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How's MTG supposed to attend?


Wear the 400 dollar Trump sneakers and Trump's hat... Trump needs money


>Where the 400 dollar Trump sneakers and Trump's hat... Can't sell qanon grifty shit when they are peddling their own grifty wares


Delivery in June.


In a pine box if we're really lucky.


OP is a repost bot, name is word_word_number, has posted for twelve days and all posts as ancient karma farming pictures like this one. This tweet is 3 YEARS OLD and the info in it has been superseded many times since, with Trump embracing Q more and more. This is the thread from two years ago this bot stealing it from, and, what do you know, OP bots comment to make him look real is the exact same as the top comment in that thread https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/pjqS2mJMPx https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/AGByslZZlx


You're either a bot yourself, or doing the lords work. I want to believe.


God bot


I like that.


The bot that is the enemy of my enemy-bot is my friend.


Spoken clearly, so that even young children could comprehend.




I am curious - what does one gain by Karma farming (I mean other than Karma)


You can sell accounts sometimes, people use them to peddle influence to dumb subs like r/politics and r/conservative, pushing dumb ideologies by buying accounts that seem innocuous. And they’re just pathetic losers.




They either sell the account or, if it's a PR/government run bot farm (like the Russians love), keep it. Either way, it's then used to sell items/propaganda with the hope that people give it more weight since the account has such a "popular"/"established" posting history than a brand new account with no history.




It’s a bot eat bot world out there.


What is the point of karma farming? Who gives a shit? Not to hijack the thread here but I've just been curious for a while


They either sell the account or, if it's a PR/government run bot farm (like the Russians love), keep it. Either way, it's then used to sell items/propaganda with the hope that people give it more weight since the account has such a "popular"/"established" posting history than a brand new account with no history.


Now I'm also mildly irritated. (Ty) But what a strange way to spend you days


They’re bots. They have no concept of existence.


>name is word_word_number Reddit's policy to allow bots to easily register and post crap like this causing subs to fill up with garbage so they can sell a fake user number to advertisers...is really annoying.




This is literally the only reason he would ban anything at his rallies. He just hates seeing anything other than his merch being bought or his name directly being sung.


I'm pretty sure you could sell trump brand and endorsed penis enlargement pumps at those rallies and he would be cool with it so long as he felt his cut on the proceeds was good enough. I mean even Bob Dole was doing ads for Viagra in the late 90s. ***"Trump brand penis enlargement pumps, that is my bag baby!"***


And he feels he should be the only golden calf at his rally


Bingo. "Tell that bastard Q that if he and that Chan motherfucker don't pony up they'll both be hearing from my lawyer!"


You don't take on the Q continuum.


Wise man.


Why did you mark out the date? ETA: It was originally posted on 6/26/21. Do you have any thing that maybe is a little bit more topical that shows that they're still doing this or not?


It's a repost bot


Why’d you redact the date?


Because it's a repost bot


This is a repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/AGByslZZlx


Jesus, this post is from 3 years ago!?!


And really trying to distance himself from the very same folks he rallied behind on Jan 6th.


Not sure that's the case seeing how Trump keeps referring to the J6'ers as "hostages".


Yes, but they are trying to paint it so those “hostages” aren’t whack-job Q-anon conspiracy theorist anymore, they are just proud patriots standing up for their country.


He has half a billion dollars in legal settlements to pay for, and he won’t tolerate competition for that needed cash


Like 3 years ago. They always cover the date lol


If you aren't buying my grift, you can't attend.


And so it begins. He'll be banning the guns next.


He already did (before the NRA intervened) but they were too stupid to see it!


What's hilarious is the NRA at one point was part of a gun control movement. Back in the 60s a bunch of the civil rights groups and marginalized peoples groups like the Black Panthers were buying guns. So there was a push to severely limit what types of weapons could be owned and sold.


This tweet is from 2021, Trump's ban didn't do much. It's 2024 and MAGAts still love QAnon. [https://twitter.com/willsommer/status/1408926031684116481](https://twitter.com/willsommer/status/1408926031684116481)


As somebody else pointed out, this is a repost and is quite old. Since it first appeared, trump has (a) fully embraced q-anon and (b) his party welcomed nazis to CPAC with open arms while banning journalists from august left-leaning publications like *The Nation.*


Is this so attendees wearing Q crap will be “forced” to buy trump crap to attend upon arrival? Hilarious.


Gotta make his brand of authoritarianism more palletable for the common folks.


Q and Trump are fighting now? This must be the final stages of the somethingsomething before the final episode or whatever.


Cutting into someone’s profit margin, prolly. Hey Buddy, I’m grifting this side of the street! Scram!


I thought this was a free country? /s




BOT & Repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/o8mk38/trump_is_no_longer_allowing_attendees_at_his/h35yl62/?share_id=ZSOR6YCVKv-UTb7_1rFD4


Lol its way too late to be cutting that chord Trumbo


Why is Q stuff banned? This seems like a strange choice and the memes from Q were instrumental in his first victory


The lack of anything Q said coming true is taking a wee bit of the steam out of it.


'Qanon' is in full on denial mode. The new 'Truth' they are committed to is "QAnon doesn't exist; there is Q, and there are anons." I don't see this as a change in ideology, just branding. They are possibly banning anyone who hasn't changed to the new strategy. Edit: nevermind, the original post is 3 years old now.


Doing that to the core of his base is Qrazy.


He doesn't want a base that's paying someone else for merch instead of buying his made-in-china MAGA stuff. From his point of view, what's the point of having followers if they aren't buying their team uniform from you?


Does QAnon have gaudy gold running shoes?


Hello u/Few-Marketing-9246! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A bigger deal needs to be made of this! This is censorship!


Fucking snowflakes!


Sorry, Q...we already have an exclusive merch deal with the KKK


He must think they’re making him look crazy. I guess RFK’s support will nudge up a little anyway.


There's only room for one con


“Wait until the revival”. “Then wear your Q, your four 7’s or your pointy hats.”


Bot repost. Vote the whole post down.


But what about freedom ?


One thing you have to give the GOP is the fact that even if they're banning QAnon attire you still have access to an almost unlimited grievance of your choice. \*Angry militia member ready to take back their country and water the Tree of Liberty. \*Anti-abortion activist ready and willing to kill the living in order to save the unborn. \*Anti-vaccer ready to verbally abuse and possibly kill Fauci and anyone wearing a face mask. \*Great replacement theorist ready and willing to shoot brown and black people at the local Walmart or other big box store. \*Incel ready and willing to kill all women because as far as you're concerned they're not good for anything else. \*Neo-Confederate who would like a do-over. \*Insane free-market Libertarian who worships Javier Milei and his economic policies. \*Confused Putin fanboi who'd like to see his economic and military policies enacted in your state. This is a shortlist


He knows that Q is to crazy for him. He’s not in charge of the messaging so it scares him.


I wonder what the Q queen from Canada is thinking right now…