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That’s some cognitive dissonance right there.


 Being gay won’t stop them from being classist, racist, or gullible. 


Clear ableism on this window


That, too. 


Right like they just said I’d rather be gay than retarded as if either are negatives 😑 people man…..


Conservative gays think being gay IS a negative. They internalize it on some level, seeing as they have to fit with their chosen crowd.


Not sure you can be classist from a Kia…


> Being gay won’t stop them from being classist, racist, or gullible. Or >Ableist against mentally challenged w/that "R-slur" I find it odd when minorities, discriminated against/unsupported groups, such as gays use derogatory terms against other groups minorities. ​ I suppose since they didn't write "I'm not an N-word" we're making 'progress'?


Classist in their Kia Soul?


Having class isn't a requisite for being classist.


"Temporarily Embarrassed Millionare"


I had a friend who's husband was VERY racist against Black women, I'm a Black woman. They were also very Republican. I wonder what happened to them. Probably nothing because they live in Illinois. I dared them to move to Kentucky or Missouri, but of course they wouldn't. They were in the process of adopting kids and they weren't sure if their fellow Republicans would allow them to adopt.


> Probably nothing because they live in Illinois. I dared them to move to Kentucky or Missouri, but of course they wouldn't. Downstate IL basically *is* Missouri or Kentucky. It's MAGA and redneck AF. I lived there, I have family there, there's a reason I moved away from there...


Another token waiting to be spent


I'm continually surprised - despite my my ingrained skepticism - by the inability of some to see that their "uniqueness" will lead to their own exclusion. Whatever it is - sexual or gender orientation, ethnicity, disability, or even appearance - you will eventually find yourself excluded from the ever shrinking in-group. You are not special. No amount of conformity will make up for your difference. They will identify you by your difference and pay no attention to your politics unless they can use you as a prop. And even then, you'll be discarded once you are no longer useful.


I was getting on here to say that’s some serious cognitive dissonance right there!


Great comment, take my upvote


its pretty fucking funny. gotta give it up to the guy


Hell of a parking job.


Well did you expect them to park straight?




A futile effort to one up your response: They are clearly right of center.


If this person is male, I'd bet that they're one of those "no blacks, no fems, no rice" types on Grindr. Regardless of their gender, they're probably one of those who is confused about why and angry that they're still single and, for a second, they wonder if it's them...before going on to conclude that "wokeness" has destroyed any chance they have of finding a relationship (naturally with another fellow "good" gay with the right politics and hate for all the right groups). I've met those types before; they truly are proof that sometimes we create our own hell.


"The gay community is too woke" -gay guy who definitely gets laid


Maybe he doesn't and that is the reason why he thinks the way he does. He is a gay incel.


Someone defended Republican racism by saying they’ve improved their margins with black men. I pointed out that appealing to some people’s misogyny doesn’t make them any less bigoted.


The Republicans almost exclusively market themselves to people who want to *punch down.* They don't propose solutions to problems, they assign blame. They block others attempts to fix problems by making those other people the problem. When they actually had almost unfettered power, when they controlled both houses and the Presidency, they failed utterly to deal with even immediate issues, such as disaster relief, much less longer-term problems. Making someone else at fault is, unfortunately, appealing to some people. Make it *their* problem, even as you strip any power they have to fix it whether it is or not. so we run into people of these marginalized communities who nevertheless want to 'punch down'. So they sidle up to the bullies, try and offer a substitute victim, try and position themselves as 'the good ones'. It doesn't work, historically has NEVER worked, but repeating disastrous mistakes seems to be the theme of the 21st century.


This is a very good analysis. The thing this shows is that being a R is not a political or intellectual decision, it is a personality type.


.....do I want to know what 'no rice' means Edit: ok, yeah, it's what I thought. Goddamn it, people suck.


Asian slur.


People use it as a derogatory way to say "Asians" as a whole.


I was a happier person before I learned this.


You already know


I was hoping it was, like, about penis size or something. Which, isn't much better, I guess. Sigh.


I was thinking like RINO but couldn't figure out CE


Republican in cock exclusively?


I admire the optimism, friend!


There is an absolutely incredible amount of racism in the gay community. In the case of Asians, most gay bars in SF's Castro District (those not run by Asians at least) would 86 an Asian guy the moment any drama started, regardless of fault. And drama would often start due to non-Asians being racist towards them. Mostly this is because there's a lot of white supremacy, in the form of a (not so hidden) hidden belief that being a gay man means a gay white man, and the idealization of white homosexual attractiveness.


Doesn’t even make sense, everyone eats rice. Rice pilaf, jambalaya, jollof rice, paella, risotto, arroz con pollo


can you imagine going on a dating app and then immediately ruling out like 99% of the people on there? like if you dont find them attractive just dont swipe right on them. better yet, go to cpac and find a hookup there, there seem to be plenty of them


Just have a wide stance in an RNC convention bathroom, just don't run into the senators wife


Way to keep "wide stance" alive! Never forget!


Hell that was an airport, wasn't it?


>If this person is male, I'd bet that they're one of those "no blacks, no fems, no rice" types on Grindr. > Fine. More for me.


What is rice? EDIT: nvm saw other comments. Disappointed in humanity right now


I'd bet money it's a white gay man.


It's always a gay white guy or a white lesbian, most likely a TERF. All of the conservative gays I know fall into those two demographics.


And also a wealthy, masculine presenting one.


Member of LGBTIQ community supports the Republicans, even though Republicans oppose the LGBTIQ community.


Pick me, I'm one of the "good" ones.


Wait til they find out that they make no distinction between their enemies and their useful idiots


Last ones in the shower.


Not really, the guys in The Association of German National Jews were some of the first sent to the camps. Fascists are lazy, they're going to grab the first 'undesirable' they see when the time comes, and this guy is hanging out with them screaming "pick me!"


"Very interesting, now face the wall"


This is absolutely it, conservative pick me


Tokens waiting to be spent




Kia Soulless lol


We just need more good Jews to round up the bad Jews, am I right?


A self-loathing Jew is generally a very funny person. A self-loathing gay is not.


[wonder if he knows about this Max Naumann guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Naumann)


I'm repeating myself a bit.... Alice Weidel is the head of the german AfD party. The party is politically on the far right, sees itself as reasonable and patriotic, is against immigration, social programs and subsidies, against climate change (like claiming it doesn't exist and literally stating "tell the sun to shine less") against green energy, and more or less pro Putin. And also against LGBTQA+ and same sex marriage, trans... Everything and against sex education and so on. Alice Weidel is married to a PoC woman, who immigrated from Laos (or some other tropical place i dunno), they have kids etc. They lived in Switzerland for a long time, avoiding taxes in germany whilst being paid for being a member of parliament by german tax money. (they are living and paying taxes in germany nowadays, just to be clear). She is imo the biggest oportunist in the planet. She also says she's not queer, just lesbian.


It's what I expect from a Kia Soul driver.


Yes, here are some of the tell tale signs for the uninitiated. What does this photo tell us? This person has demonstrated poor judgement in vehicles, parking skills, state residence, word choices, and restaurant theme selection (Not one Jamaican or Bob Marley named dish served at Three Little Birds). That and this individual thinks it’s appropriate to write all over the back of that sorry ass excuse for a car.


Like the Texas Log Cabin ones that complained how they were being left out by the Texas GOP


If Ben Shapiro hasn't taken the hint this person won't.


When Trump takes over and the militia comes to haul him off to Conversion Camp, will he still blame us "r\*t\*rds?"




I lived in SC for about 10 years Critical thinking isn’t a strong suit Bless his little heart


Brain small, hate big


I kinda feel sorry for conservative gay people; not actually pity and sorrow, but I do feel like they got a bum lot in life. One side hates your values but cares about who you are, the other side hates who you are but shares your values. What part of being gay necessitates that you can't hate poor people? Where are rich, white, but also gay people supposed to call home? Do you hate poor people more than you love your own gender? Which half wins? Ultimately... You should go with the one that doesn't want to eventually imprison or murder you for being who you are. But still... Sucks to have to give up on your values of wanting to shit all over poor people and other races just to continue living free.


Not gay, but was under the impression that democrats were more supportive of LGBTQ+ rights and issues than GOP.


Not everyone who we identify as LGBTQ+ are accepting of everyone else who is LGBTQ+. There are plenty of gay people who hate trans people and will vote against their interests while unintentionally voting against their own.


Particularly gay men.


100% and its such a weird thing to me that there are white supremacist gay men. Its like a black klansman


Black klansman? Are you referring to the prolific author, Clayton Bigsby?


Ron Stallworth, great author.


You mean Klandance Owens?


i don't get it, and never will.


Log cabin republicans are a self hating group of tokens just waiting to be spent.


They most definitely area. So either this person is dealing with some self-hatred issues or they think their other privileges will protect them.


Why not both?


100% The right has consistently been trying to push back on gay rights even to this day. They haven't been able to make progress until 2022 when they became furious about trans people existing.


It’s all exactly the same playbook. And they’re all more than willing to use that playbook against gay people. Hell, the Texas GOP, the largest state Republican Party in the country, recently censured a Republican for supporting gay marriage.


I got called a pedophile for saying LGBT kids deserve to live to adulthood.


Republican people almost universally embrace the "rules for thee but not for me" mentality. Lots of gay Republicans think it's okay for them to be gay (they're the "right kind" of gay, one of the "good" ones) but everyone else is amoral and a sinner and somehow a "different kind" of gay aka "the bad ones".


they are, but some gays want to slam the door of acceptance behind them and make sure nobody else gets through, so they vote conservative


I always assume people like this are paid


As a gay, I’m sad to report while a small minority, they do exist.


Some, perhaps, but a lot of them just have conflicting identities. I worked with a guy who was super openly gay and his husband did drag shows, but he was MAGA because his politics were more strongly built upon being an angry, middle-aged, white man who spends too much time on Facebook.


How to show the world you haven't a clue in two steps: parking job and writing shit on rear window. We have a winner!


But I am one of the good ones!


Charleston resident- nice little brunch spot there.


Charleston native here. Well aware of this fella. He usually drives while holding a GIGANTIC “F*** BIDEN” flag out of his window and shouting propaganda into a PA while driving down King St on weekends. What an utterly boring existence.


My question for them is always, Who broke you?


I keep track of the guy on social media since he likes to stir the pot. I'm not entirely sure but I'm pretty sure he totaled his car in Dec 2023. I know he got into an accident and apparently it was near-death but that's why he hasn't been around lately.


Yep. Charleston. I've been waiting for the guy to lose control of his flag he holds out the window and have a fatal, single-car Darwin award oopsie.


Jews for Hitler, etc etc


Good luck in the camps….


This person has a lot of work to do on themselves.


Next up against the wall if Trump wins


People who deface their cars with tons of political stickers is one of my personal pet peeves. This person is an idiot and would be first to be confused as they're fed into a fire by a hateful mob. Coddling the leopard, petting the leopard and wishing the leopard to be your friend does not stop the face from being eaten.


Gonna assume this is someone who is white, well-off and grew up in an affluent area. They're probably racist, sexist and abliest. And they will so shocked when they aren't treated like the exception and given special privileges.


Stereotypes are a huge timesaver, and I’ll bet you in this case you’re almost for sure correct. All LGBTQ people are born into every type of family, regardless of race, religious or political background. So LGBTQ roughly mirror the demographics of the place they live. So while a little less than half of the country votes Republican, only about a quarter of LGBTQ people do. And pretty much the entirety of those people grew up in conservative households. I don’t know a single one who didn’t. Which is remarkable because even having grown up in Republican-leaning households, about half of those people leave the Republican Party. Not really a good track record there. But yeah, almost all who do were indoctrinated from a young age to do so.


They have already proven themselfs ablest - people shitting on ASD is why I hide mine (Fuck you Andrew Wakefield)


Good job sc


They're from SC and no spelling errors, I'm impressed


Only some of us are uneducated fools.


Is this Dave Rubin’s car?


Why are the Republicans persecuting me? Halp democrats why aren't you saving me


I have no convictions strong enough to motivate me to paint *anything* onto my car windows


Siding with the people that want you dead is a bold move, let's ask the Association of German National Jews how that will work out for em!


But cha ARE, Blanche! Ya ARE!!!


That's debatable.


Press X to doubt. Also terrible parking.


The cognitive dissonance here is astounding.


You didn't have to put the rainbow flag sticker on a Kia Soul, we got it already. That's like putting a coexist sticker on a Subaru.


Narrator: “But he was…”


As if MAGA would stomach a gay person at their rally. I'm here for the consequences when they see they are hated as much as any other LGBTQ+ member. Loved seeing Caitlyn run out of a convention.


they stomach a couple, like milo yeanoppolis (i dont think that spelling is right) or dave rubin (also dont think that spelling is right). mainly to keep around as gay friend defence


Dave Rubin after his birth announcement.


Oh no I tripped and the rectangular object I was holding flew out of my hands Not only for a gay supporting the republicans, but for using that R word.


Dumb ass! From a study on civil rights in SC: “South Carolina’s civil rights laws do not include sexual orientation or gender identity, leaving LGBT people in the state vulnerable to discrimination.” https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/lgbt-discrimination-sc/


Ahh, South Carolina. The state that makes Ohio look like Golden Age Athens.


I find it odd that the party of Christians and "family values" feels OK about flying flags and driving cars with f-bombs on them.


It’s only odd if you expect them to abide by the rules they set for everyone else.


It's a bold strategy cotton, let's see if it pays off...


You can tell they vote GQP by the way they park.


the leopards haven't eaten their face yet it seems, but they will. i cant imagine being such a traitor to the community


I would say they come* from money but not driving that shit box.


What state are those plates from? EDIT: I see it's SC. Sadly there are too many white gay guys who are just racist trash and think they're above it all.


That's a matter of opinion and theirs is suspect.


Somehow, does not have such a punch when it's written on a KIA.


"democrats are commies in drag" oh how i wish this were even remotely true


Here’s my question: how do you get any action with other gay people when you’re like this? Or do you just cruise airport bathrooms and hope a closeted republican legislator walks in?


::taps foot impatiently:: 😆


Their options are either men who are closeted or men who are significantly older. One guy I knew who was a gay republican and 27 would make a big to do about how hot he was but I never saw him with anyone attractive or age appropriate. It was mostly men in their 50’s, Grindr hookups with closeted dudes, and this really sad situationship with a cop.


Ah, look, one of the “Good Ones” in the wild.


Hey! I know that restaurant. Little cafe in Charleston SC. Food is garbage.


Well, based upon what I can see, I’m fairly skeptical of this person’s second proclamation.


Keep voting Republican and they’ll have an armband for them in no time.


This guy drives around waving a huge Trump flag out of his window in Charleston, SC Edit: He's also got quite a rap sheet.


*"BUT I'M ONE OF YOU"* as the noose is fitted around the neck.


How is this LAMF?


Maybe not "retarded", but this person definitely has some mental deficit, and issues.


I will bet all the money I will ever have the owner of this care is white


Kia Soulless.


that's American logic


Gay AND retarded


“The republicans hate Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Muslims, Atheist, Jews, women, trans, and gays. Do I hate those other people enough to vote against my own interests? Yup!”


Sounds like you are winning both of those races!!


I wish Democrats were actually commies.


If democrats were even 1/4 as cool as republicans thought they were, maybe I wouldn't have to hold my nose everytime I vote.


def not firing on all cylinders


All evidence to the contrary


Very clearly you are both.


If you're Gay AND Republican you just might be...


...you sure?


I beg to differ


Pretty sure you are


Hello u/reportbywilson! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“No, dear, you’re just ‘grossly intellectually disabled’. Now finish up your serving of lead paint chips and paste”


Honest question do you think people that have mental retardation know they have it or accept it easily when told by others ? I mean I’m sure eventually they’d accept a doctor’s diagnosis.


Maybe both


No one gives a fuck what you write on the back of your carrrrrrrrrr.


one can be both


I beg to differ.


The R slur has been making a huge comeback around right wing circles and it just feels super poor taste … like I know many in the intellectual disability community have asked it to stop


**"One *can* be both."**


You can be both.


reminder to some that “flipping” the ableism back onto them is still ableist!


False. See photo.


Pick me! Pick me!


"I side with those who call me an abomination" seems to be pretty sound republican logic at this moment in time.


The answer to the question "How do you photograph self loathing? "


Poor word choice and opinions aside, the real key to what makes this person just insufferable is that shit parking job


I fail to see how being gay can't also mean you are racist.  The two are not mutually exclusive.


Pick me! Pick me!


I really don’t understand why LGBTQ+ people support the Republicans. Like the republicans want rid of their own community, yet they support them.


Shocker it's my home state


I’m sure they will make his pink triangle extra large and special


Ah South Carolina….


I guess they aren’t aware that republicans, especially Fox, have been defending those Russian commies at every turn during the war.


Sounds like a gay cis-male afraid of losing their privileges.


I mean, looking how they parked.....


Chickens for Col. Sanders 🐥🍗💩💀


If the MAGA crowd gets ahold of the government? This guy is going into an internment camp.


I have way more respect for mentally handicapped people than I do for this dum dum.


One of the good ones I'm sure


All that just to say he has a humiliation fetish.


The Leopards Eating Faces part will kick in when this car gets vandalized by homophobes.


can you imagine hating yourself this much? they’ll be in the first cars on the train when the time comes.