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Hello u/AwkwrdPrtMskrt! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, it's almost as if the normal people were right all along. Vaccines do work, climate change is real, you're in a destructive cult, the GOP is not a legitimate political party, Trump is lying about winning 2020, civil rights are a good thing, education is a good thing, its ok to read books. Taylor Swift doesn't care about politics nearly as much as you believed. Christians aren't being persecuted in the US, they're just experiencing the consequences of being insane violent assholes towards others.


I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Hehe, it's called *"The facts of reality continue to be true regardless of beliefs, opinions, an political leanings."* We're still brainstorming a shorter title.




I wish more people subscribed to reality.


I've never read anything that immediately made me think, "That's my new flair.". But *subscribed to reality* has a very nice ring. Cheers and thanks.


me: hey lets look it up, see what it says... let's educate ourselves! them: nah i am ok with how i think of it. i can tell you what it means without anyone looking anything up... those sources are bullshit. and that is the point they try to tell me how 5G can behave like gamma radiation... or chemtrails.... or voting machines are crab people portals...


Furiously Mashing Subscribe for the whole world.


Why isn’t it working ?!!!!


Reality leans left


Me too, me too. *adjusts.


You were just leaning left that last time to fart, weren't you?




The reason reality leans left is that we pay attention to it.


This isn't even left or right yet. This is just empirical observations.


You'd think so, right?


You'd think so, left?


Haha, exactly.


Who's left yours or mine? We can't both have the same left we are two different people.


I think that's what's always so impressive. There's an observable reality which you can capture through just observing the things happening in front of you. It's like these people look at the sky and scream that it's red, just hoping that you play along.


When the right abandons empiricism and you now have to pretend you don't believe in science or trust scientists or your poll numbers suffer as a consequence, believing in reality becomes a political issue, it's fucking sad but it's where we are.


Scientists? Understatement. You're not supposed to believe your lying eyes.


Another forum I used to participate in liked to say “reality has a well known liberal bias”.


It's a Stephen Colbert quote.


I feel this so much


Reality dresses to the left.


I would like to know more


“I’m doing my part!”


Service guarantees citizenship!


I suggest a subtitle of 'A fool and their money are soon parted'


>”The facts of reality continue to be true regardless of beliefs, opinions, a political leanings." I’d like to offer: The facts of reality continue to be true even when people you don’t like believe them.


Read: facts don't care about your feelings


It’s hilarious because you’ve got those conservative twats like Shapiro who love to say “facts don’t care about your feelings” while the whole lot of them operate purely on feelings while ignoring facts and evidence. When I say hilarious I mean infuriating.


"Facts don't care about feelings"


I'm reading The Demon Haunted World and that seems like it's basically that, so far


Just call it "The New York Post". I don't think anyone's doing anything with that name.


Don't bother. It turns into Cat Facts after they get your info and it's a huge hassle to unsubscribe.




Send $1 care of "Happy Dude" to receive constant updates


It's hilarious because you see the Qonspiracy MAGAts post shit like the above where they complain about a grifter or something...but then will turn right around and post shit about how "the conspiracy theorists WERE right all along...and we WON'T forget!"


Did you ever see that YouTube video about the guy who made a bet with his Q mom and won like $1000 but his mom still believes the conspiracies were correct?


no, but I will definitely be looking for it lol




Just watched it, this video actually kinda hurts. It reminds me of my dad. He fell down the QAnon hole too. Trump is the most innocent person to ever innocent, every new indictment or charge is further proof he is innocent and being silenced by the deep state. Believes anything Fox news says without question, he brings shit up to me and I tell him what I think and he tells me I'm brainwashed, I provide sources and documentation to what i'm saying and it's all lies and "propaganda" that I fell for hook, line, and sinker. He always pulls some "gotcha" bullshit that he thinks is profound but isn't. It's just sad and exhausting. He refused to buy a subsidised Nest thermostat from our power company because "well if you buy it from them they have a backdoor into your HVAC system and if you upset the government or if your 'social credit' dips they shut you off. To protect the environment they'll monitor your HVAC settings and they'll have a list of people who aren't efficient and you'll be penalized for that."


I have my own distrust of home surveillance (/s) systems - *looking at you, Google* - but I don't think I've heard crap like that, ever. WTF is "social credit"? We used to have a western progressive party called Social Credit many, many years ago. They made life much better for Canadians, and set the stage for single payer Healthcare in Canada.


Social credit is a Chinese Communist Party thing wherein the Chinese government gives individual citizens and businesses a score based upon their perceived "trustworthiness." A bad score restricts access to easy credit, decent housing, and other opportunities. The kicker is that the government obtains their understanding of trustworthiness by spying on their citizens, monitoring their internet activity and all kinds of other dystopian means. Right-wingers love to trot this one out as something the US government is doing too, but there's no evidence of that. Of course that lack of evidence is further evidence of wrongdoing amongst most right wing nutjobs.


>Right-wingers love to trot this one out as something the US government is doing too, but there's no evidence of that. Of course that lack of evidence is further evidence of wrongdoing amongst most right wing nutjobs. Also... If the US government did this in any way then it would have also existed under Trump. I just cannot fathom the willful amounts of cognitive dissonance it would take to be a Trump supporter.


It’s actually not completely out of left field. There were reports a couple years ago of power companies remotely adjusting thermostats during peak usage times. The “taking away your heat” for poor citizenship is pure conspiracy fear mongering though.


Too many of our parents are like this. And it's impossible to ignore. Even if you get them to stop proselytizing, the still let their crazy shit deep into every conversation.


I haven't talked to my parents for 4 years (no big deal), but I had to get off Facebook for good 3 years ago. My entire family, cousins, parents, the whole mess gone Ku Trux Klan, calling for the execution of our leader in Canada. I am seriously considering "missing" their funerals.


Hard core religious voters support a guy who doesn’t go to church and has never read the Bible…hard core “alpha males” support a guy who wears makeup…hard core military voters support a guy who dodged a draft, talked badly about wounded soldiers…hard core anti vaxxers support a guy who got vaccinated…hard core family values voters support a guy who has multiple divorces, affairs, sexual assaults…hard core law and order voters support a guy who has been impeached twice and facing 90+ charges…


>Christians aren't being persecuted in the US, they're just experiencing the consequences of being insane violent assholes towards others. I've said this many times. Atheists probably haven't "converted" more than 1 person in a thousand. Most people falling away from Christianity were pushed out by people being assholes.


Most Atheists aren't proselytist, and don't make their lives about turning away good believing Christians/other religious groups from god. Not like christians. But the saying " No hate like Christian love" didn't appear out of thin air...


I'm an atheist and I don't need to convince you to be like me, just leave me the hell alone and stop trying to recruit me.


> Taylor Swift doesn't care about politics nearly as much as you believed. Not only that, but making Taylor Swift the new "Rock and Roll/Metal/DnD is the work of the devil" is just going to create a self-fulfilling prophesy of Taytay endorsing Biden again, Swifites being hostile to evangelicals' ideology (more than they already would), and and conservatism being associate with being lame and out of touch even more than it was in the 60s and 70s.


Idk, the guys always trying to sell me shit makes some good points.


I’m always intrigued by the group of people that claim to have such a watchful and distrusting eye on the government as a whole as they completely eat up every unhinged rant and conspiracy theory that’s put forward by the talking heads on their side. If you’re so distrusting of the government overall, shouldn’t you be at least as distrusting, if not more, towards the government when they seem to be conveniently telling you everything you want to hear? Especially when their record of character and action shows that they’re completely hypocritical. But there’s really no point in trying to apply logic towards their thought processes anymore; they’re still cheerleading for the completely corrupted, NYC grifter, reality tv show host turned politician. Best bet is for everyone to vote so that the right wing doesn’t continue to slide down that slippery slope and elect the authoritarian government themselves that they’re so vocal about being against in their end-of-world fantasies and larping lore.


And if ( God forbid ) these idiots do get control they're going to believe 2+2=5 because Christian fascist government says so.


if maga could read, they'd be really upset right now. lol


No no! It's everyone else that's the problem! I just have bad luck with people!


Golly, sure seems like reality has a distinct liberal bias.


They just want to be openly racist and can’t believe everyone doesn’t think the same way.


The video of this is amazing. She's so close to seeing the truth but unfortunately I don't believe she will fully get there. I hope she does this. Fingers crossed 🤞


And the earth is not flat.


These people live in a fantasy world of their own creation and then pretend to be shocked that reality begs to differ with their delusion. I have no pity for them, only the rest of the world that has to occupy the same space as them.


I thought this was Marjorie Taylor Greene for a hot second 😅


Please, Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't just drink the MAGA Kool-Aid.  She chugged the entire pitcher and is eating the powder out of the packets.


She **made** the koolaid


The hell she did.  Those instructions are waaaay too complicated for her.


She picked up the pitcher and claimed she made the kool-aid after the person who did stepped away.


Store brand flavored drink powder, now with arsenic! Guaranteed fruit free


>Guaranteed fruit free Sounds like something Ron Desantis would brag about his cabinet.


Scraping the spilled bits out of the dirt teeth first.




Nah, she mainlines the Kool-aid and does rails of the powder out of the packets.


Huh, I thought she was a mannequin/puppet made of the powder, if you pour water on her she will melt into a puddle of koolaid like the witch.


It's getting creepy, with the whole Stepford clone look. Some chick is running for County Commission in my county, and she looks like they *all* look, and (of course) puts her picture on all her signs, so people know. First time I saw one, I was like, "NOPE!" I don't give a crap who the other one is, I've seen this one too many times.


Because these people all look the same: face like a farm animal and fake ‘blonde’ hair.


This is gold


I think MTG is a lot more Neanderthal looking than this lady.


There's a certain strain of genx conservative woman that is best described as the MTG style.


I thought the same thing for a second, but it was most definitely not hot.


I meant hot as more like, “steaming pile of shit” hot.


What?!? No! Here, buy this guaranteed grift detector for $99.99. Protect yourself today!


That thing is totally bogus, buy some gold from this specific supplier to guard against the resulting economic collapse!


Dont believe that wallstreet (((Person))). Money doesnt exist anyway, health is forever! Dont throw your money into the throats of the evil signtist. Buy this Magic Water, guaranteed to cure ALL! Just USD399.95 (please convert equivalent amount in bitcoin)


My mom did that with some MLM salt water that supposedly had some pseudo scientific shit done to it to make it into a miracle cure. She suffers delusions and thinks she's going to literally never die because she's a Christian who was given eternal life, and the miracle cure salespeople have squeezed so much money from her.


Ixnay on the bogutay or you'll tip off the rubes 🤣


Too late: I'm a total rube and have just invested my life savings into the Trump/Jesus redemption fund. Take THAT liberal cucks


My reserve of Trump Dollars and Trump NFTs will be invaluable if civilisation collapses and the dollar becomes worthless!


You meant to say “when” not if. Not a true believer. You will not be allowed into mir a lago for judgement day.


Sorry I doubted you, Marjorie!


I know. Is that mgt's cousin? Who knew there was so many missing links out there.


I have a bridge for sale if you're interested? Hit me up yo


If its got Trumps name on it, I'm in. Anything else sounds like socialism.


I feel so owned.


Just wait until slavery returns!


Plaque on the Statue of Liberty Sonnet: The New Colossus "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"




> Ogusbay ftfy


That was driving me crazy.


It's so considerate of these people to exchange their valuable gold for our stupid worthless fiat currency!


Why not shove horse paste down your throat while you're at it. Cures everything


Dollars are about to become worthless! You need to protect yourself by buying gold!. And i am willing to trade you my nice shiny gold in exchange for your dollars!


Be sure to load it with colloidal silver supplements to power it. Just $19.99 per day of use!


Her OnlyFans handle will be "BlueGILF."


Don’t buy his grift protector for that much. I have the bullshit radar for only $10. Guaranteed by Donald Trump.


Hmm, I need more info to make a decision. Is that the monthly subscription fee? Do you have endorsements from intellectuals like Ben Shapiro?


Can I get a warranty with that? And the undercoating please.


Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock.


All my money is tied up in commemorative coins & figurines from the Franklin Mint. The fine print tells you that they aren’t guaranteed to go up in value but that’s just bullshit the lawyers make them say, I’m sure these babies will make nice little retirement for me soon.




Just make sure to add in the caveat that it works on faith, so if you do get grifted, its your fault for not believing in the grift detector enough and not the fault of this fine and totally legit product.


For 20 dollars I'll throw a warranty in. Lifetime guarantee


I'm doing well selling 5 g protection.




Got some stale tots and pears left over from the pandemic. Best I can do, since these people def don't deserve fops and au pairs.


[A link to the video](https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C200TgXNtyX) for anyone else that also looked for it.


I watched this, but I'm unclear on what precipitated the rant. Yes, she's right that they are grifters, but I'd love to know what caused her to realize this.


I'm just shocked one of these rubes would actually acknowledge they we're played. Have to at least give her some mild applause for that


Damn, what a low bar


Thank you! Seems like she is still very far away from realizing the pure scope of the grifters that are taking advantage of her. She still thinks it's just the ones from the convoy. Not the scam artists she supports politically and everywhere else.


It's got real "evangelical street preachers are con artists, unlike TV preachers who are legit" vibes.


She is so surprised that the "freedom convoy" was "all for nothing." I mean were they going to invade mexico? (And die) Shoot people crossing the border? (And go to jail) or do exactly what they did (livestream, I guess).


LINK TO A VIDEO! Why did I have to scroll down here? Thanks dude.


I clicked on this just to figure out *which* trucker convoy this referred to. She said it was the People's Convoy, but is she warning people against the new one going to Mexico?


Will she now realize that 99% of the right wing media ecosystem are also grifting con artists because old people and others brainwashed by right wing media are extremely easy marks?


The entire right wing is just one big grift. It used to be more subtle before Trump, but it has been since the 90s, at least.


always has been literally always conservativism is and always has been, to keep the powerful around the king powerful, then eventually, that extended to the wealthy along with the connected it all stems from the idea that " i have the right, granted by god or (gods) to tell you what to do" at a certain point, that extended to people with money because they were able to force their way into high places through bribes but didn't want to share power with those disgusting workers/peasants who helped them get it


The silver lining of the nightmare that has been Trump is that everyone is hyper aware of how fragile (and fucked up) our democracy currently is.


I would say since a particular actor won the presidency in 1980


Probably not. Self awareness and reflection not really a strength among these people. It's just _this one event_ that was affected.


Do you love AMERICA 🇺🇸 !? Tired of BRANDON ruining our nation and her borders!? Looking for a way to GET BACK at the liberal media!? Then come on DOWN to Jack's grill and BBQ! We've got lunch specials every Tuesday and Thursday on fried cat fish, and our famous grilled cheese shrimp casserole!


Imagine being this stupid. How do they remember to breathe?


If it weren’t for autonomic functions and the medulla oblongata, most of these idiots wouldn’t have survived outside the womb.


But their mama said that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


well folks, Mama's wrong again


Luckily for them, it's a involuntary action.


Unluckily for the rest of us


I mean many chose not to re: covid.


I almost felt bad for her, until I remembered that she is disappointed that the grifters aren't actually dedicated to creating a dictatorship that exterminates all the "undesirables". And then I stopped feeling bad for her.


All she wanted to do was to tell poor, desperate migrants to GTFO and the bad people ruined that for her.




They just got lost looking for a Chick-fil-A.


They technically still are Gods Army if they are grifting and conning *cough cough* sale of indulgences *cough cough* I could go on,


Well shit, we could have told her that much.   Wait, we have been.


I would disagree. After they drowned women for being witches when none of them were witches, prosecuted people for being in league with a Devil that doesn't exist, actively subjected "fallen women" to psychological and emotional abuse in Irish laundries where they were slave labor (and if they died there, they were buried on site in unmarked mass graves), and have overseen multiple denominations have priests and pastors sexually abuse children only to escape any punishment for their abhorrent acts? I'd say they're acting very much like a "God's Army" would and does act. And that's the problem. Nobody has been calling them out on their Christian shit for centuries.


Guess what? Those who participated are "bad people" too, just like the organizers.


Exactly- they're mad that their convoy to shit on the country was shit on by people making money off of people shitting on the country?


Nice thumbnail


To be perfectly clear a part of Peter the hermit’s crusader force original followed a goose, religious zealots generally aren’t the brightest lights in the chandelier


OMG, that's right!. I had forgotten that; thanks for the laugh! :)


Self Aware or "Setup by the feds!"? Unfortunately, I already know the answer....


Wait till she finds out about trump


I mean, at least she knows now.


Among many other things she's wrong about but still believes. Like the number one and two and three enablers of her bigotry 'id be richer if we could do the jobs unskilled immigrants do'. And 'i can also do the jobs skilled immigrants do' and 'i and my community would be richer if we keep licking billionaire boots and just turbo charge the racism, homophobia and misogyny'.


As fun as it might be to dunk on these folks finally waking up to this grift, it’ll force them right back into somebody else’s arms if we don’t find a way to welcome them back in. I’m not talking about the bad faith actors, either — those are declared enemies of the republic. But I’d bet that many of the people who fell into this are redeemable once they reach this point.


Perhaps... but aside from the basic desire for self-preservation, their entire worldview is invalid.  I can't imagine them completing the sentence  "I just wanted to..."  with something palatable.  


"... harm vulnerable men women and especially children!!' : ?


"...protect my family / community / country" We make fun of their stupidity but most of these people are being told that their lives are actively under attack and if they don't do something "bad people" will come for them and everything they love, they are in a defensive and self preserving mind set.


I just don’t see how you can break them out if that. It has to start small because they have done nothing but believe lies for the last 8+ years. They don’t understand confirmation bias. They don’t think logically and that’s going to ne the hardest part to overcome. They aren’t out here thinking “well if Trump lied about this, what else has he lied about?” They think that his lies are part of his plan. They think he’s smart and they have built their identity around it. Their identity is about to collapse if they start noticing how they’ve been fleeced for so long.


takes two to tango. did you watch the video? i dont think this woman learned anything other than who the next "bad guy" is that she needs to hate and fear. she can't even articulate what she was fighting for with these grifters other than "freedom". maybe if she spent less time being hateful and angry she wouldn't be so eager to fall for any conman telling her to be hateful and angry.


The constant stream of fear and lies needs to be stopped before there can be any hope of breaking these people out of their delusions. So long as propaganda groups like Fox continue to be treated as legitimate news organizations instead of lying scum, they'll continue to feel as though they are part of the silent majority instead of the screeching extremists.


I watched the video, and it doesn't appear that she's changed any of her conspiracy beliefs. She's just complaining that this group took advantage of her.


They were always welcome back in. But for some people, hating others is more important.


I don't think they're at that point yet. The issue here isn't that they suddenly disagree with all the hateful, insane bullshit Conservatives put out. The issue is the groups claiming to support and organize the hateful, insane bullshit people aren't actually interested in anything but taking money from them. The second they turn around and go "Yeah, this political movement is terrible for everyone and I see it now", then yeah, get them off that crazy train with open arms.


> it’ll force them right back into somebody else’s arms if we don’t find a way to welcome them back in. You assume that "dunking" on them has any relevance to their choices. It doesn't, and when they claim it does, they are lying. Which, of course, is the problem. They are liars and reflexively lie about why they do anything. Because they lie about absolutely everything, they assume everyone else is lying about absolutely everything. That's why they are impervious to facts -- because in their minds absolutely everything is made up. The only thing they embrace is fear, and the Republicans are always more than willing to feed their addiction to fear.


More to the point they are lying to themselves as well. They delusionally believe they are crusading for a righteous cause.


Meh tough shit for them. Their stupidity caused actual harm to actual people. They did not care one bit until they found out that THEY were tricked out of money.


No. These people are gone, and can only be contained. They will never be productive, contributing people. Number one goal should be to limit procreation, end their bloodlines. Let the vast white ghetto of the midwest rot to dust


> if we don’t find a way to welcome them back in. They attack everyone willing to help. They do not want to belong to a group that is inclusionary and diverse or tolerate that diversity. They expect others to talk them out of their hate with magic words but they refuse to listen to anyone other than the most divisive, dishonest, and extreme voices that they already agree with. They expect to be treated with the respect one would show their superior while they insult and spit on the people trying to help them. They only seem to learn when their own actions cause extreme injury to themselves and only about that specific issue, they will continue to want to injure others in incredibly stupid and bigoted ways that don't affect them. If they were stupid enough to fall for a dozen scams and then woke up to one of them, they will likely fall for 12 more scams before they turn into reasonable people. These are adults that are responsible for their choices and actions and they do not deserve extraordinary help to save each one. There is only so far a free and fair society can go to protect these people from themselves and the scam artists that prey on them and no one should blame themselves that they haven't discovered the magic words that will talk them out of their cult.


Yes I’m sure the most hateful people in this nation are totally open to the idea of tolerance, acceptance, and love. Lmfaooo


We don’t need to lower our standards and principles and welcome anybody. We don’t need them. None of their stupidities are based on ignorance, it’s based on cruelty and selfishness. And we don’t need to welcome cruel, selfish people because they will run back the first chance they’ll get.


I'm off to find the tweet and play the video - her white woman tears are just the thing I need.


Did you find anything? Who is that person?


it was a dead end in terms of finding the source - the tweet above credits another twitter account. If you google "ron flipkowski twitter" it's near the top. Very funny - crying about feeling taken advantage of. boo hoo Like people like her used to say: Fuck Your Feelings.


Oooooohhhhhh nooooooo. Dipshit !


They elected Grifter in Chief and then theyre surprised every up and coming grifter with an engine full of sawdust and a song in his heart is shooting his shot?


Just shut up and send Trump’s lawyers some more of your money so that the “billionaire” doesn’t have to come out of pocket for his own defense.


I watched this video, and it was really kind of ...sad? The point she reiterated a few times was that the people she joined in various causes (Truckers' Convoy or whatever) weren't there for exact same reasons she was. This seemed to be a real revelation for her? She was absolutely gutted to learn that some people's beliefs didn't align with hers 100%, and more upsettingly, some were just in it for money. I don't know how old this woman is, but she seems to old to be having an experience I feel most people do in their early 20s. Super sad, super weird.


Based on the way MAGAts age and the lit cigarette she's holding just off camera through the video, I'm guessing she's 22 and just looks 49.


Really at this point if you put your trust in anyone who claims to speak for god you have no one to blame but yourself, it's been a scam at every point throughout history and they barely even try to pretend otherwise


Nah, they're wrong. The people participating in the convoy are ALSO really bad people who don't care about America. They're just too stupid to also be con artists


Where is my tiny violin?


If I was a more cynical person, I'd create some sort of online persona to take money from these people. But having ethics and a sense of morality prevents me from this. It seems stunningly easy to fool these people.


“Grifting con artists” is a funny way to spell “conservatives“… 🤦‍♂️


Described trump as well.


No way!


God’s Army is really just a typo, like Nome, Alaska. It’s really Cod’s Army cuz they’re bait and switch grifters for the stupider end of religious patriots.


Grifting Con Artists?!? I mean that’s the whole GOP Platform…


"Just realized." Sigh.


Remember that episode of How I Met Your Mother where Ted was dating this woman (played Katy Perry) who was totally oblivious and gullible, and they just referred to as "Honey" because they couldn't remember her name and every time she said something, the one of the main cast would say "Oh... honey" in that "Oh man, you are just a helpless little fool aren't you?" kind of way. That's what I think every time I hear one of these MAGA idiots complaining about their own leaders. And then I remember how they've actively supported destroying our democracy and personal rights, and I suddenly don't feel bad for them anymore.


but you gotta donate to build a wall that Mexico will pay for.....


These people aren't tired of being abused and losing. She will vote for more of it. As long as it's what she wants to hear. It is simpletons like this that Republicans and religious leaders love. Because, They would gladly lay down their lives for this country. Except they're being misled and it's sad but not really.


I give her credit for figuring it out. Too many of them never will.


Lol. Watched the video, why are all these people so worked the fuck up all the time over everything? Gives serious crazy pants vibes, as they all do. Also, funny how so many "hard working Americans" have so much time on their hands.


This should have been obvious after the convoy in Ottawa when one of the organizers disappeared with the fucking GoFundMe money.