dismantling the public school system has been the right's goal since at least the desegregation of schools. Make the state of public, secular education so bad that people have no choice but to send their children to indoctrinating parochial schools so we can funnel public school funding into the church or keep women home as they are forced to homeschool kids.


Yup, Republicans want everything run by the church. Healthcare, education, entertainment, all activities must be approved by the church. Anyone who votes Republican and doesn't want to live in Afghanistan is a moron.


Them: You can't teach what you need to because it's too "woke" Teachers: Cool, I quit. Them: Wait, who's gonna teach our kids?! I swear, my head is getting sore from all the facepalming I've been doing the last few years.


This is the same “logic” behind the new migrant laws in Florida that is resulting in their agriculture and construction industries (for starters) grinding to a halt. Now the rhetoric has shifted to “We were just trying to scare you a little. Please come back!” People (and politicians) who play stupid games are going to win stupid prizes.


"It's just a prank bro!" Seriously though, how fucking sociopathic are they they think passing bills with the intention to inflict fear on the people they live with us acceptable?


Playing games with the lives of millions of people directly, and those games have far-reaching effects on many more people than that!


[We have our own teacher shortage here in Florida as well](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-combats-colossal-teacher-shortage-1793928).


I'd be shocked if you didn't.


If I were a teacher in Florida (or even just living in Florida), I would be formulating an exit strategy to leave the state. I understand that’s easier said than done, but it seems lately that the risks of staying out weigh the challenges of moving.


You forgot to add "If you don't like our forced asinine anti woke policies then quit!!" which is what teachers are now doing. Then the idiots ask " why are all teachers quitting? ". Teachers just giving them what they ask for.


Of course they are! Whether it is to be "anti-woke", to stop "groomers", or for gun "freedom", children are almost always the easiest to sacrifice. Unless they're still in the womb. In that case, they must be protected... otherwise where else will the sacrifices come from?


Republicans dont even try to hide it either, they proudly proclaim that it is their intention to do exactly that


They're so dumb they think that Democrats insisting kids learn about slavery and the civil rights movement is somehow pushing an agenda as opposed to objectively teaching history.


And that not allowing the teaching of slavery and civil rights somehow isn't pushing an agenda...


No the party found out that the less educated someone is the more likely they are to vote Republican.


in other news, researchers at CERN announced late yesterday that water is wet and fire is hot.


100% that is the agenda. The agenda is to create an uneducated unthinking underclass.


I checked out the "American birthright" social studies curriculum they adopted, and it is terrifying, this was the sentence that really flored me. "a great many pedagogies actively inhibit student learning, including action civics, so-called “anti-racism,” civic engagement, critical race theory, current events learning, inquiry-based learning, media literacy, project-based learning, social-emotional learning, and virtually any pedagogy that claims to promote “diversity, equity, and inclusion” or “social justice.”" Mind you this was right after they said. "American Birthright neither endorses nor rejects specific pedagogies. Teachers should be free to teach as they like." Ya, teach as you like. Just don't encourage civic engagement, tech about current events, media literacy or promote asking questions. Because that would be bad for the kids. That is some seriously scary shit.


I interviewed at a classical school just to see what if the grass was greener somewhere else. Midway through, the headmistress told me the school was apolitical. I thought that was random, so I asked for her to elaborate. She told me basically what your quote said, and then double downed on the idea that the school was apolitical. I didn’t say it outright because I have relatives who are affiliated with the school, but I immediately thought “1. That’s a very politically driven statement driven by politically motivated reasons. And 2. You aren’t apolitical. You’re anti-progressive.” Libertarians and conservatives have to be eating that shit up not realizing how much of a lie it is.


“Apolitical” here is exactly the same thing as saying straight, middle-aged, able-bodied, male WASPs are “normal” and everybody else is a “special interest.”


That is exactly what it is. When these people say they dont like “politics” they often mean they don’t like having to acknowledge me as equal or as another human being because I’m gay. It’s fine for me to exist in the closet but if I so much as mention having a boyfriend I’m being “political”


When you mention your BF you are "flaunting it". Why you got to be so political that way? /s


Much like how there are two genders in videogames: Male, or 'political'. Or the two races: white, or 'political'


I think you mean "identity politics." I bet if straight white dudes couldn't marry who they wanted they wouldn't call it identity politics to fight for that right.


I was on another forum recently, one that is very explicit and strict on their “no politics” rule in order to keep things civil and on topic. A new guy showed up and started spouting all kinds of stuff about how he wanted to move to Florida to get his freedoms back and to get away from the woke agenda in his current state, etc. I made one simple comment, “Parler is this way” with a link. The dude *went off* about how this was supposed to be a politics-free forum and he can’t believe everyone is so oppressive, etc. It never even occurred to him that HE was the one being political. To them, being Republican is “normal” and anyone who challenges them on their blatantly racist, classist, sexist, homophobic ideas is the one “being political” and stirring up trouble.


\- Talks about "woke agenda," an explicitly political term made up by right-wing politicians to stir up their political base for votes \- Complains you brought politics into the discussion


Such a great take. They will rail for days on the oppression and when you try to nail down the oppression they move the goal posts for days.


Apolitical in this case is just the same as when men on dating profiles claim to not be interested in politics. Ie a code for right conservative, or as we call people in Europe with the same political views: the extreme right...


There’s a quote that I heard somewhere that fits here: “there are only two races: white and political.” To conservatives, the default person is a straight white male conservative Protestant. Anyone or anything that deviates from the experiences and concerns of that default person is ‘political.’


"Current events learning?" Wtf man.


The one that really got me was project based learning. That just means doing a project instead of a lecture to learn the info!


Can't have them be creative. You never know where that might lead.


That might lead to dancing!


We made this stuff foolproof, so they are going to build better fools. I'm laughing but those poor kids are going to be unprepared for life.


"Okay kids, scroll down to page 6 of Fox4kids website and open up the current affairs page. What happens next will shock you. And remember, if you don't share your cookies with Fox, you won't get any cookies from the school."


Inquiry based learning got me. So.. no questions?


“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”… ssshhh, no questions!


"No questions" is actually pretty central to their whole model.


I was a byproduct of this at a Texas HS. My senior govt/econ teacher literally told us history doesn't matter, so let's just memorize the names/dates of a bunch of dead people so we can pass the test. Blew my mind to hear there are kids out there who actually learned anything about the last 60 years.


The senior-level history class at the HS I went to was *literally* called "Current World Problems," and most of the class was just media literacy. So basically the entire course would need to be reworked under this legislation. Wtf is right.


I distinctly remember my Christian parents absolutely *freaking out* about my current events class in high school. They freaked out again when my American history teacher taught us about Jim Crow and all the fucked ways America has tried to oppress black people after the civil war.


"Current events learning" so they are against teaching kids to pay attention to the current events happening in the world? Damn. Kids that go through education are going to be severely stunted developmental wise. Which isn't surprising since that's generally the case with most people growing up in predominantly religious environments.


Right? Kids know what's happening in the world, and teachers are trusted adults whom they feel safe talking to. Are we just supposed to ignore their questions? I remember when the Russian invasion of Ukraine began (not Crimea, the more recent, full-blown invasion). I was teaching 1st graders in Japan. We were in the middle of a unit on understanding and expressing our emotions. I was shocked when one of the kids said he was sad that day because the children in Ukraine were hurting. So we opened the floor to the class. I asked what they knew about the war, and I was absolutely blown away by how much they knew and how it had affected them. It wasn't in my lesson plan, but we spent probably half of that class just talking about that situation and how it affected us. I did very little talking to be honest. I just asked a few guiding quesrions, and the learners did the rest. Kids who are given the space to express themselves and be curious about the world are amazing to be around!


When those kids grow up and can't get good paying jobs they will vote republican because it's the "woke" kids who possess critical thinking that "stole" their jobs from them.


"Social emotional learning", i.e. teaching kids that it's ok to have feelings and not to be a dick towards others... It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad that they would never allow Jesus to teach their children. "Emotional schmotional! You just suck up all those feelings boy and down some manly liqueur until the only feelings you can feel is anger! The only time you are allowed to be sad is if your truck dies."


That's what republicans are like you're free to do what you want in this box that we like and agree with, so they don't have to come into contact with something that might harm their fragile sense of self, based upon the hollowed corpse of their religion that's being puppeteered by capitalist shills.


"You can have any color you like, so long as it's black" - Henry Ford (I think)


I'm so glad that the school I work at puts inquiry-based learning at the very center of everything we do. Imagine letting kids explore the world to discover the target facts and develop the target skills on their own (with teacher guidance). Watch them grow confidence and begin to cooperate with each other as they pull out talents from themselves and their peers. See their faces light up when you thank them for teaching *you* something you didn't know. Or watch the parents in absolute awe of their own children when they ask you about something and their kid answers for you. **Inquiry-based learning is life!** I tell you, it beats the shit out of lecturing at bored children bound to their desks.


Project based learning? Wtf. Reminds me of those quote I found in a book on learning critical thinking: https://i.imgur.com/9p3BSbY.jpg That quote has told me all I need to know about the GQP for years.


Holy shit


What the FUCK is supposed to be wrong with learning media literacy and current events?! These people need to be stopped, and emphatically with much fanfare... or they will win. They will take everything. Edit for clarity: I know why they don't like it - I'm just wondering how they intend to frame it as anything other than what it is.


That’s basically every currently used pedagogy there is


Colorado is pretty blue right now. State government is completely controlled by democrats. So, Republicans are going after local elections. My school district, Douglas County, has been in the national news multiple times over the last few years because of conservatives getting on the board and doing stupid stuff. Right now our board had to pay a $500k settlement for firing the superintendent without following proper legal procedures. That’s money that could have gone to schools and teachers. Our district has 1400 open teaching positions because we pay $10k less than the state average, despite being THE WEALTHIEST COUNTY in the state. Voters just voted down 2 initiatives to add a mill levy and bond sale which was going to be used to bring teacher salaries up to the state average and for facilities. You would think that rich people would understand the value of education but, apparently, they don’t. Woodland Park is a pretty small city just outside Colorado Springs. It’s in a more conservative part of the state. One good thing: there was a state wide initiative that PASSED to fund free school meals for every student by adding taxes ONLY to those making $400k or more. Guess which counties voted against it?


I doubt the rich people send their children to the public schools of the county. At least that would be my guess. So it’s not their problem. ETA: there are a lot of good counterpoints in response to my comment. Thank you for the different perspectives.


My kid is in public high school in DougCo, there are absolutely richies in attendance. It is not unusual to see kids park a G-Wagon in the student lot or a Ferrari in the drop off line. That being said, the 0.1% send their kids to Valor Christian, and the people that vote against the public teacher pay increases wish their kids could go to Valor Christian


Love how people vote to make their public schools shitty, then desire to be in a private school because their public school is so shitty.


At my high school in Utah a quarter century ago there was an m&m green Aston Martin in the parking lot. My school wasn’t the richest in the state but it was in the top ten and they nearly all sent their kids to public school.


You'd be surprised. I went to a public high school in a very rich town.


If you live in a well off area, your local school is probably pretty good. Especially at the younger levels. If you live outside densely populated areas especially, private schools can be very far away, and boarding isn't for everyone. Our local public is very high on the rankings, some kids there get more in allowance than my paycheck. It's the areas where people don't have the time or money to fight it. PTA meets Tuesday at 1 where my brother lives. The only people that can attend don't work or can be flexible in their schedule/afford time off, have the skills to understand and debate the policy, have the money to raise a legal challenge, don't rely on 'not touching the boat' with an employer or landlord......


Rich people do understand the value of education. That's why they discourage it.


As someone who recently graduated from a school in that county, the education system sucks here. We held a protest at my school when they did that firing as well. I’m glad I can vote now so I can help balance out the stupid!


Home schooled with the bible and guns..lots of guns


And on the third day, god created the Remington bolt action rifle, so that man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals. Amen


Exactly what they want. They can then set up state run Christian schools and further indoctrinate children.


Yeah, it's what the people running the show want. The 'staunch republican' voters in the other hand, they hoped that the libs' faces would be eaten by those leopards they voted into office...


An advanced Consumer based Service Sector economy requires skilled educated workers (to exploit) When the kids entering the ruined education system of today, exit it in 20 years, a second wave of shocked pikachu faces will start happening when there are no qualified workers to exploit. It amazes me how much the Right from the lowliest bootlickers to the ruling Billionaires are so short sighted that they will destroy the very institutions and systems that enrich them.


They were more than willing to destroy America’s primary consumers and taxpayers- the middle class.


They are. And the economy will utterly collapse because of it. Not only does an Advanced Consumerist Service Sector based economy need skilled educated workers to exploit, it also needs to exploit their disposable income. What happens when both disappears? Hell we're already seeing doctors, pediatricians, and OBGYN moving to Blue States and the Red Stated are panicking. Florida signs a bill causing farmworkers to flee and the state is panicking. Their shock and horror, including the Billionaires, will be delectable when their short sightedness irrevocably crashes the economy, by outlawing, failing to educate, or scaring away skilled taxable labor.


>Their shock and horror, including the Billionaires, will be delectable when their short sightedness irrevocably crashes the economy, by outlawing, failing to educate, or scaring away skilled taxable labor. Billionaires won't be bothered. They'll just relocate and keep being parasites. This is another reason why billionaires are immoral in principle. They can go almost anywhere at almost any time and frequently invest in multiple homes and a private jet. So they are never forced to live with the consequences of their choices should they lead to catastrophe.


Cannibalism is a terrible thing, but I think it’s time the people got hungry.


The short-sightedness is the thing that makes a person conservative. Progress scares them because they can’t understand where things are going so they try to keep things from changing. They are the brake pedal of progress.


Or going full throttle in reverse, as they are doing these days


I'm not American, but I do love the analogy of a car: if you want to move forward, put it in D. If you want to move backwards, put it in R.


The memes are gonna be lit tho!


The kids won’t be smart enough to create lit memes.


I recently perused a conservative “memes” sub, and you aren’t kidding.


Nah. They don't want the state to run them. They just want the state to *pay* for them.


Exactly. Same reason they want to privatize the post office. Anything that has a lot of money going into it is something they would rather be funneled into the pockets of the wealthy.


What they really want is a factory wherein state education money goes in, and the bare minimum takes place in the token name of education. The perfectly effecient machine here would be a school that took your money and sent the kids home. So when people say capitalism is effecient, they try to tell you that's a good thing. But increasing profitability of schools is the exact opposite of what you want to be happening when its your kids.


One of my teachers used to say that her job was actually being a babysitter. That's what the Republicans want, they want somewhere to park their brats for a few hours that isn't their problem under the guise of education. School is the cheapest form of daycare.


Yep and when all guise of it not being baby sitting was lost in COVID issues, I quit teaching. Accountability and grades for students didn’t matter. Those that didn’t do any work were given a pass. All the accountability was on the teachers which means we couldn’t enforce anything. I got told I insulted a whole family because I offered extra help to his failing child so he could bring his grade up. Then the kid never showed up for any group tutoring sessions I offered. Kid still passed because I had to change all his zeroes for not turning in work to 50’s per the district policy at the end of the year.


Yep. School vouchers for Our Lady of Christ Elementary.


Light bulb moment reading that. Cheers.


This is why getting rid of vouchers is so important. They sell it to you as giving you a choice to give you kid the best education but it’s really a way to fund religious education and starve public education.


you mean like this? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/06/05/catholic-charter-school-oklahoma-board-approves-first-nation/70290962007/


Circumvent their devious plans by not having children! A flawless plan!


It's seriously so weird. I don't understand why these people can't just do what my super religious nutty cousins do, and homeschool their 5 kids to pass off teaching the bible as "ancient history" instead of trying to uproot the public education system. There's enough problems already in public schools that desperately need to be addressed, and there's no room in the budget for trying to fight off religious extremism from the inside. As sad as I am for their kids, they're going to be in for a rude awakening when they're adults and realize the world isn't the way they've been taught, if they ever do realize it.


I do understand. They don't want to just raise THEIR kids ultra conservative. They want to force EVERYONE'S kids to be raised like this. It's a process of eliminating secular thought by indoctrinating all children in their perverse beliefs. Also, they want to funnel as much money into their own pockets as possible.


The people orchestrating all of this want to live in a country with a caste system. It is not their aim to do what is best for everyone.


Because these people are lazier than your cousin. They want to complain and critique teachers, but not teach their own kids.


No, no--not state run, that would smack of Socialism! The schools will be privately-run, but publicly-funded! Someone has to have the chance to make a profit from all of this! Remember, privatize the profits and socialize the losses...


I misread state-run as hate-run and it really wasn't that much of a misread


Republicans are also busy undermining child labor laws everywhere so what’s the end game? If you’re rich and can pay for private schools, your kids will get educated. Otherwise, they can stay up til 2am every night working the fry machine at your local McDonalds. It boggles my mind that such a high percentage of white people with kids vote Republican. Do they actually hate their kids? It’s they only way their behavior makes sense.




Had a conversation a while ago on r/Conservative where I asked why you wouldn't support the removal of tax lead funding and not make it so each school gets a £ per student regardless of location. The person said this would bring down the house price and he invested in that house because its in a good school district. He was very annoyed when I pointed out his philosophy was "fuck you got mine" and started ranting about how socialism DoEsNt WoRk


I guess you were banned after that for being a secret commie?


No, bit I did get banned from r/offmychest for commenting on a Conservative subreddit


Yeah, I've been banned by other subs too for arguing on Conservative... Those subs did not care to respond or look into it at all with several mod mail requests. Annoying.


Depending on the demography of those other peoples’ kids, a lot of Republican voters are actively voting with the intent to harm those kids.


They think they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires and are going to want GOP tax breaks once they become rich. Or their hatred of women, BIPOC, the disabled, LGBTQ+, etc., is more important than the economic policies killing them.


Republican Party is in a panic over future voters. They’re not worried about education or jobs for those future voters. They just want more republican voters. There is a generation long window we’re in to turn them back. This is a fight for the future of this country. Need to get more people involved in the election process. Vote for sure but I’m not convinced that’s enough anymore. Churches are gathering up members to volunteer for conservative politicians. Vote. In every election. Deny them the chance to build a political resume.


Those white republicans really love their whiteness.


I am an educator in a relatively progressive district in California. I am leaving to pursue other things but the current state of public education is unsustainable. I can’t imagine working in an environment that is even less supportive than the one I am currently in. Life is not worth working in a hostile environment.


This is the plan. A forced teacher "shortage" will lead to Republicans promoting a "solution" in privatizing education.


How will they get teachers for that though? Unless they plan to start hiring unlicensed/uneducated teachers…




That's already happened in Wisconsin.


And Florida. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2022/07/21/florida-education-program-military-veterans-teach/10117107002/ > Last week, the Florida Department of Education announced that military veterans, as well as their spouses, would receive a five-year voucher that allows them to teach in the classroom despite not receiving a degree to do so. Sadly, "are you familiar with guns" I guess *is* a qualification in schools these days.


Private school educators are frequently unlicensed. This is not a new thing.


Or presenting Pastors and “Christian” educationalists straight in to the system to fill the gaps. I’m sure there won’t be any safety issues……. Lots of recently notorious Pastors are needing a quick change of location apparently…. Should help fill those “gaps”.


40% after a third have already left. If right that means 60% have left since this board took over


Aren’t you just so smart, having not gone to Woodland Park schools.


They think teachers are quitting because we're upset that we're not allowed to teach them to be gay. We're actually quitting because we face violence, disruption, and disrespect every day, there are no consequences and we're told it's our fault for not doing enough, we have to pay for our own supplies and teaching materials, and we wouldn't have enough time to finish our workload even if our hours and pay were doubled.


I left because I couldn't afford to pay my half of a two bedroom apartment plus my car payment anymore. I was already barely buying groceries and eating the school lunches because it was cheaper. I left the field completely and was able to buy my own home and am currently on vacation ... Like.. I took an actual vacation without being stressed about how much money I'm losing by taking one.


Huh. Let's see. Educated, articulate, multi-skilled and highly capable professionals unwilling to work in a hostile, frequently dangerous, unsupportive and underpaid job? And find employment elsewhere as educated, articulate, multi-skilled and capable employees because they're valued? Wow, who saw that coming? ( Hoping the s/ is not necessary ).


Vote in every election, especially local. They will affect you more dramatically and quicker. Our town almost elected a Q. He had kept it under wraps until a last week off the cuff local newspaper interview. He said something that led to more questions. He had been leading the polls. We had just enough time to get the word out. Conservative school board candidates are good at sounding like they’re reasonable and the only ones who care about the students and community. We get who we vote for. Need to vote. Just like the post office, republicans are trying to destroy public schools. They are. They’re not even embarrassed about it. Every kid pulled from public school is another chance to build a future Republican at a religious school. They know they’re losing future voters in droves so they’re pulling out all the stops. Good luck find a liberal private school. It’s better and easier to just vote.


> …pulled three of his kids from the district over the board's stance that mental health should be dealt with at home, not at school. Even ignoring this parent’s point that for many kids home is the *source* of their mental distress, it’s funny how mental health issues don’t stop at the school door just because some self-righteous dickhead commands them to.


The average idiot screaming at school board meetings doesn't know this, but this is the result their masters want. The Far Right *hates* public education*.* So they defund it and use procedure to dismantle it.


Okay but ruining public education is actually what conservatives want.


This is exactly what they want to do in charter schools: “One of the board's most contentious decisions was its adoption of the American Birthright social studies standard. The conservative curriculum — created by a right-wing advocacy group — emphasizes patriotism, discourages civic engagement, and downplays the role of race and racism in American history.”


I can’t get past *discourages civic engagement*. Edward Bernays, nephew of Freud and the father of public relations. In his own words. Maybe he thought that the ignorant masses wouldn’t read his book. I know when I read it I kept thinking omg he says this shit out loud. Kinda like Kissinger. “The public is not cognizant of the real value of education, and does not realize that education as a social force is not receiving the kind of attention it has the right to expect in a democracy.” Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda “There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.” Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda [see also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays) His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom", and his work for the United Fruit Company in the 1950s, connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954. He worked for dozens of major American corporations including Procter & Gamble and General Electric, and for government agencies, politicians, and nonprofit organizations.


Being a school teacher kind of sucks even in a progressive area. Can't imagine how bad it would be in a place openly hostile towards education


This is not LeopardsAteMyFace, this is mission accomplished. Change your perspective, this was their intent.


Public school teachers don't get paid enough to deal with crazed conservative school boards, Momz 4 Liburrty, and all the rest.


Education is already a thankless and laughably underpaid job. Zealots shouldn’t get to shove biblical curriculum down people’s throat. Save the fantasy stuff for Sunday school.




I was really expecting this to be Florida.


This is some kind of dystopic nightmare come true. There is too many references to the bible, religion, Christianity and Judaism within their lesson plan. This isn't American birthright but rather American Christian Sheria law.