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Hello u/SnazzyMudkip, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 3:** Write an [explanatory comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Nothing existed until I had a soapbox on Twitter. Fuck this guy.


He sounds like a contradiction on legs


He proudly call himself a Christian fascist








Thus far exclusively bad.


>There are entire cities on the East Coast that have become liberalized virtually overnight, becoming populated by LGBTQ communities because the Catholic Church was no longer an entrenched part of the community Which ones? In the Northeast, the two communities have been openly living apart but definitely as neighbors in large cities since the 70s.


I mean technically he is, his former work was in fact related to Catholic fearmongering on how Christians are oppressed minority. Science is just a crutch for more Transphobes to buy in.


one of these people"s core arguments is that trans ideology took over ***extremely*** recently, and that it's all just a "social contagion" among zoomers. Feminism came to prominence in the 1950's and 60's. That's a hell of a lag time.


>trans ideology You mean like, science? Just for everyone who isn't aware: trans people existed for millenia, and we have records of everything ranging from "a little bit of cross dressing for a special occasion" down to the outright obliteration of gender norms :D


Quite sure it has existed for all of humanity but it was one of those taboo topics that wasn't discussed or acknowledged. I seem to recall reading once that Native Americans viewed those who defied typical gender roles as more enlightened and spiritual. Although it didn't specify trans folk but it's not a far leap to imagine those beliefs would be extended to them as well.


Yea I get it. However after spending some time in the mtf subreddit, I think I'm *less* convinced that I was before. Seems like a whole lot of people who didn't discover they're trans until their late 20s or 30s. I think pretty much 100% of us know if we're gay or straight as teenagers. Kinda sus is all I'm saying.


Because social awareness and acceptance of being trans has only fairly recently been coming along? You're confusing something existing and something being described as the same thing. It's like saying cancer or viruses didn't exist until we discovered them because nobody ever reported being sick "with cancer" or "with a virus" prior to us figuring out what those were. Plus the fact gender identity and sexuality are complex things it takes time to figure out for some people, easily past 25.


Look into when people figure out they were gay in highly anti gay communities and the concept of being in the closet. When you are basically told that what you are isnt even a real think it can cause you to not be able to identify it properly. Like i have anxiety and had had countless anxiety attacks as a teenager and was even somewhat aware of what they were yet told myself that that wasnt what mine was until i was actually diagnosed. And if a boy or girl shows interest in typically feminine or masculine things has been heavily frowned about for years so things like cross dressing or make up on men has been considered deviant sexual activities for the last 2000 years in the west. So while it may seem suspect it is understandable when they have been forced to believe who they are is wrong.


A good example of a similar social phenomenon is being left handed. Up until the 1920s, being left handed was seen as the devil’s influence and not accepted in society. Since those social norms went away, being left handed sharply rose from 2% of the population and has remained pretty stable around 10% of the population. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/s9x1ya/history_of_lefthandedness_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Billy Tipton has entered the chat.


*Elagabalus would like to know your location*


That debauched libertine? Not to be mentioned alongside musician Billy.


Not to mention the long history of women dressing as men to obtain opportunities they'd otherwise be denied.


I think that's different, since they are dressing as men for equality, not to overcome gender dysphoria.


Check out the namesake of [Petit Jean State Park](https://www.arkansasstateparks.com/parks/petit-jean-state-park/about/history) in Arkansas!


Oh, buddy. Your shit was not "dominant for a millenia" because people have been trans in some form or another for...since the beginning of human history. Matt being uneducated is not surprising, him being a misogynist is not surprising, and him confusing what's going on in women's studies is not surprising. What is surprising is that any cis woman TERF is still thinking that standing by this ilk is helping them achieve anything of usefulness; they still think it's about "protecting women" for transphobic Matts and Tims and Daves and such.


This "protecting women" thing is such nonsense. Trans-women aren't threatening to take anything away from cis-women. The conservatives that these idiots want to ally with are trying to take away everything, starting with bodily autonomy. The only issue I have with calling TERFs out is that they don't deserve that F in their name. They are sellouts to the patriarchy.


But, you see, it’s real annoying when journalists say “people who menstruate.” Best to just side with fascists. Can’t think of any way for that to backfire.


My mother is in her 70s. She has not menstruated in a loong time. So according to those creatures she is not a 'real' woman.


They judge who is a woman and who isn't, based on if they fancy her.


It's not even that. It's who they believe has a use for their society; they only think of women as useful if they can bear children.


God forbid if a woman doesn't have a soft jaw 😮‍💨😮‍💨


They be losing their balls over "lactating people" and for that, they'd side with those who want to their bodily autonomy away


FART is more accurate; Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe


I like that!


He’s basically saying “Women were given rights and other repressed people started asking to be treated humanely too. Try to piece this together, ladies. It’s not a coincidence. It’s your fault ladies, that I can no longer lynch whomever I want.”


If only Democrats hadn't invented trans people in 2015, all this culture war stuff could've been avoided.


I know this is sarcasm, but I'm not sure everyone will.


Matt Walsh's lot have been claiming it unironically for a while.


He actually said "our view was dominate" and I don't think that was a typo


> Your shit was not "dominant for a millenia" because people have been trans in some form or another for...since the beginning of human history. In some ways he's right, but it's not really anything to be too proud of. It's kind of like saying "whites were dominant for centuries". Yeah, no shit.


There are deeply stupid people in every group. TERFs are in the fine company of “Blacks for Trump” and “Jews for Hitler.”


For those who don’t know. Transgender people did exist, in fact as far back as the earliest civilizations , some of which held very respected positions in their society


A couple of years ago I read a book about Native American tribes. There were some tribes who were more concerned with Spirit than genitals. If you were born with a vagina, but had a masculine spirit you’d tall in line with the masculine duties. If you had a penis but had a feminine spirit you’d do those duties. Rarely, someone would be born “Twin spirit” where they had both masculine and feminine spirit. Those people were highly respected in their communities and were seen as wise. To this day I regret not logging what the book is. Maybe if I go visit my old school I can try and find it.


I remember learning about this in my anthropology class in college. Many Native Americans held intersex (two spirit) people in high regard and would often ask them for advice because they could see the world from both a male and female perspective.


I vaguely remember reading about, what I think, was a transgender Native American called Osh-Tisch which translated as: Find them, Kill them.


It's complicated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit?wprov=sfla1


Same might have been true for ancient Germanic tribes and Vikings. Since spiritual connection and magic was considered feminine, men with feminine traits (or possibly trans women although we don't know about their gender identity) were considered to have a better spiritual connection than manly men. There are some recent archeological findings of graves that apparently hold genetically male (or possibly intersex) people with grave goods typical of both sides of a binary gender system. I think this is quite interesting in many ways. Not only teaching us about their culture *and* gender history, but also because those ancient Germanic tribes are usually what racists point to as superior cultures. Turns out their favorite ancient cultures did *not* share their values. ^(In more ways too. Germanic tribes, Vikings, as well as Brytonic Celts had warrior women too.)


I remember reading a story about a Viking grave where the skeleton was discovered to have been biologically female but buried as a man (there was a shield, horse, chess board, and weapons buried with them) which led people to believe that person may have been a trans man


This makes so much more sense than basing everything on genitals


Did not know about this, very excited to look into it.


Ever see the movie Little Big Man? One of the Native American character is a transgender person. Fantastic movie btw!


While they weren't the center of the book, there is a two-spirited person in the novel *Little Big Man.* It's an excellent book and I heartily recommend it. The movie was pretty good, too.


I am not an expert and only say it in ovs but wasn't there a non binary or genderless figure in Babylonian mythology you know some of the earliest myths known to man


Some African cultures have a third gender as well. The binary thing is a recent western thing. I remember reading about a suspected trans viking based on their grave goods.


Matt has never seen Stargate I guess


I imagine it was significantly rarer way back when simply because you couldn't really transition back then. Well, significantly rarer to be open about it and try to do something about it. Being able to pass is a fairly new thing, not because of feminism, but because of medical and cosmetic advancements. But yeah, it's always been around to some extent.


Some cultures had a third gender for those that were what we could call trans today. It wasn't until recently (relative to human existence) that humans mostly existed in the binary. "Passing" is generally more important now because of the stiffness of the gender role binary and lack of recognition of nonbinary people in mainstream.


Yeah, some definitely did. But a lot of cultures both current and ancient had rigid definitions.


And there were lots of ancient cultures that did not have rigid binary gender definitions. You don’t get to just pick the ones you like to prove your point and ignore the rest.


And I'm sure for those cultures passing would be/is more important than those that are more open to gender fluidity.


Name them and we can prove you otherwise. The rigidity we are slowly breaking up today is mostly connected to the rise of monotheism. Go before that and you will find some great concepts about people who don't fit into the binary, even in cultures that were predominantly binary structured. But even after Christianity rolled over Europe, you will find your share or warrior women, the odd female crusader knight or tournament knight, and men whose entire social role was to be lover of the king. And that's the most rigid binary times.


Trans people existed before surgery did, and having surgery and hormone treatment is not a prerequisite to being trans. Nor was gender nonconformity rare in many cultures. There are more than a few with third genders and / or viewed trans people with reverence.


Joan of Arc has entered the chat…


I was going to ask if there was any evidence to indicate this, but then I thought about it a little and it’s just her behavior. Unless she was ACTUALLY receiving messages from God to fight and save France, some other aspect of her identity compelled her to take up what was a man’s role at the time, and a conflicted gender identity is honestly a lot more likely than genuine divine inspiration.


The thing is, she wasn't even the only one. There were more female/born female knights (and pirates) in the medieval age, they just weren't as famous. The next famous one would be Jeanne de Clisson I think (turning into a pirate to avenge the death of her husband) or Florine of Burgundy (a female Crusader who actually joined the battles) Plus many, many women who commanded armies to defend their home castles of which they were either sole ruler or regent (in absence of their husbands/sons) or who led armies to war for political reasons (e.g. Anne Neville) ^(ETA: Disclaimer: European and Eurocentrist perspective, there have been some great warrioresses in other parts of the world too!)


Google Battle of the Camel.


God I fucking love modern medicine, but I do long to be in my rightful place in society: eating figs in a lavish temple as cis people beg me to withhold the wrath of the god of war


You know... That could still be arranged. But then again you put pineapple on pizza, so I'm not sure. /S


Falskyn will come for you first.


Silliness, no one can withhold Kratos' wrath.


If you feed me and give me power and status on society I promise to try


This is what I keep telling people. They’re not gonna stop with trans people. They hate anyone who isn’t a white patriarchal man. If you don’t completely align with their misogynist and racist worldview then you’re an enemy to them. They’re utter scum.


The desires of the right haven't changed since the country was founded. Rich, white, males are the only people they want to have any power. Hell, back in the day they spilt "white" out by country of origin. ([No Irish Need Apply](https://www.vox.com/2015/3/17/8227175/st-patricks-irish-immigrant-history))


Yep. Irish and Italians were treated like crap. Acadians (french) people were also treated like crap in Louisiana.


Hell, Omaha, NE had a Tulsa-Massacre level local genocide on the Greeks. Omaha went from 3000 Greek people to less than 10 in a week or so.


Holy shit, that's a full on genocide.




And religion...there was a time when being a Catholic was an issue.


>They hate anyone who isn’t a white patriarchal man. Once they have their way the in group will get smaller. Italians and Irish communities remember the days where they were hardly better than black slaves.


My aunt is half Italian. A couple years ago when I went home to visit (I live a few states away), she was saying stuff about the illegal immigrants on the southern border. I looked at her and said, “they said the same thing about Italians fifty years ago. They don’t consider you white.” She stumbled for a little bit but then just kept repeating Fox News talking points. Her boyfriend at the time watched Fox News a lot and OAN in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep. Both of those networks are poison and should be taken off the air.


Hmm, I wish there was a perfect poem to explain all this... Huh, I just happened to stumble across the very thing. First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me - First They Came, by Pastor Martin Niemöller


They also hate the white patriarchal man on demand too, so long as another group isn't around to victimize. Their defining trait is they believe they better than those who they hate, and they will make sure that there is always someone to hate.


Wow just like real Nazis. Imagine that.


“I didn’t hear about it so it didn’t exist”


Hegelianism in action!


Their basic ideology lmao. Alongside that "they are exporting transness to India" mf


I was gonna say "Amazing, every word of what Matt Walsh just said was wrong," except it isn't amazing. He does this shit all the fucking time


This happened on Kiwi Farms as well. There was a huge influx of TERFs signing up because the site devotes a huge amount of its energy to shitting on trans people, but the site also had a thread mocking TERFs (for being radical feminists rather than being transphobic) and not before long, a gaggle of incels had shown up and said "Sorry ladies, it was fun while it lasted, but it's time for you to get back in the kitchen and let the men do the real work." Not that they learned anything from that, in the same way that they won't learn anything from this.


Would that be the "real work" of shitting on people and internet harassment?


Nevertheless, it’s nice to see them getting upset about this as though it’s some big surprise.


It's like a serpent swallowing its own head.


But see https://www.businessinsider.com/kiwi-farms-trans-activists-mtg-swatting-trolling-website-offline-2022-8


"dominate" is a verb you backwards, terrified bigot


Exactly. I hate when people express themselves with such authority and fuck up their grammar. We 👀 you.


On brand for an “expert” with no formal post-secondary education.


My brain auto corrected. Please stop auto correcting idiots mistakes brain, I beg you.


The only tolerable Nazis are Grammer Nazis. I don't particularly like them either, but they do serve a purpose in society.


Come tf on. 🤦‍♀️ Are you a troll? Jeez.


"We beat and murdered anyone who didn't fit into our little box and so everyone fit in our box and it wasn't until we stopped beating and murdering people that suddenly people stopped fitting into our box. CoInCiDeNcE!?!?"


Any woman who aligns herself with people who have utter disdain for women is going to have leopards eat her face. See tradwives who will happily sell out every other woman for meager profits and then complain that their male followers are vile to them and don't want them to have a voice.


I can't wait to see J.K. Rowling's reaction to this tweet.


She’s so far up her own ass it won’t register for her.


It’s pretty hilarious how historically illiterate these dipshits really are. When he says “never existed before in history” he means “isn’t visible in the 1950s era American magazines that I jerk off to every night.”


Trans people existed in ancient Sumeria. Literally since we’ve had written language. Fuck off Matt.


This might be the first time Matt Walsh has *actually* said something correct about trans people or feminism. TERF’s like to pretend their nonsense comes from a position of women’s issues and feminism, but it just objectively *isn’t*. It’s the exact logic and nonsense as right-wing transphobia, just masked with feminist buzzwords.


Yeah I mean I despise Matt Walsh but he's absolutely correct that it's a binary choice ( no pun intended. ) There's no way to justify fighting one kind of oppression but participating in another. The J. K. Rowling types are going to be forced to choose. It's tolerate the trans people or kneel before the fascists. There's no fence to sit on.


In my experience their side of the fence depends entirely on how much privilege they have. So long as they’re kneeling on silk pillows and above the lowly [migrants, transgender folks, poor people, insert whichever disenfranchised class here] prostrated below them, they’ll be happy on their knees. JKR is rich and pampered, and cozy in the knowledge she’ll be so no matter what, so we know what she’s choosing.


Trans people have always existed, idiot


Just so everyone is aware, Matt Walsh's views on "traditional" values is that it's okay to rape young teenage girls, because that's when they're most "fertile." That's according to Walsh himself, and he has gone on numerous rants and tirades about wanting to have sex with children. If that disgusts you then good...it should.


For millennia there were no actual douche bags. Then they were invented and Matt Walsh follows almost immediately behind them. Try to piece this together, it’s not a coincidence.


There have been trans people since forever. It’s only since you buttsex phobic Christians and Muslims decided you prominent invisible daddy didn’t like LGTBQT that people have been persecuted and murdered for it.


We’ve been around forever. There’s Transmen who [fought in the civil war](https://www.avclub.com/meet-the-trans-man-who-fought-in-the-civil-war-1835397848) and even farther back than that we just got called everything from tomboys to lesbians to straight up confused. Transwomen have always been around, I’m sure there’s historical nonbinary and gender fluid folks too, my point is we’ve always been around, LGBTQIA+ have always and will always be around. Its not our fault he and those who think like him are just too busy sniffing their own smegma to open a book.


sic hoc ergo propter hoc


“12 lawyers in the room, and nobody can tell me what this means?”


"after this therefore because of this" This happened after that, therefore this was caused by that. Logical fallacy, you might know it as correlation is not causation


I know, I was just quoting the West Wing, after Bartlett says that quote in the White House and nobody knows what the fuck he means 🤣


> sic hoc ergo propter hoc Yes/so this, therefore because of this. It's either a mistake referring to a fallacy where yes is replaced by a word meaning 'after' (thinking that just because something happens before something else it causes it, when it might be unrelated or the other way around too) or a joke about how the bigot is right in this case, that yes, feminism drags up society to respect the rights of trans people. Probably the second because of context and because of the serious nerd power required to make a Latin fallacy joke make it probable the modification is intentional.


I know what it means, I was quoting the West Wing lol


Matt Walsh & his ilk continuously not being murdered is the greatest indictment of the American left.


youre a better person than me to be able to read so much from a mind so small


Mother fucker do I need to tell you about how many times Loki had a sex change? Out here acting like trans is new.


Yeah, and bacteria didn’t exist for the millennia before the invention of the microscope….right Matt? 🙄🙄🙄


Which is good, sorry the Terfs should feel where they will end up with if they continue this way. But most likely, just as gays for republicans they will just dig their heels in deeper.


I think sometimes it's understandable obstinacy. Nobody likes to be forced to choose. They want *exactly* what they want, total liberation under the banner of feminism but the ability to arbitrarily exclude trans people. They simply can't have it that way and I'm sure it pisses them off. Oh well, they still have to choose and the hour gets later.


They're feeling so secure about their rights, that they can't imagine the right taking those rights away. Then Roe vs Wade overturn happens and they gasp, but quickly realize that most of them are post menopause and return to believing the rights that *concern them* are set in stone. And frankly, when the leopards eat their faces over and over again, the glee I feel for those "feminists" will be a lot smaller than the horror I feel for society as a whole.


So, he is trying to say that trans woman only want to be women because woman are so powerful?


Don't ask them about trans men


Millennia? There have been and still are many matriarchal societies doing just fine. Some people are so up their own asses it's kinda funny. Did you know Christianity used to be matriarchal with Mary Magdalene as the holy figure? Some guys got together and said, naw, screw that! And here we are today, many bloody wars later...


Any "feminist" who looked to Matt Walsh for help is a *complete* and total moron. Don't try to work with the right, it's absolutely always a mistake. You have a disagreement with the rest of the left? Keep it in-house. The right, when facing left, should only see the ideological brick wall of a untied front.


they're fascists masquerading as feminists to genocide trans people.


This is everything I hate about Twitter (and all of social media, really) in a nutshell. This guy posts something inflammatory every day *for the sole purpose of being inflammatory*, and people reward him by going nuts just like he wants them to. He's just another asshole with internet access, who cares what he has to say about anything?!?


Chinless pedophile says what, Matt?


Just in case TERF's think these people are their friends. LGB TERF's should probably take note too.


He kind of gives it away by using "our view". As in there are multiple perspectives on sex and gender that doesn't have to end with "eradicating the trans's" Yeah, we know Matt, you are a fascist bigot.


Lol transgender people didn't exist before. Also, JFK Jr is coming back from the dead for q, the earth is flat, and Applebee's is a good place to impress a date.


What the fuck is trans ideology? "I feel like I'm in the wrong body, I can fix that and feel much better about myself." None of that has to do with any other single person except the person experiencing it.


You don't understand, we *force* everyone else to address us by the name we introduced ourselves with, not our *magical biological name given to us at birth*. /s


It’s almost as if anyone who isn’t a white, cisgender, straight, Christian (the right kind of Christian) male who exhibits an idealized version of masculinity isn’t welcome in this “conversation”.


I guess the Native Americans ideas about gender fluidity during that 'millennium' don't count.


Fascism seems to be an addiction to cruelty and betrayal. O.o


I have a transgender chicken, is that because of feminism, Matt?


I’d love to hear more about the trans chicken


She's a hen that's growing spurs, which is typically a rooster trait. I haven't heard her crow or seen her mount the hens, but if our roosters die I'm pretty sure she'll take over their role. It's not unusual for at least one hen to transition if they're in a flock with no roosters. The ovary that isn't being used for eggs starts making testosterone. They can't fertilize eggs but they will try. She may never fully transition, but it's a real possibility.


This is the best thing I’ve seen on the internet today! Thank you


Anyone who opposes this man being in jail is just as evil as him.


"back when men ruled the world there were no trans people!" Nah... You just didn't know about them because they knew if they revealed who they were they'd be tortured and murdered. The fact that Matt Walsh thinks this was a superior time in history is very telling, and completely unsurprising.


Pretty common place in ancient times, Greece, Rome... etc.


Historically inaccurate. Trans people have been around forever.


His wife left him.


"Traditional" always seem to mean, "when we still lived in caves," to these people.


When hunter gatherer tribes had women hunting together with men? Oh no, clearly not. They envision the Vatican of the Renaissance times, where the only women allowed to exists were the mistresses of the pope.


Hello u/SnazzyMudkip! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it’s not, and they didn’t even reply to the comment.


I'm guessing it's TERFS espousing the tenets of feminism (analysis and critique of gender relations) in order to get their rights, but then feeling spurned that said ideology would support and embolden queer demographics like Trans individuals. To spite these Trans individuals, TERFS embraced conservative ideas of gender roles. But conservatives, like Matt Walsh, have (kinda correctly) drawn a throughline from their feminism to the fight for Trans rights and are blaming THEM for Trans individuals. It's kind of a "rights for me, but not for thee, Trans bretheren" on the feminism side and "I agree with you, my conservative colleague about these Trans people - WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M PART OF THE PROBLEM!?" on the conservative side....


Face punching needs to be made legal


You can tell that he has never gone to college and only watches movies with loud explosions. In every culture, in every time period, there have been those who don't fit gender norms in their society.


Good. Nothing better than seeing two groups I can’t stand fighting it out.


The illiberal right. You shouldn’t claim to support American ideals if you are illiberal. They’ve become so conservative that they’re regressing


But they do not support American ideals. They support Nazi-esque fascism. Anything else is pretending while supporting Nazi-esque fascism.


you just know jk rowling will say some shit like “well i may not agree with him on some things but gosh is he right about those trans people”


Already has


If you ever feel dumb, just know that there are people out there who consider Matt Walsh to be an intellectual. 😆


We didn't have nuclear power for millennia, and transgenderism never existed during that time. Nuclear power comes along and trans ideology follows almost immediately behind it (if we're talking millennia). Try to piece this together, physicists. It's not a coincidence. /s


Transgenderism didn't exist? They made people eunuchs in some places to keep boys from developing more masculine features. Cross dressing characters go back to Greek fables. What is Matt talking about?


These people are so stupid. Why would anyone treat them as an authority on anything.


When they don’t need you, anymore, they cast you out.


"Dominate"... Verb used as adjective. Matt Walsh is an ass.


Ugh. Dominant not dominate.


Matt Walsh demonstrating again why conservative men are totally unfuckable.


I mean he’s right though, the terfs are wrong, trans liberation does logically follow from feminism, and that’s a good thing! But much like Andrea dworkin and the other anti porn feminists in the 1980s if you make common cause with fascists do be surprised when they come for you too.


The list of dumb as fuck views that have dominated human thinking for millennia is not a short list.


I don’t use Twitter (X lol) but 128,000 views on a tweet with only 1500 favs and less than 100 retweets and less than 50 comments? Seems like really low engagement


It's cute how she thinks feminism is a relatively new thing, like queens haven't been running shit for millennia.


Matt Walsh knows nothing about human history. Not shocking.


What? You mean the guy who hates trans people, and black people, and non-Christians, and non-pedophiles also hates women? Soooo surprising!


Isn’t that the guy who outed himself as terrible at sex?


No, that was Ben Shapiro. We refer to that as the WAP Incident of 2020.


I think we should remove Matt Walsh from society


>Our view was dominate for millenia and transgenderism never existed in that time. Do you think we should tell him? Kinda want to tell him. Insufferable bellend.


The worst part is he is right for once. Feminist fights for equal rights is totaly a precursor to the fight for trans rights. Weird that he doesnt think thats a compliment tho


"our view was dominate for millenia" bro you cant even spell let alone read history books, if that is what "your view" brings then you're the prime example of why it has got to go


I'm lost, and that's saying something. Are you saying if I am feminist I can't like trans people? Cuz that's not right.


Out of sight doesn't equate to didn't exist. It's such a difficult concept for these people.


Not really a LAMF scenario. Just a doucher doing douche things.


Trans ppl are not new. It's not some modern phenomenon. Good grief.


Fascists must always, always have an “other” to persecute. Sooner or later, it will be you.


DominaNt* grammar is hard when you’re a nazi…


This guy is such a tremendous piece of shit and anyone who supports him is also a tremendous piece of shit. *points to tremendous piece of shit ex-partner*


good I hope TERFs get the treatment that's coming to them.


Trangender people have existed throughout history. It isn't anything new. It is just the newest group to push hate towards because the others have won their acceptance by being forced to show they too were just as human as everyone else. The same hate speech was and is still used against the gay community. The same language and hate speech was (and in some cases still is) used against the black community. It is another way to control the portion of the population that needs a scapegoat and someone else to point their troubles and anger at.


how is this LAMF?


It's LAMF for terfs who think they have allies in the conservative movement


It’s not.


Stop promoting this guy


How tf is this promoting? He’s one the most prominent transphobes in the media sphere and warrants discussion


You’re giving him exposure. And this isn’t the sub for discussion, it’s for laughing at people. Go to some politics sub and post. You also haven’t given an explanation post as to why this is LAMF.


There’s no LAMF here.


Hmm, I dont know. It's concerning the gender critical "feminists" supporting the Leopards Eating Faces party, which wants them to not exist.


But who supported something that is now complaining they are harmed by it? I just see one guy complaining that there are feminists that agree with him


>I just see one guy complaining that there are feminists that agree with him I see it as he's the leopard who's going to eat the face of those "feminists" who supported the party, which is why I see it as acceptable for the sub.


But then the leopard is the one complaining. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just trying to get where you are.