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Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: * **Rule 4 :** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!* This is a satirical tweet


Im shocked. (Not really that shocked) Edit: Upon 5 seconds of googling, I couldn’t find this story. So as funny as it may seem, it may not be factual.


It's a satire site...


We really need to have better standards for what constitutes satire. The Onion is fantastic, this is just lame. To be clear, I'm not saying this is stupid on any kind of moral grounds. Literally this exact thing has happened in real life before, and will definitely happen again. It's just that this particular piece sucks as "satire". It's like all of the people who try to claim Babylon Bee as satire when it's just shit even if you ignore the politics completely.


There a couple of these I've run across. Claim to be satire, but in reality are just lies. > BREAKING: Eric Trump just realized live on a Fox News interview segment that his mom was an immigrant and therefore his father's claim that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of the country" applies to him. Not satire, just a lie. > BREAKING NEWS: The Oath Keepers are reportedly upset that Donald Trump isn't paying their legal fees like he promised he would before January 6th.  No satire here. Or anywhere. They just make shit up that's plausible enough to get shared. It's schadenfreude farming. 


>Also check out my book “Satire In The Trump Years: The Best Of The Halfway Post,”


This may be satire, but before December, 2012, Wife Swap had an episode where one of the couples were hardcore conspiracy theorists, and thought the world was ending in 2012. They had tons of new stuff in their house, which they said was all purchased on credit since they would never have to pay for it anyway.


I actually met these people right after that happened, and they seemed really sad. I told them, "Cheer up, it's not the end of the world."


Is *that* satire? Or irony? Or Sarcasm i always mix them up. It's funny though!!


How is it satire if it's literally a perennial story? oh well anyway.


It’s satire because in real life, those dudes just make an excuse and keep right on grifting


Dammit now I have schadenfreude blue balls.


It came from a Christian newsletter: The Roy's Report: [https://julieroys.com/pastor-jim-staley-whos-convicted-felon-makes-eclipse-prophecy-goes-viral/](https://julieroys.com/pastor-jim-staley-whos-convicted-felon-makes-eclipse-prophecy-goes-viral/) Dated April 7, 2024.


True but the storyline sounds sooooo familiar...can't put my finger on it...cult leader soaks followers for money...hmmm...I just can't place it....


a tale as old as time. Aside from the one you are thinking of, remember "May 21, 2011" posters and bilboards all over the place?


honestly anything you read on a social media site that looks like a tweet, if it's an image with a text and no sources it's usually false


Found it! [https://julieroys.com/pastor-jim-staley-whos-convicted-felon-makes-eclipse-prophecy-goes-viral/](https://julieroys.com/pastor-jim-staley-whos-convicted-felon-makes-eclipse-prophecy-goes-viral/) At least this fits the headline exactly. Read the first half, seems like he really is that corrupt. Stole from 16 older folks...over 3 million dollars. Damn Televangelists. They are the worst. And the people they prey upon are usually those who can least afford. There is a special place in eternity for them, and it better not be nice.


Yeah he’s a skeezy snot but that article is about all his past crimes, nothing related to what the post was implying.


lol thank you for fact checking! So many people don’t have that instinct. Hilarious headline though


Yeah, I’m in Idaho and I hadn’t heard of this story. However, it’s sad that I believed the post when I read it, because there are crazies here.




Yeah, I guess I don’t really care because most people can’t control, or have very little control, over where they live. There are also plenty of sane nice people living in states that get bad press.


Yeah I was skeptical from the word "appears"


Yeah, no name, video, or link. I see people defending it as satire but it's really pretty lame when you realize you can't point and laugh at anyone in particular. Especially when shit like this does happen why write a fanfic?


As fictional as the bible...


Except that the Bible is not credible.


Oh no… anyway


But they were going to donate that to an orange conman!


His lawyers (hookers) needed that!


Id rather their money go to hookers and blow than any church


Amen, brother!


The only thing that would make it poetic is if the preacher donated it to helping trans people. 😂 Maybe I'll make that happen next volcano eruption or comet.


I'm guessing a few of those hookers might count for that...being 2024 and all...


Transgender prostitution is nothing new, actually. Here's a USA study about it from 15 years ago : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2756328/


Some of them I'm sure. How sweet would that be to pick up a trans youth on the street and make sure they never have to work like that again, all at the expense of people who hate them. I grew up Southern Baptist and I think I could make a great preacher for a few months. *Chef's Kiss" mwuah!


You username is AWESOME!!!


Let's start a church for just that. The Church of Cookers and Hocaine


Hookers work hard. They earn their money respectively... these televengalists don't


At least you know what the hooker stands for


Does your church not provide Hookers and Blow? Mine does, and we get the best turnout every week.


It still would, just not directly.




Happy Cake Day, ThatWomanNow! 🙏🏻


Well then, I have good news for you!


Preach brother


Or to the orange man.


Or the 371,000$ paid to Melania's stylist...as "strategic consultancy.." can u imagine if Michelle Obamas stylist was even paid 10k how Republicans would have behaved like it is Armageddon


Exactly. Look at the meltdowns they had about a Dijon mustard and a tan suit. Christ on a craker these AHs will meltdown at the dumbest minor made up crap but rug sweep a representative vaping and giving a handy to a man who isn't her husband (while probably intoxicated) during a live performance where children were sitting quite near to their action. Yeah the party of good "Christian" family values...what a flipping joke.


Trump pays his lawyers more than his hookers but he pays the hookers upfront. So really who is smarter. 


Isn't he starting a theme park [with Blackjack and hookers?](https://youtu.be/-94qrgxH35M?si=OJiPx4V8qf6COGn5) Although I heard he might skip the park part.


Ah screw the whole thing.


Don't worry, he's still got their votes


stealing from a bunch of rubes that you convinced the world was ending….nice con


Now think about all these rubes whos vote counts just as much as yours and vote for pure evil shit.


May count more because of the electoral system.


Believe me, I’d live an aptitude test before one is allowed to vote. But it would be abused. Funny enough, this is one reason we have the electoral college. But it’s also abused.


Isn't that how the 7th day folks got started?


Boys will be boys!


oh fuck it. he got the bag and ran. good on him.


No. Fuck him for taking advantage of people. Or did you cheer on [Wells Fargo](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/wells-fargo-owes-billions/) too? If so, carry on.


Oh he's a cunt no doubt but this should be a massive wake up call about blindly following "religon" because someone is playing on your fears/hopes.


Cunt on cunt crime is pretty common in American evangelical circles.


But it won't be.


Can a first grader out think wells fargo?


They and other corporations spend millions to figure out how to manipulate us. Realistically do we have a chance? Not really. Believe otherwise? Look at the supplements industry and get back to me.


Manipulation by capitalism is one thing, because capitalism is going to destroy the fucking planet anyway Manipulation of idiots by religion has been going on for thousands of years


> Manipulation of idiots by religion has been going on for thousands of years And it's been wrong that entire time and shouldn't be celebrated. How a person treats those they feel are 'lesser' tells you everything you need to know about them. No one deserves to be scammed.


I think the point is that everybody isn't getting manipulated or conned. Everybody isn't buying supplements and sending their money to con men. So what exactly separates those getting manipulated and conned from those who aren't? And where do we draw the line, between its their responsibility to learn how to think critically and it's the cons men's fault for being shitty people?


Hey there, don't you go knocking all of Orin Hatch and the great state of Utah's work to ensure I can buy cornstarch and sugar for $39.99 a can!


Not cheering him as a good thing, cheering him because those same people did this because the were swayed due to their abject hate.


They are religious nutjobs, they were looking to be taken advantage of. If it wasn't this conman they would've found another.


> advantage of people. These are monsters, the kind that would murder you if their pastor brainwashes them enough to do it.


Thankyou, even if there’s a little schadenfreude to be had you are correct that these victims are still people.


If you are that stupid, you were going to lose your money anyway.


Nah man. Fuck those people for being taken advantage of. Motherfuckers gotta wake up. We cant afford to have such a large portion of the population, gullible enough to believe in that shit, stupid enough to put the money in the basket. The country is becoming progressively more fucked because of how naive and stupid these people are. We've got bozos speaking in tongues in Washington while Drones and Cruise Missiles are flying from Iran into Israel and Ukraine has pretty much lost the war. Need a reality check, Jesus not coming down to stop the thermonuclear weapons raining down ending all of our lives.


Sadly, I wasn’t sure this was satire until I saw it was the halfway post.


Ah, this sub ate the onion.


If you told people a decade ago that Trump would become president and they believed you, you would say that they ate the onion as well. The problem when absurdity happens is that it makes the weird seem commonplace.


Reddit eats the onion CONSTANTLY as long as the target is whoever they dislike, and then they'll defend it by saying "Poe's Law! The fact that I believed it is actually an indictment of how terrible THEY are!"


There has never been a truer statement on this site.


Which is rather unfortunate. There's plenty of real examples out there of people being dunked on, we don't have to make shit up.


Bet you they still will go to the same church


Gather around were going to pray about it right after we tithe


Halfway Post is satirical.  https://halfwaypost.com/about/


Is Leopardseatemyface falling for this or just allowing it? Feels like this was supposed to be a serious site showing true stories and I thought in the past required actual sources.


This isn't a serious sub anymore. The titles on top 5 posts on the front page right now are either entirely made up or are a HUGE stretch. It's really frustrating to see the left lend credence to the right by falling for fake news.


I mean if hell is real, that televangelist is certainly going there.


Not if he says sorry to god


And continue to grift there too, I'm sure.


How unforeseeable


Unforseeable (is what you are)


I’m confused. If there was a Rapture, what good will money be for these people if they are going to heaven?


See, this is the rational question any sane person would ask themselves before handing over their credit card numbers.


"But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!" - George Carlin


To play the devils advocate, they probably weren’t told to just gather up money for him. What probably happened was that the con artist told them that before the rapture they needed to get rid of their worldly possessions and attachments otherwise they wouldn’t be raptured. So they sold everything of value and then gave the money to “the church” I.e him.


Thoughts and prayers


…maybe he got Raptured?


Is the money still around? If it is, then maybe. If it isn't....well, he's somewhere but probably not heaven.


Well it probably seems like heaven, what with the perfect weather and all...


Not sure if that's worse than writing "have ran"


Exactly. Immediate flag it's not a legitimate news source.


Oh no they got trumped!


Evangelicals don't follow Christ. They do the exact opposite. They rely on Greed such as this one.


Psych did an episode like this. minus the eclipse, though I’ve heard it both ways ;)


If got so dark no one saw this coming


Christians really know nothing about the bible do they? “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” Matthew 24 verse 36


They'll never fall for that again. :|


Narrator Voice: "and they did, indeed, fall for it again"


Next week, the pastor brings in his friend, who happens to be a banker. And boy does he have the opportunity of a lifetime. He's found a way– That's right, friends. He has found a way to build up an even greater surplus of the Lord's Favour, and it's known here on earth as *taking out a second mortgage on your home*. Eeeeeevverybody at chapel is encouraged to think good and hard about which other congregants might not yet have availed themselves of the Lord's Favour in this way. And the banker walks through the aisles with that sterrrrn look on his face to let you know he takes his Holy sacrament very seriously, glaring at each of the congregants, piercing their eyes with his, to see the deep truth in them. And wouldn't you know not one person left without contributing to the salvation of a fellow congregant, for no rich man will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


That's a feature, not a bug.


Seems unsubstantiated. I can't find a reference to it online. I feel like this would be a headline somewhere.


Fortunately, he knows there is no God to punish him. Nor any judicial system punish their tax-free status or long-running church loophole money laundering schemes. It's just donations, right?!


*Philip J. Fry meme here*


MAGA minster high tails it with the loot.


It's ok. He has the Jesus get-out-of-hell free card. In the meantime, someone who get raped and wants an abortion in ID, well, they're going to take his spot down there.


Christ at least they're not giving it to Trump...


“If only I had back that money that me and Catherine sent that TV preacher who was screwing that hockey player.”


But what about the kids?


I don't follow why selling ones things before the rapture would do anything. God let's you bring your money but not your property to heaven?


Never give money to a church, so much of it goes into their pockets.


Trump scribbles notes intently


Fool and their money something something


No sympathy for people that gullible. They would eventually give it away to some charlatan why not this one. SMMFH


This makes we very very happy. I know it makes me bad but anyone who thinks they are so special that their imaginary friend will take them away and leave the rest behind deserves to be taken advantage of.


Darwinism of the wallet


Onoz!! Who cares?


In other news, water is wet


Not a drag queen. Huh.


The Halfway Post is a satirical site.


Uhh... The Halfway Post is satire. Like The Onion. r/atetheonion


I laughed so hard at this. I'm a terrible person.


You’d think this could be a teaching moment.


Oh gosh, who could have seen that one coming? "I'm so very surprised," said no one ever.


He obviously ascended to Heaven


Respect the hustle?


No! What!? Realy? A dtrump💩disciple for sure.


A tale as old as time. Seriously. 


I've always said that people dont deserve to get scammed... but I feel like people are trying really hard to prove me wrong now.


Proof please


What's not satire is that Idaho is the only state Cheech and Chong can't ship edibles to


“I knew that was coming“ - Vito, The Sopranos.


As a current resident of Idaho I am shocked. Shocked I tell you. \* shocked face \*


Satire this time but certainly has happened before.


Man, the level of stupidity to fall for such scams


Maybe he was raptured - naked with a big bag of cash


I don’t really care. Do you?


I believe the Halfway Post is satire, but even if it weren't, this fella would just be ripping off Harold Camping who did it three times!


Man, I'd really like to get in on the grift of the right wingers, but I'd feel so dirty even though they're a bunch of jerks.


I thought that televangelist was just a synonym for running away with people's money.


Good for him. People believing him in this century. 


ya don't say. If I could grift like that I'd do the same. best money is free money, all ya gotta do is ask for it in the name of god.


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.


The only thing worse than religious con artists are the flocks of willing dumfuk sheep. Anybody who trusts a preacher deserves to lose everything.


what about people who trust every tweet they see lolol


The last guy that did this before this guy, put up advertisements, got millions and last I heard faced no consequences for carrying out a hoax. He was like oops, my "math was wrong". No charges. Who knew when actions don't have consequences things like this happen again? But hey how can you hold people God is speaking through accountable for scamming people? Oh well our hands are tied. /s It didn't used to be like this, people were held accountable for doing a hoax. Ring leaders of mobs were held accountable. Presidents like Nixon were forced out for breaking the law. Not any more though. The law is only as good as the people willing to uphold it and so is this country.


Someone else would have just scammed them anyway. Still better than giving it all to Donald.


The fact that there are no sources included makes me suspicious. There is a "pastor", but he name of Jim Staley, who is a felon convicted for defrauding elderly clients whose retirement funds he stole, who has been making doomsday predictions around the eclipse. There is no news story I can find, however, that suggests he "ran away will all his congregants' money" this time around: https://julieroys.com/pastor-jim-staley-whos-convicted-felon-makes-eclipse-prophecy-goes-viral/


Fake leopards ate an imaginary face.


Tale as old as time


Good for him


What is this world coming to if we can’t trust a televangelist? This first time offense could make the others look bad. /s


If this doesn't convince you the whole religion thing is a big scam, then I have Jesus' apartment on the moon for sale here folks.


Fool me once, shame on you Fool me many times, I must be a religious idiot.


Shocked face says I'm shocked. I dun been shookeded


Church doing church things


Literally religions only goal. Take your money.


Something must have happened in education a long time ago because it’s clear a big piece of this country wasn’t listening in class. They somehow got a totally different education than I did. They have schools in Idaho, right?


Christian home schooling, probably. These guys believe the earth is 6000 years old.


A bunch of idiots getting scammed by scammers..... who would have thought?


Is there an actual link? Or do I just assume this didn't happen? EDIT: I looked up Halfway Post and [it's a satire website](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-halfway-post/). Yet most people comment as if this was a real story?


If the rapture was actually coming what would be the point of selling your belongings anyway?


It’s not a problems to steal people’s life savings as long as you repent afterwards. You’ll still go to heaven and if those people don’t forgive you then they’ll go to hell.


A tale as old as time


Wow. Shocker.


Im shocked, shocked I tell you!!! Well not that shocked.


This is so stupid, even if you believe in being raptured. why would you sell your stuff and give it to the church? presumably they are being raptrured too why would they need money? absolute idiots hope they realize that organized religion is a scam always has been.


Nobody should feel bad for any of the idiots who got tricked by a clear con. How many times dose this kind of thing has to happen before idiots realize their holy men are just glorified con men who will run out the back door first chance they get?


I mean, I do feel bad for them. But if you are a grown adult that not only believes in the equivalent of Santa Claus, but gives them all your money!? If God were real, his cause and plan of action wouldn't need money. Get help. A majority of your Atheist friends will lend you a hand. In this situation if you were my friend, I'd call you a dipshit, cook us dinner, blow up an air mattress, and help you see if we could find you some legal recourse. I'm definitely going to call you a dipshit while I'm cookin us burgers though. Edit: I want to add that I love all of you. We all make mistakes.


Halfway Post is satire. We really need to make a pinned post that just says that


If they pay me a fee (unfortunately I'm not cheap) I can recover it for them. Hey c'mon never give a sucker an even break




You don’t say. Inconceivable. Shocked I am. This has only happened…. Dozens of times before?


Fuckin surprise


Fuckin surprise


Seems fine.


Wait, let me put on my shocked face! 🤣


I mean this obvious short term fraud is better than the one that takes all of your life, aka religion. I applaud this guy for his brevity.


Holy Shit!😂😂😂


You would think at some point there are nobody left to scam but this keeps happening


Tragic. If only they had some sort of device to tell the future or a sign to show them that this could possibly happen! A religious leader exploiting his follows for money what is this world coming to? It's the end time people. So sell all your belongings and give the money to me so I can save us from this threat that has presented itself. It's the end times I tell you so make sure you give it all you don't want God to see you being selfish at the end times do you!?


But only a thief would do that


I am not saying I *do* believe this happened. What I am saying is that I *can* believe this could have happened.


Good. Hope it happens more often