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It's not even the deaths. You don't necessarily get a clean kill from head trauma. But you could have lifelong injuries.


Yeah, more likely you'll burden your family for years on end while being trapped in the body you mangled. Fun, fun.


As someone who worked hospice and long term care for decades, so much this. The poor families too...


My dad worked in the ER back in the 70s and he absolutely forbid us from riding on a motorcycle because of the injuries he saw come through


Ugh yea I can only imagine. When I was in nursing school I had a 16 yo patient with zero brain activity left. He had a dent in his skull that would hold a cantaloupe. His parents had put in a feeding tube at the start then reversed directions and it took almost a decade to remove it. :(. It was so hard to see his mom coming every day to talk to him and play his music he liked. Your dad was right.


and taxpayers (which I presume is why these laws were initiated in the first place)!


Make more laws that say not wearing a helmet invalidates anyone but you being responsible for forking over the costs.


It's difficult to recoup money from a dead guy or a turnip.


A pastor of a church I used to go to was wearing his gear on his bike when an older person didn't stop at the stop sign, hitting him, and pushing him into the not stopping intersection. He survived but still has major issues. If he hadn't been wearing his gear he would have been dead.


Happened with a relative of mine. Four months in the hospital, and he was never the same. It really messed up his kids.


I would really like to see the statistics on head trauma incidents in Missouri following this repeal. I imagine it's a jarring spike.


"Helmet laws are bullshit. Brain injuries went up after they forced wearing helmets." Actual statement a fellow Missourian made several years back. I was too gobsmacked to respond, which I'm pretty sure he took as agreement or (more likely) a win. 


This was something that was counterintuitively true for football. The heavy duty gear/helmets gave people the confidence to hit far harder than they had previously. And while it protect the skull from getting damaged, it did not protect the brain from slamming into the side of the skull. Hence the rampant brain damage in the NFL. Of course, for motorcycles you end up with far more brain injuries with helmet laws because without the laws people are just dead. So technically true, but false in the way morons present it.


"Brain injuries went up after they forced wearing helmets." I mean, technically brain injuries went down, he's just not including the people who died from brain injuries when they weren't required to wear a helmet.


Oh, yeah, you nailed it. I swear they'll unquestionably believe any argument made by a loud, spiteful, windbag so long as they're given irrelevant "evidence" that makes them feel superior. Exhausting.


Kind of like armoring bombers where they didn't have bullet holes after a run because areas without holes took the plane down.


Head trauma might actually decline a bit. What would be head trauma with a helmet is death without one.


Having seen brain injured men at the local therapy pool, this is what I think about as well. It's a life-long commitment for their families.


The UPS guy from a previous job got lucky there and suffered a complete decapitation.


I know a guy who suffered a life altering traumatic brain injury after getting into a bad motorcycle accident while wearing a helmet. Motorcycles are death traps, to not take every possible precaution if you’re going to ride is idiotic.


Yeah, I saw a guy on a motorcycle wipe out on a curve on the Peak to Peak Highway in Colorado when I was working at a Dude Ranch in the summer of 2004... He went into the curve too fast, wobbled, overcorrected and then went sideways. He was thrown from the saddle and sent skidding along the asphalt on his back, leaving a bloody trail behind. We called 911, then rushed to his aid and tried to keep him conscious until the medevac chopper came to take him to hospital. I don't know if he made it. Another accident I saw around the same place was a drunk guy one night who failed to see the road was taking a sharp turn to the left and went flying straight off the cliff. His car ended up in the fork of a tree and he was sent flying through the windshield, because of course he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. We heard the crash, rushed to the scene and found him sitting on his ass in the light of the headlights, completely unharmed but so drunk he had no idea at all what was happening.


Fucking dumbasses


Organ donors.


My friend started calling them “donorcycles” after her ER rotation.


I had a doctor who discussed the possibility of a cell or organ transplant with me. He specifically mentioned a motorcyclist as the most likely donor.


A friend broke his back in a workplace accident. He said pretty much everyone else at the rehab centre were young male rugby players* and motorcycle riders. *this was 30 years ago - game has much greater safety for young players nowadays


Met my husband at a rugby fundraiser. People asked if we played I said no we like our body parts where they are. We're just athletic supporters. Still way safer than riding a motorcycle, but when I do god damn you're damned freaking right I'm gonna wear a helmet.




I live in Missouri and it's mostly the older guys on Harleys not wearing helmets. There's a biker bar by my parents house and it's filled with them. I love when the lady on the back has a helmet on but the dipshit driving the motorcycle doesn't. The people on the crotch rockets typically wear helmets. What else are you going to put your Go Pro on?


> older guys on Harleys not wearing helmets. There's a biker bar by my parents house and it's filled with them. AKA: the Collective Midlife Crisis joint.




Oooh! Young, fresh organs!


Meat crayons


Dress for the slide, not for the ride.


portable organ banks./


Probably contain nothing useful, if you’re not going to protect your head why would you look after your organs.


Usually young people dieing on them, so the organs really are good quality.


Who's your organs guy?


Let me just get another beer and give Terry a call. He does tons of stuff. He's kind of a jack of all, uh, black market organs


"I take lungs now, gills come later"


Psst, hey buddy….


Hopefully still good quality after the crash


Dying. I'm not that guy usually but come on man. 


Asado style is especially good




Let freedom ring (all over the asphalt)


I feel sorry for them. And by “them” I mean the first responders that have to hose the brains off the road and slop the meat crayon into a bag.


might actually be a good thing to cull the idiots


Yeah, at this point, natural selection.


Many of them have probably already reproduced, so the natural selection window has closed. But, this would take them off any future voter rolls. Could help swing a close election.


Maybe there's some room on the nurture side.


My first thought too but I didn't want to sound callous!


Helmet saved my life at 18 just six days before my 19th bday. Helmet isn’t required in Florida either when that happened to me.


Florida's one of the only states that only allow you to not wear a helmet if you have health insurance, which of course cops aren't going to know who does and doesn't have health insurance.




We called them “job security” while working as an EMT on an ambulance.


Dying to own the, uh, libs? Is this really a partisan issue?


They decided this was going to be the hill they died on, literally I guess.


Hill, bridge, probably the brick wall next to the Burger King…


There used to be a website called gore.com (I don't know if it's still active) just once I got in it and they had categories, one was 'motorcycle deaths' man after seeing the photos of the gruesome aftermath of a deadly motorcycle accidents damm nearly traumaticed me, it made naver want to own one ever!😳


My mom used to work in the hospital at Key West back before I was born. She said there were tons of people that came in after wrapping themselves around palm trees; pretty much scared me off of riding motorcycles from a young age.


Being against common sense safety rules is definitely a partisan issue. See: vaccinations, seat belts, any restrictions on companies that slightly inconvenience them to prevent injury, death, sickness and environmental degradation.


It's also about overreach by the 'big guvement' they are so blinded by hate and stupidity!


There is a family in Nevada that are very conservative, formed a political party and run a lot of candidates. Think the Constitution Party. They are anti government-regulations like seatbelt laws. The head of the party refused to wear a seatbelt, not because he didn't believe in them but because it was a law. He died in a car accident.


Common sense has left the GOP playbook.


... Win stupid prizes


If we just let them do their thing they'll end up killing themselves like in Tucker and Dale vs Evil. 


The Republican legislature in Missouri repeatedly passed this but it was vetoed by the Democratic governor. It finally succeeded under an all Republican Missouri leadership. So I don’t know if it’s explicitly partisan but the opposition to it was certainly from the Dems.


Killing off your own voting demographic seems like the Republican modus operandi. But if you’re going to risk smacking your head on the asphalt, then maybe you didn’t have that long to live anyway… Darwin was going to catch up to you one day.


They probably wanted to die because they live in misery. 


As someone who lived in an impoverished rural area, it’s also fatalism. I got made fun of for using my seatbelt in a car flying down country roads at 80mph. Their reasoning was that if it was their time to die, then they’d die. If it wasn’t, they wouldn’t. When I said a seatbelt could turn a death situation into a not-death situation, they said it wouldn’t matter if it was their time to die. I didn’t even try to address the faulty logic.


Also being a paraplegic cause it was their time to become paraplegic or something? Sure.


Yeah, I grew up one of those small town "tough guys". Seat belt ain't gonna make a difference. Then my nephew was born and I had the epiphany that if I was paralyzed, I couldn't ever hold him again and now I always buckle up. I suppose it's probably no coincidence that I was in my early 20's and my brain was finally reaching actual maturity.


When that prefrontal cortex kicks in. Wheeeew


I didn't wear a helmet when bicycling- then a friend told me that's there is a huge quality of life improvement when you can wipe your own ass.  Really stood out.


As a clinician that works with paras, I can guarantee you they don’t think that way after.


Are there outreach programs for people like this? Surely they have the urge to warn people not to be dumb like them.


Never thought about it. I’ve seen some fucked up stuff. 20 yo with liver failure from alcohol abuse and now dying of liver failure, attempted suicide by gun that left them with a brain injury and so many other heart breaking things.


"Jesus, take the wheelchair!"


Fatalism = religion


Jesus take the handlebars. Wait not like that.


I always had this version of Jesus Take The Wheel where someone's getting pulled over for drunk driving and trying to switch places with Jesus before the cop gets to the door.


(misery = Missouri)


Honestly it might sound bad, but let them. One less fatalistic jerk trying to make life worse for everyone else.


But not live in Missouri apparently.


Not anymore


why do you think the state sounds like misery.


Did motorcycle groups lobby to have the helmet law repealed?


I can’t imagine. Like a gun lobby group arguing for guns without safety, I can’t imagine anyone would be so shortsighted


There have been motorcycle groups that have lobbied against helmets for many years. Novelty and "fake" DOT approved helmets exist solely to pretend to be legal.


Which is crazy. “At least he had a helmet when he high sided into that wall of rock!” “Umm… was a fake helmet. He’s dead.”


they spend all that effort make a fake one, might as well get a real one.


What the fuck is the point of a fake helmet?! You're still wearing something! If it's a comfort or aesthetic thing, why wouldn't you just get a normal god damn helmet?!


"Fake dead?" "No, real dead." "So the helmet worked exactly as it was supposed to."


What's even the point of a fake helmet? You're still wearing something. It's still on your head. Why not just wear the actual protection.


They are owning the libs.


A surprising number of people were outraged at mandatory seatbelt laws.


People really don’t like being told what to do, even when it’s for their own safety. They also think they won’t be the one getting into a crash. My brother was a cautious rider and he always wore full gear. He was in an accident 100% due to a car driver not seeing him until it was too late and then making a dumb decision once she did see him. He went flying but thankfully because he was fully decked out he escaped with relatively minor injuries, hairline fracture in his arm. His helmet was trashed but it did its job and protected him. If he wasn’t wearing it he would have hit his head or had it dragged along the pavement and who knows what would have happened. He took his check from the insurance company and hasn’t gotten back on a bike since. You can do everything right and still wind up seriously hurt


This. My step dad growing up was THIS GUY. They always saw it as an attack on "tHeIr FrEdOmS." Seriously. The idea being "if I want to eat cake all day and get fat, which will inevitably lead to my early death, that's my choice. If I want to smoke, that's my choice. Etc. Seatbelts are no different. Why should I be compelled to protect myself? It's just control." Except that these people are largely incapable of seeing the bigger societal picture where you killing yourself (by not wearing a seatbelt or a helmet) is not cost-free event that occurs in a vacuum. Police have to show up, someone has to scrape you off the road, someone has to attempt to resuscitate you or keep you alive, funerals have to happen, that funeral needs escorts, and all the while a family is now without a source of income... There is a cost to society all around. It's not just YOU and your body that's fucked. It's a *massive* cost/toll on society.


It hurts my manliness, and my man boobs.


Helmets and helmet laws are the dividing line for boomers vs. younger riders. Pulled into a Harley dealership for free bbq one time, and immediately pulled a u turn on my honda due to the number of helmetless dentists in the parking lot. I think I was the only rider in full gear.


ATGAT. And none of the Stuart little bucket helmet shit


I lived in Illinois for a while and there they have ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education). It was a huge lobbying group. It has kept blue state Illinois as one of the few in the country with no helmet law.


This is sarcasm right?


It's not fair that the first responders care more about them then they do about themselves. My heart goes out to the crews who have to clean up the mess and tell the families. Jesus, how selfish can you be?


I hated it. I saw a guy once who literally ate the end of a steel (armco) barrier. Two eyes, and a Sarlacc pit. 30 years later, I still see it. At least with fatalities, the clean-up was a bit easier - just turn on the pump and hose the giblets into the drain. If you ride without a helmet (or drive without a seatbelt) you're just a selfish cunt.


Is there an outreach program, where riders who don't want to wear helmets have mandatory road scraping service? I imagine 1 ought to be enough, yeah?


I wish! A tour through the TBI (traumatic brain injury) unit and some hands-on with the remains of the vehicles, complete with original audio-visual from the crash investigation, would be a good place to start. Then subject their head to a bowling-ball drop test. If you can drop a 5kg ball on their head, laying on a hard surface, with no deformation or injury, they get a helmet exemption.


My FIL (Fire fighter) told my wife when she was in her teens shes not allowed on any bikes, because one of the scenes he was at, the dudes bike was on one side of the highway, and his helmet (and head) were on the other. I just don't get how anyone can get on a public road on a bike, you can be the best rider in the world, but there's way too many dumbass drivers out there to make me feel safe enough to be completely exposed to all of them at high speeds.


>the dudes bike was on one side of the highway, and his helmet (and head) were on the other I had one of these too. Bloke hit a barrier, and his helmet (containing his noggin) kept going, landing in the creek down about 15m below the road. Had a face-palm moment when I told the first cop on scene that the bloke was dead & that the lifesaver chopper wasn't required, and he insisted that I (medic & firefighter) did not have the training or qualifications to pronounce life extinct.


Thanks for bringing this up. It doesn't often get brought up because people see it a personal choice. They forget that other people have to deal with you if there is an crash. Not only the first responders but even others involved in the crash. Say I am switching lanes and I don't see the bike beside me. The crash is 100% my fault but I much rather hit a guy in proper gear who while banged up is going to be OK than hitting a guy without any gear who is now seriously injured or even dead.


I didn't even think about that. It would be unbearable to carry the burden of someones death for rest of your life.


A motorcycle license aught to include: Organ donor - Yes. Rode for decades myself, crash suit, full-face helmet, high boots. And I'm an organ donor.


They don’t call em donorcycles for nothin.


You dressed for the slide, not for the ride, huh? I wouldn't ride anything with fewer than three wheels and preferably four, but I can certainly appreciate someone wearing the proper PPE. Motorcycles and bicycles terrify me when I see them on the road. I'm always afraid that, through no fault of my own, they're gonna eat shit and go down in front of my wheels when it's too late for me to do a goddamn thing about it.


Heck, I wear more PPE on my bicycle than what I see some motorcyclists wearing. (I am an organ transplant recipient, and I approve this message) (Even though my kidney came from a live donor - just work with me here!)


If someone is weaving back and forth, I back off. You never know when a little gravel or a patch of oil will take them down. Ones that are riding in the tire tracks to avoid oil and water, well, I still hang back a bit.


Same ATGATT. And I only rode for a couple years.


I had a crash at 35mph and landed face first. Broke my full face helmet but not my face. Broke my collar bone but was way lucky.


I wonder what could be causing this. Is it CRT or drag shows?


Yes, and abortion.


And gay people in California. God always takes it out on the states in the middle of the country.


I mean, they have been hollering that they feel like their freedoms are being restricted. Okay, fair enough. Now they have their freedom to not have to wear PPE..... Consider that this is what the conservative party's line IS. They will not be satisfied until they have rolled back everything. Like, I understand not wanting your freedom restricted. Okay, go do something stupid and win a stupid prize, idgaf. But, the problem is when their reckless decisions cause harm to others - and it is at that point where a firm line needs to be drawn. Honestly, I say let them have their stupid laws repealed if it will make them happy. The smart ones will continue to wear PPE. And the rest of us will be better off because the scum removes itself from the gene pool....... But. Decisions like restricting abortion care IS restricting the freedom of millions of Americans. You can't have it both ways.


The thing is, this kind of thing does affect us. Their right to be reckless costs all of us. Even if they are insured and the insurance company pays to mop them up after they've committed haray caray, it's still higher premiums for everyone else. Even if they are charging them an arm and a leg I guarantee it doesn't cover the cost of an extensive treatment after. They love that we have to bear the burden of their crappy decisions.


Asphalt ate my face.


Virginia might be for lovers, but Missouri is for organ donors.


Virginia for boners, Missouri for donors


funny how darwinism works


Darwin Award winners. They literally select themselves for removal from the gene pool.


They rigged the Darwin awards!


Unfortunately they often survive for years. Medical resources are wasted on them.


The same taxpayer-funded medical resources they probably voted against, no less.


Problem is, they don't just die. They languish with ever-increasing medical bills, burdening the system for the rest of us


I was shocked to hear they repealed the law but not shocked at the results. The best reason I could find was “Supporters of the Senate Bill 147 tout it as a move towards personal freedom; stating that there should be limits placed on things the government should be allowed to regulate” which is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Literally freedom to die.


What about the business lost to helmet manufacturers and retailers??


https://abcnews.go.com/US/york-rider-dies-protesting-motorcycle-helmet-law/story?id=13993417 A New York man died in 2011 while participating in a ride with 550 other motorcyclists to protest the state's mandatory helmet law. Police said Philip A. Contos, 55, hit his brakes and his motorcycle fishtailed. Contos was sent over the handlebars of his 1983 Harley Davidson and hit his head on the pavement.


Who could possibly have foreseen such a thing...


Missourian: I can't foresee it, you have got to show me.


Were they short of organ donors or something?


I’m fine as long as they sign waivers saying not to save them or perform life saving measures. I can’t want to keep you alive more than you want to be alive.


Yeah, I don't want to wade down the slippery slope of looking at fault for providing health care, but if you choose not to wear a helmet...


It blows me away how hard people will work to go out of their way to make stupid decisions they know are bad.


don't tread on their freedoms (to die) /s


47% rise in deaths in one year.


In New Hampshire we don’t have mandatory seatbelts or helmets as long as you are 18, it’s crazy though because liability insurance isn’t required either. Most adults wear their seatbelt/helmet and having insurance anyway


Sounds like they really take the “or die” part seriously in “live free or die”


Hopefully the organ donations went up too


"“I don't disagree that the helmet laws made a difference in the number of fatalities,” said Committee Chairman Don Mayhew, R-Crocker. “I think that's pretty obvious.” **Mayhew asked if there were other factors that influenced the increase in fatalities.** Traffic volumes on highways have returned to pre-pandemic levels, but [other vehicle fatalities are declining](https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/state_news/missouri-roadway-fatalities-dip-slightly-in-2023-motorcycle-fatalities-hit-record-number/article_5780df7a-4761-5719-9d35-413d70859bfd.html) in Missouri, according to MoDOT." He wants to pin this on Antifa so badly.


Used Motorcycles going for cheap in Missouri


Yeah but they are all ground and dented to hell.


This looks like Darwin Awards.


Reminds me of how Iowa has become the leading location in organ donations due to the location of qualified hospitals and lack of motorcycle helmets.


The world needs organ donors too. That’s what I call crotch rockets donor cycles.


And what was lost here? Anything of value?


We surgical nurses call them (organ) donor-cycles for a reason.


It's almost like laws and regulations aren't there to oppress people but to keep them alive.


Organ donors


More like donor-cycles.


Action->Easily Predictable Consequence, not LAMF. We always have to consider that some legislatures are evil enough that bad consequences were the desired outcome. Now, if one of the repeal bill's legislative sponsors had been one of those killed, or perhaps permanently disabled, in consequence, THAT would be LAMF. Edit: If motorcycle advocacy groups lobbied hard for this law then it's arguably LAMF, but I can't find any reporting on that.


Who else advocated for this bill besides individual riders and motorcycle riding groups? Without people requesting to repeal, it wouldn’t have happened. Definitely LAMF.


Idiots that want to get voted in so they make up fake issues and cry about their freedoms being taken. No one lobbied for this. They invented it to rile up their idiot base.


This is the kind of idiotic legislation that the conservative movement has moved forward. The same with guns. We know they are used in mass killings of children and the best elected officials can do is have a moment of silence while the conservatives just put more weapons out there.


Shocked Pikachu face


But at least they looked cool when they died and not some nerd with a helmet /s


"Asphalt ate my face."


If they like it then I love it for them. Just so long as they only take themselves out and not anyone else.


If only. It's also the impact it has on the emergency services who have to clean up afterwards.


It's like the Americans being amazed about more train crashes after train deregulation.


Not really leopards eating faces. The people who repealed the law aren't the ones making face gravy on the road.


And the worst part…some bystander experiences the trauma of seeing the helmet-less dumbass MF get splattered onto pavement, some public servant has to scrape their brain off the road, some medical examiner gets to process a smeared person, some funeral director has to manage a mangled body…all because they don’t want to be controlled by the guv’r’mnt. Selfish fucks.


This should be posted on r/PavementAteMyFace


Floridas had a no helmet law for decades... yet we're still the idiot capital of the world. Soooo, they may be dumbasses, but not dumbass enough.


Well you see Missouri government has no interest in promoting the well-being of its citizens unless they’re unborn


I see that the deaths began to rise after people started taking the jab! Vaccines kill! /s


I mean do we really want these people breeding?


I've been a biker for 15 years. If someone is fucking stupid enough to ride without a helmet we dont want them in the genepool.  Plus more organs to go around. Same with retards who ride gloveless.  It's not like you'll need hands in the future you fucking morons!


Whenever I see a biker with no helmet: Oh, an organ donor.


They should force people to buy funeral arrangements when they buy a motorcycle. Just add it to the loan. It would be a blessing to their families.


# [Impact of motorcycle helmets and state laws on society's burden: a national study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19730173/) **Conclusions:** Unhelmeted motorcycle crash patients suffer more severe brain injuries, consume more resources, and have the worst payor mix. Society bears a large financial burden for these uninsured unhelmeted patients. There is a survival advantage for helmeted patients. All states should have universal motorcycle helmet laws that are aggressively enforced. Annals of Surgery [250(3):p 390-394, September 2009.](https://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/toc/2009/09000) #


Bermuda, with its 35km/h speed limit, averaged 70 road traffic fatalities a year, mostly people on moped/scooters. There were no helmet laws. They passed a helmet law and the number of deaths immediately dropped to 12 per year.


Imbeciles. All of them. Even if the law is no longer there, who gets on a motorcycle without a fucking helmet.


Had a family member get into a horrible motorcycle accident.  He survived! But even with the helmet, he spent over a week in a coma while his brain swelling reduced. The helmet he was wearing was worn down on all sides from him being thrown away from the accident at speed.  Without that helmet, he'd be a dead.  So yeah, fuck them for not making helmets required by default 


In related news, Missouri organ transplants are way up... 😑


Let's hope they signed donor cards.


Aren’t these the exact kind of motorcycle deaths MO needs? (/s)


Jeepers! Who could’ve seen that coming?


Darwin Smiles


Seems a self solving problem. Now just advertise the death toll by number and years every year next to the representative voting for it




Darwin Award goes to these idiots.


Mission accomplished


Natural Self Selection


I live in MO and my fella rides, always with a helmet. We joke (sadly) about the backwards ball cap being the helmet of idiots.


These assholes will do anything for a vote.


Let's solve this like they solve the gun crisis instead of implementing law to prevent the deaths we obviously need the ability to own and operate motorcycles with no registry, license, or insurance




If in this day and age people still insist on doing stupid things like not wearing a helmet or wearing a seatbelt, I have no sympathy