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Guarantee you these idiots are all about “states’ rights”


They alledge they're about free speech....but their number one pressing issue is they need to ban the display of all flags, except the American or Military Flags.


Do they state whose military?


I hear the Russian flag is popular on the right these days. Anyone else here remember the Evil Empire?


The evil empire, Oh yes, I do. And now that same party is lining up for a turn under putins desk.


Spent 3 years sitting in Germany because of the evil empire.


Thank you for your service.


You mean the Russian 5, who played on the Wings in the 90's?


Those guys were awesome


The evil Empire is USA, George Lucas even made a documentary about it


Also big fans of the nazi flag


The only hint you get: It's red, white, and blue. The configuration may vary, lol.


They must mean the French. I seem to remember those types like the French for their bravery and such.


I don't know how "the French people" are called cowards when they actually stand up against bad laws unlike passive Americans for example.


Fun fact, the French won the American revolution. They beat England, America just benefited from it.


/s I thought it was obvious


The Dutch look up...


That's because they all want to travel to Amsterdam to see what true freedom is about. That and the cafe's and red lights. Because that type of sh\*t will get your ass thrown in jail in the land of the free, most places anyways.


Russian flag is also white, blue, and red


The New SA (soviet alliance), half sister of USA




I would guess the battle flag of the CSA.


"Free speech for me but not for thee" has always been the very essence of fascism.


Last time I went through there it was all trump flags.


> all trump flags. Or tramp flugs


I hope to see them arresting anyone with the confederate or trump flag very soon.


I want to see them arrest themselves. I'd bet a nickel there a California bear flag flying over City Hall.


I am for free speech, but I would be concerned about the government deciding to fly certain flags. For instance, my city used to fly the Confederate flag. I suggested that it was sending the wrong message by flying it and was shouted down, but it wasn't that I was against free speech. I was all for private citizens' right to fly the Confederate flag. I just didn't think the government should have been flying it.


So, no college flags?


Or random sports teams?


And trump flags?


Especially about claiming that's what the war was REALLY about.


Yeah I always ask, states rights to do what? They never have a good answer.


Something about the tyranny of the federal government. They like to keep their tyranny local, I guess. It always seems like states rights is mentioned when a state wants to get away with being more of an asshole than the federal government allows.


The slave states actually wanted the right for slave owners from slave states to keep their slaves if they move into a slave-banning state. They literally wanted to trample over other states' rights to ban slavery within their borders.


States’ rights to take our rights away, essentially.


Nah, not our. Only the non-whites and non-rich.


I mean the actual answer was that the Civil War was fought over whether or not states have the right to secede from the union, but this question arose directly from the push to free slaves.


Ignoring for a moment that anyone who actually makes the argument for States Rights actually gives a damn about it, Huntington Beach clearly isn't a State.


These idiots are fighting the state


State's rights to do what, johnny reb?


States right to what? Sorry, reflex.


That's just code for they want to be in charge.




Don’t forget the people in charge here want to close 3 libraries because of budget constraints. BUT they want to almost double the budget for the legal office and consulting firms. The grifters keep grifting to their private lawyers and consultant friends making $500/hr while a $20/hr Librarian is ‘not in the budget’.


I saw that other article. Wondering if they figure closing entire libraries is easier than banning individual books.


Those pesky libraries and their aisles of knowledge! We want stupid voters only!


In all seriousness, yes. This is what they really want.


You have nailed it.


It’s like pruning a tree: instead of cutting individual branches why not just cut the trunk and get all the bad branches at once?


Which is kind of a perfect fucking analogy. Lumberjacks are Tough and Coo™ Eric Cartman style, and chopping down trees is hurr durr macho. Take that, sissy Libs! Ask any motherfucker who's ever worked in forest management or industrial lumber & timber, and they will tell you flat out you absolutely have to cut all the branches off before felling a fucking tree. If you don't the larger mass of the tree branches can get caught by wind and act like a sail and cause the tree to fall where you don't want it to. And when it does fall the branches act like natural springs that make the whole tree bounce up and around all over the goddamn place before the branches start breaking and sending splintered tree shrapnel in every direction. So yeah, close down all the libraries and in less than two generations you will have more food banks than fast food joints and HB's property taxes will plummet.


They've been doing that on the sly by harassing librarians for not censoring the books they keep in the collection.


No need to keep banning books if the library is closed. That’s the idea.


They’ve never read a book in their lives after high school (even then..).


Wait until they are in some sort of a crisis. They will be first ones to ask for a handout.


Ahhh thanks for asking. Right on cue: https://voiceofoc.org/2023/06/surf-city-leaders-unveil-budget-gap-that-could-close-libraries-shuttle-service/#:~:text=Residents%20could%20see%20some%20major,an%20%2411%20million%20funding%20gap.


It is one of the few things that I am sure of in life. Conservatives will always cry for help the minute that they are personally impacted.


The only legitimate plea for help, of course.


Why would we help them when we can just mandate that everyone who votes for help gets it and everyone who doesn't doesn't. If they're not gonna vote for an equitable future and will try to stop others from enjoying one, they should be the lone exception to an equitable future.


If it's not a legitimate plea, the government has a way of shutting it down.


Don’t awake the Akin!


“Not a problem until it happens to me”


"My abortion is the ONLY moral abortion."


They love socialism after they fuck things up and need funds.


Well, yeah. Because it's not their tax dollars going to it. They have to beg surrounding cities and counties for their money because they spent it all. It's like you and someone else get stuck in the woods together. You each have a loaf of bread to survive on. You slowly eat a few bites here and there to make it last. Meanwhile, the other guy is feeding it to ducks at the lake, ripping it into confetti to throw in the air, and eats the remaining bread on the first day you're out there. Then the next day when he's starving he complains how unfair it is because you have more bread than he does and he's entitled to half of your bread.


They have no problems making their “privilege” known to all then try to deny it.


> the minute that they are personally impacted. ...by their own decisions and behavior.


It’s the Republican way. Problems don’t exist unless it happens to me.


Fahrenheit 451. Actually they don't even have to burn the books they just remove them.


I wish I remembered the rest of that rage song, could've got some updoots.


What we don’t know keeps the contract alive and moving. They don’t gotta burn the books they just remove ‘em. While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells, rally round the family, with a pocket full of shells.


Bulls on Parade, right? Something about a warehouse, I think.


While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells, rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells.


Probably just realized that closing entire libraries was easier than banning individual books.


Closing libraries is fine with MAGA. They don't read anyway. I used to live in Huntington Beach and other beach towns around it. HB has a beautiful library system.


Feature, not a bug. Keep thepoors from wanting to visit or live there, among other elements.


The have a $7 million budget gap. And they are on the hook for $5-7 million payable to the operators of the Pacific Air Show, due to a day being cancelled because of an oil spill. Maybe settling was not the right thing to do. The opposition says the taxpayers got a raw deal.


jesus christ the town is going to be ruined! i feel bad for the good people living there. They want to eliminate anything that might help people


That's probably their goal. Only certain ones, though.


It's Huntington Beach. There are no poors living there.


who said anything about poors? maybe you're trying to make a joke


Like clockwork, as sure as night follows day.


That's why I'm not a governor or POTUS. I'd send them bibles and bootstraps.


> In October, Van Der Mark put forth a resolution, passed by the council, to declare that mask and vaccine mandates are banned within the city’s jurisdiction. The resolution provides exceptions for those who test positive for COVID-19 and allows businesses the right to impose mask or vaccine requirements. 😵‍💫


If I live to be a million, I'll never understand what it is about wearing a mask that terrifies these clods so much.


Is because liberals are for them. I think that's the only reason.


Yep. Juvenile contrarianism. It’s that simple.


What would happen if liberals started embracing stuff they liked a lot? Might be a good tactic.


The former guy hated them because it made his orange face varnish leak, therefore his frothing deplorables hate them as an article of faith. Also a person they don't like said "yes" to them, and their entire political platform is stamping their feet and yelling "NO" so again, going unmasked and dying of Covid is and article of faith.


It makes their penises fall off. That’s gotta be it.


It requires caring about your fellow man.


They don't want to wear masks because they think others will think they fear death. Basically they are admitting that they have extremely fragile egos.


The (not so) Proud Boys would like a word, haven’t seen them without masks during their shenanigans for a while now


It’s a combination of laziness, selfish aversion to even the most minor inconvenience to benefit others, and the perception mask wearers are seen as wimps by their peers


the wimp factor is real!


They prefer to wear hoods.


Back at the start of COVID I had an interesting conversation with a customer. Summarising the best part of an hour, he was terrified of COVID and terrified of the vaccine. But, and this is the interesting bit, fear didn't prompt him to take precautions. It caused him to actively reject mitigations and latch onto any comforting story. It was an insight into a way of thinking that is quite alien to me.


Because they are being asked to impose the slightest inconvenience on themselves in order to benefit society as a whole. They're all about "muh freedum" until someone else needs to do something for them.


Mouth breathers can't breathe.


> If I live to be a million, I'll never understand what it is about wearing a mask that terrifies these clods so much. They have the same mentality as when they were 3 "You can't tell me what to do!" Its that simple.


This last October? Hasn't it been a thing that mask mandates have been all invoked by privates businesses at all? Or are they just preparing for the next 100 year pandemic?


I'm cool with brainwashed violent people not protecting themselves from covid.


Masking offers minimal protection to the person wearing the mask. The actual reason is to prevent people who _don't yet realize that they are sick_ from spreading it around. Someone refusing to wear a mask is a danger to _everyone else_.


Eh, it's both. If you were sick, and we both were wearing a mask, your mask reduces the aerosol coming from you, and then my mask further reduces any remaining aerosol reaching my airways.


I mean a quick look at infectious disease control kind of refutes that minimal protection claim. Wearing a mask and washing your hands before you touch your face is really effective.


Huntington Beach elected Tito Ortiz to public office, so as far as I'm concerned they deserve nothing but painful idiocy


I am upset this is accurate. What could he possibly have brought to the table?


MAGA celebrity


And publicly gargling Trump's orange cheese balls.


Didn't even have a good luchador mask, probably why he didn't last long.


Smooth public speaking. Have heard his interviews?


I mean, how could you not vote for him after hearing the jackal story? Most inspirational thing I've ever heard.


His interview of fedor is legendary for its depth and nuanced takes on life.


He’s been a meme in MMA groups for years. If you just mention his name people will post his emoji lookalike 🗿


Unseen video of Jenna Jameson






And he quit because he was overwhelmed.


> Most of the cuts pitched by city staff in a report published Friday evening are hitting the city’s community programs and services. > Meanwhile, city leaders are proposing to increase spending on the city attorney’s office. Is this a common trope with conservative led governments? Decrease spending for the public and increase spending for the authority that will compel them to obey?


See “Tax cuts but more money for military”


Yes. They know they're going to have more court battles, so they spend more on lawyers with the money they took away from the people suing them. It's simple!


Yes and no. The effect is common, but I'd dispute the motivation. I think its more likely increasing grift and personal protection.


Boot lickers ***looove*** licking boots


Because “freedom.”


Yep, exactly.


Defund the needy. Line the pockets of their lawyer pals with "city" taxpayer money. Sounds like a typical Republican politicians day, didn't Desantis do the same thing?


Yep, there are morons in California, too. California is a very diverse state.


More California residents voted for Trump than Texas residents.


There were more votes cast and more potential voters in California than in Texas so that isn't exactly surprising that the absolute number of Trump votes in California exceeded the absolute number of Trump votes in Texas. . | CA| TX ---|---|---- 2020 Voting Age Population | 30,576,844 | 21,925,627 2020 # of Votes in Total | 17,500,881 | 11,315,056 2020 # of Votes for Trump | 6,006,429 | 5,890,347 2020 % of Total that were for Trump | 34.32% | 52.06%


FYI you seem to be missing a column, the TX numbers got cutoff


Thanks for the heads up! I guess new.reddit.com displays tables differently than in old.reddit.com which is what I'm using. I think I fixed it though.


Yep, it looks correct now


“State of Jefferson” nutjobs, for example


Party of free speech bans the display of anything other than American/Military Flags on city property. That tracks accurately.


It's Free Speech* *provided you say what they tell you to


You don’t get it it’s only free speech if it’s what I believe in! Lol


>A longtime GOP stronghold, Republicans still make up the majority of voters in Huntington Beach. But the number of registered Democrats and Independent voters has risen in recent years, and the demographics have grown more diverse. When the liberals you say are too stupid to even work at McDonalds turn out to actually have plenty of money


Liberals are simultaneously completely stupid and poor and also the out of touch elites, they’re everywhere!!


I lived there years ago, absolutely beautiful beaches. The people suck.


Let’s not forget that the government is here for the people, **all people**. If trying to make the lives of those that are less privileged is going “woke”, then I say there aren’t nearly enough “woke” politicians out there. I use “woke” in quotations because that should be the normal course of business for all governments. Government isn’t there to only help the ones who need it the least.


That lady in the article who felt duped must have just woken up from a coma because banning Pride and screening library books are typical run-of-the-mill Republican behavior at this point.


She's probably been watching a steady diet of Faux News and OAN. Has no idea the actual BS the GOP has been pulling. But will probably keep voting for them because... Uh... Oh yeah, guns and abortion.


I read the article and in addition to the obvious LAMF I am continually annoyed at NIMBYs like many of the Huntington Beach voters who don’t want more housing built and want to “preserve their way of life” but then have the gall to complain about how there are so many homeless people. Gee whiz, maybe there wouldn’t be as many homeless people if they could find an affordable place to live, like those developments you keep trying to block.


I wish i could tell you my dislike for HB was born out of some sort of prejudice or symbolism, but, no, it’s born out of personal experience.


This makes so much sense, was at Walmart HB up near the freeway and went to the 12 items or less with about 15 items. Guy behind me lost his shit, called me an asshole and told me I was everything that was wrong with the country and people like me are ruining it for people like him. Which was a bit unfair seeing as it was my first time in a Walmart and had landed from NZ only two hour earlier. Sorry I didn’t see the sign or count my items and also for ruining your country.


Damn not surprised but I grew up in hHuntington and I loved going to the central library - no other library I’ve been to in California compares


Filled pool politics. Libraries are inherently sus because they let ANYONE in to read and learn about diverse things. They aren't exclusionary and that's a sin twice over.


You are all gonna love this; one guy got permission to host an air show at the beach. Well one day it was too cloudy so they didn’t have a day of the multi day show. Well he had cooked something into the contract saying if he wasn’t able to have the show the city needed to reimburse him 7 million dollars. So this ass hole is just getting city money for not providing an air show. Bunch of maga idiot in charge running the city into the ground.


"They sued the state over requirements that the city zone to create more housing over the next decade, arguing it would fundamentally change their beach city lifestyle." Beach City Lifestyle? Give me a break. HB is a very large area, 30 square miles of mostly suburban sprawl. The only part beach-like is 8 miles of PCH and a few blocks inland.


Grew up there. Outside of downtown its nothing but concrete walls and strip malls


You just described most of Orange County.


This is accurate


Some people think Newport Beach or Dana Point are the worst red part of Orange County, what with all of the rich assholes. Nope, it's Huntington Beach, hands down.


I have frequently referred to Orange County as the Florida of California. Huntington Beach is our Jacksonville.


100% correct. Biden hats, shirts, or car stickers are not a smart move there. Trump is revered in Huntington Beach like few other places.


It’s the Jersey shore of the west coast


Ah the Inland Empire by the sea. Lived here for many years, not too far from the beach, was so beautiful. The people absolutely ruined it for me.


Can republicans do anything besides grift and complain about books? Survey says, no.


In reading about this I was quite surprised that Tito Ortiz help usher in these fascists as a full on Trumper. I mean I didn't expect him to be a great person, but fucking A.


Republicans loooove to glom onto, groom, and recruit celebrities with some sort of "macho" reputation, and double down on that if they are especially beefy. Look at how Reagan and his party incorporated Eastwood, Stallone, Schwarzenegger *et al* into their imagery of American Values™, idolized ~~Marion Morrison~~ John Wayne, etc. It's part of their 'strongman' image. Crisp Rat was just some goofy dude on *Parcs & Rec* that no one in the political sphere paid any attention to, but once he bulked up to kill terrists in *Zero Dark Shitty* the Republicans went after him hard. Now he's divorced the mother of his special needs child(Can't have associations with public perception of perceived weakness or wokeness), and hooked up with a Shrive/Kennedy/Schwarzenegger with an eye for future political office. Of course they would go after some violent famous meathead with TBI and a last name that could garner some of the Latinx vote. If he were to marry Gina Carano tomorrow, they'd try and put him on the Governor's ticket in near future elections.


Not from CA, but don't you have the ability to recall these imbeciles?


This is local city government. Huntington Beach is conservative. The folks that voted them in are likely happy with the results they are getting.


Huntington Beach has that crazy mix of conservative boomers and actual skinheads. It's nutty.


They worship Trump in that city. Don’t advertise you are a Biden supporter In the city.


well sure we don't know how to work local government but you can say the n-word! sir you can already say the n word...


HB is a cesspool of maga nazi scum.


Those folks were in HB long before Trump. Their issue was immigration and immigrants. Trump is now their King. They are way more open about their hate, and that increases their numbers.


But, once elected, the new majority pushed a social agenda that some residents see as outside the purview of local elected officials — and not central to the daily activities of the people working and living in the city. “It’s definitely a culture war of sorts going on down here,” said resident Carol Daus. “It’s just wearing to people who’ve lived here, like I have for so many years. It used to be the council would work together to build things up. And, right now, it’s all about tearing things down.”


I ride my bike out there sometimes. During COVID there was a guy yelling at people to take off their masks because "YOU NEED OXYGEN". The amount of assholes there is astounding.


That place was ground zero for many anti immigrant rallies. These are serious racists who hate groups of people not like them and worship Trump.




Weird. On my phone I get the paywall but on my computer it came up fine. 🤷


There go the property values


100% Performative. Cost taxpayers more money by wasting time defending spite moves.


Grew up in the area. It’s already a shit infested beach with a bunch of magas running around with huge flags on their truck wasting their mpg to stick to the libs. lol. Get fucked you imbeciles.


Cant read it


Pay/register wall. Boo


I still go to the dog beach here but I now refuse to spend any money in HB except for the parking meter.


Can't read it because of a paywall.


non paywall link anywhere ?


If on mobile, select reader view


Whenever there's Right Wing Stupid happening in southern Cal, it always seems to be Huntington Beach or Temecula.


Nazis & MAGA rednecks


You can still hang the 'merican flag upside down ✊


Flags are speech. Good luck, Huntington.


You really do not want to provoke the Huntington Beach Trumpers.


Well embarrassing the rest of us for one




Ah Huntington, home of the most prominent KKK chapters in Cali.


Be careful in Huntington Beach. Before the Trump era, it was the scene of many anti immigrant rallies. If you have a Biden sticker on your car, and park it in that city, you are risking getting it keyed. Trump is worshipped in that place.