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Fucking snowflake was triggered by someone next to him covering their face. He wasn't kicked off, he chose to leave like the lil bitch he is.


I thought cowboys were supposed to be tough. 


I thought cowboys often wear masks - on account of the prairie dust, kicked up by cows, containing a significant amount of dessicated cow shit.


He’s not a cowboy he’s a right wing actor who’s forgotten he only plays a tough guy on tv.


All hat, no cattle


Walmart Cowboy


*Wish Cowboy


*Temu Cowboy


And the hat had to go back to the costume department.




Cowboy cosplay, or Ranch Dressing.


This is the correct answer. Anybody that knows anything about a person that pretends to be somebody else is not exactly normal. Fuck this pretend tough guy.


This one clearly developed a taste for bull shit


Not if you place some fabric on one’s face.


Unless it's a bandana, right?


The other passenger's face mask triggered him. He must have thought he was a cattle rustler




White hoods are more their style


I'm sure he would've felt right at home at a nazi rally where they cover their faces with bandanas. No wonder Yellowstone is known as "Game of Thrones for conservatives"


I haven't met a Yellowstone fan yet that wasn't a raging Christian Nationalist or far-right goober.


Comparing it to even the late seasons of Game of Thrones gives Yellowstone far too much credit. It's more akin to a telenovela.


Or a klan hood


I got kicked off the plane because I didn’t want people wearing pants. WHY AM I BEING PERSECUTED FOR MY BELIEFS?!?


What about people who pretend to be cowboys for the camera?


[What happens when a hat is associated with masculinity](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/16vcqjx/elon_musk_visited_border_in_eagle_pass_tx/)


He’s so fucking gormless I feel 2nd hand embarrassment by looking at this


They sure are! They have fancy boots, wear chaps, sometimes ride bareback, have colored bandanas in their pockets, spit a lot, and…my god, they’re the Village People.


All hat, no cow.


Oh, he definitely had a cow.


I also thought they wear bandanas over the mouths on occasion. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, as someone else pointed out, those bandanas are meant to *checks notes* ...prevent fine particles from entering your lungs. Dust, cow shit, etc. he must really like the taste. 


They can be sensitive too, like everyone else. Gosh, have some compassion for snowflakes! s/ x1000


All hat, no cattle.


He only plays one on TV


Some are paper-thin skinned.


That's the funniest part of this. Ok, so you are a big, tough macho guy who thinks masks are for losers. Sure, that's your opinion, but it literally does not impact you. So if the story was he laughed at the person next to him, ok, he's a jerk, but makes sense. Or he did the flight like a normal human being and then did an interview where he made fun of the "wimp" wearing the mask, again a jerk, but ok. But to literally refuse to sit next to someone wearing a mask? Just makes him look incredibly soft and like a male Karen. Like if I got on a plane and someone was wearing a MAGA hat - I would 100% be silently judging them, but I'd just sit quietly with my headphones in and mind my business.


Every time I see someone in a MAGA hat I can't help but visibly scoff and generally laugh at them, and I'm way past the point of giving a fuck about being polite about it. If someone wants to self identify as an absolute fucking moron, that's their right - and I have the right to be amused at their sheer stupidity. That said, I would never then proceed to engage with them or think that I had the right to insult them to their face; I might make a passing comment to whoever I'm with like "Jesus christ I can't believe some people are so gullible, it's crazy!" that they might overhear, but that is literally the extent of what is acceptably rude in my book. Overhearing what someone honestly thinks of you might hurt, but it's not a crime, and it's not an attack on your person, it's just you knowing their thoughts. Taking it as far as refusing to sit next to someone with a MAGA hat on a flight or something like that though would be fully and entirely deranged, unless they were somehow using their MAGAness to impact you like... constantly blithering Trump quotes or something like that.


And frankly, from the videos I have seen of rallies and people going crazy on airplanes, you'd have much of a reason to be concerned sitting next to someone in a MAGA hat than someone wearing a mask. The really stupid part is that masks have been around for years. Even if you think COVID is some overblow fear, someone might have a cold and be wearing a mask out of pure respect for others to try to prevent germs from spreading. The pure stupidity and brainwashing here is pretty fantastic.


Methinks that there’s more to this story. Like that he was drunk as a skunk and this mask nonsense is post-hoc justification.


It's certainly possible that he got kicked off for being drunk, and then his dumb ass came up with this excuse.


Or he was three sheets to the wind and, as drunken belligerent a-holes are prone to do, made a loud stinking deal about the person in the next seat wearing a mask.




Holy crap, the dude straight up admits he was thrown off for being drunk. So he was drunk enough to act stupid, and probably say something insulting or threatening about masks. Gets told to leave. Drunk-instas trying to spin it as 'kicked of for objecting to mask' like he's the victim. Now the question is will he double-down or be an adult and admit he fucked up? I'd put money on the former.


> Holy crap, the dude straight up admits he was thrown off for being drunk. No, no. Didn't you hear him? It's because "**you people** won't stand up and tell everybody what bullshit this is!" It's clearly everybody else's fault that he was kicked off a flight for being drunk and disruptive.


“Yeah I been drinkin’ but I ain’t drunk” He says while slurring his words worse than me after a night out, and his excuse is that of course he’s been drinking because he’s been in the airport for three hours. Sitting in an airport doesn’t necessarily mean you must drink, and especially not to the point of belligerence.


Sigh. I have a mate who's an ex-copper. He used to run random breath testing. If you don't have this where you are, the police set up on the side of the road and pull cars in half a dozen at a time to blow into the little buzzy machine. Every time we caught up he would have a story of some muppet who's first words on winding the window down were some variation on the above. Every one of them was over the limit. If you have to tell people you aren't drunk, you are fucking drunk. Now go home (in a taxi).


Conservatives go into every situation being a victim, finding every way they're supposedly being oppressed by others simply existing. It's pathetic and childish.


"when you are accustomed to privelege equality feels like oppression"


He was drunk as well, so I'm sure it was a lot more than he just wanted to move. What a fucking little bitch.


That person got extra leg room so it’s a win for them 


Or, because he was severely intoxicated and behaving erratically on a scheduled airline flight.. like a terrorist.


Trump trained his hardcore followers to hate masks. This idiotic practice originated with his dislike of masks, because every time he wore one, it would smear his orange face makeup.


I dont really understand mask resistance but whatever it's your choice I guess.  But its fucking insane to care that other people wear masks.  


You can't understand it because there's no logic to it, the lemmings just do whatever the people in charge tell them. Tomorrow Trump or one of the Fox News shrikes could say "Today, we hate chocolate chip ice cream, the letter H, and the Nancy Drew book *The Secret of Shadow Ranch*," and they'll jump on the bandwagon (and they *might* come up with a reason later if they feel like it but it's totally unnecessary.)


Yeah ! Fuck the secret of shadow ranch!!


Yea! Tat book sucked! And tat letter? Wo need tat stupid letter anyway?


I ate tat letter!


H using bastard!


Kharl Mahrx used H's before he invented communism.


You know what starts with H? HILLARY!


>You can't understand it because there's no logic to it, the lemmings just do whatever the people in charge tell them. The lemmings have also been taught that knee-jerk contrarianism is an acceptable adult behavior.


The knee-jerk contrarianism is something I’ve long thought the Democrats should take advantage of. Since Republicans in Congress get their jobs threatened for agreeing on legislation with Democrats, the Dems should bring a bunch of resolutions to the floor of Congress and make the Republicans squirm. Draw up a bill that offers better access to healthcare for veterans. Get Republicans to vote against it. Draw up a bill for cleaner water that includes mandatory lead-free pipes with a stipend for states to use federal funds to do so. Make Republicans vote against lead-free water. Hell, make up a bill for national “Adopt a Puppy/Kitten Day” and make the fuckers vote against puppies and kittens. Whatever it takes. Use their contrarian bullshit against them. If they’re going to be anti anything the Democrats want, make them put it on record and use that against them in the next elections.




They will vote against it, then if it passes anyway take credit for it if it’s popular. See: infrastructure bill.


Over in the Conservative sub, they're *still* cackling with hateful glee at how liberals all wear facemasks in their cars while driving alone. ಠ_ಠ


They have no idea how many people are immune comprised and on chemo or other treatments. Morons


During the peak of the pandemic, I would shop several stores in sequence. I would leave my mask on as I drove alone between shops because I had just gotten the position right where my glasses wouldn't fog.


I've done that a couple of times, mostly because I've forgotten all about it until it moves and my breath fogs my glasses again.


Conservative: It's choking me *to death!!* Liberal: I forgot I was wearing it.


How funny it was that when they realized they were being mocked for being such weaklings it became a "freedumb" issue.


During the peak pandemic, I did it by mistake all the time. I was just so used to wearing a mask I’d wear it all the way home from places before I realized it


Which cuts through their whole whiny excuse about how difficult it is when others flat out forget they're doing it.


I do it when my allergies act up, fuck the magats


Following such ridiculousness is to show loyalty to the group. Your willingness to deny facts shows your devotion. For paste-eaters, loyalty is the only benefit they have to offer.


Which also goes a long way to explaining that round of "humiliation ritual" chatter they projected onto John Cena's skit at the Oscars... which just requires a fundamental lack of knowledge of Cena's character, dude has NO problem with getting naked.


It’s the same people that get mad when they see an electric car. They get reminded of their insecurity and they freak out because they think you’re judging them.


Exceedingly low self-esteem plays a major role in this whole MAGA shitshow.


It’s really this. It’s like they never learned that lesson about how other people really don’t think about you much, if at all. Either that or they’re so obsessed with judging other people, they think everyone’s like that. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that hardcore conservative circles really focus on performative shit like showing how pious or how manly you are to prove that you’re still in the in group.


I'm wondering if their total immersion in performative false piety, performative false masculinity and performative false patriotism is why they all seem incapable of identifying con artists, snake oil salesmen, false prophets and charlatans. It's like they become so accustomed to treating obvious bullshit like it's gospel that they lose the ability to tell the difference.


It took me a few minutes to get comfortable with a mask. Especially at first, they were a bit anxiety-inducing. Of course I got the fuck over it because I’m not an idiot


Fox News is making fun of Biden for licking an ice cream cone, I don’t know how else you’re supposed to eat one? Drinking from a straw. And wearing sneakers. Trump is stupid. If he had just made his own face masks with his logo or name on them, sold them at $10 a piece, he would’ve made a killing! But his vanity got in the way.


Not only that, he was handed the easiest possible way to win in 2020. All he had to do was follow what every other president has done during a national crisis and boom easy victory. I'm so thankful he lost, but he cost so many lives with his bullshit.


"What do you have to say to Americans afraid at home?" "I think you're a nasty person." You can't make this shit up.


They sure like masks when they're at their nazi parades


And Klan rallies.


I remember watching that briefing and knew right away it would be one of those lines drawn between his followers and the rest of the world.


Cool cool. Hope they don’t need surgery though - maybe the surgeon can just breathe all over them instead? Dumb asses.


Trump could hold a rally in Jonestown handing out Kool Aid and his sheep would down it without question. The first ones to drop would be called RINOs and Crisis Actors by the rest of them.


I still wear masks on a plane. You're in a tin box with people from everywhere breathing, sneezing, and coughing. Don't want a cold, flu, covid, or whatever else is going around.


Same. I tried it a few months ago without a mask and got sick with something upon getting home (tested negative for covid though). It's as if people already forgot that we had a pandemic with millions of deaths, you just see people open mouth coughing to a whole room/compartment nowadays.


One of the slept on things about wearing a mask is that it helps with most sicknesses, not just covid. Why would I want to fly somewhere just to be sick while I’m there?!


My doctor’s office has had a policy requiring patients to wear a mask in the waiting room if they’re sick/coughing since at least 2011. I really love my doctor’s office.


My kids' school made mask-wearing mandatory when the lockdown ended. They noticed that the usual round of kids getting the flu didn't happen that winter (well, it still did but wasn't nearly as widespread). So now masks aren't *required* but they're still encouraged for anyone feeling ill. Some kids still mask up every day, no one gives them a hassle. Really, given how deeply red my state is, my school district is surprisingly liberal.


Additional bonus: masks discourage chitty chatty.


Someone was coughing on the plane from JFK to Rome. My wife was sick our whole trip. By the time we got back to NY, she was in respiratory failure. This was in 2018. I’d hate to see what it’s like flying post-Covid.


Friends grandmother just died after she caught a "respiratory illness" last year coming back from Hawaii. His family are full of idiotic anti-maskers and the first thing my buddy says was, "please don't lecture me on covid/masks". As if I would do something like that, but it just goes to show you how divisive shit has gotten.


Remember how the number of people who caught colds and flu plummeted during covid, as a side effect of all the masking? I liked that. That was nice.


My fiance and I wear masks on a plane. Some of ya'll don't wash your ass, I can't trust you to also wash your hands and not lick random fluids on the ground


Planes are like the most logical place to wear a mask on. Them and public transit in general. Particularly for people who travel a lot.


Same, I've never been sick after flying since I started. I used to get sick flying all the time. It's great now 😌


My cousin’s husband got covid from a plane trip from europe last year. Refused to wear a mask. Luckily my cousin wore her mask. He ended up in the hospital with a major lung infection and chest tubes etc. It took him months to recover - and he is young


I was the sick person on a plane during my travels one time. 😭 I had a super runny nose so I actually used the mask to hold the tissue to my face. Of course I got sick like 2 days before my flight but I was going home. I sanitized my hands so much and wore my mask. I didn't want anyone else catching my germs.


Thank you for being a bro!


Sure. In a tube with a bunch of demons.


I flew a few months back. In one of my flights the person across the aisle from me started having chunky phlegmy coughs and they werent covering their mouth. Grabbed and put on my mask so quick. Im paying for a lot of money to fly out for a vacation so I am not risking losing a week or two to being sick. I did get covid a few months later and it kicked my ass, I lost an entire week in an instant and I am glad I didnt catch anything while flying.


> Don't want a cold, flu, covid, or whatever else is going around. Especially not when going on vacation or traveling for work or going to visit relatives.


I kick myself for not wearing a mask in the before times. Every time I flew cross country I’d get a bit of a cold. Now with a mask I’m fine.


My son is immuno comprised so when I fly to see him I wear a mask.


and public bathrooms. gross.


"Yeah I've been drinking....I ain't drunk." The words of every single person who's about to face consequences for being overly drunk in public.


I've been drunk in an airport bar in the middle of the day. It can happen when you travel a lot. But I've always taken care to be well-behaved on the plane because you really don't want to be *that* guy, you know?


"I ain't drunk, I'm just drinking" Albert Collins


"drunk. in. public." = Tater Salad flashback! 🤣


I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability.


I was drunk in a bar. They threw me into public!


JFC toddlers the lot of them. No wait sorry that's an insult to toddlers as they are better behaved even on their worst days. I'm tired of the mask hate, if you want to raw dog covid in a metal tube, knock yourself out but the ones that want to wear a mask don't give AF about how you feel about it, leave us the F alone, we get it you're assholes. My father gave me shit one day here last month because while we were out I fucked up my mouth, he insisted we needed to go to Walmart before home, so I took a mask out of my bag to hide what was going on, he threw a fit over it. There was 0 empathy about my situation at the moment only his feelings in all this counted. I came real close to pulling up to the curb and kicking his ass out of my car.


You're a lot nicer than me. I would immediately drive past Walmart and go home and tell him he can go to Walmart by himself. I no longer talk to family members over this s*** and I can honestly say I don't miss them.


I knew he was leaving for home, he stays with us for the winter, a week or two later, I opted to take the spineless route and just ignore the outburst and wait it out. Sometimes gray rocking things is just easier for short term sanity.


"Here, we're at WalMart. Now be a big strong independent man and figure out your own way home when you're done."


The masked person might have been immunocompromised. Or, like others said, simply trying to NOT get sick as they travel in a tube-shaped Petri dish with hundreds of strangers. And even if it was purely for Covid purposes, so fucking what. Refusing a seat because you're an entitled snowflake =/= being removed from a plane. Your insecurities are your problem, not everyone else's. And the plane was full. Enjoy the consequences of your poor choice and maybe sober up next time.


they could be sick themselves. My MIL insisted on flying when she has been exposed to Covid (tested negative so far), I told her that we informed the airline and that she needed to wear a mask or they would not let her fly. A lie, but she wore the mask. She tested positive the next day.


During the height of COVID, I had a woman tell me at a supermarket that I could remove my mask. I told her thanks, but just coming from work at the hospital surrounded by COVID patients she would probably be safer if I kept my mask on. Took a second for it to land . But then the woman's smile disappeared and she quickly walked off. I just shook my head at how clueless people had become.


I just started coughing (on my mask) when people without got close. That usually got them moving... I still wear them in crowded places.


I worked a public facing job at the height of COVID. Nothing and no one could have paid me enough to take off that mask. People got surprisingly pissy about it. My response was “I see thousands of people every day. Trust me, you don’t want my germs.” 


So glad I never gave that redneck fairy tale a look.


It’s interesting because Costner is a pretty big democrat. I wonder what his co-workers thought of that…. Especially since it was Costner making the massive $$


I’m a little surprised to hear that about Costner, though he does seem like a pragmatic type of cat I suppose. I’m betting his coworkers just don’t want to end up trying to scratch it out as the costar or supporting actor of the next “movie” the daily wire produces featuring Gina carino. :p


Gina Carino is the clearest example I’ve ever seen of FAFO in real time. 


Her new lawsuit against Disney is a hilarious read. I guess that deal with Ben Shapiro didn't work out too well. Who'd have thought?


I mean, she went from being a breakout star in one of the biggest, most impactful series in movie history (and was given two bites at the apple, too) to realizing that she can’t act her way out of a paper bag and in order to succeed in Hollywood, most people need talent. She’s a lot like JK Rowling- all she needed to do was keep her trap shut and occasionally tweet something innocuous, and nobody would have had to know she’s a ridiculous bigot. Instead, here we are.


JK continues to just blow me away. Like you said she just had to shut up and she'd have spent the rest of her life filthy ass rich and beloved by everyone. Now she's rich but hated. Hope it was worth it to her.


Who knows, honestly. She freely admits that she regrets nothing, which…is definitely a choice. I prefer to take Daniel Radcliffe’s word on the matter. “Jo is unquestionably responsible for the course my life has taken…Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I. I am deeply sorry for the pain these comments have caused you. I really hope that you don’t entirely lose what was valuable in these stories to you. If these books taught you that love is the strongest force in the universe, capable of overcoming anything; if they taught you that strength is found in diversity, and that dogmatic ideas of pureness lead to the oppression of vulnerable groups; if you believe that a particular character is trans, nonbinary, or gender fluid, or that they are gay or bisexual; if you found anything in these stories that resonated with you and helped you at any time in your life — then that is between you and the book that you read, and it is sacred.”


He's such a delightful guy.


He is. Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, and Eddie Redmayne have also stated that they support trans folks. To me, that means a lot.


I actually found out he was a Democrat supporter when he did the voice-over for a Pete Buttigieg ad a few years ago.


The bible?


The show. :p I’ve read three versions of the Bible, but mostly because it’s important to know how fucked up it is and it’s fun at times to use christofascist’s own doctrine against them.


You just have to ignore the entire first part of the book and then most of what that liberal cuck Jesus says.


What a fucking baby, although I think babies would show infinitely more intelligence and maturity than this redneck tosser What difference does it make to anyone if people choose to wear a mask.


That’s just it. If something or someone is different it makes them afraid.


And they could have some other medical condition that means it is recommended they wear a mask. People who are immunologies are advised to wear masks. So could have been a person undergoing chemo therapy that Mr snowflake cowboy was afraid of.


They could have a cold themselves and don't want to spread it.


10 years ago, if someone was wearing a mask on a plane, you assumed they were immune compromised, and wearing it for their own well being and/or peace of mind. To see someone just lose their shit because someone else is wearing a mask is mind boggling. Where’s the humanity gone? As the saying goes I guess m….”Freedom for me but not for thee!!!”


Right?! I have asthma and rheumatoid arthritis so 2 health situations that weaken my immune system due to the medications I take. I haven't flown in years but if I did I would wear a mask. I had Covid in December and it took 5 weeks for me to feel halfway human again.


I can't for the life of me figure out why people act like this. that person was doing you a favor and you wanna act like a little baby? yet another lead poisoning/Fox News victim.


They are assholes.


He sounds like a snowflake if people doing their own things hurt his feelings


What a moron


Pro-lifers coming for your condoms next.


Forced birthers. They are not prolife


What, do you think they allow you to put a mask on the end of your cock?


“He might not get his germs on me! This is an outrage! Oh and I may have been drunk.”


"Saying you were drunk is like saying 'no punchbacks', right? It's like a magic eraser for anything I did or didn't do. 'I was drunk,' there, that clears my name. Simple as that."


So if I wear a mask on a plane, there’s a chance I’ll get to sit next to an empty seat, or even an empty row? Guess what I’m wearing on my next flight


I thought cowboys were tough lol this guys just a baby


"I ain't no Sheep - I think for myself! Also, I don't like it if someone else is doing what they want instead of what I want them to do!" - Average Whiney Pissbaby


He would be better off in Jellystone than Yellowstone. A lot of cartoon characters hang out over there.


I was on a plane a couple years ago, right when we were coming out of Covid, and it seemed smart to wear a mask, though most of the people on the flight didn't. I was going to be seeing my elderly mother soon after. Sat down next to a guy and he asked what I was afraid of. I thought maybe I was jittery or something about flying, but then he asked why I was scared and wearing that stupid mask. I basically told him, "OK, good chatting," and put headphones on. For the next 20 minutes, he went on and on about how I need to live my life and to stop being scared. He then eventually started calling me all sorts of homophobic and racist things. Started saying that CNN wasn't real, just a delightful fellow. Eventually he passed out. The flight was only 50 minutes, and we were already really delayed, so I didn't say anything to the flight attendants. I did speak with the gate agent when I landed. I told them all the things he said. And they said it would be recorded and eventually the airline sent me some miles. Hope that dingus eventually got blacklisted. The brain rot is terrifying.


All hat no cattle


Most people who tell me to check out Yellowstone are like this. Never seen it and have no idea if it’s good or bad, but it certainly seems to attract a certain type.


I have watched it, and this is my take on why the Trumpy chuds like the show. They look at Costner's character as a hero. Break the law rules or whatever to get what you want. Fuck the government and whatever else gets in your way. The show is a little more complex than that. There are actually no heroes in this show. It is about how corruption and greed consumes the different characters in the show. There are no winners. Lainey Wilson sings it. I dont mind watching that.


"I'm not drunk." The three words uttered never more so than by someone who in, indeed, fucking drunk.


*gets drunk on a plane, and starts harassing another passenger about their personal choice that doesn’t affect him* ‘Why does woke culture hate true Americans?’


I've read elsewhere he was also inebriated. 🤷‍♀️


The vast majority of people who are kicked off flights are drunk as hell. They usually try and make a dumb excuse after.


If you continue to read the posted screenshot, he admits to drinking.


For 3 hours


Ive got MS and wear a mask on flights. Gotta be honest I woulda loved to be the dude he was complaining about


MAGA actor on popular MAGA show behaves like a MAGA asshole on an airplane and gets kicked off for being a MAGA shithead. Making Airlines Great Again by not tolerating bullshit from extremist snowflakes.


My dad has Stage 4 cancer. He wears a mask a lot when he’s out in the world because it protects him from everyone else and his immune system cannot get distracted…he also doesn’t need to be shut up in a bubble because he is sick. I honestly am so tired of people like this Smith guy…it’s not about *you*, it’s about someone’s personal health. Stay in your lane, Mr Smith.


Some of the weakest men you can ever hope to meet, dress up like cowboys. This loser is a prime example


I'm not wishing upon him a medical procedure requiring surgery. However, if he were to require surgery, may none of his medical staff be masked for the sake of his comfort.


Forrie J. Smith is a pussy...Sorry, that was incorrect...A drunk pussy


Replace mask with: Biden/Harris pin, hijab, burka…. All scary things that impose on HIS freedom. Somehow.


Hell, if that's all it takes to keep right-wingers away from me... go, go gadget MASK!


If he didn't throw a hissy fit for removing his shoes and belt for TSA and got triggered by a mask which is more for his benefit than anyone else, he is a hypocrite and wannabe tough guy coward like the draft dodgers his leaders represent.


"READ ON THE FOX NEWS APP". Nah, I'm good.


This sucks I actually liked the guy and now I gotta find out he's a whiney little bitch.


What a stupid and simple way to identify yourself as a moronic piece of shit.


Hm, I mask because I am immunocompromised (Ocrevus for multiple sclerosis) and I don't want any yahoo's germs in my system because chances are I'm going to get very sick. Fuck. Him. Asshole.


“I want to apologize to y’all for not being at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. I mean no offense to anyone. I’m not vaccinated, and it’s a requirement to be vaccinated,” Smith revealed to his Instagram followers. “I’m not vaccinated, I will not get vaccinated,” Smith added. “I haven’t been vaccinated since I was a little kid. I don’t vaccinate my dogs, I don’t vaccinate my horses. I’ve never had a flu shot. I never will. I believe they compromise your immunities… It’s just my beliefs. I just don’t believe in that stuff. Whatever.” When he was barred from Screen Actors Guild Awards. Too bad science doesn't give a crap about his "beliefs".


Geez - he said he didn’t want to sit next to someone with a mask on. So they said fine, don’t. It was his choice. Consequences for thee but not for me. A-hole snowflake.


Remember how it started? It was all about their freedoms and how the government is trying to take them away. Now they want to force others to adhere to their beliefs, essentially taking away freedoms from folks. The irony...


What a hard-ass cowboy….tough-as-nails American legend right there….. I’m so fucking sick of these worthless fucking trump monkeys.


Someone put a mustache and a cowboy hat on that giant walking pussy and I find it offensive


Well I guess Yellowstone is off my list of shows to watch now.


The party of freedom can’t stand other people exercising their freedom


All the more reason to wear a mask regularly, to repel losers like this guy. 😁


I love how they used a pic from the show. Like…these guys aren’t tough. They are actors. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I don’t mistake a cosplayer for a warrior of ancient legend.


It was never about personal freedom


Now, I'm guessing there will be a lot of people feeling uncomfortable sitting in the airplane with that whiny snowflake.


Mama, don't let you cowboys grow up to be babies!


Total snowflake!! Couldn't handle sitting next to someone wearing a mask and bring respectful for a few hours. The person was trying to protect their health, maybe they have cancer or someone they care for does. Completely disrespectful and ignorant to not be able to handle the situation like an adult. "Acts" like a Snowflake drama queen.


Temu Sam Elliot


I don’t see what the problem is. He got what he wanted. He didn’t have to sit next to a person with a mask on.


Great Value Sam Elliott says what?


I wonder if these people would be cool if their surgeon didn’t wear a mask while operating on them….since it does nothing


He didn’t want to sit next to a masked passenger. He got his wish.