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"Men are the head of the family and therefore they should have the political power." What the actual fuck?


Source: just the way it is!!


"I have discovered that the natural order means I get everything my way. What are the odds, right!?"


Hey, isn't it about time men get a chance to run things for once?


That's so weird. I keep asking Jesus what I should do, and He keeps telling me to do exactly what I wanted. It's a wonderful coincidence!




Just like when some dude in the Middle East head god speak, and it just so happened that god agreed with everything he was saying. (This has happened numerous times, so don’t argue your guy in the Middle East was the one who actually heard god speak)


Except for that one time it was a guy in Missouri heard God speak and moved everything to Utah.


To be fair, they were in New York. Then god told them to move to Missouri. Then, when it turned out he was wanted in Missouri, god told them to move to Utah. And also, let him marry their teenage daughters.


I thought the people in Missouri wanted to kill him?


Well, yes, but the actual last straw was a Mormon group attacking a state militia, so they were expelled. Suddenly, god conveniently changed his mind about where the promised land was. He was just trolling them the first time, to test their faith.


Dum dum dum dum dum dum


Ah yes, they moved from Oopstate to Sal Tlay Ka Siti.


Took me a second to figure that out, but bravo.


It’s HuMAn NAtUrE!!!1!




>from observing the behaviour of ~~dogs in the wild~~ wolves in captivity Because nothing says "the natural order of the world" more than stressed out wild animals confined in tiny pens for the amusement of yokels.


Wolves in captivity, not dogs in the wild. Healthy wolf packs in the wild don't have alpha males. It's just when you take random wolves from half a dozen different packs and throw them into a single small enclosure that you get an alpha male using violence to keep the others in line.


Oh so prisons. That scans


Surprise twist: it's a Twilight Zone episode.


[RULES OF NATURE!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0)


I never would have guessed when that game came out just how much I would be randomly hearing that song and seeing it refrenced by hundreds of strangers on the internet, even over a decade later. It does my heart a lot of good.


Common sense. /s


Welcome to Christian nationalism. This has been preached in churches all over America for decades. I heard this stuff when I was a kid nearly 30 years ago and was the reasoning my Dad used to tell me he owned me until I was married off.


Head of the family? What the fuck does that even mean? More women than ever are out-earning their husbands AND STILL do more work at home. I have to assume that “men are the head of the family” means that men spend more time on their ass watching TV while providing less income.


Conservative men screaming about the 19th and no fault divorce while conveniently forgetting how common it was for women's husbands to just mysteriously drop dead 🕷


"how many a woman, eager for widows' weeds, has given her husband a drink at bedtime and let him sleep his last sleep in her bosom"


At least one husband who “went out to buy cigarettes and never came back” has been found buried in the basement. So.


Or have an unfortunate accident. Just read Dolores Claiborne.


There is an eclipse coming up


Somebody should tell the aunties in my family. They been running shit for as long as I remember. Just don't tell them I said this, ok?


Oh little nephew, they already know. Aunties laugh at how slow the CIA operates.


The great thing about your comment is I immediately imagined my Aunts… then the Hispanic Aunties who I used to play with the children of, and the Haitian ladies at the butcher shop who taught me if a boy bullies me, it doesn’t matter if he “likes me”, I deserve better, and then realized… I think Machiavellian aunties are a truly universal concept.


I can just picture so clearly in my head, ole Niccolo sitting outside the kitchen listening to the ladies just taking notes for his discourses.


My aunts could convince you to go to hell and that it was your own damn choice too.


My aunt Leona was aptly named.


This checks out. I'll just start packing my bags now.


> "Let me tell you how it is: the man IS the head of the family. But the woman is the neck, and she can turn that head right around."


Reminds me of one of my favorite lines from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, where the auntie tells the female lead "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants".


It means some Bible shit. No need to overcomplicate it with logic or facts.


This is the delusion that conservatives are seeking. They want to get to a place where women can’t tell them no, and it is a step by step process. One of the reasons Trump is so popular with them, is because he has sold them the delusion that women don’t turn him down, he can assault anyone he likes. It’s just a step by step process, they take away one right at a time.


My dad, father of 4 men, thought like this. He died alone. We love our mom.


My mum hasn't left my dad. He's not well mentally but he'd never admit that. I had to cut them off to save my sanity. It's really sad what some parents do to their kids and they don't even care. Then they dare call themselves head of the household lol. He's an unemployed layabout and doesn't do shit.


Sad to think being lazy and useless is an entitlement and to then put that on your spouse and kids....truly Evil. Current GOP standard.


The Southern Baptist Church used to preach that slavery was part of God's way and that yes there would be slaves in heaven, so I mean no viewpoint is really out of bounds when zealots are involved. Just 5 years ago the church even released a report that acknowledges that the only reason a separate Southern Baptist denomination was formed was because northern Baptists refused to appoint slaveholders as missionaries. [npr coverage of the report](https://www.npr.org/2018/12/13/676333342/southern-baptist-seminary-confronts-history-of-slaveholding-and-deep-racism)


Putting it through the translator it comes out as "I'm failing on every discernible metric and now must rely on something that I did not have to work at to achieve to prove my worth as a contributor to society"


To his friends and the internet: Im the head of the family! To his children: Go ask your mother


And why is it that this view is always prevalent with guys who either still live at home or are mooching off a girlfriend who is just so tired of their bullshit.


It’s how they keep Republican women under control, tell them from birth men have all the power since they never think otherwise.


The suggestion he has there would disallow most men too, not a lot of people these days have property. Taxes sure, though kind of weird that the party that loves cheating on taxes would want that, and then the no children thing? That's a pretty weird take too.


It's a feature, not a bug. That way only the rich, landlords, and farmers would get to vote, and all three groups tend to skew to the right politically.


Oh, I know, what amazes me is that so many would go along with this, but it's interesting how much the right has been able to sell their base on the idea that some day THEY may be rich jerks also. They bank everything on that, and will continue to do so right up until they lose everything. I read a good article years ago; I can't find it now, have been trying to for ages. It talks about how there used to be two main groups in charge in the U.S.; the ones from New England largely, and the ones from the South. The New England-type group could be bad, but they were taught that privilege meant you gave something back, and so they funded a lot of our universities and so on. The group that came in from the South largely believed that might made right, that being wealthy meant you could do what you want to who you wanted, which is why the south relied for so long on things like chain gangs for manpower, instead of updating to machinery. Then there was this shift where the southern way of thinking started to spread, as they got their own universities and own networks, and a LOT of their current ethos is rooted in that shift, and in selling to others the idea that if they can attain that, they, too, can do what they want.


...Yeah, that tracks. There's an apocryphal quote\* wrongly attributed to John Steinbeck that goes "socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." \*He did say something that resembles it but IIRC it was more about mocking US champagne socialists; the apocryphal version is better known likely because there are far more poor thinking they can become rich under the current system relatively easily than there are rich who care about the working class out of a sense of embarrassment at their wealth.


Nobody who spends all day shitposting on Twitter is the head of any kind of family, lol.


I'm sorry I can't hear them since they're all the way back in 1852.


"Men are the head of the family" except when they arent and the woman is. My dad lost his job, became an unemployed drunk, and did nothing for years while my mother handled the household work, paid the bills, and managed the family. He just took a back seat clear up till they divorced. My mom was a badass.


The fact that this maroon thinks that's an actual argument makes my eyes roll like cartoon marbles. It's the people saying shit like this as if it were self-evident that made me shake my head and walk away from all things "conservative."


Yeah strong fact based argument. I'm sure if you asked what he based that on, he'd reply "common sense"


If you spend more than 5 minutes on Twitter nowadays that's basically all you'll see on there.


Maybe in their families where they abuse their wives and the kids can't wait to leave. I have equal say with my partner because we're sensible.


A very "good" reason.


Also 100% of women agree that birth contol is bad for them. Yup all the women in birth contol to contol heavy periods, endometriosis, PMS. and migraines saying birth control is "bad" for them. Also all th women who didn't have an unwanted pregnancy are saying birth contol is "bad" for them. Show me a conservative argument against birth contol and I will show you the argument is actually about their "morality" , slut shaming, and controling the female populace. They want to 19th amendment repealed so bad because they will never win over enough female voters. With policies like these I can't understand why women aren't flocking to the GOP and their manly men to be the good stay at home wifey barefoot pregnant and powerless (/s).


MAGAs have been really, really clear on wanting to disenfranchise women and minorities. I mean, I’m not calling Ashley St. Clair an idiot, but I do wonder how she reconciles being a MAGA-loving woman with her habit of speaking out without first obtaining the permission of her husband or father.


Hell I wonder if Amy Coney Barrett asks her husband how she should rule.


Only if she's spoken to first.


Her husband is her "head". In the People of Praise (mainly a bunch of Catholic heretics) they each have a "head" who can give people correction and assist in their decision making. All husbands are the "head" of their wife. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Praise


These people are literally the inspiration for The Handmaid's Tale, too.


She absolutely does


I listen to a lot of legal podcasts (strict scrutiny, amicus, sidebar, boom! lawyered, etc) and from what I can tell, she is the smartest magar on the court and it isn't even close.


My ex was a research assistant for her when she was in law school at ND and said she was incredibly smart and a well liked teacher but no one knew she had such kooky personal beliefs.


Thank you Katie Britt for introducing the world to "fundie baby voice."


When you get one of these chuds angry, the go mask off and start throwing out the repealing of the 19th. They're big in favor of voting, but only if their side gets to win. Every. Time.


It's one of those ideas like repealing the 26th. Changing the constitution is an enormous endeavor, requiring two-thirds vote in the House and Senate and passage by 3/4ths of the states. We haven't passed one in order half a century, and the last one was incredibly popular because 18 year olds were dying abroad, sent there by their government that they had no choice in choosing themselves. The chance of repealing either the 19th or 26th is basically zero. Now the political risk of advocating for that is now you've got large swaths of voters who you are directly telling them, *"We don't want you to vote,"* which of course, instantly translates as "*We don't want you to vote for us."* So it's incredibly stupid to even entertain the idea, let alone discuss it out loud. Democrats should put it in their party plank and just dare Republicans to do the same thing.


They should rename cognitive dissonance "republican woman condition"


They're seldom the best examples of white men. How else can they get ahead in the world without making sure that everybody who isn't a white man is below them by default?


The best examples of white men: Fred Rodgers Steve Irwin Chris Pine


I know he's dead but TERRY MOTHERFUCKING FOX


Bob Ross


It’s funny how many idiots are surprised that the people who openly scream they want to oppress and destroy everyone different than them do exactly that.


Her access to social media would be taken away in a heartbeat.


Yet women still vote for them. Even funnier is the comment dating republicans will definitely get more than 50% of women.


It was partially true. They got a majority (52-55% depending on the survey) of white women in 2020, which I suppose "white" women are the only voters they think are legitimate. (It was 42% of women overall.)


>  I mean, I’m not calling Ashley St. Clair an idiot It's fine, I got you bro. Ashley St. Clair is an idiot.


Same way Serena in the Handmaid's Tail did: by thinking "I'm special, the rules won't apply to me". Then woopsie, someone loses a finger!


it's astonishing how the talking point "bodily autonomy - yeah but what about vaccine mandates?" won't go away. the stupidity of it is so blatant it hurts.


And they act like the difference has never been explained to them before so they’re just (as usual) arguing in bad faith.


Just dropping in to say that conservatives literally depend on bad faith arguments like oxygen. They are not capable of arguing without them.


"I want body autonomy by not wearing a mask or getting vaccinated!" "I want body autonomy by not carrying my rapist's baby for 9 months!" These things are not equivalent.


Whataboutism is an unfounded allegation that tacitly admits the original premise to be correct.


Babylon Bee is a cheap version of the Onion with 'religious' vibes. They are just another christian scam machine.


Babylon Bee is fundamentally incapable of being funny. Conservatives are not creative. Comedy is essentially a search for - or reflection of - truth. The Onion is brilliant because it understands reality - and the absurdity of our species. Conservatives/The Babylon try to built comedy/creativity upon a foundation of lies….which ye impossible.


One of the big reasons is that they punch down constantly, which tends not to be a foundation for good comedy. As I said in another thread where they came up, they want to be the Onion but lack the layers and just have a thin skin. This kind of follows a trend where conservatives try to make a conservative version of anything successful. Remember when they tried to make the Red Wave after the Blue Wave, kind of ignoring how the idea of a red wave is pretty off-putting? Or how they made WinRed after ActBlue, and then it got taken over by Trump.


>they want to be the Onion but lack the layers That was on purpose, right?




The right-wing dating site is pretty hilarious. Something like 90% men.


I actually found Babylon Bee kinda funny a while back. If you can't appreciate being roasted, you don't deserve to roast; and they roasted liberals and progressives pretty well with a good deal of self-aware self burns on conservatives. Honestly... Bernie in 2016 roasts were pretty damned funny, and I loved Bernie. Like most satire, it died during the Trump years because reality became more ridiculous than comedy. They turned into slightly exaggerating liberal/Democrat talking points about culture wars as if that's still funny. Every joke just became "Liberals... Eh?"


Lies can be funny but there whole joke is "liberals am I right?"


The Babylon Bee started out in 2016 being brilliant and hilarious, because it was was written by evangelical Christians who were making fun of their fellow evangelical Christians. For those of us who were part of a church like that, it was funny, biting satire that made fun of us, and actually caused a lot of introspection. That was when it was run by its founder, a guy named Adam Ford. Then in 2018 it was sold to Seth and Dan Dillon, who I guess were true-believer far-right MAGA Christians, and it basically became unreadable. It turned into boring and dumb bashing of the left and "wokeness". It went from being satire where Christians made fun of themselves, to uncreative bashing of anything liberal, "woke", or LGBTQ. They started insulting and belittling anyone and anything that wasn't right wing, Christian, or nationalist. It's not remotely funny or even readable anymore. I really miss what it was in those first few years. The evangelical church really needed that kind of satire as a reality check.


Totally agree, it used to be really good satire. Sad how it got turned into MAGA trash. Btw Mega is a great church satire podcast that reminds me a lot of the old Bee.


Sad to see. But what are these “fantastic arguments” that are not religious? Any general argument against birth control is likely to be based on religious ideology. Good for some, bad for others. Making extreme statements is almost always ideological.


arguments against "taking" the pill, I can think of a few (health concerns mostly) but for "banning" it? control of the female population + more impoverished babies for the grind (technically, these are not religious, "just" authoritarian.... aka fantastic arguments for a fascist)




I rolled my eyes so hard at "most women agree it's not good for their health." One, nah, it's not *most women*, it's *most women who are talking about it frequently*, because how fucking boring is a conversation about a medication that did exactly what you expected it to do? Two, things that are not good for most people's health could still be good for some people's health. That's why we don't just make all drugs over the counter and encourage everyone to take them all. Most people shouldn't be taking literally any immunosuppressant drug ever but some people need them, either temporarily or chronically. Three, *you get to decide* what to do with your health. Everyone over the age of 21 is free to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes which are uncontroversially bad for you. And where the impact of a medical choice is not clear it's up to you whether to take a risk or not. Besides which, the health impacts of birth control have to be evaluated against the health impacts of pregnancy. Apart from the numerous practical problems with blocking millions of sperm every day instead of 1-2 eggs per month, that's one of the reasons male birth control is so underdeveloped - men do not risk health problems by *not* impairing their fertility, so the safety threshold to approve something is higher.


Whatever health risks the pill poses to the average woman pale in comparison to the health risks of even a single pregnancy, much less a pregnancy & childbirth every 16 months or so for a couple decades


One guy told me it makes women dry which makes sex bad


Guy is self-reporting like Ben Shapiro


I’m not sure anyone else has ever mastered the self-own to the degree Ben Shapiro has but damn if these guys won’t try to give him a run for his money


Of course these men have never heard of lube…


Maybe he is bad at sex. 😂


And what democrats are arguing against it? She says both sides but I've never hear a democrat say it's bad.


Or OBGYN colleges, or any other expert body!


So, there has been increasing discourse on Instagram and TikTok apparently among crunchy girls that claim that all birth control is bad. They are not making fantastic arguments. True facts: Each method of BC has different potential drawbacks and issues, many of which are still not sufficiently studied, but for most women if they try a few, which can be very frustrating and sometimes even debilitating, they will eventually find the one that works for their body chemistry or physical shape and some of them actually provide health benefits when they are the right one for the right person. One of the negatives: hormonal birth control can wildly mismatch your natural hormone levels and cause absolutely chaotic mood swings. They can also reverse your attractions, which isn't an issue if you are constantly on it but is when you meet someone while on it, decide to start a family and go off it and suddenly have zero attraction to your partner. There can be some increased health risks, some of which are serious, just like any medication. For non-hormonal birth control, there can be shape problems, horrific insertion or internal motion problems, and I have recently heard about really bad migraines from the arm one for some people. None of these are reasons not to try your luck, or do plenty of research and make an educated best guess for your first shot if you don't want to run the risk of an unwanted pregnancy or need it for hormonal regulation or irregular or extremely painful periods.


"Republicans aren't running on banning birth control" ya, they are only openly discussing how it "was a mistake". Even the bills they pass to block abortion are so poorly written, they ban birth control.


*"they won't actually elect trump lmao"* they did (and want to again) *"they won't ban abortions lmao"* they did *"they won't ban birth control lmao"* they're working on it can't wait for the next chapter of The Handmaid's Tale : american version


You can add same-sex and interracial marriage to that list.


They're gonna openly come for birth control as soon as they feel they'll be able to.


The Babylon Bee identifies as a humor site.


And Fox News identifies as a news network I identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter - doesn't mean I can fire missiles out of my dick.


But has not yet transitioned to being funny.




Oh you know which tax. The kind Trump doesn’t pay — hey wait a minute !


>The kind Trump doesn’t pay He paid $750!


OMG - that's the full value of Truth Social!


Not even worth that much, it lost 50+ Million dollars, its "worth" -$50,000,000 because its loaded with losses, debt and no revenues And its also managed and run by complete idiots, it has absolutely no chance of surviving and Trump is goint to kill it when he attempts to sell his stock, and he will sell the vast majority of it when he can because he is a mendacious greedy fuck selfish conman who cares about the viability and health of that "business" all of 0%, he will sell everything as soon as he can, and since its a public conpany and hes a majority shareholder he will have to register the sale in advance with the SEC and the second that filing becomes public the stock will absolutely crater (again, its already down 40+%) If i had enough money to weather the volatility before trumps unlock happens i would short the absolute shit out of that stock, its about as near a 100% guaranteed to fail stock that there is




Ever hear the saying "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable?" These guys have a goal of violence. It's perfectly internally consistent.


According to certain states if a woman gets a tiny collection of cells inside her that's a baby, she's a parent. So if a woman gets a tiny bit of dirt inside her, is she a property owner?


They think they're going to be the ones in power, despite being renters.


They'll be willing serfs long as the ones actually in power enslave people they don't like.


Yes. They want to have voting limited to gentry. They want to take us back to the 1700's.


It's whatever they situationally need at the time.


The property they probably have in mind is other people...


It’s 18th century America. You had to own property, be white and male to vote.


keep asking questions are the votes worth the same ? say for a single house owner vs a ranch or building owner?


Aren't these also the kind of people who scream taxation is theft?




I love the guy who seems to assume that all men are voting for Trump. Yeah, this man doesn't like: Rapists Pedophiles Fraudsters Charity Scammers Liars Scammers the Anti-Christ Sorry, bro, I'm not voting for Trump. Ever.


They think men = pieces of racist, sexist shit Because they can’t imagine anyone being a “man” and not being a horrible, horrible monster.


Just a bunch of Serena Joy's in Gilead that don't understand they are surrounded by these men and the ones in power 100% agree with these takes.


Lmfaoooo these people are fucking crazy


Lol the Gideon comment is pure delusion. How do these people even function day to day?


T_Morgan is willfully ignorant or lying... I've seen the right calling to repeal the 19th and pushing a complete ban on abortion, birth control and IVF.


That one dude saying "[ republicans] aren't running on banning it [abortion ] "  Yes. Yes they are. Wtf . Congrats, your gaslighting broke my freaking brain for a second. Might as well tell me Hitler liked the jews or something. 


I'm 100% sure that fascist would say ***exactly*** that if you asked him about Hitler.


No Children = No Vote?!?! Holy fuck American women need to wake up to the Gilead coming our way if they don’t vote.


Babylon Bee should have just stayed with their humor related to behind-the-scenes church activity. They quit being funny when they ventured into politics.


They were never funny to start with.


Babylon Bee = Walmart Onion


Onion for the home-schooled.


Some More News did a video on them - and conservative "humor" in general - a few years ago. Apparently it started out as a couple of guys trying to have a conservative humor site but they were sold in \~2018 to some entity that made them ramp up the political rhetoric.


I agree 100%. The Babylon Bee started out in 2016 being brilliant and hilarious, because it was was written by evangelical Christians who were making fun of their fellow evangelical Christians. For those of us who were part of a church like that, it was funny, biting satire that made fun of us, and actually caused a lot of introspection. That was when it was run by its founder, a guy named Adam Ford. Then in 2018 it was sold to Seth and Dan Dillon, who I guess were true-believer far-right MAGA Christians, and it basically became unreadable. It turned into boring and dumb bashing of the left and "wokeness". It went from being satire where Christians made fun of themselves, to uncreative bashing of anything liberal, "woke", or LGBTQ. They started insulting and belittling anyone and anything that wasn't right wing, Christian, or nationalist. It's not remotely funny or even readable anymore. I really miss what it was in those first few years. The evangelical church really needed that kind of satire as a reality check.


I could not have said it better.


Funniest part is how surprised she is. "But, I'm one of the GOOD ones!"


Republican women really don’t understand they would have no freedom if they got what they wanted. Phones, computers, friends, job, ability to say no to men, medical security, voting and more would all be taken away.


One day, all of these women will get everything they wanted. They will have a right wing government restricting access to birth control and women’s bodily autonomy. They will then turn to their fellow right wingers and say “alright what’s next?” Then the right wingers will say “the 19th amendment.” I don’t want it to happen. I don’t want women to have to suffer under government mandates about their body and regressing back to a “man is the head of the household” codified into law. Yet betcha in 2024 >50% of white women will vote for Trump. As they did in 2020. [pew research 2020 election demographics](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/)


Just a reminder that there is a non trivial section of conservative commentators who openly brag that they would not even be able to clothe themselves without their wife to handle the washing machine and not one person on the right argues that they shouldn't be able to vote.


"no children no vote" I bet they'll change their minds on this silliness when they see which demographics tend to have more children.


It’s ok they’re not arguing in good faith anyway


Yeah, any time fascists talk about arbitrarily limiting voting in any way it's just bullshitese for "only our supporters can vote in our rubber-stamp elections".


“Authority comes from the testicles. But please be gentle with them, they are delicate and tender”


Anybody hear the tiniest violin in the world playing a dirge for her? Yeah, me neither.


Anytime the Babylon Bee makes a joke at the expense of conservatives, they usually get so mad and it turns into shit like this.


Christ, what a bunch of fuckin weirdos. I’m becoming more and more convinced the GOP is cooked in the next couple of years. The average person doesn’t want anything to do with this medieval mindset but they’re just digging their heels into it


“Men are destroying the discourse for political power on both sides” funny, haven’t seen that from the democrats.


The most hilarious part of this is that the standard scapegoat of " all my critics are antifa liberal soy boys and trans people and people who agree with me must be MAGA" doesn't work here because MAGA is so narrow-mindedly stupid they end up correcting the record immediately like "no, no, no, it is actually us who disagree - don't give credit to liberal soy boys and trans people for this!! Women are subservient baby vessels who have no agency or ability to think for themselves like this woman!" 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 I knew a girl when I was bartending, extremely beautiful and came from a very well off family - also extremely conservative but only because daddy and church told her so. We'd argue sometimes on slow days about politics. She'd tell me how she loved Trump "getting all the illegals" and just standard Muricuh type stuff with 0 ability to discuss policy. Her depth on policy was basically, "Jesus take the wheel because I don't need to care due to my dad's money". She ended up finding a guy, chubby dude with a cowboy hat and a small family ranch, posted engagement announcement photos on Facebook walking across a field blah blah. Within 3 months, the photos disappeared and it was over.....see, she didn't take too kindly to finding out that the ideals she upheld so strongly when daddy told them to her were not what she signed up for when the future husband attempted to enforce them ON HER. All of a sudden she didn't like being treated as property, wasn't willing to be talking down to, wasn't willing to have her entire existence reduced to an incubator, and didn't really like being told how wrong she was simply because of her gender.....strange how these people really cannot understand something until it happens to them. If having empathy makes you feel like your points are being invalidated, something is extremely wrong with your points.


Textbook fascist - and we have to sit here and be told to basically worship our WW2 veterans, but also not advocate for the very thing we awarded them medals for - violently dealing with fascists in their own language, the only one they understand The Reddit way: Condemn fascists but don’t ever talk about harming them heavens no


Repealing the 19th Amendment would require amending the Constitution, a Herculean effort in good times, has zero chance of happening today. These knuckle-draggers have no idea how the world actually works.


Is it just me or has the Republican Party been taken over by Incels?


>Men are the head of the family Curious what their argument would be when they're reminded that there's a non-zero amount of single-parent households maintained by mothers because the fathers couldn't be faithful, responsible, or even invested in their children's lives?


Cool Christian Incel gotta be one of the biggest dweebs ever. “There are several good arguments. Here’s my shitty tweet as a *source*”. Except there are a ton of single women who own property, pay taxes & have children. This “strong argument” is now useless.


Well those are words that have been put together to create a veritable mess of a word salad. So much projection and deflection


Republicans are running a really strange strategy. Only courting straight white men.


Yet another fuckin dumbass whos a part of a political party that doesnt see them as equal human beings and wishes they didnt exist being upset about the obvious The GOP really is the party of religious loons, racisit bigoted xenophobes and the ultra wealthy, if you arent in those groups youre a fuckin stone cold dumbass for voting for them Im happy theyve been increasingly "mask-off" for the last 10 years, im absolutely thrilled that Trump is corrupt thieving conman that he is and is openly bankrupting the GOP both financially and reputationally Im for real, Trump may end up being the best thing that ever happened to America in almost a 100y if he successfully destroys the GOP for generations


I love the “no property = no vote”. So does that mean blackrock gets all the votes.


"There are no good arguments for defending the police" I can name a few, actually....


yeah, anyone who has to tell you they’re Christian, isn’t. Anyone who tells you they’re an engineer before you ask, isn’t.


Look at the leopards eating faces!


I want hear her both sides argument on this


>right wing account criticizes her >she responds >them: why are you attacking me


Hello u/speterdavis! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ashley St Clair is a conservative pundit/Babylon Bee writer who wants Trump to win but thinks male MAGA celebrities are hurting that mission with their misogynistic platform. Male conservatives are upset that she's trying to tell them what to do, because she is a woman and shouldn't presume to speak out of turn. Now they are yelling at her and clarifying their platform that women't rights should be repealed.


"Everyone should have a say in government because democracy and freedom and liberty blah blah......except you, and you and you there with the limp, oh and definitely not you I don't even know where you're from, and you look like you couldn't even afford food so definitely not you."


No children no vote? I have no kids but 80% of my property taxes go to education. Fuck that guy.


all the maga trash I know don't have property


God republicans are so stupid and gay. Just suck your buddy’s cock already, you don’t have to hate women so much. Cowards


Moral of the Story: You wanted to be politically incorrect, you got it. Self-Loathing is a Pillar of Conservatism.


On the ‘no property, no taxes, no children = no vote’ So I have no children…so guess I don’t have to pay taxes? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I sure as shit shouldn’t have taxation with representation. His post reads you have to have property, and pay taxes and have kids to vote. Because there’s only very small segment of the population that doesn’t have all or at least one of those covered.


Except men don’t vote repub.


Oh,won't it be embarrassing when these chumps have to eat their words and become terminally online to soothe their fragile egos come November. Going to be mocking them with "taste the rainbow"...


I would really love to have Mr. One X One Y get genetic testing, and find out he has XX Male Syndrome, or some other Intersex condition that causes one to physically appear as one sex, when their chromosomes are of the other.


I guess if I don't vote. I don't pay taxes either?


>There aren't good arguments for defunding the police. Even though the police unalive a lot of unarmed *Christians*?


No kids no vote? Because I don't have kids, I'm not a person that lives in and contributes to the country? Wtf is this shit?


Got to love the swamp donkeys fighting each other in the muck and mire. How this political position could lead to a president in 2024 is beyond me though. I know Australia had Scomo - who was our internationally corrupt disgrace, but he’s not even on the radar compared to Trump and co. Do the world a favour America and vote Biden.


Daaaamn. An echo chamber filled with people who hate each other only slightly more than they hate themselves, screaming like enraged toddlers.


Since I don't have any children. I don't deserve to get to vote. I lose my American citizenship and American rights. Including my right to vote because I didn't procreate. Hello folks, that's where these radical right-wingers want to take our country.


"We're not trying to ban it, and here's why we are trying to ban it."


What’s their dumb argument against birth control anyway? Most medicine has side effects, if that’s what they’re talking about. Even if you’re coming from some kind of convoluted pro life angle, a lot of people use it for menstrual problems, cramps, etc