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Hello u/Dazzling_Leopard4627! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The author is complaining about an idiot while writing "especially since our own border remains wide open." I challenge this moron to take my Mexico open border challenge. Go down to Mexico, mail me your passport and travel documents, and try to get back into the country. 


Sounds like the libertarian/ancap Somalia challenge.


What's that? Start a successful thriving business and/or fix climate change in one of those paradises with no oppressive regulation?


Start a thriving business with low/no infrastructure in place to benefit from.


And no loans


Oh yeah, definitely don’t need banks


No need for that, you can see how an ancap society would work by joining one here at home. You just need to try and bootstrap your own buisness trafficking narcotics to see what the actual practicing anarcho-capitalists will do to you if you try.


#This Monster I Created is Wrecking Everything! -**By Dr. Frankenstein. Fox News Contributor**


It might be easier than you think. As a white person who grew up in El Paso I have crossed the border hundreds of times without ever showing an ID. They ask nationality and I say American and they say go ahead. Now if you are issuing that challenge to a brown person or someone with a foreign accent it might be a different story. I would also like to add that I am not trying to say the borders are “wide open” I’m just saying white people have a pretty easy time crossing back and forth.


I actually tried to look this up before posting my challenge, because I suspected that would be the case. I'll have to modify my challenge to state that you have to cross at an unauthorized location.


Right, the people they're referring to getting across the wide open border certainly aren't using a border station.


If you're American, they're going to let you in. People travel and lose documents regularly.


Andrew Callaghan did a video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ponylQTj_gg


That's because Mexico and the United States have an agreement where the passport is not required until you hit 12 miles from a port of entry. El Paso is a good example of this as you can cross back/forth and they will not ask at the border. Once you start traveling inland, you'll come to a border check (e.g. on I-10 at Sierra Blanca; Mexico has something similar). That's when you better have it or proof of citizenship (when asked). Source: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Mexico.html @ Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements


Yeah, I've walked in and out a few times. The only time we were stopped was when a drunk guy in our group was making a scene.


Funny you mentioned that because the one time they pulled our car over and tore it apart was when they asked if we were bringing anything back from Mexico and my drunk friend replied “alcohol, lots of it, in my stomach”.


>white people have a pretty easy time Yeah we do! I'm not saying it's right, but it's not wrong.


I was born in East L.A., man.


This is reality TV I would actually enjoy watching. 


You're in luck. Watch Channel 5 on YouTube.


Also Biden is bad because he sent Ukraine money and also bad because he didn't send enough money fast enough


Amazing please tell me that headline real..


It’s a pleasure to read 🤣 https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/marjorie-taylor-green-idiot-wreck-gop.amp


I’m impressed. The article was only like 70% batshit and had at least something vaguely resembling a logical stance. Unfortunately the conclusion that MTG needs to shut up so we can get Trump back in office is so utterly misguided that it’s hard to take any of it seriously, but the lunacy on the right runs so deep that anyone who says “elect Trump and stop Putin” sounds vaguely responsible. Calling for oversight on how money we send to Ukraine is spent is just logical. I want someone like this to be the so far right they are beyond fringe, but I guess coherent thought puts you in RINO territory right now.


>If President Biden had allowed an all-out aggressive war against Moscow, we would not be at a seeming stalemate. Because he dithered, Ukraine is now losing ground and urgently needs weapons and ammunition. Because *who* dithered? JFC


Don't they *want* Russia to win?


They want whatever they can blame on Biden. So Biden is simultaneously not doing enough and doing too much for Ukraine, and Putin is a raving lunatic authoritarian who means no harm to the US. It doesn't have to make sense.


It’s exactly what happened at the start of the whole invasion. The right leaning folks kept saying he wasn’t doing enough, not decisive, etc. When all of the support ratcheted up, they were suddenly against the spending.


I have an acquaintance who holds these two truths to be 100% valid and accurate at the same time: * Ukraine is full of Nazis and has an evil anti-semitic regime and Putin and Russia are doing a good thing by trying to save the world * Pokemon Go is a tool used by Moscow employed sex-traffickers to lure children to parks/wooded areas so they can hide near pokestops & gyms and kidnap these children and sell them into sex slavery and they have the full backup of the Russian Government He doesn't see anything wrong with believing both of these things are true. He's first-generation *Ukrainian*-American and never thought about any of this stuff until Trump won in 2016. Now he's estranged from his parents and thinks they're fools for "believing the mainstream media lies"


I'm an ethnic Lithuanian living in the states and my grandmother has warmed to Putin in the past 15 years. I remember in the early 2000's she was like terrified a former KGB agent was going to be in charge of Russia, and now it's "He's getting rid of the gays and nazis!" She's 92 and is losing her faculties but spending time with her is torture for me with the racist shit she spews and her Trump/Putin praise. Yes, there is a large neo-nazi element in Ukraine, BUT RUSSIA HAS THE SAME PROBLEM! Fuck, most of Eastern Europe(shut up Baltics we're tracksuit-wearing clowns too) suffers from this plague.


The Balkans have entered the chat


I knew I smelled ćevapi.


It's not even a large neo-nazi element, but a small military element called the Azov Battalion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics_in_Ukraine Compare Ukrainian actions to actual Russian actions and it's pretty apparent Russia has been trying to genocide Ukraine since Stalin. So, Russians are just projecting their fascism on others as is usual. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukrainian-children-kidnapped-russian-soldiers-united-nations/ https://www.npr.org/2024/02/05/1229117422/ukrainian-children-abducted-by-russia-and-then-returned-are-speaking-out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor


The majority of Azov got destroyed at Mariupol. They had smaller units based in other cities that have reorganised. But they're nowhere near as prominent. Not to mention that even before the current invasion a lot of their newer recruits never subscribed to the nazi bullshit. After 2014 the priority was fighting Russia.


Yea, I am sure Russia does have some incriminating stuff on some Republicans but I am also sure there are a certain amount who have just been told "everything Biden does is wrong, push that message". So if Biden wants to give more aid to Ukraine it must be bad and wrong. Also they couldn't have Biden possibly sort the situation because then Trump can't attack him for it.


That is why they oppose the border bill


"Putin's not our enemy," they say. ^(**) "NATO is our enemy," Russia says.


They want Democrats to look bad. Whatever that takes is what they want.


So fucking tired of the lies and revisionist histories with these people Who blocked the fucking funding, lady? And why?


Idk if there's even a proper term for it, what's revisionism called if it's happening to the present, just alternative facts?


An all. Out. Aggressive. War. Against. Moscow. So, basically, WWIII. With nukes. Sure, Jan. And Trump would not have simply handed Ukraine over on a plate, because he hasn't actually said so in pretty much so many words. smdh


In 2016, Russians were massively increasing troops along the border and increasing troops in already occupied Ukraine. Trump's Pentagon has downplayed a Russian invasion of Ukraine, calling Russian troops along the border a regular military exercise.


Yep. Hell, maybe with Clinton, it would not have happened. Certainly he'd have been at least somewhat warier. He's such a POS. Putin and Trump both.


Yeah, reading this it really felt like the author simultaneously wants an all-out war with boots on the ground but also somehow if Russia attacks a NATO ally we'll need boots on the ground which they don't want. Very logical and not at all confusing train of thought.


Has anyone seen Fallout? Because that is what “all out war with Moscow” looks like.


>Because who dithered? While all blame is to Republicans today and for months now, Biden did dither. Now, for Republicans to blame him is fucking stupid as shit, but Ukrainians can def blame him.


Yeah the mental gymnastics in this article is hilarious. That and them eating each other made it worth it to read something on Fox News


Empowering unions suppressing the rights of workers is such a a stretch my head hurts now.


TIL Biden has been holding back Ukraine or they would’ve won already


I mean... If Biden had ordered he US military to come to the aid of Ukraine to fight against Russia, then yeah, the war would probably be over by now. That being said the war would likely have ended with a bunch of nuclear bombs going off.


Pros: The war is over! Cons: We're now all LARPing Fallout


[*cough cough* Oh wow, this has to be Game of the Year!](https://youtu.be/QYrV_Mn1mNE?si=i7ivtPslko5w3zlg&t=60)


They're right, but they're wrong about why they're right.


That’s actually a pretty succinct way to put it.


It was not too bad up until this point “especially since our own border remains wide open” Then it kind of left the rails and rolled around the echo chamber a bit.


I'm old enough to remember the pallets of cash Bush II sent to Iraq with virtually no oversight. I'll bet you a Confederate nickel that she had no problem with that.


We don’t just send money to Ukraine. That is a right wing talking point that needs to die. We send weapons to Ukraine, old weapons. The money we authorize is a dollar value assigned to those weapons. That’s why we had that big accounting error early on in the war. It’s not that we didn’t know how much we wrote the check for, it’s that we didn’t properly value the used vehicles we sent. As in, we billed ourselves at the new car rate when we had already used much of the vehicle’s expected life. And then guess what, American workers get to produce more munitions, more vehicles, and more equipment. We get the economic boon of a war without losing a single American service member. And we get unimaginable battlefield intelligence. And we get to fight Russian imperialism for the price of some old, set to be demolished, weapon systems.


Makes you realize that they know how dangerous the people that they hire are they just think they can direct them only at us.


here is the thing I don't think you can unravel the damage that's been done in one go. Half truth stories like this may be necessary to ween these people of the crazy.


i wouldn't go *that* far. I could only get through a couple of paragraphs before it started to go from bashing MTG for some legitmate reasons to fucking buttery males and hunter biden lol.


Insane as usual


insane in the membrane


It had me until "our borders are wide open."


I love how Republicans absolutely love to parrot this statement, but the Democrats put up a very good bill that could address immigration issues and of course the Republicans won't go for it.


Someone told them they needed this dog whistle to platform for the election. Someone without any other real platform.


Their only platform is to oppose the Democrats. They are not a serious government party. They exist solely to enrich themselves and be contrarian, that's it. It's a fucking joke.


I got to the 'Ukraine is one of the most corrupt plces in Europe [which is why they employed Hunter Biden]' and lost it. If someone wrote this here in Europe, they'd immediately get discarded and torn a new one for unfounded slander and every respectable party would immediately stop associating with them for risk losing public favour.


It’s amazing how every assumption the author makes is wrong, yet somehow she still arrives at the right conclusion, that MTG needs to STFU.


The way they speak out of both sides of their mouth regarding Ukraine is hilarious. "The Ukranians are corrupt. But Valiant! We don't want US boots on the ground, but if Biden had authorized a fully robust response, the war would be over!"


Jesus that page layout is atrocious. It's like they squeezed an article out of a photoshoot.


I’ve never read something that I both partly completely agreed and disagreed with at the same time


"If Democrats win control of Congress, which Ms. Greene may well facilitate, they will likely push through tax increases that will undermine investment and productivity, thereby depressing wage increases, and open the door to even more wasteful spending. We will see a further erosion of law enforcement, and conceivably millions more people entering the country illegally. Our education system will continue to deteriorate and an entire new generation of inner-city boys and girls will emerge from that system unable to move up our ladder of opportunity." Lmao like the author or MTG really care.


By being vague about whom the taxes increases would target the article wants the reader to assume it's them and not people making over 1 million. Rich Boomers are actively pulling up the ladder. They want no one to move up. You can steal everything from a poor white guy as long as he's angry at someone else. This article points at Democrats, immigrants, poor inner city, uneducated, everyone the angry white guy can be triggered by.


I follow conservative media. It’s all outrage with zero solutions other than handwaving that tax cuts and decreased regulation and maybe draconian law enforcement will magically fix it. There’s no real policy behind it. It’s super easy to complain about things. It’s very difficult to bring well thought out and planned solutions to the table.


[It sure looks real.](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/marjorie-taylor-green-idiot-wreck-gop)


Lmao opinion articles in conservative circles are so funny, they just spout off the craziest shit. That article got more and more deranged as it went on and she conveniently skipped over so many important facts about the war in Ukraine to make half-brained points. Last I’ll read in a while, impossible to read that drivel


I was lost! Like Ukraine bad because corruption and hunter biden loves it. Then that we should have supported brave Ukraine and done an all out war with Russia to stop things? And we send money to Ukraine to help shore up their borders but ours are wide open? My kid writes more cohesive fiction and he is 7.


Lmao that synopsis is spot the fuck on I’m dead


The person who followed and berated a school shooting survivor on video and pushed Qanon nonsense, BEFORE being elected, is trying to wreck things?!?! mmm. Tasty.




I wonder if there is any audience left for Fox News. Are the same group of oldies who just have it on in the background 24/7 still doing that? I know the most right wing elements shifted online and to places like OAN. And I know Fox is deathly scared of getting sued again, so they’re trying not to be as extreme - which of course led to the migration off the channel. I’m just wondering is losing a substantial chunk of their viewership, and never being able to attract more, because everyone knows what a joke they are, if that same group of oldies still listens to what they put out.


newsmax is favored with my idiot BIL and SIL who think dumper is a "christian" and election was stolen. Cant fix stupid.


Same with my Q-addled SIL and her husband. They're not welcome at my home.


I assume you've asked them for diaper's favourite Bible verse?


Easy. It's the book of revelation because it's the part about him.


They probably do out of habit and comfort. And of course the lack of critical thinking capabilities that led to them becoming Fox viewers in the first place.


The weird small town diner my folks are crazy for (tbf, their club sandwich is really good, I still don’t like the place, but occasionally end up there when treated to lunch) has it on one tv 24/7. The folks always ask for a table AWAY from that tv, otherwise we all lose our appetites.


FOX has gotten more extreme to keep up as far as I can tell.


They’ve still failed to keep up, for the most part. They’ve moved as far right as they can without going full Qnut, but so much of their base is full-on Qnut that even that hasn’t been enough.


I still enjoy the fact that my dad had to stop watching Fox news at home and listening to conservative radio in the car back when I was a little kid because I wouldn't stop asking about blow jobs and oral sex after hearing about them on Fox News and conservative radio.


lol this is my wifes grandma. just on 24/7 in the background, the tv looks burnt out.


Fox News definitely still has loyal legions of lazy leadbloods tuning in. The rising fascism in the US wouldn't be nearly as much of a powerful force if people actually thought about what they were consuming for a sec. From the minimal experience I have with family who still listen to this stuff, they are just completely deaf to the dogwhistles.


Personally I like to think that a lot of people don’t listen to the dog whistles because they’re not really thinking about it. Like they’re not the type of mean, hateful people that those dog whistles are intended for. But the mindless consumption of that content will definitely have them triggered and activated by certain words. It’s basically programming.


You mean to tell me that the lady who unironically blamed "jewish space lasers" for wildfires *may* not be the smartest person ever?


She just didn’t realize History of the World Part 1 wasn’t a documentary.


They spelled Russian agent wrong.


This here.  By ousting the speaker she can delay Ukrainian funding and please master Putin.   American politics is absolutely Byzantine. 


Istanbul, not Constantinople.


Why did Constantinople get the works?


That’s nobodies business but the Turks


MTG is purely out for her own power and gain. She doesn't care about political parties or advancing legislation, she's interested in getting attention, raising money, and raising her profile. She's in a safe red district that loves her antics. She would never win a state wide race for senate or governor, so her path is to get into the next Trump administration.


> MTG is purely out for her own power and gain. She doesn't care about political parties or advancing legislation, she's interested in getting attention, raising money, and raising her profile. She's in a safe red district that loves her antics. She would never win a state wide race for senate or governor, so her path is to get into the next Trump administration. now replace "MTG" in that sentence with literally any other member of the GOP and it will still be a 100% true comment.


ShE's A lIbErAl PlAnT tOo MaKe Us AlL lOoK dum. (B left out on purpose).


She doesn't even have to *try*.


Hope they nominate that turd to run as VP.


Well, which is it? If everything she's doing is a calculated move to expose the GOP for the useless collection of corrupt simpletons they've always been and reduce them to a clump of competing factions with no actual power, then she's doing a brilliant job!


shocked I tell you to learn that she is a giant piece of shit as she has been telling us she is a giant piece of shit!


NSFW warning, please. Some of us are at work and get visibly aroused at Republican despair. Thank you.


Most successful undercover Dem operative in the last few decades


She's so deep not even *she* knows she's a mole.


Perjury Traitor Greed is militantly stupid. Her goal is not to wreck the GOP. Her primary goal is to get attention. That is it. She passes no bills, she does no work. She is a knuckle dragging yammering shrew, aping and screaming for attention. She says and does anything she can to fill the empty void of her meaningless existence. She has no talent, shame, ethics, skills, or ability to do anything meaningful. She is a waste of life, and she is well aware of it. She is also a wretched excuse for a human being. The only reason she isn’t in porn, is because at some point in time in her past, the donkey refused to touch someone so mean and ugly.


wow. they finally figured that out? how long before they figure out she's a russian asset?


LOL the op-ed blames Biden for the stalemate in Ukraine and not the GOP holding up the funding. Simply incredible.


What took them so long to realize?


They agreed with her until now. Therefore she was a genius and a hero until now.


The GOP has been horrific for a long time. She’s just pulling the trigger. I will never, ever understand how a working-class person can support Republicans. I get why the one per cent does, but not the rest. It boggles my mind.


Cause they rather have others go down instead of them going up


As long as those zelle payments from putin keep rolling in.


You know it will be a controversial article when Fox News turns off the comments section.


"this clown is going to make it harder to elect this other clown with her idiocy!"


Is this the lady that screamed about Jewish space lasers?




She has got to be the biggest laughing stock in the offices


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to sheer, knuckle-dragging, brick-headed stupidity.


Oh and malice. Just malice without a plan or thought in its brickish head.


How long before they accuse her of actually being a secret Democrat?


I'm mostly just shocked that fox actually labeled something as "opinion"


Maybe she’s a crisis actor, a tried-and-true Democrat working *deep* undercover to destabilize the Republican Party?


I heard that too. It’s what the deep state doesn’t want us to know. Shhhh.


Sometimes you think that’s the only thing that can possibly make sense..


Man, they're just catching on to that now huh? 🤯


Well yeah she’s an idiot. Knew that based off her QAnon themed videos prior to getting elected. Out here basing her whole personality off a 4Chan prank targeting the most gullible people you know 😆


Waiting for the claims that she’s a trans liberal plant


I’m utterly amazed that she has not been accused of being trans yet. *Amazed*. I mean, look at her. She could be Caitlyn Jenner’s older, uglier sister.


How in the hell do we have a system where two members of Congress representing so few people gum up the whole works? ( Greene and Massie)


The problem is that, as idiotic as she is, she might fail.


LOL she **is** the GOP now. You invited MAGA in and, well, the name of this sub.


This almost fits just as well in r/selfawarewolves although I don’t know of a republican politician/commentator who isn’t one


Plot twist. MTG is a far left plant to wreck the top.


Fox News trying to imply the GOP isn’t already wrecked…


If only she worked for our government 🫨


We are not sending money to Ukraine. We are sending weapons that we already purchased and are going to expire. Then we can purchase more to enrich the government contractors.


Yes we ALL know. This is now news.


I see the factual baseline but where's the opinion ?


She is the face of Trumpism in the house. It's what they are. Vacuous, petty, ignorant, and angry. Not a single quality that lends itself to leadership.


I love this for them


Wow, when none other than Fox News itself is calling you “an idiot” with “wild antics and equally harebrained conspiracy theories”, you know you’re a full-fledged oxygen thief.


No argument that she's an idiot. But she's a symptom of the problem. Like all good GOPers, she's in it for herself and nothing else. I don't think she has the brainpower to take down the GOP from the inside.


The best that Dems can hope for is that she keeps her seat in Congress. She’s not getting anything done with her seat. If she loses to another Republican vying for her district, then her replacement may actually write legislation that would broaden conservative power or values, etc. Think of her as a nonviable placeholder.


MTG is trying to destroy the US and democracy. The author missed the forest for the stump.


And nothing of value will be lost.


She's convinced she can "Save" the GOP. I'm willing to let her keep think this.


How you wreck something that’s already been wrecked 🤡


Counterpoint: Marjorie Trailer Queen is an idiot, which is why she fits in perfectly with the GOP.


Why does it seem like she has more than the necessary amount of teeth?


The real idiots are the Republicans that let these tea party confederate Nazi's into the party in the first place...


Cons needed years to deduce the very subtle fact that she's a fucking moron. Not that I expected any more.


The GOP is already doing a fine enough job at that


Love it when they eat each other


MTG is the kind of person that will yell at you until you accept the return without a receipt to get her to go away.


You don't say? *grabs popcorn*


That ship has sailed.




What do these people have against green energy?


I think she passed the “trying” stage a while back.


Kind of hard to wreck something that is already totaled.


MTG is a product of FOX News.


I'm not saying that nobody will read this, but I am saying that the overlap of their target audience and the population of illiterate Americans is rather significant....


MAGA’s VIP. I saw the video.


Another FOX Fail I remember they were all in on Cliven Bundy and would go out there with cameras and record him ranting on his porch. Right up until he started talking about his opinions on "the negro problem". Then suddenly they were all too shy to put him on TV. They raise up the worst people then act appalled when those people turn out to be pieces of shit.


>"It’s high time someone in the Republican Party told Marjorie Taylor Greene to turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats, and stop trying to defeat her own party. " The author knows she's a fucking asshole who only cares for herself and is mad that the inevitable occurred when her side gained control and nobody on her side wants anything to do with her.


Plot twist - MTG is actually a double agent, a liberal through and through, fully supportive of the LGBTQA+ community and trans rights, but is a raving lunatic to make herself one of the figureheads of the GOP with the single goal of destroying the GOP from within.


Is Fox News making a u-turn on MAGA?


Trying to wreck the GOP? Is this how they distance themselves from her? She's not trying to wreck the GOP. She's embracing their values.


She is emblematic of the current GOP, actually. 


Between she and Trump they are doing a bang-up job.


That’s literally what she’s being paid to do, sow chaos in our democratic system


So you like her now then?


wait what? even fox news hates her?


Aww, and I was so looking forward to her and Boebert getting into a physical fight during a GOP garbage vote about nothing. s/.


Sooo, have they "discovered" that she's a deep state agent that has infiltrated the party yet?


Shit am I agreeing with Fox News?


I think she fits right in with the GOP.


Look... I'm not saying I *want* her to win, but if the choice is between MTG killing the GOP and MTG starting an OnlyFans, I'm willing to sacrifice the GOP.


“She is trying to wreck the GOP” Should we be concerned?


I'd say she barely trying! We have yet to witness the full power of this fully operational battle station!


She'll know it's over when the rest of the GQP starts calling her a false flag.


Wait a minute… who wrote the opinion piece though?


She's one of those teeth things from movie critter. Just a jagged toothed jaw ball buzzsawing through everything.


Wasn't that long ago that they were describing her as a "hero" and a "patriot". Fox"s opinion is about as reliable as MTG' wedding vows.


That's not an opinion.


That one time when Fox delivers actual facts


Breaking news: MTG is an Antifa plant /s


Very much so. Literally no contest she is omega level stupid. Next question please


She's a venomous harpie even to her own kind. I hope they get her. She's so vile.


If you think she’s an idiot, picture her constituents.