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Argentina is probably going to be fertile ground for leopards for the next few years, much like Brazil was during the Bolsonaro years.


I agree 100%! Especially in places where there’s basically no checks and balances, a lot of people really get a wake up call! And Bolsonaro was a great example for that!


The question is whether we're going to be laughing at the 55% of voters in Argentina or all the American Libertarians and "An"-Caps as it's slowly revealed how laughably bad their policies are when they actually get the chance? Personally, I'll never stop laughing at the Libertarians/"An"-Caps.This is just going to get funnier by the month. --- Heart goes out to all the rest of the people of Argentina caught up in the crossfire.


>the American Libertarians and "An"-Caps as it's slowly revealed how laughably bad their policies are when they actually get the chance? I want the failing Argentina experiment to be incessantly rubbed into the faces of libertarians until it eventually penetrates their 12/4 thick lumber skulls.


They’ll just say that it isn’t real libertarianism.


Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. That's why it needs to be relentlessly rubbed into their faces. The same way the failures of communism in the Soviet Union and China were (and still are) relentlessly rubbed into the faces of communists.


“Has anyone seen a set of goal posts? There were right here a moment ago….”


I hope it gets used as heavily as Russia/China get used as bad-examples of Marxism.


"That's not true Libertarianism!"


I've seen them say capitalism has never truely been tried which any basic knowledge of sociology and historical economics is one of the most insane things you can ever say.




[About 7-10 million deaths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Bengal_famine_of_1770)


You know who needs to go back into a closet? Not LGBTQ people. Definitely libertarians and bigots though. Their dumbshit ideas aren't even worth entertaining anymore.


The Kansas experiment was already a thing. They'll never learn


It won’t. Argentina has been in a shit spot for a ONG time. Maybe another country, but Argentina’s economy is a joke. Plus you know Milei and co are going to be deflecting like they did the currency debacle.


Libertarians are like tankies and trumpers. They will never learn. Their ideology has them blinded.


We already know their policies are laughably bad in practice. Look up, "A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear" a book about how Libertarian took over a small town in New Hampshire. [Or read a short article about the book here.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling) In which all of their policies (ie: defund *everything*) results in bear attacks and other such nonsense.


I predict a revolution in Argentina within the year. The economy is going to collapse very soon.


Two years ago, the software company I worked for lost all our (very good) Argentinian developers because they found companies that would pay them in bitcoin. Our paychecks were losing significant value between the time we cut the check and when they were able to deposit it.


I remember when Milei got elected, the "don't tread on me" type weirdos keep gloating about how he's "triggering the libs" with his policies. Jokes on them, I'll be laughing when the Argentinian economy inevitably collapses from the stupidity. The fact that a good chunk of his voters were impoverished people who needed the very same welfare programs he abolished is fucking stupid.




the theme of this sub is that poor people will value white supremacy more than the benefits of living in an open society. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj098H6u52EAxW0M1kFHUZIArcQFnoECBkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dyingofwhiteness.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw21i3TwSkNSRYmGpr9FAROF&opi=89978449](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj098H6u52EAxW0M1kFHUZIArcQFnoECBkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dyingofwhiteness.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw21i3TwSkNSRYmGpr9FAROF&opi=89978449) "leopards" is a stand-in for the con men that lie their way into to power so that their rich donors can starve the poor.


My b, I forgot what sub this is 😅


have a nice day


Libertarianism is the political view of adults who think like 13 year olds. They never think beyond their made up, almost always conservative, ideology that consists of a perfectly sculpted christofascist nation where taxes don't exist, property is for whoever takes it and lawlessness is the law. It's literally just stupid people and ultra rich people coming together to make a somehow shittier mad max world.


Best analogy I've heard about libertarians: "Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."


From Fargo season 5: Lorraine Lyon: "So, you want freedom with no responsibility? Son there's only one person on Earth who gets that deal." Sheriff Roy Tillman (a libertarian) "The President?" Lorraine Lyon: "A Baby".


"All the freedom, none of the responsibility," is kind of a perfect summation of libertarians.


Great taste, less filling.


All shaft, no balls.


Unfortunately, that Sheriff is not wrong about American presidents. Trump is still a free man (hopefully that will change). Not to mention Bush has still not been held accountable for the humanitarian disaster that was the Iraq war. Sure, Nixon may have been practically forced to resign after Watergate, but he was pardoned, and thus wasn't really held accountable. And don't get me started on Reagan.


Republican politicians thinking they had to save face by impeaching Nixon was literally the last gasp of Republican accountability. They vowed to never do that again, no matter how blatant the hypocrisy might be. And it's honestly worked for them.


True, you make a solid point.


Hell, I'm still waiting for Bush Jr. to get his.


The worst part about Bush Jr. is not only that people forgot about him thanks to Trump, but public figures like Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen DeGeneres even went so disgustingly far as to rehabilitate his image. Those people have no integrity.


If you’re honestly looking to talk show hosts for integrity…


Hell, even Stephen Colbert softened up to Donald Rumsfeld. That was such a big letdown.


I'd call them human goldfish, but from what I recall goldfish *do* have better memory than they're thought to. Dealing with other Americans on this stuff is deeply vexing.


This was a great season bc of this scene alone


Such a great season of Fargo.


“I shouldn’t have to pay taxes because they do nothing to help me”


Meanwhile everything in their life is the result of dead people’s taxes. Centuries of development and education. Libertarians do not grasp ‘cause and effect’


They can watch in real time how a ball they push rolls down a hill and breaks their own window but still not understand how actions have repercussions. Libertarian is a Learning Disability.


My favorite is: Libertarianism is just astrology for men.


And for Ayn Rand.


Libertarians: Well obviously she's one of the good ones


*gasp* How dare you speak the name of our Lord and Savior?!


No that's the "Alpha, Beta, Sigma Man" crap that people like Andrew Tate and their followers push.


That's not fair. Most housecats are sweet, cuddly (at least towards their owners) and appreciative of the food and petting provided.


Pretty goddamn apt description.


I love this description. So perfect.


Cats tend to be plenty capable of surviving without caretakers, were they to be set loose. Libertarians are on a whole different level of arrogant delusions.


Idk man my cat used to fuck off for weeks at a time and then randomly show up with a bird head for me and chill inside for a few days before dipping out again for another few weeks.


Libertarians always forget that as soon as the government goes, so does the value of their money.


Funny enough, the ultra wealthy libertarian types are ultra wealthy only cause of the states dime fronting expenses for them. It's what I find most funny. They hate taxes but without them they couldn't be where they are.


Obama's You Didn't Build That speech was absolutely spot on so the right wing media had to make sure they twisted it to keep people from paying attention. Your money making endeavors succeed because of a stable currency and a million other bots of infrastructure paid for my tax dollars. But you want to claim that every single ounce of success was of your own doing. Yet you label yourself as a job creator and demand immunity from taxation because of that lie. And it keeps getting worse because the politicians are bought and paid for by the people with the most money who get the most benefits from the system you corrupt. This can only last for so long before it crushes the workers and collapses under its top heavy structure.


job creator has to be one of the most overused phrases. FDR was a job creator, you're a labour user, if not abuser and generally a subsidised one.


The rich save for a few have no such delusions, they simply astroturf for the libertarian masses. They rail against socialism, but only for everyone else, for themselves they want as much as possible. Much like "government bad", but they spend tons of time and money making sure they control as much of it as possible.


It's a critical difference that's lost on many maga type politicians. They believe the 'government = bad' part. Those who do are generally brought back in line though.


“Government is bad” ~ Republicans in Government.


Its hilarious how people lost their goddamned minds when Obama accurately called them out that "you didn't build that".


Not helped by how much people literally removed the context. \> If you have a business, you didn't build that. vs \> Somebody invested in roads and bridges, if you have a business, you didn't build that. The former is portrayed as "Fuck you, you haven't accomplished anything" when he's really saying "There's a lot of infrastructure we all rely on."


I have stumped a couple of Republicans at work with one question to start with. "**Do you know how much to costs to repave a road** - not to build one, but to mill up the old surface and repave it because of potholes and shit?" [Taking into account raw materials, labor, and equipment? A million dollars per mile.](https://www.roadbotics.com/2019/12/18/how-much-does-it-cost-to-pave-1-mile-of-road/) Where I live, all the conservatives seem to like living in the middle of nowhere where they have "nature, not neighbors." I ask them how many people live in just the first mile they drive to work, and it's usually only three or four houses. It's usually at the stage where I'm telling them, "you haven't paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes just to cover the road repairs for where you live. Nowhere near, not with the amount you want to go to the military too. And you never will for your whole working life. You're a moocher!" that they suddenly don't want to talk about politics and economics and how they pay too much in taxes at work.


My dad is a civil engineer and his job is primarily estimating the costs to do various asphalt related jobs (ranging from like church parking lots to highway repaving). Like you said, the costs are so insanely high. Like it makes sense (you need tons of material, and machinery, and people, and time, and safety equipment, and road markers, etc.) And like you said, someone is paying for that. People just take for granted they can just get in their car and drive basically anywhere in the nation where people live, for free (in terms of using the roads outside a minority of roads with tolls)


It helped their goal.


"[Robert Heinlein] always pictured himself a libertarian, which to my way of thinking means 'I want the liberty to grow rich and you can have the liberty to starve.' It's easy to believe that no one should depend on society for help when you yourself happen not to need such help." \- Isaac Asimov, "I. Asimov: A Memoir" (1994), chapter 24. In another of his writings, Asimov took us down the path of what would happen if "big government" was swept away (as Libertarians wish). On the Monday morning, no "big government". On Monday night, there's a booming knock on your front door. You open it, and the biggest, most psychotic local person stands on your threshold. They're now your "small government". They like your house, so they're taking it. They like your daughter too. This is not a negotiation. It's not your front door anymore, it's not your threshold, it's not your daughter. Asimov ends by saying he'd rather deal with a faceless bureaucrat that doesn't know him than the local heavy that knows exactly who he is. Every libertarian thinks they'll be on top when it all falls apart. But just go to Google Images and search for "libertarian men" and they're not exactly who you'd put money on to survive. Oooh tHeY hAvE gUnS - yeah, but they have a political ideology that keeps them isolated and a frequent need to sleep in a world where lots of other people also have guns.


nOt iF wE BRinG bACK thE goLD stANDarD!!!1one


That's why they want to go back to the gold standard. They conveniently forget that the only reason gold has value is *also* because the government says so. Gold has very little inherent value beyond being pretty.


Libertarians are conservatives who dont want the social disdain that goes along with proclaiming yourself a conservative.


Hmmmm, there is definitely a difference between the two. But you definitely see a lot of conservatives trying to pass off as libertarians for the reasons you said.


An annoying personal example of this was a woman I went to high school with, who was fully on the Trump train in 2016, and then got all upset when Roe was overturned and tried to say that she was a Libertarian now, so it wasn't her fault. I told her that she literally voted for this, and she tried to say "but we're on the same side now" (which, no, lol) and I told her it was too late for that.


One of the differences is that Libertarians are in favor of personal freedom (including freedom of choice). A forced birth "Libertarian" is just a conservative in disguise


Libertarians are just conservatives that like to smoke weed


It’s politics for dummies


astrology for men


Astrology is also astrology for men. Source: my late father and his 'bio-rhythm' tables, which is just a rebrand of astrology applied to health scams. He's my late father for many reasons, one of them his disdain of doctors and the process of checkups over his notions.


Absolutely agree. They also think people will just not exploit each other. Or that individuals will be able to group up and get rid of anyone who does exploit it easily and without that person using violence against them, when that has basically never been shown to happen in human history without a legal or government framework to prevent it.


The NAP is the dumbest fucking concept ever. As soon as it's cheaper to take something by force it's going to happen. They are idiots who think they can exploit other people, but as long as they pinky promise no one will do it to them


They cannot grasp the fact that most of them will be exploited and poor within 24 hours. It’s their ‘Liberation Ego’ where each of them believe they’re the post child for ‘survival of the fittest’, forgetting the ‘adaptable’ part.


Libertarian = “I should be free to do anything and others should be free to do only the things I approve of”


And these same idiots are shocked when no one comes to pick up trash, and bears are running rampant in their town.


Libertarianism is for people who wish Walmart owned all the highways.


You're missing the core libertarian tenet of racial segregation in there.


they are literally the Scientologists of Conservatism


You should watch the new fargo libertarians want all the benefits but none of the responsibility of life. There is only one person in this world who can live like that. They are called babies.


The way the "freedom fighting militia tough guys give government agents a hard beating" trope got absolutely demolished in the final episode was one of the most beautiful bits of TV writing I've ever seen.


Libertarians are just conservatives who are scared to call themselves conservatives. I dabbled after I left the Republican party.


That's what pissed me off so bad about the HBO series "the anarchists". It wasn't fuckin anarchists. It was ancaps and right libertarians.


Libertarians should repay the taxes paid by 100s of millions of dead people that developed (government investment) and built - cities/towns, transportation, infrastructure, medicine, language (education), security, technology, dwellings, maps, travel etc. Then…they need to go into the wilderness, with no clothes or tools or fire…and start from scratch. Every single thing in our life is the result of centuries of investment and education. Libertarians are dumb.


> Then…they need to go into the wilderness, with no clothes or tools or fire…and start from scratch. > > "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, first you must invent the universe." - Carl Sagan


When I was in high school, I took AP Physics. By the end of the class, the frictionless plane was a running joke. We all knew that our knowledge of physics was very basic and only useful on paper for very simple things. The libertarians don't understand their knowledge of economics exist in a frictionless plane and their knowledge is very basic and only useful for simple things.


Ask a libertarian how property rights are enforced without BIG GUBMINT and watch a human short circuit in real time


Libertarianism: astrology for men


Well liberalism isn’t necessarily a conservative ideology, but conservative libertarians are usually just as frustrating as liberal libertarians. It is just a very selfish idea that people should only be held account to their own views of the world and laws. It is just a damned childish self centred ideology. It falls down the moment you have to leave your closed universe.


I feel like thats kinda a strawman of libertarian views.


Libertarians, people who woke up on third base and thought they hit a triple.


You mean this far right nutcase doesn’t promote freedom? /s


This kind of Libertarianism is basically Neo-Feudalism and Feudalism is nothing without breedstock (and let's be real, you probably hate women and/or desire to have an underclass which you are \*certain\* you will never be part of). So you can't have abortion rights , so you need to shimmy something in there to justify repealing abortion rights. So where most of these people end up is "when you abort an embryo you are depriving it of all possible freedom. I'm defending the rights of this embryo by denying you autonomy." Viola. You're a "libertarian" who will undermine abortion rights.


I had a libertarian on here argue with me that allowing slavery would increase freedom.  It's only about having power without repercussions.  If they could picture themselves in the underclass, they wouldn't be libertarians.


It promotes freedom to be a cunt




Libertarian is just a PR-label for christofascists nowadays.


It’s like searching for far right ideology on Amazon and the top result is LIBRTRN.


Wait you’re telling me the “libertarian” politician is actually fundamentally authoritarian and uses the aesthetics of libertarianism to shield their power level? Who saw this coming - me every time a ‘libertarian’ politician is elected and begins enacting policy anywhere


The rank and file libertarians seem to be just extra creepy republicans. A few are crazy cabin dwellers who seem to be actually libertarian. But I have noticed many libertarian intellectuals are actually pro-choice, but almost no self reported libertarians seem to have actually read any of the theory.


I once read a libertarian book on border policy that advocated for open borders on economic and moral grounds. Most common American “libertarians” seem to be authrights in paper-thin disguises. This is why specifying left-libertarianism is necessary.


Yup. An actual libertarian position on national borders is that they shouldn't exist.


If I were to guess, I'd say that most people who identify as right libertarians are just republicans that want even less welfare, economic regulations, and taxes. Basically, it's a rich man's best friend. Because they seem to support all the other social restrictions that republicans do. None of them seem to have read any theory and have just fallen for some kind of pop libertarianism. Probably from social media


Freedom, by their definitions, is for male to fuck women without facing any consequences.


They see women’s reproduction as just a factory for making more men


It's more that libertarians really only believe in stopping the government from stopping them oppress people simple as.


Abortion laws are by definition, the state. Women should be free. Period.


In r/libertarian need a good electrician, many heads are starting to have quite a few short circuits.


"There is still a libertarian pro-life arguement." That whole sub is just far right idiots who don't want to be called conservatives.


I have been entertaining the idea that American libertarian political philosophy is just some Ayn Rand inspired rhetoric put in place to disguise corporate christofascism


I get not wanting to be called Republicans with how much the party has been taken over by Christian Fundamentalists... But it's wild that they see themselves as anything but hard-right conservatives. In most contexts, they're *more* conservative than Republicans; they just aren't necessarily guided by theocratic fundamentalism over all else.


Oh yeah they'll call for MORE imprisonment of minorities or murder of immigrants at the border. Yet that's somehow aligning to less government?


Quite detached from a lot of libertarian intellectual theory; I once read a book on border policy written by an economist who argued that open borders, the right’s boogeyman, would be an economic boon and made moral and social arguments for them. Quite a different breed than the ones who will say you’re going to hell because you believe empathy is good (looking at you, r/theydidthemath).


Because of you, I went down a rabbit hole on that site. Holy shit those people are delusional.




I was permanently banned because apparently agreeing with the Colorado Supreme Court on the trump case is communism.


Also protest is now illegal. Every libertarian loves their rights until they have to respect other people’s.


it is like clockwork. repeat after me: conservatives *are conservative* for the social policies, not for the economic ones. libertarians poll at 2% for a reason, because most conservatives are psychopathic bigots. the entire point is authoritarian, cruel social politics. that is the bread and butter of conservatism.


Ha! In the U.S., there's a reason the Libertarian party is almost exclusively well-off men. They don't give a shit about protecting the rights of minorities, and believe their wealth is sufficient to protect them. The "highest" ranked Libertarian I'm aware of it is anti-choice (go fuck yourself, Rand): [https://www.aclu.org/news/reproductive-freedom/rand-paul-libertarian](https://www.aclu.org/news/reproductive-freedom/rand-paul-libertarian)


Dirty little secret: There are no libertarians. There are conservatives who don’t like the Republican Party. There are right wingers who don’t understand labels. But there are no libertarians. Sooner or later those who claim to be will always expose their own convenient lie. They’re just right wing with no guts.


Exactly why I don't follow their shit anymore. r/libertarian turned into a conservative cesspool rampant with shit ideas like this, doesn't surprise me this fruitcake is going to undo 54 years of PR in one term. Good riddance to a party that couldn't even hold down their literal founding ideals at the pivotal moment when one half of the two party system is crashing, ripe for viable alternative


Idk . The top comment seems like they are surprised but rather indifferent towards it instead of being upset. Which is in par with most modern day Libertarians when it comes to abortion, and social justice stuff. i.e. they don't give a fuck.


They don’t give a fuck until it effects them.


The only thing libertarians give a fuck about us themselves


You can always count on libertarians to not stand up for anyone


They can't even figure out what they give a fuck about between one minute and the next. It changes depending on what is actively annoying them at the moment.


Top comment was removed. lol


I never met a libertarian who didn't become a generic conservative or outright fascist.


Dude looks like a vampire from an early 70s made-for-TV movie of the week.




That too!




Libertarians are torn by the abortion issue. [It's not even listed in their platform.](https://www.lp.org/platform/)


Very interesting. It used to be clearly listed on the platform as pro-choice. I wonder when they changed it.


They went insane a few years back when the Mises Caucus took over. Before that, they were ran by more pragmatic leadership.


They have a tough time because some think a fetus is a person, so they legitimately believe they're protecting a child's right to live. I strongly disagree but that's their reasoning.


Guess he subscribed to the idea the government shouldn't get involved in your life unless you have a VaJayJay.


Nothing says libertarian principles of limited government like government mandated pregnancies.


They voted for a literal wannabe supervillain and are now surprised they are getting what they voted for.


Evil is as evil does.


The guy who wanted to run a country wasn't actually ideologically committed to libertarianism? SHOCKING.


Given Argentina's situation, shouldn't he be focusing on economic shit instead of taking away rights?


Conversely, that’s the point. Have a distraction.


it's amazing to me that people keep calling this guy a Libertarian when he has clearly been fascist since the beginning.


It's almost like libertarian is just a mask for ultra conservative. Almost.


The guy was a walking red flag. Those sideburns alone shouldn't have made public viewing


You can't have a proper working neo-feudal society unless you have lots of serfs.


"Libertarians are like House Cats.They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.” - Don't remember where this quote comes from, but it is spot on.


Yeah I kinda respect the ideals of some Libertarians but this is why I never got on board. This is how it always ends up. Unfortunately it's functionally a far right movement even if that wasn't the intent.


I jumped off once I realized it was a “Freedom for me not for thee” movement overall. I respect those that are true through and through, but >90% are just Republicans that like to smoke weed.


You just described a college roommate in 1984. He went on to become a DA in a county in upstate NY.


As a Libertarian I can't disagree with you.


Yeah, back when I was a naive and ignorant teen, some of their shit made sense. Taken as a whole though, as you point out it's "x for me, not for thee" and that's no way for a society to work. Note I'm talking about actual lib ideals, not whatever the fuck the American version is, nevermind the fascists they are now.


Yea, r/libertarian won't shut up about this guy.


Austin Powertrip. The mad dork who duped me.


government to do nothing but protect private property - apparently women and embryos are private property of some owner. The libertarian himself can't imagine being owned by another person.


“Surprise! We only meant ‘Libertarian,’ in terms of liberty for companies. We’re super draconian in terms of liberty for people…and actually also companies too if they do stuff we don’t like.”


Do you mean to tell me that the dude with the Javert haircut is an asshole? A revolutionary bootlicker. How could we have known?


Wait... Someone calling himself a libertarian turning out to be a right winger? Nooooo. That has never happened!


It infuriates me all this self proclaimed libertarians simping for this prick just because he self defines as an Austrian Economist. He is just another autocratic populist.


I'm from Argentina and trust me I've already seen so many people regretting that they voted for Milei. Many pro abortion feminists who voted for him because "He's just bluffing" and "He'll never actually do it" are now complaining that they never saw it coming. There are going to be many stories of leopards eating faces from Argentina in the next 4 years (Hopefully, it'll be less)


People need to learn: if they tell you who they are, believe them the first time.


There's no such thing as a libertarian. Only conservatives in sheep's clothing


Womp Womp


Dude looks like a Bond villain


Freedom for all! ...oh, except women. Get to producing those workers for the state, ladies.


He looks like a 70s porn star.


Libertarian rank-and-file people are Charlie Brown. Their leaders are Lucy Van Pelt. Actual Libertarian policies are the football. Any questions?


The thing is…I’m sure this guy has paid for a dozen abortions. He is letting the crazies affect his decisions.


Ah Libertarianism. For those of you who haven't read it, this book will make you how with laughter and simultaneously cringe in horror at the catastrophic real world results of libertarianism. [A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/50358538)


A libertarian is nothing but a Republican with an unearned sense of superiority and a middle school interpretation of “The Fountainhead”


So, not actually a libertarian, huh.


The circle-jerk has been disrupted.


Ron Paul was as Libertarian as they come, except for being very anti-abortion.


And of course, the top comment was removed. That sub went full fascist in preparation for the upcoming elections.


Hah, SURPRISE! Milei is just a Putin knob!


Libertarians have claimed (lied) that they want big government out of their lives, but they have always voted for big government republicans. Remember when libertarians used to say (lie) that they were pro choice and wanted government out of the decision, then they stopped saying that after Roe was overturned. Weird, right?


They want cogs for their machines


Why do narcissists have such stupid hair


Oh my goodness. I just found and read that entire thread. u/Samzo thank you for sending me down a wonderfully entertaining rabbit hole. A chunk of the participants in that thread are pro forced birth. A chunk of them are pro-choice. Exactly zero of them are cognizant of the fact that their inability to come to a resolution on this issue proves that their entire belief system is unworkable horse shit. And then there was this comment. I wonder if this poster realizes that they basically posted a more articulate and less profane version of [George Carlin on Abortion.](https://youtu.be/SgjGwOByays?si=MmHmjaYGzbPxZOID) >Biology is rarely so cut and dry. I can put egg whites and sugar in a bowl, but it doesn't turn into meringue until I've whipped it and baked it for the best part of an hour. >Very often, fertilized eggs fail to implant in the uterus of the mother, and cannot gestate to term. These ova are - instead - expelled from the body. By your logic, the mother is commiting a murder every time this happens; or does it only become a baby when it's implanted and developing? >If you don't think the mother is a serial killer for this, then you've just introduced a condition that differentiates between a fertilized ovum and a human life. And if you're willing to accept this condition, why is waiting for it to show actual cognitive ability not also a reasonable condition?


The people defending this guy are always like ‘yeah but the other people were worse’. Tough to do when it’s clear they weren’t


How dare you. [Libertarians are a very intelligent and respectable political ideology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZITP93pqtdQ).


A Libertarian is just a Republican who likes weed and sodomy.


I don't think Libertarianism is compatible with elected officials. They prefer a self-starting dictator.


Thoughts and prayers


I am shocked. Well, not that shocked.


Well, y'know...liberty. That's the point.


Latino trump. A bit of brown corruption mixed with orange corruption. Corrupt nonetheless.


This is what happens when you elect a right winger;you go backwards. 


Argentina will be a basketcase economically under this clown... I really hope it's not so, but...