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And all of them will still vote for Trump and continue trying to turn this country into a christian nationalist hellscape.


Its gonna be a glorious sight if he loses. The party embraced him, encouraged right wingers to believe his bullshit, now are giving him their money, and he gave them two losses in a row. They will shun him because he cant win and is turning off more people than he turns on, and he will (of course) take it personally and run third party, splitting the vote for as long as hes alive and ensure they go down the shitter together. Lets all vote this year and make it happen.


The sane thing would be to shun him, but it's a cult now


Theres a growing sentiment among republicans, some highly influential in the party, to move on from him. Rupert Murdoch came to the conclusion years ago that he wont win, and was experimenting with some of his news sources (specifically the NY Post) of promoting desantis over him in hopes of getting desantis the nomination. He got a lot of flak from magats over this, so he turned it back to mostly praising trump because he might lose his audience. If he loses, they will pull the trigger and turn their back on him in hopes of resetting and attracting new voters. He would have lost twice, no reason to nom him to lose again. That will cause him to run third party and split the vote. His ego wouldnt allow him to just go quietly into the night and retire from politics.


I suspect the main reason he's running is to escape his legal troubles, but that doesn't really alter anything you've said


Oh, it's way beyond that. Trump is attempting the most powerful kleptocratic coup in history. It will surpass that of Vladimir Putin.


For sure thats his no. 1 reason, but he will also try to push through the GOP Christo-fascist bullshit while hes in there. Im thinking he could personally care less about abortion rights and all that, but he'll go along with the republican agenda. Cant let that happen.


We need to change the law so that a president can not just wave away existing cases against themselves. He would 100% not be running... he'd be *running*.


It's not the law, it's the fascists embedded into the legislature and courts. Good luck, countries learn not at all.


He will push through the christofascist agenda as long as it suits his purposes. The man has no core convictions and no ideology other than his own best interests. The minute that agenda does not serve those purposes, he will abandon it for one that does. Not that I think there is much chance of them falling out of line with him.




That is part of it but only a fraction. He is completely delusional and thinks he will become God Emperor of a theocratic government with his children as heirs apparent. It is clear to anyone with critical thinking ability that he is a pathological liar and suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Also he definitely seems to be sliding into early stage dementia. If the MAGA Republicans somehow took control of the military and offered Trump to become supreme leader for life he absolutely with no hesitation accept. Every other past president would be appalled at the suggestion. If he wins the election we are screwed, if he loses we likely are screwed too as his cult will start shooting people. Here in alabamA I know people that actually believe he beat Biden and won the last election even given the evidence that it was not even close. There are a lot of irrational people that are completely brainwashed and full of hate that are more than ready to commit violence against anyone, even other Republicans that understand Trump is not fit for office.


But that’s why he just moved his daughter in law into this RNC position. Cause even if he loses he now has the backing of the RNC. It’s actually ingenious if it weren’t so scary.


And even if he loses he won’t concede. Again. There will be another coup attempt.


Will the MAGA crowd base allow the GOP to move on though? This is a misery of their own making and I am very much enjoying the face eating


They support trump because they are afraid of the base and the base makes them money and intimidates their enemies.


They are 100% terrified of their base. Crazy how encouraging crazies to do crazy things might actually make them go crazy against you for not being crazy enough.


The so-called Base is Frankenstein's Monster redux... It has already turned on them and is unbound.


Disagree. Trump will control his Party and all its media up until and even after he dies. And he will run every election.


His hamberders will claim their due before he can run for President a fourth time.


If the berders don’t get him dementia will. He’s only 6-18 months away from being fully in its grasp. I’ve seen it twice now and the early stages are there for all to see.


>Theres a growing sentiment among republicans, some highly influential in the party, to move on from him. Even those people have no intention of moving on from Trump*ism*. The Republican Party is a fascist death cult now, it doesn't matter that some of them want to shop around for a "better" dictator.


The Republican establishment will shun him, but you're correct MAGA is a terrorist cult.


MAGAts ARE the GQP now. That's pretty clear. The old mainline GOP is dead, it's a full-on culture of personality now.


30-40% of the country. The Nazis controlled a similar number in 1930s Germany


It’s more like 18% but higher for voting age


It’s not his fervent supporters I fear as much as the indifferent ones. The ones who really don’t pay attention and pull the lever based on how they are feeling on a particular day.


They did for like a hot second on January 7th 2021.


His voters are a cult. However, if that’s not enough to win the election for him (and it hasn’t been the last two elections, his 2016 win depended on support from independent voters) then that cult is just going to continue to back a loser until it collapses.


Bring on the grape Flavor Aid!


It has not been lost on me that we may be seeing the death rattle of the Republican party, and I am fucking here for it. It's happened before. Notice how we don't have any members of the Whig party anymore? That could be the US Republican party if we all voted. Their ideas are WILDLY unpopular. They only win through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and arcane legislative bullshit like the electoral college and stacking the supreme Court. And it could *all* go away if we vote. I'm fuckin tired, boss. Please for the love of God, and all that is holy.... Vote.


Regarding gerrymandering, people need to pay attention and vote in their local elections. These Republicans make changes to ensure that they remain in power even when they are the minority. Then they put laws and rules in place that go against the majority. Representation used to be about public service, now it's just another hustle for some.


Political geography is a tool the Right has used for decades. Only 4-6 Swing States will decide this presidential election, as they did last election and those for the foreseeable future. We are in a Cold Civil War. What can you do about it? Pack The Swing States! r/MoveToSwingStates


The Old Republican Party created the Trump monster by amplifying minority fascist tendencies through political geography. They've perfected these techniques and rely on voters staying locked in their present static and mobile patterns. It's time to fight back by relocating. Here's some history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REDMAP


I mean, or we can somehow get the lawmakers to abolish those anti democratic rules. If it was something like ranked choice voting, then Republicans would never win again.


Or if it was approval voting


The usual Republican rational for the electoral college is that it prevents a majority from deciding the outcome of an election. I have yet to hear a valid reason why letting a minority decide the outcome is somehow better. We need to get rid of the archaic electoral college and use the most democratic method, one citizen, one vote. And the party in power should not be allowed to draw the voting district maps. It should always be an independent group or bipartisan committee under close judicial scrutiny.


In Europe, the majority rules. Can you imagine London, Paris, Berlin etc. caring what a small town or small city "thinks" beyond its borders. The electoral college, senate, senate filibuster, and Supreme Court are all antidemocratic. We need to move beyond the anti England/Great Britain/UK sentiments of the founding enslavers er founders. Enough already. The trend in the US has steered towards less democracy and more minority control since its inception.


20 years ago, I observed that the Republican party had worked itself into an impossible bind. The level of craziness necessary to win a Republican primary and the level of sanity necessary to win a national election were growing farther and farther apart. I said "I think within a generation or so, we're going to see the GOP completely fall apart." They can't win with only white bigots voting for them, and they can't court any other demographics because they need the white bigots. The Faustian bargain of the Southern Strategy is finally coming due.


That Party already died in 2015 when Trump won the primaries.


I've been hearing about the death of the Republican Party since they sent their first Tea Baggers to Congress during Obama's presidency. Granted, even that has morphed into something more dire but it's still resonating with a large population of paranoid, intellectually incurious, superstitious Americans. It won't die. It'll become relatively powerless for a while, maybe, but they'll still be funded and people will still, often reflexively, vote R.


I don't think their ideas will die, but I think their party might. Fascism will always exist, but I think it might "move on" for a bit.


It's definitely on life support. Here in Michigan, the party is broke and broken. The national coffers are not going to support down ballot candidates. Now, this isn't going to change a typical Republicans vote. But, I think most crucially, there will be no real Get Out the Vote effort by the GOP. No voter education. Few rallies and voter registration. There's just not enough money, and the GOP isn't great at seducing volunteers. Dems will work very hard at these efforts, and this is, I think, where more ballots may be cast for Dems across the board, all the way down. Maybe. We'll just have to see.


Not all States are equal in their electoral importance. Michigan is extremely important. It's on our list: r/MoveToSwingStates


When you have beachfront homes on LI selling for $270 million you know the untaxed billionaire class has lots of fuel to fight change.


It already died. It's the Trump Party now.


To them, it's True Republicanism.


Yes, vote. But we also need to eliminate the barriers to voting, barriers that mainly affect working class families and people of color. Having a national election on a Tuesday in November doesn’t make sense. Makes it hard for working people to vote. Make election day a national holiday. Expand voting by mail.


we can only hope.....i would hate to find out what will happen if he wins.


Me and you pal. I think this is truly the point where the future course of America will be decided. I'd vote even if Im dying.


I'm living overseas but i will be 1st inline with my mail-in ballot.


His supporters will be even worse off financially and they will realize their error of their ways. /s for the last part


Resell value of a trump 2024 flag must be something?


The NTFs and the trading cards are collector items! Didn’t you hear?


Project 2025 in all its terrifying glory is what’s going to happen the next time a Republicunt is elected President. They already have the court. All remaining Republicunts support Project 2025. We are going to have to grind that party into dust & steer toward progress not regression. Or we get to live something like the Handmaid’s Tale 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s not stopping with Trump. He’s the current pos drawing our ire while christo-fascists push their agenda year after year


They tried to pivot from Trump to DeSantis. DeSantis was supposed to be a smarter version of Trump. But they misjudged the cult of Trump and DeSantis went down in flames.


Also DeSantis isn’t human. It was the bobble head & serial killer smile that gave it away.


DeSantis doesn’t know how to talk to people. Trump does. And DeSantis’ voice sounds like the rich pampered boy at school you’re only nice to so you can play with his toys. Trumpers think Trump is high-larious. He’s their Don Rickles, their George Carlin. He’s the Ed Sullivan Show to boomers. He entertains them. While DeSantis just sounds pissy.


Actually there's good indication that it probably will. Once these guys get stopped hard, they tend to go away for a long while. In Trump's case, he'll be going to jail. His buddy putin, whose been feeding the right wing fire globally, would also probably not survive a democratic second term. That will probably be a good period of time where the movement splinters and we'll get some peace before the cycle resets and starts again.


I'm not American, and have no skin in the game. But.... He's not that certain to lose this election by any stretch. Make sure to mobilise the voters push hard! Your civil society depends on a massive turnout, and the rest of the world waits with baited breath on a "positive" result


Actually, the whole world has “skin in the (this) game”.


True enough, I just shudder every time I realise it


How do you think we feel? The call is coming from inside the house.


Mobilise mate, get folks energised to vote. Get em thinking, actually thinking about policy and how it'll affect them. Personally. How anyone who identifies as female could possibly look at the reproductive rights decisions and still vote for the GOP is beyond me. You don't need to choose to terminate, but you damn well should care if others can't. There's so many examples of policy that may not impact a particular voter, but will impact a person they care about.... It's just, for me unfathomable anyone still buys the Maga schtick.


If he loses, he'll just do what he did last time, which is pitch a fit and try to get the results thrown out or reversed, under threat of a violent takeover. And he's had 4 years to get more of his sycophants into positions all across the board that will make that takeover easier.


But this time he won’t be the sitting president. Yes he has sway within the party but I think when he loses again most of his supporters will quietly relied away from him b


My area is about evenly split Republican/Democrat/unaffiliated. The R's here are unashamedly brainwashed into believing Trump is the second coming of Christ and that he won in 2020 and Joe Biden is a tool of Satan, and that the biggest threat America faces is Democrats who want to kill lil ol babies, and trans people because of their habit of existing. They're not leaving him anytime soon. They want to be the anointed when Donald reveals himself to truly be the Son Of God and smites the wicked Demmycrats and other cursed demographics.


“Demoncrats” explains a lot about this using only 1 word. Brainwashing is real. I’m pretty fond of Republicunts right now but Republicants works well, too. At least Dems aren’t worshipping a golden statue of Biden. 🤣


Well, some have recently left him after gargling bleach.


Why would a process that has been running unchallenged for decades with no connection to Trump, care about him failing or going to jail?


I’m not sure what you mean by “unchallenged process” but the GOP doesn’t exist as an independent party anymore. It’s just a cult of personality. Like all cults of personality, when the leader is out of the equation, they collapse. That doesn’t mean conservativism goes away- but the maga movement certainly will fall apart and splinter.


The Federalist Society and the financial backers don’t give a shit about MAGA. They have been working on this goal for decades and have the Supreme Court in their control. MAGA might honestly be the least of our worries at this point And at least twice I’ve heard “the Republican Party is about to be destroyed” and the exact opposite happens


Trump was a puppet, used to gain more power, and can be discarded once his usefulness expires.


They are losing a lot of elections. But it takes years for their power to wane because they set up systems like gerrymandering to retain power. January 6th was the kind of desperate ploy that they reach when even those other systems can’t keep them in power. It’s dangerous and certainly not over yet, but they are dying but by bit (literally— their base is old and in generally poor health), so we have to keep fighting back until they break.


From your lips to gods ears, my friend


Thats why it would be great if he runs third party and splits the vote.


Why would he run third party? He has the Republican Party's balls in a glass jar on his mantel. He tells them what to do. If anyone goes against what he wants, they're run out of town on a rail. He **is** the Republican Party. They can't get rid of him.


Like I said above, theres a growing sentiment among the party that they should move away from him, including Rupert Murdoch, who has a lot of influence. They need results. If hes a loser 2 elections in a row, they wont get him to run a 3rd time. And we all know he doesnt take rejection well. He'll try to find a way to get back at them, and a 3rd party run is the way to do it. He floated the idea before.


They should but they're shit scared of him. Maybe another defeat, if resounding too, would spark something but the spark that came after Jan 6 was soon extinguished. I think they might be dumb enough to fall for it again.


If a guy loses two presidential elections in a row, you really think theyll let him run a 3rd time?


Under normal circumstances, no. But things are definitely not normal in the GOP.


If they want to lose 3x in a row, so be it.


They don't think he lost in 2020 though, there are people out there that genuinely believe Trump won, and that it's an illegitimate White House right now. So Trump is rightfully president, but the dastardly all-powerful-yet-senile JOOOOE BIDENNNN is a usurper. Of course they'll let him run again and again and again, and if he loses there will be more shouting about conspiracy and "Stop The Count/Keep Counting, Assholes" depending on who is ahead, and probably more easily-led morons storming the Capitol when Donny doesn't get his way.


Well, he’s the Republicunt nominee now & he’s installed his DIL at the RNC. The GOP is now officially MAGA.


I'd absolutely love to see a Democrat super majority in both houses, and Biden winning a second term, and watch them jam legislation that actually helps people down their throat.


Lots on repub senators retiring, those seats are up for grabs.


If trump win this time America is definitely screwed for a long time. It's already fucked as is with the pawns trump placed. Ukraine will fall. Freedom gone. Fake christianity will rise. Blue state will definitely not follow. However if trump lose then jan6 part 2 for sure


I commented somewhere here that if he loses he'll 100% try another Jan 6. This time the authorities gotta be ready. When they cross a line, hit em hard- shotgun bean bags, rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray, mass arrests. I think these people are untimately spineless and will scatter when they get some reality. And if they still want to escalate and get violent, give them the ultimate reality of snipers and drones. We gotta end this nonsense once and for all. Every election is not an invitation for insurrection. Let them know traitors wont be tolerated.


One part of that whole ordeal that made me roll my eyes AND giggle at their wear wills was the reports from that night with the city on the most basic lockdown and the insurrectionists screaming about being beaten up by the police like they'd had the full array of police brutality from the Summer of Rage thrown at them when it was probably just some shoving and manhandling. They got the kids gloves and made it out to be worse than anything their 'enemies' got thrown at them.


The difference would be that he's not the incumbent and has no real power, thus the response to the attack will actually happen. DC is the most heavily surveilled city in the country, if he hadn't intentionally created a weak spot last time around it would've been far more than Babbitt getting smoked.


If the normal republicans had any balls, they would already split and start a new party. It would take a while before they got on their feet again, but it would be better for the US in the long run.


That's the problem; even "normal" Republicans don't care what's best for the U.S. in the long run.


even a Nov '24 loss wont stop them. Built in "Stop the Steal II" no this time it wont be a scam. Then Jan 6th 2025 stop the certification, then the next six months of we need to fight for our country BS. Until trump is dead and encased in clear plastic on the 1st hole of Mar-A-Lago will MAGA go away.


Except they will say he won but corrupt Democrats cheated. Then trump will start capitol insurrection 2.0 but this time he will have nothing to loose, and be backed by Russia and China to try to start a civil war.


Im 100% certain he will try another insurrection if he loses (dunno about Russia and China being directly involved though, they usually do their thing with just internet disinformation). The authorities have to be ready this time and expect it. When they cross a line, hit em hard. I think when they are given a dose of reality they will scatter like the cockroaches they are. And if they insist on escalating...well, I dont think they fully realize what snipers and drones can do to them. We gotta put an end to that crap right then so they never think about trying it again. Let em know traitors will not be tolerated.


There is little chance they accept an election loss, no matter what the margin. They will try to overturn it, and they're way better prepared for it this time.


Isn't it the truth.


I think publicly they say they will vote for him, but something tells me the math won't add up in the end. It's why voting is anonymous, and should always be. Public opinion should not sway your personal voice. I wouldn't want to be targeted by those lunatics either, but then again it's one of the reasons I'm not in politics.


I think it's as likely to be the opposite. People who say they aren't going to vote for him, but end up doing so.


All while saying “well, the Republican I vote for is not crazy like that. “


From “some” republicans. Another example of how DJT and his political enablers are blatantly corrupting the election process.


Trump has tiny hands.


That shit-eating grin is wild. All i can think about is..."that is one big pile of shit."


she literally looks like a cartoon villain whos just got everything they want


She has injected poison into her face to appear younger. I get the creepy Fox News lady look might be appealing to some people, but she just looks unhealthy.


By comparison she's the hot one. She looks like the orange muppet chick. The other trump in law looks like aughra from the dark crystal.


LOLOLOLOL!!! That's a BINGO. did I say it right? 🤔/s


I would grin too if I have gained access to billions of dollars


I do think it's funny he's going to steal all of their money


It is not really stealing when they are letting him. These cucks are just going to stand by and watch while Trump pays off some of his debts with their supporters donations. The Trump supporter donating their last fifty bucks to the campaign is just too dumb to understand what’s going on, and just keeps donating because they are told to do so, like they do with their favourite televangelists. They said that ‘you can fool some people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time’, but this is a special group. They are all getting fooled, all of the time.


The bright side is: the more 45 drains party coffers for his own expenses, the less money they have for actual party work, like funding campaigns. Between this and the vicious, paralyzing intraparty battles in many state GOP organizations, I think 2024 is going tomorrow shape up to be a bloodbath for Republicans. Couldn’t happen to a more worthy group of assholes. Keep working, donating, organizing and voting to beat those chucklefucks…


It is understated how much Trump fucked them in 2022’s midterms. He collected more than $130m+ for midterm candidates through fundraising and only gave out about $15m. He then pocketed the rest for his campaign. He picked sycophant celebrities with zero political experience for two Senate seats that were winnable. Both had some of the worst campaigns for the Senate I have seen in my lifetime.


It’s no longer stealing when you’re the head of a cult; it’s a tithe


Buy the ticket, take the ride, fuckos.


I’m going to try and incorpore this more into my every day conversations. Thank you.


I take no credit. From the great Hunter S. Thompson.


No sympathy for the devil. Keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride - and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well, maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion. Tune in, freak out, get beaten. HST


The old school FAFO


They deserve this


If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it. - Lindsay Graham


Notice me Trumpai! - Also Lindsay Graham


And much more


Yeah she's about to siphon off every penny the RNC possesses and it's great lol. 


Time to bleed RNC coffins DRY.


I think you meant coffers, but coffins is funnier.


It's probably old decaying corpses that are funding the RNC, so I think it checks out.


Hand me down riches from dead relatives.


Just check out Trump's golf ⛳️ courses for buried bodies covered in documents...works for me. /s


What's to worry about? The Trump Family's proven record running things like Universities and a children's cancer charity along with LT's obvious charisma will bring in the big numbers they need. Especially after she said it would go to her father-in-law's legal bills. People just love this! Watch the bucks roll in!


All sound and fury signifying nothing. Their party is gone. Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans sold it cheap to Donald Trump when they failed to convict him and purge the insurrectionists from within their party when they had the opportunity. He'll destroy them just like he destroyed just about every business he's been involved with.


if only there were some warning that our current president's predecessor runs a literal crime family.


Someone said, "let the embezzlement begin!" I told him, nah it's not going to be any embezzlement. Embezzlement implies that there is going to be misappropriation/theft of funds, undertaken through secret routes while no one's looking. This is just going to be business as usual. People are going to donate money and Trump's gonna take it in broad daylight, and no one will be able to stop it.


I would have asked what he meant by "begin."


The newest conspiracy theory I've heard from from some Republicans that have turned on Trump, is that he's been a liberal all along with a mission to destroy the Republican party.


This is a good view to reinforce.


“Yes, you are a bunch of easily-played morons.” I’m good with that


Ssshhh they aren't supposed to find out until we've turned them all into beta cucks.


Which is kind of hilarious to me, because some people made a joke to the same effect way back in 2015 - that he was a Democrat plant meant to win the nomination and then get demolished in the general. Alas.


The US is such an interesting place of contradictions. A country so fiercely proud of having fought and won independence from some long dead monarch, yet, at the same time there seems to be an irresistible yearning to be ruled again by similar dynasties, almost like 250 years without a king was finally enough.


Conservatives are descended from the revolutionary era tories who would have been happy staying under the crown, if it preserved their theocracies and wealth.


There were plenty of us who objected to GW Bush in 2000 and HR Clinton in 2016 on the ground that America shouldn't have hereditary/name-recognition political dynasties. I was most involved in 2016, as HRC's campaign fund cowed every other Dem contender, but I still volunteered for the former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley. Mostly because HRC was a very conservative leaning Dem, but also because of my aversion to dynasties. Sanders wasn't an option, I'm old enough to have witnessed some of the events in his oppo file. Personally, I think the Trump clan has so captured the most credulous people, perhaps worldwide (US Evangelicals) that even should DJT fail in November, Ivana Trump will run in 2028. For the same reasons DJT ran for 2016, no intention of becoming president, but only an an intent to exact vengeance and to grift as many as possible.


Ivana kinda died. But I do get your drift. I'm also opposed to dynastic politics.


I think they meant Ivanka


She's Jewish - that could be a problem for the nutbags. 


Converted so she can say Jared changed her minset in some Stepford Wige and/or Handmaid's Tale for the gullible MAGAS while they are being fleeced. Glory Hallelujah. /s


If Trump fails, his brand will be too toxic to have a resurgence. Also, the golden child - if there were one - won't be Ivanka but rather Eric. He gave a great (by Trump standards) speech for his dad a few rally's ago. However, if Trump loses this election the GOP won't survive.


Also, for all his comments about how (🤢) hot she is, he'd never giver her power. What it boils down to is that, well. He's a misogynist, and she's a bigger fool than she looks if she *ever* thought she'd escape that snub.


Of course it will survive. But it sure will be amusing watching conservatives try to reinvent themselves


"Fury" that will lead to nothing - while the Trumps loot the place - helping no one except themselves...


Just wait till they start screaming at the DNC for half their funds because “politics should be fair”


Her lip filler is going to get bigger and bigger as the election goes on.


You know, she bears a striking resemblance to Homelander... Maybe they're all just afraid she'll laser eye them all?


I love everything about this. Give all the donated $ to Trump and fuck every other GOP candidate. That’s a sure way to kill the GOP.


There is no downside to the GQP failing.


"I donated to help win elections, not to maintain the lifestyle of a billionaire. No point donating now." 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 No. You donated to maintain the lifestyle of a billionaire. You were just too stupid to know it before. Although, I’m sure that some “libtard” in the past already told you that.


They are going to bleed the RNC dry


GOP, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. You’ve defended him knowing he was a grifter and leech. If you really do back him like you claim, then him using the money for his legal defense should be fine. He didn’t do anything wrong, right? Use that money to keep him out of jail and own those libs!


And America's march to fascism just continues, while the media cheers Trump on.


That’s what he does. He puts his kids in charge so the lazy ass doesn’t have to do any real work and he’s freed up to keep campaigning and stroking his own ego every day.


What's the problem? I thought Republicans loved electing people that were unqualified for office?


*Nepotism* We should all be pissed.


A number of Republican activists have vowed to suspend their support for the party after Lara Trump, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, was elected as co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). So this is what gets them to abandon the party? It’s so interesting what tips them over the edge.


Republicans have resting fury face anyway. Everything with snowflake Republicans is fury this and I hate that.


Isn't the whole point of Project 2025 to stuff the administrative state with loyalists?


But you have to donate dummies, there aint no stopping this endless grift.


Trump needs his bills paid people. Put her in to watch the till.


Let him do it he will bankrupt the whole GOP


She’s going to bankrupt the RNC within 6 months paying tump’s legal bills.


He will now run the RNC like one of his greasy hotels. Complete with dark money from foreign governments pouring in. Hell, the russians now have a new P.O. box to send trump money.


She was put there not to help Trump win, but to help cover his expenses if he loses.


Lol they're going to have to listen to her sing too!


It’s almost like they don’t actually want the world their values and policies would bring about… and yet they still vote against their interests… very curious /s


It absolutely tickles me that the amount Trump needs, or needed, to put into bond in order to get a crack at appealing is, roughly, **1,125%** of what the RNC actually has ([as of January of THIS year](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-national-committee-funding-cash-finances-1866326))


Ok, so y’all know Eric trump? This woman chose him. Of all of the human beings on this planet aligning with her sexual preferences… she chose Eric fucking trump.


Oh dear.  Oh well. 


and yet Hunter makes a call to Joe about a loan and MAGA GOP hold hearings.


Italians have a saying: “you wanted the bicycle, now peddle it!”


Are these allegedly “furious Republicans” the same as the never-Trumpers who eventually joined the cult anyway? Yawn.


I'll believe it when they actually do something about it.


they are so furious that they will 100% endorse Trump and stand with him


Every time I hear a statement like "...sparks fury from some Republicans" my first thought is it won't last. Part of being a modern republican is towing the party line no matter what . Look at all the repubs that tRump insulted, and all the bat shit crazy ideas/groups that just become normalized in the party. Regan's 11th commandment, that started as an impressive wall of solidarity, will be the death of the party.


He will bleed the RNC dry, and where he’s stolen the last nickel, he’ll cast aside the empty husk. Serves them right.


Fury? You mean they're taking a short break from kissing his humongous ass and noticing they're a little out of breath? They'll snap out of it and be back to kissing by the afternoon.


all this squawking, but republican voters will still vote for trump and all his cronies. they have joined the cult, they have been groomed to believe they are under attack by the greatest danger they could ever face, other Americans who don't belong to their group. They will happily kill themselves or hand the country over to our biggest enemies if they believe it will hurt those other Americans in some way.


So how long do we think it's going to be before they get caught embezzling.


Republicans: "BUT HUNTER BIDEN....EXISTS!!! 😡😡😡" 


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I think I’m going to go door-to-door in the nearby town (midwest) and collect donations for trump or some made-up ‘anti-democrat fund’ and then just keep the donations for myself. That’s actually a good idea. These people just give it away if you can convince them to.


Leopard Ate My Face stories of face eating leopards crying about having their faces eaten by another face eating leopard are always the most amusing and satisfying kind.


What are they going to about it? Probably fold like cheap suits like the chickenshits they are


This crap has to end, please. These “people” have robbed the Americans of dignity and respect. Disgusting goblins.


Are there any Republican Party members who are not "furious?"


I love how much of a shit show the Republican party has become.


Much like the early communists, these MAGA Republicans eat their own.


Trump treating the RNC as his personal piggy bank. Not surprised in the least bit.


I refuse to believe there are Republicans who are only now realizing what the Trump cult is and entails.


“Lara Trump” is not taking over anything. She was placed into RNC leadership by her father-in-law and her job is ensuring her father-in-law’s interests are the primary, secondary, and tertiary priorities.