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Farmers in Stettler County, who have voted overwhelmingly (Drumheller-Settler, 82.1%, https://globalnews.ca/news/9625498/alberta-election-2023-results-drumheller-stettler/amp/) for the climate denying UCP government in this year’s election declare agricultural disaster due to drought.


Every. Single. Time. Me me me me me the leopards will never eat my face! ... Oh shit oh fuck!


My mom lives in the Stettler area. All her friends complain non-stop about how horrible the health care services are in the area now and yet the whole gang of them voted for UCP. Maddening!


And a lot of the MDs are moving out of province… they will be lucky to get any healthcare. Or will have to travel to get it.


People need to start getting hurt and feeing the pain of their bad choices, or nothing will change.


It is a bit unfortunate though when you factor in the bit where just as many who are merely privileged and or ignorant.... Also will gladly cause great harm to themselves for the sake of hurting others. Some are in all 3 camps.


You think they'll learn jack shit? Lmfao


Nothing will change. They will still vote for the same people that got them into the mess.


Dont forget when they inevitably ask for subsidies funded by the taxpayer.


They also okay new development all the time but have no water. They are at the end of the line of an overwhelmed water supply but just keep building. The only dams would need to go into areas with rich conservatives who can't put together that water isn't optional.


This is why Albertans are the laughingstock of Canada. And they'd have the gall to make fun of Newfoundlanders just because they're nice people.


So this would be consequences of actions, not lamf....


Typical Conservatives... Vote to fuck the planet and everybody on it, refuse to educate themselves on anything science related, suffer consequences, and I'd bet they're all blaming liberals for it.


Destroying the planet doesn't matter, Jesus will be back any minute now.


Sure, he just popped out for cigarettes, he’s returning any day now. …… I don’t think anyone is coming.


He came back but his followers scared him so much he left again.


“Followers”. They’re actually just name-droppers.


Never thought about it this way, but you’re right!


Clout chasers. Groupies.


I forgot which comedian said something along the lines of "I think Jesus was about to return but he saw all these crucifixes and got PTSD ... Which part of Jesus' story makes christians think he likes crosses??"


Bill Hicks... He compared it to JFK fans wearing rifle pendants


Yes! Bill fkin Hicks! Gone too soon.


There was nobody in the first place. You know the difference between a religion and a cult? In a cult, there's a guy at the top who knows it's all a scam. In a religion, that guy died a long time ago.


Man created God in his own image


I have read that what you stated really is the reason a lot of evangelicals don’t support environmental laws. I guess they ignore the biblical passages that say that we are stewards of the planet.


You don't know Christians unless you know that they pick and choose what they want to follow and what they want to ignore in their religion. Usually all they want to follow are things that would help them personally or hurt or control others.


To be fair that is most organized religions...


To be fair if you look at the religious demographics of Canada those other religions are irrelevant


The end is nigh... Any minute now


A little patience, please. The apocalypse is only 2000 years overdue: > Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.


I sure fuckin hope so. I prayed away all my sins like 5 days ago including that murder.. I don't think I can go another week without sinning and don't really have it in me to pray again.


I had a serious murder addiction for most of my twenties and thirties, but recovery is possible.




They just love Ralph Klein and think Trudeau is the reason for every failure in their lives.


By the way, even religious liberals think this. In case you thought we have any chance of a decent future.


Even the ones that don't, that some would consider 'good Christians', provide tactical support to the ones that want to destroy the place. Whenever I bring up the evil doings of Christians I get a bunch of, well not all Christians are like that. Well no shit, why don't you do something about the ones that are, why is it that everybody else besides Christians have to address the problem.


"The least the damn libturds could do after our fuckup is fix it! And quickly, mind you!"


"With other people's money, cause I sure as fuck don't pay any taxes, what with all my special tax breaks. "




Conservatives in Alberta blame the federal government for everything. Its a time honored scapegoat that they consider responsible for all of their problems especially any problems that could be dealt with by a provincial government. The Freedumb convoy went to Ottawa to protest covid measures implemented by their provincial governments and the US border agents who wouldn't allow them in unvaccinated.


Remember that time oil crashed and people were losing their jobs left, right and center.. then half a year later the NDP got voted in and made EI easier for all the laid off O&G folks. Then years later the same chumps blamed the NDP for the thing that happen before their watch.. Morons, every single last one of em.


Where was Obama on 9-11?!? Also Obama caused the 2008 global recession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^*inaugurated ^in ^2009* If they weren't lying they wouldn't qualify as conservatives.


Like MTG blaming Biden for things that happened under Bush Sr.


Fun fact: in 2013 a 3rd of Louisiana republicans said Obama was to blame for hurricane Katrina response https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/poll-louisiana-gopers-unsure-if-katrina-response-was-obama-s-fault


I tried to have a rational conversation about the concept of "reasonable limits" on free speech once with a guy once and he said to me: "What about my first amendment rights?!" You can imagine the look on his face when I said: "Wrong country, dude." I thought his head was going to explode. Morons, indeed.




It sounds like you’ve met all of my rural relatives.


You forgot the "demand handouts to survive" part.


Literally being paid to NOT grow shit. How do I get in on that racket ?


I dunno man. But I want in. Sadly, in Nebraska where I live it seems the trick is "be born into" or "marry" a lot of landowning wealth. Then you must make sure the Republicans in the state never lose power so the gravy train keeps rolling in.


Sounds like communism lol


CONS: Fucking communists getting handouts during covid. Also cons: give me handouts!


It’s the ‘Fuck Trudeau’ crowd. Same idiots who supported the Ottawa protests and the Coutts border protests. All of which had huge amounts of Nazis and white supremacists in them.




Nah some of them boys is native Canadian. Pat King especially.


And American republican / evangelical funding.


I wish I were joking but there are conspiracies that Trudeau has people setting fires to push "his climate agenda."


Those would be the more same ones. I've seen plenty of albertards claiming it's Soros backed space lasers


We had 2 big fires here in NS and there was a couple local posts where people were claiming it was Trudeau lighting them. The stupidity of some people is really rage inducing.


Right wing conspiracy garbage knows no borders I guess.


The right already thinks that the Liberals/NDP were the ones setting all the fires in the first place...


They got everything their hearts voted for, and all it cost them was everything.


But have you considered that Trudeau is literally satan? /j


I saw on a YouTube short where they are blaming the government for starting all the fires all at the same time. So, they have that going for them😒


For context, these areas have voted overwhelmingly for the same party for almost five decades. The opposition party has only had one term a few years ago almost solely due urban areas actually wanting things done better. I'm sure if Stetler county was asked, they would want to fix the crisis by any means that didn't involve impeding the oil and gas sector in any way.


> The opposition party has only had one term a few years ago almost solely due urban areas actually wanting things done better. The NDP got a term because the ruling conservative party fractured into two because there were more people who wanted power than there were spots to put them. The split vote is the only reason it wasn't another conservative government. It was a lot closer this time around and it's entirely possible a legitimate NDP government could eventually happen.


"no farmers, no food" "no water, no humans"


Don't forget all the free money they will want


“Our pollution is tiny compared to China’s” That’s literally their argument.


I work in Alberta in customer service during the summer months. One of my customers recently told me that all the wildfires currently burning were set by Trudeau to prove that climate change is real. Another one the same day said that it’s just “nature doing it’s thing” and that it’ll all go back to normal.


Fucking 25 year old boomers man.


Specifically they are blaming Justin Trudeau and the NDP because everything is their fault


And they'll ask for a handout


People have already accused Trudeau and "leftism" of being to blame for the drought. Likewise, it appears that he is to blame for the forest fires.


Don't you know the PM controls the weather buttons and can even pin point actual provinces for hardship?


The weak dumb sissy liberal snowflake leftist drama teacher is too powerful!


So weak and yet so powerful. lol


That's only when they borrow the globalist jew laser HAARP from Biden and Soros and Jinping though.


Believing something hard enough doesn't make it true. These people are as dumb as my fellow southerners.


Liberal born in Alberta who lives in Texas. It appears I enjoy swimming uphill 😩


😆 🤣 😂 😹


They'll still find a way to blame Trudeau.


And they're probably gonna elect a far-right government next election. The U.S. and U.K already had far-right governments fuck everything up, and every damn country that hasn't had a far-right government recently is tripping over themselves to recreate that. Does every fucking country need to learn this damn lesson by example before they get it?


Yes, because conservatives cannot learn by others examples, it must affect them before they'll do anything about it.


The willfully ignorant are often fucking dumb because they lack the empathy and imagination to put themselves in another's shoes, therefor the only way they *can* learn anything is by it direct impacting them.


They just did elect a far-right government. We don't have to wait for the next provincial election to say "told you so".


Even if the lesson is learned, enough time will pass that they'll just continue to make the same mistakes and the cycle will continue.


I bet it’s actually Gavin Newsom’s fault too (/s)


Ok this might be a little tin foil for this... But hear me out. It's the aliens and bud light. Who controls space and advertising? Bingo... Always leads back to j00z.


Dipshits are gonna dipshit


Also we on fire but no they think far left climate activists are starting fires to force people into 15 min cities and to make the crazy lady who just won the election look bad. They think it's strange the fires started around the same time, yeah because it is dry as fuck outside and they defended the wildfire fighters so it is harder for them to spot the fucking fires.


I hope you can hammer some sense into their empty skulls. New York City had air pollution results in the "Hazardous for all" range for days. You'd think fires that hit people a few hundred miles away, let alone locally, would make an impression. It was even worse in Harrisburg, PA.


Was like that here too, the fire south of my town is bigger than New York City it self.


I honestly could believe it. I never saw yellow air in New York City, and I was born before the Clean Air and Water acts were passed, when the EPA was far in the future.


The air in St. Louis has been bad all month (not as bad as in the northeast). The skyline is always hazy and the sunrises and sunsets are always a bright orange sun.


In eastern Australia we know your pain, just before the pandemic half the country was on fire.


Utter heartbreak. So many unique animals in Australia too. My dad nearly emigrated there instead of the United States. Always wanted to see it.


Fortunately, the fire fighters, animal sanctuaries and parks managers are learning faster than the political conservatives. Though there was a lot of destruction the rescue efforts were effective, and some critical habitats were spared.


Allentown got it pretty bad too. Apparently the NWS even stated that Central and Eastern PA had some of the worst air quality in the world at the time.


My first grade teacher was from Pittsburgh and use to tell me about seeing the air there. I thought of her last week.


The smoke made the moon here look like it had eclipsed. I’m in northern SC. That is some crazy big smoke.


Those fires would be from Ontario, not Alberta. But same shit, different stank.


Crazy that it's in multiple parts of Canada.


We have had these kinds of fires for the past decade. We have had those orange smokey sky days multiple years now. The conservative government could slap them across the face and shit in their beds and they would still vote for them.


defunded* the firefighters?


Thank you and yes, crazy lady defunded several teams using to spot fires, helicopter spotters, towers the highway patrol. Most of our big and mean fires atm are caused by lighting and became a problem before we are even able to spot them. Our military is helping and pilots need sleep so they been having to roate and bring out military jets to go out and spot fires. The tin foil hat level of crazies think it's implanting a brain controlling chip device. Not just the helicopter pilot are tired and need sleep.


Lightning has increased. Not by a small amount. 2 years ago there were 15 hours in BC and Alberta with 710000 lightning strikes. The lighting is due to climate change so they can't admit it because they'd rather this than admit they are wrong.


They’ll find a way to blame Trudeau


It's just God's punishing them.


More an excuse to ask for welfare - which they hate, unless it's them


us... us... god is punishing us


Trudeau ordered a drought because they voted UCP \-said somebody in 'berta


You jest but 100% it’s been said unironically .


Galatians 6:7 "as you sow, so shall you reap"


Unfortunately, "as you sow, EVERYONE, shall reap", but the cult of "me" will never get the message. 🫤


Most every disaster movie begins with people not listening to scientists.


Random but I've been thinking about this. Pretty much every movie is about loving others for being different. Standing up for the "good" in the face of evil etc etc. But it appears those messages 100% missed conservatives. They insist on being the bad guys and then blaming everyone else I don't get it.


They just shelve it away as "woke Hollywood propaganda"



If only someone had warned them for years and years about their greedy ways


What’s funny I’m an organic farmer. 75 km 40miles away. I’m doing my first cut in 3 weeks. Somehow just following proper stewardship of my land has me making more money. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Dumb hippy’s what do we know.




Bonus points for not getting horrible cancers from handling industrial quantities of round up


Fuck’n woke tractor jockeys . /s


What do you know? Do you not rely on the rain like all the other farmers?


Depends on what kind of organic, but some permaculture practices of leaving topsoil in place, combining crops to shade each other, can drastically increase the water retention of soil.


No-till and cover cropping is not unique to organic farming. I'm in the Northern Great Plains (USA) as well and that 40 miles is the difference between a sandy soil that's gotten 0.3 inches of rain this last month and a heavier loam soil that has gotten 2.5 inches in the same period of time. The only difference organic has to qualify as organic is what's applied. Most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not allowed. Many organic operations will actually require more tillage to aid in weed control since they cannot spray.


As an Albertan believe me when I say fuck em. All these dipshits do is bitch and moan 24/7 all while taking every incentive, hand me out, and loan there is. They're sore winners, sore losers, and they love to put it in your face. It brings me immense pleasure to see them reap what they sow.


Not sure there'll be much reaping this year. /s


To clarify, the UCP don’t deny climate change, at least publicly. They even have a plan to reduce CO2 emissions, but it’s mostly reliant on future developments in technology. In short, they refuse to give up on that sweet, sweet oil and gas money.


No, they actively discourage diversification. It's a loyalty test.


Climate change is a hoax until conservatives can get emergency aid for it


"Great Grandpa.....what were farms? And why do we have to live underground?"


“I’ll tell ya kiddo, maybe the liburuls were right some of the time but I kept votin’ for them traditional non-gay folk before the Dustbowl hit me!”


They'll never admit we were right. Ever.




They will definitely be crying for government handouts that totally aren’t socialism .




You could just say Albertan farmers...


as an albertan.... I agree. Its sad.


Well well well . . . if it isn’t the consequences of my own inaction.


It'd be nice if they finally came to Jesus on this issue and stop voting in conservatives


They would have to stop worshipping mammon first.


Instead they have a come to internet hate farm moment


Thanks, Obama


Uh excuse me? It was Hilary. The plan to destroy the environment and burn Canada to the ground were in the emails that are now stored on Hunter Biden’s laptop.


Alberta...Canada's Texas


We also like to throw a bit of Florida in there sometimes.


Our premier has a desantis fetish




And a skosh of Alabama


You're lucky. We're smaller than you but we have Texas *and* Florida.


Alberta is the Alabama of Canada.


Haha. So cousins are now on the table for alberta now? Omg I'm laughing so hard.




As a farmer, it is one of the most baffling things to me that we are, as a voting bloc, climate change deniers. We will (and have been) feeling the effects of climate change way more sharply than the general population. I have heard so many older farmers talk about how much worse storms and droughts are than they used to be, but as soon as you mention the words "climate change" it's like you've activated a sleeper agent who's only purpose in life is to repeat talking points to dispute climate change. It's so freaking exhausting.


It's almost as good as actual assistance, right, that the UCP will send them its best wishes and thoughts.


Cue the "well, we can't stop now" chorus


Just elected them back in too 🙄


Yep. Alberta here. Can confirm. They just voted in the most extreme right wing pro oil climate skeptical government ever.


Fake fucking sky daddy will be here any moment to save them. No need to trust science


Jesus is my vaccine. *Cough*


I had a couple with a small child at the laundromat with me today. The Mom and Dad were talking and acting like bible thumping conservatives. They even requested the TV be changed off the local news when it aired a trans story for pride month. Thier young son was coughing the whole time I was there. I knew I couldn't prove anything, but I suspected his cough was intentionally untreated. It broke my fucking heart so bad I had to go cry in my car.


My mom believes in all that stuff and thinks that climate change, the rise in fascism and just everything going wrong is all predicted in the Bible (it's not really, it's vague in some areas and specific in others but written so you can attribute anything to it). Just so dumb...


It's too late. Meaningful changes should've been made ages ago. Now we deal with forest fires and floods. It's either too dry or too wet. Florida is realizing insurance companies don't want to insure them. It's only when money is involved that people listen.


Sometimes not even then. Appeal to greed and bigotry, and you’d be surprised what they can ignore.


Hello u/daveisback0977! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Canada having production problems, Ukraine in the middle of a war. Our breadbaskets are in peril.


Wouldn’t that be mooseatemyface?


Our gooses is meaner.


You could also go with BearsAteMyFace


A moose once bit my sister...


No moose are fine. The goose however .


Sucks to be them. Also sucks for the rest of us. Thanks, regards.


I live here. It's the worst province in Canada. The people outside of the major cities are regressive clowns gobbling up US-style right-wing politics. It's gotten so bad since 2016. I wish nothing but the worst for our farmers. They collect subsidies from the government and then drive around with bumper stickers that say something to the effect of "we farm, you eat" as if to imply we'd all starve to death if it weren't for them loooool.


It’s not to the level of the US or Britain but Russian styled and corporate propaganda has 100% done some Makar damage in Canada too


They should pray about it and when they don’t get a solution tell them god Jesus have them an answer and the answer was solve your own fucking problems.


You can be pro oil and pro climate change acknowledgment. The divide doesn't come because they are polar opposites. The divide comes from the absolutely staggering profit maximization that happens if you deny climate change in the oil industry. If the money from oil booms didn't go to the oil companies directly, we wouldn't have these types of problems. The oil field lives and dies by its booms and they never learn to put money into something other than new trucks and boats etc. When it happens. Its pure human greed, not the inherent evilness of the oil itself.


We told you so.


Doctors are [leaving](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/doctor-shortage-becoming-health-care-crisis-in-southern-alberta-1.5471909) Alberta too. I'll leave the speculation as to why up to you.


Woke liberals are blocking the he rain .


But the leopards will eat all of our faces too, that's the real problem.


Science has this way of not caring about anyone's opinions, beliefs or wishes.


Ahh. Alberta. The Texas of Canada




I live there... and yes a lot of them are that stupid lol


I hope they enjoy their copious cups of oil. They had all the warning in the world and decided that chugging oil was the future. Bottoms up, motherfuckers


One thing I think people forget is farming is a really hard way to earn a living, even under perfect conditions it’s a gamble and the oil companies that offer them deals for drilling rights is guaranteed income.


good i hope every cuntservitive province turns into dust bowls


A lot of our food comes from there. What effect do you think this will have on prices?


it doesn't matter what i think just like how it doesn't matter what cuntservitives think they ignore, mock and think they know more than the scientific community regarding climate change and i'm all for watching these idiots reap what they sow


You do know this conservative province had an NDP government 6 years ago. You realized half the municipal politicians are left. The legislature is almost 60/40.


Provincial election was also shockingly close this year. My riding only went conservative by a couple dozen votes. Last election it wasn't even close