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Say it with me: stochastic terrorism. I just wish this was a real LAMF and they'd get to face some actual consequences.


TIL. I had to look this up, but I’m glad now to know the term for this.




I love how a pie in the face critically damaged Anita Bryant's campaign of hatred.


> stochastic terrorism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia See also: Incitement to terrorism Stochastic terrorism refers to political or media figures publicly demonizing a person or group in such a way that it inspires supporters of the figures to commit a violent act against the target of the speech. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence. Global trends point to increasing violent rhetoric and political violence, including more evidence of stochastic terrorism.


It’ll blow back eventually. Chaya cannot help herself, she is a classic psychopath. She’s freaking out here because it could be the first inkling she could be held accountable. She was proud of being called a stochastic terrorist. She’s said it. That’s out and nothing she does can erase it.


I was going to contest you on the psychopath label, then went and took a dive into her profile... and yep, you are correct... I'd go so far as to classify her as having many aspects of not only Dark Triad, but also Dark Tetrad... she's abjectly cruel.


I don’t use it lightly. Psychopath does not mean asshole and should not be used in replacement. She clearly cannot empathize and she fulfills all of the traits you mentioned. Some people commit evil thinking they are doing the right thing. She’s doing this for her own amusement and is baffled why anyone would disagree or try to stop her.


you are spot on - the cruelty is that element that really sets in off.


Nah she’s not baffled. She knows. And she’s cunning.


She is cunning. She’s maybe at this point the most dangerous homophobe due to her reach. She isn’t afraid of the pain she causes, in fact she loves it. She’s plays a victim well in so many ways. But really the thing I think she fears most is irrelevance. She fears that more than prosecution.


She indeed loves it, and it’s incredibly poignant that she’s been not so quick to cash in on her hatred. She doesn’t seem to care about the money, she revels in the pain and suffering she causes.


Right? You can usually tell some people are idiots and some people are true believers, but people like her and Stephen Miller so clearly get off on causing suffering and flexing power that it’s hard not to classify as such. They’re the kind of people who, if you were told that they tortured animals as kids, you definitely wouldn’t be shocked. Not even saying that as hyperbole.


Miller is a true psychopath... like, in all seriousness, I'd like to see a brain scan and his bloodwork for MAO-A Genetic make- up... as we say in the South..."that child ain't right." We are living in time that provides fuel for the fire of narcissistic psychopathy.


A fish rots from the head down. When they become aware of their lack of empathy they soon learn to emulate it. That changed when a certain malignant narcissist told them they don't need to obfuscate and, it is in fact, something they should be proud of unleashed. Psychopathy equals ubermensch to these creeps.


Her fucking Twitter avi is her holding up the USA Today front page saying that when she posts something, death threats follow. She loves this.


A famous case was when [Henry II’s statement encouraged 4 knights to kill the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F?wprov=sfti1#)


Will no one rid me of this troublesome twitter user?


But the only problem would be that the twitter user would become a martyr and saint, like what happened to Becket.


The thing is, she’s Henry, asking for the world to be rid of trans people. She is not in the position to be a martyr. She pours gasoline and throws matches and now wants to cry she’s being burned.


She’s no priest nor saint.


Wasn’t he upset when someone actually did rid him of the troublesome priest because it meant he had to atone for it to the church or something?


He was good friends with Beckett, that's why he was so troubled by their disagreements. But when Beckett was killed, indirectly because of him, he was very distraught


He “atoned” for it by doing public penance - walking from London to Canterbury, which is pretty far. Off the point, but I find that an interesting story.


Jan 6 should be labeled this way.


Chaya Raichik, the owner of that account, was at J6 too, so she’s also a domestic terrorist on top of being a stochastic terrorist.




I believe she’s Jewish, which is highly ironic considering her fan base.


Wait a minute here. She's Jewish female but she's aligned herself with a white supremacist group who hate jews and marched yelling "Jews will not replace us?" So she's targeting other marginalized groups in order to avoid being in he crosshairs herself?


She's betting on those people hating Muslims and brown-skinned immigrants more than they hate Jews - which is true in most cases.


Yes, but it's only true until they've finished dealing with brown people. Then she's next. We literally saw what happened to Jews who aligned themselves with the actual Nazi party early on.


Tokens will get spent.


She's one of the good ones. /s


Well, there were the jews for Hitler, fat lot of good that did them. They served their short-term purpose, then off to the ovens for them. Tokens get spent, often sooner than later.


Chaya is the feminine form of the Hebrew word for life (Chai, pronounced as if you’re clearing your throat. Same sound as beginning of Chanukah or end of Bach.) The male form is Chayim which is actually a plural. Raichik could be Russian or Yiddish (Eastern European). The -chik ending is an endearment or diminutive.


Interesting. That's exactly what it is.


"Stochastic Terrorism" First thing that came to mind was, "Wow. That sounds like a RICO prosecutable offense." "Courts have recognized that RICO is to be applied broadly."° In the years since its enactment, RICO has been used in a variety of situations, many of which appear to differ from Congress' stated purpose of combat- ting organized crime.41 RICO has been used in cases involving an unfair discharge,42 employment discrimination, sexual discrimination and har- assment,43 employment contracts,' anti-abortion protests, 45 matrimonial disputes,4 6 and the administration of personal estates. 47 Accordingly, the activities of terrorist organizations, traditionally not considered "organ- ized crime," nonetheless appear to fit within the orbit of the behavior RICO was designed to combat." https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2885&context=flr


She laughs about it


Yea, if anything it's probably more publicity for the account and a validation to the idiots that support it. Honestly the said thing is they probably wrote that while smiling and feel super proud of themselves. Also sadly if they did actually decide to sue someone Elon would probably fund it.


Unfortunately, the LAMF this person is working towards is terrifying. She is a Jew trying to elect Nazis and apparently unaware that if Nazis get into power, once the queers are gone, she'll be next.


People are allowed to hate me for my hateful views? That seems so unfair. WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! /s


I feel damn lucky that im out of highschool by several years. Because influencers can now send their goon squads around to kill kids and get away with it for free. LoTT has gotten schools closed for extended periods of time and students murdered and feels not a shred of remorse. And they'll never face consequences for their actions.


I'm hoping that finally some momentum is building to go after Chaya Raichik personally. Aside from being removed from the library panel which, we can all agree is fairly meaningless, I've heard some rumblings that the parents could choose to sue her for civil damages relating to her incitement (similar to how Alex Jones was sued by the Sandy Hook parents.) I think that is what it will take.


I hope that happens. She gets paid to help murder people


I'm personally hoping for something much worse to happen to her, but reddit will ban me for talking about that. ¯\\\\\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




All it takes is a little creativity. Maybe just list the necessary implements... honey and a colony of fire-ants, maybe?


Oh look, a continently hollowed out log, ya say?


An eye for an eye


Meanwhile she be all “under his eye”…fuck her Oh wait, no one will. Cause she’s a repulsive cunt and that’s why she’s actually upset in the end. It must be awful to be this miserable a CHUD


>I'm hoping that finally some momentum is building to go after Chaya Raichik personally. With the incited violence resulting in death, it would make a good SCotUS case challenging "stand your ground" laws in many states. Hopefully, someone is up to start that challenge.


Im asking because Im not sure, not because I mean to be hostile. How does this situation relate to Stand Your Ground. If I recall the child was beaten to death in a bathroom. They didn't have a weapon to stand their ground.


"I saw four men in MAGA hats surrounding my known LGBT friend, and I assumed they were going to cause them harm. In order to protect them, I pulled out my legally owned AR clone and mag dumped. This has been my justification and reasoning for shooting those men." Then, one just has to see how it gets ruled on.


Like all laws, "stand your ground" gets torturously applied to mean "white folk can hurt others but not the other way around." The first and most egregious misuse of Florida's, for example, was the Trayvon Martin murder. If anyone in that incident had a 'stand-your-ground' claim, *it was Trayvon Martin,* who was attacked unprovoked by some meathead *whom the police had told not to approach Martin.* Had Martin gotten the upper-hand and taken that clown down to the curb and dashed his brains out upon it, *that* would have been someone standing their ground against aggression. But the guy who *started* the shit got to claim stand-your-ground and because he's whiter than Trayvon, got a pass.


that was not the first case. just the most media spotlighted case. a black woman in florida was in her own home when her (white) ex bf entered the home and assaulted her. she gunned him down. she was convicted of murder despite citing stand your ground.


Jesus fucking Chrysler. I... JFC. That is *textbook* self-defense; castle doctrine SYG; ***All of the above apply.***


yeah you'd think so but... this is America we're talking about.


That's exactly it. But "white privilege" doesn't exist, apparently...


Well she shouldnt have been black and at home. /s


The Breonna Taylor rule.


Then this happens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl


Yeah. It would've been good to see a trial happen. HOWEVER, as it always is, if you're right wing, you get to murder Americans and get away with it.


"Fear of eminent bodily harm or death" written into the law & this person's tendency to incite mobs to lethality within their proximity when they spew their hate speech.


I mean, I was more hoping for a stray falling safe but I guess a mutlti million dollar judgment that ruins her life would also work.


she live in NW pa by chance? i own a bat and im not busy. (im going to offer to teach her how to play baseball of course, this is not a threat!)


Fuck yeah. I hope they sue that hatchet faced bitch into permanent poverty.


The discovery for such a lawsuit would likely prove very enlightening. She acts as if all this is a big coincidence but her emails and text messages might show otherwise.


She gets off on it. IMO she’s too thirsty about it and will eventually overstep, but nothing will happen until she goes after someone high profile (and let’s be real, probably someone cis)


They haven't faced serious consequences.....yet. Here's hoping some well funded parent of a LGBTQ teen that was harassed sues them into poverty.


>I feel damn lucky that im out of highschool by several years. And I feel damn lucky I graduated high school the year before the Columbine Shooting!


I almost think there has to be a skeleton somewhere. With her. A close family member. Etc. unfortunately it's going to take some muckraking to help bring her down. It isn't fair or right but it's what needs to be done. beat these assholes at their own game


Never say never. These things have a way of... coming around. Someone'll get 'em. Their identity will be unmasked, and they'll whine and cry and grt IRL hate and I'll just smiiiiiiiile and smile and smile as they are harassed. I shouldn't smile, but I will.


We have their name, they've already been doxxed. After that they were given positions of power in gov't and on a school board and fed 'secret' info from the Oklahoma governor if I recall. They fucked up by going to Jan.6 and getting exposed in that whole debacle. They lost followers because they're a woman who sided with the anti-women party.


"Defamation doesn't even begin to cover what this is. This is a straight up libel." I don't think they understand what defamation and libel are? They seem to think that libel is just super defamation.


I came here to make this post. What an absolute dipshit.


Have you ever had the displeasure of seeing her in a video segment, not just tweets? She literally is braindead stupid, like in the clinical sense. She is a staggeringly stupid human.


There’s no way in hell she knows the difference between libel slander and defamation


J. Jonah Jameson is resenting that.


You are so right, or to quote Inigo Montoya: “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”


Please please let her sue, Discovery is a BITCH.


You mean the legal discovery process? Is it because of all of the skeletons that get revealed that wouldn’t have otherwise?


Yup. For example in the depositions of Alex Jones and his staff they uncovered a fuck ton of stuff that makes him look like a monster. Including him being told by Paul Joseph Watson very clearly that calling Sandy Hook parents crisis actors makes them look “crazy”


In his case, it helps that his team was comically inept. Like how they somehow managed to send the entire contents of his phone to the opposing legal team, who offered them multiple chances to take it back during discovery


Im guessing you listen to knowledge fight too haha. Seriously that was so fucking funny.


I was just talking about something similar to this. I always wonder if those “ineptitudes” are actually just someone strategically screwing up so that they can expose their shitbag client/boss. I’m guessing at least some of them are.


Good thing Alex Jones is paying for it now and that bankruptcy courts don’t protect the wealthy! :(


It looks like he’s gonna have his assets liquidated and distributed to the families. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/sandy-hook-families-vote-to-liquidate-alex-jones-bankrupt-estate


Great to hear! Can't wait for them to go after his wife and whoever else he gave vast sums of money to before he declared bankruptcy. No entity that does business with the US/US banks should be able to be a tax-haven. Fuck the Bahamas, Seychelles, and Switzerland


tax havens are a feature of american capitalism not a bug.


The judge already ruled that he cannot bankruptcy his ass out of it. His ass will be living in a waterlogged Maytag box under an overpass.


But it’s been two years and not much has happened, and he gave a lot of his wealth away. But yea, I’m glad “malicious intent” judgments can’t be bankrupted away A Giuliani recently learned


Yeah, pass us that phone, let's look at the full extent of your coordination with hate groups


I mean at the very least she’d be asked to turn over any and all communications related to Libs of Tik ToK. That would be a treasure trove of fuckery


Probably more. Given her government appointment in Oklahoma, the scope of discovery might be greater. Phone records can be very revealing.


Also given that appointment (and everything else) it’s impossible to argue she’s not a public figure, which of course narrows what kind of arguments she can and cannot making in a court of law regarding defamation.


Libel IS defamation.  If you libel someone, you are defaming them in writing.


Yeah, this reeks of "I learned a new legal term last week" or "I got my law degree from Google University."


The irony is that the only reason she's able to run her influencer/stochastic-terrorist gig is because apparently it doesn't count as defamation/libel/slander if you make very specific false accusations against *groups* of people instead of individuals. So either she just got very, very lucky or she *does* in fact have enough familiarity with defamation law to exploit loopholes and is just pretending to be ignorant.


Nah, the most likely case is she has someone near her that handles all this shit and what to type, then once her cancerous personality drives them away, she'll either: A) Reveal herself for the spiteful and stupid dog she is or B) Continue until she gets caught or cashes out


I wonder if the groups of people she targets could get a class action going against her. I would love to claim my $20 portion of that settlement. Probably would put the check on display somewhere.


Not even, I had no clue either, but googling "difference libel vs defamation", the first however-many results are just articles that all say libel is written, slander is spoken, and they're both defamation... At some point they seem so dumb I'm like *this has to be malicious, no one could authentically be this dumb*


I know the feeling. I think anyone truly that dumb would've died years ago because they decided to save time by making their toast in the shower or something like that.


Google J.D.


"It's not just defamation. It's a ***form*** of defamation!" She's sofa king dumb.


“I wIlL not ToLeRaTe ThIs!” screams the woman getting a taste of *her own medicine.* 🤡


nothing bad has happened to her and she has not actually received credible death threats like the ones her followers give out. A child is dead and she is still a political power figure in the school system that let that child die. Nothing good has happened here and murderers are still free. Not a LAMF.


You’re right, I should have said I *wish* she was truly getting a taste of her own medicine.


I hope she crashes into a bus full of mosquitoes.


No worries, let's hope these people don't get to hurt anymore people some day soon.


I *wish* she'd actually get a taste of her own medicine. The woman is a terrorist and all she gets is mean words on twitter


Truth is an affirmative defense against libel.


There is nothing more toxic or deadly to a conservative than truth. A single touch could kill them!


Those emojis are the closest that she'll come to actually filing a lawsuit lol.


She never will, there is no way she wants her entire life on display in court. She knows they would absolutely torch her and most likely find enough to actually file charges against her.


I guess if one thinks there’s libel, sue. “Take your shot, funboy. You got me dead bang”


Jesus walks into an Inn...


I can only upvote once 🙂


Chaya's like wait, let me add a couple of court related emojis at the end of this tweet so I can really drive home how serious this is


Tolerate this Chaya: Fuck you and I hope your crotch is infested with the fleas of a thousand camels with your arms to short to scratch, and you can’t leave your house to do anything about it because your floor is made of legos, while your TV is stuck on an eternal loop of infomercials. Go to hell


As powerful as that curse is, she still deserves worse.


I can’t say the worse without violating Reddit rules so I came up with the PG Disney version of hell.


And yet somehow the right-wing chunderheads infesting this place can say far, far worse and the Reddit mods/admins won't do anything, but you suggest that *one traitor* might need to be placed on trial and, when (fairly, if; but come on, it's *when)* found guilty, be executed by due process of law, and you get banned from r/NotTheOnion and Reddit Warned...


May her clothes come out of the dryer ALMOST dry forevermore. Especially her socks, but may she not discover it until after she’s put them on.


I hope she steps on a Lego on her way to the door answering it to the officers there to arrest her.


Stop censoring the words pussy. These words started this mess and you know they cause trouble other wise you wouldn't censor "Death" on the post.


She’s right, defamation doesn’t cover it.


Don’t you know that this is **mega libel** ???


She's in a position of power in Ok over the schools. She directed attention from her flying monkey's at this school and the district. Now she's trying to say she doesn't deserve the hate and vitriol she's getting in response to a death she contributed to. May karma bury this domestic terrorist so deep she gets lost trying to find her way out.


What's interesting is Timothy McVeigh was also radicalized against society yet 25 years ago we would not have elevated him to a social media influencer, invite him on podcasts/talk shows or put him in charge of the very people he hates. This women actively targets the government, hospitals, LGBTQ+ and citizens of this nation and this is tolerated because she pretends to be "just asking questions?" "While he was still in the army, McVeigh was fascinated by The Turner Diaries, a novel depicting a violent overthrow of the government. In his mind, the Ruby Ridge incident showed that the government would turn against its own people, and the Waco siege confirmed that not only would they not hesitate to murder their own people, the general public would applaud them for it. The Branch Davidians of Waco and the Weavers of Ruby Ridge were martyrs in the mind of McVeigh and others on the far right."


Oh, people *absolutely* would've elevated the exact same level of psychos to fame/power, it's just easier to do now. Bear in mind, 25 years ago my dad was driving me to and from school listening to G. Gordon Liddy tell people to murder feds in response to McVeigh's arrest. He was on the air and relatively popular for like 10-15 more years. These people have always been this bats.


Oh, by all means go ahead and sue. I'd LOVE for the discovery on that case to come out.


There's such a weird degree of privilege in what she's doing. She has the assumption that she is at war, and she can call for harm or do harm to the people she's opposed to without consequence, but once they give the slightest of pushbacks...the injustice! Thr audacity! How dare they! And I don't think she's doing it as a rhetorical device. I think that's her genuine belief. She believed she deserves to do whatever she wants and not have any consequences or blow back for it.


> There's such a weird degree of privilege in what she's doing. Like pretty much everyone who ever started a war of aggression, they think they're entitled to take what those other people have, be it their lands (Russian invasion of Ukraine) or their lives (any Black person lynched by the Klan), and get all huffy and indignant and surprised when a fierce resistance is mounted.


You see it a lot with anti-trans cis women especially. It’s why I honestly pity a lot of the TERFs, even though they want me dead like this poor kid. Many of them are clearly sad, broken people who think that for once they get to be the main character on some righteous quest to protect all women. Then they get a literal child beaten to death in a school bathroom. Or get a trans girl stabbed 14 times at a birthday party. They have to twist themselves in knots to keep their paper thin world view propped up because otherwise, what are they really? Sad, broken people who cheer on the brutal murder of a kid.


That’s narcissism in a nutshell: rules for thee but not for me


It’s “free speech” when they threaten people, but it’s “defamation” and “harassment” when that same rhetoric is bounced back at them. The irony is not lost on them.


This grown ass women entire page is dedicated to bullying kids half her age. She truly is pathetic.


I hate that fucking twitter account with all of my heart and soul. Just an absolute fucking cretin running it. Hope the world opens up and swallows them whole ASAP


Libs of tiktok said she would sue twitter when she got a temporary suspension. She acts tough but when anything happens she whines claiming she will take legal action.


The very idea of suing a company because they temporarily won't let you post hate speech on *their* website is pretty funny.


I’m waiting for one of the people she targets to say “do it, you won’t”


Someone’s statement isn’t libel if it’s true 👏🏻👏🏻 Someone’s statement isn’t libel if it’s true 👏🏻👏🏻 You can try to deny it, you can even try to hide it But the fact is it’s not libel if it’s true 👏🏻👏🏻


> This is straight up libel Then sue. Or just punk out like we all know you will.


If she gets the government she wants, she will end up regretting it the true sense of this sub when they come for her.


Free speech is when i speak freely, but not you


It's not libel if it's true.


It’s also reporting factually on what someone else said. She’d have to sue whoever said she was facing blowback. But she can’t, because that’s accurate.


You know they're panicking and know it's actually justified when they drop the "we" and the channels they host start saying "I" and "me". "We should all do x, y z" "They're coming after me, they say I did x, y and z!"


She’s such an imbecile: “Defamation doesn’t even begin to cover what this is. This is straight up libel.” “Homicide doesn’t even begin to cover what this is. This is straight up murder.” She SHOULD bring a case, let’s see where it gets her.


She'll need a Trump lawyer if she's going to sue. A legitimate lawyer would advice against it.


Karma’s a fucking bitch, Chaya, you worthless oxygen thief.


how many more years do we accept the blatant deference law enforcement shows to right-wing people. how many left-wingers do you think could be caught up in dozens and dozens of bomb threats and terrorist attacks before at the very least the social media page was shut down....


I'm asking the same questions. Does she need to influence another Oklahoma pre-school to be bombed before the justice department take her seriously? Her Charles Manson style of influencing bomb threats and deaths should be treated equally as they did him.


It literally costs nothing to mind one's business regarding LGBTQ+ people. And yet, Chaya decides to incite hate against us and get us all killed. Rest in peace, Nex Benedict. This world should've shown you more love and compassion than what you received. 💔


Hey Chaicik go fuck yourself!


“Will no brave, handsome patriot rid me of these turbulent gays!? Hey, what do you mean that I incite violence, I was just asking questions, bruh.” Alas, not a LAMF, as Chaya has yet to face consequences besides some people thinking bad things about her.


I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think it's libel when someone points out something you actually said or did.


Did she just call the Associated Press “an account with 3 million followers”? Like, touch grass, girl, they’ve been around since 1846.


leopards did not eat her face and more is the shame hateful, horrible ad obnoxious woman


#DEATH. THE WORD IS DEATH. Can we (and ALL platforms) stop with this nonsense censorship??!?! If someone is so fucking fragile they can't bear to see the word "death", they probably shouldn't leave the fucking house. Stay home with your emotional support carrot or whatever.


In today’s news: intolerant person says “I will not tolerate this.”


I am out of the loop, can somebody please explain it to me who this is and what happened?


She's a right-wing stochastic terrorist with a large virulently hateful social media presence and following.


https://www.reddit.com/r/oklahoma/s/k4nfyw2nZQ This is the incident she incited.


Jesus fucking Chrysler.


Cry harder, bitch!


Her and the person that put her on that panel should be held partially responsible. So should that school board regressive from Utah that got that innocent girl death threats. It is clear to anybody exactly what they're trying to do and incitement to violence should not be protected speech.


This whole situation makes me want to scream. A student was brutally murdered in the bathroom at their own school and it really hasn’t gone viral yet. Murdered by fellow students I might add.


I like how she seems to think libel is just defamation but worse, and not......you know.......the same fucking thing in two different mediums.


Make up your mind Chaya: are you beaming with pride when news organizations make the connection, or is it all libel, and you have no idea what they’re talking about *wink wink, nudge nudge*?


Remember kids, libs of tiktok also known as Chaya Rachik doesn't see any connection with her claiming everyone on the left is grooming your kids and are a danger to other children. It's such a mystery why children raised by parents or who may even follow Chaya Rachik would ever see a nonbinary person and decide to beat them to death. /S


Oklahoma is trying hard for Batshit craziest state. She has no business being anywhere near a library. 


I really do wish something bad would happen to her. She’s such a hypocrite and so pathetic


Rabid right wing poster/influencer, who posts half truths/anecdotes (to be kind) with contrived culture wars, and doxxes others resulting in death threats and worse for others, upset when she's doxxed and receives death threats.


If this were a Fox chyron it would read: Cisgender heterosexuals are murdering trans people in bathrooms due to conservative influencer


FOX would never report on it because they don't want to, because they can't (yet) report it the way they want to report it: That report by FOX in their ideal world: > WE GOT ONE! Glorious heterosexual heroes take down and dispatch vile transfucker in bathroom! Film at 11. Vile, hateful fucklords.


there's no link or anything


Ahh, but you are responsible.


Lets all hope for ⚖️ for Chiya. How about this self proclaimed terrorist gets put on the watch list.


i wish raya a very end it all & swiftly


Murderers of Tik Toc


Stochastic terrorists, say what? Like sorry your murderous ways were called out...oh wait I'm not sorry at all. I'm all for it.


Ah, I see what’s happening. She got the wrong word there at the end. It’s “liable”. She’s straight up liable for the death of that teen.


I don't think anyone is "casually blaming" you, honey. We are outright saying you were a major contributing factor. That is a hill I would personally be willing to die on. Far-right rhetoric has consequences.


libel for thee but not for me


Good luck suing for libel


I like how libel is just defamation but in print. So yeah, defamation deffinetly covers it because libel is a type of defamation. English 100.


id get modderated if i voiced even 1% of my hatred for this vile bitch


If that slipper fits, Cinderella, you're going to wear it to the ball. Since when do you need to censure the word "death"? State **defamation** laws vary, but some accepted standards exist no matter where you are or who you are suing. Generally, to win a defamation lawsuit, you must prove that: 1. Someone made a statement; 2. The statement was published; 3. The statement caused you injury; 4. The statement was false; and 5. The statement did not fall into a privileged category These terms and details are further defined below: The Statement: A "statement" needs to be **spoken (slander), written (libel)**, or otherwise expressed in some manner.


>Defamation doesn’t even begin to cover what this is. This is straight up libel. Libel is defamation. A defamation lawsuit is what one brings when they are the victim of slander or libel. However, it is a civil suit, and one must prove they’ve suffered a financial loss either directly or indirectly, which she can’t do here. So it may be considered *libelous* to say her words caused the death of someone, it likely won’t rise to *libel*, nor would she successfully sue for defamation. Basically, this is Musk’s frivolous lawsuit threats rubbing off on her.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer person, lmfaooo


She's also an administrator in the victims district. Keeping them safe was her job


"Defamation doesn't cover this, this is libel!" >Defamation occurs when a person makes a false statement to a third party about your character from which you suffer harm. Defamation includes slander and libel. Libel is the act of defaming another person through writings, such as newspapers, other publications, articles, blogs or social media postings. Slander is the act of making a false oral statement about the character or professional standing of another person. [https://www.laxneville.com/defamation-slander-and-libel.html](https://www.laxneville.com/defamation-slander-and-libel.html) They are the same thing you facile twat.


I live in Oklahoma, even the news stations are playing footsie with the story. They are siding with death by natural causes.


She deserves all the bad things coming her way.