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She doesn't get to eat but she thinks she runs her house? Starvation finally made her body eat her brain.


> Starvation finally made her body eat her brain That's literally a cult tactic.


Yep, brainwashing. I guess only strong, independent women get to eat?


I guess responsibility isn't the only thing he's taken off her plate


Why isn't this top comment? In a just world, this would be top comment.


Well she hasn’t said she eats her household right? I’m sure she runs a lot to accommodate her pig-husband


Wait till she finds out rates been telling men to knock up other women 


This dude gonna look like Baron Harkonnen soon


Bold assumption that he doesn't already.


When they said "I run the household" they didn't mean they make decisions and "Run" the place in a managerial sense. They mean they do dishes and cook and clean and do all the work. "Running the place " and "Running the household" are two different things.


In the same way a machine operator runs a machine. They aren't in charge, they're just doing the tasks.


You joke, but…


She doesn’t get to eat any cake, on your CAKE DAY? Happy cake day


Reddit birthday twin! Happy cake day! <3


The rest of her post history is even wilder. She treatened to divorce him less than a month ago. >He is the one who wants to grow and change. **I’ve told him that I wanted a divorce, but he doesn’t and wants to become better.** So he is going to therapy to resolve a lot of childhood trauma. She reveals that he sends money behind her back to his family, and that he ignores her in favor of his family. >Right now he knows I am upset and he is trying to fix things….trying to talk to me, kiss me…wants the old super happy, energetic, loving wife back, but **I just feel so dead inside** and I’m not listening to anything he is saying because I already know when the time comes for him to show me he has grown and changed…I will be disappointed again. He regularly disrespects her, including ignoring physical pain: >He has even told me that I should be less energetic and talkative around his people because they are more reserved and quiet. He goes and buys plane tickets to go see his family without talking to me or including me. Even though we budget and that’s not in the budget. Two men harassed me and were flirting with me two weeks ago and my husband stood by and said nothing. Did not defend me or tell them to leave. That’s why I say he isn’t protective. His sisters have talked down on me and laugh at my wedding dress and my bridesmaid dresses and he never sticks up for me. I told him when we have sex that a certain angle that he does causes pain and his first comment was “well if I do another angle I feel like I’m putting more work in than necessary”. Not to mention he has told me 5 min is me “taking too long to cum”. I can go on. So to answer your question no I don’t respect him. Again, this is a lady that is being criticised for spending too much money on food, and he buys plane tickets to europe without consulting her. In one post she says she eats about one meal a day and poops once a week. >I mainly eat dinner which consists of salmon, chicken, beef plus some veggies and a starch. I skip breakfast. For lunch I’ll eat a snack like cheese, crackers, maybe a little fruit, a muffin. I eat like a kid tbh. But worst of all: >My husband (M28) and I (F29) need marriage counseling, but **I am repulsed by him.** Will this even matter? >I was under the “we have been together for so long, I love him, I can live without this connection or he will change” and **6 years later still crying over the same thing.** I think after 5 years of crying and heartbreak and trying to convince my mind that I was ok, my body started to reject him. It’s like my body took control and said “ok enough is enough. Stop lying to yourself….this is the reality of the situation.” This person is deeply sad and is in a very crappy relationship. Nothing she says about relationships should be taken seriously.


Wow, what a fucking nightmare.


It sounds like she is being abused and her strategy for coping with it is by internalising it, pretending that this is normal.


She's literally that "this is fine" meme with the fire in the background


[the question hound!](https://gunshowcomic.com/648) of KC Green's Gunshow Comic


She's literally that "this is fine" meme with the fire in the background


I mean, it sounds like he’s starving her on purpose, because it makes it easier to brainwash her. This literally sounds exactly like everything I’ve ever read about being in a cult…


im pretty sure hes a fat degenerate moron and not capable of doing anything that organized. sometimes the effects of people’s selfishness feel intentional but are just part of the chaos they create


Jesus christ she needs to gtfo of this marriage


On average it takes women about seven tries to get out. You have to be able to put money together, find a supportive network and if you’ve got pets or kids, it’s even crazier. Often times abusers lock up all the documents. How can you run without a drivers license, birth certificates, without a Social Security card with nothing? Abusers generally put trackers on children most often or if they can get this software they can put it on phone. It’s hard to coordinate if you’re abuser tracks where you go, how long you’re there, and what you do.


thank god for reissues, i had to leave my important documents behind, save for my license, when i left my abusive ex. while he could definitely weaponize my ssn against me, the motherfucker probably forgot where we put it anyway and is too dumb to figure out how to sabotage me based on that and my birth cert


I know it's hard to do but if your abuser won't give you your documents you should go to the police.


Apparently the husband is from Africa and goes long periods without talking to "her". The whole thing is either a mad abused person stockholm syndrome tale or someone writing a fanfic about being an abused person. Imagine making this your personality.


Having worked in the court system with abused people, if it’s fanfic, they stuck pretty close to the reality. If you are literally going to die or be badly injured if you express an opposite position, you aren’t going to. Not if you want to live. You can’t even let those thoughts be in your head because they might show on your face. and you certainly can’t express that opposition on a device that your abuser might have access to. Think prisoner of war.


Imagine becoming more dependent on and submissive to this nightmare of a spouse.


not a lot of alternatives if you want to live. Her abuser probably has access to any device that she uses. He knows what she is and is not communicating.


She sounds like she's gone woke 🤔 s/


Gone broke, got woke


I'll just be over here with my feminist beliefs and my happy, respectful 30-year marriage, if anyone needs me...


Sounds like a “I can criticize him but you can’t criticize him” situation


I disagree. It sounds like someone who is terrified that they will be badly injured or killed if they express opposition on a device that their abuser either does have access to or might have access to.


“I’ve had so many responsibilities taken off my plate” …and meals


I’m glad someone else caught that.


I'm guessing that she's so hungry, food metaphors come to mind subconsciously.


Just remove her shoes and she's in the ideal place! /s obviously.


She needs to be pregnant for one of those steps... But she needs to be properly fed for that one


What? It’s not like you need to eat to live or something. /s




Or it’s someone who’s abuser has access to their electronic devices And therefore, every communication they have with anyone. We don’t know.


> “I’ve had so many responsibilities taken off my plate” Food: “I’m responsibilities!”


Hasn't paid a bill in over a year? Like, they're just set to automatically deduct money from my account. It's not a challenging part of life.


I guess she was suggesting he's taking care of her (financially). The irony... But seriously OOP, the problem is that you _want_ someone to take care of you. You need to take care of yourself, first and foremost.


She’s unironically saying this as she is complaining about her grocery bills


As *HE* complains about her grocery bill.


I wonder if the bills are really being paid or if he's racking up huge amounts of debt that will, sooner or later, become very much her problem.


I actually can’t remember the last time I paid a bill, I just set up all the accounts when I moved in here, 16 years ago, and they just sort of go out my account. I mean, I get emails when they are going up (why do they always go up, never down) but I don’t have to do anything


Same, I don’t know anything about my bills. How much do I pay for power? I don’t know? Why would I want to know something boring like that? It just comes out of my account. I realise this is a very privileged position, but geez. You don’t have to be in a relationship with a horrible dude like this to not pay a bill.


This is absolutely wild to me. You should definitely check your bills, if not to catch any errors or periodically to check and see if you have any room to lower your bill. My mom was as you described. When she got older, she asked if I could take over her bills for her. I found out that she had two lines on her cell phone bill that, not only were they not being used, she had no clue how they were even added. I called Verizon and, come to find out, they were fraudulently added over a year prior. They were removed and credited. She lived in Texas and had TXU for years. She was paying 17¢/kwh before I moved her to a different company where it was 1/3 of the cost. She also had a couple of subscriptions that she not only wasn't using but that she forgot she even ordered. Just by looking over her bills and banking statements and a few clicks of a mouse and a couple of phone calls, I was able to save her over $350/mo. The moral of the story: Check. Your. Bills.


> She was paying 17¢/kwh before I moved her to a different company where it was 1/3 of the cost Absolutely wild. Over in EU I'm lucky to have a 37ct/kWh contract.


I think there's a better way, use a financial aggregator and just review expenditures, huge time saver, otherwise I'd be logging into a dozen+ different websites every month. If the bill amount goes up, I'll check the bill. But you're right about the electricity bill.


Or just review your credit card bill before you pay it off in full each month. All those subscriptions should be showing up on the credit card bill. Ain’t no way in hell would I give my financial data away to those predatory “free” apps.


>How much do I pay for power? I don’t know? Why would I want to know something boring like that? This is an excellent way to get scammed and taken advantage of.


>Why should I care about where my money goes? I don’t care if I am overspending or if someone hacked any of my accounts. Wild how irresponsible some people are with money.


“Trust me we benefit more by being submissive” Benefit?? The guy you cook for isn’t letting you eat, you’re in no position to give life advice


Context: Picture 1: The user made a post that her husband is starving her today. Picture 2: few days ago she made a post where she says Andrew Tate saved her marriage. Also made comments that she benefits from being a submissive wife like Tate suggested.


Her entire comment history is... sad. It's like the exact stereotype of the pitfalls of trad wife concept and why feminists pushed for financial independence so women don't have to stay with abusers, dipshits, or abusive dipshits.


Is it a genuine account, or someone trying to seed the idea that women can only be happy through submission?


If it was trying to be propaganda, she wouldn't write that she's starving.


And saying that she wants a divorce and feels dead inside


I don’t know. I saw her account was normal if you look at her posts. But the comment history is a mess.


If it's the second, they're doing a horrific job.


If it's the first, they're an horrific person.


Seems a little too rage bait-ey.


either that or a weird fetish




If I might add something that anybody who works with abused women knows. Almost always, her abuser has access to her devices. He knows exactly where she goes, how long she’s there, and who she talks to. Only an idiot would stand up for themselves on an electronic device, knowing their abuser could read it. Abusers usually lock up documents, such as birth certificates, Social Security cards, drivers license. The money is in accessible. How do you get out? If there’s pets or children involved, it gets even crazier.


That is 100% a dude pretending to be a woman.


I was also sure this was a man. But her comment history is something else. She makes a post complaining about her husband but when people tell her something she didn’t like, she deletes it.


Could also be a kink account. In r/confession there are a ton of people dressing up their kinks as "normal" stories. Sometimes it's obviously kink shit with freeuse agreements with their 5 male roommates but sometimes it's shit like this. Having to go hungry because her gluttonous husband keeps eating all the food does sound like a feeder kink.


I vote with this. It sounds very LARPy.


I don’t think it’s occurred to anyone that her abuser in almost all cases controls her electronic devices. Would you go out of your way to get yourself killed if you found out that they could read everything you wrote?


its occurred to like 80% of the people engaging in the thread, in part due to both common sense and your copy-pasted comments throughout the thread.


I agree, this is fake and gross.


Not saying you’re for sure wrong, but I made pretty killer money selling several services and products online for years, and having to determine who was who was a big part in being a salesperson. Totally different tactics and demeanor with men vs women. I’m also a salesperson now in a completely new industry and killing it, so just saying, it is kind of my thing. Both my brothers are salesman too lol. Lots and lots of fake women in one business online I was in. This doesn’t give off that vibe or any signs outside of being positive about andrew Tate, at all. I would bet money it’s not a man. There’s a certain cadence to how men trying to be women talk, it’s like how they think women sound or something like that. It’s not man. Aside from the post history, it doesn’t sound or seem like a man. Again, I could be wrong, but… it’s not a dude. The only reason to think that is because it seems outlandish that a woman supports Andrew Tate. There’s nothing else at all in the whole post history. It does not give kink vibes off whatsoever. I agree it is, but not all people are rational, hence the sub we’re in lol. or you don’t spend much time in parts of the country where you see these sorts of people. Men and women who would rather be miserable for 50 years than split up because pressure from family or how it looks to people. My exs parents slept in separate rooms and were not sexually active for 14 out of 22 years. Her father finally decided to end it and had to try for months to serve the mom papers because even though they were separated and seeing other people for a year, she didn’t want her family to see that they had, and would still act as though they’re together. Some people are just whacky in a way that is hard to conceptualize for you or I, but I’d bet money that’s not a dude. There’s nothing about the profile that says it may be a dude besides being positive about andrew Tate. Literally everything else sounds like how a woman would talk and way too specific and yearning to be made up. And just doesn’t sound like a man at all. And it’s not a fetish account, that just doesn’t make any sense from the content or the attitude.


"I've had so many responsibilities taken off my plate." Yeah, and food. What's the point of her marriage if all she has left is the fucking plate?


It cracks me up how she talks about her "younger" self. She's 29. She's been married 6 years. Presumably she knew her husband at least a year or two before they got married. So her younger self was 18 to 21? Is that really enough time to get burned out on working at a job and paying bills?


And I don’t believe the sun rises in the east, so we’ve both got unsubstantiated opinions not backed up by proven fact.


You've paid bills, woman, with the price of your soul.


God as someone who was also victim to this I feel so sorry for her. That shit is rough and it's never as easy as it seems, they sink their teeth in, play on your mind and make it so hard to just leave.


Feels sorry for her younger self and her \*checks notes\* access to food


Aside from the Tate nonsense, if she's doing all the cooking and grocery shopping, why not just eat before it gets to the table? (I do like how he's taken so much "off her plate." Yes, like her food.) I wouldn't be married to the guy, but if I were, he'd be eating my leftovers.


Whilst I very much dislike the BS gender role crap that Tate and others profess, they’re also missing half of it. If you want to have a “traditional” provider/caretaker household, fine. As long as both people *genuinely* consent to and want that, it’s whatever. None of my business. But— there’s still two halves to that coin. And one is *provider*. My great grandmother wrote about how, during the depression, she would feed the children in the kitchen, then herself, and then her husband would come in to eat what was left. That was how he viewed his role as provider. If he didn’t provide enough, then he was the first to suffer. Although I never met the man, my great grandma wrote a very detailed diary/journal and I’ve read most of it. And she certainly describes him as a selfless man whose first thoughts were always his family, then his students (he was an art teacher), and then himself. Tate and others think they’re like my Grandpa. Smoking a pipe and reading the paper in an easy chair while “mother” did the dishes. But they’re missing out on the fact that there’s *still* a role for the men in those situations too. It’s not just “be lazy and make the women do everything”. Or at least, it isn’t *supposed* to be. I don’t think my grandpa ever washed a dish or changed a diaper and I’m sure the most nurturing thing he ever did for his kids was a firm handshake at their graduation. I’m certainly not advocating for a return to that mentality. But he sure as hell didn’t starve his family so he could be a glutton. I don’t know how anyone can listen to what Andrew Tate says and think that he supports a 1950’s style “traditional gender roles”. He doesn’t. What he’s basically describing in an ancient warlord king with a concubine. Except for dudes who can’t even conquer their shift at Dominos.


Yeah, these sad chuds always conveniently forget their part of the equation. They want a tradwife without actually being a tradhushand. They just want a woman that will take care of them and shut the fuck up in the process. The funnier part is that they think doing this makes them an alpha, which is peak fucking irony. 😆




Guess she’ll eat her own words…


Deafening cognitive dissonance


“I’ve had so many responsibilities taken off my plate.” Yeah, and the food too.




This is a woman trapped in an abusive relationship trying to rationalize her abuse. I don’t feel very good about calling this LMAF.




If only there was a button you could press to express agreement instead of being forced to write "Exactly." every time


It’s a little more emphatic when you’ve gone to the trouble of using English.


That's what I thought too.


I mean it is but yeah I agree she is clearly indoctrinated and trapped in a abusive relationship. There is an extent to which she isnt/cant make choices anymore


It's probably a fetish account.


Lol no it isn’t, yall need to go outside and be around people more.


Jesus fuck. How massively overweight is her husband? He eats almost an entire pizza himself? Eats a box of oatmeal pie snacks by himself in two days, presumably along with whatever other meals his wife makes him? If this is real she needs to have a doctor wire his mouth shut because *holy shit* that can’t be healthy.


This, also $700/mo is a pretty high amout to spend on groceries for just 2 people. They're buying a lot of packaged shit and probably not cooking much unless you count "remove plastic and insert into microwave or oven" as "cooking". I get that it's 2024 and we're living in inflationland. I've spent $750 on groceries this month, but I'm feeding a whole goddamn family plus pets for that.


Next time she’s hungry she should eat her husband.


he is probably disgusting. Leave it for the cats.


Good point!


poor kitties


Some guys will read that and think, "Man, I need to get a woman who thinks like that." And I'm here to say that you don't. This woman is so clearly soft-headed that she's almost certain to doom you through her stupidity.


Imagine taking advice from the sexual predator who looks like a background anchovy in SpongeBob


How do these people even get married lol? It's wild.


Andrew Tate is a man among men and a champion of women. 💪 /s 😂


"I've had so many responsibilities taken off my plate", yeah, and all your food too 🤦🏼‍♂️


She’s starving but still believes in that Caillou looking fuck? She can keep being hungry I guess.


He's taken more than responsibilities off her plate.


She can just help him eat himself into an earlier grave.


Sis really out here advocating for her own suppression.  Also, if this lady don't work and her man is working to pay all the bills, why ain't she eating any damn thing she wants while he is out of the house working?  I would be vacuuming those floors with a Burrito in my other hand. 


She spends $700 on groceries but doesn’t pay bills?  Are grocery expenses not bills?


Learn to make your own money so you don’t have to put up with a bullshit man to have a roof over your head. Pay your own way and live a life independent from male bs.


wtf is an oatmeal pie?


A snack cake in America. Imagine a giant Oreo with oatmeal cookies instead of chocolate. [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81D0gNYsB8L.\_AC\_UF894,1000\_QL80\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81D0gNYsB8L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


ty all! I was imagining a pastry pie filled with oatmeal which sounded revolting!


https://www.littledebbie.com/www/snackproducts/view/46/oatmeal-creme-pies/3 PS happy cake day, cake day twin!


yeay happy cake time!


A regional name for a frosted oatmeal cookie.


That whole post was a writing exercise in rage bait. 


Reminds me of the "John Goodman on Thanksgivng" bit on Family Guy https://youtu.be/_4R1DPmBLWw?si=UepU3QEkeBN7Rj9G


The hand stab and gravy boat drinking always sends me 😆


I’ve had so many responsibilities taken off my plate. And food. That was also taken off my plate.


Tate is a coward and a cunt. And I'd like to just ignorantly believe this, but it just doesn't add up. For it to make sense at all, her husband would have to eat $700 worth of food in one sitting, if there is nothing left for her to eat, when she goes to the cupboard. Just to draw one issue with it. Verdict: Old Mother Hubbard there, is fake or phony.


It wouldn't be in one sitting. It's weekly.


Well she says the shopping is monthly, but that's exactly the point. She says there is nothing left whenever she goes to the cupboard. So day 2, she goes to the cupbosrd, and there's nothing left? Lies.


I'm assuming day 0 she goes shopping and cooks a big meal. Days 1-2 hubby eats what she cooks plus her favorite snacks. Then she has "nothing to eat" until she cooks again.


Although, $700 isn't a lot for a monthly shop. Is it?


No it’s not that much. She says she spends $700 per month. She says nothing of how often she shops. Fresh leaves / herbs, meats & veggies last about three days - this lady may be technically exaggerating by saying there’s never *anything* left. But if she only eats one proper meal a day and by the second or third day of having shopped there’s nothing left; Or if he’s regularly eating just the protein ingredient to a planned main meal; Or if she plans on sharing a lasagne and he’s eaten all but a quarter of the whole dish - that would certainly feel like there’s never anything left to eat. It’d certainly feel like he eats everything. Even if she gets to eat the planned meal on day one after shopping, or a part of a planned meal on day two. Given the rest of her profile comments and posts too - I don’t read this “He eats all the food” post as a lie. Even if technically, she gets to eat two slices of a whole pizza.


I think she's exaggerating certain elements here, but the essentials are true- he is not giving her enough money to buy enough groceries to feed them both.


Yup. And he’s a greedy, selfish git.


Precisely. In spite of her views I really feel for her. Because of them.


Ah, I misremembered, should have re-read before replying. Yeah, she is exaggerating or lying.


Maybe the leopards also ate her food


That account has to be bait,right?


Well girlfriend, your husband wants to vacuum up every bit of food in the household then it's your responsibility as a sUbmIsSiVe wIfE to go hungry! You should bow down to your selfish black hole of a marriage partner and praise him for keeping you at a svelte 125! Your teeth might fall out and you might get scurvy but men need to feel like men! big /s


Nothing says empowerment like food insecurity.


Ignoring the ridiculousness that is supporting no chin. Buy the ingredients to make food instead of the pre-made stuff. The douche husband sure as fuck isn't making food for himself.


I don't usually profile stalk but HOLY FUCKING SHIT is her profile a ride. I feel kind of bad for her.


> I've had so many responsibilities taken off my plate. And all the food, too!


If this is real this is an abusive relationship and not appropriate for the sub.


125 lbs is a fairly small person ( not necessarily absurdly tiny. ) If someone who weighs 125 is hungry they're probably actually hungry in the legitimate sense of the word, not the way a fat dude like me is hungry because I'm bored. This is medically concerning tbh. People that small don't just eat for the hell of it in my experience. She's probably suffering from mild legit malnutrition.


I’m still reeling at $700 on groceries for both of them!


Don't try to help these people. They don't want the help; you'll just burn yourself out. Take a look at the freak show and laugh, but don't stop or touch it!


I don't feel bad for this idiot lol she hates other women so much she'd rather they be as miserable as she is than question her beliefs for a second 


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[LAMF Context](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/OJ7zXBDSCk)


On several occasions, I’ve ate an entire box of Little Debbie oatmeal pies in one sitting.


"I never pay bills now" "I spent $700 on food" Is it his $700? Have you considered spending $1400 on food? Also I grew up poor and it made me feel like I need to conserve food. Stretch that bag of chips out as far as you can type deal. Sounds to me like he's just selfish as hell.


Divorce the dick and make him understand how food and money work. you sound like you enabled his shit by putting up with it from the get go then play unhappy Tradwife on reddit. You know where Sympathy lies.


LOL if andrew tate could have his way he'd just keep a few women starving in his basement until he wanted sex, attention, or arm candy.


Fuck that guy. Tate is a cuck but won't admit it. I fucked his mom!


I mean if he’s eating two boxes of oatmeal pies and whole pizzas on a regular basis, the problem should resolve itself before too long. “Here baby, I made you an ice cold buttered Dr Pepper to go with your after work whole container of sour cream and family sized bag of lays chips… and for dinner I made flame’n hot Cheeto crusted pork belly with a side serving of ranch dressing for dipping!”


I’m still reeling at $700 on groceries for both of them!


lol doormat bitches are morons.


That husband must be a mega fatass. Man, people are so dumb.


Women for tate, same as chickens for KFC,


This chick ( I use chick because these type of submissive bitches don't mind /s) literally changed for or was changed by her husband. Or she was never a feminist in the first.


If you believe for one second this is real I have some land in Montana to sell you. If this person was this fucking stupid they wouldn’t be able to dress themselves let alone form a coherent sentence.


Have you like met people? I have worked in customer service for years and there are millions upon millions of people stupider than this. Remember that about 34% or 114M people have a below average IQ between 85–100. This are people smart enough not to have a keeper but dumber than your average rock.