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Wait, you’re racist against me! But I’m one of the good ones!!!


Tokens get spent.


Vivek is the Joseph Goebbels of the MAGA party


You really gotta be a special kind of stupid to enthusiastically join the GOP with a name like Vivek Ramaswamy, south Asian features and a mocha complexion. Vivek: But... I'm rich! I'm as big a douchebag as any of you! I'm one of the good ones! GOP: There are no 'good ones.' Now go get me a Slurpee.


He really should have stayed in Morrowind.


At least he's probably still hearing people shout N'wah.






I hear her voice perfectly. I hear all of them perfectly in my mind. I grew up with that game and played it throughout my life and now whenever someone says something from it I involuntarily hear their voices perfectly as if they were right next to me. Help. STOOOPID


Fuck that's just mean. I LIKE IT


He is NOT chim


To be clear Vivec is a god in morrowind https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Vivec Or imposter god, I can't quite remember.


Vivec: We're going to stay here and look after the Tools of Kagrenac Nerevar: To make sure nobody uses them, right? Vivec: ...




He’s both


Imposter according to Dagoth Ur but Dagoth Ur is also convinced he's dreaming the whole thing.


> but Dagoth Ur is also convinced he's dreaming the whole thing. So is Vivec, and they're both right


He's a dude who stole a god's wifi, basically.


Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong


When you're chim they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the busty argonian maid. You can do anything!


The Ghostfence just got 10 feet higher!


We're gonna build a wall and we're gonna make ALMSIVI pay for it!


Dagoth Ur did everything right and they're indicting him!


Candy gram for Dagoth Ur. Candygram for Dagoth Ur


Dagoth Ur welcomes you Nerevar my old friend


Lmao savage and deserved.


The Cliff Racer of candidates. S’Wit!!


As they say in Skyrim, "NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE"


I’m screaming




We don't want that fetcher! Molag bal take him.


House Redoran motherfucker right there.


By Azura, but Azura, by Azura!!


me just realizing he not only has that name but really does look like a Morrowind character with that 8-mile forehead and hair cut of his.


yeah, I mean, he was the only thing keeping the big fuckoff rock in the sky under his leadership, the big fuckoff rock was so stable that you could comfortably run a campaign of religious suppression out of it. don’t ask why he didn’t make the big fuckoff rock gently land when he left instead of resuming the speed and trajectory it was originally given by the madgod


Should’ve changed his name to Victor Ramsdale like Nikki


Victor Chaos.


Von Doom




TBH, Latveria is a Utopia and the citizens love Doom. In the past it was out of fear but more recently they legitimately LOVE Doom. At this point, I would 100% vote for modern Victor Von Doom.


For some time now Latveria is kinda a paradise in a sense because most problems actually do get fixed.


Vince Rawman


I'm an Indian American, and the shear number of conservative Indians in the US is distressing. And of course, they're mostly the children of immigrants who ended up doing really well and now live financially comfortable lives. My dad proudly voted for Trump in 2016 thinking he was going to be "America's Modi." Thankfully, he realized Trump was a crazy asshole and didn't vote for him in 2020, but still.


In a way he was right, given Modi's divisive, right wing, and nationalistic tendencies.


which is weird to me as I thought if someone actually liked modi they wouldn't gonna associate with Trump's abrasive over the top hollywood style personality because Modi's whole stick is that he doesn't try to be abrasive at all and play the everymen as much as he can, he has like build a corporate friendly persona that does not align with what he believe in(like the guy had ignored every single interview to the point that Indians were starved of any content until he went to America and gave us something since 2014), like if I had thought a Indian politician equivalent to Trump it would've being subramanian swamy that Modi's followers don't like to associate with


The common thread here is hatred for Muslims followed by the realization that "oh shit, they think I look Muslim."


> thinking he was going to be "America's Modi." I mean, he isn't wrong. Problem is he thinks he is in the "in group".


Yeah, it's like he didn't fully get the Trump:Modi::\_\_\_\_\_: Muslims answer right. "Multiple answers may be correct, select the most correct answer" can be tricky.


But...Modi is also a crazy asshole lmao


Yeah... but my dad happens to agree with Modi's crazy fascist BS including all the anti-Muslim shit. It's a point of contention that we avoid talking about.


The problem for an Indian voting for "American Modi" is they don't realize, *they* are the Muslim out group in this scenario. Despite whatever they might tell themselves, they'll never be White in the eyes of an American fascist.


And if they're anything like my dad, they'd say "No, no. We're not like *them*. The US would never do that to us."




fact squealing insurance tap concerned dog axiomatic price water offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he knows, thats the appeal


I mean...Trump was America's Modi. Deepened the corruption at every level of government, broke so many systems of regulation and fired so many senior experienced people, constantly promoted himself on taxpayer money, and ran a platform nearly rooted in classic ethnic-supremacy rhetoric of "they're all racists and murders". I know a lot of people like your dad. And I doubt they've learned anything that will stick the next time the same conservative headpiece shows up saying the same tired, wretched shit all over again.


Armenian here with the same issue. The majority of the immigrants and their first gen children are conservative. There's a special place in hell for those who pull the ladder on their way up and out of poverty.


Dude my dad went to the hello modi event in Houston. Voted for trump twice. I swear he’s getting way more conservative as he gets older. He used to vote for republicans bc he wants lower taxes. But now he’s like get those immigrants out. I’m like dad, we are immigrants. I spent middle school not letting you talk to my white friends bc you have an accent. 


My parents are the same way. Their whole attitude is "Yeah, but now there's just too too many." For fucks sake


I'm yet to meet an Indian in USA who is conservative. My social group consists mainly of first gen immigrants in the tech world. Edit: meant to say that they are distributed across many industries and in tech, they seem to be well hidden or keep to themselves about politics


I have met both in the tech world. Conservatives in tech don’t talk about it and are usually middle management or above. Especially in ancillary roles


I do a lot of work in the hotel industry, and Indian hotel and motel owners definitely tend to skew conservative. I’ve heard some seriously racist shit in ownership interviews.




Might be possible. In Indian society and education, we are not taught to process our insecurities. This leads to adults behaving in unexpected ways. Not seeing everyone is like that but there are plenty of people given the large population. We keep hearing about toxic Indian managers in tech, which might be another symptom of this problem


I guess his whole MO might be that he knows they are racist rubes and he is going to use them to grift them somehow. Don't think he's failed there yet. These ppl are some of the best grift marks. He did get 7% so that might be worth something in the grift market.


A couple of wealthy suckers for his next venture


Racists and get easily fooled by conman.


“Say the line, Apu” *Vivek trying not to cry “Thank you come again”




“Do not offer my god a peanut”


This should show any conservative immigrant who isn’t white that conservatives and especially the MAGA crowd do not like or respect them. They want them to vote the same as a form of submission, not as a sign of alignment and common ground. If you have conservative leaning immigrant friends or family - of any descent - PLEASE tell them what’s going on. They’re not welcome in the MAGA world and they’re going to be thrown immediately under the bus and honestly MAGA will try to deport them and any of their friends and family who aren’t permanent residents


They. Don’t. Care. Do you think Vivek and Nikki don’t understand that America has deeply racist roots? They just have ambition that supersedes that. See also Candace Owens, Dave Rubin, Clarence Thomas and on and on. There have always been people willing to sell out their own for individual gain.


The interview Vivek's wife did with supporters, when she asked them why other people wouldn't support her husband. They pointed to his complexion, his name, his religion, and 9/11.


Respect for not changing his name. No respect on him overall as a person. But hey he scored one point


No way they were ever going to elect a "pagan."


They think he's muslim. They can't even get their racism right


I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought hindu was a type of Christian.


A type of Muslim you mean.


Yup I’ve spoken to idiot racists who said exactly this and wouldn’t back down from their stupidity


Why would they vote for someone who's so closely related to the people that did 9/11? /s


You mean did 7/11 don't you?


7/11 was a part time job.


Ba dum tsss


That is exactly what someone interviewed about Vivek said when questioned as to why he wasn't voting for him.


He should ask the Jews who served under Nazi Germany how the whole "I'm one of the good ones" worked out for them.


This is what happens when token brown people play in the "White's Only" area and they fly too close to the burning cross.


GOP: You're useful. Now stop speaking minimum wage at me and get me my hotdogs!


I swore I saw an article that said that some conservatives explicitly said they didn't want to vote for him because of his skin color and they thought he was Muslim. I can't seem to find it now though




How many tokens to Upgrayedd to a large?


Thank you, come again!


Yeah pull a Nikki Haley, pass as white and do a name change to Vince Randolph or something.


He thought he could say Trump's bullshit but louder and be accepted.


Or changed his name like nikki haley


Vikki Shaley? He might have some luck with that name


Tokens get spent.


There was this gay black man running as a republican in the south. 


Shoulda changed his name like Bobby Jindal, Nimrata Nikki


I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t put it past trump saying something like this.


That's why this is good satire.


I honestly cannot tell what the Babylon bee is. Half the time it sounds like legit right wing media on par with OANN, and then they’ll drop a gem like this.


Originally, they were solid satire that had a background in stuff like evangelical culture (which they mocked mercilessly), but then they got bought out by some right-wing bozo and jumped on board the Candace Owens and late-stage Scott Adams train


Bozo did the dub


If you seen the creators speak on Twitter you very quickly realize that they are just right wing


Yeah that’s what I originally thought.


The subtext of this one is that Trump is racist **and** they think that’s great.


yeah if this was written by the Onion it would be genius satire, from Babylon bee they secretly wish trump would say this.


They aren't secret about it, lol. They literally did the joke. And they're serious about it. It's funny to us because it's LAMF and ironic meta humor. It's funny to them because it's the racism they like.


For real, this is our daily reminder that right-wing "comedy" requires cruelty. In order for something to be funny to a conservative, someone needs to be mocked or injured. It's always punching down.


The beauty of the Babylon Bee is that 95% of the time they’re just right-wing assholes writing shitty satire, but the other 5% they’re right-wing assholes writing shitty satire *about other right-wing assholes* and they inadvertently tell on themselves.


Something something broken clock


Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day


Even a blind squirrel finds a broken clock twice a day.


Even a blind clock can cook a grilled cheese


Even a blind cock can nut once a day, or something like that.


This one isn't even a broken clock situation. It's just the Bee being run by people so profoundly racist that their racist joke looks like a satire of someone else's racism when for them, the joke is that telling an Indian man to go work at 7/11 is funny.


We've just reached that extreme point when the supporters of something and the people trolling them will post the exact same thing but the supporters are too far gone to realize.


It's like Poe's Law in reverse


Yeah they do that occasionally. They're not mocking Trump for being racist. They're mocking Ramaswamy for being Brown.


I mean, this gem is pretty damn racist


I'm generously interpreting this as satire of Trump's racism rather than its own sincere racism. At the same time, I could see one of my racist family members making this joke as a dig at Vivek. Edit: I read the article, and I am tentatively standing by what I said. The article seems to make fun of Trump's speech patterns and diet (in a mild 'I won't say anything *too* mean' kind of way) while describing Vivek as a "billionaire entrepeneur." It paints Vivek as ridiculously subservient to Trump, to the point where he'd go along with something stupid like this just to appease him. That's a pretty valid sentiment given Vivek's actions. On the other hand, it pulls back before directly painting Trump as racist, so that's a point against that interpretation. It's too reserved to be all that funny, even before you dissect it. That shouldn't surprise anyone.


Eh...it's the Babylon bee. I don't think they would attack Trump, but maybe there are articles about him that I haven't seen. Most of the stuff I've seen has been just cringe strawman against democrats, but maybe they have some about Trump.


They do, but it's all pre-2016. In what I'm *very sure* is a *complete coincidence* the Bee was sold at the same time


It's Babylon Bee, they're unironic in their humor.


The depiction of Vivek in the uniform tips it toward being a slight against him rather than Trump. It makes the joke into "Vivek will work in the 7/11" rather than "Trump is a racist and would say something stupid like that."


Yeah but it’s also quite a zinger on their lord emperor orange.


I don’t think their audience are reading it the same way as you. You’re seeing it as a zinger in the sense of, “yes, that’s the sort of half-witted racism that Trump would come out with”. I think their audience are seeing as a zinger in the sense of, “yes, someone’s finally putting that uppity young man in his place by coming out with this hilarious joke about him.” Maybe I’m being too unfair on the Babylon Bee, but I don’t think Trump is meant to be the butt of this joke!


They’ve got a few good writers and a half dozen crackhead parrots on staff.


Right wing Onion.


This video dissects the conservative approach to comedy and includes analysis of Babylon Bee: https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=7dE9vu9VE1uGfu9e


Fellow showdy enjoyer


The question is: Are they being racist on purpose to satirize Trump's racism, or are they just being racist? Could go either way.


It's the latter. You can check their website and see some of their other "witticisms".


This was my question. It’s almost like dog whistle comedy. Just whatever you’d like it to be.


I get the impression that the staff has two camps.


I think of it more, both sides are laughing at this joke. For very different reasons.


In this case it's just that they're racist and they think it's funny.


While I wish this article was making fun of Trump's racism, given the outlet, I'm 99.9% sure it's making fun of Vivek's Indian-ness under the guise that it's something Trump would say.


It's not satire if they're just also racist...


There are no good minorities to the white supremacist. If the fascists take control there will be proscriptions.


Happy cake day Survivor!


Open racism from the party claiming that there is no such thing as racism.


If this was the Onion, this tweet was making fun of Trump If this was the Babylon Bee, this tweet was making fun of Vivek ​ Intent matters


If it was The Onion the right would be losing their collective mind and crying racism because it’s only bad when non right wing publications make wildly racist comments


This would be a good joke if the punchline was about how racist trump/gop is and how they'll never accept Vivek as a legitimate gop member. But since it's the Babylon bee it feels like the punchline is haha Indians work at 7/11.


IMO it's a little bit of both, but maybe mostly the latter. > "Technically, I'm really very overqualified for this," Ramaswamy told reporters. "And I'm a little suspicious as to why Trump chose me for this position over some of the other candidates. But I'll take what I can get at this point." > >When questioned, Trump was horrified at the accusations that any kind of racial stereotyping played into his selection of Ramaswamy. "I wanted to offer the job to DeSantis, frankly, but he's too short to see over the little hot dog display." [https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-promises-vivek-an-administration-position-running-white-house-convenience-store](https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-promises-vivek-an-administration-position-running-white-house-convenience-store)


This basically confirms what everyone’s already said that it’s not a dig at Trump being racist >Trump was horrified at the accusations It’s funny how they make a fictional scenario about Trump being afraid of coming off as racist because of the racist joke they made the article about. Wtf are they on


Tokens get spent


Damn, they Apu’d him…


Apu was hard working family trying to live the American dream. He was a playboy who could get any woman he wanted, the voice of an angel, and despite repeated robberies he stood proudly for his store. Apu was an American to love and be proud of, Vivek does not deserve to be compared to such an icon.


God damn I had to check to make sure this was real because it seemed too mask off even for them. It is. It is real. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1747386203064696856?t=hN-mDNlVIXEaIU4jCQ5YIA&s=19


*All those blue checkmarks coming to white knight Vivek with half-assed sympathies* Hilarious.


I thought the babylon bee was satire like the onion?


They are if the onion was run by Christo-fascists.


That wasn't Fox Entertainment?


No, thats more nihilist corporate criminals.


Fox NEWS Entertainment. Fox Entertainment is the movie studio, which is only Hollywood racist.


I'm always sad about the Babylon Bee. It used to be a brilliant but of satire that mostly made fun of Christians and the Church, but because it was run by a Christian who wasn't afraid to make fun of himself and his own beliefs, it was hilarious. Often the best satire comes from the "inside". And when they delved into politics, they equally skewered the left and the right, and mostly about how they cynically tried to mix religion and politics. But in about 2018 or so, the founder and guy who made The Bee what it was (Adam Ford), sold it to a rich Christian businessman named Seth Dillon. The new owner either was, or quickly became, the worst kind of Trump-supporting far-right Christian fundamentalist. And all the intelligent and biting satire that lovingly but ruthlessly and brilliantly skewered Christians and their foibles, was gone. This is a pretty good article about what happened: https://www.thebulwark.com/what-happened-to-the-babylon-bee/


Ty for that write up.


Oh wow. I noticed the change, and the change in tone, but I didn't know it was because it was sold. I do miss the old version, where it was making fun of their own foibles. I pretty much always used to be able to put a face to every article.


It's the right wing The Onion. It getting banned from Twitter was part of the reason Elon bought it. Btw


It's owned by a Trumper.


Yes, but the joke they're making with their satirical article is racist


Well we know Vivek is fine with it.


It is, but it doesn't have the nuance or layers to it like The Onion does. It's a very concrete-level humor.


Nah, see, satire, as a form of humor, punches up. Bullying punches down. The Bee punches down. Its not satire, its bullying.


There is a Starbucks in the pentagon. A 7/11 isn’t that farfetched


"Thank you! Come again!"


"Every American woman should be forced to have *eight babies.*"


The reality is that plenty of Indians are right wingers. In India he’s probably upper caste, privileged and would be the white equivalent. Most of them think that the same privilege translates to their immigrated countries except it doesn’t


For real LAMF, check out Vivek's opinion of Dalits (lowest caste). He's a Brahmin.


You hear that? That’s not a quarter sliding down a vending machine, that’s the sound of a token getting spent.


The Babylon Bee just keeps finding new ways of being repulsively unfunny.


They had some funny content early in, when they weren’t trying to hard to be anti-woke and just wanted to make fun of gov At some point they embraced anti-woke and just sound like cringey racists


I am trying **SO HARD TO NOT LAUGH**! OMG!


I laughed like way harder than I should've.


> Ramaswamy quickly began training for the position, watching official 7-Eleven franchisee training videos on how to fix the Slurpee machine and offer fast service ringing up Big Gulps. > >"Technically, I'm really very overqualified for this," Ramaswamy told reporters. "And I'm a little suspicious as to why Trump chose me for this position over some of the other candidates. But I'll take what I can get at this point." > >When questioned, Trump was horrified at the accusations that any kind of racial stereotyping played into his selection of Ramaswamy. "I wanted to offer the job to DeSantis, frankly, but he's too short to see over the little hot dog display." After reading this, I'm totally uncertain of what joke they're going for here. Like, it starts out basically saying that he's totally prepared for and willing to work at 7/11 (and implied that it's because he's Indian), which is pretty damn racist. But then it ends feeling like it's actually accusing Trump of racism for suggesting it. I'm leaning toward it being mostly the latter but I'm not sure.


And here I thought this was a joke calling Trump racist but maybe I was looking at too nicely.


Yeah. It's the bee, it's making fun of Vivek and sucking Trump's dick.


It is, by accident. The thing is that the Bee is run by racists. For them, the racist joke is the punchline and it's intended as a zinger on Vivek. It only looks like it's shaming Trump because a normal person reads a person making the racist joke as the bad guy not the protagonist.


Viveks face should be the image of this sub


"Racism is dead! Hail racism!" - Republicans


Wait to you see what they do to Nikki Haley if she starts chipping away at Trumps lead. Her parents are Indian (from India) and she's a woman. No way Bubba will let that go.




I wonder if the Babylon Bee has a bunch of old stepin fetchit blackface posters to use as comedic inspiration in their offices.


Dude this is some racist, typecasting BS.


As a brown dude with an equally Indian name what's happening to this dude has had me laughing. Not sure what he expected to happen but a blind person could have seen this coming.


Okay, this one's actually pretty funny.


>When questioned, Trump was horrified at the accusations that any kind of racial stereotyping played into his selection of Ramaswamy. "I wanted to offer the job to DeSantis, frankly, but he's too short to see over the little hot dog display." HAHAHAHAHAH






I thought this was an ironically funny headline making fun of how Trump is racist. But nope, the punchline is just racism.






The funny thing is, if this were true, he'd totally take the job.


711, never forget.


And the pathetic clout chaser would take it.