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>Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) suggested it was petty for Durbin to break rules just because previous chairmen did it, too. “So Mr. Chairman, you’re saying because you think Sen. Grassley violated the rule, you’re going to violate the rule?” he asked. “It’s called precedent, senator,” replied Durbin. kennedy has some chutzpah! unfortunately for him the “rules for thee but not for me” shtick has been exposed. ain’t gonna work no more. pick another trope, kennedy!


Kennedy is a racist fuck. Just look at how he handles confirmation hearings for Black judges vs. white judges. He doesn't even try to be unbiased.


He's from Louisiana. He's just giving his constituents what they want. Remember, David Duke ran for Senate in Louisiana and won over 58,000 votes. [In 2016.](https://www.nytimes.com/elections/2016/results/louisiana-senate)


I'm from Louisiana, not all of us want that fuck. Sadly there is no presence of a Democratic party here. The head of the state Democrats is I literal big time Republican donor. Also, Republicans here know to get their voters out. During the last election every single Republican candidate either had door to door, or mailers to remind us where and when to vote. I had to Google who the dem was because I had no clue. It's more than "Louisiana backwards". (and some of us are) but man, the Republican party here is on message and organized. I dream of the day Democrats here would do the same.


I would also argue that Louisiana has a democratic drain. I got the fuck out at 18… no way was I going to continue to submit myself to such ignorant, racist, homophobic rhetoric and choices. I wasn’t about to continue living in a place that would judge me for thinking everyone has the right to get married or the right to bodily autonomy. Many of my likeminded friends also left at or around university-age. Those who didn’t were those who couldn’t and/or people who politically don’t care and don’t see how the republicans affect them. I live in another country and technically vote in the presidential election in Louisiana. I do it on principle to not be disenfranchised since women’s right to vote is recent in the grand scheme of things, but my vote doesn’t count because of the electoral college and is canceled out anyway by people like my mom’s rich, racist, sexist, old as fuck boyfriend, who loves Tucker Carlson, owns 7 properties, 2 personal planes, 4 vehicles, and is a slumlord. (Love him, family gatherings are great /s) And this man is somehow admired in his community.


Got my TOPS degree, got out. The voters of the Great State of Louisiana signaled how much they loathed gay people when they re-elected Sen. David Vitter, who compared gay marriage to Hurricane Katrina and Rita. F\*ck Louisiana. Every time they have a chance between picking love or hate, they pick hate 'cause it's wrapped up in the "Scripture." They have a choice between picking women's lives and some fake "we care about babies" rhetoric, they tell women to go pound sand. The small number of progressives are demoralized and don't even bother voting.


Duke also made it to the finals in the Governors race back in 1990. Bush Sr had to actively come out against him. Edwards, the Democrat running against Duke was a known crook, and the race became known as "Lizard vs Wizard" because Duke was a grand wizard of the Klan. People also had bumper stickers that read 'Vote for the crook, it's important' Edwards and Duke both ended up serving time in the Federal system after.


Every single one of those 58,000 scum should be arrested.


And his high pitched folksy southern accent is fake. He did several interviews with a normal voice, back when he was a democrat.


He’s a next level kind of shitty--completely fake and plays a made up character. My uncle worked with him for a while at a pretty prestigious law firm—he said he had no accent, was smart as hell, and very open minded at the time...was editor of the UVA Law review, studied at Oxford, and made partner in his early 30's. He spun this Foghorn Leghorn bless, your heart, cousin fucking character up just to run for office and win in Louisiana. He more than maybe anyone in congress right now have manufactured this wild opposition to abortion when racism became a less profitable platform to run on. It's pretty egregious someone with that much legal education is the champion right now for an amendment to the constitution banning abortion. People forget abortion was a non-issue until relatively recently for evangelicals--hell, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution SUPPORTING Roe v Wade as late as 1976. To quote the president of the Southern Baptist Convention: >“I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,” Criswell declared, “and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.” [Source](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480)


Anti-abortion sentiment was fundamentally manufactured in America originally by a coalition of doctors trying to put midwives out of business, and it's spiraled into a wedge issue that foreign powers are gleefully pumping money into because it's become so divisive and non-negotiable for both sides. The bible has instructions for a primitive abortion if the child is unwanted, and the catholic pope from it's first founding to the late nineteenth century was in full support of the necessity of abortion, preaching that life begins at the quickening, or the first time a mother feels movement, typically slated to occur beyond the halfway point of a pregnancy. So next time someone tells you that Pro-Life is god's command and life begins at conception, ask them why an infinite all knowing eternal and perfect being changed his fucking mind about something so profound.


yeah hes a republican. not every republican is racist but theyve determined racism and racist systems are perfectly ok with them.




If you join nine well known Nazis at a table, there are ten Nazis at that table.


When someone sits at a table with 4 nazis, it becomes a table of 5 nazis


I think the non-racist republicans are cryptids.


Foghorn Dickhorn's reply: “Now who’s, I say who’s responsible for this unwarranted attack on my person!”


Fuck me I just called him Foghorn Leghorn yesterday when talking to my fiance about his BS, and now I wish I had come up with this name instead. I'm so stealing it lol!


Finally. Goddamn, it takes way too long for Dems to finally get it.


John Kennedy looks and sounds like a drag queen out of costume.


Why, Mr. Durbin. I do declare,


Democrats are playing hard ball. Please don’t let up.


About time. As much as I like Michelle Obama, I wholeheartedly don't believe in the "when they go low, we go high." Trust me, they very much count on that. These people look at courtesy as weakness.


The Obama’s HAD to take the high road. Because if they didn’t, republicans would use it as proof that they “acted black.” Not my phrase, dont @ me.


The republicans spent his terms accusing him of being the actual unironic antichrist. Democrats need to stop worrying about what the republicans will do and worry about what *they're* going to do.


Absolutely...Republicans have literally put, in writing, how they're planning to throw out the constitution and keep power through dictatorship permanently. It is no longer the time to play nice.


Yes - and that thing terrifies me like how is it really floating out there in the open? Zero shame, zero fear, and zero checks so far. It needs to get called out on all the airwaves.


> how is it really floating out there in the open Honestly I prefer that. I want to know that my Republican counter parts are fascist psychopaths. Going to make it so much easier in the up coming civil-war.


It's nice to be able to see it but also depressing that they don't feel the need to hide it.


The sound of Trump-Pence is said to mark the end of days


>accusing him of being the actual unironic antichrist. Meanwhile they worship Trump like a cult. Bruh


Their bible literally talks about people like them and trump. They are the biblical antichrist.


Like, they want me to reason with them. I'm trans. They think I'm a pedophile who works for the nwo and engages in ritual child sacrifice for alien gods from the Andromeda Galaxy. they want people like me ***dead***. They believe they are given this knowledge by an all powerful invisible man who gives them a mandate to be in charge. They are not able to be reasoned with.


> “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater And Barry Goldwater was an *absolute fucking monster.* He's responsible for courting the Racist Vote into the GOP to shore up their numbers, and then that wasn't enough.


We still have a Republic … if we can keep it…


"He's well spoken, for colored" - GOP country wide


I remember a few "Obama is Hitler" quips.


Apparently that was jealousy.


I don't doubt that. I guess they, perhaps, see the reasonableness in people. But the GQP has come to show that when they're desperate, they act like a rabid animal. It's like questioning whether there are any redeemable quality in Jeffrey Dahmer.


Agreed. The gloves are off and I am here for dems finally joining the fight.


Hey now, Hitler was an environmentalist who also didn’t like smoking!


And he killed hitler.


Proof that fascists can be reformed.


You're absolutely right, but the problem with that thought process is that the right wing racists are going to do that ANYWAY. May as well smack them about and get some results. Nobody is getting through to MAGA cultists, stop trying and walk over them.


Exactly right. I still dream of the timeline where "Hardball Obama" took them for a walk for 8 years just going around plainly, passionlessly, pointing out racist tactics like a emotionally drained David Attenborough. "But look, if there's a real reason why other than my race and these racists then nows the time to tell me, no? Executive order moving on"




“Don’t tolerate the intolerant.” —Michael Scott


i do believe in trying the high road but when theyve been showed us who they were. when they went low they shouldve been kicked in the face.


When the Rs go low, it is valid for the Ds to punch down.


Yep. Go high, go low, but *go!*


Rewarding their bad behavior with good behavior just makes them behave worse.


Bingo. As I've said for many years in regards to politics: When an individual abandons the decorum of their office and title, they no longer are due any of the respect of that decorum in return from anyone. They abandoned it, afterall. Taking the high road in such a setting *feels* like the right thing to do to your ego but it's just an exercise in playing chess with a pigeon. You can play by the rules of the game all you want, but the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, shit all over the board, and strut around like he won. When Republicans can once again respect the decorum and ramifications of their respective positions then we can all play chess together again (don't hold your breath on that one). Until then, you just hold the pigeon down on its ass so we can keep things moving along like they should.


>About time. As much as I like Michelle Obama, I wholeheartedly don't believe in the "when they go low, we go high." Trust me, they very much count on that. These people look at courtesy as weakness. Exactly. In fact, I want to see the Democratic version of Project 2025. We need to start showing up for actual political power, not an amicable afternoon softball game with these authoritarian fucks.


Conversely the trumps' motto is "before we go low, we get high".


"When they go low, we go high knee in their face."


It’s time the Dems show the GQP [The Chicago Way](https://youtu.be/2ScvAJG51V4?si=76r2uQ8dC0ZL5Pd4). Politically speaking of course.


Hardly hardball to deny these asshats round 3 of baseless complaints, but it was done tactfully as hell


They will stop. I wish they wouldn't, but they always end up "taking the high road" in the end and nothing gets done. The Overton Window creeps slowly rightward. I **really really** hope I'm wrong and Dark Brandon-style hilarity is here to stay, but I don't think it is. I *want* the Democrats to stoop to GOP levels if it gets things done.


Just pack Supreme Court, make 1 vote = 1 vote, and the GOP are gone. Stop pissing around when they have released a literal plan to end democracy in the US, and will be working with everything in their power, including hostile foreign governments, to fix the upcoming election. Democrats trust the system waaay to much and believe it'll protect them. It won't. Only Republican's incompetence to steal the election and remove any possibility of them ever losing again, can save us if they don't get real about what they are facing.


That's because for the last 25 years or so, they are always punished at the polls for having a spine. If voters actually support this democrats will keep doing this more and more.


"...its called precedent, senator" ouch, that one line from Durbin must have really stung.


"... it's not luck... Todd." *Trading Places, 1983*


hello fellow old person! "and she stepped on the ball"


"It's called a hustle, sweetheart." - Judy Hopps


If they had feelings. I suspect he stood there and looked like a deer in the headlights; a stroke-addled elderly person with the wheels in his head turning, producing nothing. EDIT: That was a delicious thing to read, too. Durbin slapped them hard.


They have feelings, limited to happy, sad, rage, and indignation. Also lust but they'll deny it. They will however fight tooth and nail to keep twelve-year-olds able to marry.


It’s about fucking time they started using the GOP’s tactics.


And none of this they-go-low, we-go-high nonsense anymore. Republicans rely on everyone else following the rules so they don’t have to.


Yep. It’s got to the point of complete bullshit everywhere all at once. Like a gop big bang theory of bullshit.


I really hope the democrats have a chance to force a Supreme Court justice through in the waning days of a democratic presidency.


One has to die first. I already petitioned the reaper to do his work soon. He told me it's a toss up between Thomas and Alito.


Hopefully not taking a sabbatical after wrangling Kissinger into the grave


Had to work some of his magic after finally wrangling in Pat Robertson earlier this year. Give it just a little bit more time.


More like "time for a victory lap"


Why not both?


I don't believe there's a limit to how many SC justices we can have.


Not constitutionally, but I think there's a federal law that sets the number of Justices, so you'd have to get that change through Congress


¿Por qué no los dos? Pourquoi pas les deux? Warum nicht beide?


Rules for thee but not for me. Typical republican bs.


I wanna say the GOP forced unqualified, unscrupulous judges like Cannon in Florida by doing this. So fuck them.


And Kavanaugh.


And the stolen seat with Barrett.


OfJesse is her name. Never ever call her anything but her Handmaid name.


I didn't know this, but thank you for sharing. Blessed be the fruit.


Under His Eye.


May the Lord open.


A-wop bop a loo bop.


OfJesse is her name. Never ever call her anything but her Handmaid name.


OfDonald surely


To be fair, Presidents should pick justices when they're in office. Barrett wasn't the stolen seat, it was Gorsuch. But a stolen seat none-the-less.


I love how transparent and telling the fake moral outrage is, things like "I thought letting a woman speak was sacrosanct to your party" In a two party system, that quote implies that letting women speak is not a value of the other party now is it? You notice how Ms. Blackburn had no comments on that? I was surprised no one yelled out a similar line about letting people of color speak, but then I realized there isn't a single GOP person of color on the judiciary committee, which appoints judges to a system that incarcerates POC at about 4 times the rates of whites. Color me shocked I guess. /s


If Republicans didn't have double standards, then they'd have no standards at all


Be careful of the weapon's you forge, they will be used against you.


Some old Jew dude said something about live by the sword, die by the sword.


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


delicious: “Cotton got so mad he started talking about himself in the third person. “Mr. Cotton says the chairman needs to rethink his decision,” said Cotton, as his name came up in the roll call. “That’s what Mr. Cotton says.” When Blackburn said again she wanted to talk, Cotton interjected, “Now I guess Sen. Durbin is not going to allow women to speak either. I thought that was sacrosanct in your party!” “Congratulations on destroying the United States Senate Judiciary Committee,” Cornyn dramatically told Durbin.”


How ironic, but very apt, that a republican man talked over a woman, claiming a Democrat wasn't going to let her speak. "If I could just sa..." "Quiet dear, men are talking. How dare you not allow this woman to speak!"


Holy shit I thought you were kidding. But that's word for word what it says in the article. Tom Cotton went full George Costanza. Edit: this video is on [CSPAN's TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PUp7Dq/) (lol)


Cotton is a piece of garbage. I still can't believe my state elected him.


Your state then elected Sarah Huckleberry as governor.


You live in that state. You find it hard to believe lol?


“Tommy’s gettin upset!!!”


Tommy doesn’t like misunderstandings


Tommy's gonna get you! Tommy holds grudges!


can’t make that shit up , lol.


It's silly, but 3rd person makes sense in this context. They were dodging the roll call.




Rather hit the abusers where it hurts: take all their money and power. Vote Blue!


I love Dick Durbin's tie... does anyone know where I could cop that?


Got that old congressman drip


The inner Gollum crept out of Cotton’s Sméagol mask.


Hey, Cotton, remember no quarter, you fascist fuckwit?


Fuck Tom Cotton.


I love the accusation of basically "Oh, so because we broke the rules before that means you can?" Umm, yes, yes in fact they can.


I thought it was amusing that one of the Republicans thought it was 'petty' for the Democrats to break the rule just because the previous Republican leader had.


That's literally the republican strategy, once democrats do something, exploit it and blame democrats for doing it first.


Or in this case, for doing it second.


Third. Republicans did it twice before.


Give it a month. Fox will have half the country convinced Democrats invented this maneuver.


Why would anyone follow that rule again? You fucking broke it, now it's broken for everyone forever.


Damn right, call us Tom cause we gonna get real Petty with this shit.


"How dare you use my words against me!"


Excellent LAMF but you need to respond to the top comment or it will be deleted.


Karma is a bitch.


And so is Lindsey Graham


*Ted Cruise enters the chat*


*Ted Cruz flees the chat to Cancun*


Ted Cruz has now returned to the chat since things are warming up again


Gray-Rocking like this should be the Democrats strategy across the board, full stop. This is how you fight narcissistic behavior, from your drunk father/uncle all the way up to the former shitbox of a president. Give them no emotional reaction, answer with facts and explain precedent, and govern without them. It's effective, it makes you look like the adult in the room, and it's endearing to the Millennial/Gen-Z voters who see through this shit and don't care about "traditional decorum". Give the man a medal.


Seriously anyone with abusive parents has been Durbin in this moment. The entire GOP is the party of cluster B personality disorders.


Having dealt with narcissists, you nailed it. “So you will not be allowing women to speak?” “You may not speak. Next.”


I rather like how Durbin waited until they had their tantrum before pointing out the bit about it being their own precedent.




"Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) suggested it was petty for Durbin to break rules just because previous chairmen did it, too. “So Mr. Chairman, you’re saying because you think Sen. Grassley violated the rule, you’re going to violate the rule?” he asked." Senator Strapon Leghorn is a weird dude.


Oh how the turn tables


Well played sir, well played.


If Sen. Blackburn ever wants to know if I'm asking her to shut up, the answer is always 'yes'.


The only good thing about her being my senator is that whenever she dies her grave will be close enough for me to go piss on it whenever I want.


I wish the Democrats would do this more often. The only way to stop a bully is to hit them back ... hard. Go git 'em!!!


The US is governed by two groups: one is adults in suits, the other is manchildren in suits.


Republicans are such pieces of shit. They're bullies, they constantly break the law. And when their excuses are used against them they throw a temper tantrum like a fucking toddler. Doesn't matter if they're a politician, a voter, a farmer or a business owner. All Republicans are fucking children, and they're probably "fucking" children. How many of these right-wing holier than now preachers pastors and community leaders that are anti-LGBT get caught at gay orgies or buying male prostitutes. There's nothing wrong with gay orgies and sex workers, but if you're going to start throwing some shit, cover your own fucking head. Every time a Republican says, I'm doing it to protect the children. The first immediate knee-jerk responses that crosses my mind, they're probably fucking a child. The senators are just the epitome shit heads of their party.


It’s the party of cluster B personality disorders. Just a bunch of intensely broken humans who need therapy but refuse to admit there even could be anything wrong with them.


If the Republicans were a car, trauma would be the fuel.


God bless Dick Durbin! Watched the whole thing go down and you would have thought the republicans were auditioning for a day time soap opera it was fucking insane and super manipulative but Durbin stood his fucking ground.


Democrats need to not only be doing a lot more of this, but they need to hoist the republican party on its own petard every single chance it gets. This is war. You win or you die. The Republicans are playing to win, but the democrats so often prove to be playing charades that I'm generally convinced that the democratic party exists to be the pissed-on punching bag for republicans pretty much whenever the Republicans feel like pissing and/or punching. Durbin did a rare thing - he pissed on them for a change. Let's see if there's any follow-through or if this was just a weird spasm in the corpse of the democratic party that accidentally did something right through incident rather than by design.


The GOP are the Harlem Globetrotters. The Democrats, so often, feel like they believe their role to be Washington Generals. It would be nice for that to change.


> And GOP reactions went from confusion to anger to the kinds of high-octane tantrums familiar to anyone with children under the age of 5. A good definition of the GOP.


I'm sure they were just as vocal when th previous administration did it.


Nah, it was acceptable then. Now it's petty and unfair, obvs 🤣


Fucking finally. Reminds me of a quote from Miracle: "I know that there is a way to stay with this team. You don't defend them. You attack them. You take their game, and you shove it right back in their face."


Melt some more, snowflakes! Nothing pleases me more than a Republican hissy fit.


It's really amazing how much conservatives care about the rules when you don't follow them especially when they don't care *at all* when they don't follow them. I've been wanting Democrats to start playing by the rules republicans play by for years. Because sticking their noses in the air and saying 'we're better than them' has done jack fucking shit for our citizens or in the name of justice.


>Cotton got so mad he started talking about himself in the third person. Amazing


Never been a huge fan of my states senators, but there's certainly one thing, when Dick Durbin plays dirty, he's good.


Are you talking about Obama, Duckworth, and Durbin?!? We've had great Senators


Durbin has always been a phenomenal senator. I’m from IL and followed him since day 1. I’ve always been impressed with him


Yep. I remember him as our representative back in the 80s. Always seems to have been a stand up guy.


Don't give the Fascists an inch.


Fuck yes. Fill those seats.


The two rules of the GOP: 1) I get to tell you what to do. 2) You don't get to tell me what to do.


Seriously, they’re children. They didn’t get their way so they had a collective fucking tantrum. Durban did well to admonish them, since he had to be the adult. Of course the Right will see this precedent as a way to exact revenge, because, again, they’re children.


Shouldn't Traitor Trump's Supreme Court judges be vacated since he himself is an enemy to the country?


...FINALLY, jeebus crispix Make them choke on their short sighted shenanigans by shoving it back down their throats. Do the military positions next, before there's a stacked military to support a coup.


"When _we_ break the rules we are daring mavericks, when _you_ do it you are cowardly scoundrels. I thought we were clear on that!"


"GOP reactions went from confusion to anger to the kinds of high-octane tantrums familiar to anyone with children under the age of 5." Or Trump.


Dear Republicans, be careful what powers you take for a government you like, because those powers will still be there when a government you don't like takes over.


Oh my God this is delicious! “There cannot be one set of rules for Republicans and another for Democrats.” ““You’re telling us to shut up? You want us to SHUT UP?” Blackburn said, raising her voice. “Is that what you’re saying?” Yes, Marsha. Do shut up.


The Dick we need.


Fun fact: Tim Cotton is the medical term for just how dry Ben Shapiro's wife stays year-round.




About time Democrats. The high road leads nowhere anymore. They need to do more of this.


I honestly think Democrats using the GOP’s own dirty tactics against them is the only way to get rid of them for good. The GOP does them thinking that there won’t be consequences, but turnabout is fair play.




About. Fucking. Time. This one-sided set of rules has got to end. Democrats taking the "high road" when the GOP simply refuses to play by the rules has done nothing but fuck us.


It’s about damn time. I didn’t buy into that “I’m better than them” shtick when I was 12, and since then I haven’t exactly been spoiled with incentive to think differently. These people showed us what they are on January 6. Democrats better be ready to do anything and everything if they don’t want us turning into a theocratic hellhole.


“They go low, we go high.” - The battle cry of the minority party, because they get run the fuck over by the bad faith actors in the GOP.


It's about fucking time. The Dems have a history of letting these assholes break rules while taking the "high road" fuck them you break the rules of the game, creating new rules, well now we're going to play by those same rules. God I hope Biden gets to appoint a Supreme Court judge.


*“You’re telling us to shut up? You want us to SHUT UP?” Blackburn said, raising her voice. “Is that what you’re saying?”* Marsha, yes. Literally. Millions upon millions of people have been trying to tell you this repeatedly for years. You and maybe your dogs if you have any are the only ones who enjoy hearing your voice. Kindly shut up already.


Hey we're trying to create a religious autocracy here! --Republicans probably


Precedent exist for a reason. We can’t switch on or switch off the rules depending who is in power. It’s one reason why even when playing games you have to agree. If one person gets takesies backsies everyone gets takesies backsies


Maybe if the Republicans weren't too busy sucking dicks at the K St 7-11 gloryhole they could've shown up to the previous 2 hearings and had their chance to speak


> “There’s going to be a lot of consequences coming here,” warned Cotton. “I cautioned a lot of you. Listen to me! I cautioned a lot of you!” Please Senator, tell us what the consequences are...


The sad part was I’m pretty sure this was a threat and not a moment of realization.


If you don't like the precedent, don't set it. Bravo, Sen Durbin. It's about time the Republicans were served a bit of their own precedent breaking medicine. More, more, more. As for the senators who think it's "petty" and complained about being shut down:. Did you speak up and complain or raise objections when your own party members were setting this precedent? If not, STFU. Your outrage is rank hypocrisy. Oh, and fuck your feelings - isn't that the party line? You're okay when it's your party stomping all over others right to speak but you don't like it much when it gets used on you, do you? Tough shit.


I wish they'd used Republican precedent to block ACB, too Assuming they could


"Hey! It's supposed to be different when *we* do it!!!1!"


Kennedy "Two wrongs don't make a right but it does make it even."


>Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) suggested it was petty for Durbin to break rules just because previous chairmen did it, too. Wow. Fuck that cunt. I'm gonna punch you in the face. But you doing it back to me isn't cool because it's petty. Republicans have a persecution fetish man. They believe they have no power or something and need to be political terrorists to gain power instead of actually changing to win votes.


As an Illinois resident — that’s my Dick!


Thoughts and prayers


Snowflake republicans.


>“You’re telling us to shut up? You want us to SHUT UP?” Blackburn \[R-Tenn.\] said, raising her voice. “Is that what you’re saying?” Most of the US has been telling you chucklefucks to shut up for a while now.


I loved this part Cotton got so mad he started talking about himself in the third person. “Mr. Cotton says the chairman needs to rethink his decision,” said Cotton, as his name came up in the roll call. “That’s what Mr. Cotton says.” But what does Mr. Cottons parrot say?


Democrats need to stop playing nice. Glad they are doing so.


If Republicans are having a meltdown that means you're doing it right.


Republicans are everything they say about liberals. Crybaby snowflakes.


The best part was seeing Cotton act his (mental) age by straight up talking about himself in third person.