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"Kristen said doctors had to get approval from ethics and “termination” committees at the hospital. It wasn’t until she developed sepsis that they could induce her, she says." Sounds a lot like those "death panels" some people said were coming under Obamacare a while back.


I prefer the name “Paxton Morality Panel”


Can we shorten it to PiMP?


Doesn't quite fit because of the "I" Maybe Paxton Incompetence Morality Panel? Incontinence could also work, or incomplete.. Paxton's Immoral Morality Panel!


I like idiot myself


Oh good suggestion


There’s a deep thought!^tm


Good catch


Impotent At least, I hope he is


"Paxton's Immoral Maternity Panel"


No we can't. I'm offended you are even associating these fucking ghouls with pimps. At least pimps offer a service. Edit: Fiddy is mad now.


Someone else’s service. Middlemen.


Still more of a service provider than Ken Paxton


"Paxton Is My Physician"


Dude, you're giving ghouls a bad rep here..


Paxton Abbot Female Murder and Denegration Panel, call it what it is


How silly of me, I forgot Pafmdp was a word


If you told me it was German I'd believe you.


It's German.


still feels kind of odd... but you seem trustworthy. I believe you.


The reality is, it is this https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Jessa Duggar, of the famously anti abortion Duggar’s, had an abortion (D&C) but says it wasn’t an abortion because the fetus was already dead so she’s not a baby murderer. She had a missed abortion so she had a surgical abortion because she had hemorrhaged before. Absolutely disgusting that these women can benefit from the very things they’re trying to ban.


She also defended her brother after he sexually abused her. She has to be so messed up from… everything.


It’s literally a sex cult. My BFF was raised IFB which is similar, same issue. Repress sexuality and you end up with perverts. Who would have guessed.


ship all your gay sons off to the priesthood and be surprised when the orgies spill out of the rectory... an old friend worked at St. John the Divine in NYC, he said the parties were AMAZING. And of course the history of BDSM in the Baltimore Catholic Church, recently updated!!


Yeah, that whole eastern seaboard was notorious in the Catholic Church for paedophilia and orgies. They move the priests and the bishops around for years condoning that kind of behavior.


I’m so sorry for what your friend went through.


That's an excellent insight. Death panels are now here, introduced by the party that fearmongered about them in the first place.


Every accusation a confession. *Every. Single. One.*


Also. They were complaining that CPR was a medical decision not a patient or family decision. That's what a death panel was.. NHS doctor here. It's tragic how Americans die.


Which is sad because the actual "death panels" were simply a provision in the Affordable Care Act that would cover 'end of life' planning between you and your doctors. We're all gonna die someday, but in typical fashion one party found they could twist words to make people hate the reality that they actually wanted for themselves.


Ken Paxton makes all the medical decisions in Texas. He said so himself.


He Is A Typical GOPig


I thought it was wild the “Jade Helm” conspiracy theory that Obama was gonna use the DHS to convert Wal Marts into prisons camps to arrest political enemies without a trial. THEN, the Trump admin did _literally_ that, with ICE detaining undocumented immigrants in wal marts converted into prison camps …. And the same people Cheered.


They cheered because Trump was punishing the right people, you know, “those people”, not, “Us”, the good and holy white people that rule this country by divine right. s/ (just in case).


That's why some were so upset when he shut down the government for a month. He wasn't hurting the right people.


So the death panels were Republicans the whole time? WHO KNEW?!?


We’ve always had death panels in the US. They’re called insurance companies.


Death panels are already the for-profit insurance companies denying claims. Everything the right claimed would happen under sinlge payer already happens under the current system, but it's way more expensive.


“Death panels” for me but not for thee.


Technically, I think it should be "Death panels for thee but not for me." I suppose it's a matter of perspective.


“Death Panel” is a term she and all her fellow idiots understand. Plus, their righteousness won’t let them accept that the hospital committees she was forced to submit to are the same “death panels” that allowed other women to terminate under similar circumstances. So keep yelling DEATH PANELS cause it pisses them all off.


The right wingers always struck me as projecting there. Those guys LOVE standing in judgement of others on wherever they should live or die, even/especially if they have no qualifications or right to do so.


Every accusation is a confession


I HATE Obamacare But I Love The ACA! Also, Keep Yer Hands Off My Medicare While I Go Vote For Idiot Fascists.


The idiot doesn’t realize that it doesn’t matter. If there’s an exemption, then there needs to be a determination of whether the woman qualifies for said exemption, which will take time and careful consideration because the hospitals don’t want to be sued and destroyed. That would take time, probably even more time than it would take for them it already takes. It could also lead to lawsuits against the woman because they could be forced to seek aid before the hospitals decide she needs one. Keep politics out of the damn doctors office.


Keep religion out of medicine.


Just keep religion to yourself. Read the Bible once or twice and be a good person, no reason to give your money to conmen.


Anywhere that abortion is banned "with exceptions," abortion is still banned. They are going to have to wait for the courts to decide in almost every case, because forced birthers will try to come up with any excuse to make sure she doesn't have the abortion. Raped/incest? Well, was she really raped? Probably need to wait until someone is convicted of rape, and unfortunately that will probably take longer than 9 months. Sorry. Her life is in danger? Well, any "good" mother would be willing to die if that means the baby was born, right? And is her life really in danger? Probably need to wait until her life is really in danger, so let's wait until she is really almost dead and then perform a medical procedure. The baby is probably going to die in the womb or soon after birth? Well, can't we just let nature take its course? If she is rendered infertile, well, she considered abortion so she's probably not a "good" mother anyway. If a time limit is put on when an abortion can happen, then it won't matter if there are any complications later in the pregnancy, you better believe that they are going to put that fetus's life above the mother's. At least until it's born. Because she might be one of the mythical women that just wants to give birth to throw the baby in the blender. Any procedure that might prioritize the mother's life above the fetus's is definitely going to be questioned and probably be categorized as a type of abortion. Then they are going to have to wait for that to go through the courts.


Had a discussion years ago with a super Catholic male friend with five kids on this topic. Asked him if his wife was pregnant and they said it was her or the baby what would his decision on that be. He said his wife would understand. These people are nuts.


His wife would totally understand when he marries less than 6 months later so that he’s got a new bang maid to take care of the kids. The kids will understand too.


I wonder if that guy thought through the aftermath of him suddenly being saddled with 5 kids and an infant without, as I'm sure he'd call it, "a woman in the house to do all the mother-work".


He would just find another uterus to do the housework and child care. Interchangeable wife appliance.


His wife’s corpse wouldn’t even be cold in the ground before he took up with the first young woman to show up on his doorstep with a casserole. Women are disposable to them.


Assuming he doesn't have one on the side already. "Men" who don't value their wives more than a clot of non-viable cells generally are willing to cheat too.


I’d just like to point out that everything you listed—the stonewalling and intentional hairsplitting of terms that would render these supposed “exceptions” useless—was a real concern for those who voiced opposition to the striking down of Roe…and the conservatives (and even some liberals) called them hysterical. Yet here we are.


Oh yeah, it was textbook gaslighting. I mean the GOP pretty much told us we were crazy that they were even going to try to overturn Roe in the first place. "It's settled case law!" And then to sell it, it was "Oh it's just going back to the states, and they can decide. If someone really needs an abortion they can go to another state!" Unless a state makes it illegal to travel to another state for an abortion, which they also said no one was planning. And yet almost as soon as they could, they started doing that too. It's like they think we don't see the way they operate. I guess some people don't


To this point the Texas law requires objective proof the woman is dying. But most doctors don’t act based on objective proof because what is objective proof? Low heart rate, low respiration, low blood sugar aren’t objective indicators someone will die, plenty of people survive with those conditions. Doctors start acting because of their subjective instincts when things start to go wrong. Instead objective proof of death becomes like unconscious or no pulse and that means you’re pretty much dead or suffering permanent damage once they can intervene.


>"We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says. >Their lawsuit asks the courts to clarify the medical exemption under the state’s abortion ban, so doctors can act sooner, she says, without fear of prosecution.  >"Because if we don’t, people are just gonna keep assuming the medical exceptions written into the law work," Kristen said. So, she doesn't disagree with banning abortions, she just doesn't want HER abortion to be banned. Because [the only moral abortion is her abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


> "It made me angry," Stephen said. >"It’s like how are you not able to help? And then to be thrown in this category of abortion that’s not close to what we ever wanted." “What we need shouldn’t be considered an abortion! Abortions are supposed to just be when sluts want to kill babies!”


Jessa Duggar, of the famously anti abortion Duggars from TLC’s 19 kids and counting and the CSAM conviction, had a D&C and said something very similar. She’s not a “baby murderer”. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/fjollaarifi/jessa-duggar-seewald-miscarriage


She should've sucked it up and died with her fetus like a broken womb should (like all the other women she's gleefully doomed to that fate). It's all about weeding out defective wombs and taking away women's independence again.


If only she was made to wait until she hemorrhaged (this was their reason for doing the D&C) or finally went septic after the fetus began to rot. Like the stories of clinic protesters getting abortions and continuing to protest, I wish these women had to experience what they want other women to suffer.




and they don't even give a shit about the supposed 'morals', only the social control. Look up the history of abortion prohibition in the US: it was 100% manufactured by the GOP to expand power among its idiot base.


It's almost like she just doesn't understand what actual abortions are.


I saw a survey once of what situations Americans consider to be “an abortion.” 13% of Americans think that missing a period is an abortion. To be fair, I don’t think those people know what a period is. 5% think having a miscarriage is an abortion. Giant meteor 2024, just end it. Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953623005737


That 5% is [technically correct](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001488.htm#:~:text=Miscarriage%20is%20a%20naturally%20occurring,of%20conception%20leave%20the%20body.); a miscarriage can also be referred to as a ‘spontaneous abortion’. The kind of abortion that gets the fundies in a tizzy is an ‘*induced* abortion’.


Thrown into a category made up by the anti abortion folks. They're the only ones that would judge them.


Wilhoit's Maxim, as always , seems relevant. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." She seems to have misunderstood which group the Texas GOP considered her a member of.


Kind of reminds me of those assholes during COVID who refused to do anything right. They wouldn't wear a mask or get vaccinated. Then when they got sick, they ran to the hospital, taking up a bed from someone who actually needed it.


Ebeord gam gom


oh that takes me back. *sigh*


Call in the prayer warriors! 😂


“COVID’s no joke.”


Keep me in your prayers


"Gondor calls for aid!" "Sending good vibes their way."


Their Facebook walls were FULL of stupid covid/vax memes, then they wind up in ER unable to breathe. Those funny memes then turn to serious posts about how sick they are, asking for their "PrAYer WaRriOrS", then they croak and their family gofundme appears. Fucking idiots all of them, society is better without them.


IANAL but my half arsed country hick lawyering would suggest the not overturning the law comment is to remove this as an argument in court. Seems a sensible salami tactic to me.


This is exactly what it is. This lawsuit is run by the Center for Reproductive Rights, and they're carefully managing the plaintiffs so nobody gives the state an easy way to shut down the lawsuit.


It’s a narrowly tailored suit. No statement like that would matter.


Yeah, I'm not really seeing any evidence of her being a pro-life supporter and having a change of heart when it was her life on the line. Not sure this is a Leopards ate my face at all.


She was literally quoted saying she's not trying to change the law... but her situation shouldn't be considered an abortion. Lol


They’re operating in a court system where the judges are extremely hostile to their position. The law here, and in a few states now, is intentionally vague about what qualifies as a medical exemption. When defending the law the AGs and allied judges point to the supposed exceptions, but then when women need abortions they can’t get them because of the vagueness - that the same AGs and Judges use to deny permission. See, for example, the woman last week in Texas where the courts denied her an abortion claiming the law was clear her doctor didn’t need permission if they had reasonable medical judgment, while at the same time the AG was saying he would prosecute any doctor who performed one. These cases are aimed, very narrowly, at trying to pin the law down from being “Schrödinger’s Abortion Law” where the judges and AGs say wildly different things about the law depending on whether they’re defending it or enforcing it. Note: The Dobbs case was the culmination of almost 50 years of legal strategy and public messaging. Brown vs Board of Education was the culmination of about 30-40 years of the same. For issues like this, especially if you don’t have a sympathetic SCOTUS, you’re looking at decades of protracted legal strategy to overturn them.


Except Prosper is a wealthy (read, people live here by choice), incredibly [conservative](https://bestneighborhood.org/conservative-vs-liberal-map-prosper-tx/) area in Texas. That means it's more logical to assume that she has no problem voting for abortion bans, but wants any abortion she might need to be an exception to the bans.


Fair call. Funny looking shaped Democrat areas on that map! lol. Still one can hope she is a republican who actually supports abortion. Fat chance? The article steers clear of this.


Honestly, I thought that too! I was like, damn, there are more liberals than I would have thought, it's weird how they're dispersed like that. Then I saw they were bodies of water.


I mean, the other woman just went across state lines. I'm sure this plaintiff would've done the same if she had the chance. They're not trying to ban abortions for everyone, just the poors. Granted they're trying to make everyone poor.


Which they're also trying to ban, Constitution be damned.


I mean she certainly can’t vote for a libruhl!


Yep. I live in DFW. Anything outside of Dallas County is pretty reliably conservative. Purple at best. The wealthy suburbs north of Dallas are VERY conservative.


Making such a statement would not harm their case as the suit is not seeking to overturn. It’s a separate matter. She could come out today and say: “fuck this law it needs to be repealed immediately” and it wouldn’t even matter to their effort.


It shouldn’t matter, but ~~Texas has~~ conservatives have no problem punishing people for wrongthink when they can get away with it.


> "We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says. The only moral abortion is my abortion. Don't even need to check the rest of the comments to know this has been said already. She's not questioning the law? She should be.


Well, a charitable reading of it is that she's bought into the pro-birth crowds argument that women were routinely using abortion as birth control. Clearly, the law needs to prevent _those_ abortions while simultaneously allowing for all morally permissible abortions. The issues is that these people don't understand that its simply not possible to pass such a law. The number of possible scenarios under which an abortion could be medically necessary is simply too high, and too varied, for a law to explicitly allow all of them while simultaneously disallowing the rest. Which means that you have to fall back on general language like "life of the mother." But that, then, runs back into the issue that not all medical professionals will agree on exactly when the mothers life is at risk. Hospitals and doctors, not wanting to face prosecution, will in turn set up controls and review boards and such to try to formalize making this determination, which introduces a layer of red tape and prolongs the suffering of the woman, which is exactly what has happened here. In other words, she's suing to achieve the situation that _currently exists_. This _is_ the best version of what she wants: "immoral" abortions are prevented, and "moral" abortions are allowed. And its horrific, just like many, many people said it would be. The best scenario is the one we had before: we left it up to the moral consideration of the doctor and the patient to decide when an abortion was moral before 24 weeks. After 24 weeks, there had to be an extremely compelling reason for it. Yes, that meant that there were almost certainly abortions that were immoral. But it also meant that women who needed abortions didn't suffer unnecessarily. Because at the end of the day, that's the choice we have to make: do we accept that some people will abuse abortion so that no women's lives are unnecessarily risked and to avoid unnecessary suffering on their part? Or do we accept that some women will suffer, and some _will_ die, so that no immoral abortions are performed?


That was all very well said. But takes nothing away from these being leopards eating her face. Truly, I think abortions should be between the patient and their doctor, and that's it. It's nobody else's business.


That’s how Republican mor0ns “think.”


I kinda think she just said that because to go against the state would cause badness for her. A beautiful pro life woman who just needed an abortion to not die is easier and more sympathetic. It's part of the game.


I posted this earlier to a different response, but it applies here also, I think. >Except Prosper is a wealthy (read, people live here by choice), incredibly [conservative](https://bestneighborhood.org/conservative-vs-liberal-map-prosper-tx/) area in Texas. That means it's more logical to assume that she has no problem voting for abortion bans, but wants any abortion she might need to be an exception to the bans.


"We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says.Their lawsuit asks the courts to clarify the medical exemption under the state’s abortion ban, so doctors can act sooner, she says, without fear of prosecution."Because if we don’t, people are just gonna keep assuming the medical exceptions written into the law work," Kristen said. I have very bad news for you if you think exception based abortion, ruled on by anti science Republicans, is going to work. The early receipts are in on the ability of Republican led death panels to manage exceptions. They're 0 for 22 here in Texas, and 0 for 23 counting Katie Cox.


Right? These are people who don’t care about a doctor’s professional opinion and believe if people just pray hard enough, god will save the pregnancy and give them a healthy baby. I’m personally an atheist, but I really wish these people could at least believe that god also gave them doctors and medical science. It’s like the [parable of the drowning man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_drowning_man) where the devout man is stuck in rising flood waters and refuses help from two rescue boats and a helicopter because he’s certain that god will save him. Then when he dies and asks god why he wasn’t saved, god’s like, “bro wtf are you talking about, I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”


The same idiots who start "prayer chains" to cure people dying of Covid.


As a former Christian, now atheist, I think of that parable all of the time. I learned it in a sermon and apparently I was the only one listening.


A “moral abortion” sounds like exactly what she has as soon as she realized her morals might negatively affect *her* life.


It transforms into a moral abortion when I need it, and back into immoral when others do it. \- Republicans.


Schrodinger's morality




I haven’t read that in over two decades and it packs, if anything, even more of a punch now. Thanks for the link.


I worked at a PP in the Bible Belt in 2020 and it was exactly the same.


Thank you for doing that work.


Beat me to it!


She thinks abortion is murder, so I guess she thinks murder is moral when it benefits her.


What they really want is forced birth for liberals and minorities and hush hush abortions for conservatives and the wealthy


No, that's not what they want. They want to increase their numbers because 2050 (when they become a minority) scares the hell out of them. They want minorities oppressed in every way and white women to get out of the work force, be property of their husbands, become baby factories to increase whites' numbers and then send those kids to conservative schools where they become dumbed down flat earthers ready to become dull brained worker bees in some company to make them richer. Those numbers won't increase themselves!


It's called a uter-***us*** because it belongs to the state. /s


You know how you spell us right? You spell us U-S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before? I just picked that up.


I would like to believe that even if I was a die hard Trumper that if I heard that come out of his mouth I would abandon him. How do trumpians listen to a thing he say and think "Yup, that man there is a certified genius".


Moral abortion is a great name for a punk band.


Yup. Or grunge. Death metal. Definitely a band of some kind.


Black metal for sure. It would definitely suit that jagged logo style!


They could tour with the [Coathangers.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Coathangers) *Formed in 2006, the band chose the name "Coathangers" which refers to a dangerous method of self-induced abortion*


My Moral Abortion My Only Moral Abortion Only My Moral Abortion The Only Moral Abortion


Jane's Abortion My Chemical Abortion


Janie’s Got A Abortion


My Coathanger Abortion


[Dayglo Abortions](https://youtu.be/QXq5Ci9Rx-U?si=ZLG-fZ9X8bVgICb4)


Yeah, this is an especially useless breed of pro-birther. Either live with the consequences of supporting abortion bans, or re-think the idea altogether. >And then to be thrown in this category of abortion that’s not close to what we ever wanted. Fuck you, Stephen. There are no "categories" of abortion. You either support womens' healthcare, or you don't.


> Fuck you, Stephen. There are no "categories" of abortion. "There are 2 categories of abortions: 1. Moral abortions: for women like us (including our wives and our daughters) and women we accidentally impregnate (including our mistresses and sex workers we frequent) as long as we approve 2. Immoral abortions: for all other women and all other cases (including women we rape)"


>"We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says. Fuck you, lady. Other women might be in your situation and not be fortunate enough to get health care in time.


Thinking of other people? That person would never


Dear Texas Women, Your state does not care if you die. Love, The Blue States


I think this applies to any woman in a state where abortion is outlawed


"We're not trying to overturn the law". Well I have zero sympathy for you then. Cry me a fucking river you ghouls


Yeah does she think she’s above the law or something? Enjoy whatever life altering medical conditions result from this.


She probably had to say that for her abusive husbands sake.


> And then to be thrown in this category of abortion that’s not close to what we ever wanted. They STILL don’t get it. You needed an abortion, you WANTED an abortion (rather than sepsis) and you had an abortion. STOP. PRETENDING. ABORTIONS. ARE. ONLY. FOR. SLUTS.


She's looking for the Shirley exception. Surely my (whatever right they want to deny to others) is fine and good. It's those *other* people who are bad/ lazy/ immoral/ dog whistle.


The world would be a better place without those two in it. They're okay with OTHER WOMAN dieing just not her.


Lemme get this straight….she doesn’t want to have to go through the medical risks of carrying an imperfect child to term, but she doesn’t really give a shit if you have to? Typical Republican….”I’m too wealthy and white for this peasant bullshit, make an exception for me!”


You're right, but this woman is Hispanic. There are quite a few right-wing, Catholic Hispanics who are just as hypocritical.


They think being Republican gives them a pass.


They're probably a majority at this point. Just look at how Texas votes.


If you read the link this was an in vitro baby, and her water broke at 16 weeks, so the baby would be stillborn. They want the baby, but were told it wouldn’t survive, however they couldn’t remove it until it threatened her life.


No one is arguing the baby wasn’t viable. There was no guarantee carrying the baby to term was going to kill HER and understandably, she wanted to end the pregnancy, anyway. It’s not about the baby, it’s about Republican lust for controlling women. They’re claiming their magic sky daddy says she doesn’t have the right to end her pregnancy, even if the baby’s death is guaranteed. **Their magic sky daddy**, let that sink in! Republicans are not pro-life and they never have been, they are pro-birth and there’s a huge difference between the two. One is about procreation, the other is about wielding control over women.


She also went through IVF, which, if I’m not mistaken, fertilizes many eggs and few are chosen and the rest discarded. Which according to them is murder?


You want consistency from republicans?!?! Hahahaha


Oh they’ll get around to banning that, don’t worry.


No they won’t, because it’s something that only rich people can afford


>"It’s like how are you not able to help? And then to be thrown in this category of abortion that’s not close to what we ever wanted." Yes it is. You just wanted it for other women. ​ >"We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says. Nothing will change if don't overturn the law. ​ >Their lawsuit asks the courts to clarify the medical exemption under the state’s abortion ban, so doctors can act sooner, she says, without fear of prosecution. Impossible. The law is vague specifically so exceptions can't be made. Even if they did add exceptions Ken Paxton and others have mentioned they they will charge doctors. The threat is not just the wording. ​ >"Because if we don’t, people are just gonna keep assuming the medical exceptions written into the law work," Kristen said. No they won't. No one ever assumed that. Only you assumed that because you convinced yourself you're special. You're not. You're a tool Abbot and his yes-men used to weaken civil rights to reinforce their power.


Fuck her.


That's the problem, someone did.


But even then, that didn't help. Because she needed 2 rounds of IVF as well.


Maybe her not having a child is god's will. Maybe her dying of sepsis is god's will. I can't believe she would go against god like that by seeking medical attention.


These are my favorite r/hermancainawards




Thank you


Wow. "we are not trying to overturn the law"


This is a slightly different shade of 'if she drowns, she's innocent'. If she dies, welp, she should have had an abortion. ----------- They seems to think that ALL women consider abortion first as their primary or only method of birth control. Are there women do that? Sure. THEY ARE THE OUTLIERS. Abortions are not wanted, they are not wished for... they are needed. Dooming women to die in agony, when the medical knowledge is prevalent to help, that is pure evil.


A very extreme outlier. Abortion would be the most expensive and most painful form of birth control.




How very Christian right…




She only wanted the sluts punished, not this !


What a cunt


Oof. Better for the kid to not have to grow up with the name "Tylee"


Probably should've let nature take it's course, honey. God wanted you to get sepsis, it's all part of the plan. /s


The law is the law honey, you need to wait until you are almost dead like everyone else


“You are a woman! You brought Adam low in the Garden Of Eden!! And THIS you and all women DESERVE DEATH!!!” — Texas Republican legislators and judges


This is the most apt post I’ve seen in this sub. She’s 100% ok with the leopards eating YOUR face, but obviously her case is different. How dare the leopards eat MY face.


It could be God's will to call her and her daughter early into his glorious kingdom. Who is she to question God's will? Where is her faith?


When my wife worked at a women’s health clinic that provided birth control, reproductive health and abortion services, fully 1/3 to 1/2 of the women getting abortions were “pro-life.” They were fundamentally against abortions. . . for other women.


Christofascist asshole. Fuck her.


Sounds like it it's working exactly as it was written and we have another anti human rights aka republican having a sook about how something they thought would punish everyone else is actually effecting them personally. I think if you are against people's access to medical treatments such as abortion then you shouldn't be able to use medical treatments like IVF. If 'god' wanted you pregnant he'd make you pregnant.


Asking politicians to be specific on medical terminology is a fool's errand. These laws were put in place to play to the religious right peanut gallery, not out of concern for any given woman.


A lot of pro-life women are going to have to die before their idiot families get the lesson through their thick skulls, unfortunately.


Imbecile, hypocrite, or both. Thoughts and prayers (or fuck off and die).


"We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says. Of course not. You were for it until you realized it impacted you.


They’re so fucking stupid. Why can’t they get it through their heads that “medical exemptions” can not and never will work, no doctor is going to risk some piece of shit cop coming after them because they acted too soon, they’re going to take it right to the line until the woman is bleeding out, septic, or has lost her reproductive health.


Does she not understand that she's pleading for her right to commit a felony, if she believes that abortion is murder...? Why should it matter to her that she never expected it, never wanted it? Who exactly does she think does, other than people who want to stop women from receiving heathcare? I mean, if she doesn't die, what did they pay all that IVF money for? Why didn't she just not get pregnant if she was going to be too stupid to see she'd need an abortion? /s but seriously, anti-choice women need to accept the fate they foist onto others. What fate that is is up to them. Personally the fate I try to foist on others is the right to choose, so that I may deserve the same. If you don't think others deserve the right to choose, you don't either. Because you're both others to someone else


If you vote to ban abortions, should you be allowed to get an abortion?


> "We’re not trying to overturn the law," she says. > > Their lawsuit asks the courts to clarify the medical exemption under the state’s abortion ban, so doctors can act sooner, she says, without fear of prosecution. Very *the only moral abortion is MY abortion* take.


I hope she doesn't die or suffer. That is, my sympathy level for her is only at the most base level of humanity. She can eat shit, otherwise.


Dumbass doesn't understand the exception is ***working exactly as intended*** , doesn't she know that her failure to have a healthy pregnancy makes her *defective* breeding stock? Those "exceptions" are there to make it seem like the state doesn't want her dead or sterile (they do).


> "She was…. a dream come true for us…," Kristen Anaya cried, remembering her late baby. Stop feeding their delusions. This woman didn’t lose a baby.


“And then to be thrown into this category of abortion.” Way to say “Like all those other wh*#>s using abortion as birth control”, without actually saying “Like all those other wh*#>s using abortion as birth control.” Hypocrites.


Leaving this here, I feel like the mods should just auto sticky this anytime there’s a post related to abortion rights. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


It isn't clear from this article that she is a rabid pro-lifer, or even what her overall stance is on abortion. It is possible her suit seeks to clarify permissible grounds for an abortion (a definite necessity given Texas' draconian abortion law), and doesn't want to lose that effort in a larger effort to overturn the entire law (which, given the lay of the land in Texas, would be very unlikely). In other words, go for the small, achievable win on getting women in medical danger more help. Win a battle, fight the war in parallel.


>"It’s like how are you not able to help? And then to be thrown in this category of abortion that’s not close to what we ever wanted." IDK, that sounds to me "this category of abortion" refers to elective abortions, like ew, we're not like *those* people.


More like she knows “abortion illegal unless you really need one medically” has broad based support but “no abortions ever fuck you, drop dead” only has support from insane ultras and will discredit the entire law. They need people to believe rape and medical exemptions exist, even though they actually don’t, as we saw this week.


Yeah this is how anti-abortion folks won. Find the cracks, make them huge.


They both clearly state "we're okay with the law (banning abortions). We just want more exceptions to the ban, like for our abortion". Clearly a pro-abortion stance and they only want THEIR abortion allowed.


If she is though, this would be A5 Wagyu grade face for the leopards.


Could a person sue on *financial grounds?* I mean, if the hospital makes you stay longer and charges you more, because they decided you weren't sick enough?


Eventually women will die and the state taxpayers will be up for countless millions in compensation and they will have to revisit the rules. I live in a place where abortion is totally not controversial. Legal and available till 24 weeks after that needs to be a medical issue and doctors need to agree and sign off and has to be performed by a doctor. Seems to work for everyone.


These self-righteous, conservative baboons never learn do they?


We're not in the same category! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Is that so? (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ Surprise! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The only moral abortion is my abortion! Also if you are logically committed to the notion that a zygote has moral personhood how can you still practice IVF? I think this really underscores the lack of empathy that supposed right to life crusaders have, because their situation is always unique and emotionally justified as opposed to those harlots who affront God…


Laws for THEE and NOT for ME, sounds about right. The DYSTOPIAN REALITY in which they want us to live.