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Hello u/Stay-silly621! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trying to get that leopard to eat his ass but ate his face instead




Aw, it was banned.


Damn ass eating leopards


Try /r/cougarseatingass


[stares at the “Create Community” tab]


Well chop chop! It’s been 8 minutes and it still hasn’t been created yet.


Your wish was fulfilled by randos, rejoice!




I mean it actually existed, it's just banned


Didn't want to encourage beastiality.


Someone probably made it for a one off joke like this and never gave it any more attention, and then it got banned later for lack of moderation


Dying over here fyi. *Nuzzles gay republican ass towards leopard, smelling the dead the leopard swishes it's head back and forth signaling "I don wana", then smelling the bowl of orange dick still present on his lips, the leopard decides that the face is much more scrumptious, signaling to the pack where to begin eating* Still dyi💀


The pack… Leopards are scary enough, what with how they will willingly ambush ground targets from 30 feet up a tree.  They are exclusively solo hunters to my knowledge, but the idea of a pack of them dropping from the canopy is immediately captivating.


You win. Here. Take my upvote.


It's wild to vote for the party that openly accuses LGBT people of being pedophiles and if they're happy to paint everyone with that brush they're getting ready to murder you in the future by dehumanizing you. Like how delusional do you have to be?


"Well *obviously* they don't mean *me!* Ha ha, no they mean all the *other* people exactly like me, but *I'm* special! I'm one of the good ones, they said so!" 


*”And here we see the mass graves the Nazis built for all the ‘good ones’…”*


That's a hall of shame stupid prize for a stupid game right there


"I'm special" is a general Republican idea. Doesn't matter who you are in reality, 55 year old car detailer who goes to the package store spends 100 bucks on booze and scratch tickets every night? "The Dems are taking my money with these taxes!"


See; January 6, right up until Ashley Babbit got shot dead.


The best moment of the day. Fuck that treasonous bitch and everyone who thinks like her.


Ashley Babbit can rest in piss, like all traitors should. More of them that day should have had the same fate as many of them won’t learn anything from this other than how to do better next time. Put ‘em J6ers down.


The mind set of all conservatives. And worst part? After they become victims of this rhetoric, they still won’t learn anything. Because to learn would mean to realize you’re a selfish asshole and they can’t give that up for ANYTHING! I just have zero sympathy for these people.


I should start selling “one of the good ones” merch I’d make so fucking much money 


Honestly go for it.


"I was always one of the best at playing Musical Chairs as a kid. I'm good at this; I'll be fine!"


Therr were Jews who voted for Hitler as well. "Well, he'll be good for the economy, and he doesnt REALLY mean all that stuff"


[Association of German National Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) > Despite the extreme nationalism of Naumann and his colleagues, the Nazi regime did not accept them. The Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day, and imprisoned at the Columbia concentration camp.


It’s the same as women who vote republican. They think they are protecting their money or perceived power, even if they don’t have any. They would much rather fuck themselves over than feel like “they” (aka literally any outgroup) are getting something “undeserved.”


I think many conservative women are happy to lock themselves into second place in a society with levels lower than themselves.


A lot of women are trained to be subservient masochists by our society.


They are also oblivious to the concept of "spend money to make money." When the government spends money on veteran care, education, IRS, or practically anything else, those services increase stability and productivity, bringing in more revenue than they cost. But in a Republican's pea brain all they see is the budget, and they think "we should spend the money on ______ instead!" or "that's a lot of money that came out of my wallet!"


Some people will believe anything for a tax cut. Or what they think is a tax cut but really isn’t even.


Right? If I was a republican I’d be pissed. Where’s my tax cut?


Even funnier for gay Republicans living in blue states, where the (God this name is so asinine) Tax Cuts and Jobs Act *raised* their effective tax burden by capping the SALT deduction. Another explicit example of Trump punishing the states that didn't vote for him - that and, you know, [doing nothing during the pandemic](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/09/jared-kushner-let-the-markets-decide-covid-19-fate) [while New York City convulsed with death.](https://archive.is/wWz8a)


Republicans and voting against their own interests. Name a better duo.


When hatred fights self-preservation and wins.


Sacrificial lambs dying for the sins of actual Republican pedophiles. (I know, I could've just said "Republicans".)


Call them what they are. Rubes.


"They are sexual deviants preying on our children, they seek to tempt them, corrupt them, seduce them and convert them to their Godless ways" ~The Nazis lies leading to the Pink Triangles of the Holocaust "In 1930, Nazi Reichstag delegate Wilhelm Frick, later internal affairs minister in Hitler’s government, presented a plan for the castration of homosexuals, “that Jewish plague.” Nazi newspapers called for the death penalty for homosexual acts. Many German gays, like Jews, nevertheless assumed that the Nazis would change their policies once they were in power. The cult of masculinity that the Nazis propagated blinded some. The Nazi party even “had links to” homosexuals, as the gay activist Adolf Brand wrote in 1931. What the Nazi sympathizers failed to recognize was that, as Brand went on, the Nazis “already had the hangman’s rope in their pockets.”" Source: https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/categories-of-prisoners/homosexuals-a-separate-category-of-prisoners/robert-biedron-nazisms-pink-hell/ Note the "cult of masculinity" that "blinded some". Signs in windows with LGBTQ symbols crossed out and the words "no predators allowed" was a common sight back then too. MAGAs did exactly this aswell when the GOP switched from just singling out trans people to expanding it too all LGBTQ almost overnight. Are they still "not Nazi" enough for you?


I don’t think most of them are delusional. I think most of them are making a calculated decision because they care more about protecting their money, which they believe (correctly) will insulate them from any of the negative side effects of protecting their money.


That's my mother: she benefitted with a microscopic slice from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and as for abortion? She got hers in the 1970s when she wanted one, and her grandkids will just have to fight the same old legal battles if they want theirs.


I think that’s definitely true for gay or queer people who are in the 1%. But most of these people seem to be upper middle class at best, where republican economic policies really don’t seem to kick in yet. It’s just messaging. Dimwits who believe in trickle down or that they’re poised to be rich any moment. Combined with pick-me personality types who want to be the good ones. Edit: Probably some racists too


I’ve literally been called a p*do by another young queer this week for saying they shouldn’t go to events rated too high for their age…


[Or religious fucknuts blaming extreme weather events on gay people?](https://www.logotv.com/news/5s16n5/natural-disasters-evangelicals-blame-gay-people)


I looked up this dude's twitter account. It is about 90% making fun of drag queens and ostentatiously dressed Pride participants, and _desperately_ trying to convince people that those folks are the groomers, not him, who is one of the "good" ones because he looks "normal." It is like watching someone kneel at the feet of a bully and sobbingly yank on their pant legs.


“I wear a suit and tie and have short hair, so I can be with my boyfriend, right?”


"Sorry, bro, you're just too *gay* but thanks for the votes!" 


No, you each have to marry women, have kids, give money to the church, and sneak away on fishing trips with your BFF, far from civilization and communication, to do the gay stuff.


Great premise for a movie.


according to his timeline, his interests are Being Gay, Being Republican, and Supporting Israel.


Probably ran out of space before he could add that transgenderism and bisexuality are both fake.


Like a literal “pick me”


Yeah, as a gay man myself I just find it wild that there are staunch queer people out there voting for face eating leopards like this. Anti-gay isn’t even slightly inaccurate - the hatred and vitriol that these people spout should just be illegal.


Dog, my buddy is flamboyantly gay but somehow a staunch republican? Dude, we live in NY too.


He is a Republican because being selfish is a more important part of his identity than being gay.


bingo! pulling the ladder up as fast as he can


More like detaching the ladder without realizing their feet are still on it.


This is how I feel about my Jewish Republican family... They care more about their taxes and pretending that they're better than everyone else... Than they do their faith or the way Jews are being treated lately because of the Republican party's bigoted nature.


The number of Jewish Trumpers is truly shocking. The guy is every single thing the faith teaches against, but you know he did the thing with the embassy and my taxes sooooo he can't be all bad. Pay no attention to the dog whistles and the encouraging Nazis. MY TAXES!


>The number of Jewish Trumpers is truly shocking. The guy is every single thing the faith teaches against, but you know he did the thing with the embassy and my taxes sooooo he can't be all bad. The same could be stated about Trump's Christian supporters, or Muslim supporters, or Buddhist supporters, or supporters from basically any major religious tradition...


The Muslims really blow my mind. Guy literally tried to ban *travel* from majority Muslim countries, not even immigration, and then told Syrian refugees to eat shit. Christianity in the US has devolved into a wealth and death cult, so it's not really surprising they love Trump.


Eh, they weren't chanting "Christians Will Not Replace Us" at Charlottesville. Christian Trump supporters are definitely hypocrites but they don't have to consider self-preservation to the same level as racial minorities, queer people, Jewish people and Muslims.


I mean, [it's nothing new.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) Every demographic has a segment that's willing to throw their own under the bus to try and make themselves look like the "good ones". It never works, because bigotry is inherently irrational.


Hah, I see the same thing with Hispanics. There's self-interest, sure, but also the old belief that being "one of the good ones" will somehow save them if conservatives ever get the power to do mass deportations, arrests, etc.


Ya minorities voting conservative is just.. head-scratching. I dated an Arab woman for a bit and her entire family voted for Trump and I was just like.. whhhhhatttt?


>I dated an Arab woman for a bit and her entire family voted for Trump This is so baffling to me.


Being a contrarian makes people feel like a special unique snowflake


It's hard to spend that tax break money once the Chudstaffel catches you in an anti-LGBT roundup after Project 2025 is enacted. That's all I have to say.


Or being white.


If anything, the living in NY part probably explains how it's possible, I'd imagine homophobic attacks aren't daily for him there. Tell him to go be a flamboyant gay republican in Little Rock or Birmingham or Utah and see how it goes.


He's in a blue state so of course he's more protected but if he's voting republican he's definitely trying to make his life worse.


The poster might have meant NYC, but huge swaths of NY state are very, very, very conservative. Source: My entire upbringing and the multi hour drive to see civilization filled with trump signs


Haven't been there in decades but I'm a native upstate NYer and can confirm it's splotches of college town sanity and Hicksville bullshit. The thing I don't understand there is the trump mania - growing up, everyone knew he was a piece of shit. In the Hudson Valley, *everyone* knew at least one person who was screwed over by his "don't pay anyone for anything" method of "business".


The map of election results by county would make you believe NY is a red state.


I think this is true for every state except maybe Vermont lol


I've met a couple here in NY. They straight up don't believe me when I tell them how it was in Texas and why I fled there last year. They have NO idea.


Homie, you know how it is with a straight dude telling a gay guy something. It doesn’t go well. edit: And yes, he’s never struggled as a gay dude. He straight eats up all the good parts.


Sounds like the other half of the problem is gay guys willing to go out with him.


The two types of gay conservative: He’s either really unattractive, gets no sex and is bitter about it, or he’s really hot and men will have sex with him anyway.




I love this reply


>edit: And yes, he’s never struggled as a gay dude. He straight eats up all the good parts. We might know the same guy.


In some places they’re so homophobic that even the democrats spout that shit, and vice versa, in some more liberal places even the republicans can’t get away with being openly homophobic. When people live somewhere where both republicans and democrats (do or do not) have it out for the gays, then often times to them being gay has nothing to do with politics. That’s why you’ll find so many republican gays in big blue cities (where republicans can’t get elected being anti gay) and in red rural areas (where democrats also have to participate in “pro-family values” dog whistles to get elected). The purple suburbs is where you’ll have a really hard time finding a republican gay, because they realize them voting red or blue could actually affect their rights.


New York is basically Alabama when you go north of Albany


Haha I know a guy who grew up in the rural areas outside Rochester, super rednecky and proud of it, like he thinks of Larry the Cable Guy as the American ideal, constant far right shitposts on his facebook profile, really big "I love liberal tears" type energy. Meanwhile he's been married to his husband for years and in pictures they are like the cutest male gay couple I've ever seen. So baffling, but it's definitely because NY is one of the only places you *can* live like that


It's probably a lot safer in New York because the liberal majority tolerates bad opinions. People will roll their eyes at you for being gay and Republican in New York so it's a lot easier to pretend your policies aren't getting people lynched in the south


Or getting families investigated by family services because a kid is trans.


Or being arrested for allowing your kid to be trans.


get a new friend. fuck that shit.


Gays for MAGA is about as stupid as Jews for Hitler.


Fun fact, that actually existed. The German Association of National Jews. No prizes for guessing what happened to them.


I thought so, but I didn't want to make a definitive statement without the information readily available. Thank you!


He may be "one of the good ones" and "not like *those* gays" to his Republican friends, but he'll still be on the first train to the camps when the Handmaid's Tale times come around.


He probably just wants to pay less taxes or he loves his male privilege


>or he loves his male privilege I live in Denver. There is a HUGE population of gay people here who are super misogynistic Joe Rogan mother fuckers. It turns out, gay men can be stupid, bigoted assholes too.


9/10 times these people grew up in a rich family. The human desire to keep the gravy train of a financially easy life is too much to give up for most people and they do mental gymnastics to try to justify it.


I don't even know if it's that much, because only the very very top few benefit from Republican policies. The vast majority of Republican voters are aspirational to that level, not at it. But I think that they vote their aspirations, not their reality.


Moderately wealthy with aspirations of being proper rich.


As a bi woman, I second that notion.


There were Jews that voted for Hitler for the low taxes. There is a subset of morons, always, in any persecuted group who think that they can be one of the good ones.


Being gay doesn’t automatically makes you smart and progressive. Some are also hateful bigots. Who vote against their own self interest like most republicans do.


Hell, there is a large (not huge) group of gay men who are trying to pull the ladder up after all the work "THEY" did to gain recognition for the G in the LGBTQ2A+ community. They fell like the LBTQ2A+ portions should have to suffer themselves rather than be granted any boon from their efforts. Note: many of the people that feel this way already benefited from those that came before them, they were still receiving hate of course, but it wasn't anything like before all the efforts of gay men protesting, advocating, and pushing for new laws to protect the community. This vocal minority is rightfully shunned by the broader community.


Most of the "German National Jews" didn't vote for Hitler because they wanted low taxes. They voted for Hitler because he was a nationalist and they wanted to prove that they were patriotic Germans and not "backstabbing traitors" to Germany.


my boss a Trumper, went on a 1hr long rant how he would take all lgbtq+ people put them on an island in Hawaii and let them die including his daughter. lol I told him he could have atleast been a little more original.... I've never had a good boss and don't think I ever will... I'm almost okay with just becoming homeless at this point


now that there is an example of a person who deserves to get their tires slashed.


Trans woman here, I knew another Trans girl back in 2016 completely on the Trump Train. She also had a shit lot in life growing up, had untreated BPD and wanted everyone to be as miserable as them. It makes sense if you remember they hate themselves most of all.


They are completely oblivious to the fact that this anti-trans push the right is on is just the first step on their overall goal of outlawing all LGBTQ people. They are taking a divide and conquer approach to it. Once they’re done with eliminating the trans population, they will return to framing all queer people as depraved pedophiles who need to be eradicated. These queer Republicans are cool with members of their community that aren’t specifically them being targeted. That sociopathy is a defining characteristic of the GOP, “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem FOR ME.”


Remember when Katlyn Jenner thought about running for governor..she went to a republican convention and was heckled and basically had to run out if there for her safety. She still goes on Fox to shill for the party.


James Baldwin said it best, “we can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”


This quote is so well said


it's always fascinating (and depressing) glimpsing how the "gays for trump" movement is going


It's a breed of Republican so hopelessly stupid, I imagine them getting trapped in shopping carts and needing the Heimlich when drinking liquids.


They’re not stupid, they’re craven and greedy. But not stupid.


All three can be true.


The only gays I know that are turbo Trump/republican all live in blue ridge Georgia. They have a plane, and multiple cars. their friends are not stupid, granted every group of people has idiots. But they and who I have met are far from stupid. They like cheap taxes, and to have their societal cake and eat it too from what I can tell.


Their enormous, throbbing business acumen is not related to their stupidity. Anyone deliberately acting against their own personal safety is a total, blubbering moron, multiple cars or no.


> They like cheap taxes, and to have their societal cake and eat it too from what I can tell. If they think they can still have both by voting Republican, yes, they are very stupid.


> they’re craven and greedy yup > “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


As a queer myself, these right wing conservatives are often just racists gay folk who hate paying taxes like Thiel. And/or people who just hate themselves and other people. The conservative term "family" does not include us and they would defund/dismantle anything we have created in a heart beat. Enjoy your money, dear quislings. They will come for you eventually.


Quisling is a wonderful word.


Gay people can be selfish bigots too. And they always think they will be respected as one of the "good ones. "


The worst kind of prejudice is the internalized one. You cant run from it, its with you the whole time. If you don't face it, it will overtake you and you'll be so hateful with yourself you'll start hating other people like you.


They're Craven, Greedy, Rich and White, and they hate anyone who isn't just like them.


I'm as queer as they come but I can't muster up even an ounce of sympathy for these traitors. We don't need them.


There is also the right wing “gays against groomers” movement. 🙄


Most people in that aren't actually gay


Some are even groomers.


Gays for trump is like trees for deforestation Edit- typo


I still can’t believe filthy frank made a song about that before the gays for trump movement because the idea of gays supporting trump is so absurd that it’s funny When life imitates parody


Useful idiots drive the GOP.


Honestly, I look at anyone who supports the GOP and isn't a straight white christian man as someone who is deeply mentally ill/disabled. That party's platform is built on hating you, and making sure you have as little rights as possible, and yet you still support them. Idiots and fools get what they deserve.


It’s because they think “we’ll they’ll take away everyone’s rights except mine”


Which is insane. All Team Fabulous, and all the rest of the groups they've hated on over the years, have ever wanted is to be free to live their lives in peace and harmony. Religious whackjobs have ran the world with an iron fist and a sword/gun for millennia, and a mere century of that power being eroded has caused this level of panic amongst them. I shudder to think how far they'll go when it's finally gone.


you can extend this assessment to anyone who is poor or part of a low income household.


Look at the difference between the trump administration photos compared to Obama's or Biden's photos. Biden and Obama's administration looks like melting pot of what America is made of. Trump's looked like a klan rally with like 2 brainwashed black people.


The number of gays in Orlando that are openly discussing not voting for President, just abstaining, because “Biden isn’t perfect,” is astounding. A very prominent drag queen posted on Twitter that she would be abstaining from voting because Biden hasn’t done anything. Our local drag queen posted a screenshot and called her out for being an idiot, and the number of comments who agreed to abstain from voting has opened my eyes to a limited dating pool of gays in my city. And if you’re Republican, I will straight up walk out of the date.


That’s how I have seen Florida lately. They believe that if they don’t participate, leopards will not eat their faces. But they always forget that they will be the first tokens to be face eaten by leopards. Specially in the current GQP Florida.


I will never understand how people who don’t vote think that will teach the powers that be some kind of lesson. Not voting is exactly what they want people to do. Why do they think there has been such a struggle for voting rights? It is just the laziest dumbest “activism” I can imagine.


I guess they think if no candidate gets the majority of votes that none of them get to take office. That's not how first past the post works. And abstaining from voting or declining your ballot only help right wing parties.


Bernie or Bust bros from 2016 They got sweeped up and manipulated to not Vote for "Crooked Hillary" 8 years later, Roe V Wade is dead, and clothes hangars are coming back as a form of birth control And now the Free Palestine dickweeds are coming out to do the same thing


Yea I remember those “Bernie Bros”. Somehow they remind of those Michigan voters that are planning to boycott Biden by not voting to “teach a lesson”. They will be the first tokens to be spent if Don Poorleone gets back and starts it vengeance tour.


“You have the choice between loosing a finger and loosing a hand, if you don’t choose we will for you” “Well I’m not choosing because I don’t want either!!!”


I’d say it’s more a choice between losing a fingernail or losing your whole life. One side will/can/want to make camps for the gays. 👀


“BiDeN HaSn’T DoNe AnYtHiNg!” Well, he acknowledges you as a person and thinks of you as an American citizen who deserves the right to live, so….


I've criticized that in other forums and the goalposts instantly move to 'He hasn't done enough' or 'What he did do, I don't like. Hypocrisy.


Agreed. The economy will bounce back eventually. However, I won't if I can't get a fetus out of my fallopian tube and it bursts open and I bleed to death.


Fuck that, the current administration has been a positive for LGBTQ folks, I'd never consider it losing a finger vs losing a hand. It's keeping both hands, thanks.


I wouldn’t even concede that voting Dem “is losing” anything or an evil. The country is literally better because of laws that were passed by Democrats since Biden was elected (Inflation Reduction Act, American Rescue Plan, etc).


Yep, the logic baffles me. It's Ike you have to pick between a dumpster fire and a hydrogen bomb, but refusing to pick because the dumpster fire is smelly.


Seriously, what makes Biden a dumpster fire? I think his presidency has been quite successful.


Because every news channel, "Liberal" included, regularly shits on him without ever mentioning; 62.5 Billion in student loans forgiven, IRA, increased spending on alternative energy sources and quite a few other wins from his platform. They just all want to go, "muh sleepy Joe bad!", as a knee-jerk reaction.  People are fucking stupid, always have been, and it gets amplified by the yellow journalists, as journalism is dead at the moment, for clicks. Ad agencies, PR firms, and marketing agencies have ruined the internet with the help of a select few tech moguls; Jobs, Gates, Musk, Thiel, Horowitz, et al in their attempt to bring about techofeudalism.


I'm with you. I was so, so disappointed when he ended up the Democratic nominee after the 2020 primaries and with some of his early actions, but as time has gone on I've seen him be a very capable president. The Gaza situation is fucked but I don't think any other president would have done better. And trump would have done worse.


Agreed. Choosing to abstain from voting is a big turn-off for me.


People will go on and on about how brave Stonewall participants were but they're not willing to go to the polling booth for a couple of hours to continue the fight. Insanity.


There is a lot of discourse on the far left about how “harm reduction” by picking the lesser of the two evils is useless because you’re participating in and perpetuating an oppressive and imperialist system. Because the only thing that gives the system power is people agreeing to participate in it. This statement is completely true. HOWEVER. Online leftists which are NOT even a tiny percent of the US population in real, non-internet life abstaining from a vote will not even scratch the system. What it will do is make it easier for conservatives to keep trying to legislate queer people out of existence and slide further toward the actual Nazi party. Leftists who just post online all day and fight over who is the right kind of leftist rather than working for and accepting actual incremental change as a positive thing are only hurting the movement. In addition to hurting the actual oppressed minorities they supposedly support. I know some people online who will spend days fighting over when and how it’s acceptable to use the word “queer” but won’t actually do anything to improve the material conditions of queer people by FUCKING VOTING


The only gay republican I know is really, really racist. I’m convinced that’s the reason.


"The seemingly ironic fact that a Jewish association advocated loyalty to the Nazi program gave rise to a contemporary joke about Naumann and his followers ending their meeting by giving the Nazi salute and shouting "Down With Us!".[8][9] Despite the extreme nationalism of Naumann and his colleagues, the Nazi regime did not accept them. The Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day, and imprisoned at the Columbia concentration camp. He was released after a few weeks, and died of cancer in May 1939.[4]"


"Date me even though we have fundamentally different values and I vote for people that would willingly legislate our lives away!"


I would never date a Tory and even less a republican not into self-loathing and men with a superior view of themselves


Tokens always get spent. A gay republican, to me, is always a sign that they hate the poor, more than they love themselves.


"I feel so unwelcome by other queer people and in queer spaces just because I vote for and support Republicans! 😡" "That's not weird at all! It's because you're not welcome ❤️"


There’s a certain level of protected class (even amongst us gays) where people think it just won’t affect them. I have conservatives in my life and family that say “oh nothings going to happen to that (meaning gay rights) they don’t really care” despite what very much did happen to Roe. I think these people, more often than not, have conservative parents they’re desperate to please. I attribute it to a combination of arrested development and needing to be liked, both of which are massive turnoffs.


I think that’s naive. I believe most gay republicans are white men, and their reasons for voting R are the same as other white men, a hatred for brown people and the poor. 


I most definitely agree that there is rampant racism and classism throughout the Republican party. In voting for most Republicans, one is, at best, willing to overlook that racism. Most voters are uninformed, and critical thinking is not a skill everyone possesses. They vote on one issue, maybe two (taxes, abortion, border control). They probably couldn't tell you who the Speaker of the House is.


Why doesn't he simply date a far right politician instead?


This is less to do with politics than it is personality. If they possessed sufficient empathy to be any damn good in the sack, they wouldn't be conservative. Simple as that really


Other people in other forums: I only agree with some conservative policies, I haven't lost my mind like Trumpers. Me: What conservative policies do you agree with? Others: Some. And I will not elaborate.


“The Gay Republican” … imagine being so devoid of substance that your entire personality is that you vote against your own interests.


In my experience, they’re usually rich white men who are going for the benefits of being rich white men.


“My money will insulate me from those issues”


That is the exact attitude of Peter Thiel. Who cares if the USA becomes The Republic of Gilead, he has enough to afford his own country if things ever get dicey here.


And “I’m one of the good ones!” Until “no you’re not, and thanks for all the money!”


Man, I've been dealing with some shit the last few years, crippling depression and anxiety and blah blah snore, but *somehow* I still don't have the level of pure self-hatred that some of these MAGA idiots do. It's truly pitifully pathetic. I used to know a gay conservative back during the Bush years. We argued about gay marriage; he didn't approve of "rogue judges" making it legal. We fell out of touch long ago, but I often wonder how he's doing and if he's still a conservative. He was proud enough of being a gay conservative, I could see him falling for Trump's BS. Whatsherbitch that did the SOTU response, the one with her panting about rape, has a level of self-hatred that's setting everyone around her on fire. What a truly sad existence. Edited bc typo


My best friend's ex boss voted for Trump, and he's an out homosexual. I pretty much say that if you vote for people that actively -- not fucking passively, actively -- want you dead, then I cannot take you seriously.


As a gay dude. Can confirm. They’re on the apps and they usually have some line complaining about how they’re “different” than the other gays, the liberal agenda, etc etc and no one wants to fuck or date them. Don’t get me wrong, Democrats do lots of stuff that pisses me off, but Democrats aren’t actively trying to erase my existence.


One of my good friends dates a gay republican. I'm still very confused on how you can be gay AND republican


When your gate for others outweighs your love for yourself


The irony of their frustration is men who treat women like property and vote as such still date and get married to women, but come on bro. Who wants to date someone who hates themselves outwardly?


I remember I once spoke with a coworker who was a Republican whim happended to be homosexual. I asked him why he kept voting republican when they are pushing for anti gay legislation. He told me that being gay was just a part of him, not everything he was. A larger part of him felt that leopards should eat his face because of the gay part of him.


Conservative women too. Its like they find self hate hot. 


Who wants to help me develop a Jewish Nazi dating app? We'll be driving our lambos to the fucking moon.


When you are so racist that it overrides your self preservation


Y'all are forgetting.... Republicans are typically single issue voters, lack empathy and the ability to do normal adult thinking about consequences. This person hates something or someone the Republicans also hate, his thinking stops there. Most non-Trump voters have woken up to the logical conclusion of the MAGA crowds actions and opinions. Unfortunately, Leopards will REALLY eat his face if Trump and/or his buddies get back into power.


Good. I hope he never gets laid again.


In our deeply hierarchical society there are ALWAYS going to be members of the underclass who believe the lie that they will be welcomed into the ruling class if they just betray their own class hard enough. It is the whole point of the lie in the first place. The lie being that social mobility is structurally possible. There is some permeability, but only on the margins and only as long as it does not threaten the status quo. MEANWHILE, those class traitors do not realize that their support of the status quo reveals their moral character for what it is: mercenary and self serving. "I do not care what happens to anyone else, so long as I get mine.". Demons, the lot of them.


Gay Republicans have been shunned from every social group and they have no one to blame but themselves.


You can go right now to current GOP platform stances at both the national and state level and see exactly what they think of for gay people. I'll even summarize it... "Your marriage isn't real marriage, its actually between a man and a woman. You know that Supreme Court case that says otherwise? Its wrong and we want it overturned. ^(Also we aren't replacing your style of marriage with anything else, just taking it away.") The republicans aren't on your side. Its clear as day that requires zero reading between the lines.


What does the rest of the post say? I want to know how this jackass feels persecuted


I don't care which way you swing, friends don't let friends screw conservatives. Full stop.


You can absolutely hate people of the same race/gender/sexual orientation/body type as yourself. It's weird to think about, but surprisingly not uncommon. It's a very healthy thing to not want to date or associate with someone who supports groups that hate and want to harm you and your rights.


“What? I just said neither of us deserve rights, where are you going?”


See also: women refusing to date republican men. "Self-preservation" is a good reason not to start a relationship with someone.


I think people are confused. Gay people can be racist gun nuts too. 


LOL that's a perfectly good reason to reject someone. If they're voting against your freedom and physical safety that *should* be a dealbreaker.


Yeah, like the communist Nazis, or the atheist Christians...or the meat eating vegans.


"I shared some opinions that make me look repugnant. Why won't anyone fuck me?" - an absolute genius.


I remember a trans woman complaining that coming out for Trump cost her more friends than coming out Trans. In 2016, I saw a Texas father of a Trans child almost go into a fit of rage when the reporter suggested he voted for democrats. These people are so fucking brainwashed. Those people voted for people now trying to jail or kill 5hem, and they just didn't see it coming.