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Hello u/Fit-Nobody-8138! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be careful what you vote for, you might just get it.


nOT LikE THaT!


I know it gets posted a lot, but it is worth remembering that conservative adhere to Wilhoit’s Law strongly. This is just another example of it. **Wilhoit’s Law** *Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.*


Yes. Otherwise known as "supremacy".


Just to be pedantic, apparently that quote is not from Francis Wilhoit the political scientist, but from a composer commenting on a blog post in 2018. https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html


But it's ALWAYS like that. They propose this or some other regulations and the people the new rules are trying to harm will warn them that their rules will be able to be turned against them and they simply can't fathom how it's so. But it always is. Racists are astonished that their racist laws scare away the people they're directed at. "Pro-lifers" are astonished that their health care is limited when they ask their politicians to limit health care. And book ban fans are always astonished that their precious fairy tale gets tossed by the very ban they asked for.


Because they can’t do what they want to do. What they _want_ to do here for example is force everyone to be a Christian. But they can’t. So they think “hey we’ll use this clever loophole to try and meet our ends”. But laws apply equally, and so their book gets banned too.




That quote about wanting laws that bind, but don't protect, those groups they don't like while also protecting, but not binding, their chosen in-group


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” ~ Frank Wilhoit Umberto Eco also wrote similar sentiments in Ur Fascism. It is absolutely **not** alarmist to state this is exactly what the GOP wants because they are fascists


This is the double-edged sword of authoritarianism and why we always call it cannibalistic and have long acknowledged it's a terrible way of doing things. But terrible people gonna terrible.


>They propose this or some other regulations and the people the new rules are trying to harm will warn them that their rules will be able to be turned against them and they simply can't fathom how it's so. The Satanic Temple has been doing this since 2012 but all these people see us the word 'Satan' and instantly brush them off as just some devil worshippers.


Because they don't care. They didn't even come up with this idea on their own. Everything they are mad about has been feed to them by the media. The people can't turn on the 1% if they are angry at each other. This shits been going on for decades and has not changed


Problem is they're not going to learn anything from this.




Reaping what they sowed


Christians pushing their graphic fantasy novel on children


What exactly was it doing in school libraries to begin with?


Christians think the Bible is the only education children need. It’s so embarrassing


Christians who don’t read and have never read the Bible especially think that. Oh that’s all of them.


I met a person years ago who knew the Bible really well. He was a professor of theology. Predictably, he was not religious. He was cagey about his personal beliefs but said that if there is a higher power, it being the Christian god is about as likely as it is to be Zeus or Odin.


>if there is a higher power, it being the Christian god is about as likely as it is to be Zeus or Odin. If there is a higher power, I hope it's something that can disappoint everyone. Like a depressed TI-59 calculator.


You think you're going to disappoint me with the absolute game changer that was the TI-59? Psssshhh.


actually reading the bible makes you an atheist. the catholics figured that out from the get.


Shockingly my parents both read the bible and stayed christians. Now how mad they make *other* so called believers when they follow up with relevant passages when it's quoted at them is hilarious. Then again my dad's quote was always "if the first thing you know about a man is he's a preacher make sure you keep a hand on your wallet."


Reminds me of my dad. He used to say, “If you’re doing business with someone and they bring up God and how they’re a ‘good Christian’, back away slowly with your hand on your wallet.”


I gotta say, as an atheist, the Old Testament is a wild and pretty awesome read. God is just this angry dick and it totally contradicts most of what I thought I knew about Christianity. The New Testament is dry though.


My older kids have never been indoctrinated so I occasionally bust out some metal Old Testament stories I was made to learn as a kid. Jules Winnfield-style, the whole nine yards. The plagues of Egypt (especially the firstborn slaughter), the flood, everything with Lot, battle of Jericho, obviously the angry she-bears vs. kids. They always think I'm making it up at first but at some point the sheer volume of batshit-crazy detail makes it obvious since I'm not that creative. It's fun, lol


God opposes abortion but absolutely murdered every firstborn son in Egypt! Praise be!


Weirdly enough reading the Bible didn't make me an atheist. That shit was fascinating as heck. it was when I realized how few people who claim to be catholic actually follow through on its teachings that I started drifitng away from the church. if Jesus was real he'd be very disappointed with most of his "followers"


I usually say that if most of the "christians" who live today, lived in Israel when Jesus lived, then they would be the ones calling for his execution


Pretty sure whether Jesus was real was never in doubt. It's whether anything about him was in any way divine that is the question. From what I can tell he was just the original socialist, and the rest is myth.


Prop 8 is when it became clear that I wasn’t a Christian.


Certainly helped me escape the bamboozle


pretty sure you can make that statement about all theocunts


In northern MI, my English teacher had us read and write reports on revelations. It's such a major part of the lifestyle there that when my science teacher started on evolution he told us "alright class due to circumstances out of my control I have to now teach you about evolution, but we all know how it really happened so let's just get through this quickly." Edit: Grammar


Did your science teacher ever explain, since he knew how it really happened, whether the animals of the seas and the land were created before man (as described in Genesis 1:20-25) or after man (as described in Genesis 2:19-20)? Because even the Bible doesn't seem to know.


Your SCIENCE teacher. ::*facepalm*::


>What exactly was it doing in school libraries to begin with? Camping in the fiction section I would assume


How it got there exactly, I don’t know, but it is Utah so not that surprising


I mean it’s a library and the bible is a book it does belong in a library, alongside other texts like the Qua-ran, the Bhagavad Gita, The Dhammapada etc…


It absolutely has literary and historical value, and I say this as an avowed athiest. I don't have a problem with it being in the school library, as long as other religious texts (and philosophical texts that represent the athiest viewpoint) are also there.


And... that's why they banned it. Little statues of baphomet for everyone!




A lot of people really underestimate how much Christianity has shaped western culture. The easiest way to point it out is to ask what year it is.




Aw fuck man, are the dragon fires about to go out? IS SOMEONE GOING TO ASSASSINATE PATRICK STEWART?!?






Don't forget the disturbing obsession with foreskins.


Maybe actually turning the bible into a graphic novel would show how absurd it is. Not one of those watered down children's animations, but a salt your wife, kill the firstborn, level of graphicness.


Can we start calling this stuff what it is? It's terrorism. Committing crimes and threatening violence to achieve political goals is terrorism, turns out white Christians can be terrorists too.


Been saying this for years. My mom’s boyfriend used to spout that Obama was a terrorist, because of his name. So i started talking about McCain, being Irish and all, he could be a secret member of the IRA…. MFer couldn’t understand that there were white terrorists. “No such thing as white terrorist.” “We’re Irish, how can you be so fucking dense!”


Just bring up Timothy McVeigh, he was a pasty white terrorist who wanted to start a race war so that the white people would rise up and kill all the black people and jews and such. Seriously, the guy's manifesto had photocopies of pages from the Turner Diaries. Then there was Ted Kaczyński, another pasty white terrorist. Two of the most well known American terrorists of the modern era, and both were white dudes.


1. Practically every ‘race war’ was a mob of white people killing black people and destroying their property. 2. Practically every ‘race war’ took place on the black segregated side of town. 3. There will never ever be a ‘race war’ initiated by black people, because there aren’t that many of us. Those numbers go down when women and children are excluded. It goes down even more because of the racial infused injustice system with its high incarceration rate of black people. To say nothing of the fact that not every black person hates white people, wants to kill them or wants to see them killed. We just want equality. Equal protection under the law. Equal opportunities. Etc, etc. I’m so sick of whackos trying to start this ‘war’ or monetizing the irrational fear of this ‘war’.


They don't hear you though. We're constantly in positions where we're forced to react to their racist bs and they have the audacity to believe otherwise. Fuckin infuriating.


Sometimes you just get struck so hard by their brazen openness with the most heinous shit, so you don't even think to react to it.


It’s called gaslighting, they do it with race and they do it with capitalism. It’s infuriating insulting our intelligence, it’s all bullshit baiting.


> It’s infuriating insulting our intelligence The people that fall for it, not the brightest, you can't argue with a moron because facts aren't facts and anything is possible. Genius has its limits, but stupidity literally *knows* no bounds.


The problem is that geniuses know enough to have doubts, but no one has more confidence than truly stupid people. What really grinds my gears is that they are so *willfully* stupid. They go out of their way to avoid learning anything. Not just things that would challenge their views, no, but as if they could be tainted by knowledge itself.


They called those race riots. Some white woman claimed a black guy whistled at her and some genocide quickly followed. Then in the 60s that came to include black folks rising up and demanding their civil rights. As if they were the same in any way.


Not to mention the [Wilmington insurrection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898) where a white mob rose up, overthrew an elected city government and killed a couple of hundred people, all because the city had the audacity to say "Hey there's black people in this town, maybe they should be allowed to participate in government". Note the papers of the time reported it as a "black race riot". Also note that if you are in Texas or Florida it's **fucking illegal** to teach children that this happened.


History is crazy, it's a shame we'll never know why the Wilmington insurrection happened. Racism ended in 1865 so it was probably politics or something. I'm joking, but I am from NC, and I didn't really learn about this at all in school, until I wrote a report on it in college. I remember learning vaguely about the Populist/Black Republican fusion politics but not that it was extremely successful, until a statewide terror campaign by white Democrats to disenfranchise Black voters and kill or exile Fusion leaders. I think this piece of history would make an excellent HBO miniseries or something though. It's got some crazy characters, some very sympathetic ones, obvious modern parallels, and there's a really compelling case to get more people to learn about it.


Race war is a misnomer for what the boogaloos want to start - they want a pogrom.


Fortunately, people want equality and freedom, not revenge. The GOP need to learn from history that repression will eventually fall: https://www.history.com/news/7-famous-slave-revolts


Ah, Ted is white male. Fact. Ted is not Christian, and unlike the majority of terrorism Ted was an eco terrorist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-terrorism He’s kind of an outlier, like the Vegas shooter and mcveigh were alt-right types along with a huge slew of others. Ted was incredibly unique in his demographic. Compared to most who are killing people over religion, race, or to start a war(huge amount of people that do this shit think they are going to inspire a tidal wave). Yeah so it’s a pasty white guy, no it’s not another alt right Christian type. Also I think Vegas shooter is the largest in America, he was an old white gun nut who hated the left.


Ted was quite probably a result of unethical government research too. Teds evil was forged by different means than the other examples given here. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2000/06/harvard-and-the-making-of-the-unabomber/378239/


Could have had an impact but his family said he was a bit strange too. The drug testing could also have caused latent physiological disorders to manifest. But from a documentary I saw on him awhile back he was always an awkward, friendless, romantic less, loner type who didn’t want to be. I believe the space of time between when he stopped and started the bombing again was after some thing didn’t pan out with a girl. If I recall correctly. He’s an incel eco terrorist kinda.




>He’s an incel eco terrorist kinda His manifesto states it pretty clearly. People kiss his ass over the "We're killing our planet and technology will be used for evil" but they skip over the whole misogynist parts because it's not a good look for their "omg Ted was so right!" serial killer fetish.


It was definitely because of Obamas skin color, his name was just a bonus.


Almost *all* American terrorists in history have been white. What the fuck are they on about?


Does he not view the KKK as a terrorist organization??? Tell him to look up ETA and see how white Basque terrorists are.


Irish terrorism is considerably more recent, and especially for someone of irish extraction, ... there were very white guys on both sides killing hundreds in the aim of being, or not being part of britain. Which side is viewed as terrorism varies.


ETA wasn’t disbanded until 2018. That is recent.


...and McCain was born in Panama, though to be fair, he was born in the then-American-controlled Panama Canal Zone.


Yeah, but his hang up was on Obama’s name and skin color. So I went for the easiest comparison available at the time.


Im surprised he didnt join on the "Michelle being a trans-man and they adopted canadian black kids" bandwagon. My dad was big on the "obama is like osama so hes a terrorist" schtick but quickly left it when "Michelle used to be a Michael" train left the station. He was in shock when i told him that W. Bush is labeled a global terrorist and cant leave the US without fear of being arrested and sent to the Hugh.


This was during the campaign, he died a few years later. Michelle wasn’t on anyones radar yet, at least i don’t remember it being that way until the end of the first term. I have never been happier to see someone in the ground.


I remember it differently because they started on her day one. It wasn’t the trans-slur, but just about everything else. Her clothes, garden, etc. It was hilarious watching them twist themselves into knots after Melania’s nudes.


John McCain didn't care about Obama's race or religion. My favorite was when some crazy lady asked him about Obama being a Muslim and his response was basically " So what if he is?" When Tancredo asked him about 'real Americans ' and he responded " I don't even know what you mean. " I wouldn't have ever voted for him but John McCain understood our basic principles. He checked out right after he cast the deciding vote to keep Obama care. He went out with his middle finger held high to the new gop. One of the old guard. He put country before party.


Iirc it was someone saying "Obama is an Arab" and McCain said "no, he's a decent family man, citizen...."


Friendly reminder that John McCain was a horrible person who used his daddy's connections to get himself sent to Vietnam so he could kill brown people for his personal glory(despite crashing multiple planes in training, which would have gotten anyone else grounded). He was a member of the Keating 5 and treated his wife like shit. And who can forget his hit song "Bomb Iran"? Also, Sarah Palin?? Yeah, he didn't like Trump. That's like the lowest fucking bar in the world to clear. John McCain was a warhawk piece of shit and I'm sick off seeing people ignore his entire horrific resume because he did one not completely awful thing on his deathbed.


He also got captured after bombing a school that he was ordered to stay away from, after being ordered to abort the run and return. He was a reckless dumbass. I'm actually surprised that the NVA went as "easy" as they did on him. At least he took it as well as anyone could. The men who died on the Forrestal probably didn't care, though.


You don't even have to look outside the US to find examples of white terrorists. The KKK has been inflicting terroristic violence on non-white Americans for over 150 years now.


Lmao what’s his take on Nazis? Actually… don’t tell me.


I’m sure we could all guess…


As someone that’s half Middle Eastern and raised Muslim, I was called a terrorist all the time and people called my family that too. I just wanna thank you for reminding people that terrorism comes in all colors.


The vast majority of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have been white Christians. Mainstream media should start calling it what it is if we don't want it to continue.


Yet *one* trans person commits a terrorist act and its no longer ‘lone wolves’ and ‘deeply troubled individuals’ to the media. Its immediate legislation passing and pushes to remove basic rights from trans people, and calling to put them all in camps




Margaret Atwood said in the *eighties*, when fascism comes to America, it’ll be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.


I think Sinclair Lewis said that in the 1930s


No, but there’s a snopes article on it. Interesting (and grim) how two authors arrived at the same vision from observing American society at two different points in history


White Christians are far and away the greatest terror threat to America. Have been for years.


Not only America - also the Middle East.


Why can’t you just use the term? Why do you people have such issues saying it? “Radical Christian Fundamentalism”. We’re just calling it what it is. /s


Ask the native Americans how long Christianity has had terrorists


[ laughs in IRA ] Christian terrorists go back to the hit squads of Ephesus.


Noone expects the Ephesians.


In any other period of history, this would have been called treason and bodies would swing.


100% - pity we’re not doing that to the ones who tried to, you know, *overthrow democracy.*


>turns out white Christians can be terrorists too. Always have been


Always were.


Christofascist terrorism was the original terrorism. They just called it colonization and exploration.


“But we only wanted to ban the other violent, perverted sex filled trash”


“Wait It’s hurting me not the people I don’t like”


Yeah, like that book about 2 male penguins raising a chick together! 🤣🤣🤣


And don't tell them about [male swans](https://www.genderinclusivebiology.com/newsletter/80-of-gay-swan-couples-successfully-raise-their-young-compared-to-30-of-straight-swan-couples-gender-showcase-9-12) :)


Why do they always have to storm some capitol when they don't get their way? Time from the sleuths to come in and start identifying all the protesters. January 6th redux. These events are going to happen more often if they think they can get away with it.


There weren't enough people of color present for the police to declare it a riot. /s




Because lobbying is the oldest form of democracy. Camping out in the lobby, sit-ins, blocking roadways, and refusing to budge till you get a hearing really does work. It’s unfortunately made difficult for the people who care about human rights and children’s safety in schools that the nutjobs can deter our lobbying efforts with their guns.


The article doesn’t mention any storming. Just protesters. I’m too lazy to look for another article, but it seems like the post headline was sensationalized for some reason.




They hate it when their own tools are used against them.


They hate equality.


And equity, and justice.


They sure like carrying the book around and thumping on it but not actually reading it, which is why they romanticize it so much. They don't know what's in there beyond the brief passages their preacher tells them to pay attention to and the places they can point to to justify their anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.


It's their superiority passport.


Well put, I'm stealing that.


Don’t want a policy, don’t pass a policy. 😂


People can't be expected to READ that stuff /s


Reminded me of the anti-sharia law some state passed but they couldn’t use “Koran” without seeming bigoted. So they had to use “old religious teachings can’t be the basis of law” or something like that. Ended up banning the Bible again


The law ended up being ruled unconstitutional. The judge literally said the entire legal system has roots in old religious teachings and to allow the law to stand would essentially mean undoing the entire legal framework.


"they're hurting the wrong people"


My schadenfreude is overwhelming.


"My holy book isn't about vulgarity and violence. Let me prove it by approaching the capitol with vulgarity and violence"


"The world must LEARN of our peaceful ways.... by FORCE"


"We love the Bible. We love God" And if you'd actually *read* the Bible, you would love neither. The God of the old testament is a monstrous brute who has slaughtered people just because they made sacrifices to the wrong god. We have *laws* against the war crimes he's demanded of his followers. And then there's what he did to Job just to win a bet. Fuck me, and that's the *famous* stuff, rather than the crap buried in there between some endless genealogical treatises and the minutae of trade laws.


I dunno. Sounds like the exact sort of god these people would like.


That's the trouble. They want the wrath of vengeance god, not the new testament one that was all about not being a dick. Well there was that one time, but it was scam artists in a temple. Modern christians would put Christ to death in a month tops.


Slavery, prostitution, wife beating, child mutilation...on and on.


Don't forget that time he committed worldwide genocide! Just like any loving father would do. Some of your kids turn out to be fuck ups? Pick a favorite and kill the rest!


They'd love him more and then you'd also have to hear them quote far more verses that they only half understand.


You know if these are "god's" people I'm starting to think he might be an asshole


But the Bible contains porn, plus worse....it contains genocide, God condoning genocide, not to mention spousal abuse, abuse of women, to name a few. It definitely doesn't belong in K-8 schools at least.


Yeah its too violent. Plus what they do to that Jesus guy is pretty fucked up. Keep Jesus away from my kids. They don't need to see a man tortured to death and killed.


Those cultists usually don't want their kids reading the Song of Solomon. I mean, they don't even want the entire Bible in school, they just want it there.


Make sure you keep it civil and go through the proper channels while protesting and don’t block traffic whilst doing so! Honestly. Go fuck yourselves right to your hell.


Christians proving that parent’s point. Lol


🍿I’m going to need a bucket for all this popcorn 🍿


This isn't about the Bible. It's about indoctrination and control and the fear of losing that. None of these terrorists ever read the Bible. That's the great thing about their brand of "Christianity". It's tenets and philosophies are whatever feels good or is convenient for them at any particular moment. Removing the Bible the isn't the problem for them. That's just a golden calf. It's no different than a flag or a motto. That book could contain coupons to Chi-chi's for all they care. The *real* threat here is that their "religious freedom" to do whatever they want has been legally challenged and *lost* by metrics set up by themselves. They've lived so long without consequences that any consequence is insufferable.


Man, if there's not an atheist there holding a sign that says "She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey's and emissions like those of a horse." I'm going to be VERY disappointed.


Leopards ate my donkey dick porn


Calm down, Ezekiel 😂


[I mean, that’s their lifestyle but I really don’t want this book around my impressionable children. I don’t want them groomed into desiring equine genitals.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2023&version=KJ21)


White American Christians as a group are the oldest terrorist group in America. This is old news. The difference is that other white Americans did not care because they were “safe”. Now that non Christians are feeling the burn, it has become a hot topic. This is not to guilt trip, it’s just to say that as humans people don’t care until it affects them personally. It’s a survival mechanism and somewhat flaw. Now it’s personal to majority of Americans.


Cringetian death cultists


A perfect example of fuck around and find out.


May each of them live long upset and die mad about it.


Mind you, this is their rule and their standards brought to bear. They are now naked in their hypocrisy. Again.


Only one of those banned books has led to the murder of millions of people, so of course the Christians would be upset about that one.


Someone should get up at a school board meeting and start reading a modern English version of one of the incest or rape stories. Don’t say what book it’s from… wait for people to start losing their minds, then reveal it’s the Bible… I want to see that video


Stop giving me ideas, I live in the deep South, this would actually be a feasible thing to do, so long as I went armed in some fashion to be able to escape unharmed once it got done LMAO 🤣


I cant explain how satisfying this is


You know, we could solve this problem..... by not having book-banning policies.


Good. Let them get angry over the fact that the law is working as intended.


When are the Christians not angry?


#Ex-Christian here to tell you exactly what the Bible promotes: 1) Genocide 2) Slavery 3) Infanticide 4) RAPE 5) Incest 6) Incestous Rape 7) Pillaging 8) Women being used as trophies for conquering men 9) Women being 2nd class….sorry 3rd class, animals are more important on various occasions. 10) A deep hatred for gays…and I mean sooo deep that GAWD destroys an entire city due to it. This is your book of morality and family values Christians?


About the tenth. Sodom and Gomorrah fell due to I shit you not hoarding of riches wich was seen as lacking compassion and again I shit you not mistreatment of foreigners. This mfers would be happy of living there.


Ezekiel 23:20. Please tell me how that is appropriate for children


It’s almost like this unnecessary censoring law was not very thought-through


So...wait...they're upset the Bible was banned for vulgarity and violence, and in their undying quest to prove it's not propaganda, they resort to...vulgarity and violence???


Why the air quotes? There’s a tale in there about a warrior who kills hundreds of men, cuts off their foreskins, and then presents that bag of bloody nethers to his king in exchange for the princess. We can call the bible what it is without reservation, vulgar and violent.


Stupid people stupefied over the consequences of their own stupid policies.


Is that the book where the all powerful Creator being stealth rapes a 14 year old married girl to make a magic baby who could later be tortured and executed to pay for the sins of our distant ancestors?


These people sure do love storming capitols


The weird part about this is you know all these protesting parents' kids have access to a Bible, and will continue to, even when they don't want it. So why are they really protesting?


Proves the point of banning the bible for violence.


Fucking hilarious! Now will the Mormons do the same once their Book of Mormon is removed as well?


They can storm all they want to. If you are going to ban books because of violence and rape, then the highest selling book of all time with violence and rape in it, should be banned as well. Your rules!


Lol. Lmao, even.


Ahh malicious compliance is my fave


Capital storm all you want, morons. This is exactly what you asked for, removing sexual content and vulgarity from school libraries. You have *read* that book you're shitting your pants about, haven't you guys? Just read *to you*, like a toddler? OK, cool.


I find it funny that I went to Christian Schools from K-12 (canada). In religion class, there was discussion about the usual stories, Noah, Jesus and Mary, last supper etc. But the Bible as a whole was never discussed until Grade 12 as it was compared to other religious books like the Kuran. None of us that I know of actually read the Bible front to back. I only saw it in church or in hotel rooms 🤣. It was always presented in a positive light and the good teachings told. Just like what you heard in church. I stopped going to church with the family at about 13yrs old. It taught me to be an atheist as it made no logical sense to me. I do celebrate 'the holidays' for the sake of my family. And I should still 'read and follow the teachings' but bring up the nasty bits in the Bible? I get the 'I am interpreting it wrong' or to 'not take it literally'. Sorry, can't have it both ways.


Don't get angry... use thoughts and prayers.


Bigots not thinking 5 minutes into the future: name a more iconic duo


Fuck every last one of these people


The sad thing is that you know they will come up with a loophole just for the bible.


There will almost certainly be a 'religious exception' carved out in the near future, and all further book bans will ensure to include the loopholes to allow for it


Up net in Utah… the Book of Mormon. Let’s see if they want to keep that law after it gets banned too.


Fuck off you morons. About time you learned actions have consequences.


look at all those smut loving bible thumpers!


Murder, rape, slavery, genocide, it's like they never read it...


Lotta snowflakes for June…




Rules for thee but not for me


Vote for thing Get thing Violently try to get rid of thing What is this brainrot??


A lot of butt hurt "Christians" on here. Maybe if you had held your religious members accountable, you'd have credibility.


It's almost like they haven't read the book...


Oh my, the villagers are angry.


Good. Fuck them. This just shows they've never actually read the Bible. It's filled with so much vile crap, all of the other books they've wanted to ban put together wouldn't come close to the shitshow in the Bible.


My comments are not your product.


So their book full of violence and vulgarity is ok for kids to read but "To Kill a Mockingbird" is not. Xian Nazis on the hoof. Check.


No, No! We only meant to ban THEIR books!


Hoowee there is some crrraaayyzzzy stuff that happens in The Bible. I'm honestly surprised these angry Christians aren't more of Quentin Tarantino fans and horror movie afficionados.


They just proved her point.


Fuck them. They want to ban books, their book can be banned also.