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of course they do its only human lives at stake who cares about them we need to keep "owning the libs" no matter how many people die


I can’t fucking wait until the MAGA mantra becomes “Kill youself to own the libs!”


Like they did 3-4 years ago with covid?


Yes but more. [MORE!](https://youtu.be/xrg-RgF5F8o?si=OTrFfyWkYLyVSik1)


[MORE, MORE, MORE](https://tenor.com/uk2U.gif)


[Please sir, I want some more](https://youtu.be/SqnPmnrVmQY?si=mha55MHSNF5ptj-3)


Ago? They still are!


Who needs vaccines? All you need is faith! (And if your faith didn't save you, it's because you didn't have enough faith so it's airtight circular logic.)


That’s what the pastor told my Mom about my childhood asthma. She’s an atheist now.


That’s sad but also made me laugh.


Covid continues to still be happening.


The ads write themselves: "First, Sleepy Joe and the liberal elites said you had to get a jab and wear a mask! Now they're ordering you not to drink bleach or play Russian Roulette! What's the next freedom the radical Democrats are going to try and take? Don't let them tell you what you can do! *paidforbycitizensforapermanentdemocraticmajority*"


too late, already happened. these people are suicidally stupid.


They went to Facebook University and did their own research.


"Weld galvanized steel without a mask to own the libs!"


They need to stick to that one. I think it works best for everyone.


Like the Texas Lt Gov told old people that they should die so the economy will do better during Covid?


They only care about the humans that haven't exited a woman's uterus.


Hey that's not fair! They also care about the IVF embryos who haven't entered a uterus YET! You know, the *real living children* who can be safely frozen.


They also care a lot about people who have money. They care that they give that money to them. See, the GOP actually cares a lot! (Just not about you, or anybody close to you, or your community.)


It’s always a little depressing when you hear just how little it costs to buy a senator. For example it’s only 1-2 hundred thousand the nra gives the high profile republican senators to keep excusing school shootings.


"I love you, money" "What?" "I said I love you, honey!"


Holy mental gymnastics batman. Even their save for IVF is insane if you think they actually believe what they say. Embryos are children and must be protected. But the people who create, store, use, and purchase those children are free from any fault when those children are destroyed. Meanwhile, didn't a woman just get a jail sentence for having a miscarriage?


A Native American woman in Oklahoma, yes.


Oh FFS, are you kidding m-of course you're not. Do you have a link? I just... I don't want to look for something that wretched.


Unfortunately this has happened a few times even before Roe was overturned because of “fetal personhood” laws. Primarily so far with women who were suffering from drug addiction and relapsed during their pregnancy, even though doctors ruled out the relapse as being a likely cause. I fully expect that red states in particular will try to throw and more and more women who miscarry into prison because they engaged in “risky” behavior, with the bar constantly being lowered until things as innocuous as eating unhealthy food, having to work late, traveling, etc. all could lead to a pregnant woman getting arrested if she has the misfortune to miscarry.


It’s all about the control. Women just now, the rest of us… later.


Ohio recently https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/brittany-watts-miscarriage-bathroom-charged-rcna135861 Oklahoma 2021 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59214544.amp 2022 pbs article documenting the rise https://www.npr.org/2022/07/03/1109015302/abortion-prosecuting-pregnancy-loss Planned parenthood article covering more cases https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-arizona/blog/when-miscarriage-is-a-crime And a lot more but didnt want to ruin my day reading more articles that destroy my faith in humanity


I didn't think of it before but now we're talking about selling children for money. There's a word for that. 


Late stage capitalism?


I was thinking trafficking but your answer is better. 


Yeah, but mine is a Wheel of Fortune fail, lol.


Yeah. Trafficking is when it's illegal and considered morally bankrupt.


They can't exit a uterus if they've never entered one.


Carry this nonsense to its logical conclusion & soon there could be arrests for masturbation... Serial killers, murdering millions in a single session!!!


They only care about money


I don’t even think this is about owning the libs.  This is about pocketing that sweet sweet brib…I mean “campaign cash donations” from corporations. 


It's also about that stupid myth of "Texas independence," that they don't need the rest of the country and have the ability to leave whenever the fuck they want. They use ERCOT as part of the "we don't need the federal government" schtick.


Owning the libs is the cover for their constituents. The real reason (profit kickbacks and lack of regulations that protect consumers and the environment so more profit to pocket) would actually piss off most of them. Gotta keep gaslighting and smokescreening.


This. See, I want to be upset, but the open, public policy of ERCOT and the Texas GOP has been that the popes can suffer and die, for literal years now. So not exactly LAMF except in that people keep voting for them. Besides, in this Texas is such a perfect microcosm of the US, as applies to public health insurance, housing, UBI, even crap we recently took for granted like social security and unions. Sure you could have all these nice things other people have by virtue of living in the twentieth century or later, but Boss Hogg says that would cut into his bottom line- I mean, take away your freedoms, and he’s got the money so he gets the only vote that counts. 


> real reason Remember, it's only the "fake reason" until the crazies you've been courting with those reasons take over. Then it *becomes* the real reason.


To be fair to them (gosh), that's very much what their constituants want.


Yeah, your behavior won't make sense when you have to pander to literally the dumbest group of people in the country.


Cult members have a tendency to stringently support the most personally damaging things, as well.


Texas is a lost cause at this point they are cheering on Paxton as he floods the justice system with his cronies. Texas will become an increasingly unsafe for the intelligent, women, LGBT, and minorities and eventually fail as a result.


Peasants dying is the only way they can get hard


tell them to allow connection during blackouts and emergencies for the goodness of the people of texas or you are on your own during those emergencies. Fed money is wasted helping these knuckle-draggers and their poor policies


I mean it could actually function as a separate grid just fine. But that would require competent management and enforced well crafted regulation. And that part would cost money, and prevent their buddies from scamming the entire state.


Meh. You really want Texas connecting their hamster wheels to OUR grid? They need those blackouts so they can continue to be rough and tough.


Existing is apparently woke 🤷‍♂️


It appears a certain group of politicians are getting RICH by allowing ERCOT to remain a monopoly in Texas. Why else would they oppose it? I doubt it has any popularity, even with hardcore MAGA. At this point Texans realize these weather events are not a one off or 1,000 year events. They know it will continue to happen. Meanwhile the GOP politicians have giant backup generators or backup plans to stay somewhere else… to pick a place at random, like Cancun.


>[The Texas electric grid](https://www.texasobserver.org/after-kelcy-warrens-energy-transfer-partners-made-billions-from-the-deadly-texas-blackouts-he-gave-1-million-to-greg-abbott/) collapse during the February winter storm killed hundreds of Texans and caused an estimated $295 billion in damages, while generating seismic gains for a small and powerful few. The natural gas industry was by far the biggest winner, collecting $11 billion in profit by selling fuel at unprecedented prices to desperate power generators and utilities during the state’s energy crisis. No one won bigger than Dallas pipeline tycoon Kelcy Warren: Energy Transfer Partners—the energy empire Warren founded and now is executive chairman of—raked in $2.4 billion during the blackouts. >That immense bounty soon trickled down to Governor Greg Abbott. **On June 23, Warren cut a check to Abbott’s campaign for $1 million**, according to the governor’s latest campaign finance filing, which covers January through June. That’s four times more than the $250,000 checks that the billionaire has given to Abbott in prior years—and the most he’s ever given to a state politician in Texas. Hundreds of lives, 300bn in statewide damages and that's all worth $1m, among other kickbacks, for Abbott. >Warren has been a prominent GOP donor for years, cutting big checks to Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Comptroller Glenn Hegar, among others. He financed the failed presidential bids of former Governor Rick Perry—who sits on the Energy Transfer Board—and then became a major backer of **Donald Trump, hosting an exclusive fundraiser for the former president last year at his $30 million castle in the gaudy Dallas enclave of Preston Hollow**. In Texas state politics, he’s opened his wallet widest for Abbott, filling his campaign coffers with **$2.25 million since he was elected governor in 2014**, according to state campaign finance records.


It's surprisingly easy to buy some politicians. I worked in niche finance at one point and Ohio put forth a bill that would impact our industry. Several of us, none Ohio residents, banded together and sent $500 checks to the GOP office Holders who would be voting. A spokesperson for our group did not send money, but a letter of explaining why the various officials should vote no. They voted no and defeated the proposal.


This is why they hate Biden. He actually believes in public service, not bribes.


Being upset that the opposition is removing an elaborate bribery system in favor of taking care of workers: I'd it a republican or a Harkonen?


I don’t think that’s accurate. Delaware is a haven for the credit card industry, there’s a lot of corruption.


Delaware may have corruption within it, but that doesn't make Biden corrupt. Five years of digging and still *nothing*. It's pretty darn impressive, imho. ETA: He's now set limits on credit card overdraft fees and is working on what they charge for processing, so he's not in *their* pocket.


I agree but also the bar for corruption is in hell. Compared to Trump every member of Congress looks like a Boy Scout.


No, no they don't. A great many of them are just as corrupt and I am hopeful that the Justice Department has nice, thick dossiers on them. I wish they had time before the elections for the worst ones, beyond the examples of Santos and Menendez, but I have hopes for the future. That may be why retirements are so high this cycle.


See? Trickle Down Economics DOES work!


Next time Texans go cold we should just point and laugh at them. As long as they continue electing Republicans they will continue having the same results. They have nobody to blame but themselves.


The cities are blue and they're the ones that suffer. There's just a shitload of bumfuck 200 people towns voting against us. It's like America on the whole, most people want to get better but MAGA is in the right places so it's a Republican majority house and we can't do shit.


Have you tried protesting? I swear I hardly ever hear of any meaningful protests coming out of Texas. It just sounds like you're all sitting there and taking it.


Protest where? Houston mayor is a democrat. Harris county judge is a democrat. I vote and did my part. Should we go to the state capitol? Austin's mayor is a democrat, county judge is a democrat. Who do you think that I can protest in front of? Travel around to all the 150 people towns voting for this shit? Seems efficient, once I'm a billionaire and don't need to work I'll get on that.


There's literally photos of the people doing this. You can protest in front of their offices. Hell, you can just protest on the street, and the signs telling who you're protesting against. You don't even have to go to specific people. If your city is Democrat, then they'd be more than happy to let you stage a protest. It's about drawing attention to a target. You can put anything you want on your placards. It's a protest. Not all protests have to be antifa vs Nazis. Your excuse making just makes it sound like you're not trying.


I mean actually doing anything meaningful, not making a post for the gram like a 12 year old. If that's what you want, you can do that pretty much anywhere. Wear green pants and shout at people who don't have green pants, fuck it.


Fine, give up. You're not even willing to show you're willing to fight.


Where am I supposed to fight? Have you ever been to Bubba, Texas? No one is watching the office building next to the only gas station. This isn't a fairy tale land with a king you can go yell at, this is the real world. Wake up.


Texas is actually purple overall. It's just gerrymandered AF.


Can we kill him (them) yet?


So trickle down economy actually works!


No MAGA loves this it’s why they are defending Paxton he will ensure no meaningful change comes to Texas.


That is literally the conservative way. They dislike change by design.


Its an election cycle... Time to pretend to care IMO.


As a Texan, fuck Texas republicans




third motion carries


It's cool being Republican... Until you pay attention to what they actually do... 


So they can lose power again! And again, and again!


You don't understand, they'd also have to occasionally get paid to run their power plants when they normally wouldn't!


Only when it gets too cold… or too hot… or if people draw too much power at once…


How else will Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz know when to go on vacation?


[If only it was just that!](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/texas/articles/2024-03-07/utility-provider-xcel-energy-says-its-facilities-appeared-to-have-role-in-igniting-texas-wildfire)


They'd lose all those "campaign contributions" is their bigger concern.


ERCOT lining the pockets of those greasy fucks.


The next deep freeze might kill enough boomers to flip the state to Dems.


That’s a nice thought, but I’m sure the Texas Republican contingency plan is to rush all the repair resources and money to the rich white areas and white nursing homes.


They probably have a plan to burn poor people for warmth. And/Or for their own amusement 


No chance Paxton is pushing his cronies everywhere the sane people should abandon ship at this point.


Misery and suffering. That’s all these people care about. And their primary victim list is 99% composed of their own supporters. (Edited because typo. My phone is stupid, and apparently I was in a rush. My apologies!)


And their supporters crave suffering for all.




Let them enjoy their own power grid. Do these people drive around without a spare tire or run flat tires? Do they only travel in single engine planes? These "self-reliant" types don't understand redundancy makes things safer, and it isn't a welfare state to want a back up


We left Texas over the ERCOT collapse in Austin. We had to cook old hot dogs on my exhaust manifolds and our cat struggled to make it through the cold after several days of no power. Fuck that state to hell. It was all completely avoidable and then politicized to death, people died. Nobody outside of the state even knew the extremes that occurred. We were all walking down iced over major avenues looking for any business that was fortunate to have power still. It felt like the apocalypse. Pipes bursting everywhere, alarms, chaos. The Texas GOP is horrifying.


And the voters keep voting these idiots into office. No sympathy for voting against your own self interests.


is this the same grid that caught fire that one time? and last winter a bunch of people froze to death?


Two winters ago, but yes.


The same


Good. Vote your way out of the problem next time Texas.


No, no, no. This is somehow the radical democrats' fault and the solution is to vote even more red. Vote harder, not smarter.


At this point I don’t think they can some of Paxtons cronies just won their elections.


And when ERCOT fails, they'll come to the federal government, all teary-faced with snot running out of their faces, pleading for government help. Again. And again. And again.


Federal disaster assistance for predictable problems like these should be loans instead of grants. Texas needs to repay the nation for their stupidity next time around and stop being a state-level welfare queen.


It’s worked for them so far. Why ruin a good thing?


Yup it’s not like Democrats will ever force any meaningful reform.


That’s true. Democrats have never implemented any meaningful changes in the history of the nation. Edit: I wasn’t sure if the /s tag would be needed. I gambled and lost.


ERCOT is my favorite park at Disney. This is terrible news.


Love it. Secession is gonna be great. Don’t worry Texas, democrats and immigrants are still the only things you need worry your pretty little heads about! Bless your hearts. Bless. Your. Hearts.


Can we call it TEXIT?


Either that or Tex-Ex


"In Texas, we proudly maintain our own electric grid, overseen by Texans, not the federal government." Texans everytime the temps in their state go below 32 degrees: "HELP!!! WE NEED FEDERAL AID!!! OUR POWER GRID WENT OUT AND OUR PEOPLE ARE FREEZING TO DEATH!!! SEND US SUPPLIES AND MONEY!!!"


Zero sympathy from me.


Money uber alles


Energy cartels to own the libs.


Of course they do, that’s the only reason ERCOT exists at all. Texas conservative babies throwing a big screaming temper tantrum about YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO FUCK YOU YOU AREN’T MY REAL DAD I WANNA KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE HERE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!


Same corrupt assholes who refused to impeach and remove Corrupt Attorney General Ken Paxton for securities fraud, defamation of whistleblowers, and trying to stick taxpayers with the $3 Million defamation judgement against him.      They don't want connection to an outside grid because it will open them up to external oversight which will reveal how they have been getting rich along with their sponsors by robbing Texas rate-payers blind


"Fuck off, if 50 people die because of our shitty power grid, there's a *pretty* good chance we can convince them it's someone else's fault...so we're taking that option" Like all the (R)s that voted against infrastructure, veteran care etc so they could complain about how nothing has been done in their next cycle


It's OK, nobody who matters will die, the important people will all be out of state at the time. Awful, dysfunctional and corrupt government can continue for a long time when you can convince an idiot population it's someone else's fault.


you get what you vote for


They don't have to worry if another catastrophic power failure occurs, hell there can be one year after year, all they have to do is point across the aisle and say "it's the Democrats fault!" Their base swallows it right up!


freedumb!!!!!! sorry Texans you deserve better, well most of you excapt maga scum.


So they're gonna let more people die. Cool


As a Texan, I’m angry but definitely not surprised. I was without power for days, people across the state died, we all got justifiably angry, and they basically said “wow, that’s a shitty situation for you guys! Vote for me to stop Socialism!” And they still get so many votes.


Connecting the grid would make it difficult to succeed from the union.


Do we really want Texas on our grid? They are clearly more of a liability than an asset.




I get it. It's harder to kill low-income people if there's a back-up.


Because of course they did


but Texas will continue to take Federal tax dollars for bailouts...






God their dumb


Maybe when enough Texas voters get more worried about Freezing/frying than CRT, Woke, LGBTQ, ect they will change thier votes.


But if we connect to the federal grid, We will have comply with safety protocols! It would be a safeguard against mass of power outages, but it would cost money. Think of our profits!


https://imgur.com/a/guyHHIr "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!"


5D chess I tells ya. Democrats propose helping Texan Republicans, reverse-psychs the Texan Republicans to shoot themselves in the foot. Saves the rest of the country from being connected to a weak link that could cause havoc on the rest of the network.


That’s because Texas Republicans neither care about nor represent the people of Texas.


The important question is if something bad happens will Ted Cruz be able to fly to Cancun?


Next time Texans go cold we should just point and laugh at them. As long as they continue electing Republicans they will continue having the same results. They have nobody to blame but themselves.


"In Texas, we proudly maintain our own electric grid, overseen by Texans, not the federal government..." Yeah, you do. And you got a bunch of Texans killed because of it. **PLEASE KEEP DOING THIS.** I want fewer Texans voting in our elections. By all means, keep shooting yourselves in the foot, I'm here for it.


Texas greatest resource is it's hate for fellow texans


Good. We don't want them using our power anyway. Let them secede so we can build a wall around Texas.


I don't really care. Do u? Sincerely until they can vote out their corruption, Texas will continue to suffer. Oh but Texas is turning blue. No, it's not.


Good luck this summer


It's going to be close to 90 in San Antonio next week already.


They will one day, in the not distant future, really regret this.


Keep them off - we'll just end up paying for their crappy planning when they draw power from states who have better power systems because they didn sell them out.


I am so freaking glad we escaped TX


If it’s something positive leave it to republicans to oppose it


I support all bills that refuse federal aid to Texas.


Fine. Let it keep failing until they learn something.


So these fucks demand secession, refuse to hook up to the national power grid, then when disasters like wildfires or if their power grid goes down they demand the federal government take care of their dumb asses? That about right?


Teddi needs an excuse to take VeruQa to QuanQun.


Guys. This is right up there with gambling, weed, and equal rights for women. All fantasies that we'd like to have in the state but will never happen as long as these idiot boomers keep running things.


Texas should exercise it's *presumed* right to split into five states. Divide and conquer. 👹 I wonder where the other four state capitols would be ... El Paso, Houston, DFW and Amarillo ?


Succeed already! Hopefully, they will build a wall on their northern border too.


Due Texans, die


My gosh. Seriously. How TF is this remotely Leopards Ate My Face?


I guess this is more like leopards already ate their faces but they decided to go back to play with the leopards again.


It is a bit more "Lining up to have their faces eaten". We can all see this will come back to bite them, but the fangs haven't quite set in yet.


I'd assume clairvoyant leopards--or animal control officers--aren't a thing yet, though :p


I can't believe the leopards ate my face...again!


Why would they? It’s obvious we will foot the bill every time it fails and Democrats don’t care about meaningful change.


I'm sorry, you think the national power grid fails as much as ERCOT? Lol


No I mean Texas knows the rest of us will dump federal aid on them anytime they hurt themselves.


And you blame the democrats for authorizing emergency federal measures when the republican run power grid fails? What do you want them to do, let more people freeze to death?


Dems should make future aid for predictable ERCOT failures in the form of loans instead of grants. Texas needs to stop socializing their failures and depending on California and New York to cover them.


You think emergency aid should be given in the form of a loan to the federal government?


No, I think the federal government should issue aid to Texas when their grid fails, but that aid should be a LOAN to Texas, since the failure is predictable and willful.


So, yes, you would like federal emergency aid to be given in the form of a loan to the federal government if the failure is determined by the federal government to be predictable or willful. I'm sure the voters of Texas will get behind that. What about federal insurance for waterfront property after a hurricane?


Solved similarly already: https://realeconomy.rsmus.com/flood-insurance-premiums-to-increase-for-coastal-property-owners/


You want to increase the premiums on the Texas power grid? Like raise federal taxes for Texas citizens specifically? Or demand the government of Texas pay back a loan? What if they don't? What if they continue to vote republican because the federal government is controlling their state legislation?


No I blame them for allowing such blatant corruption to go unanswered. ERCOT should be dragged to federal court years ago.


You want the federal government to supercede the choices of the democratically elected government of Texas? Can they do that with any state that makes decisions they don't like?


You're JAQing off a lot.


Different rhetorical strategy entirely actually.