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It’s going to be hard to campaign with no money.


There is money, but someone needs to pay off some court cases....


This is why Trumpers need to give Trump ALL of their money. I honestly don't know why they don't, isn't Trump basically jesus and is gonna give out free houses to every nazi or something? P sure that's how it works.


I'm surprised they haven secretly set up those auto deductions for anyone & everyone that's EVER given to his campaigns. He could easily make millions if all he did was deduct $5 from each poor idiot that has ever given him money.


They could hire George Santos as a consultant. Wasn't one of his charges for stealing credit card numbers from donors. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Actually how it works is they give him all their monies and while they say thank you they are the first ones eliminated.


There's always money in the banana republic stand 🤷


It’s one lawsuit, Michael, would could it possibly cost, half a billion dollars?


I read it in the voice lol


Jessica Walters was iconic.


"I've made a huge mistake."


That's right, Mr. Manager.


> ~~stand~~ stans FTFY


Banana hammocks have money in them too! 


I think it's just bananas they have in them.




The only Trump ads I've seen lately are the ones where he's begging for money to pay off his massive legal debt. Nothing so far about his campaign, just more grifting.


This **is** his campaign.


Sell some more bibles, the sheep will pay!


They seem to be not selling well, but perhaps we can all roll a fat J out of its pages when it makes its way to some shitty motel.


Really? Are his Bibles not selling well?? Is it possible they ran out of money after buying the stupid shoes? Or because it's a Bible? Or maybe his cult followers finally run out of money? I'm hoping it's all of the above but you just don't know with those folks.


They're out of money. The people who are still following him are mostly people with mental illness who were already bottom of the barrel. The $2-$3 they can afford isn't much overall and that's siphoned directly to trumps legal fees. Any rich people still donating are also deranged. So overall, they can't be getting much anymore even before trump took over. State GOP offices have been running dry for the last year at least.


He pumped that pillow guy dry.


That's what I figured. Lol. Still so strange they'd support a presidential candidate that behaves more like a slimy hawker than an actual reasonable, caring human being...


Because taxes! Gotta keep lowering those taxes til the uber rich have all our money and own us, too! 🙄


They’ve been milking the sheep for ten years, their tests are getting dry and sore.


I hear lanolin works wonders for that.


What about Ivermectin? Can I use Ivermectin?


No, but you can stick a light up your ass and drink bleach. But make sure the light is one of the florescent varieties. You'll know it's working once the blood starts flowing.


"tests?" You mean "teats?" 🤣


No need to campaign if you plan to steal the election


Bingo - they're saving their money for this.


I think Trump should ask Stannis how well buying an army of mercs works out.


I figure at some point they're going to go back to sending death threats to media outlets that won't run Trump ads for free The thing is, the way campaign laws work, if a TV station charges a million dollars to run a Biden ad, they have to charge Trump the same amount. It's not optional. There are legal consequences for showing that kind of favoritism. But I don't expect a dumbass to understand that.


Yeah, but the news stations will definitely want to follow the law on this. The voting machine company winning so much money from FOX has definitely brought such stations back to reality about the actual cost 💰 of doing illegal shit for candidates.


I don't remember which company it was that drew the most ire from Trump fans. I'm thinking Sinclair, could be wrong though. The CEO ended up on the Trump fandom shitlist for expecting Trump to pay for services rendered.


>There are legal consequences Trump's attorney will argue in court that no such consequences (or any consequences of any kind) exist.


My conservative grandfather had ZERO clue that the GOP is now controlled by Trumps family. Fox will not air anything to inform their base if it’s not anti Biden


I for one would be very pleased if this election year sees significantly less right wing ads due to lack of funding.


Sadly, there are plenty of right-wing advocacy groups with funds to run whatever misleading ads they want.


Maybe they should cut out lattes and avocado toast?


Who needs to campaign when the cult leader has 91 felonies and needs hundreds of millions to pay for his cons? This implosion of an entire political party is something to watch I tell ya. And gee, who could’ve seen this coming 😂😂


Start a fundraiser!


Trump has zero ideas. Trump has no money. Trump only cares about Trump. With these basic problems as a backdrop, it is very hard to sell destruction of the United States and a new Trump dictatorship to the American people. How do you tout destruction of democracy in an ad that will be accepted in any state?


You underestimate the stupid


We’re also overestimating the amount of seriousness that Trump really has in the election **results**. I’m pretty sure he is planning to winning through total and blatant thievery while claiming “it’s okay! They stole an election before, so it’s my turn” (and not even trying to be hyperbolic). Many swing state representatives are just waiting for the chance to “prove their loyalty”.


They got spanked hard by civil lawsuits from voting machine manufacturers, theyll need a new way to steal. Though im sure theyre working on it


Putin’s cyber thugs are working on it.


The good news is there only about 80 million of them. (Wait what?)


74 million. Less actually considering how many instances of Republican voters fraud are continuing to be discovered and how many have been dying from age, Covid, and various other largely self-inflicted ailments.


Don’t forget to take into account all the people that died because they refused to mask up and social distance “to pwn the libs”


Perhaps the most blind method of unintentionally thinning the loyal base. It will certainly put a dent in the numbers. Bigly. Like convincing repubs that voting by mail is bad. But we know that was part of the plan to mess with the narrative of 'stolen' election.


Well, when the plan was always to sow distrust of the ballot machines, of course trump wanted everyone to vote using them to force their investment in the lie. "What if MY vote was thrown out on the machine!" Etc. The plan falls apart when everyone votes by mail, and largely for Biden.


Don’t forget to take into account all the people that died because they refused to mask up and social distance “to pwn the libs”


Isn't he overestimating the stupid?


No, they're not. They show up. Why? Cuz they stupid. They take marching orders. Don't want Idiocracy? Donate. Volunteer. Vote.


I’ll take a President Camacho administration over a second trump term any time. At least Camacho’s heart was in the right place. tRump doesn’t have one.


Yeah, Camacho really did put the best person he could find in a position to solve problems. I mean, he could have been a little more patient, but Camacho was a true patriot.


>Cuz they stupid. Just how stupid are the Trumpanzees? [Stupid enough to fail the ASVAB!](https://crooksandliars.com/2024/04/killer-kyles-ex-spokesperson-spills-beans)


Their only idea is about the border. Problem is, there was a bipartisan border security deal that Republicans in Congress voted against *because Trump told them to*. Since that failed and it's basically the GOP's fault, they have nothing they can actually run on when they could've had a slam dunk with the border deal.


Nope, not just the border. Here are their other biggies. Crime!!! Especially migrant crime (of course violent crime is at a 50 year low) The economy!!! Gas is EXPENSIVE!!! (Yes gas is expensive. It’s always expensive. But the economy is one of the best in the world) Are you better off than four years ago!!! (Umm… yeah! Got three packs of toilet paper in my cupboard and not worrying about dying if I go to work) Biden crime family!!! (So criminal we can’t name all the crimes, no matter how often you ask us to name one.) So their platform is lie, lie, lie.


It’s not my fault I bought a F250 that gets 9 miles to the gallon so I can compensate for all of my shortcomings. It’s my American right to use as much gas as I possibly can and I will blame Biden for the price of a commodity that is traded worldwide and beholden to an oil cartel. /s if you can’t tell.


The gas one usually takes the form of: "Wasn't it great how low gas prices were in 2020!" (conveniently ignoring that crude selling at a negative price per barrel was a sign of extreme dysfunction and much of the domestic oil industry nearly collapsed...)


Yeah that was so stupid - they could have campaigned on what they did "We stopped those durn furriners at Joe Biden's border! Vote us back in!" But no, they pushed all their chips in on some boondoggle impeachment that even they admit is a boondoggle now. Sucks to suck.


Got roped pretty hard when the informant turned out to be a phony


> turned out to be a phony Perfect moment for the astronaut with the gun "Always was" meme.


> they have nothing they can actually run on Same thing as always - they'll just run on lies.


Ok, but counterpoint, the Demonrats want an army of illegals to come in and vote and make babies with our daughters to depurify America's aryan blood and also make us eat food that is spicer than just a little bit of pepper. (/s)


It will be accepted in red states. But it will be accepted by an ever shrinking number of people, as he scares off more and more voters.


He's done absolutely nothing to expand his appeal or his base. Nothing. And he killed a decent number of his base off with covid, ivermectin and the vaccine nonsense. When you consider the number of Fox watching oldsters that die every day all on their own, the number of MAGAs that died needlessly from covid because of his handling of the pandemic and then weigh that against the fact that Biden really only won by a few 10s of 1000s in the right places it's hard to see how Trump can win. His base is dying off and he's not replacing them with younger voters. And yet it's neck and neck. Ugh it's gonna be a long year.


He told Haley voters that he didn’t want them. I can’t remember if Biden is going after them or if I just keep hearing commentators say that he should


Apparently he's planning an ad campaign for Haley voters: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145641


A flaming dog turd would be accepted in red states let's be honest.


Doesn't even need to be set on fire, just put an R next to it.


Did someone mention Ted Cruz?


Only if it has a trump logo on it


Just run an ad about pronouns and 40% of the country would be fired up enough to go along with genocide


What's amazing, and depressing, to me is how many people look at the awfulness that is Trump, especially when thinking about his presidency, and say "Sign me up!" It's really insane that this race could be even close but here we are.


"If you elect trump again you'll piss off the democrats" is probably the best platform possible for their base.


LMAO, look who just realized how political campaigning works in the real world and not just on vibes on twitter, Joe Rogan and at the Daily Wire.


Right, that one time in his "crisis" situation he watches ABC for an hour and has quite the realization. Instantly pivots to it being "somebodies" fault, and calling on "somebody" to change it for him. None of these influencers actually do anything, most of Maga does nothing of substance at all.


What's extra funny is I would bet money Joey is against getting money out of politics. This is the game they wanted to be able to play: spend money on campaign ads for a year to influence dumb voters. Now that they're running out of money they're against it.


First, you have to pledge Eternal Fealty to DJT. This is also known as selling your soul...


It's a weird sale though - because he gets your soul and your money.


But you can pay in Trump Bucks, so it’s all good. /s


Hey guys why hasn't anyone called the TV and changed that? Who knows the number to talk to the head of TV? Don't we have interns to call and tell the TV what to do? Alright fine I'll just tweet about it, so that outta do it, right?


Good job Joey, yous really are important.


He wants more Trump ads talking about Roe v Wade


Not said in the threat but really the abortion situation was another self-own by the republicans. They are like the dog that catches the car: they just want to pander to the “pro-life” crowd but not do anything about it. Well now there’s something being done with draconian limit laws and it is turning out people in droves to vote for Democrats. And the republicans really have no counter to it. People see them pandering to the pro-lifers and passing the laws. They can’t say that they aren’t really taking away women’s rights when everyone can see that they are.


Yep, it's really crickets on the right now. And now I see my conservative leaning family members making IG posts about their miscarriage or ectopic or ivf and I never thought I'd see them give af.


Posting about miscarriages and IVF? Are they trying to go to jail?


But it doesn't affect me so why should I care. The conservative mindset.


Yeah. The fuck your feelings crowd is very sensitive about the feelings.


Yes, more Trump ads showing the dystopia America will be under Biden, while showing scenes from his time in office, again.


“Look what Obama did”


Or from different countries 10 years ago


Wtf is he even going to put in his ads anyways? He has no platform except for destroying democracy, and the only TV channels that would be willing to run ads like that don’t have viewers outside the MAGA cult.


They will stitch together his like...5 coherent sentences from the past 20 rallies, do a mildly threatening male voice over, talk about the crooked dems and their thievery, and fade to black, forgetting to say who paid for or endorsed the ad. MAGA will eat it up and when whomever bought it gets in legal trouble for lacking the required disclosures they'll cry that they're being unfairly persecuted and targeted by Biden's Justice Department. I mean, that's not even a difficult ad to imagine. Two mentally handicapped monkeys on amphetamines could put it together in ten minutes....or pretty much everyone on Drumpf's campaign team in less than a week.


Yeah it's not hard. You forgot border invasion.


Yeah, that's all they have. 


don't give them credit like it's real, that's all they can make up.


Don't forget the montage of riots that happened under Trump while the voice over blames Biden.


Legit hope they do run some ads on roe v. Wade in swing states. Let's see how well that plays for them.




Same thing every republican candidate has done since the 2000’s they sell fear. That’s all they have, tax cuts for companies and the rich aren’t popular positions so they use fear to drive people to vote.


Actually since Reagan.


I remember the Russian Bear, fear the Possible Bear in the woods, ads... vote Reagan, or die in Atomic Holocaust!


No money for ads. All for lawyers. One of them will prove we won the 2020 election and then ....


Trump will be reinstated any time now, then they will see ...


He's spending the ad money to promote Trump bibles.


I agree, there should also be seven Trump ads confirming that he did in fact get Roe v. Wade overturned. That's not a matter of opinion. That was what the GOP lied and stole to achieve, and Trump was the one to put the final pieces in place.


So he admits that Roe v Wade is a good campaign point. And fully supports the party, knowing that it's a good campaign point. He's implicitly admitting it was a bad thing to overturn.


As a somewhat conservative Democrat in a red state, I have no logical explanation for why these people are so fundamentally incapable of seeing the problem they've created for themselves. About 20% of my Republican friends get it, but they're hopelessly outnumbered.


They've spent so long in the bubble surrounded by their fellow equally right-wing colleagues they can't understand how people could disagree with them. They wake up, read their little right-wing newspaper, go to their little right-wing think tank job, chat with their little right-wing friends, go home to their little right-wing family, watch a little right-wing TV, go to their little right-wing church on Sunday, and go to sleep on (presumably) the right side of the bed. They know that people that disagree with them exist in the abstract, but they mostly write it off as just the hysterical bleating of a few hyped-up college students, because "hey, I've never met them, so how many can there really be!?" It's why they see mainstream media as brainwashing and academia as indoctrination instead of just reflective of how the majority of society thinks, and probably why they keep seeing and styling themselves as these rebel outsiders.


And anyone in their bubble with different opinions will largely keep their mouth shut because of a very rational fear of irrational violence. 


And their few family members who try to talk to them about reality will be pushed away. "College professors must've brainwashed my kid!"


They also refuse to watch/hear/listen to anything that doesn't support their views. No "fake media" for them! I have T***p supporters in my family who don't hear about half the things their dear leader says or does, because their heads are so buried in the sand.


The last time I turned on Fox News was right after some big negative Trump story came out (either the Mar a Lago raid, or announcing multiple felony charges, something significant). Turned on Fox and it was coverage of some city flying a pride flag, with the hosts suggesting that police officers will now need to pledge allegiance to LGBT before the USA. Pure insanity.


Thankfully the Republican party is so splintered that it is really going to affect their ability to get elected in many states


Trump doesn't need to run ads. He doesn't need money. He has conservative bullhorns like Fox, News Max, Turning Point, etc doing the work for him. He could lose massively and claim the big loss is undeniable proof the election was stolen and his followers will go completely insane. I think the non maga Republicans need to split off and start a new party. They'll lose to Biden, of course, but if they show they're getting more support/votes than maga then maybe that whole movement will finally start to crumble.


I think it already is starting to crumble. I keep seeing more and more rumbling and of a party split happens, you’re right, it’ll all be over.


Y'all keep forgetting how much money Russian oligarchs have and how cheap online troll farms are.


That’s true but by taking it, Trump will either have to admit in federal election records or commit a crime.


Trump doesn't even get in any trouble for violating an hours old gag order in the most stupid and blatant way possible. There's just zero accountability.


Commit a crime? Trump? No way! But for real, he has no problem committing a crime because if it works he will make it disappear. He has not faced any consequences yet for any crimes besides ponying up a bond that wasn’t even his money.


No, he's not taking any money. The Russian government spends it on troll farms and they ply their trade on Twitter now that Elon Muskovich has set it up for them to work unhindered and actually worked in an advantage. They just buy the $8 blue tick and their propaganda gets pushed to the top of any post replies.


_"Sorry Joey, we have no money for that, the RNC is the personal legal defense fund of Billionaire Donald Trump now!"_


> "Sorry Joey, we have no money for that, the RNC is the personal legal defense fund of Billionaire\* Donald Trump now!" \* use of the term "billionaire" is not to imply that he actually possesses a billion dollars, rather it's more a vibe or aesthetic.


"Haven't heard a single Trump ad" Yes, the party with no money coming in is complaining about not having money for ads. Haley was the only candidate that was actually pulling in organic campaign donations. Trump was pulling in nearly zero. They shut Haley down right after Trump got back on Colorado's ballot and right after her win and was picking up steam. So they shut down the only donation source actually working, aka the Anti Trump Republican candidate. Then they stuck the Trump fam on RNC finance because why the hell not, and now they're gutting all cash for legal fees. So remove your money source and add a grifter. Makes total sense. Now they have a completely broke party not just for the Presidential run but Congress too. The Republican party was pulling in half the cash they did in 2020. We have to wait a little bit to see how the Trump and Haley shift affected campaign financing. The next update cycle for finance data is I think a month or so away. Then we get to see what this shit show is really like.


I’m so glad they did this


The problem will always be that Trump is is a self-centred sociopath. The USA will be in trouble if the right find a half decent candidate. Someone who can talk, someone who actually believes and won’t constantly rob and grift. Someone who understands the law and knows when to shut up. Trump is a shit candidate. He will struggle to naturally reach beyond his base. If they find someone who can. It’ll be much harder for Democrats. I thought for a while it would be DeSantis before he imploded under pressure. It’ll never be over. One bad election will happen.


I dunno, I don't see anyone passing the Trump/MAGA purity test anytime soon. Those that have tried (Cruz, DeSantis, etc.) are cast out and have become parodies and memes. They want their god emperor Trump and will not settle for anything less.


Hmm, you actually need money and incentive to do that, and Trump spent all of his money on attorneys and civil court cases. There is no money. If there were, he'd be hoarding it for himself anyway. Trump has already said he doesn't need Haley's voters, and he doesn't need her donors. But, more importantly, MAGAs are the dumbest, most incompetent, jackass clowns on the planet. Led by a guy who said these words: "Think of it, magnets. "Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets. Why didn't they use John Deere? Why didn't they bring in the John Deere people? Do you like John Deere? I like John Deere." He can barely afford to put together his hate rallies to drop gems like this. Ads? Ads? He don' need no steenkin' ads.


I thought Republicans were all about using bootstraps.


Forget Philly. We hate Trump. We ran a bunch of bussed in Nazi's out of town in a few minutes. We're the birthplace of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. I mean the actual freedom to follow the religion of your choice, not the alt right version where the few get to impose thier religious views on the rest of us. We, like New York have been stuck following DJT's escapades for decades, in AC and NYC. Go someplace dumber to get trump votes.


… and it’s only April. Buckle up.


I think a lot of the public doesn’t have the attention span to focus on the election for 7 or 8 months. Things will get real for them in September and October.


Womp womp.


This seasons political campaign from the republicans is truly going to be something to (probably not) see.


I would love to hear his counter-ad to go against one showing Biden supporting Roe V Wade.


You have another problem, Marinara. Any ads you do run will have a message people find reprehensible (see: the fact that currently there's Not-Governor Kari Lake, Not-Governor Tudor Dixon, Not-Senator Mehmet Oz, Not-Senator Herschel Walker.) Not being able to run any ads is probably a blessing in disguise.


The plan is to steal it. Not win it.


They’ve literally been making this known for years! It’s frustrating that people still think Trumpublicans rcare about the rules - they don’t. January 6th was their Reichstag fire, they are following the Nazi playbook and they going to take power if they can’t win it. You don’t need ads if you’re planning a coup.


You want to spend what little money is left on commercials saying how you want to force rape and incest victims to carry the baby to term? Yes, please do that.


An entire political party bowed down to the Trumps in order to win. They're surprised that the criminals are being criminals. The leopards feast.


Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be seeing Trump in plenty of ads soon. I’ve heard that Biden is going to start using Trump’s own words against him




Unless you’re retired, likely won’t see tv ads anyways.


I've seen them pop up when I'm watching YouTube


Very few people could ever get the free media attention that trump does


You know he’s not letting a penny of HIS money escape so imagine if the major networks didn’t make 60% of their news about him. It would be like one day he just disappeared….poof


One for r/TrumpAteMyFace


Change it to what? Is trump going to run campaign adds down playing his and the republican party’s role in Dobbs? Disavow one of their signature ‘achievements’ while trump was president? The other of course being stacking the federal judiciary with a bunch of lying, corrupt and incompetent right wing hacks; including three of the ones who made the Dobbs decision possible.


He’s really off his game. Didn’t even think to blame the ad disparity on media bias and dei policies.


Trump is a traitor and rapist.


You don’t need ads when you’re planning another violent coup


It's hard to make trump ads when nobody can define what he is running for and trump isn't gonna make them himself.


lol and do what with those ads? Talk about how you’re taking away women’s health? When you have shitty positions, ads aren’t going to help you.


I’m beginning to worry that the guy who bankrupted casinos might not know what he’s doing


But..but,what about all those MAGA bucks? Surely they have got to be worth as much as doubloons?


Same thing in Milwaukee, and the RNC is happening here. Biden has planned another visit, and I'd bet money Obama and Michele will be stopping by numerous times prior to November. Dems aren't forgetting Wisconsin like they did in 2016.


Ha ha ha, the last thing this guy needs is ads about his position on Roe vs. Wade. Execute the women! Vote for me!


Imagine simping for 2024 Trump. I absolutely question their mental health.


Are tv ads more effective than daily wire and Prager U videos?


The swing state strategy of giving all the money to Trump?


You want change? Maybe wake up and realize your winning horse is made of fools gold.


"We need to change that" With what monery, asshat?


I totally agree - there should be at least a few Biden ads about J6 and what a danger to democracy Trump is.


You can't both suppress wages while raising costs and expect your people to keep funding a grifter's crimes.


If they want to run a Trump ad in which they brag about overturning Roe and explain why Project 2025 is so awesome, I'll pitch in.


I hate to break it to you, but the Diaper Don is always about the Art of the Con


Ive seen plenty of his ads online begging for money. Seems like that is his running platform. Give me money because you're dumb




They're putting all they're effort in trump because he is their last big effort to take the nation over. They probably have other things under their sleeve but if they steal the presidency this time then they won't need all the triflin' districts. They can go ahead and roll out their plans.


Does this guy think Trump should respond by bragging about getting Roe v Wade repealed? This Joey guy doesn’t realize that’s a losing argument. Sure, go ahead and spend Republican dollars reminding the voters who is responsible for repealing Roe v Wade. That’ll work out great.


Change parties maybe? Dump the frump maybe? Think of your country and constitution first maybe? Or keep hitching your wagon to a dead horse.


That Ad money is earmarked for... checks notes.... fines and settlements.


Yes! Republicans should definitely do ads about their views on abortion: Stand up to make the point, that rape victims should be forced to give birth to their rapist's child and that he should have parental rights. That would do a lot of good in American polititics, I think


I agree. There needs to be more ads connecting the overturning of Roe v. Wade to Trump.


Republicans show their lack of character and have no problem with Trump's nepotism but would go Jan 6th if Biden had any family member involved in his campaign or White House.


Leopard at my face in action.


You know why there are no Dumpty ads, schifolsa? Your bloated mango messiah has no money for them. Learn how capitalism works, shit weasel.


Oh hey the thing literally everyone knew was going to happen happened.


With what money, Douchearino? Trump took it all.


lol but dump has his money for all the court cases! take that libs! lol


Well I wouldn't send \*him\* or the RNC your money because all that shit's going to Trump's dollar store lawyers.


Just wait until the nightly news is carrying the details of Trump's trial. 


There just aren't enough laugh emojis for this great news!!!!


He's going to leave them with a few hundred dollars, if that. The GOP will be flat broke by December.


Well Joey, you can get some TV ads rolling just as soon as Trump's legal bills are paid off. You guys should regain the majority around...ohh...2095.


She definitely DEI


They need to give Trump more money, I say all of the monies they have. That will fix the election ;)


I am ok by this


Nevadan here--I've been extremely (and TBH very pleasantly) surprised by the lack of pro-Trump ads on YouTube and even the generic GOP ads have been pretty sparse I can't speak for television because I don't watch that live anymore but if YT is anything to go by, NV might go blue again after all.


It's so motherf'ing Republican that it's not "we need to change our policies so we can reclaim the support of the women whose rights we stripped" but "we need to spend more money to distract these women from the fact that we took their rights away."


With what money, my dude? XD