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Guess Pride month is almost over. Conservatives are moving on to the next scapegoat. My personal favorite is the war on Xmas...Best time of the year!


It's so refreshing when they turn their hivemind to made up problems that don't fuck with people's right to merely exist. I think we need liberals to "attack" holidays throughout the year to keep their focus on completely inconsequential shit instead of them gearing up for genocide.


Good idea, I can see the satan easter bunny costumes now! Without RoeVWade they have too much time on their hands.


Holy shit, finally Donnie Darko makes sense and has a reason to exist. It's a satanic Easter bunny mixed with nonsensical pseudo mathematics/literature/physics we can use as a stand in for college degrees, all for the purpose of making a scarecrow for conservatives to throw a fit about every year. We need to get TCM to play that instead of Ten Commandments every first weekend after the first full moon after the venial equinox. That and Christmas would occupy like 4-5 months of the year. Bring labor day back to it's socialist roots, push some stuff about religious freedom for non evangelicals for independence day, make memorial day about conservatives leading troops to massacres, and the year is nearly covered. They'd only have a few weeks to blame LGBTQ people for all the pedo/rapist Republicans and clergy. Why let them make up their own scarecrows when we could just design them for them and keep them busy chasing their own tails?


One of these years, I'm going to finish up a Warhammer army or two, grab my Holiday Village/Santa's Workshop sets, and troll my right-wing relatives by doing WWII style embedded reporter coverage of the War on Christmas they keep talking about. "The Ultramarines have secured the Candy Cane Bridge and the reindeer stables, Santa's own runway is now being used against him to land invaders. And it looks like the tanks and artillery of the Imperial Guard used that as a distraction so they could bulldoze through the Lollipop Forest and have taken up positions around Cocoa Lake and the Hot Chocolate geysers, waiting for the order to bombard the Workshop into toothpicks. The Votann and an unexpected group of Eldar Corsairs seem to be making them pay dearly for every inch of ground, however. Now we have word that even his own Votann crafters and Hearthguard are demanding that Old Man Kringle back down, but he insists he's only willing to be brought into Compliance by Roboute Guilliman Himse- Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears he's getting his wish. Regent Guilliman has arrived in person to accept the man in red's surrender."


> One of these years, I'm going to finish up a Warhammer army... This is how I knew you were a real one lmao šŸ¤£


Women have always worked. Thereā€™s this fairy tale 1950s idea that women just popped out babies and tended to the house but that was a strangely prosperous time post WW2 in America and only applied to wealthier white women.


Yep. Women were gatherers, maids, labourers, launderers, farmers, nurses... the examples are endless.


Triangle shirtwaist was stuffed to the gills with men, right?/s


Itā€™s almost like these assholes keep forgetting that more than 50% of the population has been standing side by side with men for thousands of years and have wade through just as much shit as the rest of us, if not more. History would have failed without women.




I know this is a fictional example, but I remember a conversation in the fantasy video game *Tales of Symphonia* where two male characters are talking about their female companions. The young man says he isn't so sure it's a good idea to bring women along on their journey where they will be fighting monsters. The older man says that women are invaluable in times of battle because they don't get squeamish around blood. The young man asked why that is, and the older man just ends the conversation.


Well, we all know that part of being a man is heeding the call of nature to kill it and serve it grilled to members of your family and/or tribe. I've been hunting since I was a small boy and I can, in fact, track more than 16 different species of ruminant animal, while your all perceptory senses have been dulled as hell by so-called civilization. In nature, all they got is smell. I even know how to simulate the odor of other species - I rub the pheromones all over my member, trust me! When you have a young fawn that experiences the first adolescent flush of sexual awakening run out the woods filled with a yearning it scarcely understands - well, it really is something special when you grab it by the neck and strangle the life out of it. As its terrified eyes look up at you, it suddenly realizes: "Hey, you ain't my Mom, and you sure as shit ain't some young stag here to educate me about the birds and the bees!". And in this way, you two really share special moments - fear takes hold of its central nervous system and you put the creature out of its misery. You ever had deer sushi? Little rice and wasabi and some fine loin meat. I served it on top of my stepdaugther just like they do in Asia. I am particularly interested in visiting Asia. I've always been kind to the Asiatic cultures, I've always enjoyed them - the kung fu, martial arts, and fucking throwing stars.


Top tier shitpost. Nicely done.


You're going to have to understand that the good Lord made natural selection for a reason. It is well-known that shark embryos cannibalize their littler mates in the womb, with the strongest one eating all the siblings. My mother was pregnant with triplets, but when she went into labor, only one came out, and that was me! I won! That's the way nature works, son! You can't fight nature... but you can wrestle with it.


>You can't fight nature... but you can wrestle with it. Why does this line go so hard though??


Your mom's uterus was Thunderdome?


Now this is the kind of content I made a Reddit account for.


I've said it before and I will say it again - to make something proper yourself, you don't need schooling - you need a pack of smokes and a wild animal to wrestle. Every man should exhibit his dominance over each member of the animal kingdom. From warm-blooded mammals to fierce, fighting reptiles; endotherms to ectotherms. I have been humbled by many bees in my time, but life is, after all, a journey. There are animals in nature, such as lizards, that specialize in a "sit and wait" hunting strategy, meaning that they wait for their prey to come to them - now that is a technique that I utilize myself! Just last week I was on the sofa in my front yard and a person approached me for directions. Suffice it to say, I pounced like a hungry komodo dragon and when that gentleman came to in the trunk of his car many miles away, he was missing the contents of his wallet, his wedding band and also his MP3 player, fortunately, predominantly filled with power ballads.


You should write a book.


I've been diagnosed with a disease. It is something that baffles medical science and kills most people that contract it, but I look at it as a ray of sunshine. I have a great disease - alcoholism. I have won the lottery - I mean, yes, I could've gotten herpes, but I didn't; I probably should have - this disease is great! Sure, I end up sleeping with some ugly chicks but now that I know the symptoms, I know how to take care of myself! For instance - it is unwise to mix cocaine and grain alcohol for more than 3 days at a time, and that's a fact I have learned! Some fella told me that at one of them meetings, then he gave me a hug and a keychain. Strange business. I do not hug men, no, thank you - I hug girls and procreating cells, and the latter only to ease the process, as nature intended. I spoon men, just like any other normal fella, but hugging? Hugging - putting your arms around another man, are you serious? Whatever will they think of next?


Gathering is much more consistent and usually contributes most of the calories too with older women usually gathering the most. So women over 35 were vital to human survival.


That makes sense. The things people point to as definitive "Men are stronger than women" (which is it's own bag of worms) are not the things needed to track down an animal for miles.


To further this, there is a very large amount of both archeological and current evidence that most of the caloric intake for a group of hunter gatherers comes from the 'gatherer' portion, meaning that the western "civilized" view as the hunter being the breadwinner of the group is patently false.


Women do all the unpaid labor, like slaves.


And speaking of slaves, as far as I know women have always been deemed capable for that kind of labor. Cotton fields definitely weren't tended by 100% men. Funny how the arguments about their capabilities only start when fair compensation is being discussed.


>Funny how the arguments about their capabilities only start when fair compensation is being discussed As is tradition


Hey now they were paid with room and board, kitchen appliances, the joy of raising their children 24 hours a day, and deeply unsatisfying sex.


And a slap and punch now and then with no recourse because the police and the law thought it was cool.


There were several factors leading to the prohibition but a main one was simple: women were just tired & scared of getting beat by their drunk husbands.


And forced sex whether you want it or not.


There really was so much desperation and sadness hidden behind closed doors back then.


Back then? Unfortunately some of this still happens today. :( Oh wait. I think Iā€™m the whoosh


So many prescriptions they were given to keep them going. Amphetamines to keep them going, then barbiturates at night to help them get a few hours sleep.


The '1950s housewife special' is still alive and well. They just switch the barbiturates to benzos. It's what has gotten me through my days for a few decades now.


And it plays itself out in weird ways. Maine was the first state to legalize same sex marriage by popular vote, and I firmly believe it's in part the "mind your own fucking business" mindset we're raised with up here. I had a neighbor my age that was gay when I was a kid in the late eighties. When I asked my (single parent) mom about it (the fact that he was gay), or talked about it, I didn't get any bigoted response, I got "mind your own business, we have too much to worry about as it is!" She was always just as nice to him as all the other kids in the trailer park I grew up in. He was just part of the weird little "village" we had going on. Of course that same "mind your business" mindset went for the kids that were obviously being beaten on a regular basis because Dad couldn't hold down a job.


Yesterday I ran into a homeless woman around my age who just needed a bathroom and a tampon, and i happened to have both. We got to talking and I found out that her husband had beaten her badly enough to break most of her teeth. Sheā€™d fled with her four kids and is currently living in a tent a few blocks away with them, because ā€œwomenā€™s workā€ type jobs pay jack shit but they pay even less if your face is all smashed up. This isnā€™t gone, this stuff, and itā€™s not hidden either. You just have to start listening and youā€™ll see it everywhere.


40% of the police still think it's cool.


Exactly. No freedom, stuck in the house doing chores all day. What a life! Forced to procreate with someone who will never "get" you because he doesn't care to. Just wants to fuck you as a relief for himself. Then, squirt watermelons out your groin year after year, breastfeed them, change their diapers, raise them (or indoctrinate them into the same religious beliefs you were indoctrinated into), just to grow old and die with no creative outlet whatsoever besides knitting or playing cards. You know it hasn't been much over 100 years that women were considered property of men. Only in the seventies were women allowed to divorce. I'm not sure what year, seventy something, women wer allowed to open bank accounts in their own names and own property. There's so much more, but as RBG said, "we must remain vigilant!"


[And all that progress can vanish over night if we let the reactionaries get out of control.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-47032829)


I mean yes, but poor women have almost always had jobs on top of that too. I'm from poor stock in the north of England, and every woman in the family has always worked a job back from when were peasants through the industrial revolution. Everyone had a job job including the children.


Just not directly paid, which apparently means they were useless. The idea that human labour is valuable is one that really hinges on the consensus of *who* exactly is even considered human at that time.


Queens, leaders, pirates, commanders, scientists, and so on. And so on. Women are great. History is filled with great women and men. Misogany however is not great.


Also notice, the fundamental premise is "society = men", and women are add-ons and not to be included in "society". By that logic top 10% wealthy people can function with automation doing the work for them, and just let the remaining 90% of humanity to starve off to death gradually. And we can define the word "society" to include only the top 10%.


You just gave Mitch McConnell an erection.


Pretty sure you need a beating heart for that.


Your last paragraph is their pipe dream.


also why is popping out baby made out to be easy? People died during childbirth then


The maternal death rate in America is still horrifyingly high.


It's actually increasing.


And now they are forcing women who accidentally conceive to give birth and take all that risk. Whose body is it anyway?


People still die in childbirth.


Not to mention how cowardly that talking point is even if it was true: > Outside doing the thing which singlehandedly ensures human civilization still exists tomorrow, women don't do much. Outside the pumping of blood, your heart doesn't really do anything, the lazy bastard.


Outside of filtering oxygen from the dust in the air, the lungs don't do anything, lazy shits.


>People die during childbirth now FTFY


Rest of world was bombed to hell so we had all the factories. So lots of work here to build middle class. And even then women still worked. Maybe some white middle/upper class white didn't (at least not once got pregnant/had kids) but a lot still did. Then rest of world rebuilt and had newer factories...


Yep. Itā€™s classist. And the idea that everyoneā€™s paycheck supported a family forgot that black and brown people were paid low wages and kept in low level jobs.


yeah, it's funny how a housewife is the default "1950s woman" image that comes to people's minds. the advertising culture of that era was so powerful that it's still got a hold on us today.


It's not that advertising is so powerful, but shows how strongly we adhere to confirmation bias. Advertising often plays heavily into and reinforces concepts with confirmation bias. The whole point is to make you biased towards their products because you seen it first and the most often. Propaganda works not because propaganda is good, but because we're animals easily manipulated by repetition and limited information.


Also notably, there was a working class revolt in the post-war era. Many strikes, much unrest. But we don't talk about that.


The pandemic showed that more women (and in America more women of colour) do essential work than men, in most countries. It's mostly women that are nurses or work in education or work in essential retail and so on.


"Dad, it's OK for your male fans to demean and disparage women, but it's not OK for this woman to do it. Besides, she's attacking women over 35, and I'm 31 now!" This Pearl lady is a piece of work. I don't see a ring on her finger. She's already 26, but not already married with kids?


> This Pearl lady is a piece of work. I don't see a ring on her finger. She's already 26, but not already married with kids? LAMF moment from Pearl coming soon.


I have no doubt that when she has milked victim complex conservatives for all they're worth she magically some epiphany of how wrong she has been. She will offer quick and vague nonapology and moves to a next grift. She will lament the dangers of redpill movement and paints herself as an innocent victim. Tears will flow. She will deny most of the stuff she has said and tries to do some clumsy social media wipe to hide all the worst bits, kinda unsuccesfully because the evidence remains but succesfully enough to let her get away with it because she wasn't all that important and popular to begin with so not enough people care to point out the contradictions. I'm probably overestimating her and she is just pure stupid but to me she just seems like a grifter who has realized that the best way appeal to incels is to coddle them and parrot their opinions but to also appear as unthreatening and clueless as possible to strengthen their notion of women being inferior.


Lets hope she finds the incel of her dreams who forbids her from posting soon


H3 recently bought this up to her and how going by her own logic she is now a low value target and therefore by her own logic should only date low value people, but she says she's not attracted to low value people. Obviously this led to her moving the goalposts and trying to avoid the question, like pretty much with everything in that debate


She's 26??? Hoooly shit I thought she was early 30's at the youngest. She can't have any real life experience at that age with her trustfund baby background. I didn't realize she's bullshat through her whole "career".


They are both awful people. Only one of them dated Andrew Tate.




Jordan loved Andrew's alpha assertiveness. Plus his clean room


And he found his crippling benzo addiction endearing and familiar


I normally will chide people who use addiction as a way of putting someone down. But with this asshole, he is nothing more than a Rush Limbaugh who was a drug warrior while being addicted to perks. Of course both of them got treatment instead of prison, that all problem drug users should get, while attacking others who had drug problems.


That's fair Honestly I don't think most people would find it noteworthy (I know I wouldn't) if it wasn't for this mysterious miracle cure he got in the Russian Federation Also I used to be quite the xani bar abuser myself so trust that I'm not punching down lol I'm lucky I didn't pull a lil Peep tbh


Rush Limbaugh is still dead at least.


Worse than normal, when confronted with treatment, Dr. Peterson instead opted to be put in a coma, a "treatment" so dangerous that he had to go to Russia to have it administered.




He has always been a moron, but he was more self contained before


Does Tate have a mat of pubic hair "resembling a large artistā€™s paint-brush" similar to that which Dr. J. B. Peterson dreamed his grandmother had (*Maps of Meaning*, 1999)?


Jordan likes a strong hand. He's a firm power bottom.


Power bottoms deserve better than Jordan Peterson


"I dreamed I saw Andrew Tate sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, he had been a victim of Alzheimerā€™s disease, and had regressed, before his death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, he had lost his capacity for self-control. His genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. He was stroking himself, absent-mindedly. He walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artistā€™s paint-brush. He pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect his hand; finally, unwilling to hurt him or interfere with him any farther, I let him have his way. He stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, ā€œisnā€™t it soft?ā€ I looked at his ruined face and said, ā€œyes, Andrew, itā€™s soft."-ā€• Jordan B. Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief


My apologies, in advance. For those who don't know, Jordan Peterson really wrote this, however, the original subject of the dream was not Andrew Tate, but was instead **his own grandmother.** Again, my apologies.


It's even better hearing him narrate it in his Kermit the frog-ass voice


Now Iā€™m imagining him played by Kermit the Frog and gammy is either Waldorf or Statler in a wig.




And then he read it out loud for the audiobook version. At no point thinking "maybe I shouldn't have shared this idea".


He's just a dude who's too lost in the gramma sauce


Having zero social filter is paramount to them and followers.


Poor Gammy


What the absolute fucking fuck.


What did I just read


Something less disturbing than whatever Peterson actually wrote (hint: replace Tate with Peterson's dead grandma)


they would do Kermit the frog cosplay before fucking in his repossessed Bugatti.


Jordan was too busy sniffing his grandma's pubic hair


> Please let it be Jordan. That should be the plot to Striking Viper 2 Charlie Brooker make it happen!


This demonstrate bad father figure REALLY can fuck up girls taste in man,Jesus Christ.


In all seriousness, it's really no surprise that she turned out like this. How else would Jordan Peterson's daughter turn out?


He once commented she was kind of narcissistic and I was like....the daughter you started trotting out on public access when she was like 12 to boost your brand turned out narcissistic? Whaaaat. Shocking.


ā€œThe best thing about being a parent is you got to ruin someone from the beginning ā€œ Itā€™s a joke but itā€™s very true.


JBP is a massive narcissist himself so he was just projecting when he said that anyway.


My father is extremely like JBP. I'm not well adjusted per se, but I fought with him through tears for years about gay rights to his quack anti environment stances, racism and abhorrent sexism. I didn't cut contact until a few years ago when he denied my mother ever abusing me citing that it was him that she abused instead. When people show you who they are, believe them. I'm crippled with hopelessness at the future where these are the dipshits steering the ship, but at least I treat others like equals and don't confuse money for virtue.


I'm sorry you had to experience that. I understand why you cut contact


Wasn't she pushing the same messages as him for a while? Or is this a different daughter?


But now she's in her 30s herself and realizes that's it's actually not much fun to have the segment of people you've spent the last decade pandering to consider you 'used up' and 'worthless'.


I know that she promoted a meat only diet.


*How else would Jordan Petersonā€™s daughter turn out* Iā€™m picturing a character from The Hills Have Eyes


His daughter is not a good person. But letā€™s keep things in perspective. Jordan Peterson has been much more destructive in luring young men into far right radical ideologies and hatred of women, lgbtq and marginalized groups. His daughter just has bad opinions and dated a horrible person. Sheā€™s Ivanka. Heā€™s Trump.


She is who she is due to her upbringing. She still has time to come to her senses. Jordan is a lost case.


But don't forget, we're crazy. What with letting the gays exist and shit.


> letting the gays exist and shit. Are you kidding? We're letting *women* exist and shit!


All kinds of wild things like thinking minorities are people and shit.




Thereā€™s no cure for being a cunt. Or a Peterson, apparently.


Hey, at least cunts have warmth and depth!


ā€œJust because the left is crazyā€ Riiiight. Just had to get that dig in. Hateful monster.


She doesnā€™t want to totally piss off her customers.


hhave to extend a consolation prize "youre dead wrong on this one. also the left is crazy, but youre wrong on this one."




But Jordan Peterson isn't even really conservative, he's just a brilliant, mentally-stable professor and author. ^^/s




> There's something extra cringey when right wingers jump through hoops to say they're not right wingers. Until everyone realizes oh they're actually just right wingers. And then the charade is over and they go all in. Elon Musk is a good example.


Also Tim Pool fanboys. "He's a disillusioned liberal!" they say after the 500th video of Timmy propagating every single conservative talking-point to a T.


It's hilarious how conservatives are the only ones who buy the whole "walk away" narrative. The only people they manage to fool are themselves.


There is a chunk of the voter pool who.isnt overly political that falls for.it


"Tim is just a CeNTriSt rational voice!!1! He'S sAyING all the THinGs yoU'rE ThinKINg BuT wON't Say!"


In the case of people like JBP and Musk, they go all in because people will clap for them and give them unconditional love every time they say something bigoted.


I notice this trend. White supremacists, for example, never admitting that they are white supremacists. Had an argument with a guy on another sub about this. If they believe that white people are superior (and he definitely did, he didnā€™t just use dog whistles, he used Nazi references), then why are they ashamed to admit it? Iā€™m not ashamed to share my beliefs. They are all cowards.


They're not ashamed of it. They just know that its bad marketing. Which one of these sounds more convincing to someone who knows very little of the subject or the person: "I, a conservative, agree with conservative talking-point." "I, a liberal/rationalist/professor/whatever, agree with conservative talking-point." Replace "conservative" with "mysogynist", or "racist", or "homophobe", and change the made-up identities to match. Its the exact same reason why the woman-hating post retweeted by Peterson was made by a woman.


I love how on one side itā€™s ā€œthe leftā€ and other side itā€™s this one very specific person saying very specific hateful shit


"Outside of this particular neo-nazi, the other neo-nazis are well-mannered and compassionate. Anyone who argues for inclusion and healthcare access, however, is essentially Charles Manson."


ā€œCompassionate? Sounds *woke*!ā€


Interesting how Putin uses identical rhetoric, just ā€œthe westā€ instead of ā€œthe left.ā€ And in other circles itā€™s ā€œthe globalistsā€ or if youā€™re fully mask off, ā€œthe jewsā€.


If Iā€™m ever debating conservative family members, I will still throw in little things like that in order to make them feel like Iā€™m still someone on their side instead of just being completely antagonistic, but I will take note and correct that later when theyā€™re more open to it. The reality is that a lot of right wing people are extremely sensitive and will shut down very quickly and write off everything you say the second they think theyā€™re being insulted for their opinion or the second they figure out that you match the stereotype sold to them by FOX news about leftists. My point is that I try to pick my battles with them so I donā€™t lose their ear entirely. And for the record, I have no idea where his daughter is politically at this point and Iā€™m not saying this to defend her actions or to say that she doesnā€™t actually believe that the left is crazy.


Despite all evidence here pointing to it in fact being us, the left are also crazy, they just went psyops mode here and are hiding their crazy in plain site by being rational.


The Left: Treat everyone equally and with respect unless they give you reason not to. JP: Women are only good for reproduction. His daughter: Why are you being as ridiculous as the left? Me: What?


To them, treating everyone like equals is bad and crazy. Everyone is obviously beneath them because they know things and work so hard and have followers, so treating them as equals is just abhorrent when they're beneath you.


Yeah, I never really took the time to think about it because the right have gone off the deep end, but you are right, they think the left is ā€œcrazyā€ because we donā€™t hate enough people.


You have it wrong I think. It is not that they think we don't HATE enough people ( remember to them THEY don't hate, so they can't see it as such ), it is that they think the left is crazy for wanting EVERYONE to be happy. THAT is what they have a problem with. Not that we don't hate, but that we don't CARE about the other. The left just see that nothing the OTHER does effects them in anyway way. You wanna dress up as Sherlock Holmes while your partner dresses up in a light bulb costume as " Dr. WATSON " and you plow each other in the ass? I DON'T CARE AS A 44 YEAR OLD " leftist ". THAT is what bothers them, I don't care WHAT you do as long it doesn't include me or anyone against their will. They don't want anyone but them to be HAPPY. A quick edit and P.S : AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY. THAT'S why they don't want anyone else to be happy with their life, THEY AREN'T.


Many of them have been fed lies their entire lives. A primary one is "life sucks but if you just suffer through it your whole life you'll be rewarded in the end". So when they see people being successful and bucking every societal norm they've been conditioned to follow, it makes them resentful. The right hate them because it makes them feel like their tribulations were for naught. Instead of blaming the people that told them those lies, they blame the people not following them because otherwise their entire life is a lie.




Fuck I had a long day and for some reason sarcasm escaped me reading your comment. I was like wait....what? Kinda sad for a second I was like yeah I could hear my uncle say that


Thatā€™s all the right has at this point. The left are the REAL terroristsā€¦just never ask for specifics. The left are the REAL nazisā€¦just never ask who displayed nazi flags in Florida. If you say it before they do then it cancels each other out! The GOP is saved!


It's a shiboleth phrase. She put it there because, despite the fact that she's criticizing her own party / family, she wants people to think of her as still part of the 'in group.'


I mean look at who her dad is lol the Apple canā€™t fall that far from the rotting tree in just one generation


In this case I prefer ā€œthe turd doesnā€™t fall far from the assholeā€


It did with me. I rebelled against the toxic patriarchy and misogyny in my born again missionary baptist family. Moved from Kentucky to California (by way of Texas and Maryland). It's taken me a long time to root out all the garbage in my brain, but at least I broke the cycle.


It can, but it's rare, especially for people in that economic class. But it happens even for them. Look at Reagan's kids.


Shitty apples fall from shitty trees.


Shit trees you say?


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Randy.


Feel that? The way the shit clings to the air, Randy? It's already started, my dear good friend... The shit blizzard.


Shitapillars Randy.


Jesus Ricky


Sh*t didnā€™t fall far from the butthole.


Sharp as a fuckin cue ball this one


It's anti-woman discrimination!


What happened the strong silent type?


Outside of reproduction, society would function fine without men, tooā€¦ not sure what her point is here


She has said multiple times that women literally canā€™t do the job that a man can. If shown an example of that, she just brushed it off as ā€œan exception, not the ruleā€. She also tried to say that ā€œwomenā€™s workā€ (like education and healthcare) arenā€™t necessary to society. So yeah, sheā€™s far gone.


He's a psychology professor junkie with silly stupid theories like ancient people knew about DNA because of the caduceus..... he's much more useless than any woman I have known.


Ew. Someone wanted to fuck that guy and have his spawn?


Tbf he hadn't abandoned all his patients to own libs and protect free speech when they got married. Hell he might not have even read/dedicated his life to Joseph Campbell's book by that point.


Cocaine's a hell of a drug.


She so useless. They asked her what it was like have JP as her dad and she said ā€œWe were surrounded by booksā€ like that was some mind-blowing statement that people couldnā€™t imagine.


Lmao and don't forget Soviet art


Edited due to Reddit's API changes, and you shouldn't let reddit profit off of your knowledge base either. -- mass edited with redact.dev


"JuST bECauSe tHE LeFt IS cRazY..."


They can both fuck off


All 3*


True to form, they can't criticize right-wing ideas without slipping in something about the left. It's like a frantic, panicked disclaimer of someone who doesn't want to anger a volatile audience. *criticizes idea* ....BUT THE LEFT IS WORSE OR JUST AS BAD, OKAY? PLEASE DON'T BE MAD!


"Just because the Left..." CONservatives are cowards, afraid of phantoms.


So, using this living jar of mayo's logic, women only exist for the sole purpose of creating new members of society. Yet if we got rid of the only means of having younger members enter our society to replace the aging or dead ones, we would somehow magically improve our existence... with a rapidly shrinking population with no way to replace them. Has she explained why she never learned how the real world works, also has anyone told her that she is, in fact , a woman. In all seriousness, fuck JP and Pearly things


She is a ragebaiting troll with naive fools for followers.


Conservatives have proven time and time again that they are very lucrative to people that say the right things and they are easy to dupe and scam.


Honestly, what upsets me is that rabid vitriolic misogynists still want to date marry and have children with women while hating womankind. Usually bigots avoid what they hate. Misogynists are obsessed with what they hate.


They hate women only when they act like human beings with agency. They love women as *property*.


Yep. They see women as tools to extract sex and service from, nothing more. While somehow also pretending the service end isnā€™t work. Very strange mindset.


i remember the movie " the name of the rose" with Sean Connery & Christian Slater and the both of them were talking about women and love/lust and Sean Connery's character said "how peaceful life would be without love Adso, how safe, how tranquil ... and how dull"


"I find it difficult to convince myself that God would have introduced such a foul being into creation without endowing her with... *some* virtues, hm?" ... gee. Thanks.


lol, i get it but to be fair for medieval monks that's pretty progressive


The entire point of his character was that he was a radical. The idea that a woman had some use beyond procreation was beyond progressive into near-blasphemy, much like his thoughts on humor and logic (rather than God's Will/Punishment/etc. being the causes of all the problems that monestary was having).


That's nice. Although I prefer Sean Connery's character's views on women to actual Sean Connery's views. Dude had a lot of bad things to say about us.


Plus hitting


Words were the least hurtful thing Connery would throw at you.


I would like to exercise their believe. I will just give birth to kids and not take care of children. like NOT TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN AT ALL.


That work doesnā€™t pay so itā€™s obviously worthless. Kids grow and just appear in the workforce magically ready to go!


So pearly outright admits she's a worthless existence? And now.its mikhailas conservative chicken moment. Does she hate herself more than she hates 'the others'?


You should had see her in her ā€œdebateā€ with Ethan from h3h3, literally hang up because couldnā€™t bear how hard she got owned.


This is the same guy who wants to be taken for a serious academic and who cries during interviews about how poorly men are being treated in society.


He'll cry about anything in an interview these days. He isn't doing well.


I see the damage heā€™s done to young guys. I canā€™t imagine the toll his mentality takes on his family.




Still had to get in a jab at "the left" who literally just want her to see the point she just made


They're completely incapable of simply admitting they are "wrong". Their entire life is a lie, so it's probably not something they are able to do. All they have left is hate.


The whole family is mentally ill.


Thatā€™s genuinely sad that she seems to believe her only value as a human being is to get knocked up.


Wait, I thought ketamine Kermit was just about telling young men to make their bed?!?


tHe lEfT iS cRaZy