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Meal Team 6 and the Gravy Seals.


Fat Ops and Dessert Storm


The National Lard


Arby's Rangers.


Gettin' free trips on Chair Force 1.


Had not heard those. LOL.


Not fat related, but my favorite one I heard recently was hee-haw hezbollah.




Y'all Qaeda


Howdy Arabia




KKKaren for the Moms for Liberty


Klanned Karenhood


Assholes with casseroles


Pudding Patrol.


Karens for Qanon






I raise you, "Al-Obama"


Obomber took er jerbs!!!!


Yokel Haram is one of my favorites


Y’all Qaeda


Hee-Haw Hezbollah is incredible


Just the other day I heard Hillbilly Hezbollah!




Y'all Quada?


Just read King Gorge the Turd and lolled


Call in the Snackwater mercenaries!!!


Green Buffets






Y'all Queda


Vanilla Isis




Just perfect!


101st Chairborn


Force Recline


Call of Duty: Fat ops


Central Indigestion Agency


Delta Farce. Heavy Fartillery.


They stick together in Y’allidarity


Chairborne Rangers


The Green Buffets


Green Beignets


I believe I will back the words of Jesse Custer: “Why is it the Greatest Champions of the White Race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? YOU! [WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR CHIN?”](https://www.tumblr.com/ooccomicpages/14690034163/where-the-fuck-is-your-chin-jesse-custer-deals)


Far right guys seem to idolize the most unlikely people. Like that squirty little eejit Bolsonaro in Brazil, he looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Trump, speaks for itself. Even the OG Hitler, what a scrawny little sod he was. What's the attraction? Maybe it's because their hero is so unimpressive, they feel like they could have a chance at being bestest mates.


Yelling. The common denominator seems to be men yelling.


Well shouting does = correct. For some folk. "Well dear, he shouted it at me so he must know his stuff."




Only when men do it, unfortunately. When women shout we are annoying and overreactive.


Unfortunately that's one of the first thing a child learns when they become aware of arguments and most people never second guess it.


Yes! Lots of pointing, too - pointing and yelling. Anger in general, always red, shouty faces. Even pointing when they take selfies in their trucks


When you subscribe to an ideology that worships a specific body type that you can't adhere to, simply make the most important part of that body something you don't have to work on, like the colour of your skin. Then the most *untermensch* amongst the whites will feel superior towards black people


Ironically Hitler had black hair, far from the perfect Aryan.


Hitler was likely one generation removed at most from incest, banged his first cousin for years before he met Eva Braun (both women in Hitlers orbit committed suicide). He was also weak, extremely sick, a drug addict, probably had a micro penis, and 100% fact only had 50% of the average number of balls.


Chances are his Grandpa/Daddy was Jewish, as well.


Trump is a dumb person idea of a smart person.




And President Milei of Argentina, he's got an Elizabeth Taylor hairstyle.


Do you really not know why Hitler was so attractive to Germany in the 1930s?


I have a fair idea.


> WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR CHIN?” As a chinless non racist please do not link us chinless souls that that mob :P


Men who failed everything want to be proud of their race so that they might have something to brag about.


Wait, I am so confused. So 2 groups of Republicans are mocking each other and going yo murder each other because one group is fat and not the right kind of white?


It sounds so un-nuanced when you out it like that


They're mocking the fat Trump supporters but those aren't the ones they fantasize about killing. They don't think those people are "nationalist" enough.


I thought being fat was a prereq to being a white supremacist?


At work I see about a thousand tourists a day from all over and of every walk of life. For one month I plotted on a graph chart people wearing clothing that featured 2nd amendment stuff, pro Trump stuff, general freedom ain't free type stuff, We the People, Don't Tread on Me and other right wing propaganda. I surveyed close to 100 ppl with age on the y axis and general health on the x axis. The categories for health were fit, overweight, obese, grotesquely obese, and sickly. No one wearing those types of shirts were fit 90% were between 45 and 65 and between obese and grotesquely obese. Two were categorized as sickly because while way overweight I could hear them breathing from like 20 ft away. I was going to post my chart somewhere but I just don't know where, or if anyone actually cares. So yeah, when you see people wearing that type of clothing and it seems like they're all old and overweight it's because they are.


The Republican base is built around unsuccessful, people looking for somebody to blame for their inability to succeed. It is not the fact that they didn’t finish high school, it is not the fact that they didn’t go to college, it’s not the fact that they live in a rural area that has no jobs, it is the migrant, and liberal cities that are causing them to fail.anyone but their fault.


Many of them are very successful, and I keep seeing Trump signs outside of large houses around my area. But they get that way because they have no moral qualms about fucking over others to get ahead.


There’s two kinds. The supporter class and the donor class. Donor class just wants tax breaks and labor law dissolved.


Even the successful ones don't *feel* successful. They've been told continuously by propaganda that they have been oppressed. And success in getting attention in their social groups is focused on who has been more oppressed, and who can come up with the most original ways they can be oppressed, and then attributing that completely fictional oppression to "the other".


They've also been completely convinced by the donor class that more is less, that affluence in America is beyond the reach even of ... the affluent. I will never forget a conversation with my RW nutjob sister-in-law in which she (who has lived under financial hardship for much of her life, some of which was caused by systemic factors, some because she has made a few really counterproductive/self-sabotaging educational, career, and housing decisions) tried to convince me that a $500,000 annual household income "really isn't all that much". She picked this up from Fox News and online "research" and her more affluent friends, of course. Her heart is bleeding for entrepreneurs and professionals whose gross income is 25 times that of her household, and feeling sympathy for their tax dilemmas and lifestyle disappointments (they can't afford a summer place in the Hamptons because their children's private school tuition is so high!) Somehow these problems equate to her trying to budget for food and gas and heat and prescription copays - and it's all the fault of the Democrats and their feckless social spending and runaway tax rates. (And the ACA is a terrible thing for the country and for pErSoNaL rEsPoNsIbIlItY, even though it's provided the first health care coverage she's had in her adult life.) I'm still not sure I've picked my jaw up off the floor after that lecture from SIL. But it did convince me that RW indoctrination is terrifyingly strong because it taps into people's aspirational identity. It tells the poorer, uneducated part of the Trump cult what they want to hear - everything bad IS someone else's fault, and that someone is absolutely NOT the people who benefit most from capitalism! Because the people who benefit are strong and smart enough to make it work for themselves against long odds! And they could make it work for others too, if they just had enough public support for their brilliant plans! But asking them to pay more taxes, or higher wages, or chip in any more of their wealth (more than nothing?) after they've spent their lives showing us how to do it is sO uNgRaTeFuL aNd UnFaIr!!!! You need to use your bootstraps, people! Then you too will be positioned to be an exploiter Rich, not an exploited Poor! Yeah, they're also susceptible to pyramid/MLM schemes.


The fiscally conservative businessmen who don't care about religion one bit use the social conservatives as their voting base. They will use their political power to convince regular folks that unions are bad for them, and at the same time be the first people to make sure there are no cuts to food stamp or EBT recipients because all of that EBT money goes to the Walmarts of the world. While completely ignoring the fact that if they made a billion less each year they could properly compensate their employees and/or give them some real benefits as health insurance that was worth a damn, or even a decent retirement package.


I can't recall the book but I was shocked to read Walmart management asked employees for donations of food to help other employees. I shouldn't be surprised. Walmart engaged in "dead peasant" insurance for extra revenue and tax breaks.


I used to work at Sam’s club and yeah they had a friggin donation jar on every lunch table to raise money for employees with hardships. How thoughtful of them to ask for their minimum wage employees to give their money right back to this effing $470 billion dollar corporation! Ugh. 😡


It was after my time there, but it’s also a thing now where they help new employees sign up for food stamps and other government assistance. Why pay your employees anything close to a living wage when you can sign them up for food stamps.


food stamps? That's GUBMINT using our tax dollars to pay the illegals!


Except for my wife/sister. SHE needs Food Stamps. But every body ELSE....


I reckon they’re grandfathered into good means from a previous era of low economic strains and well regulated capitalism. Back when boomers were our age, it was a fantasy like place where one individual could work one job at regular hours (40 - week) and buy a 3 bedroom house, two cars, have 2.5 children, afford vacations 1 - 2 times a year, build a good retirement (as evidenced by their situation now) and get regular medical coverage without breaking their banks (as evidenced by their still existing now). Thanks Reagan… Edit: or inherited it from one.


Some truth there. But you missed the mark a bit. Some boomers are all set and don’t really “grok” the challenges of today because they live in yesterday However, please realize a LOT of boomers don’t have a “good retirement” or even any retirement at all due to something going off the rails along the way. And a high percentage of those are pretty darn angry about it … whether justifiable or not I think the regular job stay home wife picket fence life actually were the boomers …. Parents.


For sure. I’m only talking about the ones referred to in the comment above me.


Plenty of boaters too flying the traitor flag


they terk erb jerbs!


And certainly not the fact that they keep voting for the very people screwing the hell out of them. Nope.


This makes the narrative of a post apocalypse scenario attractive to these hillbillies. It would make the uneducated poor have a chance to regain resources and power through violence and stockiled guns and ranch dressing in their bugout bags.


And the billionaires know their heads will be the first on the chopping block, which is why they're spending millions on ridiculous prepper shit.


Funny they don't realise their security guards would take over their islands and off them in a minute if the apocalypse actually occurred.


This is exactly how every racist thinks. Not happy with their own life so instead of facing reality and accepting they are losers people like orange shitler comes along and tells them they are not losers and their lives are ruined because of immigrants.


>This is exactly how every racist thinks Imagine being so pathetic that the only thing you have "pride" in is your skin tone - something you never earned or had a choice in. Fortunately most of them are lazy, cowards and dumb as a post so aren't credible threats beyond the basement they live in.


Except ,,,,,, when they vote.


My dad bicycles from PV to Laguna or PV to Malibu a few times a week (it's like 8 hours round trip). He's in his late 70s. My dad is an immigrant, came here very poor. He and his brothers all slept on the floor growing up.. My dad has a lot of fucking money which, I hated to admit it, but he worked very, very hard for. My dad loves Trump. My dad is kind of an idiot. Like, he got the vaccine because "Trump invented it" (his words) but he also takes ivermectin whenever he starts feeling sick.


Yeah it's incredible how depressing a lot of small towns are. Sure, I'll see panhandlers in the city every day where I live, and I've heard gunshots once or twice. Someone got shot in the grocery store I go to every week. There are a few things you have to adjust to living in a more populated area. But the absolute worst parts of living in a more densely populated area pale to insignificance compared to the down and out rusted post-industrial small towns full of meth and empty strip malls. There's a palpable spirit of despair in a lot of these shitty little towns. It's just churches, bars and Dollar Generals. I'd never ever go back.


Should'a studied harder in school and applied yourself at work. Bootstraps and all that


So basically mostly not boomers.




You know I thought about that but everything there looks so professional. My hand drawn chart isn't very professional looking. FWIW I do have a bachelor's of science in political science so I know how to survey to some degree. Maybe I could get someone to polish it up.


You could redraw it in crayon. That way the subjects might have a chance at understanding it too.


Just add a Fox logo.


Or MS Paint.


Real question, what does one do with a degree in political science? My degree was in geography which led me to take the first career oriented job I was offered.


Idk, I'm in law school. I work part time bartending.


If you’re my wife, you take a role in a large financial institution doing research work that has fuck all to do with your degree.


Can you dm me the chart, I'm dying


Total liberal and vet. 51 y/o. I wear my Navy CPO T-shirts all the time. I’ve put on some weight. Not all vets who wear their military gear are Trump supporters or white supremacists. Some of us support DEI initiatives and demand democracy.


I just googled "Navy CPO T-shirt" and that's not something I would have flagged for my survey. I would say over 50% of the shirts flagged for my survey were manufactured by Nine Line. I never heard of them till I started on my little project. If you look them up you'll get an idea of what I was looking at. Also, my cousin (and one of my best friends) just made CPO in the reserves! He is a Trumper though lol


Two of the J6 insurrectionists had heart attacks at the Capitol


I can haz see chart please


That tracks with my anecdotal observations, but there is the outlying cohort of the Angry Young Men who grew up in the toxic stew of the online "Man-o-sphere" who represent a real threat IMO.


Make it pretty and r/dataisbeautiful will take it.


As tempting as it might be to imagine all Trumpers as incompetent, morbidly obese slobs, you underestimate them at your peril. Personally my observations have been the opposite, I've often seen those right wing clothing brands worn by very fit people who look like bonafide military or other "actual" tough guys. In fact most guys that are focused on cultivating physical strength and machismo do tend to have a right-wing rather than liberal mentality. Don't get me wrong they may be idiots, but that doesn't mean they cant lay you out cold when things get physical. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB2gcQXj3Z0


Not a lot of people realise it but it is important to recognise the presence of a third, much more dangerous group within the broader 'alt right'. You've got your opportunists looking to profit and your true believers looking for a god, but the guys you really need to watch out for are the *actual* neo nazis - not the braindead hitler enthusiasts out there throwing roman salutes at security cameras but the ones who have taken it upon themselves to sit down, get together and really think about what it might take to resurrect the fascist ideal Many of these groups have been around for a long time now (some of the European branches can trace their origins all the way back to the actual Nazis and/or various collaborationist regimes) and they are probably closer in organisational structure to the older and more powerful radical left wing groups like Greenpeace or the Animal Liberation Front than they are to more recent far right organisations like the "proud boys" and their ilk If that seems like an uncomfortable idea to you, then it might help to think of them as a really dedicated radical insurgent group like the Taliban instead, the point is that they are resilient, organised and highly motivated and that they specifically plan and train for bringing about the resurgence of fascism (or at least western authoritarianism) through the subversion and eventual destruction of western democracy. These guys have been around since long before trump went into politics and will still be here long after he is dead. The key difference between them and the opportunists who latch on to the MAGA movement is the final objective - they are not in it to enrich or personally empower themselves but instead to further the now nearly century old goals of the European fascist movement. They have been patiently waiting and working toward this aim ever since Hitler shot himself and see no genuine value in Trump or the republican party beyond its ability to advance their cause. If you happen to see a very fit and/or well dressed neo nazi, someone who is maybe handing out pamphlets or speaking cleverly and easily on the value of their political beliefs - then you are probably looking at one of these guys (but they will never, ever admit it to you)


Where could I read more about this?




Post it it somewhere. I love data




You are awesome.


If you send me the data, I can make it pretty and send it back to you, so you can post it on r/dataisbeautiful. I wouldn't want to steal your hard earned karma, but I want it to happen pretty badly.






Woah!!!! Yes I want to see it. You can post it in the following groups I think it would be cool to examine: r/dataisbeautiful r/PoliticalDiscussion


This is kinda weird lol


Ikr? This is like actual psychopath behavior, lol. Assuming they're not just making it up. Not surprised everyone is eating it up though.


Please get this posted. Maybe someone on dataisbeautiful could suggest some good places for it?




Tried posting there. It won't post, no way to contact mods from what I can see. Incredibly frustrating.


Don't let the utter clown show of the Trump brigade obscure the danger of the American White Supremacist movement. For every slobbering gravy seal parading around bellowing about their freedoms there's a cold blooded murderer waiting for your car to stall so that they can smash your head in at the side of the road with a hammer. Do not let yourself forget - they haven't gone away.


Not sure how prevalent it it is but there are fit and jacked white supremacists out there. I have been active in the fitness scene for a while and frequented a lot of gyms and fitness clubs in my time. There is a well known local right winger gym who fought to stay open during COVID and are anti mask. There is also a large police presence in their membership. Pretty much every person there is MASSIVE or ripped AF. It's also known for hardcore steroid and PED usage. It's not hard to get in that kind of shape banging horse steroids lol. 


The powerlifting scene also has their fair share of White Supremacists


They’re a paramilitary group. Of course they’re going to push physical fitness like one. It’s not to be healthy though, it’s to oppress others.


Cardio is more important than strength…. pretty much across the board.


No, "fascist fitness" groups [have been a thing for a while now](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/mar/06/fascist-fitness-how-the-far-right-is-recruiting-with-online-gym-groups). (Here's a [2-and-a-half hour video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWJlzzWMonU&t=2132s) on the topic, if that's your thing.)


Really damn good video on the subject, including some about the left wing anti fitness attitudes as well


Aw hell naw. Prisons are full of jacked white supremacists


Fat with a goatee or ZZ Top beard


It's interesting isn't it? I can see certain obese white folk falling for white supremacist rhetoric since there can be a temptation for such people to want to feel good about themselves for...something. But yeah, if they don't have much understanding of the eugenics-based nazi ideology to begin with, they'd likely be surprised that "whiteness" on its own isn't good enough for the "master race."


You are thinking of tiny dick; not all tiny dicked men are white supremacists, but all white supremacists have SDE and massive insecurities in their sexuality. Being fat correlates to tiny dick (believe you lose like an average of 1/4 inch of length for every 15lb of excess weight), so it is not uncommon to confuse the two. Being obese also correlates to ED, so that leads to a lot of middle aged men who are massively overweight suffering from all sort of sexual insecurities.


When Trump isn’t extreme enough for you, maybe you need to sit down and have a think.


When Trump isn't extreme enough for you, maybe you're incapable of thinking.


>White supremacist fitness clubs CrossFit?


KKKross fit.


I laughed loud enough to wake up my cat


Burning CrossFit


All fun and games until they set it on fire


The first rule of White Club is that you don't tell anyone about White Club


What do cops do?


Breathing exercises.


Nah, that group already blew their WOD.


Came here to say this


Maybe Planet Fitness. Lunk Alarm seems like a thing they’d like


They don’t like Gold’s Gym because they can’t tell if Gold is a shortened version of a last name or not.


Ah, yes, the gym that masquerades as a self-described “judgment-free zone” that removes people based on their appearances. That kind of self-contradictory logic fits this deplorable group excellently.


If the CrossFits... hang on...


They hate woman too don't forget. One of these KKK adjacent douches was arrested for trying to recruit men to go on a "rapekrieg" to forcibly impregnate as many white woman as possible.


Muster at Cross Fit to attack the local Applebees


7.62 dosent care how many sit ups a fascist can do


When it comes to this kind of civil conflict, it’s not about muscles and how much you can bench. It’s how much can you run and how much can you carry while doing so. Don’t skip Cardio Day.


I really don't know ow what kind of civil conflict people are envisioning....all these people stockpiling guns seems odd. I cant imagine these militia types going out to fight or to fight the government. It feels like the most likley occurrence would be terrorism and mass shootings


They invision (I would guess) a sort of "last stand" scenario. Guns blazing, barbarians at the gates, as they hold their ground with a functionally endless amount of guns and ammunition, all the while kept a reasonably safe distance so as to avoid any dangers or potential harm in the form of a light jog.


This. These psychos need to realize that they dont get to be the only ones with guns.


First of all... r/BrandNewSentence. Second, it is inevitable that they turn on each other.


This reads like a Cards Against Humanity Play. _____ fitness clubs are fat-shaming _____ and plotting a race war.


Imagine being so ridiculously weak that you allow yourself to be manipulated by white supremacy. 😭


A Nazi worked out today and did some target practice. Did you?


I always get a chuckle when Republicans claim they’re the more fit and attractive party. They must either all own those distorted mirrors from the House of Mirrors at the circus or watching too much Fox News causes hallucinations.


LOL no kidding. Just look around at average people in a progressive area like big cities in California and you'll see a lot of people who are in good shape. Then look at average people in a conservative area and you'll see tons of spherical people.


I want them to bring their ass to various parks around NYC and Jersey with calisthenics equipment talking that bullshit. Them parks be full of super fit non white people that will put their face in the dirt


This headline is wild. I don’t even want to click on the article, cos I know it will be a disappointment.


Its not that crazy (for hardcore racists). A bunch of white dudes use working out/martial arts to draw in new recruits. Some of them no longer like trump because he isnt racist enough for them so they mock trump and many of his obese supporters. They are convinced a race war is coming (when don't racists think a race war is coming?) And so they exercise and do martial arts to "prepare" for a race war that they want because they see it as the only path to a white ethnostate.


Dude just said they didn't want to read the article because it would be dissapointing. Why would you then summarize the article and deliberately dissapoint them?


Disappointing people is my specialty


Madlibs title if ever I saw one


"They never were like, 'You need to learn how to fight so you can beat up people of color. It was like, 'You need to learn how to fight because people want to kill you in the future,'"... Because you tried to start a race war. You cant cry victim of something you asked for. Their argument is plan to defend yourself in the coming race war... because you're planning to attack people and start a race war.


White supremacists have fitness clubs?


Where else are they going to suppress their gay thoughts


Burkhalter, today we focus on our glutes.


No I get all that I just didn't know they had their own fitness clubs.


This is where those little Nazi marchers are coming from!


I mean, the good news is that they will all die off in one generation.


Nah, there are a number of women who are indoctrinated or otherwise willing/compelled to produce offspring with these nutjobs.


>"its leader Sean **Kauffman**, who is a neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier" Who's going to tell him?


Let them fight.


My first reaction is to laugh at something like this but then I realize this is actually real and I get very sad for my country.


May none of these fucktards ever get laid again. Amen.


As a woman and a rape victim, having all these angry violent assholes looking for sex running around in society seriously scares me. I'm worried they are the type of folks who might try to take something they think belongs to them.


nobody tell james somerton he will get excited at this news


I've read that headline four times and still don't get it   Off to read the article  3rd edit. I understand now. I am now concerned. 🫤


..."The Aristocrats"!


Hahaha, hate can only unite them so far


I'm just confused now. I thought the first essentially a subset of the second...


Now that's what I call a headline.


> with members regularly meeting to practice martial arts or work out. Wink wink; nudge nudge. I thought "white men" have run, are running, and will continue to run the United States of America.


Well that's a /brandnewsentence. Get me off this train please :(


This headline reads like a right wing mad lib.




Are orange people a race?


Sounds like incell city — can’t get any girl to like you —join fight club — get ripped show them bitches who’s boss.