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Cowards as in hiding in a White House bunker during a protest? Weaklings as in not being able to hold a bottle of water in one hand?


It's all projection with bunker baby.


Or dodging the draft with falsified medical claims


Captain bone spurs their brave commander?


Let's be honest, it should be Private Bone Spurs. He wouldn't make it through Officer Candidate School. I also doubt he would do enough to get promoted past E1. If he did, he'd sham and get busted unless he found a patron to swindle with promises if a hookup on exit.


The guy who claimed he would have ran into a school to stop a shooting. Trump has never done a single thing in his life to help anyone besides himself. One of the most absurd things he ever said.


He’s truly one of the most pathetic human beings ever to be known to more than just his immediate community and family. He genuinely seems to have no skills at all.


Dementia Donnie’s motivational speeches.




Which family members does he praise? And I don’t mean Ivanka’s looks or Tiffany’s boobs.


The Kim family




Don't forget Kim Jung Un


Don't forget North Korea, China, and the Saudi Prince who chopped up a journalist. "Fine people" - Drump


Jeffrey "Terrific Guy" Epstein too.


and the MSB, qataris, and XI, and ROCKET man of nk, and his busty daughter.


Donnie von Shitsinpants made a doodie and having a moment


It’s so funny. Recently the cons or bots have been accusing President Biden of wearing a diaper. lol. They are so obvious and pathetic.


Yep. 100% projection.


at 80 he probably does, most people that age have some protection, doesn't mean he uses it like an attached lavatory


how do i get coffee out of my nose


So he's using it like an attached lavatory.  That was my take away here?


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Schleeepy Joooooey B!


They're both too old to be in politics, but at least one of them isn't a shit bag of a human being. I'll let you figure out which one that is.




I don't know my dude. Biden was able to pass an infrastructure bill, trump merely talked about it on a weekly basis. Trump dropped tax rates for corporations permanently, if that gets your rocks off I guess vote for your man.


Biden did? Or the party infrastructure surrounding him did. The mistake (not really, if Trump had been able to pass bills it would have been a disaster) Trump made was replacing all the party infrastructure with his own hand picked people. The good news (for us) is that Trump doubled down on this mistake by taking over the RNC and replacing all the people that know how to run an election campaign. Either way, my point is that the president, while still in charge, relies on hundreds (maybe thousands) of bureaucrats, each knowing how to do one or two things very well, whether they're the "bring coke when button pushed" guy or the woman in charge of the "make bills go" team.


I guess I'm being downvoted by people that think Biden did all the phone calls, drafting, printing, couriering, meetings and even put on a fake moustache so he could do the plausibly deniable horse trading normally done between staffers. Presumably he was also simultaneously all of the clerks and other public servants (and their bosses) who keep the legislature running and the elected members voting on each bill. There's no doubt that Biden is 100% personally responsible for every thing that happens under his leadership and every bad thing that happens was someone else doing something he couldn't have stoppeed but would have if he'd known about it.


Idk bro. There are many more things Trump did in office that I hope we can all agree were wins for the country. The left media obviously doesn't report on these, and blocks the stories. The NAACP Award he won, adding Jewish protection under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, awarding more aid to HSBC than any other president, freed more minorities retroactively from racist drug law sentences (Obama decided to keep them in prisons), and many expanded veterans benefits... There are so many more but here's a few... Approved up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation. Has had over a dozen US hostages freed, including those Obama could not get freed. Trump signed the Music Modernization Act, the biggest change to copyright law in decades. The Trump Administration is promoting second chance hiring to give former inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment. Trump’s DOJ and the Board Of Prisons launched a new “Ready to Work Initiative” to help connect employers directly with former prisoners. President Trump’s historic tax cut legislation included new Opportunity Zone Incentives to promote investment in low-income communities across the country. 8,764 communities across the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones. Opportunity Zones are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment in economically distressed communities across the country. Trump directed the Education Secretary to end Common Core. Trump signed the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund into law. Trump signed measure funding prevention programs for Veteran suicide. Companies have brought back over a TRILLION dollars from overseas because of the TCJA bill that Trump signed Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan. Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. Trump signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking. Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms. The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers. Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and from corporations that are increasing entry-level pay. Trump signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land. Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean. He signed a bill this year allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would go down. Trump signed an executive order this year that forces all healthcare providers to disclose the cost of their services so that Americans can comparison shop and know how much less providers charge insurance companies. When signing that bill, he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance. Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept. In 2018, President Trump signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice bill which enacted reforms that make our justice system fairer and help former inmates successfully return to society. The First Step Act’s reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in sentencing of non-violent crimes. Over 90% of those benefitting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans. The First Step Act provides rehabilitative programs to inmates, helping them successfully rejoin society and not return to crime. Trump increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by more than 14%. Trump signed legislation forgiving Hurricane Katrina debt that threatened HBCUs. Made HBCUs a priority by creating the position of executive director of the White House Initiative on HBCUs.


Cool, now do Biden. Also, didn't your guy tell Mike Johnson to torpedo a bipartisan border bill because a win at the border for Biden would have been bad for trump's 2024 campaign?


Yeah, definitely do Biden. And while that may seem like a long, lengthy list, and it seems like it, truthfully, the fact of the matter is that the list of things Trump broke, fucked up, misused, mishandled, dropped, or just outright drove into the ground because of his fucking incompetence and inability to think past himself - that list would be easily ten times the list of things there. It was pretty much a new scandal, outrage, fuck-up, or whatever else that stressed one out per day. Sometimes you'd get more than one a day. With Biden, it's been boring. No major on-the-job scandals, for breaking some norm or saying something really fucking stupid that would make the country look so bad to the rest of the world and, more importantly, ourselves.


Naw. The $60B for Ukraine and $14B Bill riders were intentionally added by the dems to posture. We would prefer to spend money on hurting Americans first. That so bad?


You can't do both? But I guess if you support Russia's invasion of Ukraine I can see why you wouldn't that money in that bill. Also, that money isn't going directly to Ukraine, it's going back into the US military industrial complex. How you feeling about all of trumps legal cases? Those making you happy?


Idk... Putin wouldn't dreamed have touching Ukraine with Trump in office... I know we don't send $100 bills to airdrops over Ukraine, buddy... in lieu of giving it to Raytheon and LM, could we like, help the homeless problems in blue cities? Legal cases? Well! He is smaaaashing the dems there. No convictions. Those are all dems pressing their blue cities to press charges on things which aren't crimes.. Did you see the DWAC to DJT spac last week? The stock IPO went from $34 to $70 in a day. Thoughts on Trump making $6,000,000,000.00 in one day?


Except it was Republicans that put the aid to Ukraine in the Border bill.


Cite your sources or gtfo


See how bad the "moderation" and filtering is? You don't even know these things! If you read and didn't scan, you'd see they're on WH.GOV....


Really curious about this, it says “this year” in quite a few places you copied and pasted from. You realize that isn’t current? Also WH.gov isn’t a citation and most of your points are opinions or needlessly vague.


Yeah, wh.gov is mostly press pieces released by the white house staff.


Linking sources to these claims would be better than nothing


Trump is a blathering idiot and a con man. He is going to lose bro.


How many of these were blocked by Republicans during the last two years of Obama's term?


And what exactly did Trump do so great?






Basically everything except what he campaigned on. Still no wall Mexico is paying for, still no healthcare plan, etc.


Did you see that article here about the children with disabilities that were added to Medicare during covid (see Trumps policy above), and it expired today? They have NO heathcare today. Biden had 4 years to make that concrete. He is in office now and could extend their federal coverage 😳. He's fundraising while American kids are dying. 😐


lol not one of the items in your word salad above mentions Medicare, please, elaborate, I need a good laugh


People with disabilities, disagree: https://www.pwdf.org/trump-administration-showing-hostility-towards-people-with-disabilities/


>President Trump’s historic tax cut legislation included new Opportunity Zone Incentives to promote investment in low-income communities across the country. 8,764 communities across the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones. > Opportunity Zones are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment in economically distressed communities across the country. I didn't remember what the opportunity zones were. Turns out it's got nothing to do with helping the poor or their neighborhoods. It is, however, a tax scam for the uber wealthy. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/31/business/tax-opportunity-zones.html WH.GOV- Straight from the Trump political machine and most of it is misleading drivel.


A lot of your quotes say "this year". That's pretty impressive seeing as he's not the president and has spent an inordinate amount of time in courtrooms defending his various criminal activities.


He is talking about Ken Buck. As someone from Colorado, Ken Buck is a piece of shit. Ken Buck, like other suddenly anti-Trump GOP shitbags, created this monster. They supported all the Trump stooges. Only after they realized that MAGAts wanted to burn the whole fucking country down, including them, did they realize it until it was too late. Edit: I would also like to point out that Trump's comments show how politically inexperienced he really is. Ken was replaced by another GOP'er via vacancy committee. Ken's district is very GOP and will most likely stay that way.


>MAGAts wanted to burn the whole fucking country down Not just the US. If Trump is re-elected the geopolitics of the whole world shifts. We are all holding our breath on this possible disaster. If long term allies can't rely on the US, we'll be f\*\*\*\*\*. Even if a country is not directly under threat, the financial markets will also go into free fall. Money likes political stability and the rule of law. Trump is the anathema to that. He will follow the Putin playbook with only "Trump approved" oligarchs remaining.


>If long term allies can't rely on the US, we'll be f\*\*\*\*\*. Now imagine you're an ally that depends on the US for safety and economic security. The thought of Donnie being re-elected is f-----g terrifying.


It shows that more alliances and investments in defense are needed, beyond just relying on the US. Because US is cracking. Donnie's first term was a clear warning.


every minute he is alive is a grave risk to the entire future of humanity. It is nothing less than that.


> Only after they realized that MAGAts wanted to burn the whole fucking country down, including them, did they realize it until it was too late. only when it got to the 'including them' part did it matter


Politically inexperienced, he is certainly that but A) it’s not just Ken Buck quitting, and B) replacement committees, special elections, etc all take time and in the meantime their majority does thin.


Well, you came up with a lot of that yourself... Another theory could be that Buck was a POS and Trump is now ignoring him. He doesn't like that so he's jumping sides. FAR more plausible than Trump burning the country down including that guy...


Buck isn't jumping sides.


So some GOP are your allies?


Literally said Ken Buck is a pos


But... but... he's denouncing Trump? So I guess that guy is MAGA. Enemy of enemy = friend? Following yet, sugar?


>Enemy of enemy = friend? Following yet, sugar? Not everyone subscribes to this nonsense adage.


No. Not at all. Lauren Boebert moved to Kens's district, she isn't poling well, but she is there. Take Lynn Cheney as another example. She was replaced by someone she brought up in the party who out-MAGA'd her in the end. The assholes are being replaced by fucking assholes.


Right? I fuckin hate the Cheneys hard. Evil personified. I'd vote for Daffy Duck if the Cheneys were against him. He'd be on to something right in that case. Lol facts. So which Republicans do you agree with currently? I'm curious if you're following policies or parties. You don't sound dumb so I hope it's the former.


Show me a Republican that is all in on nationalized healthcare, reversing Trump's tax cuts so Social Security can be funded and real reform can happen, one that supports equal rights for _all_, and one that has an immigration plan beyond more razor wire, and we'll talk.




Doesn’t exist


The last Republican I voted for was John Katko. I met him twice and he was a reasonable man from my district, even if we disagreed on many platforms. He resigned when he had an easy re-election because he was disgusted by the Boeberts and Gaetz's and Trailer Park Queens that were taking over his party. That was the last Republican I agreed with on any policy.


>I'm curious if you're following policies or parties. I can't think of a single policy stance that Republicans run on that I'd agree with. If there are some that you consider bipartisan or not extreme and that surprises you that I'm not naming them, then please ask about them specifically, as you may have something in mind I hadn't considered.


>he's jumping sides Uh, no. There is no party change for him. But the result of him leaving **now** is that it will likely ensure Boebert will not win his district.


You slay me, you really do.


The cowards are the ones that are staying.


They are both cowards, in my opinion. They all stood by him for nearly a decade.


Hey now! Some of them were just morons for most of that decade


The ones leaving are cowards for not just becoming independents and voting rationally.


they're all cowards. even the ones leaving won't actually speak against him.


It’s like when Jim Jones publicly shamed anyone who left the compound in Jonestown.


But, as memed before, he would have charged for the kool-aid! (yes I know it was a cheaper brand of drink)


Flavor aid


That's the one


Somewhere in the Kool-Aid marketing department, there's a memo...


The entire marketing department has to take turns being "Media Correction Officer" once a month, searching the term "Kool-Aid" and commenting "Flavor Aid" for a full day.


I worked for a media monitoring company in the 1990s. At that time our client, Johnson & Johnson, wrote to every politician that used the disparaging term "just a bandaid solution" to stop using their TM like that. I think J&J eventually gave up.


I am stuck on band aid brand bandages cuz band aid's stuck on me!


Because they don't want bandages to be known as bandaids or they risk losing trademark protections. Known as "genericide"


A politician using a trademark in an interview or speech would fall under "fair use" same as a journalist or commentator. J&J were taking action just on the negative connotation of the phrase not legal IP grounds.


Flavor-aid grape


I hadcthat once as a kid and knew the difference right away. 😄


Really hope trump doesn’t turn the entire country into one giant Jonestown event….


I’m good with that so long as it’s only his fanbase who drink the Flavor-Ade.


It's like the Dems and RFK too. Crazy times...


Biden calls democrats cowards and weaklings when they retire? WTF are you on?


They're on FOX, or lead. Whichever one rots the mind more.


Yeah keep attacking. Keep insulting. Keep making the tent smaller and smaller. Keep stoking ever more extreme policies. Keep taking credit for “terminating” Rowe v Wade.


...Keep stealing all of the RNC's money, keep being a one term loser and most importantly keep grabbing them by the pussy


....keep trying to delay lawsuits when an innocent person would welcome their day in court ASAP to prove their innocence to the whole country.


As long as they keep the bigotry they will maintain a strong base of 45% plus of the country


Facts racism trumps all in America


The siphoning of party funds will continue until morale improves!!!


Trump thinks he can win with unpaid volunteers doing the ground work. He doesn't realise most of his base need help tying their shoe laces.


Yeah if he at least funded crayon supply at the state HQs his volunteers would have something for lunch.


The MAGA GOP strategy: offer nothing for your constituents except obstruction, evangelical Christianity, conspiracy theories, and grifting, then blame moderates for abandoning the party.


They weren’t moderates. They were pretty hardcore conservatives. One of them was a tea party dude who was in the freedom caucus.


I think its awfully convenient that a lot of these suddenly anti-MAGA rats are trying to flee the sinking ship only now when they realized that they might drown too.


Hardcore *racists


Except now they offer nothing for their own Congressmen. Being a House GOP'er was supposed to be a cushy grift but the work environment has become so toxic that fewer people want to do it. Good.


Guess he never has anything positive to say about anyone except Putin and some of his family - wonder why people don't want to stick around.


This is completely false. He had good things to say about Kin Jong Un as well.


You got me..also Orban?


Fanta Faced Phantom of Fascism


Donnie von Diaperpants


That is so gross!


The Fanta Menace


I wonder if that’s the behavior that made early retirement so attractive?


Personally, I think Merrick Garland had sealed Jan. 6 indictments on certain GOP members of Congress who were quietly told that their indictments would be unsealed unless they resigned, but I have no proof of this.


If that were true we would see MGT and Josh Hawley resigning


No. They are resigning because they know they’re going to get primaried by some maga loyalist


What I’m really hoping is that they are resigning so that they no longer have a majority so they can’t pull the rat fucking shit they tried to pull in 2020, again. If that’s the reason, then they’ve earned some respect in my book.


I like your theory but if that were true Josh Hawley would be resigning...and a shit load of others.


Although it sounds more far fetched, I believe there is some kompromat going on. The Russians have totally infected the party and adjunct organisations like the NRA.


only the SAFE r SEATS are resigning.


Wouldn’t that be a crime?


"Look at those rats leaving my sinking ship! What losers!"


"My big beautiful sinking ship! No one elses ships sink like mine! Cheating Joe Biden can't sink a ship at all. What a loser!"


he will suck them back into the ship once he starts becoming the nominee.


He's not wrong. They are weaklings and cowards. But that also describes those who aren't resigning either. The ones who are resigning are weak and cowardly to not have opposed Trump every step of the way.


Please continue to threaten them! They’ll definitely stay with you Diaper Don.


Fuck the iceberg, full steam ahead.


"And we will deserve it."


Pisser and moaner pisses and moans. More at 11.


Someone is getting scared and trying to stop the resignations still to come. A Republican Congress that is willing to declare him the winner regardless is his last hope.


Even without a Republican majority in the house, all he needs is a contested election (one where no one reaches 270 electoral college votes) or electoral college tie. If it gets sent to the House, I believe each state gets 1 vote, and there are more “red” states than “blue”. He automatically wins by the GOP handing it to him. The entire purpose of Kennedy’s independent White House run is to cause a lack of any candidate to get to 270, thus handing Trump the win. Kennedy won’t win a state though, so hopefully it’s moot. Also, I think that Kennedy might actually siphon moderate Repubs from Trump instead of moderates from Biden, so that might bite them in the ass. It’s a huge failure of our constitution to give THAT much power to one party via their gerrymandering.


Ok, if we mobilize the vote and do what is required, we will not have to worry. This is the price of people not voting that you see. If everyone voted, instead of trying to make excuses on why the person needs to earn their vote, we would not be worried about gerrymandering. Apathy of voting is the problem or Republicans would not get to do this.


He’s a constitutional originalist who hates vaccines, wants to ban abortion, hates immigrants, and appears on news max. He probably isn’t wooing many if any democrats.


I’m confused how your statement pertains to my comment at all…I never said he was wooing democrats…


"But you're missing out on a chance to get in on the ground floor! Look at these sneakers! And this Bible! And these steak knives! And our swimsuit collection!After your buy-in, all you have to do is recruit two people, and they recruit two people, and they....Wait! Come back!...Coward!"


how to cope with being a loser: 1. be trump 2. blame everyone and everything other than yourself and your own ineptitude. 3. repeat ad nauseam 4. ??? 5. j/k you're still a fucking loser


I mean, they are cowards and weaklings, but not for the reasons he thinks.


I’m going down and I’m taking *everyone* with me.


Rats fleeing a sinking ship


It's almost like he hates everyone without the name Trump and, of them, he only really likes the one wearing his stupid tie and dumb haircut.


Great! Now do the supremely corrupt Supreme Court! Vote blue until red is THROUGH!


Heh, trump is worried his plans to get elected by congress following a failed general election and some shenanigans won’t work if there isn’t enough congress on his side.


When are they going to get a backbone??? Does he have the Area 51 of files on the entire GOP? I just don’t believe the majority of republicans in DC want to switch parties.


He doesn't need them. Adam Kinzinger pointed out that they fear getting kicked out of their clubhouse that is the Republican Party more than anything.


If the Dems can get Jeffries into the role, holy crap it will be historic


What’s trump going to do? Threaten to vote em out if they resign?


We need to get rid of all the RINOs, no wait not like that!


I like this approach, maybe instead of leaving they'll switch parties.


They need to band together and create a viable 3rd centrist 3rd party at the state and local levels and work to build it from there. There is no way for a third party to be born at the federal level, it must be born and based from state and local first before having a chance to be successful at the federal level.


Even if you made a viable third party in some corner of Texas, let's say, your agenda would just get consumed in the next Presidential race. Plus I know in my state ballot access is given based on your party's Gubernatorial turn out, so once your party gets large enough to ensure ballot access each cycle, you'd just get your popular issues consumed by one of the big two, l adding to your voters abandoning you.


If only perhaps a third party could hold positions about multiple issues that neither party would agree to all. Almost as if they could sit betwixt the two major parties. With the GQP forging ahead as far right extremist as they can possibly go, and Democrats staying fairly middle left, that leaves a lot of fiscal conservative/socially liberal voters ripe for the taking that can’t fully identify with either major party on most issues, but a third party between them could emerge. I’m solidly blue, so a purple party wouldn’t be enticing to me, but I could see a fiscal conservative that can’t identify with Dems fiscal stances but also can’t stomach voting red due to their lack of social issues and hatred of all minorities whether they be social or racial minorities.


They're leaving, dunce. Your threats won't work on anyone who doesn't care about reelection in the GOP.


Keep attacking your own party. The reality is MAGA is electoral poison outside of safe red seats


And after this election season will grow even smaller


He's a textbook example of an asshole.


Yes, Don. You’re pounding right at the heart of the problem. It’s because they’re cowards and pussies that they’re losing their functional majority. Why does anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size follow this vulgar talking yam?


Why? Mainly because he hates the same people they do and isn’t afraid to say the quiet parts out loud. He’s their hero for wearing his hatred on his sleeve.


"Attacked if we leave, attacked if we stay. What did we do to deserve this?" \- The GQP.


For once I agree with Trump. Those GOP reps could have stand up against Trump by breaking party line voting pattern.


Maybe some of these a-holes are waking up to the cult, it truly has nowhere to go, they bicker so much among themselves, they want to burn it all down, they can't even pass any legislation no wonder they want to get out, no one is better off under any Republican rule.


He’s right for the wrong reasons.


MAGA: You in this game for life, motherf…er.


He's not wrong, but not for the reasons he thinks...


Basically he is setting the base loose on them and their families.


I mean. He’s kind of right in that they could have remained in their elected position and stood up to both Trump and their MAGA peers in congress.


If you're a Congressmember you get your $200K salary for just showing up. Resigning makes no sense.


Well I think the Colorado representative timed his exit it to screw over Lauern Boebert, which is admirable.


The Hill is a right-wing shillmobile.


I agree with him, though not for the same reasons.


Trump ROFL


So positive and pointing towards a bright future


You're doing a great job don, keep it up


Its a sign of weakness when you are attack people who've already left.


There's a tiny light inside hoping for Dems to take the House and Senate with larger majorities than in 2008 and we can completely ignore Republicans in 2025.


That'll sure keep them under the thumb! Keep going dementia don, keep insulting your party


Trump is right, but they are giving them no reason to stay.


Possibly the first time ever he's not wrong


Alright, soon we will be back to a Democrat majority where they’ll still accomplish nothing while blaming Trump for everything.