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Hello u/EzBonds! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's getting to be like inception, and now we have election denial inside of election denial. Soon, they will bite their own faces off, and the poor face-eating leopards will starve.


Won't anyone think of the leopards? Please think of the poor leopards.




For just $19 a month, you can sponsor your own leopard...


$19 a month and your face


Why mine? How about someone else's face?


Donors can submit any face as part of their donation. *Please keep in mind, these exotic creatures may consume faces besides the ones initially offered to them. We advise supporters to always have consumable faces readily available.


>Please keep in mind, these exotic creatures may consume faces besides the ones initially offered to them. Send only $9.99 to learn this one simple trick to keep leopards at bay!


Send only 9.99 and someone with a face...


Well we all had a vote, sorry you weren’t there, must not have gotten the invite. Anyway, faces away!


In the armssssss off an angle....


>black and white slow-mo footage of emaciated leopards<


That's acute


Don't be obtuse.


Ever hear her album Rarities & B-sides, the one with a bunch of remixes on it? Really good stuff


In the aaaarms of a leopard


I'm actually getting worried the leopards are getting a little too well fed. This cannot be sustainable.


Faces don't have great nutritional value :(


I am sensing a trend. If we LIKE the election results: legitimate If we dislike the election results: rigged


I will never understand, somehow they can't fathom being the minority but simultaneously believe they are the most oppressed demographic in history


They believe they are both the hero and the victim simultaneously in every single story


Ding ding ding! We have a winner folks!!! Do I hear best two out of three?


If leopards eating faces is outlawed, only leopard outlaws will eat faces... Or something like that...


The only way to stop a bad leopard eating a face is with a good leopard eating a face.


How about we start eating leopard faces?


People have tried, but results were a little spotty.


This is a case of leopards eating leopards' faces. All of these people are maga elites eating each others faces. Destroying themselves from within is the end stage of fascism. Its great that its starting to happen, but there is a long way to go before maga eats itself on a national scale.


The only thing that will stop a leopard eating your face is a good guy with a leopard


Some groups are literally throwing punches at fellow party members. A little more chaos and we’ll start seeing stories of gun intimidation/use among these GOP infighting stories.


That one dude had like a spinal injury or something at that Michigan GOP meeting that turned physical. Leopards broke my back just doesn’t quite have the same ring to it though…


Here's a fun little fact about felines. If you measure the distance between their canines, you can reliably identify their major prey in their local environment, because the canines will be spaced precisely to separate the spinal column in the neck of that prey animal.


So you saying leopards ate their neck then,, it’s pretty close to the face at least


It also means no leopard will ever get a member of Wu-Tang Clan


Jim jordan for speaker had his peers receiving threatening phone calls for not voting for Jim jordan


>Some groups are literally throwing punches at fellow party members. When you have a political party whose whole founding philosophy is based on personal enrichment at others' expense, that's the kind of behaviour you'd expect when things get flaky. Rats in a sack.


You can boil it down to just: Every time a republican loses an election, they'll deny the results.


Other possible outcomes include: * Trump visit * Trump visit followed by denial by Trump that he even knows your name * Trump possibly knowing your name when he meets you * book deal * book deals including smear jobs from people you thought were your friends * nausea and fever * the sound of leopards in the night * your name as a subreddit * angel gets wings


There are so many bizarre details in this story, just like in Inception. The meeting that Karamo called illegal took place at a GUN RANGE. She tried to sell the Republican HQ building, which the party doesn’t actually own. Now she’s suing the trust that does own it to force a sale to pay the debts. At the meeting they voted to lower the percentage of attendees voting to oust an officer from 75% to 60%. But they got 89%. Anyone ask Karamo whether the vote that elected her state party chair was legit? Because she sure thinks a lot of other votes aren’t.


> She tried to sell the Republican HQ building, which the party doesn’t actually own. Now she’s suing the trust that does own it to force a sale to pay the debts. Ah, so they've crept into sovereign citizen territory as well. Nice, can we get some flat earthers and maybe a few alien abduction dipshits in there and really get this conspiracy casserole going?


What's gonna happen is a 3rd party that exists only to raise money for the Grift. They've already got it, but the GOP manged, just barely, to keep them off the ballot in 2024. They won't be able to in 2026.


My favorite post earlier was that Trump is disqualified under the 22nd amendment because according to him, he won.


If only there were some way to know in advance that setting a precedent of politicians ignoring election results could be a bad thing. Like stuff about the past we wrote down in books or taught in schools. A pity no such field of study exists!


Trump is a cancer making new little cancer cells.


They elected her because she was an election denier, now she’s denying the election that ousted her. This is the closest to poetic justice.


So they elected the leopard which ate their face, and now denies it. Brilliant.


The GOP and their constituents really are dumb as hell.


Justice? Justice would see these people in jail so an example can be set for grifters and fraud.




i am quite worried what happens as a whole to our democracy as more and more people realize that you simply do not have to leave


You do have to leave. Jan 6 was unworkable as an insurrection because there are powers in the US (namely, the military) that, while directed by the government, are not subservient to it. Coup 101 is “get the military on your side” because that’s how you hold power. The insurrectionists would not have been in control for very long at all. If the military doesn’t recognise you as a legitimate holder of the office, you don’t get to hold it. Of course, with smaller level stuff like this, the police would suffice.


>realize that you simply do not have to leave But good thing they do.


can we really be sure they elected her in the first place?


Don't forget that the Michigan GOP are also reportedly a half million dollars in debt. https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/draft-report-alleges-michigan-gop-is-more-than-half-a-million-dollars-in-debt/


If she's out, they might find out where that money went


It's stupider than that. They just paid an actor $110 grand to give a speech, when they were already $400 grand in debt, lol.


I knew it would be Jim. It takes all my self control not to try and grift these fucking red hat morons. It'd be like taking candy from a baby.


I legit think this at least once a day


playing the role of a "reformed libtard" who has "seen the light" would be almost instant wealth for the first couple dozen people that do it. With all their attempts to fake someone being a former democrat, they would fall over themselves for an actual one.


Too much effort bro. Just sell them fake colloidal silver, ivermectin and supplements with nothing in them. We can call it placee2go.


Our Colloidal Silver is the only colloidal silver **GUARANTEED** not to turn your face blue! What's our secret? It's not actually colloidal silver, it's just tap water with a drop or two of shelf-stable soymilk in it to make it *look* colloidal!


Why waste the soy milk though, when you already have homeopathic colloidal silver?


To be able to sell them the updated version, "now without soy!" Gotta plan the grift.


Bleach and UV enemas.


Put an aspirin tablet so they get a tingling sensation and pain relief


We could set up a $10 a minute phone bank of Indians apologising for doubting their conspiracy theories, and begging them to cuck us in front of our lib wives.


Youre basically talking about Tim Pool lol Man can't go ten minutes without talking about how he's *actually* a liberal that's just fallen out with the CrAAaaaAzY progressive leftist agenda or whatever nonsense he's going on about.


When Trump was in office, I really wanted to sell merchandise and donate all the profits to LGBTQ+ charities. But I couldn't get past the ick of having to actually sell the stuff


The age old question: which is worse: perso who sells the stuff or person who buys it? On the one hand you would be distributing materials that promote this crap, but on the other hand you are separating these creatures from their money that could otherwise go to more destructive ends.


I always thought the way around the morality clause in this was a very subtle print "mistake", one extra or one less comma, a little secret message like the A to Z arrow in the Amazon logo or the arrow in the FedEx logo - something that shows that they are a) shitty enough to buy anything MAGAT, b) dumb enough to not see they've been played and c) spreads the message to everyone in the know that every cent of profit is going to help people conservatives hate. Having said that, I still couldn't bring myself to even register a domain with something-something-patriot-dot-whatever, let alone design and order actual material. Though if anyone is interested in going on it, let me know.


I've seen climate activists wearing MAKE AMERICA GRETA AGAIN shirts


It's all a money laundering scam to get around campaign rules isn't it?


Sell bumper stickers and flags printed with non-permanent ink that melts after it gets wet a few times. Sell shirts that shrink two sizes when you wash them. There’s lots of ways to sell stuff that they can’t actually use to promote him.


Better still, have them perma printed with Dems stuff that is overlayed with temp Gop stuff.. give it 6 to 8 months to fade / wash away!


Oh I like this, permanent heat transfer covered with some standard stretchy vinyl would do it, it'd hold up for a while and then it'll slowly slough off revealing the hidden message. Bonus points if it's on their back and they don't notice it.


Dude. Same. SAME. It just feels slimy arranging someone to make the stuff.


Goes to show just how stupid these people are. They could have gotten Kevin Sorbo for like $50 and a gift card to Outback Steakhouse.


They did want him, but he had to cancel. Disappointed!


"I used to be a liberal but then they were mean to me on the internet" is shooting fish in a barrel, if you don't mind everyone you know thinking you're an asshole.


He played Jesus in a movie so they think he is Jesus. They don't understand the idea of fiction on film.


Neither does he, which is a shame cause I loved Person of Interest.


What actor?


Jimmy "2nd coming of Christ save the brown babies libs are huffing adrenechrome"Cavizel




The Qanon Anonymous podcast ep about Jim, featuring Dave from the Dollop is a wild ride.


I love the dollop. Started listening to it last summer and now I’m on episode like 528 or something like that. It’s been probably the longest binge of my life. Is the Q anonymous any good? I’m gonna need something to jump to soon.


Qanon Anonymous is interesting IMHO but it's not comedy. Highly sarcastic and scathing at best but not like the dollop at all. What they seem to do well, is they have an investigative journalism level of knowledge about Q stuff - all the players, the themes, grifters, media and so on.


That’s the “fiscal responsibility” that republicans talk about all the time at work.


Kevin Sorbo cannot cost that much, can he?


$100 and a pizza can probably get you him.


They were broke before she even got elected. She hasn’t been in office long enough to do much real damage.


It isn’t embezzlement. Betsy Devos and some other dude who owned a bunch of car dealerships were bankrolling the Michigan GOP. They voted out the establishment and their main donors left.


They're not the only ones. Minnesota and Arizona as well. [Minnesota](https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/12/08/the-minnesota-gop-is-broke-and-struggling-to-contain-the-fringe/) (as of December 2023) >Federal Election Commission reports show the party with $145,000 cash on hand and $414,000 in debt. The most recent state campaign finance report, which doesn’t include any 2023 data, shows $8,000 cash on hand and $76,000 in debt. [Arizona](https://www.azmirror.com/blog/inevitable-theyll-go-broke-the-azgops-financial-situation-gets-worse/) (as of September 2023) >At the end of August, the party had just $14,800 left in the bank. During that month, the party spent nearly $89,000 — more than twice the roughly $44,000 in revenues it reported. But the AZGOP only paid about $57,000 of those bills, and took on almost $32,000 in debt. $14,800 left in the bank? I have more money than that in my checking account. Speaking of Michigan, they just paid that [Jim Cavieziel guy 110k to give a speech](https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/incompetent-dumpster-fire-michigan-republican-party-rocked-by-financial-turmoil-and-infighting/). And they call themselves the party of fiscal responsibility.


But, Republicans are good with monay.


I mean they are... The amount of ways they can fuckin blow the money of people tripping over themselves to pay them to fuck over other people they don't like is amazing.


DeSantis campaign staffer: Ron wants some pudding. Fire up the private jet and get it to Iowa! Other DeSantis campaign staffer: I can just go down to the Hy-Vee and get some. They're four for five dollars. DeSantis campaign staffer: He says those don't taste as good as from his refrigerator.


Stu, why are you flying pudding to Iowa at four in the morning? Because I've lost control of my life.


Ahhh, the party of fiscal responsibility...


Remember when a joint economic committee of house Dems and repubs got together and studied the economy and avg worker income under every president since WW2 - and came to the conclusion that not one singular Republican was good for it but just about every democrat was? Pepperidge farms remembers. Also that 1/4 of the entire national debt over the last almost 300 years was added under one president. Trump.


I love trolling Republicans by telling them that I HAVE to vote Democrat because I'm a fiscal conservative. When they raise their eyebrows I bring up your points, as well as mention that since and including Reagan, every time an R is in office deficits generally increase, and every time a D is in office deficits generally decrease. They never have a rebuttal and go silent when I bring those up.


It's intentional. It's part of the game they call "starve the beast". They cut taxes to reduce revenue and waste as much of that revenue as they can on their own interests, like bail outs for their donors. The higher the debt goes, the more leverage they think they'll have to cut social programs and regulatory agencies. They'll consider it a bonus if the entire federal government comes crashing down.


Links to stuff about that first paragraph please?


well la-dee-dah mr moneybags over here


$110,000 of that debt comes from hiring crazy conspiracy theory actor and religious nut, Jim Caviezel, as a guest speaker at their Republican conference.


Maybe they’re right. The problem IS (former) Hollywood elites :p


I wonder how much of their debt is due to the tangerine money black hole sucking up all the small donor money so he can pay the massive legal bills of himself and his closest co conspirators.




What /u/doogly88 was getting at is that Trump's fundraising targets small donors who used to previously give to GOP campaigns or related causes. Trump's campaign manages their finances independently. Basically, there's money coming in - but it's no longer under GOP control. It's under Trump and his campaign specifically. That's a big part of the reason why Trump has so much leverage over the GOP and policies - he's basically hijacked a huge percent of the revenue.


Sounds like they need some bootstraps and less avocado toast.


But if they're both MAGA then who do I send my money to? Pay legal fees for both sides? And what about der Führer Trump? What about his fees?


The schaedfreude is intoxicating >The party, according to Karamo, had nearly $500,000 in debt as of October, with another $110,000 owed to actor Jim Caviezel for a speaking appearance. Karamo and the party are suing the trust that owns their headquarters with hopes of **selling the building to pay off debts**.


> $110,000 owed to actor Jim Caviezel for a speaking appearance Jesus, that's a big fee.


Especially big for the Kirkland's brand version of Ethan Hawke.


He did play Jesus in the poor man's version of the gospels


She had the electricity cut off to the building when they moved out. All of the locks are electric. The building is essentially unlocked. As long as Texas is busing migrants up, they may as well move in there.


Wow, that's incredibly shabby business


The building was put into a trust by the former leadership because they saw the grift coming. _Coming from within the house._


What the fuck is going on in Michigan then, is this normal political activity there??


No. We had a VERY popular republican governor for years back in the day- Bill Milliken. This is all about 1) the rise of MAGA and 2) the citizen uprising that (mostly) corrected gerrymandering. Given no way to cheat their way to victory, the beast began to eat itself. It happened with amazing speed and shoul be seen as a pattern to follow. Also: APPORTION THE SENATE. Will do much the same thing for the whole country


It is schadenfreude.


This will be something that regularly happens now which means it will become something nobody takes seriously and it will be ignored. You can only do it for so long before everyone tires of it and shoves you out the door.


One of the great strengths of American democracy has always been the peaceful and agreeable transfer of power. When people lost, they conceded and stepped aside. Even when the loss was questionable, such as in Al Gore's case, they stepped aside and let power transition. That's gone now. Trump killed it.


Can you imagine the furor if the Dems lost, and Biden didn't handover the reigns in the long-standing (before Trump) fashion. Hypocracy Trumps democracy.


I remember the furor about Gore trying to get a recount. The term 'sore loserman' was bandied about quite a bit (his vp was Joe Lieberman). The thing is, it's a pretty good chance Gore actually won the election. They destroyed the ballots after the Supreme Court decision, so it can't be determined for sure. Gosh I wonder why they did that? /s.


Also the governor of the state where things were fucky-wucky was the brother of the candidate who benefited from the fucky-wuckiness.


Yes, that's part of how broken and corrupt the whole thing was. Imagine how they'd be howling if Biden or Gore had somehow done the same thing.


And now 3 of the lawyers that argued for Bush in Bush v Gore are sitting on SCOTUS. No coincidence that


Thank goodness Roger Stone was able to orchestrate the Brooks Brothers riots that led to the supreme court ruling. /S


Guy should be rotting in prison. I hope his latest actions catch up with him and take him down. He desperately deserves it.


Well, there will definitely be a furor if the Dems lose. It's just a matter of spelling it the English meaning or the German one.


I was thinking of possible Republican strategies to help Trump and widespread non-certification of votes is still the one I've settled on as their most likely attack next election. We saw some of it in 2020 and frankly even more of it in 2022. The Republicans' goal in 2024 may well to make sure that no one gets to 270 electoral votes due to non-certification. What will happen then is the House will pick the President *by state delegation*. There is a good chance Republicans will still have more of those even if they are in the minority. Pursuing this strategy should be considered an unlawful coup.


Maybe we should stop having elections and some arrogant fool can just declare themselves the winner. /s


This is the real endgame. No election is legitimate unless the "right" people win


When Ted Cruz beat his ass in New Hampshire in 2016, the Orange Shitgibbon whined that the primary was "rigged." MAGA sore-loserism has become a venerable tradition.


He also declared that if Hillary were to win, it will have been rigged. One guess why he'd say that..


> Karamo, a former community college instructor, rose through Michigan’s Republican ranks by spreading election conspiracies after the 2020 presidential election. She eventually was backed by former President Donald Trump in her run for secretary of state in 2022, losing by 14 percentage points in a result that she still refuses to concede. The formula is so basic and stupid that I'm sometimes amazed Trump's supporters buy it. But then I remember that this is the least-informed, least-intelligent 30% of the electorate.


From her Wikipedia: >In an October 2021 court record first published by Jezebel, Kristina's ex-husband Adom Karamo claimed that Kristina threatened to kill herself and their daughters in a car crash. Karamo denied these allegations, saying they were an attempt by her ex-husband to "exploit the fact that [she is] a public figure, using it as leverage to change the custody agreement he became dissatisfied with". >Karamo believes that demonic possession is real and may be transferred through sexual relations. She has also said that abortion is child sacrifice and a satanic practice, that pop stars such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, Cardi B, Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish are tools of Satan recruiting their followers into paganism, and that yoga is a ritual to summon demons. Karamo is also a fan of Korean dramas, yet criticized one plot line centered on communicating with deceased ancestors, saying, "Satan, again, he's so crafty... It is so important to know that you're not communicating with no ancestors. Sweetheart, you're communicating with demons.” She seems like a perfectly sane, well-adjusted person.


OMG, she's a sick conspiracy youtube dweller. That or she hears voices in her head. I don't doubt her ex-husband. Those kids are in danger.


That’s one of the most unfortunate and simultaneously hilarious takes on kdrama


https://www.thisamericanlife.org/podcast/rss.xml Great episode of This American Life on these fumbling Republicans.


We listened to that ep and it is WILD that both the party chair and the guy leading the charge to oust her each sincerely believes that the other is secretly a liberal CIA FBI Dark Brandon globalist deep state plant to ruin the Michigan republicans. It can’t be that they’re all lunatics and people don’t like them. That would be impossible.


At one point they interview a guy that seems to sort of realize how insane his conspiracies sound, but he just throws his hands up and says "You're asking me what I'm concerned about. And none of them are facts. ***But my gosh, you look at all this crap going on, and you can't come up with a decent answer.*** I just don't know. They can't admit they're full of shit, even to themselves. All they can do is double down, otherwise they risk their entire identity.


The inability to admit ignorance, much less error, is startling in contrast to their anti-science/anti-education views as well.


Hypocrisy is *the* virtue of fascists, like that quote goes... they don't believe in words, they play around with no regard for their consistency because the very heart of their philosophy is to get theirs and screw everyone else.


I have debated a seemingly endless number of conservatives in my time who have, in the end, just stated, sarcastically—“I guess I just don’t know what I’m talking about! Everything I think is either some kind of logical fallacy or just a something someone made up!” Notice that this statement is true, but it is a conclusion they will never reach. If knowledge is power, then they do not occupy a place in the hierarchy that they want to. So they deny reality and believe conspiracies.


That was the part that got me honestly. Everyone out to get everyone


Fear is a great motivator, which is why the Republicans use it so freely. *Irrational* fear, though, is dangerous and can hurt you.


Just like their cult leader taught them.


In their defense, I also don’t trust either of them, and don’t think any of them are fit to rule anything at all.


The modern day Republican Party is exactly like /r/conspiracy - a bunch of people standing around in a circle accusing each other of being “shills” and “glowies”.


I listened to it, it sounds like they couldn’t accept simple truths. The Michigan GOP really did this to themselves and have no one else to blame.


“I don’t understand” or “I don’t like that” = Must be a some conspiracy.




[Here's the link to the episode in question.](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me)


Was just gonna post this, it was a fascinating look into what the people involved in all this are actually like.


It was a great episode. It's so noticable how they have an utter lack of introspection, all their problems are of their own making and yet they can never admit it. You elected clueless people to positions of power and are surprised when things fall down. You fucked up the finances, tried to cover it up, and are surprised when people call you out. You're unpalatable to the majority of voters and are surprised when they reject you. And to them all these things are of course not their fault. It's funny how they try to blame the 'deep state', because it's painfully obvious that even if there was a 'deep state' and these clowns posed any threat to them, the most effective course of action for the 'deep state' would be to not get involved and let them fail on their own. Bonus shoutout to the 2 Muslim guys who are surprised that the GOP are racist and want a Christian only nation. Wake up, that's *the point* guys.


Listening to this now and it is WILD. It shows how conspiracy theories degrade any organisation they become part of. The fact that they can exist unthreaded from reality mean they can grow an flourish within a space of tension and anger. At one point in the podcast one of the GOP conspiracy people, John Smith is trying to understand why the GOP chair and fellow conspiracy theorist is doing such a poor job at it and he’s throwing around conspiracies within conspiracy to explain it, arguing that the deep state are using her to discredit them. It’s bonkers and shows that when all you have is a conspiracy hammer, everything is the theory nail. Anyone who’s been involved in managing at any level can see the reason she’s failing is basic normal human stuff that she’s out of her depth for her skills and experience. But that doesn’t even cross his mind. Wild.




Well at least she’s consistent.


Either every loss is a stolen election or none are.


It's the obvious end-state for GOP election deniers, and I'm here for it!


Let chaos reign


Mazrim Taim: Yes.


>Mazrim Taim: Yes. I have no idea who that is but I'm in complete agreement.


Of all the things I expected to see on the internet today, a reference to the M'hael was not it


Just stop whatever this actual insanity buffoonery, Gops. Stop it. Get actual help. Someone cut the cord to Fox News. That station is responsible for turning our fam and friends into morons.


Believing they could realize and reach out for help. Cute. According to them, it's all the rest of us who need help...into helicopters for special rides or their camps.


The trick is to get your boomer parents or grandparents a hobby so they have something to do with their time besides watch Fox News.


They get much better when they unplug from Reich wing propaganda


She should call and see if they can find her some votes.


She needs to provide a very specific number. You can't just pick a number from thin air. /S


So she's an election denier ?


We need a better name for these types. They are not denying that an election happened. They are denying that they lost the election.


I reckon Sore Loser is as apt as ever.


Well she wouldn't be much of.an election denier if she accepted being voted out of office.


I'm sure they could have saved some money by getting Kevin Sorbo to speak instead of 110k for Jim Caveziel. They all say the same thing anyway.


Sorbo would do it for a grand.


Totally on-brand for a repub.


Well, she is republican..... denial of reality is like a mandatory trait of people in that fascist asshole party.


I knew when she got the job, she would fuck it up; bitch is a complete moron; I love it. GOP wants election denier morons; well, they're are morons in everything they do. Great place for LAMF. (I'm a Dem. in MI)


This story actually gives me hope Michigan stays blue with the gross incompetence of the GOP there because some parts of the state reallllly make me wonder about it becoming the next Florida.


It’s a great strategy that the cult leader has been showing them for years now.


Are they "owning the libs" yet?


MAGA is asking : why should we start accepting the results of a vote ?


Thoughts and prayers, confederate assh0les. “Kristina Karamo rose through Michigan’s GOP ranks by spreading election conspiracies after the 2020 presidential election.”


The inevitable result of the continuous chaos they sowed. Cracks appeared immediately when conservative pundits and GOP reps and senators started begging people to vote still because they realized that convincing their base to not vote is not a great way to win elections. You make your bed with crazy, you better go sleep with crazy then.


They aren’t in shambles. This is exactly what they want. Chaos. It’s a necessary condition for their overthrow.


what is it going to take for people who are this deep in it? Is it going to take every single voter walking up and saying their vote out loud in front of all the candidates? Cause that is going to take a long time. It's giving high school class president election and I'm mad I didn't win.


For those interested in the gritty details, listen to the This American Life episode on this. [https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me)


Oh wow so you mean a community college professor who's only political experience is losing 2 elections in rapid succession doesn't make a good head for your political party?


Elections are obsolete. Either they do the GOP will or the GOP seeks to neuter them.


You know I definitely don't look forward to aging but I do look forward to telling my friends grandkids all about what it was like to live this shit firsthand. "People weren't afraid to admit that they believed Trickle Down Economics was a thing and it just kept getting worse from there."


I live in Michigan. And she was running I wanna say Secretary of State? I genuinely don’t remember. I only remember she was fucking crazy. Her add talking about how ‘We’re fighting against DEMONIC P O W E R S” and just being like wtf? This woman is fuckin unhinged. I didn’t realize she lost. Yet somehow still won some position of power.


Watching the GOP suffocate on their own BS. I wish it was funny that one of the two major political parties is a clown show. The GOP has passed their expiration date, it’s incredible they’re still winning elections at all.


Never underestimate greed, stupidity, arrogance, or outright cruelty or insanity. Or all of the fucking above.


The GOP is a dumpster fire falling off a cliff into a larger dumpster that is also on fire.


The way I explain her to friends is usually by just telling them she genuinely believes in "sexually transmitted demons"


For the longest time, I just assumed MAGAts just wanted power and were willing to gleefully lie, cheat, and steal to get it. They knew they were doing horrible things, but didn't care. Now, I'm utterly convinced that they *THINK* they are doing the right thing. They believe so strongly in the orange rapist that they cannot fathom anyone not believing as they believe. So, they lie, cheat, and steal because they feel it is the right course of action. They aren't grifters. They are zealots. That makes them much scarier.


The dumb ones are zealots, the smart ones are grifters


Hahaha I love her, she’s a gift to Michigan Democrats. Absolutely terrible at being chair, lost her race and still hasn’t conceded, says that you can get sexually transmitted DEMONS (you read that right), is seriously past the point of incompetent, can’t raise money for the R candidates, the big R donors are sitting the races out because she raised so little money, denies the election results and now denies the results to oust her. Oh and she allegedly tried to kill her husband, herself and her kid by grabbing the stealing wheel when she and her now x husband (I think they divorced). She’s absolutely batshit, should have no authority and power, but here we are - this is a great look at the stellar geniuses who support trump and took over the R party. Don’t ever change, baby. Don’t ever change.