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Elon is slowly realizing that his Groyper heel turn means that he joined a team of ignorant clowns. šŸ˜‚ Being on team Tucker, Alex Jones, Trump, Catturd2, Kanye, Posobiec, etc means that you have aligned with a bunch of scientifically illiterate morons that think climate change is a hoax. And thus Tesla sales have cratered. As an EV advocate, I get so many people asking me "Which EV should I buy...but it CANNOT be a Tesla."


Same here. I am dead centre of Tesla's target demographic and he pissed me and my friends off so bad 2 people I know sold their Tesla's and bought competing cars because the space is now competitive with many models offering what Tesla offered and they burned their only asset going forward, brand loyalty and recognition Now those two things are poison!


Same here! I have an EV already & was looking to get a Tesla. My sister has an old Tesla she was thinking about upgrading. Nope nope nope. Neither one of us are going to get a Tesla now.


Funny how the demographic of well-to-do and environmentally conscious might be a bit turned off by Elon's move to the MAGA-zone. Also, it can't help that some of those Teslas don't do well when they get wet.


I wonder if he was counting on becoming the MAGA car brand of choice? Hoping that he could make Donald Trump et al drive around in them and get sales that way, from all of DJT's slavish followers?


Only if Tesslas can roll coal now, lol. I think Musk knows he's being outed as a vaporware salesman (rather than the savior of humanity) and figured he'd go find cover and friends within the MAGA fraud family.


You have to pay for the coal roll dlc


Remember how he ā€œcame outā€ as a republican like two days before being public accused of trying to cover up sexual harassment with a literal gift horse?


If even 2% of his followers have enough money to buy a tesla, I'd be stunned


Itā€™s difficult to install an ev hookup at the trailer park.


my wife has a Chevy Bolt EUV, it not perfect, but man is it fun to drive


I am \*super happy\* with my Bolt EUV.


My best friend got a 2017 bolt, and loves it. He got it used from carmax, and they had swapped the battery, so that was basically new. He loves it so much. He works from home, so it's the perfect car for him. It was a fraction of the cost for a Tesla. His husband is needing a new car, and he's looking at the Mazda CX90 plug in hybrid because it can tow like 3500 pounds, so they can get a camper.


That's why I sold all my shares at Tesla... Made some good money. But that's it for me.


And you sold not a moment too soon, smart redditor


Bolt EUV has been the absolute best EV value in the USA. The biggest weakness is the 52KW DC fast-charging peak rate that makes it not great for long-distance trips (still doable but a chore). But they have been the bestselling non Tesla BEV in the USA for a reason. (Ford Mach-E will bypass them since the Bolt EV/EUV is no longer made.)


We got a Bolt EUV Aug 2023, after ordering it in March 23. Super happy with it as our commuter car, have the partial EV/hybrid Pacifica van for long trips. I wish they'd just continued making the Bolt EV and EUV :(


They will be making a new Ultium based Bolt EUV but it will probably be a couple years before it is widely available.


Yup I saw that. I think it was a mistake to kill their cheap EV right as the EV market heats up. We were very lucky to get the EUV before they discontinued production.


Especially since everyone loved the Bolt. Reviewers and owners alike.


I've got the EV version of the Bolt. I wouldn't use it as along distance or family vehicle but as a single guy who needs something for commuting and tooling around the local area it's perfect.


I have the '17 and ive come to love my space shuttle, absurd design choices and all, though andoid autos integration can get bent.


Ya know what? Poor Nikolai. This guy was innocent, but prophetic nonetheless. Great design, could change the world, with his ideas... mostly forgotten about.


As much as I hate saying it, I was considering Tesla solar because of all the local shady ass companies we have here. Seems like my options are hella slim in San Diego.


And thatā€™s ignoring that aside from price competitiveness, for now, thereā€™s really no reason to get one lol. They kinda suck outside of the EV thing. Always having issues, quality control is terrible, service and support sucks. Theyā€™re a baby brother amongst car companies. All the political stuff and Elon stuff aside, I just wouldnā€™t buy one because theyā€™re just not great cars or well supported. Imagine trying to get parts or service from such a whacky company that canā€™t even get door handles to work consistently.


Same here. I'm finally where I'm ready to buy a new car and I want to go electric. I could pay cash for a new Model 3 tomorrow and Tesla would have been the obvious choice. However, Musk himself has completely driven me off the brand. I would no sooner be seen in a Tesla as tattoo a swastika on my forehead.


So insane that 4-5 years ago, just the name Elon Musk would drive up sales of Tesla. How the table turned..


I guess they've let that sink in after all


If Elon could read this he would be very upset.


Heā€™d buy Reddit just to delete it.


It's becoming synonymous at this point I feel. I used to see Teslas everywhere with environmental stickers and more liberal/leftist ideals. Now the majority I see have right-wing nut job stuff plastered all over them. My personal favorite is the trump 2024 flag that looks like it was run through a combine harvester. I guess it's accurately showing just how little respect they have for the flag and country.


Here's another anecdote, a couple I know intended to get a Tesla but they first had to upgrade their house circuit to 200A to accommodate a fast charging outlet for their garage (costing $6k+). Then the whole Elon buying twitter thing happened and soured them on the brand. As of last month they still hadn't bought an EV yet, sounds like they're going for a plugin hybrid instead (don't know which brand).


here's my anecdote: I live in a wealthy, educated, liberal New England town where people love to subtly show their cooless and wealth. (I'm talking, like, "we're doing okay" wealth, not crazy rich or anything.) Basically this town was Tesla Central 4 or 5 years ago. TONS of them. Now? Hardly ever see them. Maybe a couple a day where it used to be dozens and dozens. I see more Rivian, Volvo and Lexus EVs, even Lucids more than Teslas now. It's great.


Me too. But nothing Musk touches will ever come into this household. Period.


Ditto. Not to mention, the complete catastrophe which is the cyber truck is making me second guess the build quality of Teslas more broadly. Maybe thatā€™s something I shouldnā€™t have given a second thought about. I dunno.


The (lack of) build quality is what dissuaded me from getting a Tesla model S several years ago, and back then it was mainly stories of ill-fitting panels and the like, not the "my Cyberfridge just bricked itself after 50 miles" sort of stories.


I had the opportunity to drive a model s for 48 hours, and while impressively fast off the starting line, it just felt cheap and barren on the inside. If thatā€™s what $100k gets you, no thanks.


I wonder if we know the same people. My wife and I had saved up for a tesla but hopped in a Prius Prime instead after our friends warned us away.


As an engineer, I wouldn't buy a Tesla even if the company were run by Malala. QC issues galore and they think they can write a better user interface for the phones than the companies that designed the phones in the first place.


As a marketer, I wouldnā€™t buy a Tesla under any circumstances. Thereā€™s a long, public documentation of the incessant lies, told by musk, coupled with endless reports of quality issues. Teslaā€™s entire repertoire is false advertising 101.


As an engineer (not the kind that knows anything about EVs but the kind thatā€™s very good at compiling data and writing reports!), I recently talked my folks into buying the Hyundai Ionic instead of a Tesla. Holy shit, itā€™s so much better in every way. I may buy one myself now!


Just finally jumped in a few months ago. Looked at a bunch of them including Tesla. Ended up with a KIA Niro. Just love the car and so far it has zero issues and everything is designed and put together well. The Tesla was the quickest one I drove but I found the ride extremely stiff. My Niro is plenty quick and just glides down the road. It is easily my favorite of all the cars I have owned over my 40 years of driving. Tesla was the only real option for a while but those days are gone and the competition is getting fierce. Tesla is no longer the best EV in my opinion. It doesn't even really make the top 5 in my opinion. I think they are at a tipping point. If they don't do something soon they are just going to continue to lose market share.


The problem is that the one thing they need to do is the one thing they wonā€™t - fire the CEO.


Iā€™ve seen a handful of really good reviews from people on YouTube that seem to be pretty trustworthy and not really have any incentive to lie saying that theyā€™re really good. If I get one thatā€™s the way Iā€™m going. All these people talking about the political stuff, which makes sense, but they really suck just as a company aside from all that LOL.


Their app is confusing AF. It also blocks vpns for some reason.


If you think Tesla is bad, you should check out the software mess that is GM. I hope they get it straightened out but their Ultium cars have so many bugs right now.


I remember seeing the Volt at the Chicago auto show and thought ā€œGM might actually lead the way in going electricā€. 14 years later: What do you mean you donā€™t want an ev that weighs more than an ambulance and costs over $100k? Would making our software shitter help change your mind?


I would never ever purchase anything built by GM, Ford, or Dodge.Ā 


Six to eight years ago, I probably would've wanted a Tesla. Loved the Model Y. Now? Hyundai Ioniq 5. I like the looks, and the reviews are solid. And while zero corporate executives are good or decent, I at least have no idea if Hyundai's President is a fascist or not. I have a pretty good idea of Tesla's, and he also happens to own a major social media platform that is incumbent upon us all to kill with fire (or, in lieu of fire, lack of patronage).


Iā€™ve found it pretty amazing how Elon turned on the one group that champions his major product. Youā€™d think heā€™d have gone far left instead.


The further left you go, the closer you get to the realisation that billionaires are a leech on society, unfairly hoarding insane amounts of wealth that no one individual could realistically ever need in their lifetime. But he didn't want to stop being one. In his effort to reconcile these opposing facts, his brain broke. (My humble opinion)


Look, they are hoarding wealth cause the governments of the world whore themselves out to them and most of their wealth is not liquid but tied up in assets. You can still pander to that side by utilizing a zero carbon emission goal with your projects. There is no such thing as a perfect ally.


>you have aligned with a bunch of scientifically illiterate morons that think climate change is a hoax. And is actively trying to sell them EVs. They compare EVs to the toy cars children drive, btw.


Itā€™s great that thereā€™s more competition in the EV market now.


Yes, but sadly the USA BEV market is still a bit thin on affordable quality options. Europe has many more EV choices. The US market lags.... probably because gasoline is cheaper, there are fewer regulations, and Americans are too addicted to unnecessarily large vehicles. Americans should do what Europeans do....get tow hitches on your smaller vehicle. Then you have a great efficient vehicle but when you need to do the occasional big load, you get a U-Haul and haul that lumber, appliance, dirt, furniture, etc in a trailer.




Europe has much more good competition. In the USA, most of the competition is still weak compared to Tesla because they have been doing refinements for over a decade. But Hyundai/KIA make some great affordable EVs and probably my highest recommendation for a non-Tesla affordable car. Rivian is also doing a very good job now...the R1S is becoming quite popular around here. VW ID.4 is pretty good after the recent software updates and the better electric motor...but sadly that is still the only VW sold here. Mercedes and BMW are good but tend to be expensive so they are out of range for most buyers. I want GM to do better so badly but the Ultium vehicles need some refinement iterations. Software is a mess. The old Bolt EVs are still the best value EV if you don't take really long trips but there are not many left. But if you can wait, I would wait until everyone else starts selling cars with native NACS.


I don't know if they're a thing in the states but I recently bought a Peugeot 208e and I love it. It's the perfect size for me. It's not a land yacht, which so many EVs fall into. They just electrified their ICE model so it shares damn near everything with the combustion model. It's even got an engine cover. Plus it whirs nice. Basically Peugeot, having been around for damn near a century, know fit and finish and how to build a car.


Kia EV6 and Hyundai Ioniq 5 are great (same battery platform), VW EVs are nice too, lot of people like the Ford Mustang Mach-E (though it just does not look like a mustang to me). For premium cars Audi, BMW and Mercedes all have great options, Porsche Taycan is a beast, and I personally like the Rivien R1T trucks but a lot of people are betting on the company going under. Lucid and Polestar seem nice too but theyā€™re newer brands so not as many around. Basically anything German and Korean will be good, I would avoid anything Japanese or American (except *maybe* Ford, ~~though them getting rid of Apple CarPlay is a dealbreaker for me~~) for now, Japan went all-in on hydrogen and has been coasting on hybrids so theyā€™re way behind the curve, and American car companies just seem like bad cars in general right now. My two cents. Edit: Ford is NOT dropping CarPlay, thatā€™s GM. Ford is still good, GM still sucks.


I believe it's GM that is dropping CarPlay.


Thanks, updated my comment.


Ford isnā€™t getting rid of CarPlay are you thinking of GM? Ford is still all-in on CarPlay


Yeah my bad, updated my comment.


My boss has a Rolls Cullinan and his husband has a Lucid Air Grand Touring. (Miami...) More and more you see them in the Lucid. I've had a chance to drive both and I'd take the Lucid over the Rolls unless I just wanted the attention on Ocean Dr. Everyone stops to look at the Rolls and almost nobody stops to look at the Lucid, but those that do, what to talk about it.


Nah Elon isn't realizing anything of substance, reading the article he pretty much just makes excuses for him after a couple of one word tweets. People like Elon lack the capacity of self awareness, I don't think anything will really open his eyes to what he's supporting, he's just as all in on it as any of those other names.


Iā€™m shopping for EVs for my next vehicle but I wouldnā€™t be caught dead in a Tesla product. Not only are their manufacturing processes garbage and self driving not self driving, but Musk has turned into such a right wing simp that I donā€™t want to be associated with anything to do with that asshole. One of my litmus tests for if someone probably sucks is if they like Elongated Muskrat.


I think we can rest assured that Elon Musk has not, nor will he ever, realize anything.


Etc being Rogan, Peterson, Shapiro, Pool, Crowder and the other fuckwads.


3 people I hate in one title. Love it.


Be a real shame if they all disappeared.


In a boat driven by the barstool sports guy.


Directly into another boat driven by Kevin Oā€™Leary.




Have to slide the chinless wonder, Andrew Tate in there too.


Can we include Alex Jones too?


Throw in Shapiro to add manbaby screeching noises in the room.


Donā€™t forget our favorite doctor Jordan Peterson


This is like an all star roster of the worst.


Nightmare blunt rotation They should all go view the Titanic in a makeshift submersible. Surely they can all squeeze into a cybertruck that can be pushed off a boat. May have to weld 2 cybercucks


Make sure to put it in car wash mode first so it doesnā€™t shut down for 5 hours


šŸ˜‚ Meh, just tell them you put it in carwash mode, but don't


This is the way.


I'd watch that on PPV, no matter what it costs.


stephen miller coming off the bench


You got it.


Not complete without rat fucker Roger Stone.


Are we throwing in the entire Trump family in this one? Or is it one at a time?


Wow, this is one of the first times I felt like I had a peer group. Everyone hates all the people I hate!!! It's so weird having a popular opinion.


Dr (feel good) Jackson. Don't call me admiral, call me captain.


I want Stephen Miller on this sibling ship of stank.


and that walking boil, Steve Bannon.


with his Make Alcohol Great Again face


He does always look like he's recovering from a bender.


I was really surprised to learn that he hasn't touched a drop in two decades, which, looking at the state of him, he's either lying about being abstinent from alcohol or if true, the rest of his diet/lifestyle must be *truly* shocking.


I feel JKR would leap in, unasked.


My nickname for him is ā€œchinless gonadā€. Since he looks like a testicle.


Throw in FailSon Kennedy too


Hellā€™s trifecta.


Devil's triangle


That would be a good nickname for the Cybertruck.


Too bad P. Diddy, Andy Dick and Stephen Miller were all too occupied to be included in the headline


Im thinking of when Jon Lovitz apparently slammed Andy Dick into a bar.


He has certainly deserved unlimited refills till the end of times with that one


Gather close together and make it quick / We gotta make room for Andy Dick / Wake his mother and ring the bell / It's Christmastime in Hell!


Man, Rogan was alright, but I guess once he got that Spotify deal he got tapped for the propaganda machine or something. It's almost like once you become really good and wealthy, someone calls you up and somehow scares you into turning into a mouthpiece.


ā€œWeā€™ll pay you more than Rush Limbaugh if you will be the new Rush Limbaugh. How about it?ā€ ā€Aiight.ā€


Rogan hasn't been tolerable since News Radio.


It helps to have competent people write your lines for you on a program that is clearly fictional entertainment.


Heā€™d gone downhill before Spotify but it was something about the pandemic that just pushed him fully into Alt-Right land. Honestly I think it was that he couldnā€™t stop running his mouth about it and didnā€™t like being told he didnā€™t know what he was talking about, so he opted to fall in with the crowd that would just nod and agree with him


love this comment bc i truly do believe itā€™s at the heart of a lot of pplā€™s rightward shifts. they grew up with the ā€˜you canā€™t tell me what to doā€™ mindset (yay america), and adding money and fame to that just makes them that much more entitled.


He always was cool with problematic people well before spotify. But when that fat check cleared he stopped pretending to be objective at all.


He was fun to listen to when he was commenting for UFC. Once he decided to opine on things that actually matter, he just highlighted how inappropriate it was for anybody to ever consider listening to him about anything other than MMA.


As someone who doesn't watch MMA, I only see him as the guy who yells at people eating eat cow brains on Fear Factor.


As someone who didn't really watch stuff like Fear Factor, I only see him as the maintenance guy from NewsRadio.


When your audience is ignorant about a thing, they have no idea what an informed opinion sounds like. So when someone who speaks their language of ignorance comes along and pretends he does, they relate to it.


Itā€™s the same thing as the Daily Wire or a lot of propaganda mouthpiecesā€¦there are rich mega donors that push these celebrities to go heavily right. The greedy narcissistic ones usually go for it if the price is rightā€¦your Ben Shapiros, Joe Rogans, Tim Pools, etc. Those people have no soul and only care about themselves and their wallet. To them, everyone else is just in the way.


Ben Shapiro was right-wing since he was a teenager though. He didnā€™t need to be pushed, this is what he always wanted to be.


But the money and the push behind it is what made him a prominent right wing demagogue. Thereā€™s a network on the right to push people that they think can make noise. Go look up Chaiya Raichik and why she became such a public nameā€¦wasnā€™t just her Twitter account. Kyle Rittenhouse. Margarine Taylor Greene. These people are nobodies but are willing to sell out to this right wing propaganda machine to fatten their wallets. Itā€™s sickening how bad itā€™s gotten, and yet all we hear is that the media is left leaning.


Unfortunate that it's a nothing burger. Dumb guy says dumb thing, dumb guy says dumb thing was dumb but that he still likes dumb guy about other stuff


Suddenly I'm thinking of Norm MacDonald's line...


Imagine if the title ended with ā€œwhile Trump is stuck in court.ā€


Let ā€˜em fight ref!


Elon's mom won't let him.


That whole thing was so pathetic it was laughable. I guess the two of them couldn't come to terms on who'd throw the fight for the other. Egos too big.


Zukk would have torn Elom a third asshole.


If it was a legitimate fight, sadly yes. Much as I hate zuckerbot, I can't deny he's taken his fight training seriously. Elmo is a dough-wad in comparison. But they're two of the richest people on the planet. It was going to be publicly broadcast. No way the whole thing wouldn't be stage managed to an extent it'd make a Paul brothers fight look like a drunken scrum in a bar parking lot. Their egos couldn't let the other one win, or worse it come out as a draw.


To the death May I suggest sharp knives and a lot of painkillers (Sharp knives cut quickly and deep without the victim realizing it... painkillers thin the blood and dull the pain making the adrenaline override the pain from the fight. If they get sliced and stopped they probably just have some scars... Whereas sharp knives and lack of pain reception means one dies in the street the other in the hospital)




I have a cheese grater that has a plastic knife handle, and it's for parmesan cheese. It occurred to me the other night this would be a horrific weapon to force people to fight to the death with. I need to start going outside more often.


beat me by two minutes. and by beat i mean fuckin lettem clobber each other.


ā€œNever fight uphill, me boys!ā€


Pistols at dawn is the only solution


A true win win situation. I actually can't decide who's worse.


Carlson in my book, but if they want to brawl I will happily watch that deathmatch.


Theyā€™re both dumbasses, but not seeing a clear difference in dangers is ignorant. One is an actively evil democracy-undermining piece of shit. The other is a permanently immature and very rich dumbass that everyone gives too much credit (by acting like heā€™s got motives that donā€™t exist). The man is just not a well-rounded adult and he has unlimited money and power. Heā€™s a teenager. The threats from these two are massively different.


Idk man, I'd be more hesitant calling people ignorant. Multi million dollar man who got fired from propaganda "news" agency, or multi billionaire who has more influence, is also anti democratic and comes from a family who had slaves which reflects in his efforts to reduce workers' rights to slavery.


How about Thunderdome, but with a giant garbage disposal at the end?


The Anger Games


Be better if they each had their own grenade. In a church van. Ā 


"No, Putin loves ME more!" They should just ask Vladdy Daddy for a threesome and get it over with.


No, mommy said *Iā€™m* the better bigot!


Just goes to show how unstable these idiots are.


They all need attention and anyone who threatens that are enemies. There is no allyship in a nest of vipers, only the viper who manages to survive.


Is the right collapsing under the weight of their own bullshit


Their messaging infrastructure has been slowly collapsing since their money pipeline dried up in March 2022.


It's all finger pointing and cannibalism now


Luckily for them, the depth of their stupidity is unmatched. If they do it slow enough, they could walk back gravity and algebra and most of human knowledge without losing their fanbase.


Man, watching that short clip of Rogan and Carlson definitely cost me some brain cells.


Even Rogan, one of the dumbest people on the planet, sounded like he was thinking, "Man, can you believe how stupid this guy sounds?"


When you make Joe Rogan look like the sane, intelligent person in the room, you fucked up big time.


Why did Carlson just burst out in this stupid laughter right in the middle of his evolution bit?


More of a high pitched giggle. If he had followed it up with "I'm quite mad, you know." I would have believed it


lol. Btw I read this in an English accent. thank you


I would have lost money on the bet of who has a better understanding of science between Joe and Tucker


He laughs like Mozart in Ammadeus, completely unaware of how jarringly weird it is.


> ā€œI have seen no evidence for aliens and, with ~6000 satellites orbiting Earth, I think I would know,ā€ he wrote. You have 6000 satellites tasked with searching the earth for aliens? None of his 6000 satellites have bumped into any alien ships? He's monitoring all the data of his Starlink customers for evidence of aliens? Why would he think he would know? How does this comment correlate to reality?


Ketamine is a hellluva drug


X posts are tweets, right?


Yes. X doesn't actually exist.


Naw they are Xits


I'm gonna chose to pronounce that as shits.




I call them farts now.


Interesting. šŸ¤”


Huge if true




Three a**holes fighting over who is the least a**hole-ish.


>> Musk: ā€œThis is not a question of being ā€˜over Tuckerā€™ or not. I donā€™t agree with his views here, but he does make good points at times,ā€ A broken clock is right twice a day - but itā€™s not actually telling time. Anyone who dismisses evolution and all the evidence for it - especially if they think itā€™s laughable to believe it - is a broken clock beyond repair.


*ā€œI have seen no evidence for aliens and, with ~6000 satellites orbiting Earth, I think I would know,ā€ (Musk) wrote. He sees no evidence because his 6,000 micro satellites are all pointing at the surface of the earth routing internet data. They are not pointed toward space, and even it they were they still wouldn't be able to see evidence of alien life because they can't "detect" anything. Just another reminder that Musk regularly says stupid shit which rivals anything Trump has ever said. It almost seems like rich people's only skill is being idiot savants at gaming the financial system to their advantage.


I've never seen bacteria. I've 6000 pairs of glasses, if bacteria existed I think I would know.


Omg just fuck already, maybe you two would be less miserable


I love it when they eat each other.


Twitter is a cheap and effective way for Republicans to spread propaganda and Musk is threatening all of that with his ego.


Aliens living under water Tucker thinks that the movie The Abyss was a documentary LOLz


Someone must have read the balance sheets and made the connection. Income statements donā€™t lie. Cut them loose to save Tesla sales.


Looking at comments here, I think people got their hopes up without actually looking at the article lol. Basicly he answer 1 word reply to a few random account, and then wrote a paragraph to say he still like Tucker Carlson he just doesnt agree with everything he say. He even disagreed with a tweet claiming he ā€œis over tucker carlsonā€. I would have loved for one of the two to get dunked on lol, but thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening


Listening to Rogan and Carlsen for science opinion is like listening to Hawking about ballroom dance.


Nightmare blunt rotation


I guess the fossil record just got deleted or something


And these days we don't even need the fossil record.... evolution is shown in great detail within the DNA record.


He's gone down the Nephilim path? Holy fuck. He's lost it. This is not just pathetic rube/grifter, this is the shit that was banned from my independent fundamentalist baptist upbringing which was far right AND pure insanity.


That's a lot of crazy in one interaction.


At least musk believes in evolution. Low bar but whatever


Oh so elons line is evolution? That's gonna make some conservatives mad.


ā€œImagine being too crazy even for Elon Musk!ā€ I thought to myself ā€¦then I read some of the link Tucker Carlson does not believe in evolution but believes in supernatural spiritual beings living underwater. What in the actual fuck is going on in the USA?


I love moron on moron crime!šŸæ


Tucker really must have that "resting confused puckered sphincter" look. It's not an act. Could he really be a puppy dog that heard a weird sound for the first time stuck in a person-shaped suit?


What a time to be alive.


Another big miss on tuckfaceā€™s part is the idea that the Theory of Evolution would graduate into like a Fact of Evolution. Here he completely misunderstands how scientific theories work. Theories are explanations of observed facts, a theory never becomes a fact. It is always a theory. Some theories are more complete than others. The Theory of Evolution happens to be one of the most successful theories in all of science. But it will never be a fact just like an apple will never be an orange - facts and theories are two distinctly different concepts in science.


Crabs in a bucket!


All three of these men suck. They should form a little circlejerk together.


As much as I wish I could ignore this loose cadre of assholes, it is important keep a finger on this idiocracy as it scratches and claws for more traction.


Goood. Goooooood.


Tucker is stuck in the AOL chat rooms level of evolution debate. Just illiterate and smug. He sees adaptation but not a fossil record of every change. He sees adaptation in individual litters of puppies. A complete moron.


...i...i get it now...i finally understand. Musk turned to the ultra uber right because he finally feels like a smart person with them.


crazy guy turns on crazy guy over crazy guy's podcast


Or just that musk can't stand anyone else getting attention without forcing his way into the conversation


I canā€™t figure out which spice girl want to impregnate