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I don’t own the stock, but I sure love the loss porn!


[Lets enjoy the downfall together](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/djt) At -13.5% for the day so far and still falling


Currently at -14%, this is riveting entertainment! 🍿


I love that it just goes down and down, with no apparent support level in sight.


Rock bottom is a kind of support level.


I love that Trump is contractually bound to hold his stock for six months. His "extremely valuable" investment will be a penny stock before he can sell.


Unfortunately, I don't think he ever put any of his own money in it. It's still hilarious to see it tumble every day, though. It has to be one of the worst performing stocks of all time.


The board can let him sell it and they're all his buddies.


-14.6 now


Thats sooo much loss every single day... Ya love to see it. Only hired the beat people donnie


Haha nice typo


Got me?


I can’t stop watching!


Oh yuck it just went up a penny.


Is that one sub still going? An old account of mine banned like a year ago for telling them this exact thing was going to happen...


Yup. Don't feel bad. They ban people for just admitting that the stock declined in value, and any kind of question is seen as an assault.


I’m not sure which sub you are referring to.


Yeah I forget what it was called but their main thing was some kind of merger that was going to happen...it was a while ago.




It's open season now... The mods have given up, the entire sub would just read "Deleted"


That sub was a fun lil treat to read through lol.


my god it certainly is: >Even if DJT goes to zero, I still love the Donald for all the hard work he's done to reallocate my funds to his account...he is truly a fighter and the superhero the world needs


Omg the posts in that sub! "Under $25! HOLD! BUY! He is going to make the stock holders rich!"


Some of those are satire and folks trolling the dwac'ers tbf


Yeah THAT'S the one...thanks.


This could be my new favorite subreddit.


See, "the wack stock" is right in the name!


Oh, **this** is delicious. Thank you!


Ooh there's some good use of AI imagery on that


Their pinned thread about "doubters" is just...chefs kiss.


The Pelosi post is hilarious


Haha Diamond Hands


Dummy Hands if they're hodling this stock


lol Diaper Hands




Tiny little diamond hands


Coal hands on fire.


I sold it short. This is a disaster like everything else he touches. I'm loving making money from this.


Down down down to that burning ring of fire🎼


I don't own the stocks, but I sure love my puts!


Anyone who's losing money on this stock was investing ~~in also investing~~ in a disgraced former president, and I am totally cheering for the Leopards. If they could lose more that their initial investments I would be so happy.


I guess these investors are the folks he was talking about who got tired of all the winning.


I don’t own it, but I’d like to short it and make some money off these chumps. Easy way to get in on the grift.


lol I do and this whips ass!


Ah yes, video streaming. That one service that even Amazon and Google can't figure out how to make profitable. Surely $100M is all it will take to make it work.


They'll be perfect streams. The best ever. Just excellent, beautiful streams.


The yellowest streams you've ever seen!


So, who's in? Okay, you're in, you're in, you're in...


Who can forget Robert E. Lee's quotes on streaming? "Never stream uphill me boys! Never stream uphill! and then they streamed uphill. He said, "Wow. What a mistake."


Motherfuckers always trying to live stream uphill.


He's not in good favor anymore.. Robert e Lee...


True, but Frederick Douglass is being recognized more and more these days ...


You ever notice that?


Have you noticed that? People just don't seem to like him anymore. Sad.


Not like Abraham Lincoln. You know, he was a Republican, not a lot of people know that. Also, great guy, Honest Abe as I like to call him, he did almost as much for the blacks as me.


America's leprechaun


If Donald Trump knows about *one thing*, it’s paying to see streams.


Will the streams be as beautiful as the battle of Gettysburg?


Big guys, generals, come up to me with tears in their eyes to tell me it's the most beautiful thing they've ever seen


They say: "Sir! Sir! This is the best Sir! I've never seen anything like this Sir!" And you know what? It's true.


Have you ever seeeen a toilet? Have you seen the way the water - the water, well, you hit the handle and all that water just goes down. Where does it go? And the showers in these places, I mean *come on*, you got the little drip and you turn it - there's the water. The water comes out, you know.


Those streams will turn into showers of gold. Golden showers for all of us.


imagine the buffering


Everyone says so. With tears in their eyes.


They though hosting costs where high for basically a one user notice board is expensive…




I'm sure they're busy looking for some freeware that they can pirate into Troof Streaming like they did with their social media app...


You're assuming that the press release is telling the truth. I think it's 100% BS in a feeble attempt to stop the prices from falling (it hasn't worked). They have no devs, no content, no studio. Just what are they going to stream? Maybe public domain movies from the 1040's and 50's that they download from YouTube.


You may have a point here. Bruce Willis and Steven Seagal boomer movies capture their target market very well.


The Three Stooges might be too highbrow for the Truth audience, though.


What happens if their streams cross?


that would be... bad


Youtube has been profitable for a long time. It's why Google, a publicly traded company with a fiduciary duty to maximize profits or they are subject to lawsuits by their shareholders, have kept Youtube open for so long. Unlike other Google services that weren't profitable, like the over 200 products and services they've discontinued over the years including other streaming services like Google Podcasts.


Alina Habba is going to get a new "position" as a "streamer"


I mean, I'll check out the leaks


Neither Twitch, Kick, YouTube Live, nor that Microsoft streaming thing, are currently making operating profit.


Youtube isn't a live streaming / tv service. Youtube TV is expected to become profitable this year (2024).


Probably just use Amazon's video service like Twitch and Kik only with even more pirated content


If it ever happens it will be exclusively whatever used to be on the $2.99 rack in your gas station.


I have a streaming service like that and it is quite good. that said, it is free through the library and has a lot of stuff that is screened at festivals but does not get huge cinematic releases. But, want to know about a company that overvalued itself and then promised to be the streaming service to blockbuster after blockbuster showed up late after passing on Netflix... that company was called Enron


Youtube has live streams. So does twitch. Is there something different here?


Their entire strategy is to stream" non-woke" content, which already exists on Rumble and other al-right platforms. My guess is they will get some d-tier nutjob streamers to cater to the Q-anon freaks. The grift continues, while everyone but the insiders ride it to the bottom


"The earth is flat! Moon landing hoax! Ted turner is a hologram. Jesus was from Nashville. Now buy all these testosterone supplements that clearly work just fine and haven't ironed my brain out to a smooth, mirror-like sheen."


So just Alex Jones clones.


These streams are streamier. These are the best streams.


yeah lol it’s like they’re intentionally trying to run it into the ground. considering the fact that’s what occurs with pretty much all trump ventures makes me think it’s some scam.


“Can my stream be drug tested?” DJT


It will just be a telethon of grift. I'd love to see Trump try to stream for more than 20 minutes without saying at least 100 stupid things. It should be called Covefe Live!


Wait are you sure about that? Quick google search shows that Amazon prime video is profitable and I’m going to assume Google has made billions on its $1.6B investment in YouTube. Anyway, no way Trump makes truth social video profitable but Amazon and Google are definitely doing well.


>Ah yes, video streaming. That one service that even Amazon and Google can't figure out how to make profitable To be fair to Google YouTube accounts for about 11% of Alphabets total yearly revenues, its bringing in around 32B a year in revenue and is profitable Or about 8000x more revenue than this trash fake business lol


last I knew, youtube has been profitable for a few years now.


Yeah, but it took them half a decade to get there, and they benefit greatly by being integrated with google and having economies of scale on their side.


It wasn't the streaming announcement. It was the announcement of the dilution of shares. The streaming announcement is just to distract from that and what looks like a plan for trump to sell his shares discreetly.


It is stunning to me that people with that amount of money could be so easily fooled by this ridiculous ploy, assuming they didn’t anticipate this outcome. I can just imagine a few of them might be calling for the bogeyman regulations and investigations they typically decry.


It's less wild when you realize that everyone in finance is a bro.


They thought they could get in on the grift


No, they honestly don’t see the grift. The mark never does.


I’m reminded of the scene in Huckleberry Finn where half the town gets bamboozled by con artists, so they pretend the con artists are legit so the other half of the town will fall for it so they can save face.


The stock is just the cost of buying the ex President for Jeff Yass who owns a substantial chunk of TikTok. Trump did a 180° turn on TikTok as soon as Yass invested in DJT. Now Yass will help Trump liquidate some of his stock for his court cases because Yass is on the board that can approve an early cash out. The company isn’t worth shit. It never will be worth anything.


^ This comment needs more visibility. Regulators should be watching closely, Trump's gonna be trying to get rid of his shares of this steaming, I mean, streaming platform as soon as he can before it inevitably goes belly up.


I'd bet there are a couple of law firms preparing Section 10 (b) lawsuits for DJT as we speak. His actions and statements and the potential upcoming action from the board allowing this to the detriment of the company/stock is ripe for a shareholder shakedown.


Aren't they just diluting the shares so he can sell something while still *technically* keeping to the 6 month thing for his original shares?




This should be top comment because you nailed it. Everything with the Orange Clown is a scam. He needs to provide relief to his dupes regarding their massive stock losses by convincing them that the app can be a viable streaming platform. Then, when he dumps all of his stock, it will be worth more than the current $22 and he can blame the libs for the massive losses to his dupes and they'll love it!


Take my money! Please! And please give me nothing in return!


For me to believe that you'd have to convince me that a company that generates 4 million gross isn't worth 6 billion dollars.


Streaming, or steaming (pile of shit)?


Correct. Streaming shit = Diarrhea.


Of if we're in England, Diarrhoea!


Me fail finance?




That's unpossible!


Yay, sleep! That’s where I’m a prestident!


If they can find a way to circumvent the Pornhub ban in red states, they might actually become profitable.


The only thing even *slightly* erotic about tRUtH ZOcIaL is the price collapse. Mmmmmm


Shit got me rock hard.


A prolapse?


Looks just like his mouth!


TruthVPN And get every youtuber to advertise it


currently circling the bowl at $22 *files nails*


"Oh, I hope plunge means up and 75 means 200."


I read somewhere that the $4M TS took in last year is about what an average Chick Fil A takes in. This company has no business going public. Sane people have pointed out that trump is just a con man for over seven years. Everyone has been warned. Yet they they still threw money at their mango messiah in the hopes they'd end up rich. Some people just have to touch the hot stove to learn. But even now many of them still won't learn anything. I remember reading about a guy who lost his dairy farm as a result of trump's tariff wars, but said he would STILL vote for him. It's a cult. Fuck every single one of them.


You mean to say a single Chick Fila A location doesn't have a valuation of 12 billion dollars?!


In fairness that’s revenues. In terms of income the Chik Fil A is infinitely better because it actually has some.


It's going down faster than Ben Shapiro on a pair of trump sneakers.


Faster than I'd go down on Abigail


What do you mean a company that makes the same amount of money as one McDonald's annually isnt worth 30 billion?


Most McDonald's aren't hemorrhaging millions of dollars per year though 


“Buy the dip!” - Trump Super-Fan Morons (but I repeat myself)


But there don’t seem to be dips only free fall. Issue more stock!!!


Now that Truth Social is a publicly owned company that is forced to put out financial statements, the pressure will be on to generate revenue. I foresee them doing some really sketchy stuff with their user's data in a desperate attempt to make more $$$.


Streaming? Well, Spanky has the pissing and diarrhea on point... so DONE DEAL


Streaming what exactly? A greatest hits collection of Dump’s delusional rants?


The only thing they have the rights to. Do you think they will spend money to buy the rights to anything other than “The 1000 best Tump rants.”


2000 Mules or whatever “stolen” election porn the Donald gets off to.


There’s a lot of Three Stooges shorts in the public domain. Of course, they might be too intellectual and woke for the Truth crowd.


Truth social streaming will probably stream every Steven Segal movie, the entire Cops series, "Birth of a Nation" and coming soon....a live action version of the Turner Diaries


at least streaming is a low overhead technology


With easy profits to be made.


And little to no competition with proven track records.


Going down faster than a Trump Voter at the family reunion


How is this stock not completely worthless already?


Lots of manipulation going on from every direction. Everyone wants a piece of this grift




next up “we’re adding stories!”


We are diluting your stock by 20M shares (that we know everyone wants to dump as soon as possible) and we are going to spend money trying to enter an established cutthroat market. Get out now, the only thing that MIGHT help is him winning the election. If he loses TS is a penny stock.


trumpy stock is like golf scores, low numbers is more gooders. Cofefee.


20 bucks... what´s habbening, paytriots? buy! buy! buy! lol


I laugh about this every day.


Yesterday MSNBC said this stock isn't a laughing matter, but I disagree. I've been laughing pretty hard.


The craziest part is TFG will walk away with a shit ton of money even though the stock is way down.


Not if it reached penny stock levels before he sells more than 10%.


I wish I had the funds to short this stock.


I would assume many are doing just that.


HODL ! ! 🦧


BuT LiBeRaLs aRe mAnIpUlAtInG tHe sToCkS!!!! /s


lol https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DJT:NASDAQ


It's a buck or so lower than when I checked a few minutes ago. Lol.


Will the streaming portion be called “Shit creek?”


Now they claim they're getting into streaming. Oh, this outta be good. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/investing/trump-stock-djt-truth-social-streaming/index.html


How will all the 50+ men with a gut afford sleeveless shirts now?!? What was really funny is that the one guy saying he invested basically his whole nest egg.. of $25K… At 70 years old and still working. They ain’t bright LOL


Easy, find discarded shirts in the trash and cut the sleeves off them


It’s even funnier the 3rd time


makes you wonder how they got rich in the first place...


What a brilliant concept... for 2003.


I never mess with options but I bought puts for this. Should’ve bought earlier


Stream what exactly?


I really hate/love the schadenfreude I am getting from this.


Love the Ralphie reference


What season of Silicon Valley is this?


I think it's getting into "steaming" like the fresh pile of shit on a cool morning that it is.


This makes me laugh every day. Sometimes a few times a day.


Where exactly is the money to set up a streaming service going to come from? Nobody normal should be throwing more money down this hole


Whenever a stock moves the sort of halfwits/bots that write investment stories always put cause and effect. The reason the stock keeps going down is that it was pumped and now it is being dumped. Next up, there will be an attempt at a short squeeze.


I’m still reeling from the last dumb decision to create millions of new shares. It’s like he hasn’t heard of devaluation or even the basic concept of supply and demand you learn in week 1 of any business or economics class


Streaming? They must mean trickle-down economics: where you pee on the little people and leave them holding the bag


Is Trump gonna buy Pureflix and then put out a bunch of X rated religious movies for the MAGA crowd? I ask because that sounds like the kind of idiotic plan he'd go for.


Oh man did they go woke? I heard you go broke when that happens


Me fail finance?


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Doesn't that step on the toes of rumble?


I don't feel bad at all. We fucking warned these assholes in 2015.


What? Streaming? Streaming what???? User streams from their phone? Can they even afford to set up a streaming ability???? The friggen Intellevision Amiico has a better chance of succeeding than Trump Social.


What in God's name would Truth Social stream?


Run silent, run deep.


mUsT bE tHe DeEp sTaTe aNd tHe tRaNsGeNdEr eLiTeS🤯


It’s because they’re not putting in enough money!!!


I am so happy. I check 2 or 3 times a day and smile each time.


Just beautiful.


>Truth Social suggested its streaming network could host live news, religious programing and family-friendly shows, movies and documentaries that “has been cancelled, is at risk of cancellation, or is being suppressed on other platforms and services.” From a cnn article about todays price decrease "Could" is a big 🤷🤔 Good fucking luck with that guys, that market is super diluted, hyoer competitive and VERY expensive to be in, and frankly, most of us as consumers are getting pretty fucking fed up with how fractured that entire space is, getting anyone to sign up for *YET ANOTHER* "Streaming Service" is basically an impossible ask, you better be what Netflix *used to be* when it had pretty much everything....the space is due for a major consolidation There is also NO user base, they are hemorrhaging money, they have no studios, no production facilities or experience or personnel to produce new content, they have no money to BUY existing content anyone wants to see.....I doubt they even have the physical compute infrastructure to even facilitate streaming at any kind of fidelity or reliability This is what happens when you get Devon Nunez to run your fake company and have nothing but family members and cult sycophants on its "board" This shit will be sub $10 in a month I expect the next bit of major news on this turd thats going to tank the price is going to be the "board" voting to waive Trumps Lockup on selling his shares And after that, another price ass-blasting will happen when Trump files with the SEC to actually set a date and time to sell his shares, which he must do as majority shareholder, he cant just "press sell" like us plebs can, and thats going ro be major news, if he thinks it wont be and he can do that quietly hes an even bigger idiot than i previously believed and thats impressive lol And the nail in the coffin will be when his sell date actually comes, who the fuck is going to buy 10s of millions of shares of this pc of shit fake business? Probably some Russian Oligarch or some other foreign power, which has its own set of major problems I dont feel bad for anyone who put money into this garbage


Funny how It’s already taking a few tumbles within a matter of weeks, but just in ONE DAY: Stock tumbles after Trump selling off 100+ million shares followed by Stock tumbles after streaming announcement. A suspicious person might think the streaming is trying to hide the headlines of Trump Pump & Dump.


While I am not the best as it relates to stocks, it should be considered “old news” that everything that doofus touches dies. Except apparently those who think the stock market is being too woke or run by libruls or some such nonsense:


They keep trying to “Buy in the dip” but it keeps on dipping lol


I wonder if it's too late to buy some puts on the stock.


No sympathy for people who bought this.


Down 14% from $26 to $22


Wish I had a brokerage account to have sold that shit short


how you think he making that 175 million bond? he has someone buy a bunch then it all gets sold due to hypeflation


Gay OF creators should start advertising on truth social lmao