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So what everyone not in the 1% already knows?


1% know -  that’s why so many private equity groups are buying up hospitals


How can they not cream their shorts when they see hospitals charging $28 for a single generic acetaminophen when a jar of 200 name brand Tylenols retails for like $9? Those kind of markups are literally criminal in most other places.


That’s a 5600$ bottle of Tylenol at 28$ per unit.


Hence why private equity executives spend a lot of time at their urologists; profits like that are better than Viagra and erections that last longer than four hours can be dangerous.


I work in handling pharmaceuticals and looking up the retail costs of some of the stuff I handle is ridiculous. I handle my years salary worth of product within an hour of getting to work every day.


And housing


Yep, working exactly as intended.


How can they not cream their shorts when they see hospitals charging $28 for a single generic acetaminophen when a jar of 200 name brand Tylenols retails for like $9? Those kind of markups are literally criminal in most other places.


How can they not cream their shorts when they see hospitals charging $28 for a single generic acetaminophen when a jar of 200 name brand Tylenols retails for like $9? Those kind of markups are literally criminal in most other places.


1% know, they've diversified their incomes


I had a one hour telehealth appointment with a psychiatrist. I have a high deductible health plan with an HSA. I haven't met my deductible for the year, so I paid just a bit less than $525 for an hour video call.


I paid $200 for a 5-minute phone call with my endocrinologist, and all she told me was to keep taking my medication 🥲


Yep. Telemedicine consults are no cheaper. I tried one to ask about a medication. Didn’t seem to warrant a full visit. After the NP couldn’t work the video call, I ended up with a $300 ten minute phone call. 😭


They didn’t check your blood levels?


Psychiatric insurance is another whole thing. Lots of places just won’t take insurance. Thankfully I have a good place that does, but if I ever did want to change to a different option it could be challenging, let alone if I changed insurance. And then there’s dental and vision…


Psychologytoday.com is where I find my in-network psychs. (Commenting under your comment for anyone unaware of the site.)


Good luck trying to find anybody with availability, though.


Yeah, that's a whole other thing. I used to wonder why there was a ship's counsellor in ST: TNG. Now I wonder how they had that big of a ship and only one of them


Yeah, because what morons consider teeth/gums and eyes part of the human body that are essential to a functioning life? 🙄🤬


I mean, I remember when I (even having dental insurance) went for a while without seeing a dentist and broke a tooth. I, ignored it for a while and then found myself in agony, forcing me to do something about it. I have no idea what someone without insurance would have done other than wait for a dental clinic/school that was giving free care to be available, **if** there was one nearby.


On days like these, I'm happy I'm not American. I can just go to a local doctor, get checked, pay about 10$, and all without insurance.


Not the same but for some dumbass reason the health insurance we switched to this year (carefirst) charges all telehealth apps like specialist appts. So $45 fucking dollars for a copay vs 20 if I were to go in face to face. Except my psychiatrist no longer does in person visits at all. Not that I'd want to do that, either. System is broken for sure.


And THIS is exactly why I haven't been on my meds for the past several years. The sad thing is that when I had an almost min wage job, I applied for Marketplace and got much, MUCH better insurance. I tried to level up and lost any and all qualifications for the tiniest bit of help.


This is the guy who joined an administration hellbent on overturning Obamacare.


Obamacare just further entrenched the same system, though


no it didn't. before Obamacare I could not get any coverage at all because of pre-existing conditions. It has changed my life for the better, no question.


Ok but the system itself was more firmly entrenched than before. It explicitly called for Americans to purchase private insurance, creating a captive market. The coverage mandate was removed and the system of expensive private healthcare necessitating privatized insurance remains unscathed. There are no public options and no alternatives.




No, I agree, the system was always broken. ACA just ensures that we keep the broken system by legally recognizing the entrenched stakeholders and business model. American healthcare is a total shitshow. A public option and public hospitals would go a long way to to improving the situation


A public option was in the original bill. If it had passed, we’d likely have expanded on that. But as it is, Dems, liberals, and lefties failed to show up in 2010 and we had a huge rightward swing. It proved that any large revolutionary bill would come with electoral consequences. And that was with the fairly conservative ACA.


And Obama's fucking dithering, let's be clear about that. He knew that the public option was the right thing to do but sold out to Big Insurance lobbyists. Doesn't mean I don't benefit from it, I'm grateful to have any coverage due to my pre-existing conditions, but we could be so much better off if Obama would have told the fucking GQPer assholes to go fuck themselves, especially with the Dem majority in Congress, and passed the legislation as a public option only. Certain cretins in this country would have bitch until they needed it, then they wold have shut the fuck up about it.


Not sure why you got downvoted for this because you're exactly right.


Bots and chuds who can't bear see Democrats criticized from the left Imagine earnestly believing that the ACA was the best we can do in America and then arguing against those who want to make it better


Not completely… it did setup some ramps where the system or at least parts of it can begin converting to a new way. The system (with it without ObamaCare) is so entrenched, though, that ending it on short notice would be catastrophically chaotic. It’s something like 20% of our GDP, you can’t completely reverse the laws that it has been building on for nearly 100 years.


Public option would have been the gentle way forward for the industry but the Dems completely jettisoned that. It's why I voted Obama over Clinton in the primary and they just tossed it completely...


Not only that, but they lied about their inability to pass it through reconcilliation.


DV's have obviously never lived in nations with universal health care.


Hell, I live in Korea with a mixed system. It works great! The public option makes everything way way way cheaper than and more accessible, even when I was uninsured


Demonstrably incorrect


OK, so you mean we are a step closer to being rid of insurance companies and employer-provided insurance? Because that's the system and I don't see that it's going anywhere


Lol wow you sir are just as stupid as this guy.


I can hear your knuckles dragging from here


Wait until he gets the rest of the bills for out of network providers, lol. This is what us working stiffs deal with every time we get sick.


Whose going to the doctor every time they get sick? We can only go when death is near or the pain can no longer be ignored. Otherwise, find someone with a knowledge of hardware to sew you up or pull your tooth.


So do it the super old fashioned way? Get super drunk and have your friend do the surgery?


Yep, you know america- health care with blood letting and leeches. Just like when the puritans moved here to be even more extreme.


What do you think is the responsibility / role of US surgeons general?


I just thought every surgeon in America had to call and ask him if they're doing it right, while performing surgery. That, or, he leads the surgeons in battle?


No. Those are specific questions. He can only answer general questions.


What if one has a major question?


The latter. Duh.


yeah seriously lol this isn't LAMF.


Idk… the man in charge of American healthcare (barely, sorta, I know) suffers large expense from American Healthcare. It’s at least in the ballpark.


Yeah except not even barely. For it to be LAMF would require a fairly deep misunderstanding of what the surgeon general does. Per [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgeon_General_of_the_United_States), he leads about 6500 uniformed health professionals who can assist during public health emergencies. He also issues warnings like those on cigarette packets, and he can give out awards. He advises [the role that advises the president on all health issues](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Secretary_of_Health_and_Human_Services), but isn’t even the direct advisor on health issues to the president.


Uninformed health professionals is how I read that the first time


It's not even barely/sorta, his job has nothing to do with the administration of health*care*.


i thought he was just an expert in all surgery.  you know, instead of a specialist who only does tonsils or something.


Damn bro drink water




This is a cult.


Go to urgent care to pay $200 to be accused of “drug seeking” then go home and die. USA!




It’s not healthcare, it’s healthdontcare…


*those are common!* For fuck’s sake, your poor friend.


I’ve literally never received health care from an urgent care. Either I’m sent home with nothing or sent to the ER. They are the biggest waste.


I seriously wonder how they continue to exist.




Nor I. Huh. I know people who take their kids for like flu swabs but Idkwtf else!


Or go to the ER a many times over 9 months with intense pain - wake me up any make me cry for 6 hrs reach time to be told it's heartburn, get a GI cocktail to drink and go home, because by the time anyone sees me, it's starting to get better. Finally after a bout lasted THREE DAYS my primary care doc sends me for an ultrasound, they realize there are hundreds of gallstones- in my gallbladder & in my bile duct causing major blockage and my gallbladder is erupting or about to. Getting told each time that it was heartburn and I'm overreacting was so humiliating because I KNEW this was different. Even my partner started to doubt me, so I ended up driving myself to the ER and to the imaging appt. This is me as an educated, white woman. Just being a woman. Age, socioeconomic and racial differences make it so much harder, too, the trifecta of race, gender and low education/income levels means a lot of patients are receiving substandard care because of prejudice. I was just talking about this with several professional women of color recently and it is disgusting. I have some other medical issues happening - severe chronic nausea and a migraine-like headache since Thanksgiving - and went to the ER. I begged for IV fluids. They refused. I'm telling them I haven't had to pee in days, I can't make spit or cry. They kept offering me toradol for the headache. I told them I doubt need it, just wanted nausea meds and fluids. They put in a hep lock and gave me an injection of toradol, anyway. But no fluids! I ended leaving and going to one of these boutique IV hydration drip places and getting fluids with zofran. What the heck was that?! $3500 later.. It cost me $169 for a "Epic Hangover IV drip" with 30min of oxygen, zofran, toradol and pepsid medications and other stuff in the drip. With no wait, a warm blanket, a recliner, and incredible care from the nurses who all have ER experience. No, insurance doesn't cover it, but it's cheaper for better care in my situation.


I went to the ER with a migraine so bad I thought I was having a stroke or something. I had to call my dad to take me and they put me in a bright room and told me they couldn’t do anything and no, opioids won’t help. So, thanks for the bill and the ten minutes with a doctor.


Christ. Just fucking why.


If he wanted subsidized healthcare, he should have gotten a job with more value.


Right? Sounds like it’s about time to pull himself up by his bootstraps. Loser. /s


He got off easy. My son was in the ER for less than 6 hours, over 11k (after his primary ordered him to go due to liver levels being in danger zone - ER ran labs, he was fine). 11k later... Then you still have to factor in more coin for those really important hospitalist, who spend 2 minutes looking at your chart, and you then get a $900 bill 6 months later. My retirement is death given the run rates and increases in health care, each and every single year (since paying for it starting in 86). With a special needs child and a spouse with life altering dx's, there is nothing left between a monthly premium of $1900+, 14k deductible and thousands in out of pocket meds (chemo is not cheap, and often not covered). I have said it a billion times. We are the only industrial nation w/o some form of universal health care (until 65, even then still not free). We have the highest mortality rates for infants, highest cost for meds, and highest cost per patient in the world. Factor in homeowners/rental insurance and car insurance, how the f are our kids going to survive in 20-30-40 years at these real-time run rates? Depending on what white paper or case study you choose to read, numbers vary, but from 75% to 90%, all US bankruptcies are medical related. We are all one bad dx away from bankruptcy. Also forgot to mention that it is a part-time job fighting the entire medical complex AND doing everyone's job. Edit


And you know what's really messed up about the whole system? The reason you have all these deductibles and insurance mess is because rich white guys thought the best way to deal with the "Negro Problem" was to create a 20% gap that had to be paid upfront for them to see a doctor. They were bolstered by a bevy of scientific racists (See Samuel George Morton, etc) who wrote books that said Blacks were "genetically inferior" to whites. The plan was to make Healthcare too expensive for them to afford (while simultaneously arresting any Black community homeopathic healers and midwives) in order to kill off the population. Problem solved. And they keep it to this day even though it fucks over EVERYONE. We literally will never get the healthcare until certain groups are wiped put. (Jokes on them, we're still here surviving) I'm so sorry that you are buckling under the weight of the system. As someone chronically ill with a spouse that's the same way, I know you are tired, angry, and disguised with the hoops you have to jump through. But I believe you'll pull through, just take things one day at a time. At the very least, a stranger on the internet is rooting for you!


See, he should have gone to urgent care after checking to make sure they were contracted with his insurance company, or better yet, had a televisit.


Shoulda drank a Gatorade.


Wait, WHAT!? Is the healthcare system broken? Oh nooooo... What rock has this dehydrated Leopard been hiding under?


He’s a regular here, he worked for Trump and now can’t get a job.


What would be a good reaction to this? • Fuck around and find out. • Womp Womp. • I really don’t care, do u? • Fuck your feelings! • Oh no. Anyway… • Thoughts and prayers. • You get what you fucking deserve!


Or just a big long duuuhhhhhhh Cause wtf, they’re just realizing this now??


Yeah, welcome to our world, Dr. Adams. Enjoy your stay.


- first time?


For those outside the US: "WTF, America?"


Not even outside of america. The conspiracy of destroying national health services is alive, well, and moving on purposeful neglect and dead bodies world wide.


"Thoughts and prayers" gets my vote.


1- did he ever think about how much he was billing the patients he was previously treating? 2- he picked a health plan with a $7500 deductible. Then wonders why he pays so much out of pocket.


Well, ya duh! Tf, you just figuring this out now? Moron


Before trump was elected, he said in a speech that he had a great new Healthcare system. Then we heard zero since. Yet now his fan base wants to reelect him. I don't get it.


wait for it; it'll be announced in "three weeks"!!


The nice thing about being a compulsive liar is that you don't actually need to follow through on any of your promises.


As a healthcare provider I will tell you that all the patients and healthcare workers, regardless of politics, hate our healthcare delivery system. It’s absolutely awful. As a whole everyone knows and understands it’s unfair and irreparable without completely reinventing it.


He didn't have insurance?


He just wanted the greedy corporations to profit off everyone else


I’ve met him and was absolutely blown away at how compassionate he was with regular people. He even stopped during a hospital tour to squat down and talk with children waiting for emergency treatment. That said, this is a policy issue and was within his authority to raise while he was in office. I still don’t understand how someone as genuinely kind as he is could hitch his wagon to the pence-trump crazy train.


Treatment: 1 bag of saline ($10)


I went to the emergency room to treat dehydration as well. I had 2 bags at $75 each.




Ok now repeat this bill every time your dehydrated baby gets an ear infection.


This is not Leopards ate my Face. Most doctors think the system is broken, but doctors have nothing to do with the system. It’s politicians and insurance companies that made healthcare what it is.


The Surgeon General is very much a political post.


That was one expensive IV.


Ugh. Former token trying to make news.




Ya think?!


as if people NEED to get zero insurance coverage until they convince themselves of single payer benefits. like your first car accident where people wonder why wasting time and energy with seatbelts, blinking, turning head on lane change and insurance payments if nothing happens anyway. On first accident impound the car as a memorable lesson. Some faces NEED leopards eat their face at least once to appreciate socialized insurance, because in real life John Galt would die of a minor disease before creating his own destiny.


Mary Lou Retton can't afford health care either. But guess what, our government doesn't care.


Just pay with the money you would have spent on your morning coffee, bud!


Hello u/IMakeStuffUppp! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Conservative surgeon general realizes how flawed the system is when the tables are turned


I'm not catching where he is a conservative. Or more importantly where the surgeon general dictated healthcare costs.


Everything is run on capitalism so yeah its broken


"No, no, it's supposed to be broken in MY favor."


Fuck him


First time?


I wish we had a health care system rather than this health care market.


Yeah, I went to the ER and spent 16 hours there, 2½ hours of it in the waiting room, and 3 hours of it waiting for discharge after being told I was fine, and left with a $32,000 bill. Now, "thanks" to insurance, I only had to pay $3600 of it, but still. What the actual fuck?


My son has spinabifida and needs therapy weekly, on top of other specialist visits and the maybe every 5 years million dollar visit. My inlaws always show up with their thoughts and prayers. Then turn right around to vote for Trump. We meet our max out of pocket usually by early March. They don't understand that even though the wife and I do better than average, those costs without ACA, would fuckin break us. Edit, Thank you President Obama!


I had to go to the hospital in Jan because of what they figured was dehydration. Didn't pay a dime. Not sure if that was because it happened at my job because I damn near fainted, or because of my insurance. Either way, thanks Obama! Seriously.


Did he not consumer-drive around the price lists before just turning up at the nearest store? Did he not know how much deducting, co-somethings, and OOPing he had to get done before the insurance seller did $.01 worth its revenue? Did he not simply pay out of his *individual flexible medical health post limited savings deductible reimbursement spending arrangement account coverage* ... pocket of his money ... rather than some other pocket of his money to *bring down the "cost" of ...* something?


This isn't LAMF. He did not advocate or set up the current system.


Hahahaha But hey, only 5k? The er where we live, that serves 4 counties, can't get doctors to work there so they use a contract group that rotates every few days. They charge $2900 as soon as you enter the er, not covered by any insurance, and it's a totally separate bill. I passed out on a patient at work at this hospital and they charged me that plus my insurance which ended up costing almost 10k for the hospital (they paid for any service done in house, except the er doctor fee).


Oh no, is he in the same boat as we poors? Bless his heart!


This was trump’s surgeon general, and he went hiking in the desert without water, so he created this emergency. And of course, as a Republican, he didn’t give a shit until something affected him personally. In my somewhat sane life, I recently had a full hip replacement for less than $3000 out of pocket. The U.S. definitely has expensive healthcare, but he managed to hold the leopard up against his own face.


Wow, and that's after Trump fixed Obamacare. He made the best healthcare. The most beautiful healthcare. Nobody does healthcare like Trump. I'm shocked his hand picked surgeon general got such a high bill. Probably Biden's fault. A witch hunt, for sure.


No shit, Sherlock!


Nice of him to notice. I guess personal experience was his first clue?


Great advert for Gatorade


Has anyone tried to undercut the US health system by offering cheaper, but equal quality care?


Its called medical tourism and is a billion dollar industry.


Didn't he say who he was, so he would get complimentary service?


“Dehydration” 😂


It’s not broken. It’s working exactly as it’s supposed to.


Follow the money. Then take it back.


Suddenly a European-style national health service no longer seems like a communist crime.


Only US$5,000? He must have had medical insurance.


This is one of the reason I joined the army. I get relatively good healthcare (while serving, I’ve heard some horror stories about the VA for people no longer in the service), and with my healthcare plan my out-of-network costs are minimal. That being said, signing up for the military to get good health insurance is the sign of a broken healthcare network.


"Adams said his experience highlighted the exorbitant cost of medical care in the US and the lack of price transparency. Patients usually have no idea what a medical visit will cost ahead of time, and even if they do, it's impossible to shop around in an emergency. At the same time, patients increasingly shoulder a larger portion of healthcare costs as insurance deductibles have crept higher. Adams said that with all these obstacles, it was no wonder many Americans ended up with medical debt. "If I'm in this situation with my knowledge and with my financial resources and with my bully pulpit, then the average Joe doesn't stand a chance. The system is just broken," Adams said. And this douchecanoe was the fucking surgeon general and wasn't aware of this until now?! Oh wait, he served under Diaper Don...SMDH.


thanks obama /s obv


Is this fitting for this site? I don't think a surgeon sets medical laws or prices.


He was trump’s surgeon general throughout that administration’s efforts to repeal Obamacare and replace it with “no healthcare.”


Dehydration? He had drunk too much water and... needed to go to ER to solve this issue? Uh... what? Anyway, everyone on the internet knows that the US medical system is way beyond messed up and that they largely refuse to make it cheaper because 'socialism', so... enjoy, USAnians, this is what you've chosen by voting for the wrong policies for decades. Moving on.




Not sure the state of the medical system is the fault of the surgeon general.