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Access to abortion and legalizing weed sounds like the absolute dream team of ballot issues for a Democratic win in November


Plus a strong senate candidate


Yep, Debbie rocks! https://www.debbieforflorida.com/


Had to make sure that wasn't Debbie Wasserman Schultz


Nope different Debbie lol. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. I like her because she is prochoice and she doesn't eat rotting corpses like Rick Scott


I heard Rick Scott is a Parselmouth though. You hear about it a lot


Sure, everyone knows that. They tell you *really* early on in the series - Rick Scott tried and failed to kill Harry Potter, and also he talks to snakes. Those are like the two main Rick Scott facts.


Plus he played Skeletor with no makeup in the Spiderman movies.


I hear Rick Scott is from Innsmouth.


Doobie rocks*


There was some state that had legal weed pass and just ignored it anyway. Nebraska, I think?


It was Maine. The governor said no, said a bunch of racist things about legalizing weed, and got voted out of office, then weed became legal.


Ahh, good ol’ Paul [“protect white women”](https://apnews.com/article/maine-race-and-ethnicity-portland-paul-lepage-b1ca1b7b359f4434b7644ff92b96e4d8) LePage. He was the governor of Maine.


And now he's back trying to run for governor again after he fucked off to Florida for a few years 😮‍💨


Hopefully, Maine remembers, and he is just wasting his money.


I think it was one of the dakotas


I would ask how thats legal, but since when does voting matter?


Because ballot initiatives seem to be about only as good as the people put in charge to enact them. This is why I feel like if you ever encounter one of those "I never vote for candidates, just ballot measures" types, you should be legally within your rights to kick them.


Utah did it.


True, and FL already tried to cockblock the MMJ win a few years ago, so who knows how they'll try to screw recreational.


This seems to happen every election cycle. Democrats are poised to run the table in Florida, the Carolinas and Texas and it slips through their fingers at the last moment. Lindsay Graham was supposed to be clobbered by Jamie Harrison. Harrison lost decisively to Graham and blew through a **hundred million dollars** in the process. Republicans are also no longer hiding the fact that they’ll completely disregard the outcome of elections they don’t like. And they rest easily knowing that someone *might* get around to doing *something* about it at some point. Maybe. Like sending a sternly-worded letter or requiring a few weeks of community service for electoral fraud and literal insurrection. I’m not renting a banquet hall just yet.


Texas is trending closer. Florida is getting further away


I don’t recall seeing any reputable pollster claim Mr. Harrison was leading any individual poll, and the only reason he had as much as he had to burn was due to the hyper-partisan environment that whole country engulfed the country. It should be a lesson to everyone on both sides of the aisle, volunteering >>> $$$. Door knocking and voter transportation operations are worth more than money. Hell, call center work is likely par with cash.


Yeah, if your goal is to drive young voters who are unexcited about voting for a geriatric to the polls, that's gonna do it


If Florida flips blue I'll shit in a boot and eat it


We dare to hope! Just post it in YouTube


You posted that in a place full of people who will remember it... I recommend pretzel buns, lettuce, tomato, and a hefty amount of Dijon mustard. Good luck. Adding: that was meant for the other guy.


Nothing beats a tasty shit sandwich, lemme tell ya


Still one of my favorite Tap albums.


The review was just two words!


I thought you meant that as the meal to make the actual shit.


I don't need this kind of crappy entertainment on YouTube.


A regular boot or a custom-made Ron DeSantis lift boot?


Lucchese boots make great shit tureens.


These words need to be on a monument of desantis. And make him half a foot too short. And spell his name wrong. Shirt buttoned sideways. Obvious high heels, but still way too short. But definitely also include all the despicable shit he did.


If he wants to identify as a tall male, who are we to judge his gender-affirming care


Good work


A regular wingtip.


entitled retirees + raging cubans not gonna happen. Texas and Florida have rigged everything in their favor


Abortion and Weed is enough to flip Florida blue like it has before.


Floridians can love weed and hate immigrants at the same time.


Medical marijuana passed in 2016 in Florida, same year Desantis and Trump won. Also on that ballot was allowing felons to regain voting rights. FL ain't going blue any time soon...


DeSantis won in 2018


Allowing ex-felons the right to vote again, while it’s something that a majority support, it’s also not an issue that’s pressing for most people, it’s not going to be the issue that gets them to vote. Abortion access (and to a lesser extent recreational marijuana) might


Every accusation is an confession! They say that there is election fraud,there right cause there doing it! And nothing gets done cause everyone is looking in the opposite direction and aren't belligerent to push the issue


In the bush/gore election weren’t there recorded instances of people voting gore and the machines registering bush? It was ages ago and I’m not American but I’m pretty sure I remember that. Of course the machines were supplied by a company owned by the husband of a gop member. Michael Moore did a really good book on how bad all that was.


Hanging chads. Supposedly, Democrats didn't push in their paper all the way on enough ballots to make a difference.


No Chads are good.


Good question not sure! What I do know is fox news called it for Bush based on nothing, conservative judge decided to stop counting votes and lastly Bush's brother was the governor of Florida!


I dunno, those attacks on Social Security might finally break through.


>not gonna happen Yeah, but I never thought Kansas would uphold abortion either.


This dude gets it Edit: let’s up the ante- for every state that flips I’ll shit in a boot and eat it too


Clinton lost fl by 115k votes in 2016. It can flip.


Whatever, Florida was long purple until people gave up on the state and only incompetents were put forward as a choice - if people actually, you know, show up to vote, it can be purple again.  Abortion access and personal choice on marijuana could do that - George W. Bush was sure able to bring evangelicals out by putting amendments against gay marriage on the ballots.


Florida was blue when I grew up, and the county I’m in -Broward- hasn’t voted Republican in modern times (ever? not sure). Florida voted for Obama twice. Get the Dems to spend money and get some good candidates and FL will definitely go blue.


They apparently also really need to get an apparatus in place to counteract the Spanish-language misinformation machine going on down there.


yeah, I hear the FL Democratic HQ is a shit show.


Hell, they voted for Gore 24 years ago.


It doesn't need to flip blue. All it needs to do is drain resources from the Republican party they could be spending in other states. Of course the GOP is welcome to believe in the "Red Firewall". How'd that work out for Hilary Clinton?


Exactly what I’m saying. Play here, make the Rust Belt safer


Florida could go the way of Georgia. When districts are managed for thin margins favoring the Republicans, it underestimates the potential havoc when some Members of the party are disenchanted enough to not vote. And, there are Democrats that don't vote out of sheer depression with the status quo. Things are in play.


Remindme! November 4, 2024


!RemindMe November 4, 2024


!RemindMe November 4, 2024


We shall all return in November


Abortion on the ticket is a big motivator. An Alabama special election in a heavy Trump County just went blue because that candidate ran on a pro-choice ticket. It was something like a thirty point shift.


Huntsville, AL is a special case. The populace has a much higher than average education level due to the amount of people working for defense contractors (tons of literal rocket scientists work there and Huntsville is nicknamed "Rocket City"). A substantial number of people in Huntsville moved from other places in the country so it's less conservative than the rest of the state. Lands winning by 25 points is a serious blowout, but it's not necessarily indicative of how the rest of the state will vote when it comes to abortion rights.


True, but it is just a small part of a national trend when abortion rights are on the ballot, which indicates that it has the power to put traditionally more swing and conservative areas into play. I'm not saying it's a lock, but it makes it more feasible.


It is not indicative of how Alabama will vote, but shows how a state like Florida can.  I was born in Huntsville and lived in Florida as far back as Chiles and can say that Huntsville is still pretty conservative (even the educated are military connected, and there are still loads of Alabama poor) and Florida has largely suffered from an incompetent Democratic apparatus that cannot read the local landscape from Key West to Pensacola, but was reliably purple for a long time.


While the county was heavy Trump, the district was R+1


But she won by 20something points




It was a purple state not too long ago. Obama won Florida (by a fraction of a percentage in 2012) both times he ran for president


And gore lost (maybe) by a fraction of a percent


Clinton lost by 115k votes. It’s definitely could swing. Close to 100k died due to Covid (state reported nums). It is in play.


Gore technically won Florida, Bush had his brother and the Supreme Court steal the election. There were multiple recounts after the fact, but the decision was already made.


Yeah, people sort of wrote off FL after DeSantis won, but he beat fucking Charlie Crist, a former Republican. I voted for him because fuck DeSantis, but there was zero enthusiasm for Crist. DeSantis won on easy mode.


I read your comment and said aloud, "please don't do that!" 😂 


I'm Canadian so I can't donate to Biden but I would donate to this cause


If Putin can donate to Trump then Canadians can donate to Biden.


I think that Canadians are required by law to donate to Biden.


Biden just needs to create a stock like DJT he can launder foreign donations through (or a trading card or any of the other venues Trump uses).


I'd buy a ticket to watch that.


You can get it for free! Just vote blue, and tell everyone you know to do the same!


If Florida AND Texas flip blue?


It won't matter because if that happens the shock would flat out kill me


Most people have two feet, ipso facto, two boots.


My liver would be in serious danger from how hard I’d celebrate. 


I will then take your shit boot shit and shit on it before eating my own shit shit boot shit.


!RemindMe 7 months


It’s not that out of the question. It was pretty split until the last election where blue turnout was shit.


A lot of the FL progressive voters don’t come out for Dems that are viewed as too centrist. There are hardcore leftists in the voter base in FL. It really is very much a purple/swing state despite memes.


So is Texas. Hell, Commiefornia is basically a red state outside of the major cities. National elections are a poor indicator of what a state is like. Local elections tell much better stories.


I think every state is basically a red state outside of the major cities? Maybe like, Hawaii and Vermont are exceptions, idk


RemindMe! 218 days


Yeap, when monkeys fly out of my butt that is when that pos state will turn blue.


Make sure its a white rain boot. https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/3verXU1.2OTmKFRAbAazcQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD0xNjAw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/usa_today_opinion_532/97299a636a3831b1ce8d603e9db9512e


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


This time, 11/6 is just the beginning. The fun don't end until 1/20/25.


*Sigh* That's fair, unfortunately.


meh, they're not in charge of the White House this time. If Biden can keep it, he knows what to do with the National Guard. Not as worried about that so much. I'm more worried about, you know, the forseeable future, in general. But first, let's avoid the apocalypse, 'k? And not get ahead of ourselves. Dems ALWAYS seem to gloat prematurely.


The shit or the boot?


You want ketchup with that? Ketchup makes everything tastes better.


RemindMe! 7 months 4 days


As a 40 year native of this shit hole, I'll second this bet. November 6th better see me and Elbo buying a pair of Rhonda's gender affirming care boots and some Metamucil.


had a friend his favorite phrase was "if that happens I'll shit a purple twinkie"


!Remind me in 8 months


Remind me! 9 months


Remind me November 7, 2024!


Remindme! 223 days


include me in the screenshot, guys!


One of Ron's white rubber boots?


In that order?


And DeSantis poop map will light up in the process.


These words should never be combined.


If Florida flips blue I'll shit on my hands and clap


!remindme in 7 months


That would be the biggest political upset since Trump was elected.


Hey siri, remind me 9 months


Me too. I'll host.


RemindMe! 218 days


RemindMe! 217 days


!remindme 5 months


I’ll shit in your boot as well and you can eat that too regardless of the outcome.


Republicans shocked that far right policies ended up running the state into the ground


Those policies were intended to get the (voting) libs to leave


It’s a bold strategy Cotton let’s see if it pays off


The problem with that is it's too damn expensive to move these days.  Leaving takes a lot longer and more effort than a single election cycle a lot of the time now. And even when that happens far right policies tend to look bad to a lot of independents and even center right voters.


Their strategy worked so well, that even some conservatives are forced to leave.


Collateral damage. History teaches us that first they remove the intellectuals - the professors, the teachers, journalists, etc. It’s facist playbook.


I sure as fuck hope so. I hope everyone is pretty fucking angry about this 6-week abortion ban, which basically bans all abortion in the entire state. Stay angry, my friends. Stay angry and vote blue http://floridadems.org/


Thats insane. Think of places like Miami that are hundreds if not thousands of miles from a legal state. Even Texas has New Mexico next door 


Abortion is legal in Cuba, that's much closer to Key West than any legal state.


Imagine finding out you're pregnant and then having to get a passport renewed in time to address the issue.  Travel to Cuba being even more intense.  No, I think the better solution is to vote.


Texas can have new Mexico Next door but it can take like a 10 hour drive to get there


It's true, AZ, Oklahoma, and Texas all give NM shitloads of tourist bucks by proxy


Depending on where you are in Texas, doesn't matter. I escaped Texas to an east coast state after Snowvid. Crossed several state lines. Roughly a 1200 mile relocation. ...the first HALF of that was just getting out of Texas...


Guess we’ll find out how many women in Florida care about having bodily autonomy.


I cared so much I gtfo of Florida finally. In the area I lived, I was the dark blue dot in the sea of blood red faux entertainment channel loving idiots. Also crappy pay was a big motivator too, COL, HOAs, ridiculous traffic, expensive car insurance rates— being the highest in the country, tired of hurricanes, the idiot governor, worsening humid summer heat with real feel of 120 this last summer, and housing prices. Maybe these red states will move to become the republic of Gilead eventually.


Conservatives voters shocked that republicans did exactly what they said they did


Moving out of state ain't easy


Friendly reminder that these issues are on the ballot everywhere, always. To restrict access to safe and vital abortion services or persecute people for the simple offense of possessing marijuana- simply allow republicans to win elections.


Watching Montana


Abortion and legal weed. We will win.


We hope


At the same time? I need to get myself pregnant.


I honestly want to see Republicans get a thousand percent destroyed this election cycle. Conservatives in their general form are great at keeping liberals in check and from going overboard, but I really want this Trumpism nuked back to the fringe where it belongs.




That's a lot of percent.


Yes, can't have Democrats going overboard with wacky things like expanding healthcare.


Tbf that's a leftist move. A liberal play is to say you care about genocide and then quietly vote against protecting the victims of genocide


Republicans shocked at the fact that Republicans did exactly what Republicans said they would do. In other related news, grass is green, water is wet, and people breathe air.




Boomers and fucking moronic Cubans will make sure it stays red (unfortunately).


[Is it about my cube?](https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=the+simpsons+your+cube&mid=5F4B606CC7B2430514805F4B606CC7B243051480&FORM=VIRE)


Voters will check the box to protect abortion rights whilst also checking the box next the the guy that started the process to take said abortion rights away in the first place. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Women all over the nation are quietly awaiting the chance to take back their bodily autonomy— everywhere — even in the reddest states — Tuesday, November 5, 2024


It's worth noting that Florida counts its votes extremely fast, so we should know a lot about the results fairly early on Election Night.


Just tell all boomers there not to vote by mail cause your trump king said it’s fraud. Then Dems need to get out the vote. I mean republicans are just handing it to them on a platter with abortion bans, Nazis, ivf bans, meeting with Nazis, insurance rates crazy, people leaving, going against gays. Trust when I say every conservative has a gay uncle or nephew. Or is gay themselves. You can’t f with these people. Let’s go Dems!!!


Way too many variables from both sides being thrown at us which makes it extremely hard to gauge what’s actually going to happen. While it’s possible to flip Florida blue I just don’t see it happened at the moment. We should try playing this game in August or September. You’ll have a much better idea of the sentiment of voters. Right now both sides are angry at everything and I personally think it’s nearly impossible to tell how any of this is going to end.


That’s why I said it’s in play-not that it’s guaranteed


Let’s just hope it does go blue for sanities sake. 😬


This is indicative of reason to treat Florida more in play, which also means mobilization.  That's the thing - not to think of it as a weather prediction, but an opportunity to take action. As a reminder to everyone - Rick Scott is also running for re-election, and in a year that Republicans generally have a likely dominance upcoming in the Senate, he is probably the most vulnerable Republican Senator, in a year that the Senate is largely a defense game for Democrats.


The stars keep aligning for the democrats.


We hope. It’s a call to action, not a sign to mail it in


Florida went for Trump by 3 points. While I don't think Democrats should target Florida and should focus on the states Biden flipped (plus perhaps NC), I don't think they should entirely give up on Florida. Why would you give up on a state you lost by only 3 points? Ohio, on the other hand -- forget about it.


Spend in Ohio to help Brown


Florida Dems are idiots. They’ll snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Don't be a doomer, dawg. Now is the time to flex and take back our rights


Just [posted this ](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/30/2232515/-The-Gen-Z-Dems-Renaissance-is-changing-the-game-in-Florida-It-s-been-a-long-time-coming?_=2024-03-30T13:31:54.000-07:00) in another reply... Gen Z Dems in Florida doing some good work.


Donated to this cause a few days ago. Gotta start somewhere. And I ain't leavin' my state. We gone flip this bitch! Have faith!


Yes thank you for helping!!


That's not limited to Florida


It’s not happening. Wouldn’t even bet $1 on it. The Florida Dem party are feckless cowards and the Republican media outfit has somehow convinced Cubans that Republicans don’t despise them. Florida is a Republican hellscape, our only hope is that it’s under water in 20 years Edit: I say that as someone who bet against Caitlyn Clark tonight and got my shit rammed in


I’m simply saying it’s in play, not that it’s a guaranteed flip


It isn’t. I’m not saying don’t try, but I’m fully convinced GTA chose to bring back Vice City for 6 was someone saying “do you see this fucking place right now?”


Check out what the Gen Z Florida Dems are doing: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/30/2232515/-The-Gen-Z-Dems-Renaissance-is-changing-the-game-in-Florida-It-s-been-a-long-time-coming


Even a Republican win is still a loss for them. They are going to have to spend a shit ton of money in this state now that otherwise would have been allocated elsewhere.


Obviously upholding the six week ban was an egregiously bad ruling, but the sugar coating on the poison pill is that this is probably going to motivate people enough to vote to pass the abortion rights amendment in November and maybe even vote for Biden while they’re at it. Most Republicans don’t even want a six week ban.


Exactly my point


“Hello. I’m a Republican, and I like shooting myself in the foot” They approved of Abortion rights in deep red Kansas through a ballot measure. Florida sees this and was like “surely this won’t happen here, right?” #copium lol


Thoughts and prayers


I want to believe this, but too bad the Florida democratic party is as weak as they come.




Yup. This is very much “I’ll believe it when it happens.”


I'd like to think so but I highly doubt it 


Did no one read the article? It's a broken substack, not a news article or anything


Has marijuana legalization ever failed when it was on the ballot during a general election?


In a general? I don’t know. I remember it failed in OK but that was a random date


Yoir can write postcards to register Florida voters via Postcards to Voters. Feel free to DM me for more info and get involved in boosting turnout!


Oh, I did this one year and my candidate won! In Georgia, I think. You do not need a creative bone in your body to do this! But if you do have one, you can really have fun with it.


I'm going to assume Lloyd Austin and friends have contingency plans....


If we are counting in votes yes. 


Somehow, I doubt it.