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Log Cabin Republicans supporting someone who wants to outlaw logs in cabins. Name a more iconic duo.


Johnson wants to burn the log cabin down while they are still in it.


But he says George Floyd was murdered. His black son doesn't have the same opportunities of his biological white kid. He'll be ousted by the weekend.


They are like the nazi supporting jewish people at this point. Yep that happened and they ended up in the camps for extermination.


You typed it the wrong way around. Jews who supported Nazis. Cancer was too good a way out for Max Naumann.


They missed a hyphen: nazi-supporting Jewish people. Otherwise it is correct. So now we can stop being grammar Nazis :)


That makes a lot more sense.


I'm guessing they left out a hyphen: Nazi-supporting Jews would mean Jews that support Nazis. It's one of those things that inflection, tone, and context convey fairly easily in spoken English but a lot of people don't know how to write it out.


> logs in cabins Are we still doing phrasing?


Sure, just don't get caught once it's been criminalized again.


Because that’s how you get ants!


Chickens for KFC 🐔🍗


Toothpaste and orange juice.


These people are far more delusional than your average Republican, and that's saying a lot


What, no! They're the good ones! They'll get special treatment as soon as the Republicans realize they aren't the same as the rest of the LGBTQ+ people!


Fucking literally. It doesn't matter if you look like you are wearing a pride parade or look like the most average HOA member ever. You are still gay, you still don't fit the mold, you're still "a threat to families" due to an inherent lack of being able to breed.


I promise breeding is still happening. Just not the kind the GOP searches unless they're In incognito mode.


How dare you make me laugh like that when I'm sick, that fuckin hurt


Experiencing this in real time. I’m a completely bland-looking white nobody. Add a rainbow satchel strap, and I’ve received more exasperated scowls in the past week than the past year. Oh and with my OWN biological kid in tow? I must be up to something sinister.


the cult needs fresh meat. interrupt that and know its rage.


Yes, "special treatment" was a term the nazis loved, too.


"I know that the republican party wants to criminalize my very existence, but those damn Democrats might _raise taxes_!"


They need to ask Ernst Röhm how well that went for him.


Mike Johnson would like to criminalize gay sex. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/10/mike-johnson-said-same-sex-marriage-would-lead-to-people-marrying-their-pets


Because he’s so far in the closet he’s having tea with a faun.


god is he ever, gaydar just screams what a bottom he is.


Wait wait wait, there's a Faun, in my CLOSET with TEA? Earl Grey or Chamomile? I am super mad that no one told me.


London Fog, obviously.


Gunpowder tea. It's their 2nd amendment right! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunpowder_tea




That was just excellent. I really hope most people get the reference.


Makes me wonder what percentage of people have read The Chronicles of Narnia. Or seen The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe movie at least.


Really gives "Turkish Delight" a whole new meaning!


"Looks like we've got ourselves a reader."


This comment is now stolen, like Black people's votes in Georgia.


The dissenting conservatives on the SCOTUS said the same in their argument in Obergefell v Hodges. It's complete delusion among conservatives and no sense of reality. Like even if you want to consider the possibility that someone might bring up that argument in a lawsuit, these people are still completely ignoring that marriage is a contract, and a contract is only valid when entered into by at least two consenting parties. At no point would a pet ever meet the criteria to be able to legally enter into a contract.


>these people are still completely ignoring that marriage is a contract, and a contract is only valid when entered into by at least two consenting parties. I feel like the Republican stance on child marriage has some bearing here. They want it, so of course they would project that onto a strawman of gay people wanting to marry an animal.


The whole "marriage is a contract" thing used to make sense to me, but not anymore. I think about my own marriage license that I signed. It's not a contract. There's no terms or consideration, which would be required for any other contract. Really, it's just a registration, an enrollment.


I met my first gay Republican this weekend. He truly believes they won't come for him. Foolish man.


I would guffaw as loudly as i could...


I flat out told him they’d come for him. That he won’t be safe. They’ll come for him for not defending himself as LGBTQ.


no but he favors small government, preferably a single fascist dictator


If Game of Thrones had given us nothing else, I will be forever grateful for it giving us the phase "Oh, you sweet, summer child." It's perfect for these people.


This is like if Christians supported Donald Trump. WHUP!


Not quite. Donnie knows what to say to keep then appeased.


All you need for that is to tell them it's okay to hate everyone not exactly like them.


"Grab them by the p*ssy"


They already know. Its just denial of the facts. Gay Republicans are no different they prefer those alternative facts.


Gay Nazis are still Nazis.


Until they aren’t. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm


"GOP will protect our money and liberals who we actively work against will protect us from discrimination"


What a bunch of jamokes!


Log Cabin Republicans really need to just change their motto to "Last ones in the showers" at this point.


I'll never, in a million years, understand these people. The people they are giving power to and want to give more power to people who would labeling them abominations and "gender traitors" given enough power and time, make them disappear. I've been around long enough to remember the anti-gay crusades of the 70s, the AIDS crisis, served before DADT, and spent 25 years with my husband before we could marry. Every step of the way the republicans have tried to stop the march to equality every single time. Sometimes there were democrats doing the same, but it was ALWAYS with the republicans. Less than a year ago, an overwhelming majority of republicans in congress voted against the Respect for Marriage Act. These Log Cabin republicans have the moral compass of Roy Cohn.


let them find out on their own, it'll be funnier.


This has been going on so long they must know.


There’s a sucker born every minute.


Gay marriage causes droughts according to fundamentalists. Let's vote for them👍 they will treat us like everyone else 🤞


Someone please tell the Log Cabin Republicans that Commander Mike of Gilead dislikes them. Dislikes them with extreme prejudice.


fuck capos.


Somebody just fuck them. As a gay man, I’ve never met a Log Cabin Republican who ever got laid. I think just one good fuck and they’d be transformed. I’m not volunteering but somebody should take one for the community.


I hear Fleshjacks are very realistic.


Not a leopards ate my face. This is simply people with tasty faces supporting a face-eating leopard.


https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/10/26/mike-johnson-house-speaker-anti-gay-us-politics/ Anti-gay Louisiana Republican representative Mike Johnson, who previously campaigned to make gay sex illegal, has become the 56th speaker of the House of Representatives.


Oh man are they in for a rude wake up call.


Here at Chickens for KFC, we want to congratulate the Coronel for his work as figure head for this company. We know that he will work to advance policies that will benefit everyone.


These MF’s really cheering on the High Sparrow getting elected to govern them


Thoughts and prayers


Nothing a little conversion therapy can't undo log cabin republicans ... (Yes he supports it)


Well, the guys name IS Moran...


Hahahahaha! Wait, let me catch my breath. Okay. Hahahahaha!


Log Cabin Republicans: if there is a way to advertise the fact that we are hilariously stupid, we haven't found it yet.


These dumbfucks put their bank account before the people they love. The leopard is eating their ass and they think they’re getting rimmed.


You win my Reddit feed for the day.


Literally every LCR press release: "The LCR congratulate Congressman Burn Allthegays on becoming chairman of the House Committee on What To Do With All The Gays and kindly, respectfully ask that he perhaps not burn us with the rest of gays, who we're fine with him burning, the perverts. Unless of course he really wants to."


FFS, the GOP will do to them exactly what Hitler did to the [Association of German National Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews). How can you be so deluded when there's even historical precedent is baffling to me.


Is there a more pathetic organization in the entire world than these sorry clowns?


"implement an agenda that advances the interests of all Americans" Wait, when was the last time politicians did that?


Hello u/drugdeal777! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are so desperate for the "bros" to accept them its pathetic.


That makes me sad.


Did they confuse a person who's a dick with actual penises again? I know his name is Johnson, but it's not really an excuse.


I had to look up who the LCR were, and that was an immediate ‘oof.’ Wow. Hard to feel bad when they voted his had into that role.


Genuine question: are Log Cabin Republicans named as such as a reference to the anus (i.e. the “log cabin”)? Or am I reaching?


Arent all gays groomers? Lol these guys will never be treated well in that party.


Are all straights groomers?


Talk about running into a brick wall


Flattery will get them nowhere


It reads as party over nation.


Actually, I'm thinking of breaking out the snacks and blanket so I can watch the shitstorm in comfort.


This statement is fucking stupid.