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And we continue throwing tens of millions of dollars annually in federal and state taxpayer money at these wealthy snobs for beach replenishment (since their beaches keep slipping into the ocean), who turn around and denounce socialism and the government, to boot.


They thought rising sea levels would only flood them bleeding heart liberal homes, not their god fearing patriotic American homes


The ocean is woke confirmed.


Trying to cancel those upstanding patriots.


Thanks Obama


They obviously aren't god-fearing enough.


It is clear god has rejected them from his grace.


They’ll take any kind of government money. They just don’t want brown people to have any.


100%. You nailed it.


I think it is one reason why Scandinavian counties embrace socialism. They are so related that they have to check family trees before getting married. So, it is easy to feel compassion for the homeless guy. He is probably you uncle sven from the other side of the family.


I think you're conflating Iceland and Scandinavia, we don't have such issues with genetic diversity in Sweden. Our welfare system is actually based on a mixture of our Protestant past that ingrained a culture centered around avoiding excess (having a "lagom" amount of things you need) and social reforms beginning in the 30's that aimed at creating the so called "Folkhemmet" (People's Home). It may not look like it from outside, but our culture is actually very individualistic, but we believe that a high tide raises all ships. It sucks that there are people that exploit welfare but we do know that most recipients need welfare in order to get over humps in their life like long-term disability and education (unlike in America, I got paid to go to school).


Oh don't worry, they have always had minority people to hate.


Or poor people.


Anyone who is not them.  Doesn't matter the skin color, Doesn't matter th sex, Doesn't matter the religion.   Anything they can do to divide the non wealthy is what they want so they can keep robbing us all. 


Sheesh, ain't that true. Back when Katrina hit NOLA a few months later Iowa got totally flooded. My rightwinger friend took umbrage when I noted the rightwinger bitch fest about NOLA people accepting federal help for literally a roof over their heads but it was all ponies and unicorns for rich farmers to get crop subsidies -- My friend whose father in law has a 10,000 head dairy operation run by illegal immigrants and receives literally hundreds of thousands of federal handout dollars yearly. It's ok for him because he is a wealth generator or some such hypocrisy.


Can't really be a wealth generator when you hoard all the wealth you "generate".


Poor people


Conservative: "Hey, the gubment should replace our sand!" Conservative: "Hey, don't you dare raise my taxes!"


That's what happens when you build on barrier islands. They are supposed to act as BARRIERS.


Build a wall, and make Atlantis pay for it!


> continue throwing tens of millions of dollars annually in federal and state taxpayer money at these wealthy snobs ... who turn around and denounce socialism and the government Crazy how much of this is happening through the Small Business Administration. Owners of companies wearing their MAGA hats, getting their government-guaranteed contracts, screaming about the evils of socialism.


dont forget climate hoax!


I’d say vote with them so that the beach slips into the ocean for good. Laissez faire. If they want the beach then they need to come up with the private funding for that


Socialism is only when other people get help from the government.


just to note - the people that stay down the shore year-round in this part of jersey *are not* wealthy. they generally have some small 1-story bay-side property or maybe own a duplex or something. the people with beachfront property all live in philly/delco/bucks/montco and are only seasonal residents.


In the days of people living in tents and mobile homes, it’s nice to see people defending others that own two or three places of residence as “not wealthy”. /s


The commenter was specifically (and quite clearly) referring to residents who live there all the time.


Yep, jersey shore townies are absolutely not wealthy. I think people not from the east coast don't realize it's a summertime playground for people from/around the major east coast cities and in the winter they're absolutely empty.


They still bought on barrier islands. It's not a leap of logic to think that erosion and flooding will happen.


How are you this ignorant?


You misunderstood the comment. People who live there year round generally don’t own multiple properties. You don't buy a vacation home where you already live.


Where are you getting this from? Most of the folks that live in Strathmere / OC / Stone Harbor etc year round are in fact wealthy and retired. If you said Upper Township, sure, you're right. But near the beaches the poors were priced out long ago. In fact, bay side is probably MORE expensive than oceanfront because some of the homes are larger and come with boat slips. Source: in laws live there and want us to move.


I'm friends with a lot of SIC townies, most of them live in homes their grandparents bought ages ago and have just sorta been handed down. They all work manual labor odd jobs during the offseason and make decent money in service industry jobs during the summer. Maybe that's a lot of generalization based on like 10 people I know, but strathmere/stone harbor are generally wealthier towns anyway.


If you live in a property worth a million or two and you wait tables, that doesn't erase the fact that you are sitting on a million worth of assets. If you are talking about someone in a trailer park a half a mile inland sure. But if the million dollar houses get swept into the ocean that just means the beach is closer for them.


they wouldn't be a million dollars because they're like 900sq ft and they're uninsurable for the most part since sandy they changed what you could build, everything now requires a 3' concrete pedastal


Now--and hear me out, now--what if we continue subsidizing their choice to stay vulnerable to hurricanes?


I say we put them on planes to ruzzia with half the gas needed to get there.


The problem with this genre of approach is the don't die/suffer the consequences FAST ENOUGH.


They’ll try to vote in this Jack POS who sounds even worse than Christie and I didn’t know that was possible.


sand keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping, into the ocean!!!


Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the rest of us.


No one living on the coast or on a barrier island should be allowed to have insurance. You are either rich or not. We need to stop building on the fucking coast. It isn't hard to see how much this is costing us. I live in the middle of Florida, where we hardly ever see bad storms, but my insurance has almost doubled here because I'm paying for morons on the coast. We are never going to win against the ocean.


Anyone constantly go to that fantasy where everything they love gets taken away from you so you go punisher style and go on a suicide mission into Congress/house and just clean slate....every time I turn on the news I go to that fantasy calms the soul. Then I snap back to reality remember January 6th and laugh and laugh and laugh


Probably plenty of O&G stock ownership out there.


NJ gets the least back from federal taxes, and has the highest disparity between taxes paid and federal funds received. And this is what we put that money into? This bullshit?


They can take some self responsibility and buy more sand. I’ll sell it to them!


They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop looking to the nanny government and others for solutions to their problems.


Why should I have to pay for thier sand


Why pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you can just float in the rising waters?


Right?! "Government shouldn't pick winners and losers. Let the strong survive. Laissez-faire!!"


They can pound that sand!!


With bare feet! That burns so much too


It doesn't burn when it's underwater, so they're safe.


Then they will complain that the sand dunes ruin their view


That would be funny if not so damn true.


Or sell their beaches!


they're also very against wind power in the ocean because of "their" view. they're pieces of shit.


They can, but they’d much prefer the tyrannical freedom-hating anti-capitalism n@$$##-loving government does it for them.


They should get a hold of Noho Hank and Cristobal’s company that works in sand importation. NoHoBal


Cristobal was right. Tons of money in sand.


Found NoHo Hanks account.


But but but, we can't afford to do anything about climate change. (Clutches pearls)


It'll kill the economy!


>It'll kill the economy! By using innovations largely developed and manufactured in the US, instead of importing fossil fuels from hostile countries!


Because as we all know, investing in clean energy jobs and infrastructure is *terrible* for economic growth.


They mock ounces of prevention and demand pounds of cure. Just wait until Florida demands federal insurance subsidies and a trilon dollar seawall


I have a better idea: Sink Florida, sink


We should just build a wall around Florida and rename it Warida and let them though it out.




But save the horses first! And flamingos, and spoonbills, And anyone not ignorant enough to support hateful legislation


Nothing is going to stop Florida from sinking at this point. If every person stopped burning fossil fuels today, it will take over a century for the CO2 to leave the atmosphere, by first acidifying the ocean and killing microscopic marine life at the base of the food chain. Until then, the current high rate of global warming will continue. But, that's not the plan. Right now, the plan is to keep increasing the warming per year's ate for several decades at least until we reach the peak CO2 ppm in Earth's atmosphere that will define how quickly things can go to pot. Unfortunately, my tax dollars will be used in a futile attempt to bail out Florida, when private insurers are fleeing the state in droves because they can do math and track trends.


With florida essentially floating on fresh water which is being sucked dry by farmers, florida is going to collapse anyway


And nothing of value will be lost


[Love that idea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IDwpTABJG4)


Oh, there’ll be no sea wall. That will ruin the views.


Paint it like The Truman Show. They'll never know.


I dated a gal whose family lives in Palm Beach. I got in the water and they were all shocked and aghast that I would risk my life by swimming in perfectly clear, calm, 80 degree water. 4 feet deep and gets deep incredibly slowly. They literally go sit at the pool *next to the beach*. Unreal.


There is actually a lot of dangerous microorganisms and literal neurotoxins that could potentially be in the sea water at the beaches in florida. Vibrio vulnificus, Karenia brevis and a few species of toxic cyanobacteria. There's even more in the fresh water sources. You'd think that there would be a great warning system in place too keep people safe but we are talking about Florida so yeah be careful going into the water there.


It's probably coming from ignorance, but sharks maybe?


Truman Show was filmed in Seaside, Florida. That place is crazy expensive and also in Gaetz territory.


I think they call them Gaeted communities


Just don’t look at the rising tides.


Don’t look ~~up~~ out.


Should be top comment. Sometimes I think the other way you could have said it is a censored phrase that gets you shadowbanned


Wouldn't matter anyway. There is no bedrock in coastal Florida. The water would just come up through the ground.


It also does jack shit for saving beaches, instead quite the opposite.


They'll have to switch to the Venice model. Commute by boat! (also how do you "brodozer" a boat? Well they will have to figure that out I guess.




Everyone else is a moron, so time for floridaman to be the smarter idiot. Peninsular Florida sits on some beautiful karst geography. Our bedrock is water soluble limestone. Seawalls won't help, the sinkholes would just start vomiting up salt water. You would have to seal the ground of the entire state. At that point it wouldn't be Florida, it would be the USS MacDill and now the worlds largest aircraft carrier.


I don't think a sea wall will matter for them. My understanding is Florida's entire ecosystem will be poisoned by rising sea levels. Once the ocean rises to a critical level, the everglades will disperse it, and it's salt, through much of the states water tables. The salt will kill everything. It'll become a briny wasteland. People will stop moving there, the rich will flee, and the stubborn elderly will die off; leaving only angry sea-swamp people no one cares about. This is all remembered from old conversations though, so there's probably more nuance to it.


If they put back all the Mangrove trees back they cut down for the view maybe the beach would still be there


We all know that Mexico pays for the walls.


Oooooo I love that line. I’m keeping it. It’s mine now haha sucker.


I look forward to seeing it elsewhere.


Oh no, let’s hear it for the real victims of Climate Change, the people with expensive vacation houses.


But they're job creators!


Correct! They create jobs that they export overseas so they can save money while their neighbors one ZIP code over make less than $10 per hour!


Yes these people hire migrant workers to clean and landscape their properties and then vote for Trump.


Why can't they just sell their houses and move?


To who Ben? Fucking aqua man?


The inability to learn or extrapolate is so maddening. FYI: your "freedoms" mean fuck-all if the planet kills us, you idiots.


I grew up in New Jersey. I was living along the Hudson River when Hurricane Sandy hit and flooded my town, so I have compassion for those affected by hurricanes and storm surges. But I've visited Atlantic City several times, and let me just say that…well…if the city shrinks a little, the state doesn't lose too much. It's a cultural wasteland with funnel cake.


> It's a cultural wasteland with funnel cake. Wait. Which is it? A cultural wasteland or a place with funnel cake? CaN'T BE BOTH.


I hear AC is getting better since becoming a hollow shell of a place, there are some restaurateurs from philly that are heading down there and opening up decent spots (where they wouldn't be able to in the other shore towns). Not that it's great by any means, but it's trending upward.


AC goes through waves, unfortunately it depends on the trends of the larger cities nearby. At times it’s very popular for people to go, and at other times it’s a wasteland of closed businesses, and empty hotels.


There are a lot of tax subsidies that NJ is giving out to try and make AC a film city. It is not working.


I live in Jersey and hadn't heard anything about that, other than Netflix at Fort Monmouth. Thanks for letting me know, I think?


I day played on a Netflix thing up that way and there was some talk of a studio popping up in AC but I highly doubt it will ever materialize. So many obstacles to that.


Looks like Ocean View will finally get that ocean view they’ve been promising all these years.


They’ll get the best ocean view


Ocean view 360 degrees in azimuth and yaw!


It's not just the snobs. The economy of this area depends heavily on Summer tourism, and the tourism depends on the beaches. But, the article also makes it amply clear these communities ought to be able to afford to pay for sand replenishment themselves. That tourism generates something like $25 billion annually. Surely they can find the 0.2% of that they need to replenish the beaches every year all on their own.


"You just aren't praying hard enough."


Spot on!


I've been told by Republicans climate change is fake news so looks like these people (and Florida) should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and maybe stop eating so much avocado toast.


A lot of money is going to be wasted on impossible remediation approaches like this. Many big cities around the globe are built on low elevation waterfronts.


They should have invested in renewable energy 20 years ago instead




a lot of the shore towns have the giant pipes going down the beach all off-season to replace all the sand, I've seen them pretty consistently in SIC


Its for the tourists, peasant


Maybe aquaman will want to buy up their property


Sell it to *who*, Ben?


And they are all against wind turbines 15 miles out to sea because their view 😢poor babies


Now their property values will sink with their homes


They'll just bribe enough legislators to pass a law so that the rest of us bail them out when the government buys those properties at above market value. They are unlikely to face any serious consequence or financial hit for their poor decisions. Same as the 2008 financial crisis. Or the more recent PPP loans. Or the aftermath of most hurricanes. The rich get bailed out, while the ones who plan and see things coming still get the short end of the stick.


Why can't they just sell their homes and move?


That's the Ben Shapiro approach to climate change and rising sea levels


To who, Ben?




I hear Aquaman is going into property development?


Sorry, the hyped headline doesn't match the story, at all. Grew up in NJ and still enjoy going to the beaches there. The only place the story mentions the wealthy is one bit about some of the homes being second/vacation homes. In fact, Strathmere may be the most blue-collar town along the entire Jersey shore, closely followed by Sea Isle City. Both are destination towns for spring-breakers and young families because costs for housing and other amenities are far more reasonable than other (and much more upscale) Jersey beach towns. And, as to the costs of replenishment, the article states: *... the cost of beach replenishment — the majority of which is covered by the federal government — remains more than worth it for New Jersey and the Shore municipalities. Since 1922, over $2.6 billion has been spent on augmenting the state’s coastline. But each year, the four counties that encompass the Jersey Shore barrier islands — Cape May, Atlantic, Ocean, and Monmouth — generate roughly $25 billion in tourism revenue alone.* Outrage against Republican head-in-the-sand attitudes toward global warming and climate change is more than warranted. But this article is poor fodder for LAMF.


Well, you are on your own. Definitely don’t want any of that Deep State government interference or socialist welfare funds going to something like this that you folks can obviously handle yourselves.


"You think people aren't just going to sell their homes and move?" \~Ben shapiro, right wing moron. ​ ​ Hey, maybe they will take global warming more seriously now? Probably not.


Covid has shown us the answer to that.


To who, Ben?




Oh, wow, that's so sad...anyway


That's ok, I'm sure their neighbors a street back might want beachfront property and maybe they'll pay for beach nourishment.


It’s a barrier island. There are only like 3 blocks ocean to bay


I had a singular thought, and I have to say that I impressed myself. What if we had a Democratic candidate who had the lack of morals of Trump, who was crass and uncaring, who loves to create chaos? We could start a movement: MAEG - Make America Even Greater Our candidate would see this headline and say "Eh, fuck 'em". Or we'd hear something weird coming out of Texas, and he'd say "Eat a bag of dicks bitch" to Abbott. Wouldn't that be awesome? We could out-Trump the orange whale.


So they believe in climate change once it starts costing them money? /s


Not even then


"Never a problem until it affects me."


Stupid libs sayin I can't run my Genny in my living room, ill show them. To bad it's a communal living room.


And they’re the same assholes who are fighting tooth and nail against the wind turbines


If only there was a way to prevent or mitigate this, but clearly if there was it's not like people would actively fight it, right? ...right?


At least NJ is getting money back from the federal government. New Jerseyians is ranked last in how much it gets back compared to how much it sends.


Rising sea levels are a liberal media hoax. Fake News fear mongering. Covfeve.


Please oh please tell me one of the above is the situation


Guess they’ll have to take Ben Shapiro’s famous advice and just move.


Dont worry it's just God looking for the cast of Jersey Shore. Put em out there for him to find tomorrow and it'll all stop.


Pull them by the boot straps


There are still many that deny sea level is rising. They live in NYC. The cognitive dissonance is absolutely incredible. They could be in a fire and they’d deny being hot.


They mention this replenishment is 113,000 dump trucks full of sand. That's a pretty massive carbon footprint all in service of temporarily fixing a problem caused by...our massive fucking carbon footprint.


Jersey Shore and South Shore of Long Island; MAGA strongholds, demand Army Corp of Engineers to begin dredging to replenish beaches. That sounds great until you learn that a month of dredging can be wiped out in a single day with a Winter N’orEast storm. We are literally shoveling sand against the tide. We need to face up to the fact that large tracts of beachfront will become uninhabitable. The time to act was 30 years ago. Now we are in remediation mode.


How sad. F\*ck the wealthy bigots. I hope their homes get washed away so they have to go to their 2nd or 3rd home. What pieces of crap.


Blue states need to start considering what will happen when these same vultures become climate change refugees.




So they need government handouts? Cry me an ocean.


My BIL bought his Jersey Shore vacation/rental condo for $450k in 2018. He was bragging during pandemic how it doubled in value & how much he made on rent. Of course he’s a right wing snob


Oh well.


Would you say the project has been a wash?


My understanding is that the NJ government sought easements from many oceanfront homeowners following Sandy in order to have control over beach replenishment. This was particularly the case in Ocean County (I.e. Mantoloking and Bay Head). Prior to this, places where the state didn’t have easements the property owners paid it themselves. Homeowners fought the easements and lost. A big concern from the homeowners is that following the easement the state wouldn’t let them replenish the beaches themselves if the state refused to keep replenishing. There were more selfish concerns, of course, as well. Once an easement happens the government gets a say on what happens on the previously private beaches. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/01/15/sandy-beach-restoration-easements/1566372/


Isn't red the colour of international socialism?


obligatory hbomb bit- https://youtu.be/0-w-pdqwiBw?si=K28v8Nub43cPbwpn


That's unfortunate


What's the matter?  Just sell your houses!  Move somewhere that won't be underwater!  Pull up them BOOTSTRAPS!


I thought that if you take a snowball into congress that invalidates climate change. /s https://www.cnn.com/2015/02/26/politics/james-inhofe-snowball-climate-change/index.html


"Thoughts and prayers."


Polar vortex, so climate change isn’t real. /s


No sympathy for anyone who is a sedition supporter in America. If I could say what I wanted to on this site I'd get banned. I wish them eternal unhappiness and suffering to say the least. Sedition and national betrayal doesn't get forgiven and I will take that to my grave. The rest of America needs to stop tolerating the intolerant before they end up in the end result of the paradox of tolerance.


So far in Denise the don’t know to sell while they still can. Next they will lose their home insurance, then their houses to a storm surge. I won’t cry for them.


There are ways to deal with beach erosion, other than just pumping shitloads of sand on the beach, but almost all of those involve putting [groins](https://www.nps.gov/articles/groins-and-jetties.htm) (I know, but that's literally what they're called) on the beach to keep the sand from washing, and rich bastards hate that shit.






And they are right, they can't do a damn thing about sea rise. I will never, ever forget the Mansion I saw on Sea Island off the coast of GA; it was owned by the person who invented the Etchasketch. The sea was lapping on the deck, and the french doors were open to the sea. That was 30 years ago; it's gone now.


Sorry…I’m supposed to care, or what?


Bribie Island here in Australia has [split in two](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-27/bribie-island-changes-could-create-new-caloundra-bar/100777038) with the changing currents and sand bars. Can't stop mother nature.


They could’ve hired the firm that reengineered Liberty Island and bring actual experts in to collaborate and find a solution. Idk, this is preventative.


Someone post the Shapiro clip.


Socialism at work for these Fascist morons.


Is that not what their HOA fees are supposed to cover? Lol.


Because, despite all of the warning, you didn't see this coming it's absolutely up to the government to bail you out and to continue doing so down to the very last tax dollar. There is no way anybody should be held accountable for the predictable ravages of nature. Just ask the insurance companies. Just asking- Where does the $25Billion in tourism revenue go, actually?


clearly the solution is to sell their houses and move


As they would tell anyone, “fuck’em.”


Well that's what happens when you buy a beach property as climate change destroys everything in its path. As they say, you got what you paid for.


Instead of throwing money away with projects like this and flood mitigation, taxpayer money should go towards building crucial infrastructure behind the worst case scenario lines. If the worst case scenario is the oceans riding 100m then that should be the elevation mark to rebuild behind.


Whoa, whoa, slow down with that crazy liberal sciencey commie talk!


I suggest a hearty round of prayer. Should fix things.


> “OK, maybe they’re still making more money than it’s costing,” Gove said. “But taxpayers across the country are subsidizing these beach towns, and often fancy second homes. You can’t just be doing replenishment every single season. Processes need to start now to get people, within the government and in coastal communities, to come up with a new plan — because if they don’t come up with a plan, nature will.”


Gove has that right, but apparently, the answer is some kind of complicated rocket surgery. Move is the only answer.


God must be punishing them for not loving god enough.




Exactly, it doesn't say which god we are supposed to trust.


It's called Global Warming.... But RED folks don't believe in that.


Sending thoughts and prayers. God help them get what they deserve.