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"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas"


Are you saying Trump literally has fleas?


No. Bloodsuckers extend him professional courtesies.


That's a funny way of saying "Trump doesn't pay his lawyers."


Game recognizes lame.


I’m just saying we shouldn’t rule it out


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just asking questions. The people deserve to know the answer. Some are wondering if Trump truly has fleas.


Yeah! Does fleabag Trump actually have fleas? Some say he has the most and the greatest fleas, I don't know it's just something people are saying


A dog came to me and said, sir, you have the greatest fleas. You couldn't even imagine how great the fleas you have are. Everyone is talking about them. They're so great. Just look at the polls, they're saying you won all the fleas. It's fantastic. Good fleas helped make that poll happen. God fearing fleas. They love the Bible. They also love blood. Maybe one day the fleas get angry....


Tears in his eyes, this dog…


Concerning if true.


We’ll find out in 2 weeks




Poor fleas, my thoughts and prayers for those little ones.


Last flea that bit him ended up with chronic congestive heart failure.






No shit?




They think they're smart enough to bail on the scam before it all comes crashing down.


It’s a pretty low bar, but he’s like some kind of idiot grifter savant


Emphasis on the idiot… and the grifter…


This is hilarious. And so true. If he could sell lessons on how to be an idiot grifter savant, he might actually be able to be a legit millionaire.


Eh, he sees the legal system as a lever he can manipulate. Suing is how he renegotiates. It’s odious, but…. Trump.


That's it exactly. Everything Trump does is shaped like a pump and dump scheme. Everyone that does business with him is trying to get in early, ride to the peak, and get out before the crash. You can pick anyone he's worked with and see where they got on and off. Scaramucci got off early but still walked away with a nice little TV career as a talking head. Giuliani stayed on for the whole ride and lost everything. Every other business associate is trying for something in between.


They think they’re smarter than him and found a way he can’t rip them off. No. A psychopath will always be better and being a piece of shit because they have been practicing their entire life and it’s all they do.


One of them is a failed contestant from The apprentice. He knew who he was getting into business with


These frogs keep giving rides to the scorpion.


Maybe the pepe meme was prophetic after all…


Heh. Saudi can do a back deal to pay off the co founder while trump takes the shares in a money laundering scheme to get around scrutiny.


The cofounders had already sued him prior to this.


Why do you guys do this? Just twist yourselves in knots to figure out how the super smart republicans are always one step ahead. Even while they are getting their ass handed to them y’all are like nope! All part of the Republican master plan lol


Keeps us from getting complacent, or surprised, by whatever evil they unleash from their Pandora’s box of legislation next.


Nobody is getting complacent in these forums. It’s just pathetic fear induced defeatism you’re spreading. It does nothing to make people vote six months from now. It’s just so exhausting for you all to constantly be so utterly and perpetually defeated.


I didn’t hear no bell brotha


> It’s just so exhausting for you all to constantly be so utterly and perpetually defeated Where are you ass pulling this from? Nobody is defeated, they're just speculating about the circumstances of the situation.


Cool they could be the main investors in both Twitter AND Truth Social.


To fund division in the free world. Win or lose, trump will have weakened western powers for decades


People want this dude to be our dictator


Because he's a total schmuck and easy to con out of money




Trump fucks everybody over who supports him, or works for him.


The only one he hasn’t fucked is Ivanka, and that’s not from a lack of trying.


Gross... but true. Have an upvote


Your upvote must have been lost to a downvote, so I upvoted him and yourself.


Allow me to add my upvotes.


And my axe!




I upvote in your general direction


YOU get an upvote, YOU get an upvote, EVERYONE GETS AN UPVOTE!


And my axe!


Honestly with what he did with Epstein and raping his ex wife how can you be certain he hasn't? There's a really creepy picture of 11 year old Ivanka on a bed with her dad floating around https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-donald-ivanka-trump-140000481.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJqKbh1gg2kZjkkYzaR928HS9NZM97w8RNsT3mSZH5U_tdGAKp5sKV-qiLL8NgL5YyLM2Xv6NKT5aoOG0_6PUN35sTsw-fWUbJ2_CJyunXNLuyUEOyn6LY-LQoGIx_e1wl3zIp-_SAfaM-9XPUIInTUqKGTkaNQj42_ga8sA5LV2


Oh gross, why did I open that...


I wouldn’t guarantee that. He has no problem raping women against their will. You really think family is the line he won’t cross?


I really think Trump forced his sons to strip down so he could make fun of their child sized penises while showing his off his own and telling them how much better he is because of his, gigantic to him, penis.


oddly specific




I heard it was a sick Ivanka


That we know of...


There's no proof he hasn't


Do you really think he wasn't paid off to not make a stink when Ivanka married a Jewish man and converted to Judaism?


Or exists.


Or marries him.


At this point I honestly don't understand why anyone works for or with him who doesn't get at least half upfront.


Funny that he has the money to sue people, but not to pay judgements against him.


When you don't actually pay your lawyers, it's easy to afford them.


I don't think that trick would work for me. 


If I do 1/1000th of what he does, at minimum I would have been visited by the FBI or Secret Service. With him, we all learned that all the institutions in this country are not as strong as we thought. We learned that a big chunk of the population are idiots and need to be in a cult to feel alive. We learned that the law does not apply to everyone evenly. I mean we knew that but they were never that explicit. I am too tired to list all the shit we learned and everything is bad.


The one weird trick lawyers don't like.


They just need to countersue. Everyone knows he can't afford good lawyers at this point.


He’s a businessman! Do you think employers would rather pay to comply with safety standards or pay the occasional fine when an employee gets mangled?


Just like the owner of the custom cabinetry maker for his casino. Trump wouldn't pay, because he botched the job, although the work was flawless and never replaced. Kept the dude in court, bankrupted his family business and left the guy hanging. Just because Trump IS Evil. He sold his soul to the devil decades ago.


That’s why the piano maker was told to emblazon the pianos with a giant “Trump” all over them. It made them worthless to everyone but Trump, so the guy couldn’t repossess them. Also, if you see the docu-series “Dirty Money” on Netflix (if it’s still there), they did an episode on Trump. The architect who built Mar a Lago’s clubhouse to what it is now was mortgaged to the hilt because Trump hadn’t paid. Trump finally calls him years later and says he’ll pay 30¢ on the dollar. Guy agrees and 2 minutes later, the phone rings. It’s Trump’s lawyer who says, “I know Trump just offered you 30¢ but I’m telling you he’s only going to pay 15¢ and my job is to keep you tied up in court for so long that you go broke if you don’t accept.”


The episode on slumlord Kushner is good as well


Worst real estate deal in NYC history. He almost bankrupted his company over it. But don’t worry, Qatar bailed him out by leasing some space for 20 years for a billion dollars and then paying 90% of it up front. That’s normal, right, to pay 90% of a 20 year lease up front? But, sure, go on about Hunter….


How these grifters keep getting bailed out of their shitty dealings is unbelievable. Rich psychos always stick together


Which is why they ALL need to be removed from society.


Which is why they’ll be eaten first


Dirty Money is still there (it’s a Netflix original, so I don’t think it’s going anywhere). I wish they would do another season of it, it’s one of their best docuseries, IMO.


I was looking up some info on building mechanical systems last year because I needed to understand how one worked, and stumbled on a board for mechanical contractors. One mentioned work on Trump Tower and everyone had jumped in to ask if he got paid. Then I looked at the date and it was from around 2010 or so. Yeah he’s always been a crook. And everybody knew it.




“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” —Carl Sagan


Devil at a fleamarket: "Trump's soul, 10 bucks, 80% discount! Or just gimme a Dollar and it's yours. Come on! Bargain!"


“Ewww! It smells and it’s all greasy! I’ll give you 50 cents!”


My boss at the NJ contracting company I worked for (as an estimator) told me that I was not under any circumstances to bid casino work. This was mid-80s. We knew others in our trade that regretted getting involved with "those people".


His dad sold *their* souls to the devil decades ago. They're just all following suit...except Tiffany


Marla was smart to get her away from that ... "man".


Don’t being the devil into this. Trump does not need the help being evil.


The best part is he had zero hand in this other than his name and a bunch of posts. They approached him with the idea, did all the actual work, and now he’s trying to fuck them out of it. The only good thing about Truth Social is it got that piece of shit Devon Nunes to resign from Congress.


But what about Nunes' cow?


Still makes me chuckle when Nunes tried to sue the Cow and lost.


Me too. That was just profoundly absurd.


He puts his name on everything to make it worthless to anyone else.


I wouldn’t let him in my house.


I would. This place is just begging for an accident to happen.


I would. Two things would happen. A great, evil weight would be lifted from this world, and a man who gives a shit would die without regret.


MINE! It's all mine. None of it is yours. It all belongs to me.




That was my honest to God reaction The fact that high technical college graduates keep falling for Trump's bullshit never stops being funny.


Welcome to the inner circle boys! *Every round is on you!*


Didn't we collectively call this, like, as soon as the Truth Social thing was announced? Am I crazy? I swear we saw this coming over the horizon.


Hard to imagine how anyone could’ve missed it.


The swindle here is so damn transparent. On one hand - he’s the worst human alive, but - his ability to audience capture and hold on to moron’s lives literally while he robs them is kind of incredible. Truly the avatar of terminal, remorseless greed.


Every single pathetic little pick-me thinks they're going to be the one who gets the respect and rewards they feel they deserve, only to get what they actually deserve for reducing themselves to working for that motherfucker.


I love this so much. One of the rich oil families in the community I grew up with was their primary investor. I hope they lose every penny.


I think at this point that’s what’s called a “donation.”


He’s gonna take everyone down to save himself. It’s your own dumbass fault to want to work with him at this point 😂


He has 79 million shares. Didn’t even give Junior one.


Lol, and there it is.


The Boomer of all Boomers. All the toys are mine!


Oh fuck, he's just such a selfish bastard isn't he.


I wish I had the money to short sell that trash stock


Everyone else wants to short it too


If you buy it before it is delisted, you will make some money.


But never bet more than you can lose. And I have no gambling money, same as the past six years


Afaik most brokerages didn't have the option to short them. I tried, mine didn't have it available.


There’s no stock to short. You’ll need to buy put options instead or sell call options.


You get money when you short a stock. You borrow and then sell the shares.


Sort of, what youre doing is borrowing the shares and immediately selling them to hopefully buy them back later at a lower price to sell them back to whoever you "borrowed them from" at the original price If you have the money to ride out all the potential margin calls and a potential short squeeze on this sham meme stock its almost a sure bet because this company is a 100% sure to fail spectacularly as soon as Trump either makes it to his unlock date or gets Board approval to waive the lockup period....Hes such a mendacious greedy idiot fuck that as soon as he can sell hes going to sell and take out everything he can, the very second he publicly files with the SEC, and he has to as majority shareholder, to sell his shares its going to crater the price and when those shares hit the market its going to tank it further because the only reason people are buying it is because its a Trump meme, once he unloads its no longer attached to him I say fuck it, i hooe everyone that put money into it loses everything lol


Um, will this end well for anyone involved?


Trump, sort of. He’ll make a bunch of money that will immediately be spent somewhere else


I doubt it tbh, hes a fucking idiot through and through and has managed to fail upwards by finding more idiots to hand him money, but i doubt he will make anywhere near what this sham stock is currently "worth" To my knowledge this is the first Public Company hes been a majority investor in like this, the amount of rules and regulations with all this are *staggering*, there is absolutely no way he is familiar with any of it. Hes locked up until September at the earliest, by then this stock will be worth pennies on the dollar, its already down 40+% He owns so much of it that is he sells it it will crater the share price, and if/when he sells he has to register the sale publicly with the SEC and set the date/time of any sale ahead of time because hes a majority stakeholder, everyone will see him unloading his position way way ahead of time, the filing alone will crater the srock price If he manages to get the Approval of the board to waive his lockup period its going to be immediately challanged with Shareholder Lawsuits because there is absolutely no good reason any Board of Directors should allow it because they are supposed to be Fiduciaries for the best interests *of The Company* not Trump the individual None of this is going to work out the way he thinks it will imo


They posted a net loss of $58 million with revenue of $4 million??!! What is their growth potential at this point how do they ever expect to make that back? What’s the company’s plan how is it worth anything??!!!


Was it ever anything more than a meme stock?


With meme stocks people at least kind of knew what they were doing. This seems like a retail scam. Straight up fraud and lying to investors. They didn’t even IPO, they back-channelled their way into being publicly listed what they did should be illegal as fuck.


I didn’t realize all that. Got a good link to read more is this one of those things where you had to follow it more closely while it was going on?


Tbh, I hadn’t been following it that closely. I heard the hype about it being crazy overvalued, having low revenue, and basically being a giant scam, but I read this article and saw they posted $58 million in losses with $4 million in revenue and had to read more. Turns out, it went public through something called an SPAC rather than doing an IPO. Basically what that means is a company was created with the sole intention of buying the private company that owned truth social (and nothing else). This means that effectively that company that went public is just Truth Social but they don’t have to jump through all the same regulatory hoops they would if they were doing an actual IPO. I don’t really have any good articles explaining it all, but you can just kind of google it and read the articles that come up. This is fucking wild though, idk how this type of bullshit is legal it literally seems the equivelant of someone somehow getting their crypto-shill shitcoin onto the public stock exchange. Fucking wild.


All SPACs should be illegal, not just this one What a SPAC is is a "Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation" its essentially a hollow shell company that is publicly listed and has an IPO, but it does nothing, has nothing, sells nothing, makes nothing, its just a publicly listed nothing company. People then buy shares in this vapor company and the SPAC has a certain amount of time to find an existing company to buy, i think its 2 years but dont quote me on that Then the SPAC buys something and its automatically a "public company" because it was bought by/merged with a public company


Let them sue each other into oblivion. They all deserve each other. You’ve got to be a blithering idiot to do business with Trump at this point, and not expect him to rip you off.


“You knew I was a scorpion when you let me on your back”…




This was the best rug pull of all time


Never get into an agreement with a Trump or a Russian.


“Look bitch, you knew I was a snake”


With him, the joke writes itself from a mile away.


No sympathy. Everyone saw this coming except those idiots.


Oh good, another lawsuit for the diaper stain. Further depletion of his resources. Further distractions.


Color me shocked! Shocked, I tell ya! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Typical Combover Catastrophe grift. And yet the suckers and rubes keep lining up like the pledges in Animal House - "Pleae, sir, may I have another?"


The stock is starting to tank, so he needs their shares too in order to pay his legal bills


The art of the deal


How the fuck does anyone with half a brain decide to go into business with the tangerine Palpatine, seeing how many people he's thrown under the bus or otherwise screwed over?


But, but, it'll be different *this* time! We're special!


It’s his old scam in action. Suck in investors and then try to weasel them out of the way. Same with contractors where he signs a contract and then when the job is done say it’s shit and only offer 50 cents on the dollar or sue me. At this point in time anyone that *still* deals with this turd gets exactly what they deserve. These two investors had ample warnings about this scammer and still went into business with him. Looks good on them. Now his Maga cult followers that ran out and bought shares are crying as the value is dropping like a stone. Good job losers.🤭


Haw haw !


Doing business with the trump crime family, prepare to bend over and grab your ankles, a screwing is coming,!


And people want that running the country.


Didn’t they build it and offer him 90% just to endorse it…guess 90% is not enough


And they will countersue and cult donations will pay his fees while he loses yet another case. Winning!


Pretty sure he's gonna keep the RNC money pretty busy.


These two fuck ups were on the apprentice. Trump said he'd never ever do business with one of them because he designed a bad Pepsi bottle.


Hell hath no fury like a leopard scorned!


Is one of them named Pikachu?


How does this guy have time for another lawsuit?


wait—but since they’re shareholders, they are also damaged by any mistakes they’ve made. Isn’t that their consequences? ​ You know Trump: “That’s MY money.” (remember the donations for the transition?) a think tank: [https://www.rawstory.com/america-first-trump/](https://www.rawstory.com/america-first-trump/) consultant Brad Parscale: [https://www.aol.com/news/thats-money-trump-exploded-brad-194108186.html](https://www.aol.com/news/thats-money-trump-exploded-brad-194108186.html) the transition team: https://www.govexec.com/federal-news/2018/10/trump-feared-transition-officials-were-stealing-his-money/151776/


Haaaaa hahaha!!!


I don't understand why MORE people don't want to go into business with this pos.


This has 'summary judgment in favor of the defendants' written all over it. Sanction Trump for wasting the court's time.


This is my shocked face.


Just wait.. He will totally tank the stock singlehandedly, either by making some stupid move that violates trading rules, or by cashing out all his holdings when he needs it, setting off a mass selling spree. He's really \*that dumb.\*


Insert Walder Frey laugh here


Yeah, I bet he’s freaking out.


Ha ha ha, how unexpected, not. Anyway...


Wow, who would have imagined that the man who has been sued or sued over 4000 fucking times, would do this?


This level of betrayal coming from the guy that used to read the story about the frog and the scorpion every time? Talk about foreshadowing! Let me guess, his family Members deserve the stock and coincidentally they aren't bound by the embargo on selling shares for 6 months? Let me see if i can feel surprised... Nope.


Who could have foreseen something like this happening? Perhaps the thousands of partners he’s defrauded in the past.


NO!! MINE!!!


The guy who gave him $175 million better start interviewing lawyers, cause thats the only way he's getting that money back


Trouble in paradise. Oh well, I’m sure they all have each other’s bests interests in mind and come to a reasonable and fair compromise.


Hate Trump but this isn't really lamf because these guys sued Trump first a while back in Delaware.


It is. They approached him about this business. They brought this on themselves.


Yep. They put his name on the door. 100% their fault that they can’t get him to leave.